Thursday, December 9, 2021

The benefits of melatonin in the pandemic, Taiwan lab worker "bitten by a mouse" diagnosed with covid

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, U.S., Taiwan, Myanmar

News (1)

Melatonin affects thrombosis, sepsis and covid mortality rate

Image : 
Melatonin’s multiple actions as an antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral (against other viruses) make it a reasonable choice for use. (AlessandraRC/Shutterstock)

Two key studies have identified the role that melatonin plays in reducing the risk of a positive test for COVID-19 and lowering the incidence of severe symptoms.

That new finding adds to a list of benefits linked to melatonin since it was first discovered in 1958 by Dr. Aaron Lerner, a dermatologist who was able to isolate it from the pineal gland in a cow.

Scientists began studying melatonin in the 1980s, and by the 1990s, it received more attention. Research data showed that melatonin influences a number of bodily processes, including calcium-dependent metabolism, immune modulation, and tumor growth—which it can restrain.

Although melatonin is produced in a variety of tissues, the major source is the pineal gland, a tiny endocrine gland found in the center of the brain. One of melatonin’s initial functions is likely as a free radical scavenger. Interestingly, melatonin also functions in plants to reduce oxidative stress and promote seed germination and growth. The necessary precursor in plants and animals is tryptophan.

Your body controls the release of melatonin through a master circadian clock, located in an area of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nuclei.

This area synchronizes the secretion of melatonin through a complex pathway in the nervous system affected by the light input through the eyes. Since melatonin helps control the sleep-wake cycles, it became popular to use it to help control jet lag or support sleep.

Now data demonstrates that melatonin may be beneficial in preventing complications in people with COVID-19.

News (2)

Melatonin can lower incidence of severe covid

A study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases in October was initiated to look at the effect melatonin may have on adult patients with severe COVID-19 infection. They engaged 158 patients with severe disease in a single center, prospective, randomized clinical trial conducted in Mosul, Iraq, from 1 December 2020 to 1 June 2021.

The patients were split into two groups. In the control group, there were 76 who were given standard therapeutic care only. There were 82 in the intervention group who received standard therapeutic care plus 10 milligrams (mg) of melatonin per day. Physicians then evaluated the incidence of sepsis, thrombosis, and mortality in patients on days 5, 11, and 17.

When the researchers compared the data in the control group to the intervention group, they found there was a significant reduction during the second week in thrombosis and sepsis in those that took melatonin. They also found that mortality was significantly higher in those that didn’t take melatonin.

Men made up 72.2 percent of the patients and the mean age was 56.3 years with a range of 32 to 78 years. Researchers split the intervention and control group with no significant difference in relationship to comorbidities that increase the risk of COVID-19, such as high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes and heart disease.

When measuring the individual endpoints, the researchers found that there was a significantly greater number of patients with thrombosis in the control group on day 17 than there were in the group taking melatonin. No patient developed sepsis in the first five days in either group. However, by day 11, two patients in the group taking melatonin developed sepsis and eight patients in the control group developed sepsis.

At the end of the study, the researchers found there was a significantly higher mortality rate in the control group of 17.1 percent than in the melatonin group of 1.2 percent. Melatonin was administered orally.

The researchers declared that the results of their study signal a need to look closer.

Improved thrombosis, sepsis, and mortality rates support the adjuvant melatonin’s efficacy in mitigating this infectious disease,” they wrote.

“Given melatonin’s superior performance as a cheap, highly safe, and readily available medication, it is strongly recommended to be addressed in future studies.”

News (3)

Melatonin found to reduce risk of positive virus test

Those new findings support earlier research published in late 2020 that showed using melatonin was associated with a 28 percent reduction in the likelihood of a positive COVID-19 test. The researchers began the study to identify potential treatment modalities using network medicine methodology alongside clinical observations.

Network medicine evaluates cellular networks and the implications those have on disease and treatment. Network medicine seeks out potential drug treatments by looking at how diseases are linked at the molecular level. The researchers used artificial intelligence to compare genes and proteins of SARS-CoV-2 alongside 64 other diseases.

From this data, they identified conditions that were similar and that had approved drugs for treatment. Using this information, the researchers identified 34 FDA-approved drugs used to treat similar conditions that may be considered for repurposing in the treatment of COVID-19.

The list of health conditions included autoimmune diseases, pulmonary conditions, specific antibodies and cardiovascular conditions. From these conditions the researchers identified medications, including melatonin, from a list of categories that included antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, hormones, beta-blockers, and B2-agonists.

After identifying these drugs, the researchers used the information alongside data from nearly 27,000 inpatients at Cleveland Clinic. They adjusted for confounding factors such as age, smoking history, race, and a variety of disease comorbidities when they found melatonin use reduced the likelihood of a positive COVID-19 test by 28 percent.

Interestingly, when these same adjustments were made to a population of black Americans in the registry, the reduction rose to 52 percent. The study’s lead scientist, Feixiong Cheng, talked about the results in a statement from Cleveland Clinic:

“It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean people should start taking melatonin without first consulting with their health care provider. We’re excited about these results and to study that connection more, but large-scale observational studies and randomized controlled trials are essential to confirm what we’ve found here.”

News (4)

Melatonin is integral part of front-line protocol

Early in 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) developed preventive, outpatient treatment and inpatient protocols based on the insights of the founding critical care doctors. Dr. Paul Marik, critical care doctor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, also known for his work for improving the outcome of patients with sepsis, is one of those doctors.

Marik also used melatonin in the treatment of sepsis. He published a paper in the Journal of Thoracic Disease in February 2020 giving the scientific rationale for using melatonin to help regulate the oxidative imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction that are commonly found in sepsis.

This was followed by a paper published in the Frontiers in Medicine in May 2020, in which he and a team of scientists published a therapeutic algorithm they used for melatonin in the treatment of COVID-19. They wrote, “Melatonin’s multiple actions as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral (against other viruses) make it a reasonable choice for use.”

In June 2020, the FLCCC published a statement on the MATH+ protocol, stating it is “showing profound impacts on survival of COVID-19 patients.” An integral part of the MATH+ hospital treatment protocol is the administration of 6 to 12 milligrams (mg) of melatonin at night.

The group also developed an iMASK protocol for early outpatient treatment, which includes 10 mg of melatonin at night, listed under the category of anticoagulants and immune fortifying drugs. In a review of the evidence demonstrating the efficacy of ivermectin, the scientists wrote:

“Although the adoption of MATH+ has been considerable, it largely occurred only after the treatment efficacy of the majority of the protocol components (corticosteroids, ascorbic acid, heparin, statins, Vitamin D, melatonin) were either validated in subsequent randomized controlled trials or more strongly supported with large observational data sets in COVID-19.”

“Despite the plethora of supportive evidence, the MATH+ protocol for hospitalized patients has not yet become widespread.”

When the review was subsequently published, the mention of melatonin and this quote was removed. Another challenge for patients with COVID-19 is the development of long-haul symptoms, which one study from UC Davis showed affects at least 25 percent of individuals.

Long haul symptoms can include body aches, muscle pain, brain fog, abdominal issues and loss of smell and taste. The FLCCC group also developed a management protocol for long-haul COVID-19 syndrome called I-RECOVER.

The team developed an algorithm to help physicians identify the type of treatment based on the patient’s symptoms. However, all patients are advised to use vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, and melatonin.

News (5)

More health benefits of melatonin

Your body uses melatonin to help protect your overall health in several ways. Melatonin is best known for the relationship it has with your circadian clock. Although scientists are still discovering some of the benefits of sleep, it’s known that melatonin is an underlying regulating molecule for sleep.

There have been positive studies demonstrating the effect that melatonin has on disorders associated with dysfunctional melatonin rhythms, such as jet lag and shift work. Additionally, there is evidence of diminished production of melatonin in those with Alzheimer’s disease in the early stages. Poor sleep quality increases the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques that are integral to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The discovery of the relationship between neurodegeneration and sleep offers a potential for using melatonin to promote healthy mental aging and in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the early stages. Melatonin also helps regulate inflammation in the body, which has a significant impact on pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

One paper published in 2015 investigated the relationship between melatonin and multiple sclerosis relapses and found it meliorates periods of relapse. They discovered melatonin affects “T cell differentiation and ha[s] implications for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis.”

Melatonin helps to promote genomic stability, which may help explain why disruption of melatonin signaling has been found to promote the growth and metabolism of human breast cancer. The antioxidative and anti-inflammatory functions of melatonin have also demonstrated an ability to protect liver function and has an impact on fatty liver disease.

The range of effects that melatonin has on the human body is significant. A published research study in the Journal of Perinatology demonstrated that early administration of melatonin alongside hypothermia (whole body cooling) in infants who suffered asphyxiation during birth had a neuroprotective effect and ameliorated brain injury in the infants who received hypothermia and five daily enteral doses of melatonin.

While there are likely benefits to supplementing with oral melatonin, it also helps to optimize your body’s own production. It’s relatively simple and inexpensive, and at the same time, you will help to optimize your vitamin D levels. Optimizing melatonin production begins with getting enough bright sunlight during the day, since this helps to set your circadian clock.

As the evening approaches and the sun sets, you’ll want to avoid artificial lighting. Blue light from electronic screens and LED lights is particularly problematic and inhibits the production of melatonin. If you do need lighting, use incandescent light bulbs, candles, or salt lamps. The blue light from electronic screens can be counteracted by using blue-blocking software or wearing blue-blocking glasses.

My decision to personally use melatonin supplementation makes even more sense now that we understand that melatonin is not only produced in the pineal gland (which would benefit from circadian optimization), but also in our mitochondria. So, it appears that additional melatonin could serve as a useful adjunct in modulating your immune response.

News (6)

The experimenter "coughed for 1 week" and did not notice it? Academia Sinica's response

Editor : Zhang Shizhe 

In the evening of 9 December 2021, it was revealed that a staff member of Nangang P3 laboratory accidentally contracted the disease while performing a covid experiment, and had a cough and tasteless smell for a week. Some people familiar with the matter pointed out that the CT value of this case was quite low, so everyone was very nervous; the Academia Sinica also responded to the incident.

According to people familiar with the matter, the local case has come into contact with "a lot" of units, and now there is worry that as the epidemic is investigated, more and more people will be listed. At the same time, a screening station is being established in Zhongxiao District. The current hypothetical state is even higher than Delta. The case has footprints in Shuangbei, and any doubt will be listed.

Image : Screening stations will be set up. (Picture/TVBS data screen) 

Chen Shizhong exposed the observation time of the Academia Sinica in response, saying that after receiving the notice from the command centre, he immediately followed the Academia Sinica’s "Serious response. When special infectious pneumonia is diagnosed, the building and personnel management refer to the operating procedures.” A response team will be established to fully cooperate with the investigation and carry out related disposal measures; and from the night of 9 December, the Genomics Research Center building will be cleaned and disinfected, except for cooperation outside the quarantine objects, all colleagues in the building work from home. In the follow-up, the hospital will cooperate with the operations of the command centre, keep abreast of the development situation, and provide colleagues with consultation and assistance. Regarding the follow-up development of the epidemic, follow the instructions of the command center. The Academia Sinica also emphasized that the investigation report will be completed within 10 days. 

In addition, the Academia Sinica also announced that starting from 10 December 2021, all indoor public venues will be temporarily closed, and all external physical meetings and activities will be suspended or held online. The internal meeting is based on the principle of 10 people or less, and is held in a place with partitions, social distance, and well-ventilated. The restaurant only provides take-out services. If the colleagues in this hospital have needs, they can work from home after reporting to the supervisor of the unit. 

In response to the incident, the Academia Sinica stated that it would indeed review and immediately review the management, implementation and operation of the P3 laboratory’s biosafety, and investigate the cause of the incident, to ensure the safety of the experiment and to maintain the health of colleagues. 

The targeted personnel in the Nangang P3 laboratory of Academia Sinica, accidentally confirmed the infection during the experiment. 

News (7)

The lab-in-concern raises covi to test effectiveness of vaccines, drugs and reagents

The Academia Sinica has previously introduced this laboratory. This laboratory is an anti-epidemic operation. It is an important backing in Taiwan because the laboratory is busy day and night to "raise the virus" and use it to test the effectiveness of vaccines, drugs, and reagents.

According to the data of the Academia Sinica, the current biological laboratories are divided into four levels from P1 to P4 according to the degree of risk. Among them, the P1 laboratory is the simplest, with only handwashing stations, work areas, and laboratory clothes, just like the biological laboratories of ordinary universities. In the P2 laboratory, biological safety cabinets will be added. For more dangerous organisms and samples that are afraid of being contaminated, they must all be implemented in the safety cabinet. 

News (8)

Safety measures at the P3 laboratory of Academia Sinica

The P3 laboratory of Academica Sinica is where the positive case occurred. Conceptually, it is like turning the entire laboratory into a safety cabinet. The laboratory is negative pressure, compared to the outdoor. The pressure is small, so the airflow can only be blown from the outside to the room, not from the room to the outside, in order to avoid the leakage of pathogenic bacteria. The laboratory is also equipped with a double-door sterilization pot, and the supplies in the laboratory must be sterilized by high temperature, high pressure and steam before being taken out from the outside. As for the P4 laboratory, it is not much different from P3 but the personnel must wear a protective clothing with a positive air supply. The outer pressure of the clothing will be negative pressure, and the internal pressure will be positive, so as to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the protective clothing with the airflow. 

News (9)

The female lab worker that was diagnosed positive was "bitten by a mouse"! Chen Shizhong: Determined to be Delta 

 A young woman in her 20s who once worked in the P3 laboratory of the Academia Sinica was confirmed to be PCR positive for covid on 9 December 2021, ending Taiwan's record of 35 consecutive days without a local covid case.

In the evening, the epidemic commander Chen Shizhong personally held a press conference to explain that the woman had been bitten by a rat in the P3 laboratory in November 2021, which was suspected to be the source of infection. The virus strain is currently determined to be Delta. 

Chen Shizhong said earlier the confirmed case of local covid is listed as case 16816, a female in her 20s. She was a laboratory researcher at the Genomics Research Center of Academia Sinica. She had no recent entry and exit records and had received 2 doses of  Moderna vaccine. The case was exposed to pathogens during work in mid-November. She was asymptomatic. She developed cough on 26 November, increased cough on 4 December, and developed abnormal smell and taste on 8 December 2021. She was diagnosed today after seeking medical examination. 

Chen Shizhong pointed out that due to the high risk of the work site and exposure to related pathogens, Zhang Shangchun, the convener of the expert advisory group of the command center, has rushed to the scene this afternoon to understand that the laboratory will be temporarily suspended. The laboratory workers will isolate at home, so as to avoid the possibility of proliferation after the first case was tested, and to stop the second infection in time. In addition, the videotape of the laboratory will be reviewed to grasp the contacts, and the command centre will also request the Academia Sinica to submit a review report and send a biological expert investigation team to investigate.

News (10)

You have to pick the right time to get vaccinated! Harvard study: Afternoon vaccination is more intense 

Editor : Liu Yiting 

The human body's biological clock has different adjustment effects throughout the day, and the same is true for the response to viruses and vaccines. The Harvard Medical School issued a press release on 8 December 2021 stating that a study led by a professor at Harvard Medical School pointed out that if people choose to receive the covi vaccine in the afternoon, they will have a stronger antibody response than the morning vaccination. 

Image : The human immune system fights the virus and has a different effect every time. (Photo/Dazhi Image Reuters) 

A research team led by Elizabeth Klerman, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, collected blood samples from 2,190 British medical staff after being vaccinated with the covi vaccine, and analyzed them using a self-developed research model the impact of gender, age, time of vaccination, and brand on antibody levels. The results of the study showed that people who were vaccinated in the afternoon showed a higher antibody response.

In addition to the influence of time, mRNA vaccine vaccinators, women, and young people all showed stronger antibody responses than their counterparts. This is the exact opposite of research on "flu vaccines", when the results showed that older men received a flu vaccine in the morning to have higher antibody levels. Kellerman explained that the reason for the completely different results of the two studies may be that the mechanism of the interaction between the covi vaccine and the flu vaccine is different, and whether the human immune system encounters the pathogen for the first time is also a key factor, and the antibody response is likely to be affected. So it makes a big difference. Harvard professor Kellerman suggested that the elderly can choose to be vaccinated in the afternoon.

Kellerman suggested that the elderly or people with weakened immune system can choose to vaccinate booster in the afternoon as much as possible. At the same time, he reminded that because the vaccination produces higher antibodies at this time, the side effects will be more serious and big. 

The research team emphasized that the study was small in scale and did not include subjects’ health, sleep and other conditions. Therefore, people have vaccines that can be vaccinated and must be vaccinated. The time of vaccination is still a secondary choice.

News (11)

Two Democrats defect, join Senate Republicans to block Biden's vaccine mandate

Reporter : Kylie Thomas, National File

Congressional Republicans – along with Congressional Democrats Joe Manchin and Jon Tester – led a battle in the Senate to argue that the vaccine measures put in place for American workers are unconstitutional and a burden. With only needing a simple majority to pass to the House, passed by a 52-48 vote.

“I want to go off script for a second and emphasize how important the vaccine is, especially booster shots for the omicron variant,” Senator Roger Marshall told journalists before the Senate vote. “But the mandate is going to backfire. The people that have thus far have not gotten, have not received the vaccine are not going to do it until this White House acknowledges natural immunity.”

Senate Republicans labeled it a rebuke against Joe Biden.

Sen. Bill Hagerty claimed it was a “message to the White House” informing Biden and his advisors “that they have overstepped and this anti-worker vaccine mandate should be immediately withdrawn.” Sen. Mike Braun added that the “vote is a crystal clear message to the @WhiteHouse: Back off, and stop this crazy federal overreach immediately.”

If the resolution passes in the Democratic-controlled House, it will be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk. The Biden administration has strongly indicated that Biden would veto the measure.


This vote comes after a federal judge voted to temporarily halted the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors across the country. In a 28-page ruling, the federal judge stated “The Court acknowledges the tragic toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought throughout the nation and the globe.”


The federal judge went on to say “However, even in times of crisis this Court must preserve the rule of law and ensure that all branches of government act within the bounds of their constitutionally granted authorities.”


News (12)

Gaetz supports Trump for House Speaker without even being elected

Reporter : Grant Atkinson, Western Journal

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz said this week he would support former President Donald Trump becoming the new Speaker of the House. While this may sound outlandish, it is not as impossible as it might seem.


On Tuesday, Gaetz posted a video from a news conference where a reporter asked him if he would support Trump for House Speaker. He said he would support the idea and had discussed the possibility with Trump himself, but those were the only details he gave.


“I keep my conversations with the former president between the two of us,” Gaetz said.


Historically, the House Speaker has always been a previously elected member of the House of Representatives. But according to a 2015 article from NBC News, that is not necessarily a requirement.


The United States Constitution states, “The House of Representatives shall chuse (sic) their Speaker and other Officers,” NBC reported. Nowhere does it say the House must choose someone who is already a member of the House.


NBC said the official position of the office of the House Historian, agreed upon by the Clerk of the House, is that the speaker “has always been (but is not required to be) a House Member.”


Cleveland State University constitutional scholar David Forte said the founding fathers would have assumed the House would choose one of its own members.


“It would have been unthinkable for the most populous house not to have its leader be part of the representatives who were elected by the people,” Forte told NBC.


While that may be true, the founders did not specify this assumption in the Constitution, meaning it is not technically a requirement.


For that reason, it is not completely out of the question that a majority Republican House of Representatives could appoint Trump as the next speaker.


According to The Washington Post, Republicans need a net total of just five House seats to regain the majority. Given their success in off-year elections this November in Virginia and New Jersey, this is a distinct possibility.


While a Republican majority in the House is somewhat likely, the chances of Trump becoming speaker are admittedly much slimmer. Still, at least one member of the House has expressed public support for the idea, and there may be others who follow.


If Trump were to become speaker, he would then be in a position to impeach President Joe Biden. Earlier this year, conservative booster Rogan O’Handley laid out this scenario on his since-suspended Twitter account.


In O’Handley’s hypothetical situation, Trump would run for a Florida House seat in 2022 and win. Then, a newly-minted Republican House would appoint him speaker.


As speaker, Trump would have the authority to bring impeachment articles against Biden and/or Vice President Kamala Harris. According to O’Handley, becoming speaker would also not bar him from running for president in 2024.


Unlikely as this all is, the question of Trump becoming speaker has gained enough steam for a reporter to ask Gaetz about it during a news conference. This may indicate that even the slightest inkling of a Trump resurgence is causing the left to panic.


News (13)

NIH: No documents available on removal of "gain-of-function" definition from web-site

Reporter : Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times PREMIUM

No documents exist explaining why officials decided to remove the definition of “gain-of-function research” from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, the agency told The Epoch Times.

The NIH site used to include a 232-word definition of the research but it was removed around the same time the agency disclosed that research it funded in China met the definition.

The alteration took place sometime between 19 and 21 October 2021.

The Epoch Times submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for any communications and other documents from between 1 and 25 October relating to the change, which had been authorized by the NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison.

The request was closed this week. The NIH told The Epoch Times that it “does not have documentation” on the change other than the updated page.

The Department of Health and Human Services in 2017 published a document explaining how to deal with proposed research involving “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens,” or gain-of-function research. The document narrowed the definition to pathogens both highly transmissible and likely to cause significant sickness or death in humans.

The page in question “had described the general definition of gain-of-function research that fell outside the scope of the HHS P3CO Framework,” an NIH spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in an email in October.

“However, that information was being misused/used incorrectly (and still is) and creating confusion (and still is),” she added, triggering the change.

The NIH’s FOIA office sent a statement on the change that was nearly identical as the one from the spokeswoman.

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, told The Epoch Times via email that the changed definition “has only muddied the waters.”

“Part of understanding what happened in the Wuhan lab is understanding precisely what gain of function means, and NIH has not been helpful in this regard,” he said.

The documents released to lawmakers in October showed the NIH funded, via the EcoHealth Alliance, research in China that included enhancing the pathogenicity of a modified bat coronavirus.

Experts told The Epoch Times that the research clearly fit the definition of gain-of-function.

Dr. Francis Collins, the head of the NIH, had asserted in a statement in May that his agency had never approved any grant ” that would have supported ‘gain-of-function’ research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of Collins’ top subordinates, said under oath during a congressional hearing that “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

After the October disclosure, Collins and Fauci appeared to admit the research met the general definition of gain-of-function, but argued it did not meet the definition laid out in the framework.

News (14)

Nicaragua has severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen comments

According to foreign media reports, the government of Nicaragua, a friendly nation of the Republic of China, announced on 10 December 2021 that it will cut off diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua stated that only one China is recognized. Regarding Nicaragua’s unilateral termination of its diplomatic relations with Taiwan, it is reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also announce that it will terminate its diplomatic relations with the Republic of Nicaragua from now on, cease bilateral cooperation and assistance programs, and withdraw its embassy and technical team personnel.

President Tsai Ing-wen has been in office for five years. She counts the countries that have severed diplomatic relations during her tenure, including Nicaragua, which has severed diplomatic relations today. Eight countries have been lost.

Nicaragua shortly restored diplomatic ties with CCP China.

Image : Video Screenshot

Faced with 8 countries that have severed diplomatic relations within 5 years, and only 14 countries with diplomatic relations remain, Tsai Ing-wen said that the decision to sever diplomatic relations involves complicated international, political and cross-strait situations. The more successful Taiwan’s democracy and the stronger international support, the pressure from the authoritarianism camp on Taiwan will be greater. She said, "We firmly believe that no matter diplomatic pressure, cultural attacks, military intimidation, will not change our determination and efforts to persist in democracy and freedom, persist in going global, and persist in participating in the international democratic community." She emphasized pluralistic democracy, a characteristic of Taiwanese society, "We will continue to strengthen Taiwan's democratic capacity and enhance democratic resilience."

On the Covi72 infection at Academia Sinica, Tsai urges everyone should get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and others. 

Tsai Ing-wen attended the "25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Indigenous Peoples Committee" in the morning of 10 December. Regarding the 35-day local zero-diagnosis related incidents, she explained that the Central Epidemic Command Centre yesterday  announced the epidemic situation and footprints. In this regard, Tsai Ing-wen urged the public to implement epidemic prevention measures and get vaccinated because vaccination is to protect themselves and others at the same time.

Refs:, Video (,

News (15)

SARS is also a laboratory infection! The inside story of "National Secrets" Unlocked by the National Army

Editor : Chen Yiling 

A female researcher in her 20s (Case 16816) from the Nangang P3 Laboratory of the Academia Sinica was diagnosed with Delta after genetic sequencing. The case was bitten by a laboratory mouse and was suspected to be the source of infection. The first domestic laboratory infection case of COVID-19. In fact, 18 years ago, SARS was caused by the inadvertent operation of the researcher in the P4 laboratory. There is fear this time a slight inadvertence would cause a large-scale infection. 

According to the degree of risk, biological laboratories are divided into 4 levels from P1 to P4. P4 is the highest risk level. Because it is the study of high-risk live viruses, personnel must be equipped with a biological safety box and complete protective clothing during operation before they can perform related operations. 

The female confirmed case of the Academia Sinica (Case 16816) had been bitten by a rat, and whether there was an infection still needs to be further clarified. 

 In fact, a laboratory infection incident occurred in Taiwan 18 years ago. It was in the P4 laboratory of the Institute of Preventive Medicine of the National Defense Medical College in the New North Three Gorges. This unit is known as "Taiwan’s Most Mysterious Laboratory." At that time, Zhan Jiacong, known as "Lieutenant Colonel Zhan," took up the post of the P4 laboratory. When handling the laboratory's transportation cabin waste, he could not use the operating gloves of the biosafety box to reach the contaminated area, so he opened the transportation cabin door. 

Although Zhan Jiacong had sprayed alcohol for disinfection in advance, and waited for nearly 10 minutes to start cleaning, it was unexpected that there was an error in the link that caused the SARS virus. It was determined that the infection was caused by careless laboratory operations. At that time, the P4 laboratory of the Institute of Preventive Medicine of the National Defense Medical College was closed, as well as all SARS virus culture operations in the laboratory, and measures such as disinfection were carried out to minimize the risk of infection. The laboratory infection of 18 years ago repeated itself again.


