Thursday, January 9, 2025

CCP China is sleepless over a Xinjiang East Turkestan fighter as the brigadier general of The Syria Army

 Direct translation

The Syrian Army appointed a Xinjiang East Turkestan fighter as a brigadier general. The CCP has no sleep since then
Editor: Wang He / Source: RFA /

China has expressed serious concern over Syria's recruitment of foreign fighters who helped overthrow the Assad regime as officers, including commanders from the Xinjiang separatist organization Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP).

Reuters reported that the new Syrian government appointed six foreign officers at the end of last month. Abdulaziz Dawood Khudaberdi, also known as "Zahid", a Uyghur fighter from China, was appointed as a brigadier general. He is the commander of the TIP forces in Syria, and two other Uyghur fighters were awarded the rank of colonel.

TIP, formerly known as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), launched a number of attacks in Xinjiang from the late 1990s to the early 2010s, seeking to establish a theocratic "East Turkestan Islamic State".

CCP China's permanent representative to the United Nations, Fu Cong, said at an open meeting of the Security Council on Syria on Wednesday (8 January 2025) that the current situation in Syria is at a critical stage and faces arduous challenges. The international community must truly respect Syria's right to "take a development path that suits its national conditions" and let the Syrian people decide the country's future in an independent and voluntary manner; China expects all factions in Syria to start an open and inclusive political settlement process based on the long-term interests of the country and the people, and China supports the United Nations to play a greater role in this process.

Reaffirming "zero tolerance" for terrorism

However, Fu Cong emphasized that no matter how the domestic situation in Syria develops, the bottom line of "zero tolerance" for terrorism cannot be changed. The Security Council recently issued a statement on the situation in Syria, clarifying that all countries should crack down on all terrorist organizations listed by the Security Council and refuse to provide shelter for terrorists.

He said that according to reports, the Syrian army recently granted senior positions to a number of "foreign terrorist fighters", including the head of the terrorist organization "Turkistan Islamic Party" or "East Turkestan Islamic Movement" listed by the Security Council. China expressed serious concern about this. "We call on Syria to fulfill its anti-terrorism obligations and prevent any terrorist forces from using Syrian territory to threaten the security of other countries." He also reiterated that China has long pursued a policy of friendship and cooperation with Syria and never interfered in Syria's internal affairs.

TIP once threatened to attack CCP China and said that pagans would soon experience the pain experienced by pagans in the "Sham region" (the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, including Syria); and on the day of the fall of the Assad regime on 8 December 2025, the organization released a video showing several masked soldiers holding machine guns, directly naming several cities in Xinjiang, and claiming to drive out pagans from China.

The people of "East Turkestan" (called Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China) established the independent "East Turkestan Republic" twice in 1933 and 1944. The Chinese Communist Party emphasized that "Xinjiang is an integral part of China's territory and Xinjiang has never been East Turkestan", and prohibited Uyghurs from using this name. Otherwise, they would be suppressed on charges of "separatism" and "East Turkestan elements". In recent years, they have forced Uyghurs to change their Islamic beliefs and learn Chinese through "re-education camps", which has attracted criticism from international human rights organizations.

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