Saturday, February 4, 2023

Biden is aware of the Chinese spy balloon, U.S. F-22 shoots it down on 4 February 2023, CCP responds

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on U.S., CCP, Taiwan

News (1)

U.S. F-22 fighter jets shot down Chinese spy balloon. Biden ordered on 1 February
Image : The U.S. military dispatched fighter planes to shoot down a Chinese high-altitude reconnaissance balloon over the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. President Biden pointed out that he ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as possible on 1 February but the national security team suggested that the balloon should float over the sea for safety reasons before taking action. (Reuters)

A Chinese high-altitude reconnaissance balloon entered the U.S. airspace and floated over several sensitive military sites in North America. U.S. President Biden pointed out that he ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as possible on 1 February 2023 but the national security team suggested that the balloon should float over the sea for safety reasons before taking action.

The Pentagon of the United States announced on 2 February that a Chinese high-altitude reconnaissance balloon had entered the inland airspace of the United States. Members of both parties in the United States Congress angrily criticized Beijing for blatantly violating the sovereignty of the United States. This move has caused many Republicans to criticize the Biden-Harris administration for its inaction and being too weak towards China.

At about 2.39 pm local time on Saturday (4 February 2023), the U.S. military dispatched an F-22 fighter jet to use an AIM-9X air-to-air missile over the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Carolina and shoot it down. In this regard, Biden said that when he listened to the briefing on the 1st, he ordered the Pentagon to shoot down the balloon as soon as possible. However, the national security team believed that the best time to shoot down was when the balloon floated over the waters within 12 nautical miles of the United States for safety reasons. . However, when asked by the media about what message the shooting down of the balloon would convey to CCP China and what impact it would have on U.S.-China relations, Biden left without answering.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a statement afterwards, saying that the prudent and lawful actions of the U.S. side demonstrate that Biden and his national security team will always put the safety of the American people first, while effectively responding to China's unacceptable behavior for violating U.S. sovereignty.

Image : The U.S. military dispatched fighter planes to shoot down a Chinese high-altitude reconnaissance balloon over the Atlantic Ocean. US President Biden pointed out that he ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as possible on the 1st, but the national security team suggested that the balloon should float over the sea for safety reasons before taking action. (Reuters)

News (2)

3 airports grounded, U.S. military shoots down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean
Image : A Chinese spy balloon floats over the Kingston, North Carolina area, with an aircraft and its trajectory visible below. (Associated Press)

Recently, Chinese spy balloons flew into the U.S. airspace, causing concern, which caused U.S. Secretary of State Blinken to suspend his visit to China, causing diplomatic turmoil. According to a number of foreign media reports, the U.S. military has dispatched warplanes to shoot down the spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean off the eastern coast of the United States, and is currently recovering the wreckage.

Asked what he thought of the spy balloon, U.S. President Joe Biden made it clear that he would "deal with" the balloon. "Wednesday, when I was briefed on the balloon, I ordered the Pentagon to shoot it down as soon as possible," he said. However, at that time, the military decided that the best time to deal with it was to wait for it to reach the surface, considering that the debris might cause harm to people on the ground.

The balloon, which was about the size of three buses, flew at an altitude of about 60,000 feet off the coast of the Carolinas on Saturday afternoon local time. When it flew away from the mainland of the United States, military fighter planes were about to shoot it down, and many TV companies also broadcast it live. The TV pictures showed that the balloon exploded and fell to the sea.

Prior to this, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ordered the grounding of three airports in the Carolinas, including Charleston, South Carolina (Charleston), Laurel Beach (Myrtle Beach) airport and North Carolina Wilton (Wilmington) airfield, thereby clearing the airspace and sea area below after the balloon was shot down. The FAA has now lifted the no-fly order.

Now that the mission is complete, Biden said happily, "They successfully shot it down, and I want to praise our pilots."

Image : A suspected Chinese spy balloon was seen shot down over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the Carolinas. (Reuters)
Image : US President Joe Biden congratulated the military on successfully shooting down a Chinese spy balloon. (AFP)
Image : Chinese spy balloon over the coast of the Carolinas, USA. (Reuters)
Image : A suspected Chinese spy balloon has been seen shot down over the Atlantic Ocean. (Reuters)

For CCP's reaction, scroll down to News (23).

Timeline ...

News (3)

Know on 28 January 2023! "Bloomberg" restores the process of Biden "flying" the Chinese spy balloon
Reporter : Sun Yuqing / Image : A Chinese reconnaissance balloon entered U.S. airspace, sparking a new wave of mistrust between the U.S. and CCP China. (Associated Press)

A Chinese "spy balloon" has appeared in the sky over the continental United States, renewing the quarrel between the United States and CCP China. Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on 3 February 2023, restoring the U.S. government's handling process of the matter, saying that the White House knew that the balloon had entered US airspace as early as 28 January 2023 but was hesitant to shoot it down. Reporting this matter first forced the Biden administration to speed up the discussion. As a result, it was severely criticized by the Republican Party for acting weak.

It is understood that the White House learned on 28 January 2023 that an unidentified flying object had entered the sky over the United States, then flew away for a while, and re-entered the United States on 31 January 2023. When Secretary of State Blinken is about to visit CCP China, the White House hopes to handle the matter in a low-key manner.

In fact, when the people of Montana saw the balloon, Biden had already been briefed on it, and the White House had no opinion on whether to shoot it down. The situation was made more difficult by the location of the balloon near the U.S. Air Force base at Mamsrow, which houses a large stockpile of U.S. Zouave intercontinental ballistic missiles. The White House is very clear that the Republican Party has great ambitions for the 2024 presidential election, and it is bound to pursue the topic of which party is tougher on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On 1 February 2023, as the balloon continued to hover over Montana, Biden met with NSC staff to discuss it in more detail. Biden advocated shooting down balloons but senior defense advisers such as Secretary of Defense Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley insisted that shooting down balloons would cause harm to civilians.

