Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau may unify their currencies, the CCP responds

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on CCP, Hong Kong, Macau, IMF

News (1) to (4) / Editor : Fang Xun / Source : RFA /

News (1)

Cruel enough! Will Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau unify their currency documents? The CCP is rebelling first 

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) think tank recently published an article pointing out that the implementation of "Bay Area Integration" suggested the establishment of a "Central Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Committee" to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee over the Greater Bay Area, implement "One Customs for the Whole Bay Area", and unify currency and documents. However, our station exclusively discovered on Wednesday (7th) that the article was suddenly removed from the shelves. An expert on China issues analyzed to our station that the removal of the article actually highlights the "importance" of the article. According to Xi Jinping's "Party Controls Everything" concept, the "integration" policy towards Hong Kong is "inevitable", but the CPC "does not want to show its cards too early" and does not want to announce to the outside world that "One Country, Two Systems" is dead at this stage.

News (2)

The article suggests "integration and unification" of Hong Kong, Macau and the nine cities in Guangdong

On 30 July 2024, the CPC think tank "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" published an article entitled "It is time to increase institutional openness and innovation to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 2.0" on its "China Social Sciences Network". The article pointed out that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee had earlier passed a decision, proposing a clear requirement of "deepening cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, strengthening the connection of rules and mechanisms", and pointed out that some Western countries have attempted to squeeze China out of the international economic stage in recent years, and should take the initiative to upgrade the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area as a whole into a "national offshore economic center" to form a super special economic zone that is fully connected with the world, and integrate the "rules, regulations, management, standards, etc." of Hong Kong, Macau and the nine cities in Guangdong.

The article proposed four implementation methods, namely "one policy for the whole bay", "one customs for the whole bay", "one currency for the whole bay" and "one certificate for the whole bay", that is, to establish a "Central Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Committee" to centrally manage the construction of the Greater Bay Area and be responsible for "top-level" planning and decision-making. The Guangdong Provincial Government, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Macao Special Administrative Region Government focus on "execution and implementation" and maintain the "high degree of autonomy" of the Special Administrative Region in social governance.

The checkpoint will be moved north to the "border between the Bay Area and the Mainland" and the "Bay Area Offshore RMB" will be adopted uniformly.

In addition, the customs will be moved north from the "Guangdong-Hong Kong and Guangdong-Macau border" to the "Bay Area and the Mainland border". The Greater Bay Area will implement closed-border management, integrating the three separated Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao into a complete economic entity, with zero tariffs in the region, and the flow of people, logistics and business will be completely internationalized.

Then there will be a unified currency. The Bay will no longer issue and circulate three currencies, but will uniformly adopt the "Bay Area Offshore RMB", which will be freely convertible and freely circulated, accumulating experience for the exploration of RMB internationalization; and the certificates of the 11 cities in the three places will also be unified, and the "Bay Area Green Card" will be issued to the permanent residents of the Bay Area. Chinese citizens who travel to the Bay Area for a short period of time will use the "Bay Area Pass" instead of the "Hong Kong and Macau Pass". Foreigners can travel to the Bay Area without a visa for 180 days. Vehicles in the three places will also use the "Bay Area License Plate". Logistics, tax processing, etc. will all be handled with one certificate throughout the Bay Area.

News (3)

The article was suddenly removed from the official website. Analysis: It reflects the differences of opinion within the CCP

According to the information, the author of the article in question is Fang Hanting, a researcher at the Regional Coordinated Development Research Center of Zhejiang University (a national high-end think tank). He was once the deputy director of the Strategic Institute of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the deputy president of Science and Technology Daily. As for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which published the article, it is a ministerial-level institution directly under the State Council, a think tank serving the CPC Central Committee and national decision-making, and has the authority of CCP propaganda. However, our station exclusively discovered on Wednesday (7th) that the article was suddenly removed from the official website, and only a small number of websites in the mainland that reprinted the content "survived".

