Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Trump appeals, young voters turn to Trump, Gray rhinos and black swans in 2024

Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on U.S., Singapore, CCP

News (1)

Trump, disqualified from primary election by Colorado Supreme Court, appeals

Editor : Li Hong / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/20/a103835512.html / Image : On 2 November  2023, in Houston, Texas, Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump held a campaign rally held by Trendsetter Engineering Inc. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

被科罗拉多最高法院取消初选资格 川普上诉

The Colorado Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Tuesday (19 December 2023) to disqualify former President Donald Trump from participating in the state's 2024 primary election.

Colorado became the first and only state to disqualify Trump from running in a state primary. Trump has announced that he will appeal the decision.

The Colorado Supreme Court said they would delay the ruling until 4 January  2024, "pending review by the U.S. Supreme Court."

If the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to review the issue before January 4, Colorado's secretary of state will need to move forward with including Trump in the primary. Otherwise, Trump will be removed from the primary ballot in Colorado.

The Colorado Supreme Court passed the decision 4-3, with three justices dissenting.

The opinion issued by the four judges who voted in favor said: "We conclude that Trump is disqualified from serving as President under Article III (of the 14th Amendment), and therefore, under the Election Code, the Secretary of State will Trump's nomination as a presidential primary candidate would be a mistake."

"Accordingly, the Secretary of State may not place Trump's name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot and may not count any registered votes cast for Trump," the opinion added, because Colorado law does not allow counting of ineligible votes. registered ballots for the candidates.

The Colorado Supreme Court's ruling on Tuesday overturned the lower court's decision. A lower court ruled that Trump was eligible to vote and that although he "participated" in an "insurrection" on 6 January 2021, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment did not apply to the president.

"Article III includes the president and the person sworn in as president. On this point, the district court committed reversible error," the Colorado Supreme Court ruling said.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung wrote in a statement that they would appeal the ruling late Tuesday.

"As expected, the Democratic-appointed Colorado Supreme Court ruled against President Trump...removing Trump's name from the ballot and eliminating the right of Colorado voters to vote for the candidate of their choice," the statement said. right."

"Democratic leaders are paranoid about President Trump's continued lead in the polls. They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to prevent American voters from unseating them next November." Zhang wrote.

"We are entering uncharted territory," the ruling said.

The Colorado Supreme Court partially upheld a lower court ruling, ruling that Congress did not need to pass legislation to implement Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, holding that the ruling was self-executing and did not exceed the jurisdiction of federal courts.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump’s speeches on and before 6 January 2021, were “not protected by the First Amendment” because the speech “could incite imminent unlawful conduct and violence.”

The unsigned order acknowledged the seriousness of Tuesday's ruling.

"We do not come to these conclusions lightly. We note the seriousness and importance of the issues before us. We are equally aware of our solemn obligation to enforce the law without fear or favor or public disapproval. The decisions we make are dictated by the law," the ruling reads.

"We also recognize that we are entering uncharted territory and that this case involves some issues that arise for the first time," the ruling added.

The more than 200-page opinion released by Colorado on Tuesday included dissenting opinions from three judges, including Chief Justice Brian D. Boatright and Justice Carlos A. Samu. Carlos A. Samour, Jr. and Justice Maria E. Berkenkotter.

Half of the U.S. states have heard or pending similar challenges, and so far some state courts have ruled that they lack the authority to interpret and apply Article 3 of the 14th Amendment regarding presidential primaries.

President Trump's campaign called the ruling a partisan decision and reiterated Trump's intention to appeal the decision.

Trump spokesman Zhang said: "The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed ruling tonight, and we will quickly appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and also request a stay of this extremely undemocratic ruling. We fully believe that , the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally end these un-American lawsuits."

News (2)

Republican candidates compete in Iowa, young voters turn to Trump

With only a few weeks until the Republican primary in the US election, Republican presidential candidates Trump, Haley and DeSantis have successively arrived in Iowa to launch campaign events . Check out the report:

Republican presidential candidate and former President Trump: "Hello, Iowa!"

Iowa is a major agricultural state in the United States and a traditional red state. It has always been a battleground for Republican presidential candidates. On Tuesday (19 December 2023), Trump will return here again to hold a campaign rally.

Before him, other candidates have been preparing here for many days, especially former Ambassador to the United Nations Haley and Texas Governor DeSantis, who are struggling to compete for the "second" position in the party.

Republican presidential candidate DeSantis: "I think there is a real risk that she (Haley) wants to send U.S. troops to fight in Ukraine."

Republican presidential candidate Haley: "Today he (DeSantis) said I want to send our troops to Ukraine. I never said that."

DeSantis's trip to Iowa lasted for six days, and his support in Iowa currently trails Trump by 36 percentage points. Haley's approval rating was only 13%, ranking third.

However, Haley's performance in New Hampshire is very impressive, leading DeSantis by 18 percentage points and firmly ranking second.

Over the past weekend, Trump once again expressed his views on the immigration crisis, saying that illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country," and this has also become the reason for him to be attacked by his opponents.

DeSantis: "I think it was a tactical mistake."

However, criticism from political opponents has been completely unable to stop Trump's rising support.

The latest Fox News poll shows that Trump's approval rating in the Republican presidential nomination race has soared to 69%, an increase of 26 percentage points since February.

Among young voters under the age of 30, Trump leads current President Biden by a 13-point margin. 41% of respondents under the age of 30 said they would vote for Trump; while only 28% of young voters wanted to vote for Biden.

News (3)

JFK Jr.: Vice presidential candidate to be named 'soon'

Reporters : Jeff Louderback, Li Yan / Editor : Lin Yan / https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/23/12/15/n14137365.htm / Image : On 012 October 2023, Miami, Florida, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. attended the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami-Dade County He spoke at the Declare Your Independence Celebration event held by the Arts of Miami-Dade County. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Getty Images)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told the 800 people present at a voter rally this week , "He is poised to win" the 2024 presidential election. Minutes later, he told reporters he would name a vice presidential candidate "soon."

Kennedy Jr. withdrew from the Democratic primary on 9 October 2023 and ran as an independent candidate. He is currently holding voter rallies across the country to collect signatures to meet the requirements for candidacy.

Kennedy Jr. acknowledged that time is tight as independent and third-party presidential candidates must declare their vice presidential pick in more than half of the states to qualify for the ballot.

"I'm looking for people who agree with me on some important issues, including how to resolve a state of war." But "I don't need people who agree with me on everything," but they will respect each other.

"Our country faces division, and I'm interested in people who want to end it," Kennedy Jr. said. He declined to say who he was considering as his running mate, but noted that he was "looking broadly."

Kennedy Jr.'s campaign developed a strategy that divided states' ballot access guidelines into a tiered system based on whether a running mate needs to be named and whether there is a start date for collecting the signatures needed to get a ballot. Stefanie Spear, JFK Jr.'s press secretary, said the deadline to submit the petition and the number of signatures required were other considerations.

Spear added that "some other states" fall into the first category of campaigns. “These are states where you don’t pick a vice president, you don’t pick electors, and these states are open to collecting signatures to file.”

"We have a strong ballot team and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name will appear on the ballot in all 50 states." Spear explained, "We have begun collecting signatures in the 'open states' and believe Mr. Kennedy will be on the ballot." Get the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House."

At the voter rally, Kennedy Jr. emphasized his independent campaign platform, answered questions, posed for photos, and encouraged attendees to sign petitions to get him on the ballot.

"Typically, independent candidates pay millions of dollars to companies to collect signatures. We're taking a different route, starting with thousands of volunteers in every state." Kennedy Jr. in Nebraska on December 12 said at a voter rally in Lincoln, SC.

Nebraska adopts the House of Representatives district method, that is, the winner of the presidential election in each House of Representatives district receives one electoral vote (which can be regarded as a House of Representatives vote. There is only one representative in a district, so there is only one vote. ), the winner of the statewide presidential election gets the remaining two electoral votes (can be regarded as Senate votes, each state has only two senators so there are only two votes). This achieves the purpose of dispersing votes.

In 2020, President Donald Trump won four electoral votes in Nebraska. President Joe Biden received one vote from Omaha's 2nd Congressional District.

In 2008, Barack Obama became the first Democrat to win the state's electoral votes since Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

Nebraska and Maine are the only two states that split their electoral votes.

Image : On 13 December 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. met with the media after holding a voter rally in Kansas City. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

At campaign events in Lincoln and Kansas City, Kennedy Jr. spoke of the challenges of gathering signatures to get out the vote that "Presidents Biden and President Trump don't have," telling the audience "I need an army, and You are”.

He must collect at least 2,500 valid signatures from registered Nebraska voters to get his name on the general election ballot. Missouri requires 10,000 signatures, while Kansas’ minimum requirement is 5,000.

Getting out the vote in Washington, D.C., and in every state is a difficult, time-consuming and expensive challenge.

Many states have different rules and deadlines for getting your ballot. For example, North Carolina and Texas require independent candidates to file by mid-May, while several states have summer deadlines.

Under the rules, Kennedy Jr. must collect about 200,000 signatures in California, about 145,000 signatures in Florida, more than 110,000 signatures in Texas, and only 275 signatures in Tennessee.

Some states have different rules regarding the number of signatures required for different areas of the state.

Democrats and Republicans are likely to mount legal challenges aimed at keeping Kennedy Jr. off the ballot. There are procedures to challenge a signature after it has been submitted to multiple state election offices.

American Values 2024, the super PAC backing Kennedy's candidacy, said last week it planned to spend up to $15 million to get him campaigning in 10 states believed to be crucial to winning the election. vote.

A spokesman for the super PAC said the group will operate in compliance with state law requirements in Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York and Texas by spending money on manual signature collection.

"We chose to focus on these key states due to the complexity of state election regulations and the number of signatures required to obtain a ballot," said Deirdre Golffard, special advisor for ballot access for America Values 2024. , some of which are battleground states."

Image : On 12 December 2023, at a voter rally in Lincoln, Nebraska, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. encouraged supporters to get ballot signatures for him. (Jeff Louderback/The Epoch Times)

Tony Lyons, co-founder of American Values 2024, pointed out that the organization can also provide assistance if legal challenges arise.

"We are prepared for the inevitable bipartisan attacks," Lyons said. "They will work overtime to try and keep Bobby off the ballot and off the debate stage, but in vain."

Kennedy Jr. called ballot access laws targeting independent and third-party candidates "one of the most egregious forms of voter suppression in America today" and said state officials should work together to "streamline and standardize ballot access procedures."

Utah was the first state Kennedy faced to submit the required signatures, but Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson later announced that the deadline for independent presidential candidates to get on the ballot would be extended to March 2024 from 5 January.

On 4 December 2023, Kennedy Jr. filed a lawsuit against Utah officials on the grounds that the "early filing deadline was unconstitutional" and prevented independent presidential candidates from receiving votes.

The legal action challenges Utah's deadline for independent presidential candidates to collect and verify 1,000 signatures from eligible voters by 8 January 2023.

Even if a decision is made to extend the deadline, the lawsuit will continue to work its way through the courts. In the same court filing, Henderson requested a hearing the week of January 15, 2024.

In Kansas City, Kennedy Jr. told the crowd that he had collected enough signatures to submit for approval to have his name appear on the ballot.

Del Bigtree, communications director for the Kennedy Jr. campaign, told The Epoch Times, “We believe we got more than double the number of signatures they asked for,” but the campaign has not yet submitted the signatures.

Kennedy Jr.'s voter rally tour will continue in Phoenix on 20 December 2023.