Biden finally decided to let the balloon continue to fly. At the same time, he sought an explanation from the Chinese embassy in the United States but he has not been able to get a satisfactory answer. U.S. officials bluntly said that CCP China's response was confusing, and the CCP itself seemed to be caught off guard by this strange incident. The White House chose not to disclose the matter to the public at the time but the Montana local media "Billings Gazette" (Billings Gazette) disclosed the matter on 2 February and attached photos. It was only a matter of time before the national media followed up and let the Biden-Harris administration respond publicly.

At this point, the White House began to accelerate discussions, and announced the report on the Chinese spy balloon at 5.15 pm.
In order not to make the incident a big deal, Pentagon officials emphasized that it was not the first time that similar situations had been observed in the past few years, including during the administration of former President Trump, but this statement immediately angered many Republicans. Trump, former Secretary of State Pompeo and others have all accused the Biden administration of cowardice for not shooting down the balloon immediately.

News (4)

Video of Chinese spy balloon suspected of being shot down on Twitter spreads wildly, U.S. defense officials clarify
Image : U.S. officials have clarified claims that residents of Montana, U.S., filmed footage of a suspected Chinese spy balloon being shot down. (Picture taken from Dolly Moore Twitter)
美國蒙大拿州居民拍攝到疑似中國間諜氣球遭擊落的畫面,美國官員對此出面澄清。(圖擷自Dolly Moore推特)

The invasion of Chinese spy balloons into U.S. airspace has aroused great concern. A Montana resident filmed a picture of a suspected spy balloon being shot down. The video quickly spread on Twitter but U.S. defense officials emphasized that the balloon did not explode in the air, and the U.S. military did not send military planes to destroy it. It is not a spy balloon in the film.

Dolly Moore, a woman living in Billings, uploaded a video she took on Twitter on the 3rd, according to a report by the local TV station "KRTV" in Montana. Passing by, an explosion occurred in the sky, from which a string of white smoke could be seen slanting down, as if something was falling.

Moore, who worked at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, immediately suspected that it was the Chinese spy balloon that had flown over Billings. U.S. authorities emphasized that the spy balloon had left Montana. It was also sighted in the Midwest of the United States on 4 February.

The Billings municipal government also stated that the local firefighting units and the airport have not received any notification, and no aircraft has disappeared from the radar. After contacting the Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Agency and Governor Greg Gianforte, it was confirmed there were no explosions in the state at the time.

U.S. defense officials also clarified to Fox News that the Chinese spy balloon did not explode or be shot down by the U.S. military, and the film has nothing to do with the Chinese spy balloon.

News (5)

Pooh + Floating Balloon! Pompeo tweeted that this picture was so acidic that even Chinese netizens laughed
Image : Former US Secretary of State Pompeo mocked the Chinese spy balloon incident with a picture. (Flip Twitter)
The Chinese spy balloon caused an uproar. Many public figures from the United States and China shared their opinions. Relying on a picture can tell a thousand words, the acidity exploded, and even Chinese netizens were amused.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo posted a tweet on Twitter on 3 February 2023. The tweet did not carry a word but only a picture. It was an illustration of Winnie the Pooh floating with a green balloon, insinuating the Chinese spy balloon; The CCP leader, Xi Jinping, is known as "Xi Pooh", and netizens know it clearly at a glance.

Compared with the embarrassment of Hu Xijin trying to flatter the same day and being slapped in the face by the CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he played a hooligan and changed to boast that China's detection satellite technology surpassed Britain and the United States. Chinese netizens snickered, "If this is used as the profile picture of WeChat, I don't know if our account will be blocked in a country that emphasizes 'democracy'", "You know how to play the Internet", "Forward this picture to Moments Will it be banned?", "Will it be banned in the wall?"

News (6)

Americans mistook weather balloons for Chinese spy balloons, experts explain
Image : The U.S. Weather Service in Kansas said recently that the balloon floating on the northwest horizon was a weather balloon. (The picture is taken from the official Twitter of the "U.S. Weather Bureau Kansas Branch" and synthesized by Liberty Times)

Recently, some Americans mistook the weather balloon launched by the Kansas Branch of the US Weather Bureau as a spy balloon, and reported the balloon to the Kansas Weather Bureau. The Bureau of Meteorology said that weather balloons are not as huge as spy balloons, can only stay in the sky for about 90 minutes, and will automatically burst at an altitude of 30,000 meters above the ground.

The Kansas branch of the US Weather Service (NWS) tweeted on 4 February local time, writing, "Recently, we have received many reports from the public that an unknown balloon hovered over the northwest horizon. It is a weather balloon."

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, the NWS pointed out that weather balloons can only stay in the sky for about 90 minutes, and the flight direction and speed are completely determined by the wind speed; Between 19,000 and 21,000 metres. When the weather balloon floats to 30,000 metres above the ground, the balloon will burst automatically.

When the balloon bursts, the parachute that goes up with the balloon will bring the weather balloon to the ground, and the people who pick it up can decide to keep it or send it back to the US Weather Bureau. In addition, weather balloons usually carry radiosondes equipped with receivers and transmitters, which transmit data back to the ground every two seconds to help weather forecasters build weather simulation maps.

According to the latest estimates, the flying altitude of the Chinese spy balloon is at least 19,000 metres, which is much higher than the flying altitude of the American cruiser and higher than the floating altitude of the weather balloon in winter. The weather balloons are about 6 to 7 metres wide.

News (7)

Meteorological experts revealed the possible path of the Chinese spy balloon, and the U.S. police reminded: Do not shoot when you see it
The Chinese spy balloon flew into the airspace of the United States on the 2nd local time. According to the wind direction, meteorological experts speculated that the balloon may float to the Carolinas or Virginia in the next 24 hours. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States The US National Administration (NOAA) stated that based on weather model calculations, the balloon left the east coast of the United States as early as the morning of the 4th at that time. At the same time, the U.S. police reminded the public not to call the police or shoot at the spy balloon.

