Sunday, December 15, 2019

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Aircraft-spotting at Park Avenue Changi

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan
                  / KUCINTA SETIA

Park Avenue Changi hotel is right across Expo MRT Station, one stop away from Changi Airport. It is suitable to stay here if aircraft-spotting is carried out in the first few months of each year.

Room-key deposit 50 Singapore Dollars. Breakfast fee 29.43 Singapore Dollars can be deducted from the deposit.  

2 Changi Business Park Avenue 1
Singapore 486015
Tel : 68097300
Fax : 68097311

StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA