Friday, January 28, 2022

Drinking more black tea can reduce risk of covid, NeoCoV is lethal to humans

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, Taiwan, U.S.

News (1) to (3) / Editor : Liao Peiqi /

News (1)

10 seconds can reduce the infectivity of covi! Japanese research on drinking this "drink" is right

Image : Japanese research reports show that drinking daily black tea, which contains  polyphenols, can reduce viral infectivity in 10 seconds, and hence reduce risk of covid. (Photo/Dazhi Image Associated Press) 

The covid pandemic has not ended after two years, and the world is still far from collective immunity. Even if the epidemic eases for a while, new mutants will emerge immediately, causing the infection to expand again. Therefore, now some scholars from Osaka, Japan have put forward research, advocating a cheap and convenient way to fight covid for a long time. They pointed out that drinking "black tea" can reduce the infectivity of the virus in just 10 seconds. 

The Japanese business journal "PRESIDENT Online" reported that scholars from Osaka University, Osaka Prefectural University and Mitsui Agriculture and Forestry started research on the "antiviral activity of black tea" in 2020. Their study shows that polyphenol in black tea reduces the infectivity of influenza viruses, both of which are viruses with an "envelope structure", whether it is the covi or the influenza virus. In the study, scholars took "20 different tea types of polyphenol aqueous solution", "green tea powder solution", "black tea powder solution", "4 types of black tea tea bag extracts" to investigate the effects of covi under a certain period of time and find out how each tea works with its antiviral activity. 

News (2)

Low concentrations of green tea and black tea reduce infection

Surprisingly, the "polyphenol aqueous solution of 20 different tea species" could not reduce the infectivity of the virus, but low concentrations of green tea and black tea can effectively reduce the infection. In terms of polyphenols, other teas contain several types of polyphenols, so they can be very potent. This principle is the same as that of Kampo herbs. 

Compared with refined products, it is better to eat pure natural products directly. 

News (3)

Only "black tea powder solution" and "black tea tea bag extract" can reduce risk of covi infection

Although "green tea powder solution", "black tea powder solution" and "4 types of black tea tea bag extract" can reduce viral infectivity, only "black tea powder solution" and "black tea tea bag extract" can work in 10 seconds, effectively reducing the number of viruses by 1/100,000; "green tea powder solution" takes 10 minutes. 

In addition, drinking black tea can also help improve immunity. The study conducted a clinical trial on 72 people aged 20 to 60, allowing them to drink 3 cups of black tea a day for 12 weeks , it was found that the subjects became less likely to catch a cold, and even if they had a cold, it was difficult to become severe. 

The study also pointed out that polyphenols can stay in the mouth for about 10 minutes. In addition to drinking more black tea to reduce the number of viruses, it can also prevent droplets from spreading to relatives and friends. Therefore, it is recommended to drink black tea slowly. The frequency of drinking black tea can effectively prevent epidemics.

News (4)

Wuhan scientists: New covi variant NeoCoV has high mortality rate

Image of the resolution estimation of the EM maps, density maps and atomic models of covi variant NeoCoV RBD-Bat37 ACE2 complex : Huan Yan etal, Wuhan University, biorxiv

As the world continues to battle against the covid pandemic, a group of Chinese scientists from Wuhan and Beijing have issued a warning against a variant of coronavirus named NeoCoV, which is said to be more lethal with a higher infection rate. 

As per a report by the Russian news agency Sputnik - published by several media outlets, the NeoCov variant was discovered in South Africa and it is claimed to be related to the respiratory syndrome MERS-COV. 

News (5)

NeoCoV linked to MERS outbreaks

However, NeoCov is not entirely new because it is linked to the MERS-CoV virus and its outbreaks were previously discovered in the Middle Eastern countries in 2012 and 2015. 

News (6)

Wuhan researchers: One in three patients dies from NeoCoV

Chinese researchers weighed in on the mortality rate stating that 'one in every three infected person dies', highlighting the higher death rate. 