According to CNN reports, the Chinese spy balloon first appeared in Montana on 2 February local time, and the last reported position was Missouri. CNN weather expert Jennifer Gray believes that the balloon is drifting with the wind direction. It is expected that in the next 24 hours, strong winds will blow from west to east, which is likely to blow the balloon to the Carolinas or Virginia. Nearby, there may be changes in wind speed and direction, but she thinks it will be difficult for balloons to fly over major cities in the Northeast.

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that according to weather models, the Chinese spy balloon will leave the east coast of the United States as early as the morning of the 4th. Two Defense Department officials said the balloon was expected to fly out to sea near the Carolinas after reaching the eastern coast.

At the same time, the North Carolina (Gastonia) Police Department posted on Facebook, "If you see a Chinese spy balloon flying over Gastonia, do not call the police, because the police do not have the ability to inspect 60,000 foot altitude capability, we are pretty sure the government wants people to stay out of it, and finally remind the public not to shoot at this balloon with a gun."

News (8)

The equipment under the Chinese spy balloon is as long as 27 metres. U.S. officials: It is used to steer and monitor
The invasion of the Chinese spy balloon over the United States has caused great controversy. U.S. defense officials revealed that the equipment below the spy balloon is 90 feet (about 27.4 metres) long and should be used to change the direction of the balloon and monitor device.

According to CNN reports, the length of the equipment under the Chinese spy balloon is about 3 buses long, and the balloon itself is also quite huge due to the large device to be transported.

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said the Chinese spy balloon is so large that shooting it down could scatter debris and injure people on the ground. 

News (9)

Do not rule out shooting down the Chinese spy balloon, the U.S. military and NASA discuss the wreckage
The Chinese spy balloon flying in the US airspace caused an uproar. What the outside world is most curious about is why not just shoot down the balloon? The U.S. initially argued that the potential risk of injury from the wreckage after it was shot down was higher than what the balloon had detected but officials said that does not mean they will not change their minds, and have discussed with NASA a possible drop-off area for the wreckage.

CNN reported that in view of the fact that the route of the Chinese reconnaissance balloon includes sensitive areas such as the silo of the US intercontinental ballistic missile, there are many questions about why it was not shot down. A senior defense official said Thursday local time that the balloon was assessed not to pose a physical hazard to individuals or civil aviation in the continental United States, and the threat to the intelligence community was not too serious at this stage. So even if the chances of the wreckage hitting people or property is low, it is not worth it.

The report noted that U.S. Northern Command is coordinating with NASA to determine where debris from the downed balloon might fall. However, the assessment at this stage is that the risk posed by the debris outweighs other hazards.

However, officials stress that doe not mean it will not be shot down eventually. As long as the risks presented change, the U.S. has other options to deal with the balloon. "We have expressed our seriousness with China in dealing with this matter but we have also stated that we will do everything we can to protect the American people and territory."

News (10)

Pentagon: Another Chinese spy balloon is traveling over Latin America

A second Chinese spy balloon is currently traversing Latin America, Pentagon confirmed late on Feb. 3 amid rising concern about a Chinese surveillance balloon hovering eastward across the continental United States.

“We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon,” Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said in a statement to media outlets.

The comment came hours after Ryder was pressed at a briefing with reporters about a Canadian defense ministry statement on Friday that they were monitoring a “potential second incident,” and whether the United States is doing the same. Ryder in response referred the question back to the Canadian authorities.

The first Chinese balloon, which military officials described to be a “high altitude surveillance balloon,” appeared earlier this week above the state of Montana, home to one of the country’s three nuclear missile silo fields.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday postponed a trip to Beijing that would have marked the highest profile U.S. visit to China over the balloon, calling the balloon “irresponsible” and “a clear violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law.”

“[China’s] decision to take this action on the eve of my planned visit is detrimental to the substantive discussions that we were prepared to have,” he told reporters.

The Department of Defense wouldn’t confirm the balloon’s exact location, its size, and other details on Friday other than saying that the balloon is maneuverable, has changed course at some point, and that it is currently flying at 60,000 ft eastward across the country.

President Joe Biden was first briefed on the matter on Tuesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Jan. 3, and was given the “strong recommendation” by military leaders not to shoot it down due to the risk that falling debris may harm civilians.

A senior defense official said the U.S. has taken unspecified mitigation measures against the balloon, adding that it was assessed that the device had “limited additive value from an intelligence collection perspective over and above what [China] can do through other means.”

The Chinese regime has claimed that the balloon over the United States is a civilian meteorological balloon from China that was blown off course. In response, Ryder said, “The fact is we know it’s a surveillance balloon.”

Costa Rica Reports

Ryder didn’t specify which country the balloon is currently hovering over, but local reports have cited sightings of a white balloon of mysterious origin over Costa Rica, which the country’s civil aviation authorities said doesn’t have a fly authorization.

“My big concern with the Chinese balloon flight is if this is a test to see how fast we react and what we do,” Art Thompson, CEO of California-based company Sage Cheshire Aerospace which provides stratospheric balloon launching and research services, told The Epoch Times.

The two balloons appear to have been launched from different locations, he said. The photos Thomson examined of the two balloons, over the United States and Costa Rica, show that they are very similar in style.

“When I look at the trajectory, the question is, where did they launch it from? And it could have been launched from mainland China, and then just drifted over and would have done a little oscillation in its flight,” he said.

Thompson has advocated for the United States to shoot down the balloon currently moving eastward over the nation with laser weapons. He believes that U.S. authorities still have several days to take action before the balloon reaches international waters, but the one over Costa Rica would have a much shorter timeline.

“It’s going to be out of touch fairly quickly because in Costa Rica, they’re going to be across into the gulf pretty fast,” he said.

“The Chinese are definitely testing us and preparing for something.”

News (11)

Chinese spy balloons make waves! Blinken criticizes China as irresponsible, White House says it is unacceptable
Image : U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the Chinese balloon incident as irresponsible. (Reuters)

The Chinese spy balloon broke into the airspace of the United States, sparking international discussion. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who had planned to visit China, also postponed his trip because of the incident and criticized China for its irresponsible actions.

