Monday, July 11, 2022

CCP, Junta carry out "digital dictatorship", CCP's debt traps for Myanmar

 Researcher, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on Myanmar, CCP, Sri Lanka, disease control

News (1) to (9) / Reporter : Chen Ting / Editor : Ye Ziwei /

News (1)

Myanmar's implementation of CCP China's surveillance system raises fears of crackdown

Image : A surveillance camera of Dahua Technology on 23 October 2018. (Thomas Peter/Reuters Web Screenshot)

People familiar with the matter said that the Myanmar military government is installing Chinese-made camera surveillance systems with facial recognition capabilities in many cities across the country. Human rights groups fear that the military government could use the technology to suppress activists and resistance groups.

According to Reuters exclusively (link), the authorities said in the tender they were urban security projects aimed at maintaining safety and, in some cases, peace, said the people with direct knowledge of the plans.

News (2)

CCP's camera surveillance projects are carried out in 5 Burmese cities

Local authorities in Myanmar have launched new camera surveillance projects for at least five cities since the February 2021 coup, including Mawlamyine, the country's fourth-largest city, the three people said on condition of anonymity. Hundreds of cameras are installed in every city.

Image : Reuters Web Screenshot

News (3)

Myanmar Junta expanding coverage of the camera surveillance systems to its 10 cities

The junta also plans to install camera surveillance systems in every city in Myanmar's seven provinces and seven states, one of the sources said. The person said he was aware of the junta's plan on at least two separate occasions.

A spokesman for the junta did not respond to a Reuters request for comment. The 10 cities are all controlled by the military junta, and the city governments did not respond to Reuters’ inquiries and could not verify the installation of cameras.

The source said the tender was won by "Fisca Security & Communication" and "Naung Yoe Technologies Co". These companies use surveillance technology and systems from Chinese companies, including Dahua, Huawei, and Hikvision.

Fisca and Naung Yoe, both based in Yangon, did not respond to Reuters' requests for comment.

The three sources also said that successful Myanmar companies sometimes use facial recognition software developed by local companies because of the high licensing fees for Chinese software. They did not name the software companies.

News (4)

NLD first started installing camera systems to fight crime

In addition to these new projects, Aung San Suu Kyi's previous government had installed or planned to install camera systems in five cities as a crime prevention measure, Reuters noted.

News (5)

Controversial facial recognition software increasingly adopted could be used to crack down on activists and rebels

Reuters notes that many cities around the world use closed-circuit television (CCTV) or video surveillance systems to deter crime. However, increasingly controversial facial recognition software is also being adopted, and some sophisticated systems, such as those used in cities across China, use artificial intelligence to match real-time images to databases.

Human rights groups said they were concerned the new program could be used to crack down on activists and rebel groups it has designated terrorists after the junta's coup.

Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said: “Surveillance cameras pose a serious risk to democracy activists (in Myanmar) because the military and police can use them to track their movements, clarify who is to identify safe houses and other gathering points, and to identify and intercept cars and motorcycles used by activists.”

News (6)

No privacy on social media communication in Myanmar under information warfare

Myanmar's military junta is conducting extensive surveillance on the country's population. The junta has installed intercepting spyware at telecom and internet providers to eavesdrop on the communications of its citizens, and deployed "information warfare" forces to monitor and attack dissidents online, Reuters said.

News (7)

Myanmar military specializes in analyzing surveillance footage

Former captain Nyi Thuta, who defected from the army in late February 2021, told Reuters that the Myanmar military has personnel specializing in analyzing surveillance footage.

News (8)

Increasing concerns about CCP exporting surveillance systems and other forms of control to other authoritarian regimes

In recent years, Western countries have become increasingly concerned about the CCP regime’s export of surveillance models to various authoritarian regimes, including internet censorship and control, mass video surveillance, speech control, etc., and believe that this will help Beijing to promote its political views and further divide American allies. 

News (9)

The U.S. and its allies need to prevent the CCP's military threat and contain exports of CCP's authoritarian control model

External analysis pointed out that the CCP’s authoritarian export has become an important global threat. The strategy of the United States and its allies cannot only prevent the CCP’s military threat, but also needs to contain the output of the CCP’s authoritarian control model.

Late last month, the U.S. think tank Third Way organized a conference to discuss how U.S.-led democracies can win the global game in the digital world, noting that the threat mainly comes from the Chinese Communist Party.

In this regard, military commentator Xia Luoshan pointed out that the CCP's dictatorship and contempt for international rules have played a big role in its formation of digital authority. The CCP has built a vast digital empire by censoring and oppressing its people at home, and is seeking to influence the rest of the world through the export of digital technology.

Michele Flournoy, the former U.S. Department of Defense undersecretary for policy, called for the international community to develop international norms for digital governance, or the CCP will export its model and threaten global democracy. 

News (10) to (11) / Reporter : Liu Siqi / Editor : Lian Shuhua /

News (10)

U.S. think tank: Be wary of the CCP's use of digital technology to influence the world

Image : The U.S. has imposed rounds of sanctions on Huawei out of national security concerns, but the Voice of America reported in May that the sanctions had begun to bear fruit, but the outlook remained bleak. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

The CCP’s all-round expansion in the digital field has attracted the attention of American think tanks. Some current and former U.S. Department of Defense officials participated in a luncheon organized by the U.S. left-wing think tank Third Way on 21 June 2022 to discuss how U.S.-led democracies can win the global game in the digital world without threats. The threats mainly come from the CCP.

Valerie Shen, vice president of the Third Way National Security Program, opened the luncheon. "Whoever controls the digital world controls the real world," she said. "Many countries have adopted China's Huawei 5G technology for the simple reason that there are no alternatives from democracies... The CCP promotes Western democracies such as the United States. The country's system is no longer suitable for the development of the 21st century, and these are all part of the CCP's plan."

She admitted that U.S.-China relations are complicated. Due to cultural differences and other reasons, the U.S. has been missing information when interpreting U.S.-China relations. Valerie Shen is a Taiwanese-American whose grandparents arrived in Taiwan in 1949 from mainland China, which has been controlled by the CCP.

Michele Flournoy, former U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy, said at a subsequent luncheon that the international community must develop international norms for digital governance, or CCP China will export its models, such as online censorship and control, serve to infiltrate political views, divide U.S. allies, and threaten global democracy. She believes that whoever sets international norms will have advantages economically, diplomatically and militarily.

Military commentator Charlotte Hill sees this as the CCP’s dictatorship and defiance of international rules played a big role in its formation of digital authoritarianism. The CCP has built a vast digital empire by censoring and oppressing its people at home, and is seeking to influence the rest of the world through the export of digital technology.

He said, "Although the CCP's digital authority threatens the world, it has made little achievements in the field of digital science, especially in military digital science, which is far behind the United States and some Western countries. The reason is that China lacks the most cutting-edge and top-notch technology. Talents and original high-quality scientific research results. The advantage of the CCP is to use its severe rule to seize social resources and trample on civil rights, and to use illegal means to occupy social information resources on a large scale, rather than relying on scientific and technological strength.”

Valerie Shen posted on 8 June 2022 that if the situation was not clear three months ago, it is now clear - the next global era will be defined by democracy and autocracy. In this competition, the U.S. advocates "digital democracy" but the CCP wants "digital dictatorship".

News (11)

The 5G battle and the CCP’s digitalization of the population

5G is one of the key technologies for digitalization. It supports a network transmission rate 10 to 100 times that of 4G, with lower latency and larger network capacity. The Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) released the "Global 5G Patent Activity Report" in April. Huawei's effective global patent family accounted for 14%, which was 4.2% higher than the second-ranked US Qualcomm (QUALCOMM).

Fang Xingdong, the current director of the Digital Civilization Research Center of the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of Tsinghua University, said as early as 2016 that the battle for 5G standards is an important commanding height for countries to compete. On 19 November 2016, 3GPP, the International Organization for Standardization of Mobile Communications, identified Polar Code as the control information channel coding scheme for 5G enhanced mobile broadband scenarios. Huawei participated in the research and innovation of Polar Code.

Out of national security concerns, the United States has imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on Huawei since May 2019. According to a report by the Voice of America in May, the US sanctions against Huawei have achieved initial results, but the prospects are still not optimistic. The framework of the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) strongly advocated by the United States to replace Huawei equipment needs to be further tested by the market. Although Huawei did not participate, China Mobile is a founding member of the industry organization O-RAN and has veto power one of five companies.

Chinese companies have been striving to dominate the global market. In February 2019, Huawei and the local mobile data network operator in South Africa jointly released the first 5G commercial network in South Africa. In July of the same year, Morocco adopted Huawei technology and became the first country in the world with full 5G coverage; ZTE, in cooperation with local operators, opened the first 5G network video phone in Slovakia.

CAICT released the "Global Digital Economy White Paper" in August last year. In 2020, the scale of the digital economy in the United States will reach 13.6 trillion US dollars, continuing to rank first in the world; China ranks second with a scale of 5.4 trillion US dollars. However, in terms of growth rate, China's year-on-year growth of 9.6% in 2020 is the highest in the world. The white paper analyzes that China's digital economy is driven by the interaction of the market and the government, while the United States relies on "continuously leading technological innovation."

The digital economy was first written into the CCP’s government work report in 2017, and the CCP plans to build a digital government system including surveillance functions. In June last year, the CCP held the first summit on digital government construction. At that time, more than half of CCP China’s provinces had released plans or programs related to digital government. The National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center and several other institutions jointly released the "2022 Smart City White Paper" in late May. Face recognition and object recognition cameras are known as one of the infrastructures of smart cities.

In order to digitize people's identities and information, research institutes under the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China have been conducting related research for more than 20 years. Chinese technology giants are also involved. For example, Tencent Holdings (0700.HK) started cooperation with the Nanning Public Security Bureau in November 2016 to use Tencent Youtu face recognition technology to implement electronic identity information in Nanning.

At the end of February this year, the State Council of the Communist Party of China issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of the "Expanded Application Fields of Electronic Certificates and National Interoperability and Mutual Recognition", professional qualification certificate, driver's license and newly applied for marriage and divorce certificate, real estate certificate, real estate registration certificate, etc.

While the CCP has been chasing digitization, China’s technology still lags behind the U.S. in core technology areas. The "Macro Observation" released by the Bank of China Research Institute in March said, "As a pioneer in digital technology, the United States still occupies a dominant position in the core field of digital technology."

According to the 2021 Technology and Innovation Report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCATD), CCP China is far behind the United States in the readiness for frontier technologies index - the United States ranks first, Switzerland and the United Kingdom ranking Second and third, China ranked 25th. 

Image of Chongqing-Lincang-Mandalay train service : China Daily

News (12)

The CCP infrastructure initiatives that set down debt traps on Myanmar

Holding the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) meeting in Myanmar, and the Chinese foreign minister’s decision to visit the war-torn country early this month in order to co-host it, conveyed some crucial messages that China is seeking to reassert ties with Mekong countries through Myanmar.

In Myanmar, where Beijing’s strategic and economic interests abound, CCP China has three ambitious plans to be carefully watched following Wang’s trip.

CCP China may be considering beginning its ambitious projects in areas where there is less risk in Myanmar. These ambitious plans seek not only to dramatically boost China’s economic and political clout in Myanmar but also to give geopolitical advantages to China and its allied ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) in the eastern and northern parts of Shan State. 

With Western players shunning Myanmar due to the regime’s human rights abuses, CCP could become the sole player in infrastructure projects in the country, helping to line the regime’s pockets. Observers said new international land-sea trade corridors under the LMC will make Myanmar over-reliant on China economically and, as a result, it is inevitable that it will become a client state of China.

LMC projects 

Born of China’s unilateral dam construction, the LMC is a sub-regional cooperation mechanism consisting of the six countries through which the Mekong River flows: China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Since  2016, China has emerged as an active player and guarantor for Mekong countries ranging from cultural events and agriculture projects to regional connectivity infrastructure projects. 

During the meeting in Myanmar, China proposed six cooperative programs involving agriculture, water resources, digital economy, aerospace, education and public health. 

However, the LMCs main agenda is to tout transport infrastructure projects and cross-border economic cooperation among the countries, e.g., the construction of the China-Laos Railway. 

Last year in August, China announced it would transfer over USD$6 million to the Myanmar military regime to fund 21 projects under the LMC, including providing financial support for culture, agriculture, science, tourism, animal vaccines, and others.

During his meeting with the regime’s foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin, Wang said Beijing is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Myanmar “to promote the quality of and upgrade the LMC.” Moreover, the China-funded Mekong-Lancang Cooperation National Coordination Unit (Myanmar) has opened in the country. 

Under the LMC, China is actively supporting Myanmar in different sectors, including a lesser-known strategic port project in the eastern part of Shan State. 

News (13)

CCP is developing the Burmese port of Wan Pong into a regional trade hub

Early in June 2022, the CCP Embassy announced that a feasibility study (FS) for the Wan Pong Port upgrade project had been completed with the support of the LMC Special Fund. Since 2018, China has injected millions of dollars to transform the port into a regional trade hub. According to the Chinese Embassy, the FS includes environmental and social impact assessments, cost estimates, design plans and operations training programs. 

Located in Tachileik District in the eastern part of Shan State, the strategic port lies on the Mekong River. It is a important project for China as it will allow it to expand its influence over the Mekong region. Beijing is committed to turning Wan Pong into one of the major regional ports on the Mekong.  

News (14)

Wan Pong facilitates trade with CCP via Laos

The port plays a major role in trade with Laos and will also open the door to connecting with other Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries. Moreover, during the pandemic, Myanmar exported rice to China through the port via Laos. 

The completion of the expansion project will allow Wan Pong Port to handle shipping containers, which will help to boost trade between Myanmar and GMS countries.

An artist’s rendering of Wan Pong Port / Chinese Embassy in Myanmar

News (15)

CCP gains control of the east part of Shan State

The plan will also enhance CCP China’s economic influence in the eastern part of Shan State. After the military takeover in Myanmar, CCP appeared to make an assertive effort to gain control of the eastern part of the Salween River, including the east part of Shan State. 

Furthermore, under the LMC, the resumption of hydropower plants on the Salween River and the incorporation of so-called development projects of the Salween basin into the Greater Mekong Project is one of the main priorities for China. 

News (16)

CCP to build seven dams along the Salween River, Myanmar

China plans to build at least seven dams along the Salween River, including mega dams in Shan State. Planned as a joint development by Chinese and Thai companies, the 7,000-megawatt  Mong Tan Dam, known locally as the Tasang Dam in Shan State, will be the largest hydropower dam in the country. Despite strong opposition from locals, the dam is in the planning stage. 

News (17)

Economic and geopolitical advantages of dam development to CCP and Myanmar rebel groups

The move will increase China’s economic and political clout and give economic and geopolitical advantages to China and its allied EAOs in the area, including the United Wa State Army (UWSA).  

Since the military takeover, China has stepped up its efforts to create a buffer zone along the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) and along the eastern Salween River with the help of its allies among the EAOs. Given the conflict dynamic between its allied EAOs and the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), China appears to be urging friendly EAOs to take secure territorial control in those areas. 

More importantly, China’s rising influence in the Salween basin could yield the resumption of hydropower plants along the Salween River and the incorporation of other development projects in the Salween basin under the LMC. 

News (18)

New international land-sea trade corridors boost CCP-ASEAN ties

CCP China’s expansion of the transportation corridors under the LMC is another major issue that needs to be carefully watched. 

Given Myanmar’s unique geographical position in CCP China’s grand infrastructure plan, the war-torn country is crucial for China to access South Asia and Southeast Asia via the Indian Ocean. Chinese media often tout the China-Laos Railway as a new engine to boost economic cooperation between CCP and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) under the LMC and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 

News (19)

Chongqing-Vientiane-Bangkok-Yangon land routes opened in April 2022

In April, China launched a land-sea trade corridor that opened direct access to the Indian Ocean via Myanmar. The new trade corridor travels through four Mekong countries—China (Chongqing), Laos (Vientiane), Thailand (Bangkok) and Myanmar (Yangon)to the Indian Ocean, according to Chinese media.

The route has received less attention as many have confused it with the land-sea route from Sichuan to Singapore via Myanmar, which saw its first test run in August 2021. 

News (20)

Chongqing-Lancang-Chinshewhaw-Mandalay-Yangon-Singapore land routes launched recently

While Myanmar is seeing an increasing number of armed conflicts across the country, CCP officially inaugurated a new land-sea trade route: Chongqing-Lancang-Chinshwehaw-Mandalay-Yangon-Singapore, the last leg via the Indian Ocean, recently.

The route goes from Chongqing in China’s Sichuan province to Lancang in China’s Yunnan province, Chinshwehaw in the Kokang Self-Administered Zone in northern Shan State, and Yangon, the commercial capital, and then to Singapore via the Indian Ocean. 

Goods are transported by rail from China’s Chongqing to Lancang and later transferred by road from Myanmar’s Chinshwehaw to Yangon and shipped from Yangon port to Singapore. 

News (21)

CCP reduces transport time to other ASEAN countries and South Asia via Myanmar

The CCP Embassy said that the new route is “an important breakthrough in strengthening China-Myanmar trade relations for Beijing.” The route cuts transport time in half. Goods from inland areas in western China can go directly to Southeast Asia and South Asia through Myanmar in a short time. 

The new route is expected to strengthen Chongqing’s connectivity with ASEAN and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) members. Given the current situation in Myanmar, the route will have geopolitical and economic advantages for China. 

News (22)

CCP to open new railway station in Myanmar in late 2022

Many may wonder how the new route can succeed, as it passes through areas where many armed conflicts occur. Along the new land-sea corridor in Myanmar, particularly in northern Shan State, EAOs with close ties to China control the ground after successfully driving the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) out of strategic positions in the area. EAOs with close ties to China fully managed to guard the route in northern Shan State.  

Moreover, China’s international trade corridors are not complete without the CCP-Myanmar Railway. Recently, China completed construction of the Dali-Ruili Railway, which is a crucial part of the CCP-Myanmar International trade route. The Chinese Embassy said that the new railway would open this year. The railway was initially planned to connect with the CCP-Myanmar Railway, an important part of Beijing’s strategic plan to create access to the Indian Ocean for landlocked Yunnan.

The railway is planned to link with the Muse-Mandalay railway, a part of the China-Myanmar Railway. The long-awaited USD$9-billion project faced several reviews under the National League for Democracy government. 

To complete its regional logistics connectivity, constructing the Muse-Mandalay Railway is vital for China. In late June, Chinese media and regime-controlled media revealed that China and the regime’s governing body, the State Administration Council (SAC), are in negotiations to begin constructing the Muse-Mandalay Railway project. Following Wang’s trip, a question has arisen about whether China has stepped up activities to get the project off the ground.

News (23)

Warming ties between CCP and Junta, CCP committed to support 200 million RMB work of development projects in Rakhine 

Since the coup, China has been cautious about the instability in Myanmar and anti-China sentiment, despite keeping the CMEC on track with ongoing discussions and preparations with the SAC. However, in August last year, China officially called the SAC a “government” and resumed publicly talking about the CMEC. 

The SAC also reviewed a total of 97 China-backed projects and urged China to resume development and infrastructure projects, particularly the Kyaukphyu SEZ (KPSEZ) in Rakhine. It also said China is committed to supporting 200 million RMB (about $30 million) worth of development projects in Rakhine, including the CMEC. The SAC also held the first-ever ministerial-level meeting on CMEC projects in January, attended by ministers from Mandalay, Rakhine, Yangon, Shan, Ayeyarwady and Magwe.

Map shows the locations of the Chinese oil and gas pipeline and the Mandalay-Muse railway project.

When carefully analyzing this month’s discussion between Wang and U Wunna Maung Lwin, it is clear that China is taking the pulse of negative sentiment among Myanmar people.  

News (24)

CCP reviving its ambitious BRI projects in Myanmar

Reviving projects under China’s ambitious BRI is one of the top priorities for China in the post-pandemic period in the Mekong region. Beijing has already made several preparations to implement CMEC projects during the last year, despite Myanmar being in turmoil following the military takeover. 