News (16)

It is difficult to conclude that the laboratory is infected with the epidemic! The last time the famous doctor pointed out the strange place became the key 

Reporter : Xu Zhijia

A female researcher in the laboratory of the Academia Sinica was diagnosed with the disease after being exposed to the pathogen in the laboratory. Huang Limin, director of the National Taiwan University Children’s Hospital and an infectious disease expert, told TVBS News that based on existing information, The female employee had a cough on 26 November and an abnormal sense of smell and taste on 8 December. This time was too long. The previous cough may be caused by other factors, and the day of onset was only on 8 December. It is difficult to clarify the true source of infection in this case. , The key is to find out when the female research institute "last entered the P3 laboratory". 

For example, at the end of November, if you have not been to the laboratory, it is too long after the onset date, which is unreasonable, and the patient may be infected elsewhere and there will be trouble. 

The case worked in the laboratory of the Academia Sinica. She was bitten by an infected rat on 15 October but the quick screening was negative. On 19 November, she was bitten by a rat in the P3 laboratory but there was no quick screening. Her mild cough started on 26 June, coughing intensified on 4 December, and she has abnormal smell and taste on 8 December. The diagnosis was confirmed after medical examination. 

Huang Limin said that based on the current epidemic situation, coughing may be due to other factors. Otherwise the whole process will take too long. On 8 December, abnormal smell and taste should be regarded as the day of onset, which is also a typical symptom of covid.


News (17)

The woman of the Academia Sinica was "bitten by a rat" infected with Delta? Experts questioned on 2 wierd points

Editor : Lu Xinzhi 

A former researcher of the Nangang P3 Laboratory of the Academia Sinica (Case 16816) was diagnosed with covid on 9 December, breaking the record of zero confirmed cases in the Republic of China for several consecutive days; it is reported that the woman in her 20s has no recent entry and exit records and has received 2 doses of Moderna vaccine, but was exposed to pathogens during work and accidentally infected with the Delta mutant strain, which caused great concern from the outside world.

In this regard, the toxicology expert Zhao Mingwei raised two points, questioning that the diagnosis process of this case is very unusual, and he also thinks that her boyfriend's negative is "very bizarre", and he said, "I really want to know what kind of vaccine her boyfriend gets?" 

In response to the diagnosis of the laboratory personnel of the Academia Sinica, the command centre confirmed that the case had been bitten by a laboratory rat in the laboratory. Although whether it was the source of infection has yet to be determined, the outside world is still concerned about "rat bites". the issue of catching the epidemic after a while. 

Toxicology expert Zhao Mingwei sent a post on Facebook saying that Moderna's complete vaccination case was bitten by an Alpha rat but infected with Delta. "It's weird no matter how you look at it." The boyfriend of the case tested negative, which made him feel "Very bizarre." 

Zhao Mingwei pointed out that he thought of the virus leaking in the Wuhan P4 laboratory and thought that there must be a problem with the laboratory SOP, such as being bitten by a special mouse. Why did she not report it in the first place? What is the mechanism? "The public will mistakenly think that Taiwanese laboratories are messing around." He went on to emphasize that the P3 laboratory regulations are quite strict, and that the case can be diagnosed under such circumstances. "The intermediate process is very unusual." In addition, where the Delta virus came from, it also made him feel incredible.


News (18)

Academia Sinica is at risk! A dedicated person is stationed to investigate the work of a researcher who is infected with the epidemic

Reporter : Xu Zhijia

A researcher from the Academia Sinica was infected with Covi72. The command centre sent personnel to the P3 laboratory and related public areas to conduct environmental inspections to investigate which links went wrong. The command center spokesperson Zhuang Renxiang reported to TVBS News. ”Said that at present, I understand that the researcher’s work is "assisting virus measurement qPCR", but the detailed work content, why she was bitten by a mouse, etc. have yet to be clarified; experts explained that qPCR is a quantitative PCR test, which is in an experiment. If you want to understand the common practice of virus quantity in the laboratory, you can get the sample in the P3 laboratory and then go to the ordinary laboratory to carry out. However, what the researcher is actually doing, why she touched the mouse, it has to be investigated. 

Zhuang Renxiang said that the content of this researcher's work is "assisting virus measurement qPCR". However, whether she was actually exposed to live viruses or doing animal experiments remains to be clarified. 

Huang Limin, director of the National Taiwan University Children’s Hospital and an infectious disease expert, said that qPCR testing is to measure the amount of virus. If you want to know a certain amount of virus, you must measure the exact amount of virus. This work may indeed be exposed to live viruses. You can start with The P3 cell laboratory took the virus out, and after it was determined that the virus was dead, it was taken to an outside laboratory for testing. However, she may also be doing cell culture and throwing the virus in. The actual work content cannot be speculated. 

Chen Shizhong said, "There are three possible opportunities and some experts believe that if the researcher was infected while doing research on covid, she should have been exposed to live viruses. It is very likely that the virus leaked out but it was caused by someone being infected in the laboratory.



News (19)

The P3 laboratory of the Academia Sinica, "the four great heavenly king strains are present", the mouse virus strains are exposed 

Reporter : Xu Zhijia 

Image : Liao Junzhi, director of the Academia Sinica. (Photo/Rewind Youtube) 

A researcher from the Academia Sinica is infected. Academia Sinica held a press conference in the afternoon of 10 December. Academia Sinica Director Liao Junzhi also revealed the case's footprint in the Academia Sinica. This case is active from 23 November to 6 December 2021. The scope is mainly based on the Genomics Research Center Building, on 7 December from 9 am to 11.30 am at the restaurant food street on the 1st floor of the Academic Activity Center. 