"Reuters" reported that Blinken said at a news conference during his visit to South Korea that he had reflected with Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of China, that it was irresponsible to break out the controversy on the eve of his upcoming visit to China. He will wait until the time is right to go.

Blinken said that the focus is to resolve the current dispute, so a new timetable for visiting China will not be finalized immediately. "The first step get this surveillance equipment out of our airspace." However, the United States will continue to maintain relations with China communication channels.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said that President Joe Biden learned of the Chinese balloon news through a briefing on Tuesday local time. The government's consensus is that it is not an appropriate time to visit the People's Republic of China. Regarding China's claim that the balloon was for civilian use and entered the United States by "force majeure" factors, Champier said, "The appearance of the balloon in the airspace of the United States clearly violates our country's sovereignty and international law. It is unacceptable that this incident will happen. .”

US Pentagon officials announced yesterday that a spy balloon entered US airspace a few days ago and flew over the state of Montana, where the US nuclear bomb silo is located. The Chinese side later admitted that the balloon came from China, saying it was a force majeure accident.

News (12)

Expert: The CCP’s ballooning is a bold but clumsy espionage tactic

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Lin Qing / / Image : On 18 June 2013, a group of hot air balloons flew over the Qiongzhou Strait in Haikou, Hainan Province, China. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)


The Chinese Communist Party’s flight of a suspicious spy balloon over the United States shocked the world. Security experts said that compared with relying on satellites and stealing industrial and defense secrets, the CCP’s espionage tactics seemed to mark a new era, a more arrogant but more puzzling attitude.

The U.S. and China have used surveillance satellites to spy on each other from the sky for decades but China’s latest balloon dispatch has some in Washington wondering.

"In a way, it's more amateurish," said former White House national security adviser John Bolton. "Is the camera on their satellite not high enough resolution that they have to send a balloon over?"

The CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 3rd that the balloon was a "civilian airship" used for civilian meteorological and scientific purposes. Due to "force majeure," the airship "accidentally" entered U.S. airspace but Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder categorically denied on 3 February.

"We are aware of the (Chinese Communist Party's) statement." Ryder emphasized at the Pentagon news conference. "The fact is, we know it is a surveillance balloon. I can't be more specific (because the relevant information is classified)."

On 4 February, the CCP accused American politicians and media of using the balloon to slander China.

Former Canadian ambassador to China, Guy Saint-Jacques, also expressed skepticism about the CCP government's explanation. He said Beijing should have notified Ottawa and Washington if what China said was true.

Since last weekend, Canada has tracked suspected Chinese spy balloons in its airspace. After the U.S. Department of Defense revealed that the balloons appeared over sensitive military bases in the western United States, Global Affairs Canada summoned Chinese ambassador Cong Peiwu to express dissatisfaction.

Zhao Pu said that the appearance of the spy balloon was a great embarrassment for the CCP government and leader Xi Jinping. Xi had expressed interest late last year in easing tensions between the U.S. and China amid mounting economic problems and challenges at home but the balloon incident led to Blinken calling off his visit.

Zhao added that the presence of the balloons also undercuts China's longstanding stance against incursions into territories it claims, including disputed areas such as the South China Sea.

"Whenever a U.S. plane approaches Chinese airspace, they protest," Zhao Pu said, "so the Americans can say: 'What right do you have to complain? You sent a balloon over our territory'. So I think all this makes China (the Communist Party) looks really clumsy."

Dean Cheng, senior adviser on China programs at the U.S. Institute of Peace, a nonpartisan public agency, said the Chinese balloons spotted this week appeared to be deliberate provocations.

"It's a way of testing how the other side responds, not militarily, but politically, what would you do? Would you keep silent? If in fact there's been a lot, and it's not the first time, then it puts forward An interesting question. What happened to the previous ones? Did we shoot them down?" Cheng Bin explained.

Mike Rounds, a Republican on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, told Fox News that recycling the balloon would be a good thing to see "whether it's designed to actually collect data, or whether it's designed to test our ability to respond." .

Fox News political commentator Jesse Watters thinks the problem is more serious. He said on the program at night of 3 February, "How big is the threat of this airship? We don't know... This may be to see our reaction."

Waters mentioned that U.S. spy balloons can carry suicide drones and deploy them to destroy targets on the ground, like a killer bee hive.

"How do we know what's in the Chinese balloons?" Waters added. "During World War II, the Japanese used balloons to drop bombs on us. They killed six Americans in Oregon, which was during the war and the only fatality records in the continental US. This could be a trial run by China."

Commentary (1) to (5) / By : Zhang Tiantai /

Commentary (1)

The CCP has no right to control the visit of U.S. Speaker McCarthy to Taiwan, and it also has no right to interfere in the normalization of Taiwan as a country

Kevin McCarthy, the new Republican speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, plans to visit Taiwan this spring, and the Pentagon is preparing for it. Today, in response to media questions about Beijing warning him not to visit Taiwan, McCarthy said bluntly: "I don't think China can Order me where I can go.” The writer believes that the CCP cannot control the US House of Representatives Speaker McCarthy to come to Taiwan, and also has no right to interfere in Taiwan’s normalization of the country. The writer discusses it as follows.

Image : McCarthy, the new speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, emphasized that China has no room to interfere with his itinerary. (Reuters)

Commentary (2)

U.S.-China chip competition: Biden’s U.S. comprehensive sanctions on China’s semiconductor companies

U.S. President Joe Biden (Joe Biden) issued a ban in October 2022, prohibiting the supply of advanced U.S. chips/chip equipment to Chinese companies, and added more than a dozen Chinese companies including Yangtze River Storage (YMTC) to the entity list in December.

In addition, within China's semiconductor industry, there are still many chip research and development projects that are thunderstorms and unfinished, and the government's active subsidies have extended to corruption of high-level officials and other chaos. The crisis has been forced internally and externally. 