During Wang’s trip, China showed a willingness to resume ambitious projects under the CMEC, including the KPSEZ and cross-border interconnection projects. The KPSEZ is a major infrastructure project under the BRI and has made some progress since the coup, including inviting bids to provide legal services to the project and signing an agreement with a Myanmar consulting company, MSR, to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). 

News (25)

Laos and other Indochina countries to be invited to cooperate on CMEC Plus

Beijing also hinted that it has a plan to turn CMEC into “CMEC Plus,” which means China will invite LMC members to cooperate on it. The statement also revealed that China and Myanmar agreed to expedite construction of cross-border interconnection projects in which Myanmar will buy electricity from China. Under the NLD government, an agreement to study the projects was signed with China Southern Power Grid (CSG), a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE).  

China has a plan to connect the grid via two routes in Myanmar. The first route is from Dhong Dai in Yunnan province, China, to Muse and Hopong in northern Shan State, Loikaw in Kayah State, and Phayakyi in Bago Region. Another route is from Yunnan to Kachin’s Bhamo and Ohntaw in Sagaing Region, with a plan to later connect with Myanmar’s national gird. 

News (26)

Junta and CCP discussing implementing cross-border interconnection and hydropower projects

In May 2022, before the Mekong summit, CCP Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai and Junta Minister for Electricity U Thaung Han met in Naypyitaw, the Junta capital of Myanmar. According to a statement, the two sides discussed implementing cross-border interconnection and hydropower projects in the country.  

News (27)

Junta was warned not to over-rely on CCP as CCP has growing influence on CCP-backed armed groups

Analysts have already warned that there is a dependency risk when relying on foreign sources, especially China. As the infrastructure of power grids will need to pass through high conflict areas, further militarization of these areas is possible. 

They said CCP fully understands that the country may be falling into anarchy. So, it has taken further steps to expand the buffer zone in ethnic areas and also engaged in activities that indirectly support the regime.

“The regime has to bear the growing influence of China on Naypyitaw and ethnic areas. Moreover, it also has to bear the growing influence of China-backed armed groups in the country,” one observer said. 

The majority of strategic projects planned under the CMEC are in ethnic areas where armed conflicts occur frequently. However, northern Shan State, where most of the strategic CMEC projects will be built, is dominated by ethnic armed groups with close ties to China. So the risk to China there is lower. 

News (28)

BRI projects may start first in Myanmar areas controlled by Junta resistance groups

CCP China may soon launch practical implementation of BRI projects, concentrating first on areas where there is less risk. These could be areas dominated by ethnic armed groups with good relationships or close ties with China. 

News (29)

Wang Yi snubs Min Aung Hlaing

It must be embarrassing for Myanmar regime chief Min Aung Hlaing when the top diplomat from the foreign country he relies upon most declines to pay him a visit—particularly if the diplomat is already in Myanmar.

But that’s exactly what happened over the weekend and early this week, as visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi failed to meet with Min Aung Hlaing during his stay in Myanmar.

Wang, the most senior Chinese diplomat to visit Myanmar since the coup last year, arrived in the country’s UNESCO World Heritage Site of Bagan in Mandalay Region on Saturday and co-chaired the 7th Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ meeting on Monday.

During his three-day visit, the most senior junta official he met was not regime chief and self-appointed Prime Minister Min Aung Hlaing, but Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, according to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The lack of a meeting between Wang and the coup leader is notable, given that Beijing has not only refused to denounce Min Aung Hlaing’s coup but has acted, along with Russia, to provide diplomatic cover at the UN for the junta, which has killed more than 2,000 people since the takeover.

The last time Wang met Min Aung Hlaing was in January last year during the minister’s visit to Myanmar a few weeks before the February 2021 coup but the meeting was not repeated this time.

Min Aung Hlaing has been ostracized internationally since the coup for his bloody response to protesters against his regime. He has even been barred from attending summits by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), of which Myanmar is a member state.

Internationally, his regime has received very little recognition and many countries have kept their distance from it. They fear meetings with the coup leader could be used as PR tools by the regime, which craves legitimacy.

Even China is wary of such meetings.

On Monday, when Wang was in Bagan, Chinese government mouthpiece Global Times quoted a director from the Chinese government-controlled Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing as saying that the foreign minister’s visit was for the purpose of attending the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ meeting rather than to engage in bilateral talks, and “does not hint at China ‘recognizing’ the current administration”.

It’s widely believed that Wang Yi did not meet Min Aung Hlaing this time because Beijing wants to avoid criticism internationally, and in particular from Myanmar people.

China has a number of infrastructure projects in Myanmar such as a rail line linking China’s Yunnan Province with a deep water port in Kyaukphyu, Rakhine State in western Myanmar that will give China coveted access to the Indian Ocean.

Recently, China-backed projects in Myanmar have come under attack from anti-regime resistance forces and public opinion on CCP China in the country has been tarnished like never before due to Beijing’s failure to denounce the coup.

While Wang Yi failed to meet with the junta chief this time, the CCP foreign minister attempted to appease Min Aung Hlaing with a reaffirmation of Beijing’s continued support for his regime.

In his meeting with his Myanmar counterpart on Sunday, Wang said, “Beijing will support Naypyitaw in safeguarding the country’s legitimate interests, as well as its national dignity on international occasions.”