News (4)

New channel to grab money? Money sent by Chinese in Singapore back to China is frequently frozen

Reporter : He Yating /Editor : Lin Qing / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/19/a103835329.html Image : On 6 February 2021, people walked on the pedestrian street in Chinatown, Singapore. (Ore Huiying/Getty Images)

Recently, the money sent back to relatives in CCP China by Chinese in Singapore through non-bank channels has been frequently frozen by the so-called law enforcement agencies of the CCP, triggering victims to gather in protest. So far, the Singapore Police has received more than 670 reports, involving a total amount of S$13 million. The Monetary Authority of Singapore reluctantly ordered to suspend the use of non-bank channels to remit money to personal accounts in CCP China for a period of three months.

On Monday (18 December 2023), the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued a joint notice announcing that within three months from 1 January 2024, all licensed cross-border remittance companies in Singapore are to suspend all remittances to personal accounts in China through non-bank channels, and cross-border remittances can only be conducted in cooperation with banks, bank card network operators or licensed financial institutions. After three months, this measure will be extended or suspended depending on the situation.

The notice mentioned that in order to reduce transaction costs, some remittance companies do not transfer funds directly from Singapore to CCP China through banks, but use overseas third-party licensed agencies to complete remittance transactions from Singapore to CCP China. The Singaporean government has not banned such non-bank remittances but recently, after Chinese citizens working in Singapore have been remitting money to China, the recipient's bank account has been frozen by Chinese Communist law enforcement agencies. It is unclear why these funds were frozen but the Monetary Authority of Singapore believes that the above measures are necessary to protect consumers and prevent remittance accounts from being frozen again.

The notice also stated that the Singapore government has no right to control the actions of Chinese Communist law enforcement agencies in freezing accounts. However, in the past month, the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs has contacted the Chinese (Chinese Communist Party) Embassy in Singapore many times to understand what the remitter should do so that the Comunist regime can approve the unfreezing of frozen accounts.

According to public information, incidents of freezing of remittances from Chinese in Singapore to CCP China began to appear around October 2023, and have happened more and more frequently recently. As of 15 December 2023, the Singapore Police Force has received more than 670 related reports, with the amount affected being approximately S$13 million.

In mid-November, about 100 victims of the Chinatown remittance center in Singapore gathered at the CCP Embassy in Singapore and asked the embassy to help solve related problems; about 30 to 40 victims also went to Chinatown to "ask for an explanation" from the remittance centre. That alerted the police to the scene to maintain order.

Singapore’s Shin Min Daily News reported on 23 November 2023 that Chinese Communist law enforcement agencies alleged that money sent to CCP China through non-bank channels was frozen and seized because they suspected that money sent to China through non-bank channels was “black money” and required proof from the remittance company. Only documents with "legitimate" relevant funds can be unfrozen.

According to the "8world" news network, due to the delay in unfreezing the money sent to China, hundreds of victims went to the CCP Embassy in the morning of 18 December 2023 to seek explanations. The embassy staff only asked the victims to fill in forms, but did not give any precise explanation or commitment. The victims did not buy it and became emotional. Three women even knelt down in public, saying that the traditional Chinese New Year was coming soon and their Chinese families were all waiting to spend money.

It is reported that cross-border remittances through third-party licensed agencies are a common practice internationally and are also legal in Singapore. However, the so-called law enforcement agencies of the Chinese Communist Party have groundlessly accused money remitted through non-bank channels as "black money." This approach is unacceptable to the victims, and they have questioned that this is just a trick and excuse for the local governments of the Chinese Communist Party to steal money in disguise due to financial depletion. 

News (5) to (7) / Reporters : Tang Rui, Luo Ya / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/20/a103835455.html

News (5)

Economic collapse and the collapse of the CCP predict gray rhinos and black swans in 2024

In 2023, under the rule of the Communist Party of China, China will fall into a huge economic and social crisis, which has also made many analysts pay more attention to what kind of "grey rhinos" and "black swans" will appear in CCP China in 2024, especially the . "black swans".

In 2023, China's real estate market went through a storm, the stock market plummeted, a large number of foreign capital withdrew, and companies closed down one after another. Analysts believe that China’s economy will become the gray rhino of 2024.

Xie Tian, a professor at the Aiken School of Business at the University of South Carolina in the United States: "As for China's economy, it is already in recession, and I am afraid it will continue to decline next year. So as for the Chinese economy, next year should be a gray rhino, that is, it will continue to deteriorate, and the impact will be very big."

At present, the epidemic in China has fully erupted, and coupled with the rapid spread of the covi mutant strain JN.1, the outside world is worried that a larger epidemic will break out in China next.

News (6)

JN.1 will eliminate the CCP

Xie Tian: "We have seen the epidemic. It has begun to emerge everywhere, filling clinics and hospitals, and the number of deaths has also begun to increase. This plague is for the Communist Party. Last time, the evil of the plague was covered up. It has not been liquidated yet, and now it seems that it will continue to eliminate the CCP. So this matter should also be a gray rhinoceros incident."

China's economy is on the verge of collapse and the epidemic is full of crises, but some observers believe that these are not enough to become a "black swan" event in 2024.

Last year, the three-year dynamic clearing triggered a white paper revolution. The Chinese people finally shouted for "the CCP to step down" and "Xi Jinping to step down." However, experts believe that if China is to change the world, private power alone is not enough.

Feng Chongyi, associate professor at the University of Technology, Sydney: "Because our observation may be that the so-called resonance is that civil uprisings, mutinies and coups occur at the same time, and become a resonance state, a situation that comes and goes to leverage Xi Jinping's power."

In 2023, China showed signs of mutiny and coup, but was eventually purged by the leader of the Communist Party of China. Not only did it comprehensively purge the Rocket Force, but it also replaced the quickly promoted Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Defense Minister Li Shangfu, both of whom were rumored to be involved. The Chinese Communist Army leaked secrets or mutiny.

Feng Chongyi: "The crux of the matter is that if the power that constitutes the highest level does not change hands, even if Xi Jinping is not dead, this change will not come."

News (7)

All the Chinese and CCP hope Xi will die soon

Analysts believe that although Xi Jinping now controls the highest power of the CCP, both the people and the CCP generally hope that he will die soon. And this may be the number one "black swan" in 2024.