Our station also noticed that in April this year, the official website of the "National Government Affairs Management Research Association" published a similar research article on "Integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area", which still exists today. The article was written by Liu Zhongping, director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Affairs Management Bureau, and mainly proposed five "integration" suggestions, involving coordination mechanisms, institutional reforms, institutional standards, asset management and resource interoperability. However, unlike the article that was removed from the shelves, which proposed that the central government should manage Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, this article proposed that the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta should uniformly establish a "Greater Bay Area Agency" to cooperate and coordinate with the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions.

News (4)

Directly announcing to the public that "One Country, Two Systems" is dead

Xia Ming believes that the article of the Administration Bureau has not been removed because it only explains and integrates the policies currently in place, while the article of the Academy of Social Sciences involved involves more content that the CCP is unwilling to expose, including specific indications of its intention to set up a new central administrative agency to "empty" the functions of the current Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, which is a direct and disguised announcement to the public that "One Country, Two Systems" is dead.

Xia Ming said: "The integration of the Greater Bay Area is to put Hong Kong and Shenzhen on the same level. This is inevitable in the entire decision-making system and planning of the CCP. 'One Country, Two Systems' is definitely dead. Hong Kong has an independent monetary authority, which is not completely integrated with the monetary authority of the RMB. Therefore, in the process of monetary integration, the wealth of Hong Kong people and the Hong Kong monetary authority have been harvested to a certain extent."

Xia Ming believes that under the highly centralized leadership of Xi Jinping, the overall direction of "integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area" will not change, and this will fully control the flight of Hong Kong people and assets, which is also the inevitable result of Hong Kong's "boiling frogs in warm water". He pointed out: "The CCP will not explicitly abolish the autonomy of the special administrative regions or Xinjiang, Guangxi, etc., but the actual operation is sham. The so-called freedom granted by the CCP is just a backdoor to show off to the outside world, and the actual situation can be changed at will according to the needs of the CCP's rule."

If the Greater Bay Area's political system, entry and exit, and currency are "integrated", how should Hong Kong people respond? Huang Weiguo, former assistant professor of the Department of Politics and International Relations at Hong Kong Baptist University, believes that when the concept of the border between China and Hong Kong is lost, Hong Kong will firmly obey the mainland. Hong Kong people must be wary that personal bank assets will no longer be as free to enter and exit as before, and speech, personal behavior, consumption, and business operations may be "commoned, shared, and interfered with". Therefore, Hong Kong people should carefully consider whether they should live here under this regime.

News (5) to (7) / Reporter: Liang Jing / Editor : Fang Xun / Source : RFA /

News (5)

The CCP caused the global stock market crash on Monday 

The biggest news in the world this Monday (5 August 2024) is probably the selling trend that has not been seen in global stock markets for many years. I paid attention to the professional analysis from all parties and found that only a few experts linked this major stock market crash with China's economic disaster.

I think this tendency is misleading, because the most important factor in the inevitable stock market crash in the United States and the world is the huge uncertainty that CCP China's economy has brought to the global economy.

So, do financial analysts not understand this, or are they deliberately avoiding this issue? My take is it is a bit of both. There is actually a broad consensus among American financial experts that there is a large bubble in U.S. asset prices. However, there is a lack of consensus on how and when this bubble will burst. In particular, there is a lot of hot money in the market and the atmosphere of speculation is very strong, so it is difficult for calm analysis to have an impact.

This atmosphere that helps exacerbate the bubble actually has a lot to do with China. A sensitive question is, since the end of the epidemic, how much money has escaped from China, and how much of it has been involved in asset bubble investments? Not many people know the full picture, and even fewer experts are willing to speak openly about the issue. An analysis by Nikkei Asia believes that the soaring asset prices in Japan in the past two years are closely related to the large amount of Chinese outflow funds entering the market taking advantage of the depreciation of the yen. The plunge in the Japanese stock market was the direct trigger for the U.S. stock market crash.