Furthermore, in Bagan, the Chinese foreign minister told Cambodian Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, who is the ASEAN Special Envoy on Myanmar tasked with mediating the country’s crisis, that China will help the bloc push Myanmar for democratization while encouraging the grouping to implement its peace plan for the country. Among the plan’s key points are a call for dialogue among all concerned parties and the immediate cessation of violence. With the regime’s ongoing atrocities, including extrajudicial killings and the torching of villages, ASEAN has failed to convince the junta to implement the plan.

Were it not for its economic and strategic interests in Myanmar, it seems unlikely China would trouble itself much by engaging with the regime—and would probably prefer to keep its distance.

News (30)

Min Aung Hlaing has so far received Russian and Cambodian delegates only

The only companions Min Aung Hlaing has found so far—and rushed to extend hearty welcomes to—are some military officials from Russia, one of the regime’s arms suppliers, as well as Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, who is the current ASEAN chairman, and his envoy for Myanmar.

His eagerness to receive any outside visitor as Myanmar’s “ruling figure” was evident in April this year when Min Aung Hlaing welcomed the President of Tatarstan, a republic in Russia with a population of some 3 million, at the Credentials Hall in Naypyitaw. He extended his hospitability by hosting a luncheon for the Tatarstan delegation.

So, for such a “hospitable person”, it is impossible that Min Aung Hlaing would let his important guests—this time Wang Yi—return home without a meeting but if the visitor declines, what is the host to do?

