Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kamala Harris made her first mistake in the election, Walz as inhuman as CCP

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on the U.S.

News (1)

The Hill: Kamala Harris made her first mistake in the election 

Editor : Zhongkang / Source : The China Times /

Tim Walz, the 60-year-old governor of Minnesota, emerged as a dark horse and was chosen by Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, as her running mate. However, some experts believe that this is the first mistake Kamala Harris made in the election.

Matt K. Lewis, a well-known columnist and political commentator, wrote in The Hill on 6 August 2024 that this is not to say that Walz is the worst choice in the world, but Pennsylvania is one of the key swing states, which may be the most important state for Kamala Harris to fight in this election, and Shapiro is the governor - his local approval rating is as high as 64%, and this fact alone may be decisive. On the other hand, Walz is the governor of Minnesota, and Kamala Harris should be able to win Minnesota easily.

More importantly, Kamala Harris chose Walz, which is equivalent to giving up the generational change contrast that she and Shapiro would have enjoyed compared to Trump. Although Walz is only 9 years older than Shapiro - a few months older than Kamala Harris, he gives the impression of being much older. Moreover, choosing Walz did not counterbalance the narrative that Harris was a "San Francisco liberal," but rather reinforced that left-wing image.

True, Walz is not easily stereotyped as some kind of bred-up urban liberal. He is a veteran and a high school football coach, among other things. However, he has many actual records that are easy to criticize, such as signing a law allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses and his response to the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, an African American man, due to violent police enforcement.

News (2) to (12) / Editor : Zhongkang / Source : Wei Guzi /

News (2)

Why did Harris abandon the man who almost got her into the White House and vote for Walz, who is more left-wing? 

Democrats, including some centrists, are cheering for Tim Waltz, thinking that the Democratic Party has found a suitable vice presidential candidate who is more reliable than the Republicans.

He was born in the red state of Nebraska and governs the blue state of Minnesota.

He served in the National Guard and was a high school teacher; he was a school football coach and even a hunter.

He and his wife love each other and have two children; he has white hair and wears glasses; he can wear a suit and tie as well as a work suit and a baseball cap.

His influence covers the three rust belt states, spanning both blue and red, and even won five consecutive times in rural congressional districts.

How gentle, how stable, how uncle, how trustworthy to the middle voters. But aren't the images of the extreme left senator Bernie Sanders and the working man Biden like this?

If he was once gentle, it was only until 2018. When he climbed to the governor's seat, Minnesota immediately became Dr. Hannibal's extreme left policy laboratory, and it reached its peak after the trinity won the state capital and both houses in 2022.

News (3)

Walz signs laws that favour illegal immigrants and causes huge brain drain

Immigration: Almost all polls show that most Americans oppose illegal immigration and are most concerned about this issue in the general election.

Countless facts and studies also show that illegal immigration has damaged the employment opportunities of ordinary Americans, cut their wages, increased their rents, aggravated their inflation, consumed public welfare, slowed down technological innovation, destroyed the civic culture that was the foundation of the country, and eroded the voting integrity that was the foundation of the election.

However, Walz said that the government should welcome illegal immigrants like American citizens. He even envisioned investing in the construction of ladder factories to help illegal immigrants climb over the wall.

He signed a law allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, drive cars, and compete for wages that originally belonged to Minnesotans; allowing illegal immigrants to enjoy medical insurance and share public welfare benefits for low-income people; exempting illegal immigrants from public university tuition, so that those parents in the state who worked hard for several jobs and accidentally earned more money did not get such care.

Walz's favor for illegal immigrants led to an outflow of 46,000 people from the state he governed in more than three years. The indulgence of drugs has caused 4,100 deaths in four years. His subordinates exposed the filling plan: "We rely on these immigrants to help solve the problem of population decline."

Behind this population replacement experiment of Dr. Hannibal is Harris and his partner Biden, who completely opened the southern border. Of course, if you insist that this is the American dream, it can also be regarded as political morality.

News (4)

Kamala Harris denies her work in the extreme left movement

However, the fact is that Harris's propaganda machine is denying that she has anything to do with this extreme left movement that has aroused the anger of American voters. She even started advertising that she is trying to save the collapsed border. On the other hand, she and her partner Biden are stepping up efforts to bribe the Mexican president to stop the people whom Walz welcomes like citizens.

Crime: In the summer of 2020, George Floyd, a black man, was mistakenly killed by a white policeman. This was a habitual offender who resisted normal law enforcement at the time, had heart problems, and was under the influence of drugs.

The police involved were immediately punished, suspended, dismissed, arrested and tried all the way, without any white conspiracy in the process. In the end, he was sentenced to an extremely heavy sentence of 22 and a half years, when the independence of the jury completely collapsed and the sentence was completely contrary to judicial precedent.

However, BLM still launched a major riot, which was actually a major riot, starting in Minneapolis, covering the entire state, burning the country, and completely releasing the evil of human nature. In the process, businesses were destroyed, stores were looted, buildings were set on fire, and innocent civilians died.

News (5)

Walz gives looters more time to create destruction

It was Walz who deliberately delayed the deployment of the National Guard, giving looters more time to create destruction that was completely beyond the meaning of justice. Even the liberal mayor of Minneapolis, who requested support, fiercely criticized his procrastination.

Regarding crime, even Obama's most loyal adviser David Axelrod criticized him for being dishonest and covering up the zero-dollar shopping crimes that bothered voters, including him, and other crimes related to the quality of life.

If you insist that this is justice, you can be considered a tough campaigner, but the embarrassing thing is that Harris's mouthpieces are now denying that they have done so.

News (6)

Walz, inhuman like the Chinese Communist Party, makes Minnesota dangerous to live in

Gender: Manipulating the victim's psychology and harming the victim's body are Dr. Hannibal's specialties in the laboratory. Violating children's bodies, even fetuses that can already feel pain, are also Walz's excitement.

He allows minors to undergo irreversible sex reassignment surgery in Minnesota. Many studies have long proved that sex reassignment surgery, including hormone therapy, will increase the suicide rate of the injured. The law is so cruel that even parents from other states cannot protect their children.

He forced public schools to stock women's menstrual products in men's bathrooms, regardless of the confusion and confusion caused to minors, causing them embarrassment and anxiety. More and more boys are dismantling these dispensers that invade their privacy.

He protected pedophiles in the name of anti-sexual orientation discrimination. He grandly deleted the old law's definition of sexual orientation that excluded adults' physical dependence or sexual attachment to children.

Minnesota has been regarded as one of the most dangerous states in the United States for parents.

News (7)

Walz does not protect babies' rights to survive, is more aggressive in abortion implementation

He defined the request for abortion during pregnancy as a basic right, without any restrictions. The approved bill means that before the baby is born, at any time, even ten months of pregnancy, an abortion can be performed for any reason. Less extreme amendments, even those that try to accommodate some exceptions, such as protecting unborn babies who can feel pain, are all rejected.

Late-term abortion practitioners are flocking in, and they do not even need to be professional doctors or have a license to do this.

In this regard, he is no different from Harris. In fact, he is even more aggressive in policy implementation.

News (8)

Walz levies heavy taxes on businesses and property owners

Economy: Once in power, he began to fleece the state's citizens, levying heavy taxes on individuals, businesses, sales and property to subsidize his extreme left projects.

So his current statement reveals the essence: To be bold in progressivism, which is called socialism to one person but represents neighborliness to another. What this actually means is to eat from the big pot and buy voters.

However, the pit is still not cold, and the American society is in chaos. The extreme left's national version of the big pot has normalized $7 trillion in federal spending per year, of which $2 trillion is borrowed, all for the purpose of making core voters live a rich and happy life.

The result is to trigger inflation, force the Fed to raise interest rates, and then strangle the job market until now, the unemployment rate has soared, the stock market has plummeted, and it is causing a terrifying Harris-style collapse.

News (9)

Walz advocates fossil fuel elimination, wants to implement absolute gun control

Experiments: Walz has more Hannibal experiments. He supports a complete elimination of fossil fuels, while the United States' artificial intelligence is in a power crisis. He forced the promotion of electric vehicles with rules copied from Harris's home state. He wants to implement absolute gun control and advocates confiscation without due process.

Now, he plays the role of the vice president's bulldog, attacking Trump as a fascist, a threat to democracy, and a threat to the earth.

After the assassination, even Democrats called for not using such extreme language, and even Biden regretted the metaphor of aiming at the bull's eye.

News (10)

Walz's resume is not as honest as it seems

Even his resume, which is a good one, is not as honest as it seems. He retired as a sergeant, or E-8, but his official resume misled people into thinking he was a command sergeant, or E-9. In fact, he did not meet the corresponding requirements, and the rank was eventually revoked.

He was even a deserter, and his comrades accused him of resigning quickly when his 125th Field Artillery Battalion needed to go to the Iraqi front, leaving his comrades in the battalion behind and fleeing. And Harris now has the nerve to say that the debate between him and Vance, who has been on the battlefield in Iraq, will be a match between the school team and the baby team.

In fact, let alone radiating the three swing states in the Midwest, even in Minnesota, which is traditionally the most left-wing state in the Midwest, he did not receive overwhelming support. In 2018, his vote share was less than 54%, and it dropped to 52% when he was re-elected in 2022.

The latest poll by the left-wing National Public Radio shows that less than a quarter of Americans have a positive view of him.

News (11)

Walz is the male version of Kamala Harris

All of this is not a moderate Santa Claus, but a male version of Harris, not a Midwesterner, but a San Francisco native, not governing the United States, but governing Venezuela.

Whoever is celebrating in the Democratic Party knows who he is. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the extreme left elders in the party. They have always been difficult to take the top position, but they are pushing him to be the vice presidential candidate.

The radical pro-Palestinian organization Uncommitted once encouraged not to vote for Biden, but now cheers his selection and demands that he fully implement the arms embargo on Israel.

Only Nancy Pelosi, who is in vain, is still treating voters as fools, saying that he is not extreme left, but centrist. She whitewashes Walz but she has not forgotten to say taht she likes Shapiro. It can be seen how regretful she is.

News (12)

Shapiro is abandoned and the Democrats lose the chance to win Pennsylvania

The unfortunate experience of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro also proves the determination of the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows the first importance of this swing state, everyone knows the dangers of Harris's opposition to hydraulic fracturing, everyone knows Shapiro's eloquence, everyone knows that he is popular with both the left and the right parties, and everyone knows that if Shapiro is elected, the Democratic Party will almost certainly win Pennsylvania, and if Pennsylvania is won, Kamala Harris will almost be able to enter the White House.

However, Shapiro was still abandoned. Because the extreme left in the party opposed it, because he was an Israeli, because he believed in Judaism, and because he opposed anti-Semitism that went beyond the line, he became the Josh of genocide.

The Democratic Party first killed the legitimate Biden, and then abandoned the most promising Shapiro, which violated both democracy and competition. What is it going to do? What else will it do?

Harris is trying her best to deny her extremeness, and avoid accepting interviews that expose the truth.

Kamala Harris's only and first presidential decision-making

If Trump has completely mastered the Republican Party, then the extreme left has completely mastered the Democratic Party. If the Democrats celebrate that the Trump-Vance pairing is a godsend, then the Republicans celebrate that the Harris-Walz pairing is a gift from God.

Authoritative polling research shows that since Obama, the Democratic Party has focused on four groups: blacks, Hispanics, single women, and young voters, sending them extreme identity messages and implementing extreme social policies.

This ultimately triggered the defection of the four groups, and Harris's strategy was to simply turn to extreme left politics: She did not try to win back the lost voters, but to motivate those who remained.

News (13)

The U.S. election is not worth watching 

Harris' partner, the Donkey Party finally chose Minnesota Governor Waltz. Both of them are 60 years old. From the perspective of political combination, it is not a good age match, which is inferior to the Trump combination - it has the meaning of experience and inheritance.

However, Harris's advantage is political correctness. This trend has been blowing from the Obama era to the present. It is so powerful that it can kill any public who openly opposes it. When the voices calling for Biden to withdraw from the election came from the inside, Biden could not resist. As compensation, Pelosi praised him for being qualified to go to Mount Rushmore. Although it is difficult to achieve, it can help him save some face.

Speaking of which, both Biden and Harris are just the front desk. There are others who are in charge of the Donkey Party's extreme left ideas. The so-called Donkey Party globalization, the future that the liberals admire, its effectiveness can be seen from the border policy. A political force that does not even abide by American laws cannot create an order that convinces the world.

If we break it down further, Walz is even more radical than Harris. He encourages building ladders on the border to help illegal immigrants enter the country. On the issue of Israel and Hamas, he also strongly supports pro-Hamas students on campus. This advantage enabled him to defeat Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro.

It can even be said that if Harris is elected, Walz will surpass other vice presidents in history and have considerable power.

Some analysts say that Harris has to compromise. It is really flattering her, as if she can assert herself. Identity politics is ultimately an embellishment for her to attract those who dream of success will spread all over the world.

In fact, Vance clearly surpasses Harris and Walz in terms of insight into the future. Britain has become the first Muslim country with nuclear weapons. At first glance, it sounds incorrect and offends the traditional allies of the United States, but through the riots in Britain these days, isn't it true? Some things are irreversible, not only in Britain, but also in Europe and the United States.

Many viewers expect the right to reverse it. At present, if there is no trend of breaking political correctness, it will be difficult. Ready-made examples show that the Elephants are helpless against the Donkeys' border indulgence; the election fraud storm has not stopped yet, but the Donkeys can still successfully prevent voter identity verification. In a word, those who abide by the rules often cannot beat those who are good at playing tricks.

It is not realistic to rely on Trump or a hero. Four years ago, Trump could not resist the unreasonable mail-in ballots; four years later, the Donkeys demanded that the debate start three to four months earlier than usual, and as a result, Biden was swept away - equivalent to making Trump do half of the useless work in the campaign, and the Donkeys can push anyone, Trump's dictatorship logo is there.

It is like a 100-metre race. Others have the advantage of running 20 metres first, but Trump seems to be very confident - this may hide the only highlight of this year's election.

News (14)

Trump: Debating with Kamala Harris is important to this country

Reporter : Li Xin / Editor : Ye Ziwei / : (Left) Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House in Washington, March 18, 2024. (Right) Former President Donald Trump in Mason City, Iowa, on January 5, 2024. (Anna Moneymaker; Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Former U.S. President Trump (Trump) said on Wednesday (7 August 2024) ​​that he and his 2024 election opponent, the Democratic Party Vice President Kamala Harris said it was "important for this country" to hold a presidential debate and predicted they would face off on the debate stage soon.

"I think we're going to have a debate with her in the not-too-distant future," Trump said in an interview on Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday.

"It's going to be announced very soon. But we're going to have a debate with her," Trump said. "By the way, I want to see this debate on Fox."

"The most important thing is that we can have a debate," Trump emphasized to the Fox News host, adding that Harris "wanted to say I don't want to debate, but I do want to debate."

Trump said other television networks, including NBC and CBS, have also been lobbying for the chance to host the event.

"I want to debate her. I think it's important for this country that we have that debate," the Republican presidential nominee said. "What's happening now is, I'm all for Fox. I think Fox will do a great job. But there have to be two Everyone agrees."

Trump said on Friday that he had "terminated" his agreement with ABC to participate in the second presidential debate hosted by the media on 10 September 2024 because his scheduled debate opponent was President Joe Biden and Biden has dropped out of the race, while Kamala Harris, who replaced him as the Democratic nominee, is not under contract to debate.

Kamala Harris' campaign and allies issued a series of comments after Trump's decision, saying the former president was "scared of debates."

Trump proposed a debate with Kamala on 4 September 2024 on Fox News in Pennsylvania, hosted by Fox hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

Kamala rejected this suggestion and wrote on social media that she still plans to participate in the ABC debate on 10 September 2024, and she plans to appear whether Trump attends or not.

News (15)

Blacks support Harris, surpassing Biden; Trump slightly increases share of White voters

Reporter : Qiusheng / Editor : Ren Zijun / : On 18 July 2024, Kamala Harris attended a campaign event in North Carolina. (Allison Joyce/AFP)

黑人支持賀錦麗超拜登 川普小幅增加白人選民

According to Reuters/Ipsos poll analysis, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (also translated as He Jinli or Harris)  has gained more support among black voters than U.S. President Joe Biden did when he ran this year, while Republican Donald Trump has gained slightly more support among White voters in recent months. 

Analysis of seven nationwide Reuters/Ipsos polls, which collected more than 10,000 responses since May, shows Harris' strengths and weaknesses.

In the July poll, about 70% of Black voters chose Harris over Trump in a hypothetical vote, higher than the 59% who supported Biden in the May and June polls. Trump's vote share among Black voters also increased slightly from 9% in May and June to 12% in July.

At the same time, support for Trump is growing among white voters. In the July poll, about 50% of people chose Trump, up from 46% in May and June. Harris received support from 38% of White voters in July, compared with 36% in May and June.

In last month's poll, Harris and Trump each received 43% support, and their electoral results were basically tied.

White voters are the largest racial group, accounting for 72% of voters in the 2020 election, according to the Pew Research Center, although their share of the electorate has declined sharply in recent decades.

African Americans made up only 11% of the electorate that year, but they were an important part of the Democratic coalition and could play an important role in this year's election.

Terrance Woodbury, a Democratic pollster who specializes in outreach to minority voters, said Harris needs overwhelming support from African Americans to make up for her losses among white voters, especially whites. Vulnerability among men and the elderly.

Biden won 92% of the black vote in 2020, while Trump won 55% of the white vote, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of exit polls.

Harris may be able to win over more black voters who were previously on the fence. In July, about 19% of black registered voters had said they were undecided, might choose a third candidate, or not vote at all, down from 31% in May and June.

If Harris can defeat Trump in the November 5 election, she will become the first woman and the first American of Asian descent to be elected president. Harris, who is of Indian and Jamaican descent, has long identified herself as Black and Asian.

Currently, former President Trump is still trying to win greater support from Black voters. On 15 June 2024, Trump went to 180 Church in Detroit to participate in a community roundtable. On that day, he announced the launch of the "Black Americans for Trump" event in an effort to bring together Detroit elected officials, athletes, entertainers, and community leaders. and pastors to bolster support among African-American voters.

In May, a New York Times/Siena College poll of six swing states found that 23% of African-American voters planned to vote for former President Trump.

In April, a Wall Street Journal poll of seven swing states found that 30% of Black voters "definitely or probably would vote" for Trump, while only 12% of black men in the United States supported Trump in 2020, showing that Black support for Trump has nearly tripled.

(This article refers to reports from Reuters)

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