A substantive question is, how well does the international financial community understand the current economic disaster in China? Especially how much do the elites and leaders among them know? Did they contribute to the sell-off? My view is that they know more and more deeply than they are willing to talk about, and as a result, America's financial leaders have been ready to sell, just waiting for a clear market signal, such as last week's lower-than-expected Employment numbers, that's what. That is, they need an excuse and a time to sell off stocks in a big way. Buffett's behavior has sent a signal to American investors that cannot be misunderstood. I believe that many investors have already understood this signal. The key is how to seize the opportunity.

News (6)

CCP China rejects IMF's recommendation of US$1 trillion to rescue property market

Nonetheless, I think that overall, the United States and the entire international financial community still underestimate the risk of China's economy losing control. This is because China's transparency is too low. In addition, the severity of the disaster caused by China's fiscal collapse is beyond the imagination of outsiders. There may be one exception to this, though, and that's the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A recent piece of economic news that has not received enough attention is that the Chinese government officially rejected the IMF's recommendation that China spend trillions of dollars to rescue the property market. I think the IMF will not be surprised at all that the Chinese government rejects this plan. If that is the case, then why do they still propose this plan? This is the real point of this news.

News (7)

IMF insisted on proposing rescue plan to CCP China, two important messages conveyed

The IMF insisted on proposing a rescue plan to the Chinese Communist government even though it knew that the Chinese Communist government would not accept their bailout plan. It conveyed two important messages. One message was that they already knew that China's economic problems were serious, and they could not turn a blind eye, otherwise they would be Dereliction of duty. Secondly, if the Chinese government rejects the IMF's bailout plan, they have an obligation to inform other countries of what they know about the situation, because after all, CCP China's economic disaster is not only a problem for China, but also affects the entire world.

This year, CCP China's economic crisis has accelerated and deepened, while the U.S. stock market has hit record highs, creating the illusion that "the scenery is unique here." Many people are confused by this illusion, and this stock market crash will make many people sober up. However, I still believe that the worst is far from coming, not only because the Chinese cannot see a way out of the predicament, but also because too many Americans believe that the U.S. economy can survive alone. In other words, the United States and the world have neither an idea nor preparation for the price they will pay for CCP China's economic disaster.

News (8) to (9) / Editor : Zhongkang / Source: The Wall Street Journal

News (8)

Why is CCP reluctant to take drastic measures? 

The two important meetings held by China's top leaders this summer both ended in much ado about nothing in terms of boosting the economy. Why are they so cautious?

For investors expecting big measures from the Communist Party to boost a flagging economy, this summer has been a disappointment. CCP China’s top leaders held two major meetings: the Third Plenum of the Communist Party Central Committee, which focused on long-term economic strategy, and the July meeting of the Politburo, the party’s top decision-making body, which focused on short-term economic performance. Overall, both meetings were more talk than action.

In the communique following the Third Plenum, Xi Jinping and the party’s top leaders devoted a lot of space to “new quality productivity” and “high-quality development,” buzzwords that convey their overall goal of making China a world-leading technological power. But such ambitions contrast with the leadership’s more cautious approach to boosting growth so far.

Yes, the central bank cut interest rates and the Politburo pledged to do more to support consumption. But the promises were almost entirely devoid of specifics, and the real estate sector, the root of China’s economic problems, was barely mentioned.

After laying out China’s long-term vision, the Politburo meeting was supposed to be a chance to reassure investors, households and businesses that the government can manage a clearly slowing Chinese economy. Instead, the meeting was “much ado about nothing,” in the words of Carlos Casanova, senior Asia economist at Union Bancaire Privée in Hong Kong.

Why so cautious? Speaking at the World Economic Forum in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian in late June, Chinese Premier Li Qiang described the Chinese economy after the pandemic as recovering from a serious illness. The government, he said, was like a careful Chinese doctor at the bedside. Li warned that if drastic measures were used immediately, they might do more harm than good.

News (9)

Keeping “drastic measures” for a back-up

It is a useful metaphor, but it is not clear what side effects the Chinese authorities are keen to avoid. Many economists are willing to accept that there are good reasons to resist drastic measures: a weaker yuan could lead to capital flight, while more fiscal spending would make an already debt-ridden economy even worse.