News (31)
Sri Lankan president may be exiled abroad, the cause of the biggest crisis in 70 years
Sri Lanka is currently experiencing its worst crisis in 70 years. Protesters occupied the presidential palace for several days, and the president himself did not know where to go. Where did the crisis in Sri Lanka come from, look at the analysis report.
On 11 July 2022, in Colombo, there was almost no natural gas available, restaurants could only use wood to cook.
Restaurant chef Abdul Kasim: "It's been 15 days, the authorities said there will be gas, but it's not there yet."
On the other side, protesters have occupied the presidential residence in Sri Lanka for the third day in a row, demanding the president to step down.
Protest leader Lahiru Weerasekera said, "People will not leave the presidential palace and the prime minister's office until these leaders officially announce their resignation."
On July 9, thousands of protesters stormed the presidential residence and set fire to the prime minister's private residence, while both the prime minister and the president had fled. Some people also jumped into the luxurious swimming pool of the Presidential Palace and had a good swim. The security personnel of the presidential residence did not respond.
In the face of surging public opinion, the Prime Minister's Office announced on Monday (11th) that President Rajapaksa and the entire cabinet will resign to make way for the formation of a new government.
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickreme-Singhe said, "We need an all-party coalition government today and we are working on it."
The latest news is that Rajapaksa has arrived at an air base near Colombo International Airport. Some Sri Lankan media speculated that Rajapaksa may have fled overseas.
US Secretary of State Blinken said, "We will closely monitor political developments in Sri Lanka."
Sri Lanka is experiencing its worst economic crisis since its founding more than 70 years ago. There is a severe shortage of food and medicine, and people are starving; oil and natural gas are almost exhausted; foreign exchange reserves are almost depleted, and even basic necessities cannot be imported from abroad.
How did Sri Lanka, once a country with a fast-growing economy and a growing middle class, become what it is today?
International affairs commentator Tang Hao said, "Sri Lanka's bankruptcy actually involves multiple reasons, the first and most important being political corruption and lack of fiscal discipline, especially the 2019 terrorist attack and subsequent epidemic that hit tourism revenue hard, but the government Instead of prudently living within their means, they wanted to spend a lot of money to stimulate the economy, and as a result, they accumulated a lot of debt.”
To make matters worse, Sri Lanka suddenly banned the import of chemical fertilizers at the end of April last year, saying that it would promote "organic agriculture", which caught millions of farmers by surprise, causing the country's staple rice crop to plummet, and the country fell into a food crisis.
The Russian-Ukrainian war that broke out at the end of February became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The war pushed up global food and energy prices, causing Sri Lanka to spend its foreign exchange reserves and unable to meet people's living needs.
International affairs commentator Tang Hao said, "In addition, Sri Lanka joined the CCP's "One Belt, One Road" initiative and borrowed 5.5 billion US dollars from the CCP to develop infrastructure, which increased the pressure on debt. Not only was it forced to rent out the port to pay off the debt, but it also led to the country's bankruptcy."
Before the formation of the new government, it can be expected that the situation in Sri Lanka will remain unclear.
News (32)
Zhengzhou depositors  violently cleared for their rights protection, turned to U.S. embassy's Weibo for help
Reporter : Jing Zhongming / Editor: Xu Gengwen / Image : On 10 July 2022, it was reported on the Internet that two or three thousand bank depositors from all over China went to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, to defend their rights, but they were besieged by police and plainclothes people, and bloody clashes broke out. (Twitter screenshot)
郑州储户维权被暴力清场 涌美使馆微博求助(视频)
On July 10, 2022, it was reported on the Internet that two or three thousand bank depositors from all over China went to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, to defend their rights, but they were besieged by police and plainclothes people, and bloody clashes broke out. (Twitter screenshot)
On 10 July 2022, depositors of Henan village and town banks went to Zhengzhou to collectively defend their rights. Thousands of military police and gangsters violently cleared the scene. In the afternoon, a video of the water truck washing the ground appeared. With nowhere to turn for help, depositors took to Weibo of the US embassy in China to leave messages.
On the same day, about 3,000 depositors from all over the country gathered in front of the Zhengzhou branch of the Central Bank of China to protest, trying to get their deposits back. Soon thousands of police officers and men in black and white surrounded the scene and began to violently clear the scene. Rights activists shouted "underworld". It is not known whether these people involved in the clearing are military, police or triad members.
The video posted on the Internet shows that at 1.30 pm that day, the official has completed the clearing, and there is a water truck on the steps in front of the Zhengzhou branch of the central bank to wash the floor and remove blood.
On July 10, in front of the Zhengzhou Sub-branch of the Central Bank. Cleared the field in the morning, arrested and dispersed 3,000 depositors. At 1:30 p.m., the waterwheel began to wash the floor and wash away the blood. June 4 repeats. . .
— View of the World (@yunyunfengfeng) July 11, 2022
On the same day, a large number of videos were uploaded on the mainland Internet, showing that the rights-defending depositors were brutally dragged, brutally beaten, and pulled onto the bus. Some depositors also organized resistance, and there was a melee between the two sides.
Videos and pictures showed many savers being beaten and bleeding, including pregnant women.
It is reported on the Internet that a man was beaten blind and urgently needed surgery to save his eyes.
Another man was beaten into a coma, and his life or death is unknown.
On the same day, the video of Zhengzhou's clearing was once popular on mainland online platforms and became the focus of netizens' attention, but it never made it to the hot search list. Soon, topics and related news such as "#Henan Zhengzhou Beating People#" were blocked on a large scale.
In the face of the cruel reality, many desperate savers began to question the CCP regime and reflect on their so-called "patriotism".
Many savers and other netizens also flocked to the U.S. embassy in China's Weibo, asking for help from the U.S. government, which they disliked and even abused in the past.
There are also many netizens on overseas Twitter who are paying attention to this. Some people commented that every "socialist iron fist" will wake up a group of "little pinkies" but some people said that some of the people who were beaten were not really sober. At the rights protection scene in Henan, there were also some depositors holding a portrait of Mao Zedong to defend their rights.
News (33)
Shanghai refutes rumours of "100-day closure of the city", causing people to flee and panic buying
Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Fan Ming / Image : On 5 July 2022, people in Shanghai underwent nucleic acid testing. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)
Shanghai has the most powerful Omicron subtype BA.5 variant, and 9 districts have restarted the control and nucleic acid screening mode. It is reported on the Internet that Shanghai will implement a "100-day closure" of the city”, the official refutation of rumors caused people to flee and panic buying.
On 10 July, Shanghai officials reported the discovery of the first local case of BA.5.2.1. On the same day, there were 6 new confirmed cases and 63 asymptomatic infections. Since the CCP has been covering up the outbreak, the actual number of infections may be higher.
Many places in Shanghai have been put under emergency lockdown and announced that from July 12 to 14, 9 administrative districts (Huangpu District, Xuhui District, Changning District, Jing'an District, Putuo District, Hongkou District, Yangpu District, Minhang District, Baoshan District The whole area) and relevant streets (towns) in other administrative regions will conduct nucleic acid screening of all employees in the "3-day 2-check".