In addition, China's semiconductor talent is insufficient. This has made the overall situation of China's semiconductor industry even more precarious. At present, Huawei has been beaten by the United States, and four Chinese semiconductor companies including SMIC, Hua Hong, Yangtze River Storage, and Changxin Storage have been sanctioned by the United States and it is difficult to survive.

Commentary (3)

The actual combat experience of the U.S. and Chinese military forces is very different: the Communist Army has zero actual combat experience and must kick the iron plate

In recent years, U.S. military experts have pointed out that although the strength of the Communist Army has grown rapidly, the biggest weakness is the lack of actual combat experience. Because the U.S. military has fought 10 wars in 20 years, it is far better than the Communist Army with no actual combat experience in 45 years. Advantages-wise, the United States surpasses China in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), technology and military expenditures while the United States is superior in command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) and air, surface and underwater weapon systems. 

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has spent 19 trillion U.S. Dollars on the military, and its military expenditure is 16 trillion U.S. dollars more than that of the CCP, which is almost the sum of the expenditures of other countries in the world during the same period. 

The most important thing is that the CCP has not dealt with any external crisis, and has never fought an all-out war in modern history, and there is a gap in actual combat technology between the U.S. military and the CCP military.

Commentary (4)

Taiwan affects the life of the global technology industry: Taiwan chips play a key role in the US-China technology war

Taiwan produces nearly 60% of the world's chips (more than 90% of high-end chips are produced by TSMC), and is in a key position in the global semiconductor industry chain. Because Taiwan's heavyweight scientific and technological talents received excellent education in the United States in their early years, they laid a good foundation for Taiwan's high-tech industry.

For example, Zhang Zhongmou, the founder of TSMC, went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to study in the 1950s, and Jiang Shangyi, the co-chief operating officer of TSMC, received a doctorate from Stanford University in the United States. Second, the Taiwan government in the 1980s systematically promoted the development of high-tech industries, and established the "Hsinchu Science Park" in 1979. 

The third is that Taiwanese companies have the long-term ability and determination to reinvest in the "capital-intensive" semiconductor industry. 

The fourth is that the United States emphasizes "brand thinking" because Taiwanese companies have little ambition for brand management today, Taiwanese companies are the best candidates for US partners. Some American scholars have said that it is unrealistic for the U.S. to make domestic semiconductors completely independent and self-sufficient. TSMC has excellent professional employees and advantages; the importance of TSMC's high market share in global chip manufacturing makes OPEC oil countries look inconspicuous.

Commentary (5)

CSIS military push report: Taiwan, the U.S. and Japan have the ability to deter the Communist army from invading

A think tank in Washington, D.C., released the results of the latest Taiwan Strait conflict war game, simulating various scenarios of mainland China’s invasion of Taiwan in 2026. The final conclusion is that the communist army suffered a disastrous defeat and ended with tens of thousands of casualties, and the Chinese public has been brainwashed by the CCP for a long time, but they have already developed trust in the CCP crisis, and once the Communist army is defeated, the Chinese people will find that they are living in a lie, the CCP’s credibility will be lost, and its ruling power will collapse from within China. Through unity and political determination, they have the ability to deter the Communist army from invading. 

At present, Taiwan urgently needs to strengthen cooperation with Japan, increase air-to-ship missiles, increase mobile anti-ship missiles, and strengthen the army's combat power.

In the end, the U.S. is still ahead of the CCP in terms of technology and military power. Therefore, when the CCP cannot bear the blow of the U.S., it will propose in the People’s Daily that China and the U.S. must find the right way to get along with each other, and that it is impossible to blindly oppose the CCP. However, when the CCP holds real power over the other side, it will immediately break the contract and implement complete oppression and control. From the case of Hong Kong, we can know that Taiwan is still able to use the global advantages of semiconductors to cooperate vertically and horizontally, making international democracies think that they are helping to defend Taiwan. It is to protect its economic development.

In short, there is still a gap in power between China and the United States. The CCP has no right to control the US House of Representatives Speaker McCarthy to come to Taiwan.

(Zhang Tiantai is a political worker and Doctor of Education based in Taiwan)

News (13)

Red flag! The CCP is preparing to build the whole country into a big prison

On 2 February 2023, the CCP's "People's Daily" published an article signed by Pei Jinjia. The article claimed to vigorously promote the practice of developing "military party secretary" in Anshun, Guizhou, and promote the so-called "excellent retired soldiers" to enter the grassroots "two committees". There are signs that the CCP is trying to turn mainland China into a big prison.

Pei Jinjia is the party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. The article claims to "contribute to the work of retired soldiers for the construction of a modern socialist country".

The article believes that "retired soldiers are generally politically firm" and should "actively help grassroots governance." The article also emphasized the need to vigorously promote the practice of developing the "Military Party Secretary" in Anshun, Guizhou, promote the so-called "excellent veterans" to enter the "two committees" at the grassroots level, and encourage and support veterans to work at the grassroots level in old areas, ethnic areas, and border areas.

The so-called "excellent veterans" here must be "do what the party tells them to do (bad things)", this is what the CCP calls "excellent".

Apparently, the CCP intends to allow veterans to play more roles in the so-called "grassroots governance" and strengthen the militarized management of ordinary people across the country. This is undoubtedly a dangerous political signal,

It has long been pointed out in the book "Disintegration of the Party Culture" that "the CCP is an extremely tightly controlled cult organization, and it extends the way of controlling the military to control the entire society."

"In addition to the military being shaped as a tool to point and fight, every field of work is called a "front" by the CCP. Of course, it is also militarized management, and subordinates absolutely obey their superiors. As long as the CCP points out a goal or a direction, many people will Immediately echoed, rushed forward."

"As soon as any social conflict emerges, the CCP will use violence to 'nip it in the bud'. This is true in daily life, but when the CCP is really carrying out class struggle, punishing and persecuting people, it will become even more severe."

