Report, image by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA
News on airline management, disease control, CCP
Image : Researcher's Picture
News (1)AirAsia Group transforms and changes its name to "Capital A"
Malaysia AirAsia Group announced on 29 January 2022 that it will change its corporate name to Capital A. It will no longer be just an airline. It will transform into a one-stop digital travel and service group. It aims to make non-aviation business revenue account for 50% of the group's total revenue by 2026.
According to Malaysia's Oriental Daily, AirAsia Group President Tony Fernandes said at a press conference on the rebranding on 29 January, "The rebranding of the Group is an important milestone, marking the Group's entry into a new era where we are no longer just an airline. ."
“Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, I had a firm intention to leverage the powerful data we have accumulated over 20 years and adopt industry-leading new technologies to deliver a broad range of products and services. The pandemic has allowed us to accelerate this strategy. "
News (2)
Capital A continues to focus on low-cost and high-value routes
Image : Researcher's Picture
Tony also said that Capital A is essentially an investment company with a broad business portfolio and continues to focus on low-cost, high-value routes. The group currently covers services such as airline AirAsia Berhad and its subsidiaries, catering industry Santan, logistics company Teleport, financial service BigPay and more.
"With 16 products and services on our AirAsia Super App, we offer not only the best value flight and travel deals, but also everyday needs, from food to retail and e-commerce to same-day delivery service, ride-hailing service, etc.”
News (3)
AirAsia's passenger numbers reach 80% in the fourth quarter of 2021

Image : Researcher's Picture
Even so, Tony also said that in terms of air services, the name "AirAsia" will continue to be retained.
AirAsia also announced on 28 January 2022 that the number of passengers increased by 103% to 2.7 million passengers in the fourth quarter of 2021, and the load factor exceeded 80%, which is the best performance since the outbreak of the epidemic.
"Our key markets for local tourism have rebounded, and I also hope that the border will gradually open in 2022, allowing our international air services to return to normal levels by the middle of the third quarter of this year." Tony emphasized.
News (4)
From 10 February 2022, the Philippines will open to tourists from 157 countries
Image of a Manila mall celebrating the Tiger New Year 12 years ago: Researcher's Picture
According to the Philippine World Journal, nearly two years after the Philippines closed its borders to control the covid pandemic, the Philippines announced on 28 January 2022 that it will reopen the entry of tourists from most countries who have been fully vaccinated from 10 February 2022, and will lift the quarantine requirement, excluding mainland China and Taiwan. The presidential palace said the policy is aimed at accelerating the recovery of domestic tourism.
The Philippines had previously planned to welcome tourists again on 1 December 2021 but after the emergence of the super-infectious Covi29 (synonym for Omicron variant), the country was swept by the pandemic again, resulting in the postponement of the reopening plan.
Presidential Palace Spokesperson Nograle announced on 28 January that people from 157 countries that had been granted visa-free treatment before the pandemic will resume short-term visa-free travel, as long as they have been fully vaccinated with the covi vaccine and have a negative test result 48 hours before boarding. They can enter the Philippines without quarantine.
The tourist passport must have six months remaining validity and a return ticket. Its vaccination certificate must be recognized by the Philippine government.
These 157 countries do not include China, the fastest-growing tourist source country of the Philippines, nor India (because it is not a visa-free country) but include the remaining top 10 tourist source countries such as the United States, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada and the UK.
Health Undersecretary Virgil said the country's current rate of covi infection is so high, possibly "higher" than some countries, that there is no reason to restrict international travel.
The Southeast Asian archipelago of the Philippines is known for its beaches and diving spots, and tourism accounts for a large part of the country's economy. Official data show that more than 8 million people visited the Philippines in 2019, and tourism accounted for nearly 13% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in that year; however, due to the epidemic, the number of tourists in 2020 plummeted by 82% to 1.48 million, accounting for only 5.4% of GDP.
Nograles said at a press conference that the Philippines will suspend the implementation of the "red list", "yellow list" and "green list" national classification systems. All tourists entering the Philippines from foreign countries will be subject to a unified immigration control system.
In addition, before 16 February 2022, inbound passengers who have not been fully vaccinated against covi, or whose vaccination status cannot be verified will still be required to be quarantined at a government-designated location and undergo a nucleic acid test on the fifth day of quarantine, if the result is negative. They can switch to home quarantine until the 14-day quarantine period is completed (with the date of arrival as the first day).
After 16 February 2022, all overseas travelers who have not been fully vaccinated will be banned from entering the country.
News (5)
Morocco reopens international borders, Royal Air Maroc to resume international flights from 7 February 2022
Royal Air Maroc announced on 28 January 2022, local time, that they will resume international flights from 7 February 2022.
According to the flight plan announced by the company, they will resume direct flights from Morocco to dozens of airports in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas, and gradually restore the number of international flights to pre-pandemic levels.
The Moroccan government announced on 27 January that it will open its airspace to international flights from 7 February. Affected by Covi29, Morocco has closed its land, sea and air borders and suspended all international flights from 29 November 2021.
News (6)
Study: Even mild symptoms of covid can impair cognition
Reporter : Li Shaowei / Editor : Ye Ziwei /
Image : Schematic diagram of covi attacking the human brain. (Shutterstock)
New research has found that even mild symptoms of covi infection can damage brain cells and cause cognitive decline.
The study, published on 10 January 2022 on the paper preprint site bioRxiv, has not yet been peer-reviewed but its findings raise new concerns about the aftermath of the plague once it passes.
