Saturday, June 25, 2022

台湾首例猴痘照曝!从大腿冒痘 Exposure of Taiwan's monkeypox! Acne first emerges from the thigh

Bilingual News (1)

 国内首例猴痘照曝!这部位冒痘 卫生局:与国外不太一样

编辑 :庄雅婷  /

台南个案染猴痘照片首度曝光。 (图/台南卫生局提供) 



猴痘高风险接触者包括同住家人、性伴侣等。 (示意图/shutterstock达志影像) 




The first case of monkeypox in the Republic of China is exposed! This part has acne. Health Bureau: It is not the same as abroad

Editor : Zhuang Yating / Image : Photo of a Tainan case infected with monkeypox are exposed for the first time. (Photo/Provided by Tainan Health Bureau)

The Taiwan CDC announced on 24 June 2022 the first confirmed case of monkeypox in the Republic of China Taiwan. A 25-year-old man who returned from studying in Germany to Taiwan was diagnosed with monkeypox and was admitted to a negative pressure isolation ward for treatment. The Tainan Health Bureau released a photo of the case with acne on the legs yesterday (25), which is not similar to the confirmed cases abroad.

The case went to school in Germany from January to June this year (2022), and took a flight back to Taoyuan on 16 June. After being tested at the airport and confirmed negative for COVID-19, he returned home for home quarantine. He developed fever and sore throat on June 20. , muscle soreness, rash, swollen lymph nodes in the groin and other symptoms. He went to the doctor on June 21 and 22. After being evaluated by the doctor, the examination and notification were carried out. The specimen was sent to the Laboratory of the Taiwan CDC.

The case went to Kaohsiung for medical treatment. The Tainan and Kaohsiung Health Bureaus had originally expanded the contact with a total of 20 people. However, Zhuang Renxiang, deputy director of the CDC, pointed out yesterday that the re-examination was based on the latest relevant work guidelines. The distance between the contacts was relatively long, so only 9 contacts were left to be monitored by themselves for 21 days until July 14.

The Tainan City Health Bureau released the first photo of a case infected with monkeypox yesterday. It can be seen that pimples appeared on the thigh. Since most foreign cases spread from the face to the limbs and torso, the Health Bureau believes that the the situation that has been seen in foreign countries before is not similar to the Taiwan case. According to the Health Bureau, monkeypox symptoms include skin lesions such as macules, papules, blisters, pustules, fever, chills or chills, sweating, headache, muscle pain, swollen lymph glands (such as around the ears, armpits, neck or groin, etc.) and will experience extreme burnout.

Due to the gradual expansion of the international monkeypox epidemic, the Health Bureau reminds that if people entering from overseas have suspected symptoms, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and take the initiative to inform their travel and contact history. For inquiries, please call the special line 1922 or the Tainan City Epidemic Prevention Line 06-2880180. For relevant information, please visit the Global Information Network of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Bilingual News (2)

猴痘可1染2!防共用「衣服、床单」 长痘前就会传

记者 : 曹佼人











Monkeypox can cause 1 to infect 2! Preventing the sharing of "clothes and sheets". Monkeypox virus will spread before acne develops

Reporter : Cao Jiaoren 

Some experts estimate that monkeypox confirmed monkeypox patients can pass on the virus to two people, and it may spread when the fever has not developed a lesion. In addition, be careful not to come into contact with the clothes and bed sheets of the confirmed person, which is a possible infection route, and in the Republic of China Taiwan, many people have not been vaccinated against smallpox but experts believe that the probability of infection in children is relatively low, so there is no need to take special measures.
On the first case of monkeypox in Taiwan, the lesions are different from those in foreign countries. The lesions of monkeypox in foreign countries are usually larger in diameter and grow from the face to the limbs. However, the lesions in the domestically diagnosed patients seem to be small in diameter. It grows from the thigh first, and the virus is weaker.

Huang Gaobin, vice president of the Chinese Affiliated Hospital, said, "It came from West Africa. This time it is a relatively weak virus strain, a weak virus strain. Some people call it a Portuguese strain, and its lethality rate is relatively low."

Although the fatality rate is low, at present, only about 45-year-old people in China have received the smallpox vaccine that can prevent monkeypox. Experts believe that the third-generation smallpox vaccine has fewer side effects and people under the age of 45 can be vaccinated. Vaccines can be substituted.

Shi Xinru, director of the Virus Research Center of Chang Gung University, said, "Generally speaking, if you are in good health and accidentally get infected, you will recover on your own. You will recover in 2 or 3 weeks, and there is no serious illness, so you don't need to take this vaccine unless the infection has become very, very large."

Experts suggest that children have a low chance of being infected and do not need special vaccinations, but if you are really worried, you can use alcohol to disinfect them frequently.

However, some experts estimate that 1 monkeypox patient can infect 2 people, so be careful. Pediatric emergency physician Wu Changteng pointed out that clothes and bed sheets contaminated by monkeypox virus can infect other people of any age and layers, and monkeypox patients will have a fever for 1 to 3 days before the lesions appear but the virus can be transmitted in the first 2 to 3 days. If the alertness is not high enough, it will increase the probability of transmission.

Huang Gaobin, vice president of the Chinese Affiliated Hospital, said, "This is very important. It can easily lead to being misdiagnosed or considered to be other diseases. When seeing a doctor, especially a doctor, be sure to ask him about his travel history."

However, the WHO has not listed monkeypox as a public health emergency of international concern at this stage, and some experts believe that the current monkeypox epidemic meets all the criteria for being classified as an emergency, but choosing not to list it is a wrong decision.

Bilingual News (3)

猴痘入侵台湾6类人当心 「居家2物品」成最可怕传染源

编辑 :庄雅婷 

猴痘入侵各国。 (示意图/shutterstock达志影像)



谈及4大传播方式,吴昌腾指出,第一,密切接触已感染病毒的人或动物;第二,因为猴痘病毒的DNA在物体表面上非常稳定,若接触感染者碰触过的物品,包括感染者的衣服、毛巾或床上用品都可能感染;第三,由于呼吸道飞沫有一定的传播距离,所以长时间、面对面接触已感染病毒的人或动物(prolonged face-to-face contact)也可能传播病毒。第四,最近猴痘出现在城市环境中,感染者有时会出现生殖器及会阴区域皮肤病变,这表明病毒可能通过性行为的皮肤接触传播。

吴昌腾说明猴痘4大传播途径。 (图/翻摄吴昌腾医师脸书)


4.于个案执行会产生飞沫微粒(aerosol)之医疗措施时,未穿戴 N95面罩与护目镜/面罩,且位于同一房间或距2公尺内之医疗相关人员。 


Monkeypox invades 6 types of people in Taiwan. Beware of "two items at home"  that become the most terrifying source of infection

Editor : Zhuang Yating /

The Taiwan CDC announced on 24 June 2022 the first case of monkeypox in the Republic of China Taiwan, which aroused public concern about the symptoms and infection routes of monkeypox. Wu Changteng, the attending physician of the Pediatric Emergency Department of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, posted on Facebook on 25 June 2022, reminding the four major transmission routes and calling on the public to be especially careful.

The first monkeypox case in Taiwan went to Germany to study from January to June this year (2022), and returned to China by plane on June 16. During the home quarantine period, he developed fever, sore throat, muscle pain, rash, groin lymphadenopathy, etc. Symptoms were collected and reported after being evaluated by a doctor, and monkeypox infection was confirmed on the 24th. In response to the monkeypox virus, Wu Changteng pointed out on Facebook that the disease course of monkeypox (monkeypox) is very similar to that of smallpox. The virus can infect any age group and enter the human body through damaged skin, respiratory tract, eyes, nose and mouth.

Talking about the four major modes of transmission, Wu Changteng pointed out that first, close contact with people or animals that have been infected with the virus; second, because the DNA of monkeypox virus is very stable on the surface of objects, if you come into contact with objects that the infected person has touched, including Clothes, towels or bedding of an infected person may be infected; third, due to the certain transmission distance of respiratory droplets, prolonged face-to-face contact with infected people or animals (prolonged face-to-face contact) may also spread Virus. Fourth, with the recent emergence of monkeypox in urban settings, infected individuals sometimes develop skin lesions in the genital and perineal areas, suggesting that the virus may be transmitted through sexual skin-to-skin contact.

As for monkeypox symptoms, Wu Changteng pointed out that it usually starts with flu-like symptoms, including a marked headache, fever, chills, severe back pain, collapse and occasional abdominal pain. And about 50% of patients will have generalized lymphadenopathy. In addition, after two days of fever and physical discomfort, smallpox-like smallpox will appear on the third to sixth day. The rash is more obvious on the face and limbs, and the rash extends to the palms and soles of the feet.

According to the "Monkeypox Prevention and Control Workbook" released by the CDC on 25 June 2022, the contact guidelines pointed out that there are 6 types of people who should pay special attention to those who are classified as high-risk contacts:
1. Living with family members.
2. Sexual partners who have had any form of sexual contact.
3. Those who have had skin or mucous membranes in contact with the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory secretions of confirmed patients, or items that may be contaminated by them (such as clothing or bed sheets) without proper protection.
4. Medical related personnel who are not wearing N95 masks and goggles/masks and who are in the same room or within 2 m of each other when performing medical measures that generate aerosol particles. 
5. Those who do not have proper protection when cleaning the polluted room may inhale droplets or dust.
6. Those who have been exposed to active monkeypox virus or specimens that may contain the virus without proper protection during laboratory operations.

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