Monday, January 17, 2022

Foreigners will not be isolated in Mongolia, second to administer the fourth dose

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, CCP, Taiwan, India, Philippines

News (1)

Foreigners will not be isolated in Mongolia

Image of MIAT Mongolian Airlines B737-800 leaving Singapore for Ulaanbaatar : Researcher's Picture

Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Amarsaikhan briefed the Cabinet on the current situation of the covid epidemic and the response measures being implemented. Some tasks were given in connection with the presentation.

In December 2021, the State Emergency Commission decided to keep foreigners in solitary confinement for three days to prevent the transmission of new covi strains.

Cabinet members called for the decision to be overturned and for residents to be isolated for three days. The decision will be made by the State Special Commission.

The State Special Commission is also tasked with creating conditions for parents with children aged 0-5 to work online from home.

News (2)

The second country to administer the fourth dose

Mongolia is the second country after Israel to administer the fourth dose of covi vaccine.

As of 11 January  2022, 70 percent of the Mongolia population have received the first dose, 67 percent have been administered the second dose, and 30 percent the third dose. The fourth dose has been administered to 10,247 people.

The Ministry of Health has announced that Mongolian and foreign citizens over the age of 18 have been voluntarily vaccinated against the fourth dose of covi vaccine since 7 January 2022.

News (3) to (4) / Editor : Tang Ying /

News (3)

Expert: Death toll in China is 366 times higher than announced

Image : Health workers wearing protective clothing spray disinfectant outside a shopping mall in Xi'an, 11 January 2022. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

The CCP Chinese regime may well have underestimated the covid death rate by 17,000% in order to maintain its political image in a systematic data suppression campaign, an American expert said.  The expert calculated that the death toll from covid in China could reach around 1.7 million, rather than the two-year cumulative death toll of 4,636 recorded by the CCP authorities. That is 366 times the official figure.

The above conclusion was drawn by Professor George Calhoun of the United States based on the data model of The Economist magazine. Calhoun is director of the quantitative finance program at the Stevens Institute of Technology.

Since 1 April 2020, the Chinese government has reported only two new deaths. As a result, Zhong Nanshan, a Chinese epidemiologist who oversees the outbreak, said last week that China has the lowest COVID-19 death rate in the world.

The death rate, which was hundreds of times lower than in the United States, caught Calhoun's attention. He told a NTD reporter, "It's impossible. It's impossible from a medical and statistical point of view."

"Remember, in 2020, there is no vaccine and no treatment," Calhoun said. "There is no protection for such a large social group, and there are tens of thousands of infections without a single death. "

After collating a large amount of public data, previous research reports, and analyzing various past scandals of the CCP government's concealment of facts, Calhoun came to a conclusion that seemed obvious to him: the CCP government, in order to achieve the political goal of "zeroing out" , is systematically falsifying data to support their claims.

"There was a message after the first quarter of 2020, 'Okay, we want to see COVID clear. It's our policy,'" Calhoun said. Then, COVID cleared."

News (4)

Unusual numbers

Calhoun said the first hard evidence of China's falsified figures was the sudden drop in deaths from April 1 after a surge in infections in China in early 2020.

According to data provided by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, from 1 April  2020 to 8 January 2022, China recorded 22,102 new infections and only two deaths . By contrast, Hong Kong had half as many new infections as mainland China over the same period, with 213 deaths.

In the first three months of the outbreak, Wuhan's death rate (the proportion of people infected with the virus who died) was about 7.7 percent, more than five times the death rate in the United States and more than four times the global average.

Image : A comparison of the mortality rate in Wuhan with the rest of the world. (Courtesy of George Calhoun)

Calhoun said there were only two possibilities: Either "the virus in Wuhan in early 2020 was much more virulent than anywhere else in the world at any time," or the actual number of infected was three or four times the number reported by the Chinese Communist Party.

Over the past 20 months, the CCP has frequently underreported figures. China is the only country in the world that does not provide figures for "excess mortality". "Excess deaths" are those that exceed the normal number of deaths, according to a University of Washington survey.

Excess mortality, or the difference between officially reported and expected mortality, is a more comprehensive and objective measure of roughly covid mortality.