Beijing has rejected an International Monetary Fund prescription for a massive 5.5% of gross domestic product buyout of unsold and unfinished housing over four years, all paid for by central government debt.

Beijing said Friday that such a massive government support would be inappropriate because it could lead to expectations of future bailouts, fueling risk-taking.

But will the current prescriptions really be enough to put the “patient” on a lasting path to recovery? If 2024 is like last year, the authorities will have just enough stimulus to get growth back on track, but no more. A self-sustaining recovery, especially one based on domestic consumption, still seems elusive.

There is another reason Beijing might be cautious, though: Donald Trump. If Harris is elected president and adopts much the same strategy as the Biden administration for targeting specific industries, Beijing will be in trouble. However Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in November, has promised to impose a 60% tariff on all Chinese imports, a blow that will do more harm at a time when CCP China relies on exports for growth.

Perhaps the "Chinese medicine doctor" believes that the worst is yet to come for his patient, so he wants to save the most powerful medicine as a backup, just in case.

News (10)

The essence of the CCP’s “Internet Certificate” is to strictly control the Internet

Reporter : Li Yuqing / Editor : Gao Yi / /
Image : In 2017, the CCP issued regulations for the management of Internet news practitioners, requiring that the CCP’s political correctness be adhered to first. A former media person analyzed that the CCP wants to tighten the free space of the Internet. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party has introduced regulations for "Internet Certificate" and "Internet ID", which has caused huge controversy and caused a lot of criticism from netizens. (Liu Jin/AFP/Getty Images)


Recently, the Chinese Communist Party’s introduction of “Internet Certificate” and “Internet ID” regulations has caused huge controversy. Netizens have criticized it, and most scholars are also critical.

Tsinghua University professor Lao Dongyan wrote in an article that this move is to install a monitor for every citizen who surfs the Internet, which means that the Internet will become a "privilege that requires approval" and will replace the original criminal investigation measures against suspected criminals. , unlimited expansion to apply to all ordinary individuals, contrary to legal principles. The post was quickly deleted.

In fact, the Chinese Communist Party’s implementation of Internet access certificates is ostensibly to restrict people’s access to the Internet, but its real purpose is to fear that people will express opinions online that the CCP does not like. Its purpose is to restrict freedom of speech on the Internet.

As a form of current public resources, the Internet has a social nature. Everyone expresses opinions and opinions on the Internet, and they are quickly seen by netizens, who in turn comment and forward them, forming a public opinion effect.

In recent years, after the rights and interests of the mainland people have been harmed, they have no way to complain, so they often use online space to express their grievances and seek support from public opinion. Even the police and judges within the CCP system often use the Internet to speak out and redress injustices. The phenomenon of calling out grievances online highlights the complete loss of authority of the entire official relief system of the CCP.

Freedom of speech turns from a basic human right into a "franchise"

From the perspective of the current rule of law, rights can be divided into two categories. One is basic rights. Since modern times, "natural human rights" have been a universal principle. Rights are original, rights are the premise of power, and power is derivative. Everyone has natural rights. Through the Constitution, a government is established, and powers are granted by the Constitution. The limits of power are "prohibited without authorization by law." The form, content, scope, and procedures of any public power must have a constitutional basis or a legal basis.

As for rights, it is "freedom without prohibition by law."

Another type of rights is franchise rights, which are "rights obtained by special permission", including economic concessions and legal privileges, the former such as industrial property or intellectual property rights, and the latter such as media Journalists have unique rights, which can only be enjoyed with the permission of the law or the authority.

Freedom of speech is the most important content of today's rule of law society, and it is also an internationally recognized basic human right. It is stipulated in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the Human Rights Convention. In the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, freedom of speech is considered an inalienable right. The right to freedom of speech is also stipulated in the constitutions of various countries.

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart opinions through any media and regardless of frontiers. Freedom of information and thought.”

Article 19, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights stipulates, “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes speech, writing or publication, art or other means of his or her choice, without distinction of national boundaries, freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds.”

Paragraph 3 of the Convention stipulates that the rights specified in paragraph 2 can be restricted, but such restrictions must be provided by law and are necessary for the following: respecting the rights or reputation of others; protecting national security or public order, or public safety. Hygiene or weathering.

In 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Committee adopted General Comment No. 34 on freedom of opinion and expression under Article 19 of the Convention, which stipulates that “the obligation to respect freedom of opinion and expression is binding on all State parties. All state parties (law enforcement) , legislation and judiciary) and public or governmental bodies at the national, regional or local levels shall bear the responsibilities of the Contracting States”.

In other words, the state and the government have the responsibility to protect citizens’ freedom of speech. If the speech involves the rights or reputation of others, national security or public order, public health or morals, and needs to be restricted, laws must be passed and sufficient argumentation and Constitutional considerations.

Speaking and browsing on the Internet are a form of citizens exercising their right to freedom of speech.

According to China's current Legislation Law, China's current normative documents are divided into three levels: laws, regulations and rules. The measure on "Internet Certificates" adopted by the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China is a kind of departmental regulation. Regulations have no power to set regulations on the basic rights of citizens, let alone restrict or deprive citizens of their right to freedom of expression.

The new "Internet Certificate" regulations of the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China are self-authorized, unconstitutional and illegal, legalizing strict Internet control and making "closing one's mouth legal" in a piece of paper.

If the "Internet Certificate" is universally implemented, Chinese people's online speech will no longer be a basic right, but will become a "franchise" that can only be exercised with the permission of the Chinese Communist Party's public security department. Of course, this "franchise" has no legal basis and is completely different from a normal franchise.

Some people think that "Network Card" is a kind of "online ID card". In fact, the "Internet Card" is completely different from the identity card. The identity card is a person's identity certificate. As long as you are a citizen, you have the right to obtain an identity card. For officials to check citizens' identity cards, there must be clear legal provisions.

The CCP's "Internet Card" is like a "good citizen certificate" for netizens who use the Internet. The "Internet Card" proves that the person meets the conditions and qualifications required by the CCP's public security and is allowed to access the Internet.

It's like the difference between a criminal behind bars and a free citizen. A citizen is free as long as he does not break the law. If the official wants to deprive a citizen of his freedom, he must comply with the provisions of substantive and procedural laws and must provide evidence.

However, for criminals in prison, if they want a little bit of freedom, they must obtain permission or approval from the prison or relevant departments.

In the past, Chinese people posted comments and browsed information on the Internet, and although their posts were deleted and banned by the CCP, these were covert behaviors outside the law. The CCP does not dare to publicly state which posts need to be banned, accounts blocked, and posts deleted. The CCP only instructs online platforms, such as Tencent, to delete them secretly. If citizens complain, the Chinese Communist Party officials will just pretend to be deaf and mute and not respond.

If Internet passes are universally implemented, Chinese people will be like criminals in prison. If they want to speak on the Internet, they must obtain official permission. As for what can be granted and what cannot be granted, the Chinese Communist Party officials are completely in a proactive position. They can deprive a person of their Internet access at any time. Just like the health code during the covid epidemic, they can give a person a red code at any time, making it difficult for him to move forward. .

"Internet Pass" turns every citizen into a "potential lawbreaker or criminal." Just like the detention and deportation system back then, if you have an ID card, you must also produce a temporary residence permit. Otherwise, it will be presumed that the person is a lawbreaker or a criminal, and the person will be detained in a detention center and sent back to his place of origin.

Some netizens commented, "Extending criminal methods to all fields", "The rope on the waistband is slowly moving towards the neck", "Internet health code".

It can be seen that surfing the Internet with a license is actually speaking with a license, and there is a presumption of guilt.

The reason why the CCP is eager to promote the “Internet Certificate”

No matter what bad things the CCP does, it will do so under the guise of "for your own good." The implementation of the "Internet Certificate" this time also claims to be to protect "people's information security."