The late famous historian Professor Gao Hua once pointed out that the first 30 years after the CCP seized power was "highly centralized, highly centralized, and Stalinist,...a planned economic system. Such a system, some people call it , in Lenin's words, a highly centralized system with the characteristics of "socialist barracks".

The "big barracks" mentioned by Professor Gao Hua is actually a big prison.

News (14)

The day Hu Xinyu disappeared: These clues are too important

Song Zude continued to speak out: Hu Xinyu was killed on the day he disappeared, and his organs were sent to Shanghai for transplantation for 100 million. Jiangxi officials are compiling documents according to the old routine, and then forcing Hu's parents to accept the conclusion of suicide and cremation. If such careless disregard of human life cannot be stopped, they will become even more unscrupulous, and no child of the common people will be safe from now on.

Song Zude continued to speak out: Hu Xinyu was killed on the day he disappeared, his organs were sent to Shanghai for transplantation, and the recipients paid hundreds of millions. Jiangxi officials are compiling documents according to the old routine, and then forcing Hu's parents to accept the conclusion of suicide and cremation. If such careless disregard of human life cannot be stopped, they will become even more unscrupulous, and no child of the common people will be safe from now on.

News (15) to (17) / Editor : Chu Tian /

News (15)

Regardless of everything pro-Russia! For the first time, Beijing made a naked statement... the beginning of a global conflict? 

French "Marianne" weekly website reported on January 30 that Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning accused the United States of "triggering the crisis in Ukraine" and asked Washington to stop sending heavy weapons to Kyiv. The statement contradicted the "neutral" stance taken by Chinese President Xi Jinping since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

A report on the international edition of the weekly's website states: "Are we witnessing the beginning of a global conflict? For the first time since the start of the war in Ukraine, China has taken a stance in favor of Russia". At a regular press conference held in Beijing on Monday, 30 January, CCP Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning accused the United States of "triggering the crisis in Ukraine" and supplying heavy weapons to Kyiv, while "this is the main factor for fueling the crisis in Ukraine." 

The report quoted the US Bloomberg channel as recalling that on 24 January 2023, the US government criticized Chinese listed companies for assisting Russia militarily and economically. According to Beijing's rebuttal, this is baseless blackmail and a victim of "blackmail". CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning accused Washington of "spreading paranoia" in response to reporters' remarks. She said CCP would "never add fuel to the flames" and assured that China "will contribute less to crises".

News (16)

The end of neutrality

The report went on to write that Chinese companies' support for Russia includes non-lethal military and economic assistance, which according to Bloomberg does not violate the sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies after Russia invaded Ukraine.

The French weekly magazine Marianne concludes by highlighting that this unprecedented change in tone comes just days before US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's visit to Beijing next Sunday and Monday. So far, Xi Jinping has taken a neutral stance toward Putin. Whether it was mid-September, at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCS) summit, when Beijing expressed concern to its Russian counterparts about the war in Ukraine; Spill out."

News (17)

U.S. sanctions Chinese firms for aiding Russia

According to previous reports from Reuters, the U.S. State Department and the Treasury Department simultaneously imposed sanctions on individuals and entities related to the Russian Wagner Group on the 26th, and imposed sanctions on Changsha Tianyi Space Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changsha Tianyi Space Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. "Tianyi") is also included in the sanctions list because the company "provided assistance to the Russian Wagner Group" in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In response to this, Tianyi said in response to a reporter from the Global Times on the 29th that Tianyi and its subsidiaries have no business dealings with Russia's Terra Tech Company and Wagner Group, and that Tianyi's products and services are used in civil and commercial matters. purposes, not involving any military use. At the same time, Tianyi is actively communicating with all parties, trying its best to ensure open, fair and just treatment, and safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests through legal means.

News (18) to (22) / Host : Li Muyang / Editor : Li Hao / Publisher : News Insight /

News (18)

Hell real estate is on fire, Hu's mother is raped by the Internet

Let's focus on the latest situation of the Hu Xinyu case. After the case of Hu Xinyu was concluded by the authorities, Hu's mother and other family members of Xinyu were subjected to cyber violence by many people. Netizens in CCP China accused Hu's mother of not caring about the child's mental health, creating public opinion to pressure the school to claim compensation from the police, and using Douyin to divert people for profit, etc.

These so-called accusations are actually groundless. As a mother, how can you not care about your children? I don't know what kind of psychology the people who say this say.

As for the accusation that Mama Hu created public opinion to put pressure on the school, this point of accusation is even more suspected of taking sides. After Hu Xinyu disappeared, the family members watched the school's surveillance and found that the video of Hu Xinyu's disappearance had been deleted. Is it not normal for family members to create public opinion and pressure when the school does not give any explanation?

As for claiming compensation from the police and using Douyin to divert people for profit, this is even more bloody. If the Hu family is for money, when the school proposes to give 2 million privately, the Hu family will not refuse. Only those who grew up drinking the CCP's wolf milk will have this kind of thinking.

In fact, those who accused Hu's mother and Xinyu's other family members were roughly divided into three groups. Part of it is to believe the conclusion of the Jiangxi authorities, the second part is to choose to stand in line and take advantage of the popularity to gain traffic, and the other part is to be deliberately bad.

But no matter what kind of person they are, if they criticize the Hu family at this time, they can't get rid of the suspicion of adding insult to injury. If he turned a blind eye to the facts and sprayed blood, then this person can only be said to be quite vicious.

Browsing Weibo this morning (3rd), I saw a post, "Recently, the real estate in hell is going to be on fire." When I first saw this post, I thought it was a netizen making up jokes, and I wondered, how could there be real estate in hell?

But after contacting Hu Xinyu's case, I realized that this netizen was expressing a kind of anger. He is cursing all the people who killed Hu Xinyu, and the perpetrators who turned the deer into a horse in order to cover up the shady scene to go to hell early.