The Economist's data model seeks to fill this data gap. Citing data from this model, Calhoun said the number of "excess mortality" in China is 17,000 percent (170 times) the official death toll from the outbreak. Such deviations are even greater than in countries like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Venezuela, which are in sharp domestic turmoil. The highest of the four countries is Venezuela, which has an excess mortality rate of 1,100% (11 times) of the officially reported number.

Image : China's "excess deaths" compared to several other countries. (Courtesy of George Calhoun)

Underestimation of the number of deaths from the epidemic is widespread in many countries. According to the "Economist" statistics, the number of deaths in the United States has been undercounted by about 30% but the situation in China is so extreme. Calhoun said, "There must be some kind of driving force behind that."

Calhoun's estimates match what The Epoch Times has described from information provided by the public at home, multiple internal documents obtained, and some research data on the outbreak in China, suggesting that the domestic death toll is much higher than officially reported.

In the early months of the Wuhan outbreak, some crematorium employees in the city told The Epoch Times that they burned bodies day and night. In March 2000, thousands of urns were transported to a local crematorium, when the official death toll was only 2,000. A month later, the official death toll was revised up by 50 percent, citing errors in administrative statistics.

Image : On 25 January 2020, medical staff in Wuhan Red Cross Hospital wear protective clothing to take care of infected patients. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

A study published in The Lancet last March said that as of April 2020, 968,800 people in Wuhan had antibodies to the virus. This means that these people have immunity after being infected with the virus.

The bias in the data did not just happen in Wuhan. Another internal document from the Shandong health agency showed nearly 2,000 people tested positive for the virus in a two-week period in February 2020, compared with only 755 officially reported cases during the same period.

Leaked internal documents show that the Chinese government continues to view epidemic control as a political task.

An outbreak of the virus recently broke out in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province. Internal documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times show that a top official in Shaanxi province ordered "the toughest measures" to stop the spread of the virus. The document said that because the Beijing Winter Olympics was just around the corner, the spread of the epidemic would "raise systemic risks" and "smear the country's image."

News (5) to (9) / Reporter : Wu Minzhou / Editor : Lu Meiqi /

News (5)

Former CCP military staff: The CCP’s attack on Taiwan is costly and has no chance of winning

Image : The picture shows the Taiwan Air Force F-16V fighter jet walking on an elephant. (Central News Agency)

The total number of military aircrafts of the CCP’s military disturbing the airspace around Taiwan in 2021 will reach 961, an increase of 2.5 times compared with 380 in 2020. The threat to Taiwan is becoming more and more serious. . However, the former Communist Army staff officer said that in fact, the Chinese military has a negative attitude towards attacking Taiwan, "because there is no chance of winning", and it will pay a huge price, and may even trigger the crisis of the fall of the Communist regime.


Image : The picture shows the national army conducting an urban warfare exercise. (Central News Agency)

On the 15th, the Fuhe Association held the "2022 Youth National Security Forum" at National Taiwan University, and invited a number of retired generals, military political commentators, and Communist Party research experts to analyze the possible ways of the Communist army's attack on Taiwan and how the national army should respond.

Yao Cheng, a former lieutenant colonel of the Communist Party of China who is currently in the United States, said through a pre-recorded video that, from the current situation, the Chinese Communist Party has not been able to conduct a comprehensive landing operation on the island of Taiwan. Attacking Taiwan is also opposed, "because there is no chance of winning", the cost is too high, and it may even directly lead to the downfall of the Communist Party.

News (6)

Whether Xi is re-elected or not is critical to the time when the Chinese Communist Party invades Taiwan

He said that the current key lies in the "Twenty National Congress" held at the end of the year. If Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that there is no hope of being re-elected, he may use force to invade Taiwan, implement military control within China, and comprehensively supervise the opposition forces; and Xi Jinping If successfully re-elected, the CCP military leaders will automatically move closer. If the CCP military has another three or five years of military preparation, it is likely to use force against Taiwan in 2027, and will not hold the "21st National Congress" on the grounds of violating Taiwan. thus automatically re-elected.

As for the possible mode of the communist army's attack on Taiwan? Yao Cheng said that if the communist army wants to invade Taiwan, it must first fight "two battles", one is to strengthen the military blockade against Taiwan, and the other is to seize the outer islands. He explained that since 2019, the Communist Army has been deploying to seize Dongsha. In addition to facilitating the entry and exit of warships in the Bashi Strait, more importantly, it wants to attract the US military to fight an anti-access operation through the capture of Dongsha, and use the coastal strength of China. The location is convenient, in an attempt to hit the U.S. military heavily and force the U.S. military near the sea.