Feng Chongyi: "When Xi Jinping dies, China will change. This is what many people are looking forward to. If Xi Jinping looks at his body from a physical point of view, there is something wrong with it, but it is the biggest secret, the most important secret. But he himself knows how his body is. So he needs to know that his body will not be around for long. There will be some personnel arrangements in 2024, which will be worth observing. I haven’t seen him make such arrangements for his funeral.”

Lin Song, a senior Australian media person, pointed out that many people have recently discussed whether the leader of the Chinese Communist Party will suddenly die suddenly, which reflects public opinion. If he dies suddenly, no one in the CCP will be able to maintain power. This is a good start for the Chinese people, and only then will China have hope.

News (8) to (11) /  Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor : Zhu Xinrui / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/20/a103835494.html

News (8)

Taking stock of major events in 2023: The leader of the Communist Party of China encountered a "century-old chaos"

Image : On 16 November  2023, anti-communists from all walks of life continued to protest against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party near the APEC venue in San Francisco. (Sound of Hope)

盘点2023大事件 中共党魁遇“百年大乱局”
The leader of the Communist Party of China officially entered his third term in March this year, but he encountered "major changes unseen in a century." The CCP's government and military officials frequently had accidents, and internal fighting in Zhongnanhai became more intense. The end of the CCP There are even more calls for the end of the CCP tyranny.

"Great changes unseen in a century" was proposed by the leader of the Communist Party of China at the end of 2017, and has since become Xi's mantra. However, there have been many major events in mainland China this year, and the "big changes" Xi said have seemed to have evolved into "big chaos."

News (9)

Something happened to Qin Gang and Li Shangfu, and the Rocket Army was purged

At the end of June this year, Qin Gang, the CCP Foreign Minister promoted by Xi Jinping in an unusual move, disappeared from public view. One month later, the Beijing authorities announced without warning that Qin Gang had been dismissed from office, causing a huge shock inside and outside China.

After Qin Gang, another close confidant of Xi, Li Shangfu, Minister of Defense of the Communist Party of China, also performed the same drama and was dismissed from office after disappearing for a period of time.

Both Qin Gang and Li Shangfu were accused of involvement in the Chinese Communist Party’s Rocket Force. The Chinese Communist Party’s ace army, built by Xi Jinping himself, has recently been undergoing a purge. The top brass of the Rocket Force have been blamed, and the General Armament Department of the Army has also been affected, and a number of senior generals have been taken down.

So far, the official has not given any reason for the Qin Gang and Li Shangfu incidents, and the two key positions are also unresolved, allowing the outside world to further understand the opacity of the CCP regime, and at the same time highlighting that the internal struggle within Zhongnanhai is still fierce.

News (10)

Li Keqiang's sudden death triggers flower movement

On October 27, Li Keqiang, the former Premier of the Communist Party of China who had just retired seven months ago, died suddenly and mysteriously in Shanghai. Officials claimed that Li Keqiang suffered a heart attack and that rescue efforts were ineffective. This statement was widely questioned by public opinion at home and abroad, which believed that Li Keqiang's death was related to the infighting among the top leaders of the CCP. Some commentators said, "Xi Jinping cannot be cleansed even if he jumps into the Yellow River this time."

After Li Keqiang's death, there was a wave of mourning in China. Millions of worshipers appeared around Li Keqiang's former residence in Hefei and his hometown, as well as in Zhengzhou, Henan and other places. Yellow and white chrysanthemums formed a sea of flowers in mourning. Many condolence cards read a memorial tribute to Li.

On Halloween night at the end of October, a group of young men and women appeared on the streets of Shanghai dressed up with sacrificial wreaths and street signs reading "I miss you so much." This was an obvious insinuation of Xi Jinping.

Netizen Zhou Jun posted on the What? A person's life only lasts for a few decades, and no one has the obligation to be buried silently for this era. There is always something to be done, and these should be regarded as China's hopes."

News (11)

Anti-Communist Wave in San Francisco. Analysis: China is on the eve of great changes

On 14 December 2023, Xi Jinping went to San Francisco to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, met with US President Biden, and hosted a banquet for American business leaders. Xi is trying to ease Sino-US relations and save China's economy, which is in serious decline.

However, during the summit, hundreds of protest groups from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and pro-democracy organizations gathered in San Francisco to demonstrate and protest, chasing and intercepting Xi Jinping. It was rare that they jointly shouted "Down with the Communist Party" and "Xi Jinping steps down."

At the same time, overseas pro-democracy activists Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, Wang Juntao and others launched an initiative to hold a "state affairs conference" next year in Los Angeles to "discuss plans to end tyranny and create a democratic China."

Wang Youqun, a former official of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, wrote in The Epoch Times that the roar outside the APEC summit conveyed at least four major messages: first, the awakening of people at home and abroad; second, the CCP has reached the end of its rope; third, Xi Jinping has stood on the cliff; fourth, China is about to undergo great changes.

Hong Kong senior media person Yan Chungou recently posted on Facebook that China is on the eve of a huge change. "When the people no longer fear the CCP, it will be the CCP's turn to fear the people."

News (12) to (13) / Reporter : Zhou Guihang / Editor: Hu Long / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/19/a103835400.html

News (12)

Kindergartens participate in vaccine trials and left-behind children in Shaanxi become "guinea pigs"

Image : In October 2023, the Internet exploded that the Linwei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province deceived a large number of left-behind children into participating in vaccine trials. (Screenshot from online video)

幼儿园参与疫苗试验 陕西留守儿童惨变“小白鼠”
The Linwei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Weinan City, Shaanxi took advantage of the ignorance of the children's grandparents to deceive left-behind children in kindergartens into participating in vaccine trials, paying each person only 150 yuan for transportation.

The so-called left-behind children refer to rural children whose parents work outside all year round. They are left in their hometowns and most of them live with their grandparents or other immediate relatives.

According to Chinese media reports, netizens recently broke the news that kindergartens in many townships in Linwei District, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, have allowed children to participate in vaccine clinical trials as "volunteers" in the name of "vaccination." After each blood collection, only 150 yuan of transportation subsidy is given.

A screenshot of the "ACYW135 Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine (CRM197 Vector) Informed Consent Form" circulated online shows that the main purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the ACYW135 Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine in people aged 4 to 6 years old. Safety and immunogenicity, and expanding the age range of the vaccinated population. It is planned to enroll 1,000 qualified volunteers, who will be divided into two groups at a ratio of 1:1 and receive the study vaccine and the control vaccine respectively. Children who participate will be randomly assigned to one of two groups and receive a dose of the vaccine on the outside of their upper arm. Half of the children will also be selected for a 180-day long-term immunogenicity observation.

Image : Web image

There is also a screenshot showing the signature of a child's guardian, dated 10 October  2023. The identity of the guardian is the child's grandmother. The signature reads: "The doctor has explained all my doubts to me in detail and answered all my questions. After full consideration, I agree for my child to participate in this study."

Image : Web image

News (13)

Parents of young children being deceived

Earlier, a video broke the news that at least 12 left-behind children from a local kindergarten called "Xintiandi" were deceived into participating in this vaccine trial.

According to reports, on October 12 this year, Xintiandi Kindergarten in Duan Town, Linwei District issued a roster of 12 children in the kindergarten class group, and notified the children on the roster to go to Tianshi Town Health Care Center at 8 a.m. on October 14. We gathered at the vaccination clinic of the hospital and went to the Linwei District CDC to vaccinate the children with the A+C fourth-level meningococcal conjugate vaccine.

Parents of children who always regard the teacher's words as "imperial edict" immediately responded positively. The grandfather of one of the children surnamed Li mistakenly believed that "if they don't get this vaccine, they won't let their children go to school." As a result, the 12 parents of young children who were notified took their children to Tianshi Town Health Center as scheduled, and a special car took them to the Linwei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

At that time, a parent had a question in his mind, "Previous vaccines were administered at the Tianshi Town Health Center. Why were we taken to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by special car this time?" However, the parent did not say it out loud and did not think more about it.

Through conversations along the way, we learned that 11 of the 12 children were brought by their grandparents, and their parents had gone out to work.

In the lobby of the Linwei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the staff explained to the parents the various benefits of vaccination, and repeatedly stressed that "this is a marketed vaccine, and this vaccination is an age-expansion vaccination." Some family members questioned: "Are they using my child for experiments?" The staff replied with certainty: "It is not an experiment!"

On 21 October 2023, the kindergarten issued another notice with the same content, but this time the number of children on the roster increased to 25.

According to the news, although CanSino Biologics’ ACYW135 meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine is already on the market, its original applicable age range is 3 months to 3 years old (47 months old). This trial aims to expand the age to 4 -6 years old. Linwei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention deliberately concealed the facts of the trial and research, deliberately promoted a Phase IIIb clinical trial vaccine as a normal free vaccination, and took advantage of some elderly people's lack of basic common sense and greed for petty gains to induce grandparents to sign the "Informed" Notice", allowing children to become "volunteers" and accept clinical trials.

The news also pointed out that the matter spread rapidly on the Internet and attracted a lot of attention because it involved sensitive words such as "left-behind children" and "vaccine trials". However, Cao Jie, director of the Linwei District Health Bureau, never responded directly, let alone face the parents of so many young children.

A few days ago, some mainland media have reported on the Linwei District CDC's "rumour refuting" statement, describing the outline of the incident in this suspected "edge ball" way. The detailed original revelations and videos on the mainland Internet have been deleted.

News (14)

CCP’s advocacy of “establish first and then destroy” stumped the party media and everyone from all walks of life was speculating

 Reporter : Tang Zheng / Editor : Xia He / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/19/a103835252.html /  Image : China's economy is in crisis and the authorities are helpless. The picture shows a schematic diagram. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

中南海鼓吹“先立后破” 难倒党媒 各界都在猜
China’s economy is in crisis, and the authorities are helpless. Recently, the Economic Work Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded. The association put forward the so-called "establish first and then destroy" statement, and the outside world is guessing what it means. Some media people pointed out that this kind of propaganda slogan stumped even the party editor who is well versed in the thinking of the top leaders of the CCP.

From 11 to 12 December 2023, the Communist Party of China held a closed-door Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing. The meeting stated that in 2024, we must "persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, promote stability through advancement, establish first and then break", etc. Subsequently, major party media have interpreted "establish first and then destroy".

Cai Shenkun, a senior Chinese media person living in the United States, posted on the X that at the same time, it was proposed to "promote stability through advancement, establish first and then destroy."

Cai Shenkun pointed out that the Politburo meeting did not mention what "establish first and then destroy" refers to. The media and all walks of life have started a guessing game about this. Some people think that it is the real estate industry that is about to break up, and vigorously promote "guaranteed delivery of buildings". In sales it stabilizes housing price expectations, further locks consumer funds in the real estate sector, allows the land finance to breathe, and allows the real estate pillar industry to continue its life.

He believes that the suppression and rectification of the real estate industry has led to the bankruptcy of leading real estate companies. The hasty launch of the "three red lines" at the beginning caused the real estate industry to fall into a vicious cycle. No matter what rescue policies were introduced in the later period, they could only extend their lives. Such policies were reflected in all fields and industries, causing the outside world to lose confidence and patience in the Chinese economy. Now, although even if we take action to save the economy, it will only survive and it will be difficult to restore its original vitality.

However, Cai Shenkun said that the Politburo has avoided the most acute and fundamental question: Who is the culprit that caused the economy to fall into disorder and recession? Who is to blame for the economy's disorderly slide into recession?

On 16 December 2023, Wang Xiangwei, the former editor-in-chief of Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, wrote on the platform Substack that many people seemed unable to understand the true meaning of the word, and what “new” Beijing wanted to establish and what “old” it wanted to abolish. Because even the editor of Xinhua News Agency, who is responsible for the English translation of this sentence and is well versed in the thoughts of senior leaders of the Communist Party of China, does not seem to be very clear.

In an English report of the December 8 Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Xinhua News Agency translated this sentence as "prioritize development and then solve problems." However, the English version of the press release of the Economic Work Conference translated it as "First build the new and then destroy the old."

At the above-mentioned closed-door Central Economic Work Conference, the authorities also ordered “to strengthen economic propaganda and public opinion guidance, and to sing the bright theory of China’s economy.” Then party media at all levels, large and small, rushed forward and "singed" in unison.

At the same time, a large number of screenshots were circulated on the Internet, showing that administrator accounts such as "Weibo Finance" and "Weibo Stocks" notified Internet celebrities in their respective fields on the 14th, warning: "Please be sure to pay attention to the standards of speech when posting in the near future, and do not post any singing songs of Economy-destroying rhetoric.” At the same time, the Ministry of State Security of the Communist Party of China also threatens those who badmouth the economy.

Wang Xiangwei said that "singing the bright theory of China's economy" seems to be aimed at Internet influencers and analysts who write research reports for brokerage firms, consulting firms and think tank clients. Many internet influencers have had their social media accounts suspended for their candid and honest comments, and analysts have been warned to be careful with their words when writing about the Chinese economy.

Wang Xiangwei wrote, "If we have to hide the facts and not allow different opinions, how can we restore confidence?" No wonder that on Wednesday (13 December), the first trading day after the Economic Work Conference, both Hong Kong and mainland stock markets fell.

The World Bank (WB) stated in a report released on 14 December 2023 that China's economy will slow down next year, with the economic growth rate falling to 4.5% from 5.2% this year.

WB said in the report (PDF) that the pace of China's economic recovery remains "fragile" due to difficulties in the real estate sector, coupled with weak global demand for China, high debt levels and wavering consumer confidence.

On 5 December 2023, the internationally renowned rating agency Moody's first lowered the outlook for China's sovereign credit rating from "stable" to "negative" and warned that the debt risks of local governments and the real estate industry crisis were deepening.

On the 6th, Moody's lowered the outlook of 8 Chinese banks, 36 Chinese non-financial and state-owned infrastructure companies and their subsidiaries, and 22 local government financing platforms from "stable" to "negative". Among them, the ratings of the five major state-owned banks The outlooks were all downgraded to "negative."

Qiu Wanjun, a professor at the Department of Finance at Northeastern University in Boston, USA, told NTDTV that the legitimacy of the CCP regime lies in economic development. Once the economic development stagnates or even begins to decline, coupled with the rising unemployment rate, the legitimacy of the CCP regime will be undermined. There will be shaking.

News (15)

It is forbidden to badmouth the economy. The Ministry of State Security of the Communist Party of China issued a document to intimidate the people

A few days ago, the Ministry of State Security of the Communist Party of China issued a threat that badmouthing China's economy endangers national security and will be severely punished. Weibo informed the big Vs not to post negative remarks about China’s economy and avoid touching red lines. Analysts point out that China's economy is in deep trouble and the CCP is desperate to seek medical treatment when it is at the end of its rope.

The economic data for November released last Friday (15 December 2023) showed that China’s economic recovery is still sluggish. On the same day, the Ministry of State Security of the Communist Party of China issued a statement claiming that all kinds of negative remarks about China’s economy are attacking the so-called socialist system and path and obstructing the development of China’s economy. interrupt the momentum of China's economy.

The article also warned that activities so called endangering national security in the field of economic security will be resolutely punished.

Lan Shu, a current affairs commentator living in the United States: "In fact, for ordinary people in China, how is the economy? Everyone knows, do you have a job? Do you have money in your pocket? Do the people around you have a job? Everyone knows. Now. The problem is, it doesn’t allow you to speak, it restricts your speech.”

Lan Shu, a current affairs commentator based in the United States, pointed out that the CCP’s Wolf Warrior diplomacy and suppression of foreign companies have scared away foreign investment, and the West’s “de-risking” of China has become a strategic containment and suppression in the eyes of the CCP.

Lan Shu: "The first thing it needs to do is to bring this thing out. Then if anyone in the country, whether you are a scholar, an expert, or a netizen, says that China's economy is not good, then you are a liaison with foreign countries. The next step is to seize it." You. Because you say that China's economy is not good, you are asking the CCP to take responsibility for the bad economy in disguise. It is unwilling to take responsibility, so its easiest way is to not let everyone say it."

From the 11th to the 12th, the Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting called for strengthening economic propaganda and public opinion guidance, and singing the so-called light theory of the Chinese economy.

In order to implement this policy of the CCP, "Weibo Finance" and "Weibo Stocks" informed users on the 14th not to publish remarks that pessimize the economy; "Weibo Law" also informed: Those who pessimize the economy will be severely punished, so do not touch the red line .

Liang Shaohua, former chief compliance officer of Continental Asset Management: "Now the CCP has nothing to do with the economy. It is hard to recover. When it is at the end of the road, it always wants to find various ways that it thinks are feasible to stimulate the economy and sing a good song for the economy. Originally, promoting the economy has nothing to do with the Ministry of National Security. It is about internal suppression and external counter-espionage. The State Council is responsible for economic development, and various economic departments, government departments, and the Ministry of Commerce are responsible for them. The Ministry of National Security jumped out and did not rule out expressing loyalty to Xi .Because the Chinese Communist Party is now in dire straits with its economy.”

Analysts point out that China’s economy is in dire straits, and the CCP is indiscriminately seeking treatment for its acute illness.

Liang Shaohua: "Economy is not about talking bad about whoever sings well, and whoever sings bad about China. Including Moody's downgrade of China's sovereignty and credit, it is not a bad talk. As an independent third party, it has After objectively evaluating the situation, we make an independent conclusion. When the CCP tries to denigrate the issue, it ignores the essence of the matter and focuses on the minutiae. That is to say, the CCP is good at solving people, but not good at solving the problems raised."

In early December, after the international credit rating agency Moody's lowered the outlook for China's sovereign credit rating, it also lowered the rating outlook for eight major Chinese banks, further reflecting market concerns about China's economic prospects.

Liang Shaohua: "Everyone knows who is the real culprit of China's economic recession and stagnation. The fundamental reason is the extremely left-leaning policies of the Xi Jinping government and its wolf warrior diplomacy, which has led to unemployment, foreign trade, including Real estate and investment are all slowing down. You are just trying to find the so-called pessimists at the expense of others, which is just making a fool of yourself."

Liang Shaohua pointed out that the CCP has repeatedly distorted the truth, but the Internet has memory.

Liang Shaohua: "When Xi came to power, he proposed that the central party should manage everything in the east, west, south, and north. Later, party branches would be established in each enterprise, and the party would lead the enterprise. Later, state-owned enterprises should be made bigger and stronger, and the country should advance and the people should retreat. There is another A series of crackdowns on the platform economy, the education and training industry, and real estate policies, as well as the arrest of a large number of private entrepreneurs, and the annexation of a large number of private enterprises by state-owned enterprises and powerful capital, are all events that have happened before. It cannot be said that these things are not the same. It was made up by others and made up by others."

Liang Shaohua said that it is ridiculous for the CCP to now rely on national security to denigrate the economy and then slap a big label on it.

News (16) to (18) / Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor : Wen Hui / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/13/a103833771.html

​News (16)

Zhongnanhai held a closed-door meeting for two days, acknowledging domestic and foreign economic difficulties

Image :Zhongnanhai held a closed-door meeting for two days, acknowledging domestic and foreign economic difficulties
China's economy is in recession and China's real estate market is facing collapse. The picture shows a schematic diagram. (Jade Gao/AFP via Getty Images)

中南海两天闭门开会 承认经济内外交困
China's economy is in trouble, and Zhongnanhai recently held a two-day closed-door meeting to discuss economic countermeasures. In official media reports, the authorities publicly acknowledged China's economic difficulties both internally and externally. The word "stable" appeared six times in a row in just one sentence, highlighting that China's economic crisis is pervasive.

News (17)

The CCP’s top leaders face “external pressure” and “internal difficulties”

The two-day Central Economic Work Conference ended in Beijing on 12 December 2023. Xi Jinping, leader of the Communist Party of China, only delivered a speech on the opening day of the conference and left the venue the next day to fly to Vietnam.

According to reports from the Chinese Communist Party media, during this meeting, top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party publicly admitted that there are "external pressures" and "internal difficulties" in China's economy.

China expert Wang He wrote an article in The Epoch Times on 13 December that the "external pressure" the CCP refers to should refer to the West's "de-risking" of the CCP in 2023.

At the national government level, taking the United States as an example, on 2 December 2023, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo named Beijing as the “biggest threat it has ever faced” at the annual defense forum and emphasized that “China is not our friend".

The U.S. Treasury Department issued a ban on 9August 2023, prohibiting U.S. venture capital and private equity investment companies from investing in sensitive Chinese technology companies, and requiring the U.S. government to be notified of other investments.

On 7 October 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce released a revised version of the 2022 chip ban, which more strictly restricts the CCP’s purchase of important high-end chips and prevents China from using artificial intelligence (AI) chips for military development.

In addition, the United States has also formed the "Quadruple Chip Alliance" with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and signed a chip agreement with Japan and the Netherlands to target the CCP.

At the economic level, public data shows that in the first 11 months of 2023, China’s imports and exports with almost all Western countries, including the European Union, the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, have declined significantly. The CCP is worried about this and has repeatedly shouted that it will not decouple and stabilize foreign investment and foreign trade.

The economic conference also pointed out that promoting China’s economic recovery faces difficulties and challenges, “mainly due to insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, many risks and hidden dangers, blockages in the domestic cycle, and the complexity of the external environment. The severity and uncertainty have increased."

The meeting called for “next year we must persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, promote stability through promotion, establish first and then break, adopt more policies that are conducive to stabilizing expectations, stabilizing growth, and stabilizing employment, and actively transform methods, adjust structures, improve quality, and increase efficiency.” Make progress and continuously consolidate the foundation of stability and improvement." In just one sentence, six words "stable" appeared in succession, highlighting that China's economy is surrounded by crises and is on the verge of collapse.

News (18)

Expert: There is no solution to China’s economic woes

Since the beginning of this year, China's economic data has continued to show red lights. Foreign trade orders have decreased, the consumption index has declined, investment has decreased, foreign capital has withdrawn in large quantities, the youth unemployment rate has soared, the real estate industry has been in deep crisis, local governments are in debt, and there is even the risk of economic "deflation" sign.

On 5 December 2023, international credit rating agency Moody's lowered the outlook for China's sovereign credit rating from "stable" to "negative" and warned that the debt risks of local governments and the real estate industry crisis are deepening.

On the 6th, Moody's lowered the outlook of the Hong Kong and Macau governments, 8 Chinese banks, 36 Chinese non-financial and state-owned infrastructure enterprises and their subsidiaries, and 22 local government financing platforms from "stable" to "negative". Among them, the rating outlook of the five major state-owned banks has been lowered to "negative".

Qiu Wanjun, a professor at the Department of Finance at Northeastern University in Boston, recently told NTDTV that the legitimacy of the CCP regime lies in economic development. Once the economic development stagnates or even begins to decline, coupled with the rising unemployment rate, the legitimacy of the CCP regime will be shaken.

Wu Jialong, Taiwan's general economist, told The Epoch Times on 12 December that the CCP lifted the epidemic blockade without warning in early December last year. One year ago, China's economy has not recovered and is continuing to decline. Therefore, lifting the lockdown cannot save the economy. The economic problems are not entirely due to the lockdown.

"Orders cannot come back after they are gone, small and medium-sized enterprises cannot come back to life after they go bankrupt, and private entrepreneurs will never come back after making money," Wu Jialong said.

He believes that China's economic problems are not entirely caused by the blind command and chaos of the leaders of the Communist Party of China, but there are deeper institutional problems. The entire bureaucracy and political power circles are robbing and laundering money, and there is institutional corruption. problems, there is no solution to China's economic problems.

Wang He said that this "Central Economic Work Conference" is going against the wall, either avoiding the institutional roots, structural factors and external factors that have led to China's economic difficulties, or bluffing and not touching the substantive issues.

He believes that the CCP's economic policy capabilities (including policy formulation and execution capabilities) are extremely low. China's economy will simply not be able to get out of trouble in 2024. The current leader of the CCP and his team may face an unprecedented impact in 2024.

News (19)

What is the purpose of the CCP again mentioning “formalism at your fingertips”?

Editor : Huang Yimei / Reporter : Luo Ya  / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2023/12/19/a103835349.html

Recently, the CCP has proposed to control "formalism at your fingertips" because "online government affairs" not only failed to optimize the work process, but wasted administrative resources. Commentators believe that the content is superficial and does not propose substantive measures. It is estimated that it will not have much effect.

The Internet Security and Information Technology Commission of the Communist Party of China recently issued the so-called "Several Opinions on Preventing and Controlling "Formalism at Fingertips"", which is said to promote the party's political conduct and social ethics, because in recent years, "online government affairs" have not only not been optimized Work processes waste administrative resources.

This "opinion" emphasizes at the beginning that it is guided by the so-called Xi Thought.

Li Hengqing, an economist living in the United States: "It must be that he (Xi Jinping) was unhappy one day and said a few words to other people. When other people heard this, they wanted to 'guess the holy will', and then at this time they just compiled this set of things, that is, the specific staff of the Cyberspace Administration of China, or the deputy director, office director, etc., compiled this set of things."

On 21 November 2023, the Internet Information Office of the Communist Party of China issued a review of the party leader’s guidance on the construction of digital government. It mentioned that the ability to use and govern the Internet is an important aspect and manifestation of the ability to govern. Now, grassroots cadres are required to reduce unnecessary labor in the digital era and use the three Within five years, the main responsibility will be realized.

Li Hengqing: "This is Xi Jinping's working habit now. He is very happy with his achievements first. He dares to do anything when he comes up. He will act immediately when he thinks of an idea. Moreover, he is also very powerful. If you don't follow me, your official position will be removed immediately, or just arrest you, and then the people below will be scared, and they will follow him and swarm him whenever he says something. After he is done, they will smash you. It turns out that everyone is going to have access to the Internet and the so-called Digital Digitization, digital government, everything must be done digitally, and then everyone will apply for it. After completing it, they will be dissatisfied. What does he blame now? He blames you for practicing formalism. You are doing this kind of nonsense."

Epoch Times columnist Wang He: "But what is the problem now? In the entire official system, in all fields, everyone has a flat mentality. If you don't tell me, I will not move. If you tell the boss, I will fool you. I will just create a formality, so any policy on it now will be very difficult to promote below.”

This opinion also mentioned that "zombie APPs" should be streamlined and integrated, and the number of government affairs applications with low frequency of use and low practicality should be strictly controlled.

Wang He: "Now the CCP can't come up with any ideas in this regard, but why is it so enthusiastic about this electronic application? There is money behind every program, and it involves a lot of design, development, Operation and maintenance, so this money forms an interest group, so everyone is stacking up and doing their own thing as long as they find the right opportunity."

In fact, the Chinese Communist Party authorities have been talking about how to control "formalism at the fingertips" for several years. Former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held the Fourth Integrity Work Conference on 26 April 2021, and told a lot of truths. Among them, he mentioned that there is "fingertip formalism" in some local online government affairs and unreasonable administrative approval matters. There are many, and some involve secret operations.

Comments pointed out that since the CCP has no money, officials are naturally more reluctant to do things and can only rely on the power in their hands to create opportunities for continued corruption.

Wang He: "The entire CCP has fallen apart, so everyone is now in a state of you fooling me, I fooling you, fooling each other, like the National Information Commission, the security protection of the CCP's government website How strong is its ability? In fact, it doesn't know what it is. But if you send too many documents, the main reason now is that everyone is exhausted. If there is any problem with you, the people below will be disgusted, so it can appear on the surface. Everyone was busy promoting it for a while, but it disappeared after a while, and no one takes it seriously now."

Epoch Times columnist Wang He believes that this so-called opinion will not have much effect because the content is very superficial and does not propose substantive measures.

News (20)

Turning Point USA Annual Conference Conservative Students: Support Trump

Young conservatives from all over the United States went to Phoenix, Arizona to participate in the annual conference held by the conservative student group "American Turning Point." Many students expressed support for Trump.

Elsa Personett, student from Texas: “One of the highlights of this event is certainly the networking and connections that are made at these events, which means that there are people from all over the country who share your political views and Values.”

Elsa Panette, 18, traveled from Texas to attend the four-day annual Turning Point USA conference. Next year she will participate in the U.S. election for the first time and exercise her right to vote.

Elsa Personett: "I'm going to vote for Trump. He's done a great job leading our country over the past few years."

Another 17-year-old high school student, Lydia Harvey, will also be voting for the first time, and she said she will vote for Trump.

Texas student Lydia Harvey: "In my opinion, he's the best person who's ever run this country. So I'm going to vote for him 100 percent."

"I really like how he highlighted how much lies there are in voting in this generation, I mean, like we have dead people voting, like how much of a joke is our government right now? I totally agree that our government is It's run by the wrong people and we need to address this at the next election."

At this event, many people expressed support for Trump and the "America First" concept he advocates. After Biden took office, a series of problems such as the increasing crisis at the U.S. border, economic inflation and rising cost of living caused many people to blame the current government for these problems.

Jessica Gomez, a college student from California: “I think with Biden as president, I mean, I respect him as president, but we have a lot of difficulties, especially with the expense of being a college student, sometimes It’s very difficult to get around because of gas prices and other factors.”

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