Previously, BA.5 mutants were also found in Xi'an and Beijing, and Xi'an was closed for 7 days from July 6.
Zhang Boli, an academician of the Communist Party of China, said in an interview with mainland media on 7 July that the BA.5 strain is not only the most infectious strain known, but also has stronger immune escape and repeated infection capabilities. Recently, Xi'an has launched the most stringent epidemic prevention measures this year.
Following Xi'an, Shanghai has also upgraded the epidemic control, causing public concern. It was rumored on the Internet that Shanghai would implement a "100-day city closure". The official refuted the rumours but it aroused public doubts and broke out a new wave of fleeing and panic buying.
Image : Screenshot of Weibo
A Shanghai man posted a video on social media and said: "A lot of people have staged it, which is similar to fleeing the famine, and it feels like it has started again. I don't know if the situation in March will come again, and it will start an infinite loop (blockade). So I don't know what to do."
There are also many Shanghai netizens who ridiculed on Weibo, "It's fine if you don't refute the rumors, I'd be really scared if you refute the rumors!"
"In any case, the city cannot be closed, and the prevention and control of the epidemic must be based on the interests of the vast majority of people. If Shanghai does it again this year, the Chinese economy will be completely shut down."
A netizen posted a map of Shanghai's rumour-refuting trajectory, and many so-called "rumours" eventually became facts.
Some netizens bluntly said that Shanghai is repeating the "closed city mode" in March, "For the re-enactment of March, Putuo first, then Songjiang Jiuting, and when the transmission is almost done, one by one will be closed until the whole Shanghai defense battle. Familiar with the taste is that this time there is a little more nucleic acid."
News (34) to (40) / Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Fan Ming /
News (34)
China's 20 provinces have outbreaks, and high and high risk areas have increased to 782
 Image : On 11 July 2022, Shanghai citizens lined up late at night to do nucleic acid tests. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)
中国20省爆疫情 高中风险区增至782个
 According to the official report of the CCP, since July, the epidemic in mainland China has spread to 20 provinces. As of July 11, there were 782 high- and medium-risk areas nationwide. In Guangdong Province, the epidemic spread to 12 cities. Mainland people lamented that they were tired of doing nucleic acid every day, worried about being blocked, and there was no hope for life.
Recently, the epidemic in mainland China has rebounded on a large scale. The National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China reported on July 11 that the new local infections involved 17 provinces. In addition, Qinghai, Henan and Jiangxi recently reported new local infections for the first time. So far, since July, the local epidemic has spread to 20 provinces.
News (35)
Covid epidemic follows a multi-point distribution situation in Guangdong
The epidemic situation in Guangdong Province showed a multi-point distribution situation, with outbreaks in 12 cities, including Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Foshan, Zhongshan, Maoming, Shenzhen, Qingyuan, Shaoguan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang.
Zhuhai  announced that starting from 5:00 on July 12, some areas in Jida and Fengshan will be temporarily controlled for 7 days, and people in the closed areas will stay at home. The city's schools suspended offline teaching and off-campus training activities, requiring residents to stay in the city and reduce unnecessary going out.
News (36)
Epidemic rebounds in Baiyun and other Guangzhou districts
Guangzhou  announced on July 11 that there were epidemics in Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun and other districts, and relevant areas were closed and controlled, and a large-scale nucleic acid screening was carried out for all employees.
News (37)
Chinese complaining about epidemic prevention and control in Shenzhen, Shanghai had 16 high-risk areas and 221 medium-risk areas as of 11 July 2022
The epidemic in Shenzhen continues to heat up, and people are undergoing intensive nucleic acid screening. People are complaining on Weibo, "Look at the complaints under the topic #Shenzhen Epidemic#, in a fast-paced city like Shenzhen, nucleic acid test results are required 24 hours a day. It's exaggerated, so there are complaints one after another, and the ninth edition of the national prevention and control guide has become a joke!"
"It's been almost three years. I really can't stand it. After going to work well, I suddenly let me go home and get no salary. I don't dare to go anywhere for fear of being quarantined. Every day I open my eyes and turn on my mobile phone to see how many Infected."
"Really, I feel that there is no hope for life... I am afraid to wake up every day from this letter to that letter, from nervousness to anxiety to helplessness..." "What is the force that makes the epidemic unstoppable?"
"It's not because of you being banned, or I'm crazy. I'm relieved to see that everyone is scolding me. I have done more than 100 nucleic acid tests in half a year. The happiest day is the inspection every three days. Nuclear All' lives up to its name."
Image : Screenshot of Weibo
Shanghai has just lifted the blockade and the epidemic broke out again. The blockade and control mode has been restarted in many districts. The public panicked, some people fled, and some people hurriedly hoarded supplies. On July 11, Shanghai reported 5 new local confirmed cases and 54 asymptomatic infections. Since the CCP has been concealing the truth about the epidemic, the actual number of infected people may be higher.
A Shanghai netizen said, "On 12 July, the epidemic situation is now in a stalemate, and it will be difficult to completely clear it in a while. Yesterday, three more cases of social infection were found in Shanghai, one of which was very close to the community where the granddaughter lived. The whole family Some people are hoarding goods again to prevent the closure of the community. Yesterday, several districts issued notices, in addition to the weekend screening, they also asked for additional screenings on the 12th to the 14th for three days and two screenings. "
"Clearing has become an extravagant hope. Is this time, like last time, we plan to continue the closure and control, and let the national economy and the stock market die again?"
On 11 July 2022, it was reported on the Internet that after the high school entrance examination in Shanghai, a large-scale closure and control would be implemented and the "Hundred Days Action" would be implemented. The official refuted the rumor. However, the credibility of the Shanghai government had disappeared when the city was closed in April, and the public ridiculed that "the more the official refutes the rumor, the more afraid it is to be true."
As of 11 July 2022, Shanghai had 16 high-risk areas and 221 medium-risk areas.
News (38)
Epidemic in Linyi is spreading
The epidemic in Linyi, Shandong is still spreading. On 11 July 2022, Shandong officials announced 2 new local confirmed cases and 54 new local asymptomatic infections, all in Linyi.
News (39)
Epidemic surges in Zhangzhou and Ningde
The epidemic also occurred in Zhangzhou and Ningde in Fujian Province, and Si County in Anhui has been the most severely affected area in China in the past two weeks.
News (40)
Nanyang of Henan has epidemic
Wuxi, Jiangsu Province is still in the process of "clearing" the epidemic; Zhumadian, Zhengzhou and Nanyang in Henan Province suddenly broke out in recent days. Zhumadian officials said on the 10th that the local epidemic situation is more complicated, and no clear source of infection has yet been found. The risk of cluster transmission and hidden transmission is greater.
According to the Beijing Daily statistics, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Anhui, Henan, Liaoning, and Hainan have adjusted medium and high-risk areas. As of 11 July 2022, the number of high-risk areas in the country has increased to 280. 502 districts.
China locks down city of 300,000 over a single covid case

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