Analysing the study, the tendency of NeoCoV appears to be similar to the SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19 in humans. Scientists have said that NeoCoV was discovered in a bat population. 


News (7)


NeoCoV and PDF-2180-CoV can infect humans


However, an unpeered study published on the bioRxiv website, mentioned that NeoCoV and its close relative PDF-2180-CoV can infect humans.


News (8)


Receptor for NeoCoV mysterious


A part of the published report read: "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and several bat coronaviruses employ Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) as their functional receptors. However, the receptor for NeoCoV, the closest MERS-CoV relative yet discovered in bats, remains enigmatic."


News (9)


Russia research: NeoCoV is not actively spreading among humans


After a briefing on NeoCoV, experts from the Russian State Virology and Biotechnology Research Center issued a statement on Thursday (January 27), which states: "The Vector research centre is aware of the data obtained by Chinese researchers on the NeoCoV coronavirus. At the moment, the issue is not the emergence of a new coronavirus capable of actively spreading among humans."

"In this study, we unexpectedly found that NeoCoV and its close relative, PDF-2180-CoV, can efficiently use some types of bat Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and, less favorably, human ACE2 for entry," it added. 

News (10)

Experts warn potential risks of NeoCoV during the covid pandemic, further study and investigation needed

The experts have warned against the potential risks, mentioning that further study and investigation are needed to understand the immune escape. 

Of late, coronavirus cases have seen a spike globally after the emergence of the 'variant of concern' Omicron. 

More information and inputs are needed to establish a concrete report on NeoCoV. 

News (11)

WHO will further study on NeoCoV

Although there is no official statement from World Health Organization (WHO), the global health body was quoted by Russian news agency TASS as saying that the claim requires further study. 

The organisation told TASS, "Whether the virus detected in the study will pose a risk for humans will require further study."

It also added that it "works closely" with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN Environment Program (UNEP) to "monitor and respond to the threat of emerging zoonotic viruses."

News (12)

Origins of the name NeoCoV exposed

The word Neo, to the commoner, is a Chinese surname. In Cantonese, it means “new” and translated to Greek it is “Neu”.

If the World Health Organization were to rename the coronaviruses, NeoCoV should be renamed as “Rho” and Omicron as “Pi” according to the Greek alphabetical order (since "Nu" and "Xi" were skipped). NeoCoV is not a new coronavirus.

To name a coronavirus “Neo” is offensive to the Chinese and to parents who name their children “Neo”. Belgian Wout said he named his son “Neo” and he finds the covi variant “NeoCoV” offensive to his culture.

According to The Hindu,

NeoCoV is a bat coronavirus that was first identified in 2011. It was identified in a species of bats known as Neoromicia, which is where the name NeoCoV was derived from. Commonly known as aloe bats, this species is distributed in the Afro-Malagasy region. NeoCoV shares an 85% similarity to MERS-CoV in the genome sequence, making it the closest known relative of MERS-CoV.

Does NeoCoV infect humans and cause high mortality?

It is important to note that inherently, NeoCoV cannot interact with human receptors, implying that in its current form the virus cannot infect humans. NeoCoV does not infect humans yet and has thus not caused any deaths.

What does the preprint say, and why is it important?

The study reports that despite their similarity, MERS-CoV and NeoCoV use different receptors to infect cells. The bat coronavirus NeoCoV was found to use bat ACE2 receptors for efficiently entering cells and the interaction between NeoCoV and bat ACE2 receptors is different from what is seen in other coronaviruses that utilise ACE2. The preprint also reports that although NeoCoV does not have the potential to use human ACE2 receptors and infect humans, specific mutations artificially created in the receptor-binding domain of NeoCoV can enhance its efficiency to interact with human ACE2 receptors. These mutations have not yet been seen in NeoCov isolates from natural settings.