News (19)

Where are Hu Xinyu's glasses? The granary guard showed up

Image of the granary guard : Video Screenshot

Yesterday I said that after the joint press conference of Jiangxi's three-level police, the voices questioning Hu Xinyu's case on the Internet should disappear. Browsing various social platforms this morning (3rd), it turns out that there are very few doubting voices, but there are still brave netizens who continue to question.

Regarding people's various questions, there are repetitions of previous questions and new doubts. For example, Zhiyuan Middle School is a boarding school with intensive surveillance cameras, how did Hu Xinyu leave the school without being caught by the cameras, etc.

Attention everyone, Jiangxi police have responded to many questions raised by people. Even if it doesn't make sense, it's a response. But where did Hu Xinyu's glasses go? The official did not mention it; and there is another key point that did not respond to the issue of surveillance cameras.

Hu Xinyu is highly myopic, and he wears a pair of glasses. The authorities found the recording pen at the scene, and in order to find the meal card, they could send an excavator to dig a certain depth. If Hu Xinyu hanged himself, if the glasses were not on the bridge of his nose, they would have fallen near the scene.

However, the authorities did not mention Hu Xinyu's glasses. Could it be that they were not there? It is very difficult for people with high myopia to move without glasses. If there are no glasses on the scene, where do the glasses go? Unless this is not the first scene.

Let alone the surveillance video. After Hu Xinyu's disappearance, the family members had read the school's monitoring logs and questioned that the monitoring logs were deleted at critical times. The Shangrao police later stated that they had invited Hangzhou "Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. technicians" to the scene to check the equipment several times. And issued a situation report on December 16, "proving that the hard disk video recorder in the school does not have a functional module for manually deleting logs and recordings."

The Shangrao police also stated that the professional technicians of the equipment manufacturer further explained, "equipment logs and video storage, security protection principles, confirmed that there is no manufacturer's equipment and technical support that cannot be deleted and modified" and so on.

However, on 6 January, "China News Weekly" reported that "the actual situation is that Hikvision has not made an appraisal conclusion on whether the video was deleted or not."

Hikvision never made that conclusion. But this time, Jiangxi's third-level police deliberately evaded this point, and did not dare to explain the problem of the surveillance video.

In addition, the China Grain Depot also has 360-degree surveillance cameras, and Hu Xinyu even avoided the surveillance here.

What is even more incredible is that no one found out that it had been suspended for more than 100 days, and the people in the China Grain Storage said that they had "routine inspections".

In CCTV's news report, Liu Guiquan, the warehouse guard who "first discovered" Hu Xinyu's body, made an appearance. He turned his back to the camera and said that during the "routine inspection" of the grain depot, he wanted to cut a piece of moso bamboo to dry clothes, but his dog ran to the woods deep in the steep slope. After chasing it, I saw "something like rain pants hanging up, look carefully, there are children's shoes under it".

News (20)

"Routine inspection" dogs feel abnormal, throwing corpses during the Chinese New Year?

[CCTV screen] On January 28, (I) came over for inspection, and I brought a hatchet. By the way, I cut a piece of moso bamboo to dry the quilt, it is like this.

Voiceover: Liu Guiquan told the reporter that he didn't notice anything unusual when he first arrived here. Because his dog ran to the woods deep in the steep slope that day, he chased it and saw the scene.

Liu Guiquan: I just walked to the place where Maozhu was, and saw a (object) like rain pants hanging, and hung it to that place. I took a closer look and saw the kid's shoes underneath.
Everyone pay attention, Liu Guiquan said that it was a routine inspection on 28 January, and it was the dog who discovered the situation and ran to the hanging place of the corpse. After Liu Guiquan chased him, he found a dead body hanging there.

I'm a little unclear here, how often do the "routine inspections" of China's grain storage depots take place? It was not mentioned in the CCTV report. I don't know if they forgot to ask, or they avoided it on purpose.

If it is on a daily basis, once a day or once every two days? Or three days, five days, or once a week? Or once every 10 days, once every half a month. If the interval is too long, it can't be called "routine inspection", right?

Assuming a half-monthly inspection, at least 7 inspections in 106 days; if it is inspected once in 10 days, at least 10 inspections in 106 days; if it is inspected once a week, at least 15 inspections in 106 days.

So the question is, why the dog didn't notice the abnormality during the frequent inspections? Well-known forensic doctor Hu Zhiqiang made it very clear that it is impossible to hang a body on a tree for 105 days. Otherwise, either the rope will rot, or the body will fall apart.

Judging from the photos leaked on the Internet and the statements of the authorities, the shoelaces did not rot, and the remains did not fall apart. As for the fact that the shoelaces are not rotten, the authorities' explanation can only become a point of complaint.

Based on these circumstances, we deduce that the greatest possibility is that shortly before Liu Guiquan's routine inspection on 28 January, the body was quietly hung up. Only such a situation can explain the fact that the dog did not smell anything abnormal before. If the dog's nose is fine, it must be because there was no previous body. In other words, the scene where the body was found was not the first scene.

We further speculate that January 28 is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, which is also a Saturday. Will the janitor come round every Saturday? And it happened that the situation was discovered during the inspection on January 28.

If this is the case, then the time when the corpse was hung up should be the period after the inspection on January 21 and before the inspection on January 28. January 21st is the New Year's Eve, and every household is busy celebrating the New Year, setting off firecrackers, watching TV and so on.

Could it be that during this Chinese New Year period, someone took advantage of people's distraction and secretly hung the "skeleton" on it? If this is the case, I think you can check the surveillance video of the grain depot. This surveillance video is not only a 360-degree surveillance without dead angles, but also the background network is directly connected to the provincial grain depot and the Beijing General Monitoring Center, and the data can be stored for at least one month.

If you consult the surveillance video, the answer should be unravelable. It's just that the authorities are covering it up, and it's impossible to release the video. I hope that people with conscience who know the truth will expose this video in the future, and then all the villains who participated in the evil will surface.