He said, in addition, in order to prevent the intervention of Japan, the first peak of the United States, the CCP may also conduct an anti-access operation in the East China Sea, sending aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, and destroyers to push back the Japanese army, and even do not rule out the capture of Diaoyutai if necessary.

He further stated that if there is bound to be a war between the United States and China, the United States will want to be in the South China Sea, because the waters are wide and deep enough for large aircraft activities; while the CCP will want to be in the Taiwan Strait, because it is close to the shores of the Communist Army to build military power , has a geographical advantage. The location of Dongsha is just between the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, which is beneficial to the CCP.

Yao Cheng said that the CCP's "14th Five-Year Plan" mentioned that the main roads to Taiwan, including highways and railways, will be opened in 2035. Currently, preparations are being made to build bridges between China and Kinmen and Matsu. Taiwan will definitely not. Agreed, but the CCP may unilaterally announce the withdrawal of the Golden Horse, and gradually press on Taiwan by "cutting sausages". It is estimated that the possibility of war is very high.

News (7)

Before hitting the island,  first take a shot at Penghu

He said that the most important outer island in Taiwan is Penghu. Before attacking the island, the CCP will first attack Penghu. The CCP has deployed 6 rocket units in Fujian with a maximum range of 480 kilometers. The 823 artillery battle of the year was staged.

He said that the United States has deployed heavy troops in the South China Sea, forcing the CCP's defense line to retreat to the Xisha, while the CCP continues to threaten the Taiwan Strait.

Talking about the CCP’s threat to Taiwan, Yao Cheng said frankly that the CCP’s army is indeed much larger than the national army. There are 8 million registered reserve troops alone, and there are more than one million maritime militia along the coast. It is a huge threat, and if the CCP is given another 3 to 5 years to breathe, they will make progress militarily.

Yao Cheng said that the CCP's troops landing in Taiwan have 4 branches of the military. At present, the CCP has transferred the first commander of the Marine Corps, Kong Jun, to the Eastern Theater Command as the army commander. In terms of equipment, the 003 aircraft carrier will be launched this year. 2. Combat power will be formed within 3 years; in addition, the mass-produced Yun-20 transport aircraft can also air drop medium and light equipment, including tanks and armored vehicles; while the 095 and 096 nuclear submarines are expected to be launched within 3 years, and the number of nuclear warheads will also double; the Air Force, It is estimated that 3 to 5 brigades of J-20 fighters will complete the construction within 3 years, and the total number will reach 300, which will have a great impact on Taiwan.

News (8)

Taiwan's greatest advantage is its democratic system

As for how Taiwan should respond to the CCP's threat of force? Yao Cheng suggested that Taiwan should establish a very friendly relationship with democratic countries. Taiwan's biggest advantage is its democratic system, which is recognized by the world. The People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party also have concerns about this. In addition, in the face of the threat of force , Taiwan must have a firm determination to oppose the Communist Party, must unite as one, and all people must be soldiers.

He also reminded that Taiwan's biggest crisis is likely to come from within, especially those with military power. If the CCP cooperates with the CCP and launches a coup, it will pose a challenge to Taiwan's security. There is an atmosphere within Taiwan that the Communist Party likes.

Yao Cheng suggested that Taiwan should "attack the heart and mind" in the face of the CCP. In addition to adhering to the democratic system, it can also play a huge role in spreading the truth on the Internet. He took himself as an example. Many CCP officers secretly went over the wall to see him. After the filming, he fled to the United States.

News (9)

99% of Chinese do not believe in the Communist Party

He emphasized that it is more effective to disintegrate the Communist army and instigate the anti-communist army than military equipment. Taiwanese people should not think that the Chinese are all brainwashed by the Communist Party. I believe in the Communist Party, Taiwan can do a good job in the battle of heart and mind, and it is better than thousands of troops.