Michelle Monje, a professor of neurology at Stanford University, one of the principal investigators, told Forbes: “When this pandemic started, I was thinking that this disease might damage nerves. Later some Reports show that some people with the virus in places like New York have not recovered their cognitive ability by the summer of 2020. I think this question should be studied."
The researchers infected mice with an early unmutated strain and controlled only the lungs of the mice to be infected to ensure that the virus did not invade the brains of the mice, so as to explore the possible effects of the virus on the brain.
Although the mice appeared to be asymptomatic, the researchers found significantly higher levels of two pro-inflammatory proteins in the blood and central nervous system of the mice, chemokines and cytokines. Even more shocking, at the end of the study seven weeks later, the levels of these proteins were still too high, not returning to their normal levels.
One of the proteins, called CCL11, is associated with cognition, said co-investigator Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine. The researchers examined tissue samples from patients with long-term sequelae of covi and found that CCL11 levels were significantly higher in patients with cognitive problems, while CCL11 levels in patients without cognitive problems were in the normal range.
Further analysis found that these pro-inflammatory proteins triggered a cascade of immune responses that led to inflammation of the microglia cells in the brain tissue. Not only that, but they found that other types of cells, such as those that produce myelin, were also reduced in the experimental mice's brains. Myelin is the insulating layer that covers the nerve and protects the continuous and smooth transmission of signals.
Microglia are the brain's first line of defense against inflammation, but they also have many other important functions, such as "maintaining the proper connections of nerve cells," Munger said. But when microglia become inflamed, they can do a variety of undesirable things, such as allowing cytokines to damage other brain cells, or stimulating other brain cells to become toxic, damaging or killing the cells responsible for producing myelin.
The researchers then examined brain tissue samples from people who had died from complications of covi infection and found that the microglia behaved just like the brains of infected mice.
When scientists recently discovered the long-term sequelae of the virus, they immediately found that some symptoms were similar to those of cancer patients, Munger said. But they argue that these symptoms are reversible, and it is just waiting for research to pinpoint their specific mechanisms before they can be targeted to help people recover from the sequelae.
At present, because there is no precise definition of the extent of this damage, and the epidemic is not over, the medical community has paid little attention to those patients who are experiencing long-term sequelae, so how many people who have been infected have experienced cognitive decline. problem, which is difficult to estimate.
Is cognitive impairment common among patients with sequelae? Diana Zicklin Berrent, founder of Survivor Corps, a nonprofit that supports people with the aftermath of covid, told Forbes, "It's very common. Some people have very mild symptoms and then recover and feel Cognitive impairment is severe. Many of our clients have very mild symptoms during the epidemic, but it has been a year now and cannot go back to work.”
News (7) to (15) / Reporter : Chay Quinn, Daily Mail
News (7)
Study: Long covid sufferers may have hidden lung damage
Long covid sufferers may have hidden lung damage, a small study in the UK has suggested.
Scientists supported by the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre used a xenon gas scan to pick up abnormalities in the lungs of those suffering from breathlessness after having covid.
The study uses the odourless, colourless, tasteless and chemically non-reactive gas, to investigate possible lung damage in the patients who have not been admitted to hospital, but continue to experience the symptom.
The initial results of the study suggest there is significantly impaired gas transfer from the lungs to the bloodstream in the long covid patients despite other tests – including CT scans – coming back as normal.
A larger study has been commissioned to confirm the results of this small sample.
News (8)
Medical professionals cannot explain breathlessness using X-rays and CT scans
Image : The lungs of a healthy patient and a long covid sufferer in the study (Source: Daily Mail)
Lead researcher Dr Emily Fraser told the BBC the study had been borne out of frustration of medical professionals who could not find clinical reasons for the breathlessness using X-rays and CT scans. Dr Fraser said, "This is important research and I really do hope this will shed more light on that.
"It is important people know that rehabilitation strategies and breathing retraining can be really helpful.
"When we see people in clinic who are breathless we can make progress."
The method and clinical applications were developed by Professor Jim Wild and the Pulmonary, Lung and Respiratory Imaging Sheffield (Polaris) research group at the University of Sheffield.
Prof Wild said, "Xenon follows the pathway of oxygen when it is taken up by the lungs and can tell us where the abnormality lies between the airways, gas exchange membranes and capillaries in the lungs."
News (9)
Important questions on long covid sufferers need to be addressed
Co-chief investigator of the study, Prof Fergus Gleeson, told the BBC, "'There are now important questions to answer, such as, how many patients with long covid will have abnormal scans, the significance of the abnormality we've detected, the cause of the abnormality, and its longer-term consequences.
"Once we understand the mechanisms driving these symptoms, we will be better placed to develop more effective treatments.'
News (10)
The use of Xenon gas in the un-peer-viewed study
Xenon gas is visible on scans unlike oxygen which means it can be used to track how well lungs are moving the gas around the body.
Gas transfer was noticeably less effective in the long covid patients than their healthy counterparts.
The paper has not yet been peer-reviewed and thus should be treated with skepticism.
News (11)
40 per cent of the UK patients have long covid
The ONS calculates 506,000, 40 per cent, have suffered the wide-ranging condition called long covid for over a year.
News (12)
350,000 Britons have not been diagnosed although they have self-reported with long covid
The estimates are based on a survey of 350,000 people who self-reported suffering with long covid, meaning they were not necessarily diagnosed.
These responses were collected in the four weeks to 6 December, before the recent surge in covi infections driven by the Omicron variant.
News (13)
UK's covid cases continue to fall
Britain's covid cases continued to fall today by 5.3 per cent in a week, official figures show as the Omicron wave recedes across the country.
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) data show there 72,727 positive tests over the last 24 hours, down from the 76,807 recorded last week.
It was the fifth day in a row cases have fallen — after briefly picking up on Sunday and Monday. However, the UK-wide figures do not include cases in Scotland today so the actual drop-off is may not be as steep as it appears.
News (14)
Covid deaths fall in the UK
The number of people dying with the virus also continued to fall slightly today, reducing 0.3 per cent to 296 from the 297 recorded last week.
The figures come after thousands of punters took to dance floors across England without needing to show covid passes or use masks for the first time since Plan B measures were brought to an end last night.
News (15)
Celebrations throughout England without covid passes and masks
Revellers packed out clubs, bars and pubs across England for boozy celebrations yesterday evening as the nation fully embraced its first weekend of partying without Plan B measures in place.
What is long covid?
Long covid is an informal term, used to describe ongoing symptoms following a covi infection that go on longer than 12 weeks.
A dizzying array of symptoms have been attributed to long Covid, including:
- extreme tiredness (fatigue)
- shortness of breath
- chest pain or tightness
- problems with memory and concentration ('brain fog')
- difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
- heart palpitations
- dizziness
- pins and needles
- joint pain
- depression and anxiety
- tinnitus, earaches
- feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
- a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
- rashes
There is no cure for the condition though the NHS does recommend a number of treatments designed to help alleviate the symptoms.
News (16) to (19) / Editor : Zeng Jinyue /
News (16)
It took 10 days to be diagnosed with "symptoms like gastroesophageal reflux" and shocked. The doctor exposed the way of self-protection
Image : Most of the Omicron-infected patients will have gastrointestinal symptoms. (Schematic diagram/shutterstock Dazhi Image)
Huang Shanshan, deputy mayor of Taipei, confirmed that an infected person (case 18518) was infected by the real estate agent (case 18375) during the inspection process but strangely, case 18518 had previously had cold symptoms and sought medical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux.
The family physician pointed out that Omicron does have similarities with gastroesophageal reflux. The patient does not have TOCC (Travel history, Occupation, Contact history, whether the cluster is clustered), and it is difficult to diagnose when the symptoms are not obvious.
News (17)
Case 18518 has high viral load Ct value of 19.4 and large activity footprint
Case 18518 is a fashion editor who has a lot of footprints, most of which are related to MRT, department store food streets and restaurants. The Taipei Municipal Government felt that this case was very strange. The editor and the real estate agent had been in contact with each other since 14 January but how could it have been delayed for 10 days, and the diagnosis was not confirmed until 24 January because the past practice is 5 to 7 days, it cannot be determined that it is a direct infection event, and there may be other sources of infection.
Huang Shanshan revealed that this case 18518 had symptoms very early. During the process, he thought it was a cold, and then he went to the doctor and thought it was gastroesophageal reflux.
According to the editor's epidemic report released by the command center, on 15 January he had a cough, on 25 January he was diagnosed, and the Ct value was 19.4, a high viral load.
News (18)
The patient's statement is very important
Liu Pengchi, a physician at Xinguang Hospital, said that the doctor's diagnosis is based on the patient's complaint and visual inspection. Clinically, there are many diseases related to throat discomfort, such as colds, Omicron infection, gastroesophageal reflux, asthma and so on.
When a patient seeks medical treatment, if the main complaint is that the throat feels strange, there is a foreign body sensation, and occasional coughing, etc., but there is no TOCC, the doctor may regard it as gastroesophageal reflux. "Even the patient has no symptoms at all, not even a cold."
For example, nasal allergies and colds have symptoms of runny nose. If patients with nasal allergies do not pay attention to their usual symptoms, they can easily be regarded as simple cold, not a nose allergy. Symptoms of Omicron infection are similar to those of the flu.
News (19)
Omicron covid symptoms are similar to gastroesophageal reflux
Liu Pengchi pointed out that Omicron infection symptoms are similar to flu, including fever, sore throat, and even 1/4 of people will have gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea. If you do not know whether you have been in contact with an infected person or not, and your symptoms are mild, it is easy to be regarded as other diseases, such as gastroesophageal reflux.
Quickly screen yourself when in doubt
Pengchi emphasized that if you have a sore throat or respiratory symptoms, you should go to the hospital for quick screening if you have TOCC. or even screen again every other day. If the result is positive, notify the health unit again. Taoyuan and Kaohsiung are currently using this method. ◎ Consultant / Dr. Liu Pengchi
News (20) to (27) / Publisher : Fang Fang Interview Team /
News (20)
[Fang Fei Interview] Yan Limeng: Expose the truth of the virus and hold the CCP accountable
[The Epoch Times, 28 January 2022] Hello, viewers, welcome to this issue of Fang Fei Interview.
Ms. Yan Limeng, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, may be one of the first medical experts outside Wuhan to be exposed to the new coronavirus (CCP virus) and conduct research on it. Her research led her to doubt the origin of the virus, and in late January 2020 she began secretly breaking news overseas.
She fled Hong Kong in April 2020, and overseas she began to call on the world more broadly to hold the CCP accountable. She believes that the virus is a biological weapon developed by the CCP, and that the CCP also covered up the truth of the virus in every possible way, which led to the outbreak of the plague in the world.
Because of her efforts, she has also been continuously harassed and threatened by the CCP. This program is very pleased to invite Dr. Yan Limeng to tell us about her experience and her research on virus tracing.
Hi Dr. Yan Limeng, thank you very much for being on our show.
Yan Limeng: Hello Ms. Fang Fei, I am very glad to have the opportunity to come to your program.
Tour with fellow doctors to tell the public the origins and treatment of the new crown epidemic
Moderator: Thank you, I think many of us in the audience are very familiar with you, and would love to hear from you about one of your observations on this very important issue. But I would like to ask you to talk about your current situation first, it seems that you are doing such a speaking tour in the United States recently, right?
Yan Limeng: Yes, in fact, from October last year to the present, I have been doing some lecture tours continuously. Then we traveled from Hawaii to Alaska. Our speech is mainly with the organization of the Global New Crown Summit, and some other very brave and very smart doctors to tell you why there is this covid pandemic.
From its origins to its treatment, and telling everyone the pros and cons of vaccines, and why coercive policies can harm us. To help everyone understand the new crown from all aspects, and then I hope to call on everyone to unite together, use our knowledge and our evidence to fight the covi.
Moderator: What kind of organizations are these meetings you attend? What is the background of the participants?
Yan Limeng: I mainly work with the Global COVID Summit, which should be translated into the "Global COVID Summit" team. And then this is because from last September, our team had a meeting in Rome and issued a doctor-patient manifesto. In this doctor-patient declaration, it is advocated to follow the Hippocratic Oath, to respect patients, to think about patients first, and to rebuild the doctor-patient relationship.
In the process of this new crown pandemic, because doctors are subject to a lot of scrutiny and oppression, they cannot exercise their doctors' rights and use the drugs that we can use to give everyone a timely and correct treatment.
At the same time, the strong implementation of vaccines and this irresponsible compulsory policy have also brought us great harm. At the same time, because of this new crown epidemic, it is actually an unnatural disaster, a man-made disaster. So from these perspectives, we hope to call on our medical colleagues to come together, and we hope to call on patients to recognize this matter. We are willing to rebuild this doctor-patient relationship and join us in fighting this unprecedented pandemic.
So far, our manifesto has been signed by more than 16,000 people in the medical field. Because it's a signature for people in the medical community, primarily doctors and public health scientists. But in fact, this relationship is aimed at the relationship between doctors and patients, so when we implement it, there is a considerable part of it, and the main group should be non-doctors. That includes local legislators, and then includes local business people, legal people, and people who are concerned about the new crown issue. They will all come to participate, and we all welcome them to participate. Then this is a process where everyone concentrates their efforts to fight together, and it cannot be fought only by people in the medical field.
Moderator: So it can be said that your current efforts are in two aspects. On the one hand, you will continue to hold the CCP accountable in terms of tracing the source of the virus. On the other hand, it is a kind of relationship that calls for a fairer and more interactive relationship between the two sides in the fight against the epidemic and medical treatment, right?
News (21)
Origin of SARS-CoV-2 (covi): China developed and released
Yan Limeng: This is the case, because first of all, covi itself is a new type of ultra-limited biological weapon developed and released by the CCP. If the CCP did not do this, then there would not be a series of covid pandemics.
The reason why the CCP does this is also because it plans to use this method to weaken its hostile forces, which are the hostile forces in the mouth of the CCP, that is, the economic situation of Western countries, disrupt their social order, and use propaganda. To achieve one with false information is to occupy a commanding height in public opinion.
Then I hope to take this opportunity to achieve the goal of the CCP's so-called community with a shared future for mankind. Well, this is a very evil thing, so as a scientist who came out of the entire CCP system and knew about it, the CCP, especially its virus, I had to expose the CCP’s operation to the world. Among them, some specific ones, for example, include some of its behavior patterns, as well as some of its conventional practices. It is very important to analyze some of the motives of the CCP for doing this from different perspectives from the East and the West, and to present some evidence for others.
On the other hand, because the CCP has used the international community, from scientists, to politicians who have partnered with them, to others, using mainstream media and social platforms to spread a lot of fake news and fake news. These include the fact that the new crown comes from nature, and the inability of the United States to fight the epidemic. The new crown emerged from the United States.
So these are the things we need to help understand to the American people and the people all over the world, and let them know how to expose this false information.
When he realizes the false information, when he realizes that drugs like hydroxychloroquine, for example, are actually useful, it's just that some people don't want you to use them because of their own interests, then they will understand more clearly The situation they are in now will make them more motivated to stand up and help others, so these are two inseparable links.
News (22)
The CCP used family threats to target Yan with a "fox hunt" plan
Moderator: Yes, wait a minute, let's talk about your understanding of this virus in detail, and the information war behind the CCP. Then I would like to ask first, because I have the impression that you have received a lot of interviews after you came to the United States. It also mentioned that the CCP threatened you through your husband and your family at that time. So I wonder if they have continued to threaten you in the past year or two? Are your family members still being harassed?
Yan Limeng: First of all, the CCP is a constant threat, and it always wants to eliminate me from the United States. That is, they have publicly declared, including the CCP's agents, who have publicly declared on the Internet, for example, they will kidnap me and return to Hong Kong overnight.
For example, publishing my passport information, and then calling for me to disappear in the United States, and they create a lot of rumors, right, using their crowd tactics and their network to threaten me. Then another aspect is that you know that the CCP has a fox hunting plan. The FBI has actually done some detailed reports before.
So unfortunately, I have also become a target of the CCP's fox hunting program. In this fox hunting program, they usually use your friends and family members. For me, now they are bringing my husband to the United States, and then use this method to cause emotional killing of me. This is the notification I got from the relevant intelligence personnel.
Then it means that because I belong to a person with a high profile and a high degree of attention, it is not easy to directly do this kind of personal harm to me, because others will immediately suspect the CCP.
So if you use your family members to do this kind of damage to you, they can mess with it, and then distract the people's attention, so it's hard to find other evidence. This is also the evil of the CCP. So for me, my husband is in it. He is very unfortunate. From this, I found out that there is something wrong with the situation. From the time I wanted to leave Hong Kong to now, he chose to stand on the side of the CCP.
As my family, my parents, they have been under the joint control of Guoan and many departments of the CCP from the moment I left.
And then they have been, the CCP has been trying to use my family to put pressure on me, hoping to let me go back to China. They have used this method many times for dissidents overseas, and they have been doing this all the time, so when I am now working there is no contact with my family.
Moderator: So in fact, in specific aspects, they hope to do something against you through your husband, or even directly contact you. Then maybe on other networks, there are all kinds of remote harassment, they also do a lot of things, is that so?
Yan Limeng: Yes, yes, I can give you an example, that is in July 2021. In the past July, I was very lucky because I knew the agents of the CCP at the time, and they wanted to directly harm me. So I was under the protection of some private armed forces, and that was the apartment in Connecticut that left where I lived at the time. But the next day, the day after I left, someone pretended to be the FBI and went to my apartment, and directly showed his ID, claiming that he was the FBI, then entered my apartment, took a video, and then There are CCP proxies spreading rapidly online as a threat to me.
Of course, this case is now handled by the police, even the FBI. But saying this is just one of the dangers I've encountered, and I'm lucky.
News (23)
Working in a WHO laboratory in Hong Kong, early exposure to virus information
Moderator: This is really, you are very brave, you have been doing this kind of thing.
Then I would like to ask, after the outbreak in Wuhan at that time, you were the first to come into contact with the CCP virus, or you may call it the new coronavirus, and some of us call it the CCP virus. It was the first person who came into contact with this virus and did research. Then you were working in a WHO laboratory at the University of Hong Kong, right? Tell us about the situation at that time.
Yan Limeng: Yes, I have been working in this laboratory for 5 years. This is the core laboratory of the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong. Then this laboratory is also the National Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organization H5 Reference Laboratory. That is to say, it is mainly attacking influenza virus, but because this influenza virus represents one of the emerging respiratory infectious diseases, we have actually done a lot of related work. As a reference laboratory, first of all, it indicates that the level of our laboratory is among the top in the world.
Secondly, it has an obligation to supervise, that is to say, if it is responsible for new infectious diseases in the surrounding area, it needs to report the relevant information to the World Health Organization within 24 hours. , so that the global network can respond quickly. So this is also an important part of our prevention and control of infectious diseases. So when I was working there, I was a 7-year medical student from Xiangya Medical College, and then I had a doctorate in ophthalmology.
So in this aspect of my knowledge, I am across the clinic, and later in them, this training related to virology and immunology. The work I did in it mainly included the flu virus, including the universal flu vaccine, and after the new crown happened, it was a matter of course that they would let me do this research as a member of the core team.
Moderator: So at that time, the epidemic in Wuhan began to attract attention in mid-December. We do not know when it broke out. But it started attracting attention in mid-December, and then on December 31, Li Wenliang was exposed. Just when did you start to know there was such a virus? Also, how did you come into contact with this virus yourself? Is the virus isolated from sick patients in Hong Kong?
Yan Limeng: Knowing this should be the morning of 31 December, because we are alumni and work groups with our own medical system. Well, this screenshot of Dr. Li Wenliang's warning to the people around him actually started to ferment very quickly in our group.
Then at the same time, a few hours later, around noon, I was called by my boss, Professor Leo Poon, an expert from the World Health Organization, to his office. Then he made it clear to me that he hoped I could secretly investigate what happened to the SARS-like virus in Wuhan.
And he also gave me a very stern warning, so I must pay attention, keep silent, and don't cross the red line. Then I also asked him, I said why do you want me to do it, because you are a consulting expert of the Hong Kong government, and we have so many WHO experts here, why should I ask this matter? Then he told me that, officially speaking, the CCP refuses to provide any information to the outside world. But as medical experts, they think, especially those who have experienced SARS, they think the problem is very big, so they really want to know something so that they can take timely countermeasures.
Well, this is the information that I first started to contact on covi, then I immediately went back and went through my various networks, which could go directly to the CDC in China, like Director Gao Fu's office, and then a local doctor in Wuhan, and then and due to my special educational experience and educational background, I can also come into contact with some military-related laboratories and hospitals, so I have collected a lot of sources of information. Then I kept giving them continuous feedback, but got no response. As for how I would use this virus for experiments, it would be mid-to-late January.
At that time, the first confirmed case in Hong Kong was an imported case from Wuhan. Then this sample from this patient was isolated by my husband. It is very difficult to isolate and amplify the sample of this kind of patient, and it requires high technology. My husband should be overseas, and he is the first person outside the mainland to do this. So he got the virus at that time, then we did experiments, and when we did further experiments, like I later used it to do a hamster transmission model experiment, published in the journal "Nature", then we all used these viruses ...
Including the United States NIH and Stanford University in the United States are all contacting my husband, hoping to get relevant virus samples, and also hope that we can assist in experiments.
News (24)
At the beginning of the epidemic, it was judged that there was a problem with the source of the virus and began to break the news overseas
Moderator: So when did you start thinking that the source of this virus was suspicious?
Yan Limeng: It is through my investigation, that's right, because at the beginning, from 31 December to 3 January, my investigation is the first stage. The information collected at this time, including the obvious ones, is human-to-human transmission. Wuhan already knew it in December. The gene, the gene sequence of the virus, we actually know it. At that time, Wuhan was like a virus institute, and they all knew it in December. But the CCP has always covered up what it is not allowed to say. At the same time, the CCP has insisted that it is not human-to-human transmission.
At this time, everyone who actually understands inside thinks this matter is ridiculous, but this is the death order of the CCP. At the same time, another point of the CCP is that it was bitten to death. If you go to check the first domestic medical guideline for COVID-19, it was kept secret at that time. As a national medical guideline, it is kept secret. At that time, the three elements of the diagnosis that it required to see a doctor must include that the person has been to the seafood market and the Huanan seafood market. As I said at the University of Hong Kong, I still have to teach some courses related to public health for students, then we will feel unbelievable when we see this, because this is not a scientific way of tracing the source, you must know that there are some the problem.
Then, until 16 January, for a part of the time, I continued to do my own thing again, and did not pay special attention to this, because I thought that the WHO would take action, and I kept reporting. Then my boss asked me to temporarily stop this investigation and he would take charge. On 16 January, my boss, Leo Poon Pan, asked me to start this investigation again.
News (25)
Yan Limeng: Racoon dogs do not host covi and are not the food of Wuhan people
In this process, I found out very quickly, because he gave me a clear task. It was he who showed me an e-mail photo of a small furry animal in a cage. He told me that it was called a "raccoon dog", which is a raccoon dog, and it was very similar to a civet cat. Then he received a prompt, someone reminded him to find this raccoon dog in Wuhan, saying that this raccoon dog is the animal host of covi you are looking for.
Then our laboratory is actually the laboratory that discovered that civet cats were the host of SARS-1, so if the conclusion is made by our laboratory in this regard, we can imagine how credible this will be, right? But when I went to investigate, I found out that there is no such situation at all. Wuhan people don't eat raccoon dog. Even if he eats raccoon dog, he will not be infected by raccoon dog... that's how strong the virus outbreak is.
And the situation in Wuhan at that time was very bad, very terrifying. As my classmates, they are doctors, but they have to be silenced, and their silence is more serious than when I went to investigate at the end of December. But they were also panicked, because the patients in Wuhan at that time were not at all optimistic, but the government refused to diagnose them.
That is to say, for your patient, your other problems have been ruled out, then I will not diagnose it as a new crown for you, so your patient will not receive timely treatment. Also because the government insists not to transmit from person to person, they cannot be protected either. Doctors and patients are all in a situation of high-risk exposure.
And at that time, on 12 January, under international pressure, the CCP had uploaded the sequence of the virus to NIH GenBank, a genetic database in the United States. But at the beginning, the CCP deliberately uploaded a problematic one, so there is a problem with it, you can’t explain it technically, but you can know that through the first copy of this sequence, you can’t investigate where the virus came from. Come on, you can't find its family tree at all, its family or something.
But on 13 January, pay attention to this time point, when the first case outside the mainland appeared in Thailand. Then this shows that Thailand has the ability to detect the sequence of this virus by itself. Then if the CCP puts a fake sequence here, it will be meaningless, right, it will be discovered by people.
So on the 14th, this was in the gene bank in the United States, the previous sequence was replaced, and it was replaced with the second version, which looks similar, you can do some analysis through it, 95% The above is no problem. Well, I am No. 16 because after I re-involved in this issue, I have also analyzed some other articles, and other evidence I have collected, which clearly reflects a problem: the genetic evidence in this sequence is just a clear point that this is not from nature.
This is because the evidence in it points to the fact that from 2015 to 2017, the Chinese People's Liberation Army collected some bat specimens and successfully cultivated some of the wild viruses during their missions in Zhoushan, Zhejiang. Among them are two very similar, twin-like viruses, bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21. These two viruses have actually been analyzed, and I am sure that it is the template of covi. Then the CCP followed this virus, used some of its characteristics, and then combined with the knowledge gained by the CCP military and other CCP laboratories from coronaviruses and other severe viruses, and transformed it to obtain this covi.
News (26)
The reason the virus is judged to be the CCP's biological weapon
Moderator: But why were you able to make such a judgment so quickly? In addition, biological weapons are a little bit too incredible for many people. When you were looking for this thread in this way, did you think it was too bold?
Yan Limeng: I must be very cautious in this regard, because I am a medical student and a scientific researcher. In this regard, I will not say that it is because of the pursuit of eyeballs, and I know the importance of this matter. Once this matter is said, my original intention is to arouse international pressure, public opinion, and other related pressures, to put pressure on the CCP government, so that they can deal with the epidemic as soon as possible, and prevent it from spreading and causing harm in the next step. . So before I do this, I have to verify again and again whether my discovery is correct.
First of all, I have a lot of evidence at the time. In my interviews now, there is no way to fully present it, but I can say that it is the first. This virus is based on the military, and it is the Zhoushan bat virus of the military. Because it comes from Zhoushan. What about this Zhoushan bat virus, it was discovered by the Chinese military and is unique.
And this kind of discovery, it is not a simple one, that is to say, if it is not an organized state behavior, it cannot be done. Because if you... I work in this field, I know how the CCP has indulged in the country and even extended its hands overseas in the past ten years and decades to find this new type of animal. derived virus. And they are in this area, just because we are also in this field, like I said, I do flu, but our lab also does other viruses, including things like dengue virus, Zika virus, Ebola, we are all involved in this.
In fact, there are many places in these places, it is the same, because it is the virus world, and most of them are RNA viruses. Then, as soon as we go back and search for information, including our own knowledge, that is, this accumulation, we will know what you can do with these things, and after you do something, it will be abnormal.
Let me tell you this, if you are an experienced plastic surgeon, then you look at someone and you say, oh, her double eyelids have moved, her nose has moved, and more than one place. Then she moved this to be beautiful, she was to attract other people's attention, that's right. But others will say, I don't admit it, I'm born that way. But an experienced doctor can say, oh, I can see that your nose has moved, and there is still a trace in your area.
And based on your special experimental technique, that is, the surgical technique, I can also tell whether you did it, for example, in the hospital in Shanghai or in the hospital in Guangzhou. It was done by a certain doctor. That's what it means. Then I added that at that time, because I had a lot of sources of information, so it was actually the CCP’s outbreak of this virus at that time. It was indeed out of control. It did not expect it to break out like this in Wuhan.
But it wasn't an accident, it just didn't say that it was an accident that I should control it right away. For example, if this is an accident in a laboratory and we are doing an experiment, the CCP’s handling method will not be like this. Because of accidents in the laboratory, or if some unexpected situations occur, you have mature rules and regulations of this laboratory to deal with, and this harm will never be like Wuhan, from November to December It has continued until January, and the CCP has been using the media to promote fake news. It is very afraid that everyone will find out that this comes from the Zhoushan virus.
It was even tried to mention by other doctors and other experts, hey, we now see that it seems to be related to the Zhoushan bat virus, and then when it comes to this point, the CCP will immediately dispatch its media, including big media like Caixin came to refute the rumors.
Host: I remember it was after the virus appeared, because we have done a lot of shows on the show, and we have been talking about it. In my impression, there seem to be two views in the scientific community at that time: one is that this thing is too perfect, it cannot be produced naturally; the other is that this thing is so perfect that it cannot be made by man from. Then I also saw this statement in the scientific community, saying that the current genetic modification technology can be done without trace.
So it means that whether this thing is man-made in my impression, you can only collect a lot of indirect evidence to prove it or deny it, but you can't have this kind of smoking gun (exact evidence) , or this kind of particularly direct evidence that can make a final statement about whether it is or not.
Yan Limeng: In fact, several of your statements are correct, but your conclusion is wrong, that is, I will say it directly. Because there is a smoking gun, but this smoking gun is very ingenious. It needs to be like I said, like to judge whether this person has plastic surgery, it really needs to be judged by experts.
Then this place is very easy to muddy the water, and others use some specious scientific knowledge to give you, then what to rely on at this time, depends on the conscience of a scientist, and how much he has knowledge in this field and his comprehension deep. Then this is the reason why the CCP has dispatched a large number of international scientific alliances to help the CCP build momentum and falsify evidence.
Then I will say, you say that some people say it can't come from nature, because it's too perfect; some people say it can't be man-made because it's too perfect, right. But I would say that it is neither from nature nor purely man-made. Like I said, it was processed on it after the PLA found this Zhoushan bat virus, this natural virus. So it's not a pure natural one, and nature didn't create a SARS. If you don't have this template and you can't find this virus, it can't create this new coronavirus.
So this is not something purely natural and purely artificial, but a combination. Well, this is actually in the CCP and its military, and it has been studied for a long time. Including the very famous book by General Xu Dezhong of the Fourth Military Medical University in 2015, which has been exposed by us many times, and the Five Eyes Alliance, which attaches great importance to that book. He said at the time that they were based on SARS, and they believed that SARS is of unnatural origin.
Then, based on the experience of SARS, they felt that it would be a very ideal thing to use the coronavirus to create a new type of biological weapon in terms of genetic modification. Then he also listed a lot of advantages, and a lot of places they can do it. Then we all saw this later in SARS-2. Basically, they have relatively fully reflected some of the needs to be achieved in their book.
I want to say a few words, there is actually more than one smoking gun. In this report of mine, we have mentioned it a little bit in the report, and I am in contact with people from all walks of life in the United States. In fact, their feedback is that as long as they really study this, they will recognize it. this thing.
News (27)
China's plans for biological weapons revealed in two books
Moderator: I think your point of view and this judgment are very clear. Of course, as you said, the scientific community has to make judgments, and the judgments made also depend to a large extent on the conscience of scientists. But in any case, it means that the CCP is researching biological weapons. I think everyone should agree on this point, because you mentioned Xu Dezhong in 2015, and he clearly listed what you can pass. What kind of method, right, artificially transform it, and then how to experiment in what kind of natural environment, etc., it is actually a process of developing biological weapons.
So you say that you have already written this publicly, and you can only imagine what kind of research you do in private. So in this regard, can you talk to us about what you have learned, that is, the CCP is developing biological weapons, for example, which departments are involved, or what kind of function it plays, and what kind of strategy is it? ?
Yan Limeng: "Spare no effort" to describe it. Just like what we said about Xu Dezhong's book, you are right. As an open material and a textbook, he has already written it so that we feel very naked, although it is a third-party tone, A tone of concern for the country and the people to discuss that if this technology is used by a third party, it will be created as a bioterrorism.
But we Chinese people all know what the CCP has said, and what it means, that is to say, they, in fact, recognize this very much in their hearts. And you have to read this book in combination with another book. Another book is from the Academy of Military Sciences, edited by Zheng Tao of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences. That book is called "Biosafety". This book was published at the end of 2014, basically within a year, and this two books were published successively.
The book actually put the CCP in front of it, probably from the 1990s, and no matter how far away they are, they will not focus on it. A very comprehensive analysis of biological warfare strategies and anti-biological terror strategies has been made.
For example, there will be a detailed list in it, and it will say that in the Biological Weapons Convention, it talks about what biological weapons are the traditional biological weapons, and then they perfectly avoid the characteristics of traditional biological weapons. Not used in wartime, not just for the military, nor does it There will be immediate massive casualties. Right.
So the covi will all bypass these characteristics, which means that it bypasses the definition of a traditional biological weapon.
Then the CCP went back and analyzed bioterrorism. In the case of bioterrorism, different countries in the world have different response measures, but they have their own list of how to deal with bioterrorism. Because of bioterrorism, you can attack civilians, it can be in any situation, but they only target these so-called bioterrorism attacks in the list, from the United States to the European Union to Russia, all versions are different, none of them put the The coronavirus is included because before SARS-2, they didn't think the coronavirus could cause such huge casualties.
Therefore, I have also communicated with the people in charge of this system in the United States, and I know that their system is actually functioning normally. The problem is that the CCP has exploited this loophole. So you have to know that the CCP has been sparing no effort to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, including infiltration, including alliances, including all directions, to lay the foundation for its future biological warfare.
That's why, after the covid outbreak, we saw the world turn into a mess, and many things we found it hard to understand why it was so absurd.
Moderator: Yes, I would like to ask again, because you said just now, that is, according to your understanding, because you have always been in this industry, you also know the CCP very well, that is to say, it has spared no effort to collect all kinds of viruses all over the world, is it?
(To be continued)
News (28)
The Winter Olympics are approaching, Xiong'an near Beijing is locked down
As the Beijing Winter Olympics approach, epidemic prevention and control in Beijing and surrounding areas continue to tighten. China's "city of the future" Xiong'an is also under lockdown following cases. But unlike elsewhere, Xiong'an's blockade is largely secret, and the reasons behind it are puzzling.
Xiong'an has been under intensive lockdown since Monday (24 January 2022) after several covid cases were detected. Officials said the confirmed cases were all people who returned home from Fengtai, Beijing.
News (29)
Xiong'an is closed, no official notice can be seen
The online edition of the American business magazine "Fortune" published an article on 28 January 2022, saying that although blockades are commonplace in China, where the "zero" policy is implemented, there is a strange phenomenon in Xiong'an's epidemic prevention restrictions, that is, there are almost no people outside the city. Several people knew that Xiongan was in a state of blockade, and even some people in the city seemed unaware that this was happening.
The Xiong'an restrictions appear to have been introduced without notice, despite public announcements and coverage of recent lockdowns in many parts of China by state media - causing confusion among some residents in the area, AFP said. .
The German newspaper Die Zeit reported on Thursday (27 January 2022) that Xiong'an had been put into lockdown since Monday without any official government announcements, news reports or official statements on social media.
Instead, authorities set up roadblocks in the city and told people they had to go into home quarantine. Die Zeit reported that some city residents received messages on Monday from anonymous accounts on WeChat telling them that the city would be locked down for the next seven days. Meanwhile, police showed up at restaurants and shops, telling owners they had to close for a week. However, some residents said they were unaware of the lockdown until authorities closed the city of Xiong'an.
"We expect this lockdown to last for about a week, but the exact duration is uncertain," an epidemic prevention officer told AFP on Friday, confirming the authorities' lockdown of Xiong'an.
Epidemic prevention staff also confirmed to AFP that some 1.2 million people in the Xiong'an New Area are no longer allowed to enter or leave their residential areas.
Recently, in places like Xi'an and Tianjin, city authorities have publicly issued blockade orders through city websites, official government social media and state-backed media, Fortune said. Xiong'an city authorities have made no such public statements, and Chinese media have not reported on the lockdown, relying instead on word of mouth and unofficial communication.
News (30)
Xiong'an did not publicly announce the blockade, causing concern
Officials may have kept Xiongan's lockdown under wraps because of the city's unique position in China and the sensitive time it is currently in, the report said.
Less than an hour's drive from Beijing, Xiong'an, with a population of 1.3 million, began to become the focus of China's attention a few years ago. In April 2017, the Chinese government announced the establishment of the "Xiong'an New Area", and workers began to break ground on infrastructure such as railways. This is a project named by Xi Jinping himself, and the CCP's official media propaganda is a "millennium plan and a major national event". Xiong'an is therefore often referred to as China's "city of the future".
The Xiong'an project appears to be designed to help ease an increasingly crowded Beijing. The Chinese government has said it will move all "non-capital functions" from Beijing to Xiong'an, including some state-owned enterprises, less critical government offices and research facilities. But Xi Jinping has bigger goals for the city. The Chinese government has elevated the project to a new matter of "national significance" and announced plans to create a sustainable metropolis that will become a magnet for cutting-edge technology companies.
China has poured about $580 billion into Xiong'an and launched major infrastructure projects such as building a new train station, thousands of apartment buildings and shopping malls. The move has already attracted more than 1 million people to move to the city.
Fortune, citing analysts, said that Xiong'an would provide Xi with a metropolis to honor his own "legacy", just as the development of Shenzhen and Shanghai's Pudong district into the commercial centers it is today is seen as an "achievement" of Deng Xiaoping ".
The article said that there are still many uncertainties in the future development of Xiong'an. This uncertainty and its importance to the Chinese government may have prompted the authorities to secretly block Xiong'an but this explanation has not satisfied every expert.
Eric Hundman, a political scientist at New York University in Shanghai, argues that authorities near Beijing, the capital and home of political institutions, have made public the measures they are taking to curb the spread of COVID-19, adding to Xiongan's covert lockdown. The details are confusing.
"The news of a massive, almost secret blockade in Xiong'an, right next to Beijing, is inexplicable in many ways, and I'm not sure I agree with this explanation - why would the Xiongan blockade be more sensitive than the Beijing blockade? No? Know what's going on here," He Anrui tweeted on 27 January.
Pictures of Hanoi Noi Bai Airport at night
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