News (21)

The shoelaces can bear 1.5 tons? Deduction of Hu Xinyu hanging himself

Of course, "throwing corpses during the Chinese New Year" is just my speculation, not necessarily true. But such speculation seems to explain why shoelaces can hang young people with a height of 173 cm.

If Hu Xinyu hadn't been hung up by someone after his death, or if he had put it on by himself, the shoelaces would never have been able to withstand the huge impact.

At the Jiangxi third-level police press conference, the investigation results reported by the authorities were. On the north side of the central site is an east-west wall, and on the inner wall of the wall grows a tree with a diameter of 11 cm that grows obliquely inward.

According to the report, Hu Xinyu was suspended on the raised part of the tree trunk, the suspension point was 4.5 meters from the ground, and the vertical distance from the top of the wall was 0.61 meters. Hu Xinyu's drooping toes are 1.47 meters from the ground.

According to the height of Hu Xinyu's toes from the ground, and according to the released on-site investigation video, it can be known that when Hu Xinyu "hanged himself", there was no stool or other objects under his feet. In other words, he did not step on any object to hang himself.

We all know that shoelaces are very soft. Because of this, I wonder how did Hu Xinyu hang his shoelaces on the tree? After hanging on the tree, how did he tie it into a knot? Did he climb a tree? Did he end up getting his head into the sleeve?

Assuming all these are true, then when his body leaves the tree, the momentum plus his weight, for the shoelace, can be described as "a close call".

According to the data reported by the Jiangxi police, Dr. Zhang Tianliang, a professor at Feitian University and a well-known self-media person, calculated and analyzed based on mathematical formulas and the law of energy conservation. If Hu Xinyu hanged himself, the average force on the shoelaces would be Hu Xinyu. 30 times its body weight.

Hu Xinyu's height is 173 centimeters, plus the distance from his toes to the ground is 1.47 meters, the total length is 3.2 meters. It can be deduced from this that the length of the noose is at least 1.3 meters. If the part around the trunk is added, the length of the noose is about 1.5 meters.

Zhang Tianliang pointed out that according to the law of energy conservation, jumping from a height of 1.5 meters and hanging on a tree, this potential energy should be offset by the work done by the tension of the shoelaces. So calculated in this way, the average force of the shoelace is 1.5 tons.

The calculation formulas and data that you see now are the calculation and analysis process and the results obtained by Professor Zhang Tianliang.

According to Hu Xinyu's height estimation, under normal circumstances his weight is about 65 kg. Authorities say the shoelaces are made of polyester and have strong tension, "with a maximum weight of 85 kilograms under slow stretching."

However, even if it can bear Hu Xinyu's weight, can this shoelace bear the momentum of 30 times Hu Xinyu's weight? 1.5 tons is 1500 kilograms. Even if you have 10 shoelaces, I am afraid they will be broken long ago.

News (22)

The CCP wants to calm things down, U.S.-China relations change again

Just as U.S. lawmakers were furious, the Canadian Ministry of Defense issued an announcement. "Canadians are safe and Canada is taking steps to ensure the safety of Canadian airspace, including monitoring for a possible second balloon incident," the announcement said.

Canada's defense department did not elaborate on whether there were new balloon cases, nor did it name China. But the Canadian Ministry of National Defense said that "intelligence agencies are cooperating with the United States and continue to take all necessary measures to protect Canada's sensitive information from foreign intelligence threats."

Regarding the reactions of the United States and Canada, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party was forced to make a little response earlier today (3rd). However, the CCP did not recognize it as a "spy balloon", claiming that it was a "civilian airship used for meteorological research". Because of the wind direction and "limited self-steering ability", the "airship" deviated from its original course.

CCP’s foreign ministry also said it regretted the airship’s accidental entry into U.S. airspace due to force majeure. At the same time, he urged the United States to "exaggerate things too much", and claimed that it would continue to communicate with the United States to "properly handle this emergency."

In fact, an unnamed U.S. intelligence official told The Washington Post that similar balloons had been spotted over Hawaii and Guam before. The official noted that the balloon itself was "equipped with a guidance system."

That is to say, the balloon flying into the airspace of the United States is not a problem of limited self-steering ability, because it has a guidance system. Therefore, the argument of "deviating" from the course is not valid.

In other words, it is very likely that the CCP is deliberately spying on the intelligence of the United States. So no matter how the CCP quibbles, the impact of this incident on U.S.-China relations will hardly be eliminated.

Video (2)

Biden wanted to keep it a secret? ! What equipment is included in the spy balloon; after Blinken canceled his visit to China, the United States and China started a war of words; the balloon passed through multiple sensitive military facilities in the United States, what is the purpose of the CCP? Senior U.S. military pilot: It is difficult to hit the balloon; three balloons have been found in the Americas |Dayu News Insider

News (23)

The "Spy Balloon" was shot down by the United States and was angry! Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China: strongly protest

Editor : Huang Jiewen / : The Chinese reconnaissance balloon was shot down by the US. (Photo/Dazhi Image Reuters) 
中國偵察氣球遭美方擊落。(圖/達志影像路透社) 「間諜氣球」遭美擊落怒了! 陸外交部:強烈抗議

The Chinese reconnaissance balloon violated the U.S. airspace and was successfully shot down. The Chinese side said it was a civilian weather balloon and expressed regret for straying into the U.S. airspace. To this. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a more stern statement this morning (5), expressing its "strong dissatisfaction and protest against the U.S.'s use of force to attack civilian unmanned airships."

The full text of the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China:

China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and protest against the US's use of force to attack civilian unmanned airships. The Chinese side has repeatedly informed the US side after verification that the airship is for civilian use and entered the US due to force majeure, which was completely accidental. China clearly requires the US to handle it properly in a calm, professional and restrained manner.

A spokesman for the US Department of Defense also stated that the balloon will not pose a military or personal threat to ground personnel. Under such circumstances, the U.S. insists on using force, obviously overreacting and seriously violating international practice. China will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of relevant companies, while reserving the right to make further necessary reactions.

Pictures of Changi Airport

Images : Researcher's Pictures

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