However, the real situation is that as the CCP expands its power, people’s rights are harmed. For example, in anti-fraud, it should have been the official responsibility to catch fraudsters, but it eventually evolved into the CCP restricting citizens’ “freedom of withdrawals.”

During the COVID-19 (Chinese Communist Party virus) epidemic, once one person in a building is infected with the COVID-19 (Chinese Communist Party virus), everyone else is sealed at home and cannot go out, illegally restricting personal freedom in the name of protection.

As we all know, the CCP’s control over the Internet has reached an extremely strict level. Any person or event will disappear completely from the mainland’s Internet as long as the CCP gives an order.

So, under such harsh circumstances, why did the CCP suddenly launch an online “health code”?

Some people think that the Chinese Communist Party's public security department is trying to "make money," others think that the Internet has become "Bao Qingtian" and threatens the authority of the Chinese Communist Party, or a combination of both.

Max Weber believed that any regime must have "legitimacy." Whether this legitimacy comes from secularity, religion, or personal charisma, it must at least be recognized by the governed.

In today's society, the formal legitimacy of a government (power) comes from democratic authorization. In essence, the government must take care of the welfare of its citizens and maintain peace and order.

In layman's terms, a government must do two things to gain the recognition of its citizens. One is to resolve disputes and achieve justice; the other is to help citizens financially resolve risks when they encounter risks, such as pensions and medical care. , unemployment, etc.

The CCP has always used the banner of "common prosperity" to brag economically that only the CCP can lead Chinese people to become rich. On the other hand, the CCP uses anti-corruption to boast of "self-supervision" to seek legitimacy for itself.

However, due to the continuous efforts of the CCP, China's economy has continued to decline in recent years, and the unemployment rate has become higher and higher. Chinese people have gradually come to see clearly that the CCP’s powerful class enjoys privileges, while the people cannot afford medical care, have no one to care for their elderly, and have nowhere to seek relief when they are unemployed. This information is not reported by the Chinese Communist Party’s official media, but can be seen on the Internet.

In addition, the Chinese Communist Party’s judicial system is not only unfair, but also openly bends the law and creates unjust cases. People who have suffered injustice are complaining online, and even the police and judges of the Chinese Communist Party are reporting real names online, which shows that the entire system of the Chinese Communist Party has no fairness at all, and is all about robbery and the law of the jungle.

In particular, the recent discussion about organ transplantation on the Internet has made the CCP even more frightened.

Organ harvesting from living persons is the most horrific crime among all the evil deeds committed by the CCP, and its degree of evil exceeds people’s imagination.

The mysterious disappearance of Hu Xinyu, a middle school student in Shangrao, Jiangxi, has attracted worldwide attention. People discovered that the CCP not only continued to harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, but also extended its black hands to the general public. More and more teenagers were missing and mysteriously brain-dead.

On July 16, Chinese Communist Party media reported that Shenzhen Hospital used a helicopter to deliver organs from Guangzhou in 33 minutes in order to transplant a lung for 73-year-old Yang. This report caused an uproar. Chinese netizens questioned who "Lao Yang" was and "who the donor was", causing the CCP to panic.

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Falun Gong Protection Act, formally proposing to punish the CCP's accomplices who participate in the CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Many people in China have privately spread the bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and believe that the U.S. government must have conclusive evidence. If all the Chinese people know that the CCP regards the Chinese as a life-sustaining organ bank and a means of making money for the CCP’s power class, the CCP’s legitimacy will be completely lost, and the CCP will immediately disintegrate. This makes the CCP panic all day long.

Such an evil act as organ harvesting concerns everyone's safety, and everyone may become a target of live organ harvesting by the CCP. Including those people from Internet companies who are involved in deleting posts and banning accounts, some "administrators" may one day release certain topics and comments.

The Chinese Communist Party is well aware of this principle, so it wants to further strengthen control through the "Internet Certificate".

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