SARS-CoV-2 is not the first coronavirus to infect humans and cause large disease outbreaks, nor is it likely to be the last. The study highlights that through further adaptation, coronaviruses like NeoCoV or other related viruses could potentially gain the ability to infect humans. The interactions between humans and animals continue to increase, given the expanding human population and encroachment of animal habitats. While the likelihood of spillover events are rare, an increased interaction can potentially accelerate such events. To prevent future outbreaks, it will thus be important to monitor this family of viruses for potential zoonosis while continuing research efforts on understanding the complex receptor usage of different coronaviruses. Genomic surveillance of human and animal viruses is therefore the key to understanding the spectrum of viruses, and possibly provide early warning to potential spillover events.


News (13)

Wuhan scientists' study has not been peer-viewed

In their studies collated under the title "Close relatives of MERS-CoV in bats use ACE2 as their functional receptors", the Wuhan scientists from the State Key Laboratory of Virology, Institute for Vaccine Research and Modern Virology Research Center of the College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, explore how coronaviruses similar to MERS-CoV interact with different receptors in different host cells. Their work has not been peer-viewed. Their study, which was uploaded on biorxiv, describes the NeoCoV coronavirus.

 Refs: Warning from Wuhan: Chinese scientists say new Covid variant 'NeoCov' has high mortality rate - Report, World News |,

News (14)

U.S. Government study admits covid vaccine lengthens menstrual cycles

Reporter : Natalie Winters, The National Pulse

A U.S. National Institutes of Health study found that COVID-19 vaccines lengthened women’s menstrual cycles.

The study, published in a January edition of Obstetrics & Gynecology, compared menstrual cycle lengths between women vaccinated and unvaccinated against COVID-19.

“For vaccinated individuals, data was from three consecutive cycles before vaccination and from three more consecutive cycles, including the cycle or cycles in which vaccination took place. For unvaccinated individuals, data was collected for six consecutive cycles,” reads a summary of the study.

Of the 3,959 individuals analyzed, 2,403 were vaccinated, with most receiving either a Pfizer or Moderna jab, and 1,556 were unvaccinated.

On average, the first vaccination dose was associated with a .71-day cycle increase in cycle length and the second dose with a .91-day increase.

Dr. Diana W. Bianchi, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, emphasized how “little research has previously been conducted on how vaccines for COVID-19 or vaccines for other diseases could potentially influence the menstrual cycle.”

NICHD and NIH’s Office of Research on Women’s Health funded the study as part of $1.67 million grant to explore potential links between COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual changes.

The vaccine side effect follows lobbying efforts from pharmaceutical giants – especially Pfizer and Moderna – reaching record highs in terms of spending and personnel hired. The massive lobbying campaigns are likely responsible for nationwide vaccine mandates, which have subsequently been struck down by district courts.

Similarly, the chairman and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Thomson Reuters Foundation – James C. Smith – is a top investor and board member for pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer.

News (15)

Harris and Castro did not mention mainland China and Lai Qingde talked about the interests of the United States and Taiwan 

U.S. Vice President Harris had a bilateral meeting with Honduran President Castro. After the meeting, Harris was asked if she had mentioned the mainland or Taiwan in the dialogue with Castro. Harris said that she and Castro did not talk about the mainland. She went on to say that the vice president of Taiwan also attended the inauguration ceremony, and Lai Ching-de introduced himself to Harris. The brief conversation between her and Lai Ching-de was mainly about the common interests of the United States and Taiwan in the region. 

News (16)

Omicron continues to spread in Taiwan, Remdesivir used for covid treatment

The local Omicron (Covi29) epidemic has spread into Taichung, and 6 counties and cities have been occupied by the local epidemic. 

On 28 January 2022, there are several reported sporadic cases with unknown source of infection, and the chain of infection in Jiaoxi, Nangang, Longtan, Qiandu, and kindergarten is still unknown, and new cases are reported every day. At the same time, 1 new case of moderate to severe cases was also added.

Fortunately, Remdesivir was used and no respirator was used. A patient has been discharged from the hospital. The command center announced on 28 January that there were 27 new local cases and 44 inbound cases. 