At present, the cleaning work has been completed in the above two locations. 

Regarding the footprints outside the hospital, the command centre and the local government have explained. The research assistant of the Academia Sinica was bitten by a mouse twice in the laboratory. In this regard, the Academia Sinica confirmed that the two mice had Alpha and Gamma strains, and the virus strains in the P3 laboratory were Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta strains. They are all applied for allocation from the Department of Disease Control, and in October the development of the "monosaccharide vaccine" was being carried out in the laboratory. 

The Academia Sinica pointed out that it will continue to care about the status of confirmed persons and related personnel, and cooperate with the command center and local government health bureaus to deal with follow-up measures; in addition, he announced how the confirmed cases are infected and whether they follow the P3 laboratory operation specifications of the Genome Research Center and internal Regarding management and other related mechanisms. 

The Academia Sinica has formed an investigation team to try its best to find out the crux of the problem and deal with it in a rigorous, fair and transparent manner. 

Liao Junzhi said that 86 people were tested yesterday, and the test results are all negative, and the rest are still being tested. For colleagues who are not working in the affected area, if they need relevant consultation, they can call the Academia Sinica Medical Office for assistance. 

If the staff have any doubts, they can also work from home in accordance with the principle of the personnel office announcement. In addition, the Academia Sinica has established an investigation team, which includes representatives from the research colleagues of the third academic group of the Academia Sinica, experts from outside the academy, P3 laboratory professionals, administrative directors of the academy and political style units, and will report to the command center within 10 days.

Liao Junzhi said that the P3 laboratory of the Academia Sinica has made considerable contributions to Taiwan's epidemic prevention work during the impact of the epidemic, and thanked all researchers for their hard work. However, if any incompleteness of the work process is detected through this incident, it is still necessary to review and improve to ensure the safety of laboratory colleagues. 

Liao Junzhi emphasized that an investigation team has been set up to try its best to find out the crux of the problem. The current investigation direction includes starting from the gene sequence and cooperating with the command center to clarify the facts. In terms of administrative management, clarify the responsibilities of related mechanical and electrical equipment. At the same time, it will review whether there are any mistakes in the education, training and work process of the P3 laboratory, and how to plan more comprehensively in the future. 

At this stage, there are many opinions about the cause of the infection and the status of the laboratory. However, the director of the Genome Center and related personnel are currently in isolation. The information flows in fragments. The overall and precise appearance has not been established. The Academia Sinica has not yet been able to fully answer all questions. 

After the investigation team confirms the key links, then report to all walks of life. The cause of social distress and inconvenience, this hospital feels the same, and will clarify and comprehensively review the highest standards as soon as possible to meet the expectations of the public. 

In order to ensure the safety of colleagues, the Academia Sinica completed the disinfection operation of the entire building of the Genomics Research Center on 9 December. All other sites will be cleaned up on 10 December, and subsequent sewer inspections will be launched. 

Today, the Taipei City Government set up a screening vehicle inside and outside the hospital to provide colleagues in the hospital and the community to conduct tests. The Central Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau has also assisted the Academia Sinica to strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of the public open spaces of the hospital. In addition, all indoor public venues will be temporarily closed from today, the activity center will be closed for 3 days, and internal stores will be temporarily closed before December 13 to strengthen clearance. All physical meetings and activities of the Academia Sinica that are open to the outside world are suspended or held online instead. 

The meeting in the hospital is based on the principle of 10 people or less, and is held in a well-ventilated place with partitions, social distancing, and good ventilation. The hospital will continue to cooperate with the command centre's follow-up operations, and make rolling adjustments based on the epidemic situation and test results.


News (20)

The opening ceremony of the Democracy Summit. Biden calls on the world to "take action to resist authoritarianism." 

Editor : Xu Rongyou 

Image : U.S. President Biden convenes Democracy summit. (Photo/Dazhi Image AP) 

When U.S. President Biden delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Democracy Summit on the 9th, he not only raised the warning signal of democratic regression, but also considered it a challenge of the times. He called on democratic countries to take concrete commitments to strengthen democracy and resist authoritarianism, combat corruption, promote and ensure human rights take action. 

The United States held a two-day Summit for Democracy on 9 December. Leaders of more than 100 countries, non-governmental organizations, private enterprises, and media representatives gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by democracy, and aimed at strengthening democracy and fighting against authoritarianism. They exchange views on topics such as dictatorship, combating corruption and promoting human rights. 

In the morning of the 9th, accompanied by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Joe Biden said through a video opening speech at the White House that democracy and universal values ​​are facing great challenges, and continuous and unremitting efforts are required to reform democracy and strengthen democratic institutions. Democracy does not happen by accident. Every generation must innovate. This is an urgent issue. 

Biden quoted the Freedom House 2020 report and pointed out that global liberalization has been retrogressive for 15 consecutive years. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance report also pointed out that the past 10 years in 2015, all democracies, including the United States, experienced a decline in at least one aspect of their democratic development. "These trends are intensified by more complex global challenges than ever before." 

Biden also warned that autocratic dictators seek to promote personal power, explore and expand their influence around the world, proving that repressive policies and methods are more effective ways to respond to today’s challenges, trying to incite social division and political polarization. 

What is even more worrying is the increasing dissatisfaction of the global people with democratic government, believing that democratic government cannot meet their needs. This is the challenge of this era. 

Biden pointed out that democracy may be fragile but it is also inherently flexible, capable of self-correction and self-improvement. "Democracy is difficult" but it is the best way to unleash human potential, defend human dignity, and solve major problems. This meeting may not be able to reach a consensus on various issues, but "the choices we make together will determine the common future of future generations." We must unite in values, uphold justice and the rule of law to safeguard freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, religious freedom and inherent human rights. 

He confessed that democracy is not perfect, but called on democratic countries to take concrete commitments to strengthen democracy and resist authoritarianism, fight corruption, and promote and ensure human rights. The United States will also lead by example, invest in its own democracy, and support partners around the world. (Central News Agency)



News (21)

Global Democracy Summit: Offering a reward for combating transnational corruption. Blinken secretly criticizes the CCP

Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Wen Hui /

Image : On 9 December 2021, the Online Democracy Summit opened. The first day of the meeting was to fight against transnational corruption. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images)

The online democracy summit attended by 111 countries around the world opened on 9 December 2021. On the first day of the agenda, the United States announced that it would set up a global anti-corruption coordinator and fund to offer rewards for combating transnational corruption. Blinken introduced the details and secretly criticized the CCP for violating human rights.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and Secretary of the Treasury Yellen delivered speeches, emphasizing the need to combat transnational corruption.

In a roundtable discussion on Bolstering Democratic Resilience, Brinken said, “We have seen a significant increase in corruption, extortion, procurement fraud, false invoices, counterfeit products, and misappropriation of funds that should save lives.”

"Democracies need to stand together against these dangerous trends, because if we don't, no one will do it," Blinken said.

He said that the United States will take new steps to combat corruption, and the State Department will set up a Coordinator on Global Anti-corruption Issues to effectively integrate and improve anti-corruption capabilities.

In his speech, Blinken also criticized the CCP and other autocratic governments without naming names, restricting democracy and civil liberties in the name of preventing and controlling the epidemic, and "using this crisis to consolidate their power by any means necessary."

He also warned that the authoritarian government will monitor citizens in the epidemic. "The monitoring of citizens far exceeds the need to fight the virus. We have also seen the rapid spread of false and misinformation."

In another roundtable discussion, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen said that the Treasury Department is working hard to combat money laundering and illegal financial activities from overseas, and at the same time strengthen law enforcement against tax evaders in the United States. Lost $600 billion in revenue.

"We have set up an anti-corruption fund to reward those who can provide clues about corrupt foreign leaders hiding money in the United States." Yellen said.

She said that to drive thieves out of the U.S. market and hunt them abroad is a joint operation of the U.S. Department of Treasury, State Department, Department of Justice, and the United States Agency for International Development.

The two-day democracy summit convened by U.S. President Biden has three themes, namely, strengthening democracy, fighting against autocracy, fighting corruption, and promoting respect for human rights.

Biden delivered the opening speech. He said that now is a critical moment and leaders of all countries should redouble their efforts to promote democracy.

Biden said global freedom is being threatened by dictators who seek to expand power, export influence, and justify repression. "In my opinion, this is the decisive challenge of our time."

At this democratic summit, the Taiwan government and former Hong Kong legislator Nathan Law were invited to attend but the CCP and Russia were excluded.

News (22)

Silent strike in Myanmar on 10 December 2021 to defy Junta

Source : The Irrawaddy

People across Myanmar are vowing to take part in a “silent strike” on Friday, with many businesses and shops announcing they will be closed for the day and people planning to stay home with the aim of shutting down entire towns and cities, in a sign of their rejection of military rule.

Timed to coincide with Human Rights Day, which falls on 10 December, the strike is the Myanmar people’s deliberate attempt to defy the regime and make clear that it has no authority to rule their lives and activities. A slogan associated with the strike proclaims: “We own our town. Staying active or silent is our choice. They [the regime] shall absolutely never be allowed to rule.”

The Homalin People’s Administrative Team in Sagaing Region, which was formed by anti-regime protesters, said in a statement on Wednesday that they urged locals to join the strike, adding that on Friday, as the world reaffirms its commitment to promote and protect human rights for all people, Myanmar’s people will continue to face a vortex of repression and human rights atrocities by the junta, which has been accused of crimes against humanity. Thus, the silent strike was planned for the day to show the Myanmar people’s continued opposition to the junta.

A general strike committee, as well as student unions and local public administration groups across the country, have urged the public to remain indoors and businesses to close from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday to show solidarity with the silent strike.

“The silent voice is the loudest… Through the strike we will show that we don’t let our blood grow cold [and become complacent], that human rights have been extinguished [at the hands of the junta], and we will remember our heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the revolution,” said Tayzar San, a prominent protest leaders from Mandalay.

The junta’s most recent acts of brutality—ramming a vehicle into a group of protesters in Yangon on Sunday and burning villagers to death in Salingyi, Sagaing Region on Tuesday—have sparked outrage and saw the call for a strike to go viral, both online and by word of mouth at markets and among vendors.

Many business and shop owners, as well as online sellers and vendors, said on Wednesday and Thursday that they would take a day off on Friday, while others said they will stay at home in order to participate in the strike.

In response, regime forces reportedly issued threats against vendors in Magwe Region, warning them to open their stalls on Friday.

A fake statement purportedly issued by the National League for Democracy (NLD)—the party led by detained State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi—appeared, urging the public not to observe the silent strike. The ruse failed, however, as no one believed the statement, which was widely believed to have been spread by military-linked social media accounts.




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