Image : The picture shows the naval vessels Tuojiang and Tajiang conducting exercises. (Central News Agency)

News (8) to (9) / Editor : Tang Ying /

News (8)

Expert: Death toll in China is 366 times higher than announced

Image : Health workers wearing protective clothing spray disinfectant outside a shopping mall in Xi'an, 11 January 2022. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

The CCP Chinese regime may well have underestimated the covid death rate by 17,000% in order to maintain its political image in a systematic data suppression campaign, an American expert said.  The expert calculated that the death toll from covid in China could reach around 1.7 million, rather than the two-year cumulative death toll of 4,636 recorded by the CCP authorities. That is 366 times the official figure.

The above conclusion was drawn by Professor George Calhoun of the United States based on the data model of The Economist magazine. Calhoun is director of the quantitative finance program at the Stevens Institute of Technology.

Since 1 April 2020, the Chinese government has reported only two new deaths. As a result, Zhong Nanshan, a Chinese epidemiologist who oversees the outbreak, said last week that China has the lowest COVID-19 death rate in the world.

The death rate, which was hundreds of times lower than in the United States, caught Calhoun's attention. He told a NTD reporter, "It's impossible. It's impossible from a medical and statistical point of view."

"Remember, in 2020, there is no vaccine and no treatment," Calhoun said. "There is no protection for such a large social group, and there are tens of thousands of infections without a single death. "

After collating a large amount of public data, previous research reports, and analyzing various past scandals of the CCP government's concealment of facts, Calhoun came to a conclusion that seemed obvious to him: the CCP government, in order to achieve the political goal of "zeroing out" , is systematically falsifying data to support their claims.

"There was a message after the first quarter of 2020, 'Okay, we want to see COVID clear. It's our policy,'" Calhoun said. Then, COVID cleared."

News (9)

Unusual numbers

Calhoun said the first hard evidence of China's falsified figures was the sudden drop in deaths from April 1 after a surge in infections in China in early 2020.

According to data provided by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, from 1 April  2020 to 8 January 2022, China recorded 22,102 new infections and only two deaths . By contrast, Hong Kong had half as many new infections as mainland China over the same period, with 213 deaths.

In the first three months of the outbreak, Wuhan's death rate (the proportion of people infected with the virus who died) was about 7.7 percent, more than five times the death rate in the United States and more than four times the global average.

Image : A comparison of the mortality rate in Wuhan with the rest of the world. (Courtesy of George Calhoun)

Calhoun said there were only two possibilities: Either "the virus in Wuhan in early 2020 was much more virulent than anywhere else in the world at any time," or the actual number of infected was three or four times the number reported by the Chinese Communist Party.

Over the past 20 months, the CCP has frequently underreported figures. China is the only country in the world that does not provide figures for "excess mortality". "Excess deaths" are those that exceed the normal number of deaths, according to a University of Washington survey.

Excess mortality, or the difference between officially reported and expected mortality, is a more comprehensive and objective measure of roughly covid mortality.

The Economist's data model seeks to fill this data gap. Citing data from this model, Calhoun said the number of "excess mortality" in China is 17,000 percent (170 times) the official death toll from the outbreak. Such deviations are even greater than in countries like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Venezuela, which are in sharp domestic turmoil. The highest of the four countries is Venezuela, which has an excess mortality rate of 1,100% (11 times) of the officially reported number.

Image : China's "excess deaths" compared to several other countries. (Courtesy of George Calhoun)

Underestimation of the number of deaths from the epidemic is widespread in many countries. According to the "Economist" statistics, the number of deaths in the United States has been undercounted by about 30% but the situation in China is so extreme. Calhoun said, "There must be some kind of driving force behind that."

Calhoun's estimates match what The Epoch Times has described from information provided by the public at home, multiple internal documents obtained, and some research data on the outbreak in China, suggesting that the domestic death toll is much higher than officially reported.

In the early months of the Wuhan outbreak, some crematorium employees in the city told The Epoch Times that they burned bodies day and night. In March 2000, thousands of urns were transported to a local crematorium, when the official death toll was only 2,000. A month later, the official death toll was revised up by 50 percent, citing errors in administrative statistics.

Image : On 25 January 2020, medical staff in Wuhan Red Cross Hospital wear protective clothing to take care of infected patients. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

A study published in The Lancet last March said that as of April 2020, 968,800 people in Wuhan had antibodies to the virus. This means that these people have immunity after being infected with the virus.

The bias in the data did not just happen in Wuhan. Another internal document from the Shandong health agency showed nearly 2,000 people tested positive for the virus in a two-week period in February 2020, compared with only 755 officially reported cases during the same period.