In addition to the continuous spread of the original 5 unknown transmission chains, 7 sporadic cases with unknown infection sources were added on 28 January. Among them, another family member who accompanied the patient of Yadong Hospital was diagnosed. Commander Chen Shizhong said that he suspected that there was another chain of infection in the hospital, or that the family member of the patient brought the virus in. The relevant situation has yet to be clarified.

News (17)

Covi29 case in Tainan related to Yilan outbreak

A family member from Kaohsiung brought the virus from Jiaoxi to Tainan. Chen Shizhong, a friend, explained that 4 of the 27 new local cases were related to the Yilan Hotel, including 3 people who stayed in a family from Kaohsiung to Jiaoxi, and then transmitted it to friends who had dinner in Tainan after returning home, retrospectively collected and inspected hotel guests until 14 January. 

In addition, there were 6 cases related to Shuangbei Housing Exchange, 4 cases related to Kaohsiung Port, 4 cases related to Evergreen Hotel in Yilan Jiaoxi, 3 cases related to Taoyuan Qiandu, and 2 cases related to Taoyuan Yaxu. 

Taoyuan currently has a total of 4 transmission chains. Although it is judged that the "Gabel Kindergarten Cluster" and Longtan and "Qiandu Shabu Shabu Cluster" are the same cluster infection, the source of the infection is still unknown, and the two clusters are again added 3 cases (case 18706, case 18756, case 18711). 

Chen Shizhong said that after the epidemic investigation and comparison, the grandmother of the confirmed student Gabel (case 18631) went to Qiandu Shabu Shabu Bade Jie Shou restaurant for dinner on the 16th. Based on the analysis of the date of diagnosis, it can almost be determined that the virus was introduced to Gabel Kindergarten because of the restaurant dinner.

News (18)

How Taichung fell to Covi29

Taichung sister-in-law visits elders, and the virus burns back to Taichung Kindergarten and Qiandu Link case, a total of 3 more confirmed cases, case 18706, case 18756, and case 18711. The nanny who took care of case 18553 was also diagnosed, and a total of 11 family members and non-living family members have been tested. 

The child of the nanny (case 18706) was quarantined at home, and the nucleic acid test was confirmed from negative to positive, and her grandmother (case 18756) was also confirmed to be infected. The newly added case 18711 is the concubine of case 18613. Since she visited Taichung after visiting case 18613, she returned to Taichung and tested positive, which has also spread the epidemic to Taichung today. Taichung, which had no confirmed cases before, has now fallen. 

News (19)

Complete vaccination with 2 doses of Comirnaty, Taiwan man infected with Omicron turned from moderate to severe 

Taiwan Omicron fever continued. Luo Yijun, deputy head of the medical response team of the command center, said that among the imported cases and confirmed cases in the country, the previous cases were all asymptomatic or mild. It was reported last week. 2 moderate cases and 1 new moderate-severe case this week. 

The patient is a 50-year-old domestic male who received 2 doses of complete Comirnaty. The entry test was positive at the beginning of this month. He started coughing on the same day. After that, his blood oxygen concentration dropped to 94% but he did not develop pneumonia. He improved after treatment with Remdesivir and recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Last week, the virus genes were sequenced for inbound cases, and there were 42 cases of Covi29 and 4 cases of Covi72. A total of 406 Omicron cases were imported from abroad, of which 379 were breakthrough infections, more than half (221) were asymptomatic, 185 were mild and 3 were moderate to severe. Of the 391 Omicron cases confirmed locally, 162 were asymptomatic (41%) and 229 were mild (59%).

News (20)

Less than 1% of native Omicron patients had abnormal smell and taste

Among the 10 major symptoms of native Covi29 cases, 51% had throat symptoms, 48% had cough, 29% had fever, 26% had runny nose and stuffy nose, and 10% had headache. 10%, muscle soreness 5%, vomiting 1.7%, diarrhea 1.3%, chills 1.3% and abnormal smell and taste 0.9%. Luo Yijun said that abnormal smell and taste is rare in Covi29, so in the future, do not use abnormal taste as an indicator of whether you are infected with covid.

Pictures of Ho Chi Minh City and Tan Son Nhat International Airport

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA