Friday, January 7, 2022

Those natural compounds, measures against covid and tyrants

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, CCP, airport management, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, U.S.

News (1)

Zinc plays an important role in warding off viral infections

According to well-known author Joseph Mercola, the human immune system is the first line of defense against all disease, especially infectious disease. One nutrient that plays a very important role in the human immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections is zinc. The other nutrients include quercetin, vitamin B3 and selenium.

News (2)

Zinc omnipresent in anti-coronavirus drugs

Zinc is one of the ingredients in anti-malaria drugs.

The antimalarial drug chloroquine appears so useful in the treatment of covid because it improves zinc uptake into the cell whereas hydroxychloroquine (brand Plaquenil) uses the same pathway as chloroquine but has a safer side effect profile.

While the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine act as a zinc ionophore (zinc transport molecule) in that they facilitate zinc absorption in the human body, other natural compounds can have the same effect.


News (3) 

Zinc and zinc ionophore inhibit SARS virus, block viral replication 

Zinc is vital for healthy immune function and in 2010, a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore was shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro. In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes.

More recently, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has a medical practice in New York, claims to have successfully treated 699 consecutive covid cases with a combination of oral zinc, chloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin. 


News (4)

Zinc deficiency impairs immune function

Importantly, zinc deficiency has been shown to impair immune function. As noted in a 2013 paper on zinc deficiency:

“Zinc is a second messenger of immune cells, and intracellular free zinc in these cells participate in signaling events. Zinc … is very effective in decreasing the incidence of infection in the elderly. Zinc not only modulates cell-mediated immunity but is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.”

The problem is that zinc is largely insoluble and cannot easily enter through the fatty wall of human cells. Getting all the way into the cell is crucial as this is where the viral replication occurs. This is where zinc ionophores come in, and the fact that the antimalarial drugs mentioned act as zinc ionophores may explain why they appear so useful against COVID-19.

News (5) 

Increase cellular zinc uptake with quercetin and EGCG 

A comparative study published in 2014 looked at two zinc ionophores, quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG found in green tea), noting many of the biological actions of these compounds may in fact be related to their ability to increase cellular zinc uptake. As explained by the authors:

“Labile zinc, a tiny fraction of total intracellular zinc that is loosely bound to proteins and easily interchangeable, modulates the activity of numerous signaling and metabolic pathways. Dietary plant polyphenols such as the flavonoids quercetin (QCT) and epigallocatechin-gallate act as antioxidants and as signaling molecules.

Remarkably, the activities of numerous enzymes that are targeted by polyphenols are dependent on zinc. We have previously shown that these polyphenols chelate zinc cations and hypothesized that these flavonoids might be also acting as zinc ionophores, transporting zinc cations through the plasma membrane.

To prove this hypothesis, herein, we have demonstrated the capacity of QCT and epigallocatechin-gallate to rapidly increase labile zinc in mouse hepatocarcinoma Hepa 1-6 cells as well as, for the first time, in liposomes … The ionophore activity of dietary polyphenols may underlay the raising of labile zinc levels triggered in cells by polyphenols and thus many of their biological actions.”

 Quercetin is also a potent antiviral in its own right, and both quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate also have the added advantage of inhibiting the 3CL protease — an enzyme used by SARS coronaviruses to infect healthy cells. As explained in a 2020 paper in Nature, 3CL protease “is essential for processing the polyproteins that are translated from the viral RNA.”

 According to another study published in 2020, the ability of quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate and certain other flavonoids to inhibit SARS coronaviruses “is presumed to be directly linked to suppress the activity of SARS-CoV 3CLpro in some cases.” 

News (6)

Quercetin + zinc + niacin + selenium may be a winning combo

Joseph Mercola recommends if a person wanted to try a holistic version of Zelenko’s covid protocol, the person could use a natural antibiotic such as oil of oregano, quercetin (as a zinc ionophore in lieu of chloroquine) along with oral zinc.

Chris Masterjohn recommends taking 7 mg to 15 mg of zinc four times a day, ideally on an empty stomach.

Should zinc turn out to be in short supply, consider eating more zinc-rich foods. Examples include hemp, sesame and pumpkin seeds, cacao powder, cheddar cheese, and seafood such as oysters, Alaskan crab, shrimp and mussels.

To this the consumer could also add niacin (vitamin B3) and selenium, as both play a role in the absorption and availability of zinc in the body. For example, a study published in 1991 demonstrated that when young women were on a vitamin B3-deficient diet, their serum zinc declined, suggesting B3 deficiency affected zinc metabolism such that “absorbed zinc was not available for utilization.”

A more in-depth exploration and explanation of both niacin and selenium’s relationship to zinc is provided in the 2008 paper, “Zinc, Metallothioneins and Longevity: Interrelationships With Niacin and Selenium”:

“Ageing is an inevitable biological process with gradual and spontaneous biochemical and physiological changes and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Some nutritional factors (zinc, niacin, selenium) may remodel these changes leading to a possible escaping of diseases, with the consequence of healthy ageing, because they are involved in improving immune functions, metabolic homeostasis and antioxidant defense.

Experiments … show that zinc is important for immune efficiency (both innate and adaptive), metabolic homeostasis (energy utilization and hormone turnover) and antioxidant activity (SOD enzyme).

Niacin is a precursor of NAD+, the substrate for the activity of DNA repair enzyme PARP-1 and, consequently, may contribute to maintaining genomic stability. Selenium provokes zinc release by metallothioneins (MT), via reduction of glutathione peroxidase.

 This fact is crucial in ageing because high MT may be unable to release zinc with subsequent low intracellular free zinc ion availability for immune efficiency, metabolic harmony and antioxidant activity.

 Taking into account the existence of zinc transporters … for cellular zinc efflux and influx, respectively, the association between zinc transporters and MT is crucial in maintaining satisfactory intracellular zinc homeostasis in ageing.

 Improved immune performance, metabolic homeostasis, antioxidant defense occur in elderly after physiological zinc supplementation … The association ‘zinc plus selenium’ improves humoral immunity in old subjects after influenza vaccination.”



Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020; Abstract

NIH Zinc Fact Sheet

PLOS Pathogens November 4, 2010 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1001176

The Post Millennial March 30, 2020

NIH Zinc Fact Sheet, Zinc Deficiency

Advances in Nutrition 2013 Mar; 4(2): 176–190

Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry August 13, 2014; 62(32): 8085-8093

Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2020; 35(1): 145–151

Science March 20, 2020; eabb3405

Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2020; 35(1): 145–151 Best Dose of Zinc for COVID-19 Prevention

World Health Net, Zinc Rich Foods

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition December 1991; 54(6): 1059-1064

Curr. Pharm. Des. 2008; 14(26): 2719-2732


News (7) to (12) / Reporters : Jan Jekelek and Masooma Haq, The Epoch Times PREMIUM

News (7)

Dr. McCollough: Outpatient treatments for COVID-19 have been suppressed

The public should question why governments and public health officials around the world have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments in their efforts to fight the covid virus, instead promoting a massive effort on vaccines, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.

“Lots of messaging on the vaccine, but zero mentioning on treatment, none. And it’s been from the very beginning. There is a theme here, I hope everyone’s starting to get the theme. There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment of people who are sick with COVID-19,” McCullough told The Epoch Times. “But there is a complete and total focus on people who don’t have COVID-19 and giving them a vaccine.”

McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and lead author of the first paper on early covid outpatient treatment involving a multi-drug regimen. In a recent interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program, he discussed a wide range of evidence on covid preventative treatments that are being used around the world.

He said drug treatments must be prioritized in the effort to stamp out the threat of COVID-19. “Early treatment markedly changes spreads. So we reduce new cases, we reduce the intensity and severity and duration of symptoms. And by that mechanism, we reduce hospitalization and death.”

News (8)

Bengal doctor uses povidone-iodine rinse to kill covi in the nose and eyes

The doctor cited recent treatments that have effectively killed the virus at the early stage of infection: Dr. Iqbal Mahmud Chowdhury conducted a protocol in Bangladesh that used a povidone-iodine rinse in the nose and eyes to kill the virus. Another treatment effort by French Dr. Didier Raoult, who treated people using hydroxychloroquine, had great success.

“Chowdhury is the first author recognizing the fact that the virus is in the air, people breathe it in, it settles in the nose, and it begins to replicate. And it has to get to a certain threshold and overcome the other organisms in the nose and overcome our own immune system to become a clinical infection. So, there’s about a three-to-five-day window to actually zap the virus directly.”

Masks and hand sanitizer are illogical and data do not show them to be effective means to prevent covi infections because the virus is spread through the air, not hands, and is too small to be blocked by most masks, McCullough said.

News (9)

Banned hydroxychloroquine useful in reducing inflammation

McCullough added covid creates “terrible inflammation” and hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be effective in reducing that, but instead of seeing an increase in using and studying the effectiveness of that drug, it has instead been restricted, and in some countries, doctors can be jailed for using it to treat their patients.

In the United States, hydroxychloroquine can only be used in hospitals.

McCullough detailed the events that led to these restrictions. “There was a falsified paper published in Lancet … which claimed to have tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19, hospitalized at multiple centers around the world, in their 40s, hospitalized with COVID-19.” He said the supposed study wasn’t verified, and it claimed the drug had negative health effects.

This “false” study led to medical professionals losing confidence in the drug, after which “hospital messaging started to say, ‘Listen, don’t use hydroxychloroquine.'”

“The NIH pulled the program on a fully funded trial in the midst of our initial wave of COVID-19. And then shortly after that, the FDA put out a statement: Hydroxychloroquine should not be used across the board, period,” he said.

“The next drug up on the block was ivermectin.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the NIH for comment on McCullough’s criticism of the NIH’s COVID-19 treatment guidelines. The NIH spokesperson declined to comment but said the NIH relied on a panel of many experts to develop the COVID-19 treatment guidelines.

The FDA told The Epoch Times that it is committed “to speed patient access to medicines to prevent or treat COVID-19 provided they meet the agency’s rigorous standards” but that the vaccines are the best way to prevent the disease and hospitalization.

McCullough said that, along with anti-hydroxychloroquine messaging, ivermectin was also maligned after the American Medical Association gave an opinion against it.

News (10)

Outpatient covid treatments including treating inflammation, blood clotting are priorities of medics, not vaccines

“So Americans saw the most confusing picture of hospitalized care of COVID-19 and a very confusing picture of outpatient treatment of COVID-19. My contributions, at least I tried to organize the outpatient treatment into concepts, where we would use drugs … in the middle phase [to] treat inflammation, and in the late phase [to] treat blood clotting, and we stuck with those principles all the way through,” McCullough said.

He said it is highly unusual for hospitals to not conduct trials on treatments for a disease, but with COVID-19, no major trials have been done to improve treatments and there have been no outcomes publicized by hospitals.

McCullough said improving treatments for those who are sick with COVID-19 has never been a priority for those in charge of public health because vaccines have been pushed from day one. He noted that CVS pharmacies were advertising the vaccines even before they were fully authorized.

CVS confirmed to The Epoch Times that it was advertising the vaccines in October 2020.

News (11)

Decontamination in the nose and mouth with "direct virucidal therapy" has stunning results

He said the U.S. media has almost completely blocked out what’s going on around the world with treatments for COVID-19. “Anywhere where there has been an early oral drug approach, there has been success in terms of COVID-19. And now more recently—it was very fascinating—is anywhere where there’s any attention to decontamination in the nose and the mouth with direct virucidal therapy, there have been stunning results.”

He questions why the United States has not reviewed the work being done around the world to treat the disease. “We haven’t seen panels of collaborating doctors. We’ve never seen a symposium on local therapy, what works best for the nose. No mention by public health officials.” McCullough says those leading U.S. public health agencies are incompetent.

News (12)

McCullough: Inpatient and outpatient therapies for covid patients should be explored

He suggests that there be a monthly review of new therapies used to treat COVID-19, both at a national and global level, for doctors to review and learn from peers. “The idea that there’s no review, you’d think the World Health Organization would actually assign a task force. This is the biggest public health problem.”

“So the treatment, inpatient and outpatient, of the biggest illness of our time, after two years, is an enigma.”

News (13)

During Xi'an city-wide disinfection, some communities use flamethrowers
Image : On 4 January 2022, an online video showed that the Xi'an community was "disinfected" with flamethrowers. (Video screenshot)

After the outbreak of the epidemic in Xi'an, the "zero-clearing" policy was implemented, and disinfectant water was sprayed all over the city. Online video shows that flamethrowers are also used in some communities. Prior to this, officials sprayed high-speed disinfectant water on the road and caused icy roads, causing car crashes and deaths.
On 4 January, some Xi’an community disinfection videos  were uploaded on the Internet, which showed disinfection personnel wearing protective clothing spraying flames on the road, building doors, and garbage dumps with flamethrowers, and some flames even touched the roadside electric car.
Netizens questioned the effect of "fire disinfection", and some people ridiculed it as "suicide" disinfection.
Since Xi'an was locked down, the authorities have deployed a lot of manpower to spray disinfectant water throughout the city. Online video shows that even tricycles and fire trucks have been converted into disinfection vehicles.
Prior to this, the authorities sprayed disinfectant water on the expressway at night, causing the road to freeze, causing the brakes of the private car to fail and crashing into the disinfected vehicle, causing car crashes and deaths.
News (14)
The director of the National Health Commission was warned about pregnancy loss in Xi'an. Netizens: What kind of treatment is this?
Reporter : Luo Tingting / Chief Editor: Wen Hui /
On 6 January, the Xi'an government handled the case of the abortion of a pregnant woman. The general manager of the hospital involved was suspended and the director of the Health Commission received a warning from the party. However, this kind of treatment has been widely questioned by the public: "What kind of treatment? Malfeasance should be dismissed." "Murderer! Just a party warning?"
According to the "Xi'an Release" news, on 5 January 2022, the Shaanxi Province and Xi'an Municipal Health Commission organized an investigation by experts and determined that the maternal abortion incident in Xi'an High-tech Hospital was a responsible accident. Fan Yuhui, the general manager of the hospital, was suspended, and the relevant persons in charge of the outpatient department and medical department were removed from their posts.
In addition, the Xi'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection gave Li Qiang, deputy secretary and director of the Party Branch of Xi'an Emergency Center, and Liu Shunzhi, director of the Xi'an National Health Commission, to give an internal party warning.
However, this kind of treatment has been widely questioned by the public, and netizens have accused them, "What kind of treatment? Malfeasance should be dismissed." "The murderer! Just one warning from the party? Why don't you just punish yourself for three cups?" "May I ask? How serious were the warnings within the party? The warnings were withdrawn after one year."
Some netizens said, “The problem is more than just a pregnant woman's problem. Isn’t this a disregard for life! From lax management, to covering your mouth in an accident, to handling it late at night.” “It's not just a hospital problem, the main responsibility is still The local higher-level departments, they asked the hospital to do this. And the epidemic prevention and control headquarters, don't push the hospital out to carry the cauldron." "Excessive epidemic prevention, one size fits all, life is above everything, people-oriented. Now officials are in order to escape. Responsibility, one size fits all, it’s really inhumane..."
On 4 January, the relatives of pregnant women posted a post on Weibo, telling that the hospital involved refused to admit pregnant women at night of 1 January due to nucleic acid problems. The pregnant woman had to wait for two hours at the entrance of the hospital in the cold winter, resulting in a hemorrhagic abortion. The incident aroused anger and rapid fermentation of netizens. 
On the 5th, the hospital staff of Xi’an High-tech Hospital responded to the incident, “We cannot say that there is a problem, nor can we say that there is no problem. We can only wait for the investigation results of the higher-level department.” He also said, “Our hospital does everything that should be done. Now, several departments of the Health Commission and the Women’s Federation are investigating and attach great importance to them. They are more fair."
The hospital’s response was criticized by netizens, "Can you imagine a pregnant woman waiting for a miscarriage at the entrance of the hospital in the peace era in 2022? The script dare not write that." I violated the original intention of the hospital; secondly, to cause such a tragedy, the hospital is the person involved and the executor, or the man behind the policy makers, who are afraid of taking responsibility and failing to act and losing their black hat! If you do not take the initiative, it is really a kick. Take a step..."
Many netizens disclosed the difficulty of seeing a doctor after Xi’an was closed: “My mother is almost 90 years old and she has a cold to go to the hospital. She must wait for several hours before the nucleic acid test results are available before prescribing medicine. There is also a father who died of myocardial infarction. I have also seen the lazy politics of Xi'an this year!!!"
"It's not just the suffering of pregnant women. My father-in-law's hands were twisted in by a machine, and the skin and bones on his hands were detached, and surgery was urgently needed. Just waiting for the nucleic acid results, he entered the operating room from 1 o'clock to 8 o'clock. Can’t keep it? Isn’t this also an emergency? Shouldn’t there be emergency treatment? The current hospital policy is incomprehensible. The new crown is a disease. Other diseases are not important?"
Some netizens said that the treatment of pregnant women’s miscarriage incidents should start with the system: “The key point is to improve the mechanism, otherwise it is to treat the symptoms and not the root cause. It is too late to regret every matter. There is a green channel for pregnant women. Then tomorrow, other patients, other places , What should I do?"
The netizen said, “It is difficult for pregnant women to go to the hospital, for colds and headaches to buy medicines, for cooking, drinking water and vegetables, for bright codes to check codes, for delivery, for express delivery, for going to a doctor and for nucleic acids, and it is difficult to go home in chaos. For these problems come up with a practical plan. Adding layers of code seems to be strict governance, and in the end it becomes evasion of responsibility."
News (15)
Macron threatens those who have not been vaccinated, triggering a strong backlash
In order to urge everyone to get vaccinated, French President Macron made a shocking statement on Tuesday and determined to "toss those who don't get vaccinated to the end", causing a wave of backlash.
On 4 January, the French "Parisian" published an interview with President Macron. Macron said astonishingly that people who have not been vaccinated are "irresponsible", and "irresponsible people are no longer (French) citizens."
Macron admitted more frankly, "For those who have not been vaccinated, I really want to "annoy" them, so we will continue to do this until the end. This is our strategy."
However, before Macron "annoyed" those who had not been vaccinated, the opposition lawmakers were irritated. They not only asked Macron for an explanation, but also suspended the draft new law on the "vaccine pass" originally scheduled for January 5. Debate. This bill will force people to show proof of vaccination when entering restaurants, cinemas or riding trains.
France is currently one of the countries with the highest vaccination rate among EU countries. Nearly 90% of French people over the age of 12 have been vaccinated. Reuters believes that Macron plans to run for re-election in April, and he believes that many people who have been vaccinated are dissatisfied with those who have not been vaccinated, so he uses such remarks to win the support of those who have been vaccinated.
News (16)
Combat power upgrade Taiwan Air Force exercise intercepts Communist fighter demonstrations
Image : Video Screenshot

On 5 January, the Taiwan Air Force held a military exercise to intercept the Chinese military aircraft to showcase its national defense capabilities during the holiday season.
Since the first day of the new year, the CCP military planes have broken into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone for five consecutive days. On the 5th, two CCP military planes have broken into the Southwest Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone.
To demonstrate its defensive capabilities, the Taiwan Air Force held an exercise in Chiayi on January 5 to simulate interception of a Chinese military plane that broke into Taiwan’s airspace. For the first time, 12 F-16V fighters demonstrated the strength of the "Elephant Walk".
Shi Shunwen, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China: "Today we are organizing an invitation to strengthen combat readiness during the Spring Festival. The main purpose is to let the people of the country understand that even when everyone is on vacation during the Spring Festival, the national army is still defending national security 24 hours a day."
News (17) to (24) / Reporter : Yu Ting /
News (17)
Tragedy goes back and forth, taking stock of CCP's extreme epidemic prevention measures
Since the covid outbreak started in Wuhan, the CCP has been using an iron fist to adopt a "zero clearing" policy, and such anti-human rights and inhumane measures have also caused tragedies to continue. 
News (18)
Hearing that the CCP caused famine, Xi'an became a "hungry city"
The people of Xi’an who had listened to the propaganda of the CCP but did not collect food appeared isolated and helpless in this epidemic. In this ancient capital with a population of nearly 13 million, there was no one on the street. The so-called households who received CCP’s materials were also found to be government agencies. The family compound has nothing to do with ordinary people. Online calls for help and hungry voices one after another.
News (19)
The CCP's violent law enforcement has hurt the people physically and mentally
In Xi'an, some people went out to search for food in order to survive, but they were beaten violently and even confessed guilt on TV to insult their personality. Guangxi even put the people on the market "paradise to the public", which is amazing "Reappearance of the Cultural Revolution."
News (20)
After the city was locked down, the people had nowhere to seek medical treatment
Under the CCP’s blockade, people are sick and have no medical treatment. In February 2021, the Epoch Times obtained internal documents from the Hebei authorities and found that because the hospital did not accept or could not seek medical treatment, the local people were in danger of life and even died. In Xi'an, some netizens also broke the news about the death of elderly people and even the death of 8-month-old babies due to lack of timely treatment.
News (21)
The child was taken out of quarantine late at night and forced to leave his parents
Under the "clearing" policy, there are children all over the country who are forced to leave their parents and are taken away from isolation. The immature backs of the children are distressing, but the CCP has promoted it as the so-called "positive energy", which has triggered many people. Criticize "too cruel" and "inhumane".
News (22)
Pets affected and brutally killed
This extreme epidemic prevention also affects pets. Although there is currently no evidence that pets can infect people with the CCP virus, in the past two years, there have been cases of pet tortured and killed in many parts of the mainland, and a large number of pets  regarded as part of the family died in vain.
News (23)
CCP’s arbitrariness, citizen journalist silenced
The tragedies under the CCP’s rule continue to occur. Citizen journalists have shouldered the burden of digging the truth and speaking out for the people, but they have been missing and sentenced one after another, and they have become the object of solidarity by the international community.
News (24)
CCP’s iron fist "covid-zero" tragedies in the world repeat
Under the strong hand of the CCP, Ruili closed the city for more than half a year; 400,000 households in Dalian were affixed with seals and installed monitoring equipment; because of their household registration, their health codes were inexplicably changed to yellow codes; because they appeared in the wrong place, they became "time and space accompanied"; stranded overseas The inability to return to the country, etc., countless extreme anti-epidemic measures are dazzling, and the people can only lament that it is not the virus that the CCP is "preventable and controllable", but the Chinese people.
News (25)
The Chinese Communist Party retaliates against American religious freedom leaders. Pelosi responds
Reporter : Wang Xiang / Editor : Li Yuan /
Image :Profile photo of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. (Tom Williams-Pool/Getty Images)
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, on Wednesday (5 January) responded for the first time on Wednesday (5 January) to copy and arbitrate members of the American Committee on Religious Freedom.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, Pelosi’s office announced, “The U.S. Congress strongly condemns the Chinese Communist Party’s retaliatory actions against religious freedom leaders. These actions were passed by us (Congress) and President Biden promulgated the Prevention of Uyghur Forced Labor Law which was adopted directly afterwards.
"The abuse of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities by the Chinese (CCP) government is genocide, and its intimidation strategy will not prevent the United States from taking strong actions to solve this terrorist problem.
"On the basis of the two parties and houses, the Congress insists on standing with these human rights advocates, calling for and cracking down on the CCP's abuses in Xinjiang and the entire region."
This statement is in response to the retaliatory sanctions imposed by the CCP on members of the American Religious Freedom Commission last month.
The Chinese Communist Party stated on 21 December 2021 that it would impose sanctions on the chairman, vice-chairman and two members of the International Committee on Religious Freedom of the United States, prohibiting these people from entering China including Hong Kong and Macau, freezing their property in China, and banning Chinese citizens and organizations from dealing with them.
The CCP’s move is in retaliation in response to the sanctions announced by the US Treasury Department on International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2021. The Ministry of Finance determined that 15 people and 10 entities in several countries, including China, which severely violated human rights, were sanctioned, as well as investment restrictions on a Chinese company that was determined to use surveillance technology to assist in human rights violations.
The targets of U.S. sanctions include Xuekeliti Zakr, who served as the chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region government from 2018 to 2021, and Elken, who has served as the vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region since 2008 and Tunyazi currently serves as the acting chairman. ‧The United States pointed out that during their tenure, more than one million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities were detained in Xinjiang.
The International Committee on Religious Freedom of the United States is an independent agency of the federal government established by the two major political parties to assess the status of religious freedom around the world and make policy recommendations to the executive branch.
The committee had recommended that the Biden government boycott the Winter Olympics to be held in Beijing in February next year as a response to the CCP’s serious violation of the religious rights of Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang.
President Biden signed a "Prevention of Forced Uyghur Labor Law" on 23 December 2021. The bill came into effect and will be implemented in 180 days. The new law prohibits any products produced by forced labor in Xinjiang, China from entering the U.S. market.
Some estimates say that the Xinjiang-related Act will affect nearly 120 billion U.S. Dollars of Chinese merchandise exports, which may fundamentally reshape the global supply chain, and will deal a major blow to China’s Xinjiang exports to the United States. According to the statistics of the Chinese Communist Party Customs, from January to October 2021, the total import and export value of bilateral goods between the United States and China was 609.9 billion U.S. Dollars, of which 465.3 billion U.S. Dollars were exported to the United States.
News (26)
Many people are detained and missing for reporting the truth about the epidemic, what does the CCP fear
Image :The CCP authorities have gradually escalated their suppression of the truth about the epidemic in mainland China. More and more reporters and others have been detained by the CCP authorities or disappeared for exposing the truth of the epidemic. Some people have even been persecuted to the point of death. The picture shows Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital at the time of the outbreak. (CHINA OUT/Getty Images)

The covid epidemic has been going on for more than two years. The CCP authorities have gradually escalated the suppression of truth reports on the mainland epidemic, and more and more Reporters and citizens were detained by the CCP authorities or disappeared for exposing the facts of the epidemic. Some people were even persecuted to the point of death.
The British "Guardian" reported on 4 January that when he learned that his brother Chen Mei was "taken away for investigation" by the CCP police, Chen Kun and his wife and daughter were living in Indonesia.
Chen Kun immediately suspected that this was related to the website run by his younger brother, namely the citizen news website of the Terminus Endpoint Star Project (English: Terminus2049). Since 2018, Chen Mei, his colleague Cai Wei and Cai’s partner Tang have been archiving articles about #MeToo and immigration rights and other issues. Whenever these articles are deleted after CCP monitoring and censorship, they will republish them. After the covid outbreak broke out on the mainland, Terminus 2049 remained until April 2020 focusing on the story of the covid outbreak and response in the mainland.
In an interview with The Guardian at his home in France, Chen Kun recalled that he had told his brother about the risks of establishing such a website, but he believed that the worst case was that Chen Mei would be "please drink tea" instead of being arrested.
Chen Mei and Cai Wei were detained for nearly 16 months and were released in August last year. Chen Mei may still be under the surveillance of the CCP.
The truth of the epidemic and the origin of the virus are sensitive topics for the CCP
In December last year, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) issued a report detailing the deteriorating "nightmare" of journalists under Xi Jinping. 128 people are known to be imprisoned or missing. More than 70 Uyghur journalists, at least 10 of them were arrested for reporting the CCP virus outbreak and the CCP’s blockade.
Chen Kun told The Guardian that these data show how sensitive the Chinese (CCP) authorities are to the pandemic and its origins.
"I'm sure that my brother was arrested because of covi." Chen Kun said, "Before he was arrested...they didn't encounter any problems."
The CCP authorities have adopted non-cooperation, denial, obstruction, cover-up and destruction of data in all investigations involving COVID-19.
Not only Chen Mei, but also mainland citizen journalists Zhang Zhan, Fang Bin, Chen Qiushi and Li Zehua personally went to Wuhan, the birthplace of covi, to report independently and upload related videos in 2020, and they all lost their personal freedom one after another.
In the "Human Rights Report 2020" released by the US State Department in April last year, special attention was paid to the situation of these citizen journalists.
Zhang Zhan was sentenced to four years in prison. After being arrested, Zhang Zhan refused to plead guilty and went on a hunger strike to protest. In July last year, his weight had dropped to less than 40 kilograms and his body was weak. Reporters Without Borders stated in a statement on December 28 last year that Zhang Zhan had gone on a hunger strike in prison in order to protest the persecution and show his innocence, resulting in a sharp deterioration in his physical condition and even near death.
Like Zhang Zhan, Fang Bin, who broadcasted the Wuhan epidemic on YouTube, has been missing since his arrest in February 2020, and Li Zehua (transliteration), who exposed that he was being pursued by the police, was detained by the CCP for two months. Chen Qiushi, a former human rights lawyer who turned into a citizen journalist, disappeared at the same time when interviewing family members at Wuhan Hospital, and did not show up again until September 2021.
News (27)
The Chinese Communist Party "declared war on independent journalism"
Zhang Zhan, Chen Mei and others were formally arrested by the CCP authorities for "picking quarrels and provoking troubles." This is a vague and ubiquitous accusation that is often directed at dissidents, rights defenders, and journalists; the CCP also often adopts designated residences under surveillance. Citizens are suppressed by means of (RSDL), which is a form of secret and solitary detention. The defendant can be held for up to six months and be interrogated without charge and without the opportunity to meet with a lawyer or family members.
The rights protection organization Safeguard Defenders estimates that 45,000 to 55,000 people have been sent to the RSDL, of which about 15,000 in 2020. These include Chen Mei, Australian CGTN anchor Cheng Lei, Chinese independent journalist Huang Xueqin and activist Wang Jianbing.
Huang Xueqin originally planned to enroll in the Graduate School of Law of the University of Hong Kong in September 2019, but after attending the "anti-send" demonstration was exposed, her passport was confiscated by the Guangzhou police, and she was subsequently detained under criminal detention and under residential surveillance in a designated residential area. In October, her parents were informed by the Chinese Communist Party that Huang Xueqin had been formally arrested for "subverting state power." Since then, the independent investigative reporter has never appeared.
Huang also interviewed Chen Kun and wrote about Chen Mei. "She has been trying to record many stories and experiences of defenders like my brother," Chen Kun told the Guardian.
The Guardian reported that Cedric Alviari, director of the East Asia Bureau of Reporters Without Borders, said 128 detained journalists and press freedom defenders were the largest number in five years. According to Reporters Without Borders, 71 Uyghur journalists are among them, and at least 10 of them will face death if they are not released immediately.
Alviari said that the Chinese Communist Party’s leaders "declared war on independent journalism" after strengthening their control over traditional media in order to suppress the voice of freedom.
News (28)
"The government can't seal the eyes of the people"
The CCP continues to conceal the truth about the epidemic in mainland China. At present, the epidemic in Xi'an is still ongoing, and the whole city is paralyzed. Xi'an city authorities issued an emergency notice on WeChat on Wednesday (5 January), claiming that all WeChat groups are under surveillance and that if negative news spreads, they will be blocked immediately.
Ms. Ma, a resident of Xi’an, told Radio Free Asia that although the government has sealed it, it can’t seal the eyes of the people: “Now it’s clear what the government does. Although you (the government) have sealed the seal, no one would let others speak, but somebody came out and said it. Hungry, you still don’t let people call them hungry. During the epidemic, you still treat people like this, don’t get medical treatment when you are sick, and don’t give birth to children. Who is not in a hurry. This is not a place where people live."
"The Chinese people, like everyone on earth, are eager to understand what is happening around them." Alviari told the Guardian.
News (29) to (30) / Reporter : Zhang Ting /  Editor : Lin Yan /
News (29)
Kazakhstan is in turmoil, the relationship between the former president and the CCP attracts attention
Image : Protest crowd in Kazakhstan on January 5, 2022. (Abduaziz Madyarov/AFP via Getty Images)

The worst demonstrations in Kazakhstan broke out in more than a decade. Protesters who were dissatisfied with the high fuel prices were targeting former President  Nursultan Nazarbayev, and toppled its statue. At the same time, Nazarbayev's close relationship with the CCP during his nearly 30 years in power has aroused concern. He even followed the CCP's "One Belt, One Road" initiative and proposed a "Bright Road", which was strongly supported by the CCP.
The protesters tore down the statue of Nazarbayev on Wednesday (January 5) and shouted "Old man, go away!"
Nazarbayev has great power in Kazakhstan?
Nazarbayev was the leader of the Communist Party in the Soviet era and had huge political influence in Kazakhstan. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev became the first president of Kazakhstan after independence in 1991, and did not step down until 2019. His carefully selected Kasym-Jomart Tokayev (Kassym-Jomart) Tokayev) took over as President.
Kazakhstan has large oil, natural gas and metal deposits and is the largest economy in the former Soviet Union in Central Asia. It is the largest of the five former Soviet Central Asian republics, with an area about five times the size of France and a population of nearly 19 million. During the reign of former President Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign investment, but it is believed that most of the economy is controlled by Nazarbayev's family.
Although Nazarbayev stepped down as president, he still retains the post of chairman of the country's powerful security committee and still has a major influence on internal and foreign policy. It was not until this Wednesday (5 January) that some protesters chanted slogans against Nazarbayev, and the current President Tokayev replaced Nazarbayev as chairman of the Security Council.
In 2019, there were anti-system and anti-CCP expansion demonstrations and protests in Kazakhstan for several months. The protesters chanted the slogan "Old Man Get Out", protesting against Nazarbayev, who was still behind the scenes but was still manipulating the current government after he stepped down shortly at the time. In addition, as the CCP expands its economic influence in Kazakhstan through the “Belt and Road” initiative, Chinese factories and other projects in the country have also become the targets of protests.
Kazakhstan is at the core of the geopolitical tug-of-war between Russia, China and the West. Human rights organizations have long criticized the Kazakh government’s autocratic political system and lack of freedom of speech and open and fair elections. Nazarbayev was re-elected as president in 2015 with nearly 98% of the votes, for the fifth consecutive term. Outsiders question the fairness of the election.
Critics accuse him of condoning corruption and violating human rights, while advocating a cult of personality, concentrating power in his own hands, and suppressing dissidents.
News (30)
Ruling for nearly 30 years, Nazarbayev welcomes the CCP's involvement in Kazakhstan and provokes public outrage
At the beginning of this year, Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with Nazarbayev and current President Tokayev on January 3 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The CCP launched the "One Belt, One Road" infrastructure initiative in 2013 and regards Kazakhstan as a necessary bridge for its huge "Belt and Road" initiative. The Silk Road Economic Belt proposed by the CCP in Kazakhstan was warmly welcomed by the Nazarbayev government.
Nazarbayev even modeled on the “Belt and Road Initiative” and proposed the “Bright Road” of Kazakhstan in 2014. This move was fully supported by the CCP.
In 2016, the Chinese Communist Party officially released the "Silk Road Economic Belt Construction" and the "Bright Road" new economic policy docking cooperation plan, and said that China and Kazakhstan believe that the "Silk Road Economic Belt" initiative and the "Bright Road" "The new economic policies are highly compatible and highly complementary, and the two sides are willing to strengthen docking and cooperation.
The CCP’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative has been condemned by Western countries. The United States calls this “debt trap diplomacy” of the CCP. The previous U.S. government condemned that the “Belt and Road” initiative allowed cooperating countries to borrow from the CCP to pay for the projects of Chinese contractors and build infrastructure projects that the cooperating countries could not afford. When the partner countries are unable to repay their debts, the CCP will take the opportunity to plunder their strategic resources.
Many problems have emerged after Nursultan Nazarbayev embraced the CCP’s “Belt and Road” construction for many years. In order to reduce Kazakhstan's huge fiscal deficit and increase government revenue, the Nazarbayev government revised the land law in the fall of 2015, allowing foreigners to lease agricultural land in Kazakhstan from the current 10 years to 25 years. The actions of the authorities immediately caused a large number of people to take to the streets to protest.
In 2016, large-scale public protests broke out in many parts of Kazakhstan. Demonstrations are mainly protesting that land reform may lead to a more serious expansion of the CCP against Kazakhstan. The protesters worry that the government controls the land and then sublet it to Chinese investors.
At that time, the Voice of America quoted the Kazakh political scholar Satpayev as saying that from an official perspective, Kazakhstan does not regard China as a military threat but among the people, fear of China, fear of the expansion and threat of the CCP has long existed in Kazakh society.
Satpayev said: “The people mainly view the threat of China (the CCP) from an economic perspective. The common people believe that China (the CCP) is expanding economically against Kazakh, especially in the oil and gas field. This fear is also often seen. The Kazakh opposition took advantage of it."
Satpayev said that the CCP’s influence in Central Asia continues to expand, and the Chinese factor will exist in Kazakh’s political and social life for a long time. However, many people’s negative views on China (the CCP) are difficult to change, and the prospects are not optimistic. .
The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC said in a report that the CCP built a dry port in Kazakhstan; the Bank of China loaned to Kazakhstan; and a Chinese company acquired shares in the Kazakh company. However, all of this is also valuable. What does the CCP want? Kazakhstan's mineral resources are one of them. There are abundant oil and natural gas reserves here. The article quoted Dosym Satpayev, head of the "Risk Assessment Group", as saying that the views of the Kazakh authorities are full of beautiful words: "China is our good neighbor and partner, and China is our future." "But... Ordinary people have many different views of China, because traditionally, Kazakhs have a lot of fear of China (the CCP)."
In 2009, during Nazarbayev's visit to China, the CCP reached a loan-for-oil transaction of US$10 billion with him. In exchange, the Chinese side acquired nearly half of the equity of Mangashtau Oil and Gas Company, a major energy company in Kazakhstan.
Although Kazakhstan is rich in oil and natural gas, the local people have not tasted the sweetness of abundant resources. The soaring fuel price has prompted a large number of people to take to the streets to protest. On 5 January 2022, in addition to tying ropes to the neck and legs of the Nazarbayev statue, the protesters also burned down public buildings in Almaty. President Tokayev has declared a two-week state of emergency in Almaty, the country's largest city, and Mangystau state in the west.
Tokayev said in a video speech, "Calling to attack the government and military offices is absolutely illegal." "The government will not collapse, but we want mutual trust and dialogue, not conflict."
News (31)
Starting from 9 January 2022, civil aircraft temporarily prohibited from carrying passengers to Macau from areas outside of China
                                         Image : Researcher's Picture
The Macau Special Administrative Region Government's Coordination Center for Coordination of Novel Coronavirus Infections announced that in order to reduce the risk of the novel coronavirus to local public health, the Department of Health is in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 4 of Decree No. 81/99/M and Article 2 of Law No. 2/2004. According to the regulations, from 0:00 on January 9, 2022 to 23:59 on January 23, aeroplanes are prohibited from carrying passengers to Macau from regions outside of China. This requirement does not interfere with other epidemic prevention requirements.
News (32)
38 more cases in Hong Kong Cathay Pacific flight attendant mother suspected of triggering multiple chains of transmission
Reporter : Han Xingtong, China News Network
The Health Protection Center of the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government held a press conference on the 5th on the latest epidemic situation. As of 0:00 on the 5th, there were 38 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong. In addition to the Mochizuki Tower group that was in the recent pandemic, there is another group infection that deserves attention. After a Cathay Pacific flight attendant infects a mother who lives with her, her mother then infects friends and domestic helper who dance with them, which involves multiple transmission chains. .
The 38 new cases include 34 inbound cases, 3 cases related to inbound cases, and 1 case of unknown local origin. There were more than 20 preliminary confirmed cases that day.
Among the imported cases, the patients arrived in Hong Kong from the United States, the Philippines, Germany, the United Kingdom and other places, including three crew members, of which 33 cases carried a mutated virus strain.
The cases related to the imported cases include a 13-year-old female student who belongs to the Wangyuelou group. One of the initially confirmed cases that day belonged to this group. Therefore, the total number of Wangyuelou group increased to 7 people and 1 person was initially diagnosed.
As for one case of unknown local origin, it involved a 42-year-old male surveyor suspected of Covi29 infection. He lives with his family in Tuen Mun and works in North Point. Zhang Zhujun, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Center for Health Protection, said at the press conference that the man had a lot of activities. He had taken his children to the fencing school in Tuen Mun, and he would take Mandarin lessons. In addition, he also visited many museums and shopping malls. His footprints cover more than 20 restaurants.
In addition, a Cathay Pacific flight attendant who returned to Hong Kong from the United States was diagnosed a few days ago, suspected of Covi29 infection, infecting a 62-year-old mother and a 35-year-old man who lived with her. The infection group continued to expand. Zhang Zhujun announced that the 62-year-old female patient danced square dances with about 20 people in Victoria Park every day, resulting in one of the "dance friends", a friend who had dinner with her, and a "dance". The foreign domestic helper employed by "you" was initially diagnosed with the disease.
Another 9 "dance friends" have boarded the cruise ship "Ocean Spectrum" on 2 January for a "high seas tour", originally scheduled to return on 6 January. There are approximately 2,500 passengers and more than 1,200 employees on board. At present, the cruise ship concerned has returned ahead of schedule, and all passengers and employees have been tested, and the preliminary results were negative.
Xu Lejian, director of the Center for Health Protection, pointed out that the development of the epidemic in the past day is worrying, and the mother of the confirmed Cathay Pacific flight attendant is suspected of triggering multiple chains of transmission. When investigating the source of infection of a 42-year-old male surveyor, the Center for Health Protection found that he would pass through Victoria Park every day to work. He had contact with the mother of a Cathay flight attendant who danced a square dance about 20 meters away, and he might be infected at this time.
Zhang Zhujun added that according to the results of a genetic test conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the virus gene of the 42-year-old male surveyor was consistent with that of the Cathay Pacific flight attendant who was diagnosed earlier. Mother visits the same restaurant at the same time. 
News (33)
NUG Head Duwa Lashi La vows to continue "second struggle for independence"

Source : The Irrawaddy

Image credit : National Unity Government of Myanmar

The acting president of Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG), Duwa Lashi La, has called the ongoing people’s defensive war against the junta, which the shadow government launched nearly four months ago, a “second struggle for independence”.

In his speech on the occasion of Myanmar’s 74th annual Independence Day commemoration on Tuesday, the acting president said that although the country is now free from colonial rule, its people continue to suffer harsh violence and repression at the hands of military dictatorships, pointing out that the military has staged coups four times over the period.

“As long as the owners of the sovereignty of the country lose their rights, we cannot say the country has achieved its independence,” he said.

Since seizing power, the junta has violently put down opposition to its coup, killing at least 1,435 people, torturing to death more than 100 detainees and arresting more than 11,300 people.

Duwa Lashi La said that in the face of the bloody attempted coup and the military’s continuing brutality against civilians, the people had no choice but to launch a defensive war to completely remove the military dictatorship.

Since the launch of the defensive war on 7 September, civilian resistance groups’ attacks on junta targets have become increasingly frequent and inflicted heavy losses on the junta’s forces. Meanwhile, the junta has also escalated its atrocities, including massacring civilians, using detained civilians as human shields, shelling and bombing residential areas, and looting and burning houses.

Fighting between the Myanmar military and the country’s ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) has also intensified, as some have joined hands with the people’s revolution.

“The most important thing at the moment is, based on the objectives of ending the military dictatorship and building a federal democratic union, all political forces including the EAOs should build unity and get involved in the people’s revolution,” the acting president said.

He dismissed coup leader and junta boss Min Aung Hlaing’s call for EAOs to mark the new year by engaging in a peace dialogue as an attempt to stall for time and find a political exit strategy from the crisis, as well as to deceive the international community and confuse the resistance forces.

“The attempted coup has trampled hopes of peace. They have destroyed the peace and future of the country,” Duwa Lashi La said.

The acting president added that in fact, the war criminals, who are stained with the people’s blood, are not fit for political dialogue, but should be sent to face domestic and international criminal courts.

The NUG has been documenting evidence of serious human rights abuses and crimes against civilians by junta forces to file with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in order to find justice for the victims.

The acting president said the revolution, for which many lives have been sacrificed in the last 11 months, will see new developments in 2022, and said he had no doubt that the people would achieve victory.

“I would like to urge [all people] to work together until we free ourselves from military slavery and bring back freedom, equality and justice for the people,” he added.


News (34)

Paypal and other transactions exceeding $600 must be reported to the U.S. Revenue Service
Reporter : Allen Zhong / Compiled by Gao Shan / Editor : Ye Ziwei /
According to the latest regulations of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), from 1 January 2022, users of all third-party payment application platforms must report to the IRS for receipts of payments for goods and services of $600 or more.
This new regulation will involve all payment applications, including PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Google Pay and more.
The revised reportable income threshold is part of Biden's "American Rescue Plan".
The "U.S. Relief Program" is the largest bailout bill in the history of the United States. It was passed by the Democrats in March 2021 but a Democratic congressman voted against it. Although no Republican congressman voted in favor, the bill passed with 220 to 211 votes. The purpose of this change is included in the bill, which is said to be to combat tax evasion.
The third-party payment platform also needs to send a 1099-K form for these payments. In this way, starting on 1 January, if you receive more than $600 on the payment application platform, you may receive a 1099-K form. Of course, this does not mean that you have owed any taxes, but only that there may be personal income that usually needs to be reported to the IRS.
Before the revision, these payment platforms had to report to the IRS only if the total income of users in goods and services transactions exceeded $20,000, or if they made more than 200 such payments in a calendar year.
While the threshold for reporting amounts has been lowered, users of third-party payment application platforms may also need to provide additional information. Users may be asked to provide their employer identification number (EIN), personal tax identification number (ITIN), or social security number (SSN), etc., if such information is not available in their files.
Payments between family members or friends are not restricted by this rule.
PayPal said in a statement in November 2021, “This new threshold change is currently only for payment for goods and services transactions, so this does not include using platforms such as PayPal or Venmo to provide your family or friends for dinner, gifts, Transfers between mutual travel and other reasons."
Therefore, when using platforms such as PayPal to transfer money between family and friends, it is best to choose the category "Family & Friends" to avoid "misunderstanding" of unnecessary taxable income and non-taxable income in the tax return. Taxable income includes wages, rent, tips and retirement income, etc., which need to be declared in the tax return.
David Super, a professor of law and economics at Georgetown University, explained to the question, “This change does not change what is taxable and what is deductible. It just hopes to encourage people to be more honest. Report your own income and deductible expenses."
News (35) to (40) / Host : Tang Jingyuan / Publisher : Foreight Quick Review / Editor : Li Hong /
Image : Video Screenshot

News (35)
Hidden connection among the three major epidemics in China and the United States? 
Xi’an’s lockdown enters the 13th day today, and local officials also officially announced today that as the 35 new cases are in the lockdown area and isolation point today, “the social situation has basically been cleared.” The communities that meet the conditions for removal will have After the assessment, it will be gradually unblocked in an orderly manner.
This is of course a landmark event, because Xi’an pioneered this kind of anti-epidemic model of “urban area cleaning” and “off-site isolation treatment” that can be cleared at fixed points at a fixed time, and this the focus of public opinion.
At the same time, when various voices such as calls for help, screams, anger, and praises that have never been missing were mixed, the voice of a weak woman also appeared almost overnight. In the headlines of the big media, she is the independent journalist Jiang Xue who is called "Wuhan is a party, Xi'an sees Jiang Xue".
In addition, there is another important news that is closely related to the epidemic. Yesterday’s report in the United States showed that there were 1,083,948 new confirmed cases in the United States within 24 hours on Monday. This data instantly pushed the average number of new infections in seven days to 480,000, which was almost twice the peak of the surge in cases last winter. It broke the global record for the highest number of single-day confirmed infections. It can be called a wave of tsunami-like infections.
It’s very interesting that some friends also mentioned this new wave of infections in the United States in their message to my program, saying that your program is unfair. There are only more than one hundred infections in China every day, and more than one million in the United States. The gap is altogether tens of thousands of miles. Why don't you criticize the United States but criticize China?
This is a very good question because the three things we mentioned earlier: Xi’an’s first zero-clearing model, Xi’an’s Fang Fang, and the record peak of infections in the United States are all closely related to the epidemic. , And there is a very important internal connection between each other.
Why do we seldom talk about the US epidemic prevention and criticize the CCP's one-size-fits-all brutal zero-clearing policy? The reason is related to this important internal connection, and strictly speaking, it is closely related to each of us.
Today, let’s discuss this topic first. Let’s start with Jiang Xue, "Xian’s Fangfang".
News (36)
"Xi'an Fangfang" long article dissemination
Just yesterday, an article titled "Ten Days in Chang'an—My Ten Journals of the Locked City" was widely reposted on the mainland network. The writing of the article was smooth and sharp, objective and calm, and recorded the author's ten days of lockdown in Xi'an. Life also depicts the various beings around me and independent thinking about the Xi'an model.
The author of this article is named Jiang Xue, which is exactly the same name as Liu Zongyuan’s popular five-character quatrains "Jiang Xue".
Who is Jiang Xue? In her early years, she was the chief reporter of China Business Daily, focusing on people's livelihood and rule of law reporting. She was once awarded the title of China's top eight reporters on CCTV. In 2014, Jiang Xue joined Caixin Media for a time, but in order to "pursue more free expression", she soon left Caixin and founded the self-media "Xuefang". Now she is an independent media person.
In Jiang Xue’s 7,000-word article, most of the content is to objectively record his own personal experience and what she has seen and heard. It talked about the difficulty of buying vegetables, talked about how to barter things, and even talked about How she makes suggestions to the government to solve problems, etc., is trivial and true.
If there is something more sensitive, there is a paragraph at the end of the article: "'Xi'an can only win', this is correct big talk, idiom, and empty talk. Similarly, there is also "we will do whatever it takes." 'Price', this sentence is good, but specific to every ordinary person, we may have to think about it, here, are we'we', or are we the'price' that must be paid?"
Jiang Xue also wrote that no matter how the official ultimately tells the suffering from the grand narrative, she only wants to care about the people who are humiliated, hurt, and ignored. They did not need to suffer such pain. In the end, she ended with the sentence "The virus did not take lives in this city, but something else is really possible."
The end of this paragraph is really the most critical part of Jiang Xue’s log on Xi’an’s closure of the city, because all her personal experience records and the few words in her thoughts are actually a suggestion of Xi’an’s “Social Clearance” model. A huge question: Which one is more terrifying, harsh government or tiger, natural disaster or man-made disaster?
News (37)
Xi'an clearing and "closing ears to zero"
This question directly relates to the iconic event that Xi’an officially announced the success of the "Social Clearance" today.
According to the press conference on epidemic prevention and control held in Xi’an today, a new round of nucleic acid screening started at 9 am on 4 January within the city of Xi’an, and a total of 5 confirmed cases were found, 2 of which were in the closed zone. 3 cases were in the control area (all are home quarantine), and 20 positive cases were found in a centralized quarantine point.
The official statement is that because these cases were found in isolation control personnel and closed and controlled areas, the social situation has basically been successfully cleared, which means that there is no source of infection in the community, and the spread of the epidemic has been effective. contain. After each closed area is evaluated, it can be gradually unsealed in an orderly manner and returned to normal.
This model has been summarized by very talented netizens as "covering one's ears to zero", which is very vivid and vivid. Because those high-risk groups who "one person is positive and the whole building is pulled away" have not disappeared or been cured, they have only been forcibly transferred to low-rent houses, isolation houses in surrounding cities, or even stuffed into detention centers or cold winds. "Centralized isolation" in underground tunnels.
Whether their high-density gathering during the transfer process will cause cross-infection, whether they can eat enough at the isolation point, whether they are not frozen, etc., will never appear in the official media reports and the grand narrative of Xi'an's official success.
Because Xi’an officials have issued an "important notice" through WeChat, claiming that starting from 0:00 on 4 January, WeChat groups will not be allowed to post various negative news during the epidemic period, such as gossips and epidemic videos, and offenders will be immediately blocked.
How big is this crowd? According to official accounts, as of 4 January, there are more than 42,000 people in Xi'an who are currently under quarantine.
In other words, the authorities accurately cut these 40,000 people out of Xi'an, like driving out the low-end population, and even throwing them into a corner of the surrounding area to fend for themselves. Just as Jiang Xue mentioned in the sentence "we will do everything at all costs", the authorities have become the real "us", and this group of people is the "price".
For the more than ten million people who are lucky enough to remain in Xi'an, they are not the "us", their true status is only a potential "cost."
Because we all know very well that if a large-scale outbreak occurs in Xi’an one day in the future, and even remote isolation is not feasible, the authorities will certainly not hesitate to deal with the entire Xi’an as a price, just like the original Wuhan people and even Hubei people will be hunted down and suppressed in all directions no matter where they fled.
News (38)
Xi'an cleared a copy of the Nazi "Crystal Night"? 
At the bottom of my last episode, several friends commented and sighed, saying that this scene is reminiscent of the Nazi's socialization of Jews.
I have to say that the comments made by my friends are very reasonable, because the scene of the forced transfer of tens of thousands of people in Xi'an overnight is actually the same as the internal logic of the famous "Crystal Night" made by the Nazis. The logic is: in the name of "security", the government can deprive a certain social group of people of all personal rights in an instant, drive them out of their homes, and concentrate them in specific places for detention, and the whole process does not require any judicial procedures. "Foresight Quick Review"
Some people may say that this is a random analogy. The Nazis imprisoned Jews for massacres, while the CCP imprisoned these close-knit crowds for the purpose of saving people. How can this be the same thing?
The reason is actually very simple. We all know that "Crystal Night" was an attack on Jews by the Nazi stormtroopers and Hitler youth groups that broke out in Germany and Austria in the early morning of November 9-10, 1938. This incident marked the beginning of the organized slaughter of Jews by the Nazis, and the fuse that broke out was the assassination of von Rattle, an official of the German Embassy in Paris, by the Jewish youth Greenspan.
In other words, at the beginning of the Nazi eradication of Jews, it was also carried out in the name of "defending the safety of the German people."
Therefore, the point of the question is not whether Xi'an's close contacts were massacred, but that the government has broken through the bottom line of the rule of law, and the mode of transferring large numbers of people to remote detention and secret disposal at any time is openly legalized.
This is the most dangerous. Don’t forget that the CCP used to send millions of intellectuals to study classes or labor camps overnight in the name of “rightists” in the name of political security. Millions of Red Guards were exiled to the countryside to become de facto labor reform criminals; in August 1966, Beijing Daxing and Changping even implemented a "social cleanup" that was far more brutal than the Nazis against "black five" personnel. This is the origin of the bloody "Red August" that people of the older generation know.
How far is this difference from the removal of "close contacts" in Xi'an today? I'm afraid it's just the difference between fifty steps and one hundred steps. It's just that the Nazis and the Red Guards use "reactionary dangerous elements" to divide the crowd, while Xi'an uses "virus close elements" to divide the crowd. The nouns are different, and the truth is the same. The CCP can clean you socially today in the name of epidemic prevention, and tomorrow it can clean you socially in the name of national security or whatever, or even physically eliminate you when necessary.
Do you think they cannot do it or dare not do it? They have done so many times. Their concentration camps in Xinjiang can already detain millions of Uyghurs. They are almost exclusively regarded as "terrorist close contacts" and have been "socially cleared", but they are This is the difference between the ideological close contacts and the people in Xi'an who are physical.
From this point of view, the so-called "Social Clearance" model pioneered by Xi'an only started with land reform and suppression of counter-revolutionaries, cleared the five types of blacks, rightists, and counter-revolutionaries during the Cultural Revolution, and then proceeded to the "June 4th" democrats. It is just a variant of the large-scale persecution of the Falun Gong faith groups and the elimination of Xinjiang Uyghurs.
This model was once popular in the Mao Zedong era, and was implemented in secret in the Deng Jianghu era. Then, in the Xi Jinping era, it was once again in the name of epidemic prevention, wearing the aura of "letting a house for everyone" openly and legally resurrected with corpses.
Under such a model, no one is safe, and everyone may be regarded as a price at any time due to the different needs of the party and thus be cleared.
News (39)
What does one million infections in the United States show in a single day? 
After seeing this clearly, let's go back and look at the "coexistence with the virus" epidemic prevention model in the United States and Europe. I think my friends may have a different understanding. Why do so many people in the United States and Europe have been protesting against the government's mandatory vaccines? They are not illiterate people who do not understand common sense and science. They are not opposed to the vaccine itself. They are only opposed to the human rights violations of the government-mandatory vaccine.
This is because many things are like this. Once a precedent is set, the government's power will be infinitely expanded. Today, the vaccine will be forced in this name, and tomorrow will be forced to be detained in isolation in that name. The day after tomorrow, the "Crystal Night" may indeed be repeated.
This is the deep-seated reason why so many democracies in the United States and Europe are unable to copy the CCP’s work. From the constitution to cultural customs, from officials to the private sector, there are many forces and many people to prevent the government from setting this precedent and surpassing this last root and bottom line.
Therefore, this is the most fundamental difference between the US-European epidemic prevention model and the CCP's epidemic prevention model. This is not a simple medical issue, but a profound political issue.
Friends in the United States may have realized that although the United States has set a record of more than one million infections a day, in fact, most people have almost no feelings. What should they do? The whole society is still operating in an orderly manner. There is no panic or unrest.
In other words, the people of all countries are facing more of the tigers are natural disasters, while the Chinese people are facing more of harsh governance and man-made disasters.
News (40)
Hard to say the two epidemic prevention modes "coexistence with virus" and "one size fits all" are sustainable
Even if we look at it purely from a medical point of view, the two epidemic prevention modes of "coexistence with the virus" and "one size fits all" can still be said to be the winner so far. If the former model is adopted, the number of infections is definitely higher, because the idea of ​​epidemic prevention is to obtain herd immunity through coexistence, so as to truly obtain an immune barrier.
Although the latter is temporarily good-looking in terms of data, due to the failure of domestic vaccines and the lack of human antibodies caused by zeroing, it will face huge risks in future epidemics. Not to mention how long repeated lockdowns can last. Once the line of defense of this model is When a new mutant strain is breached, what happens when a powerful strain that has undergone multiple rounds of upgrades faces a population with almost no antibodies? That's when the two modes really differentiate themselves.
We see that the number of new cases in Xi’an has only reached three digits every day, and we can no longer bear the pressure of the closure of the city in various aspects such as management and control, people’s livelihood, and medical support. We have to clear the transfer of close contact groups. This is in fact an announcement. The failure of the lockdown mode. The original intention of the lockdown was that risk personnel should not be exodus. Now it is the other way round. It is forced to specifically evacuate risk personnel. Doesn't this mean a failure?
If there are new cases in Xi'an with an increase of 4 digits and 5 digits in the future, can the CCP manage to clear half of the urban population? If there are outbreaks in multiple cities at the same time, can the CCP transfer half of China to rural areas to clear it?
Don't think that this kind of thing will not happen, isn't the epidemic situation in Henan suddenly warming up now? In a few days, at least 6 cities have entered the state of locked down or semi-locked down cities. The zero-clearing mode is like Dayu's father Gun's control of the water, blindly blocking the water, although it seems to be temporarily safe, once the dam breaks, it will be a disaster.
In other words, this competition for the epidemic prevention model is actually a 10,000 m long run instead of a 100 m sprint, because the virus will obviously coexist with humans for a long time, and new mutant strains will definitely continue to appear. Who can persist to the end?  Who is the real winner?
Of course, the coexistence model of the United States and Europe with the virus is not necessarily the best model. There are also various problems, but at least in the context of the current limited effects of this vaccine and the lack of specific therapeutic drugs, this is a relatively more objective reality and practical route.
Just like Zhang Wenhong said, Europe and the United States are fighting the epidemic with medicine, while the CCP is fighting the epidemic with administrative means. I am afraid it is hard to say who is more scientific and sustainable.
Pictures of Ho Chi Minh City

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