Leaked internal documents show that the Chinese government continues to view epidemic control as a political task.

An outbreak of the virus recently broke out in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province. Internal documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times show that a top official in Shaanxi province ordered "the toughest measures" to stop the spread of the virus. The document said that because the Beijing Winter Olympics was just around the corner, the spread of the epidemic would "raise systemic risks" and "smear the country's image."

News (10)

In response to China's provocation, India sells anti-ship missiles to the Philippines

Reporter : Wang Xiang / Editor : Lin Yan /
Image : The picture shows the BrahMos missile displayed during the Republic Day rehearsal on January 20, 2007. (Raveendran/AFP/Getty Images)

India and the Philippines have reached an agreement that India will provide the Philippines with the BrahMos anti-ship cruise missile system, a move that may help Yu balances Beijing's recent aggressive behavior in disputes over the South China Sea.

This represents the first time India has exported the BrahMos anti-ship missile, the system manufactured by the India-Russia joint venture in New Delhi.

India is expanding its defense ties with the United States and its allies in response to China's growing military power. The Philippines is a treaty ally of the United States. The anti-ship missile negotiations took nearly five years.

The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday (Jan 15) that two Indian officials and Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana confirmed that the Philippine government wrote to Brahmos on Dec. 31. Aerospace Pte Ltd, accepted a proposal to buy three sets of hypersonic missile systems for $375 million.

An Indian official said the two countries are expected to sign the contract this month.

Lorenzana posted on Facebook on Friday (14th) that the missiles will be primarily responsible for the Philippine Navy's Coastal Defense Regiment.

Rear Admiral Rommel Jude Ong, a former deputy commander of the Philippine Navy who retired in 2019, said the missiles were designed in part to counter China, which disputes Philippine sovereignty over land and fishing grounds in the South China Sea .

Wang said the Philippines has developed an asymmetrical plan to deal with China's South China Sea strategy, with anti-ship missiles distributed across the Philippine Islands from north to south, covering the west coast facing the South China Sea.

The dispute between the CCP and the Philippines over the islands and reefs in the South China Sea has a long history. Although the International Court of Justice ruled in favor of the Philippines in 2013, the Chinese side did not accept it. Near the waters of the islands and reefs, and clashed with the Philippine coastal defense forces many times.

The most recent was in mid-November 2021, when Philippine officials accused Chinese coast guard vessels of blocking two Philippine supply ships and firing water cannons in a disputed shoal in the South China Sea.

So far, the CCP has built seven well-defended artificial islands in the South China Sea and is rapidly expanding its military capabilities and activities.

The Diplomat magazine website earlier reported that the purpose of the deal was entirely in response to the disputes over sovereignty of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines in recent years. Military power poses a threat, and the Philippines must increase its strength against the CCP.

An Indian official said the Philippines bought the BrahMos shore-based missile, which has a range of 290 kilometers (180 miles) and a speed of Mach 2.8, almost three times the speed of sound. This is enough to cover some disputed areas in the South China Sea.

"Brahmos will strengthen the defense capabilities of the Philippines and will not create any imbalance in the South China Sea," the Indian official said.

India is currently negotiating with several countries in the Middle East, South America, South Africa and Southeast Asia that have also expressed interest in buying BrahMos, the official said.

India has pursued an aggressive defensive diplomacy strategy in response to China's expanding naval activities across the Indo-Pacific and military standoffs along the Himalayan land border.

Sreeram Chaulia, dean of the School of International Affairs at India's Kinder Global University, said, "(Missile) delivery can help prevent naval imbalances in the Indo-Pacific region and improve the deterrence capability of small countries against a huge China. "

He said Beijing has been a major force in arms sales to Pakistan, a longtime rival of India.

"India equipping the Philippines or Vietnam or Indonesia with advanced weapons sends a message that China-Pakistan relations could have wider regional consequences," he said.

Richard Heydarian, a political scientist at the Philippine Institute of Technology, said the purchase shows that while many countries cannot match China's naval power, they are seeking weapons systems that can deter conflict.

"Smaller states can develop this powerful deterrent with minimal overall cost through targeted purchases of state-of-the-art and asymmetric capabilities."

Pictures of Ho Chi Minh City

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA