Friday, October 4, 2024

Shift in Republican opinions towards abortion, Christianity in Japan, "October Surprise"

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on the U.S., Japan, Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Russia, Syria, CCP

News (1)

Melania supports abortion rights, Trump responds

Reporter : Zeng Ziheng /Editor in charge: Li Muen / / Image : On 18 July 2024, US Republican presidential candidate Trump and his wife Melania Trump attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

梅拉尼婭支持墮胎權 川普回應
 Melania Trump, the wife of US Republican presidential candidate Trump, expressed her support for women’s abortion rights in her upcoming memoir. In a video released on Thursday (3 October 2024), she said that she firmly believes that when it comes to women's "personal freedom", there should be no room for compromise.

Melania revealed in the British "Guardian" on the 2nd that she will express her support for women's "personal freedom" rights in her memoir, especially women's right to make independent decisions about their own bodies, and she advocates the decision to terminate pregnancy It should be made jointly by women and doctors. "It must be ensured that women can make their own decisions about whether to have children based on their own beliefs, without any interference or pressure from the government."

“I have carried this belief throughout my entire adult life,” she writes. “Why should anyone but women themselves have the right to decide what to do with a woman’s body? A woman’s basic right to personal freedom gives her the right to terminate The right to pregnancy, it’s a choice, and women have the right to make that decision based on their own wishes.”

Melania later said in a video, "Personal freedom is a fundamental principle that I adhere to. There is no doubt that when it comes to the basic right that all women are born with - personal freedom, there must be no compromise. " What does "My Body, My Choice" mean?

With only one month left before the U.S. election, Melania publicly supports abortion rights, which is contrary to her husband's stance, attracting attention from the outside world. Melania will release her memoir next Tuesday (8 October 2024). These views stand in stark contrast to the anti-abortion stance of Trump and the Republican Party.

Trump said Thursday that he had spoken to his wife about the book and told her to "follow your heart."

"We talked about it. I told her, you have to write down what you believe. I'm not going to tell you what to do. You have to write down what you believe," Trump told Fox News. Some people take very extreme views and advocate that abortion should not be allowed at all, without any exceptions; others take a different view."

Trump has often cited the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade as an achievement of his term. However, Trump has said that if re-elected, he will veto the federal abortion ban, and he believes that this issue should be left to the states to legislate.

News (2)

The first Protestant PM of Japan, Shigeru Ishiba

Reporter : Zhao Xiao / Editor : Li Anda / Source: Zhao Xiao Blog  /

Shigeru Ishiba was elected as the 28th president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, and was elected as the 102nd prime minister of Japan on 1 October 2024, becoming the first Protestant Christian prime minister in Japan's postwar history. This event has aroused widespread attention and discussion in the political and religious circles. In the context of Christians accounting for less than 1% of Japan's national population, Shigeru Ishiba won the support of the people and the party with his firm faith background and unique political vision. This not only became a major milestone in Japan's political history, but also demonstrated the profound influence of Christianity in Japanese society.

1. Shigeru Ishiba's faith background and family history

Shigeru Ishiba was born into a family with a multi-religious background. His great-grandfather Michi Kanamori was a believer baptized by the famous Christian educator Niijima Yoshiro and became one of the important promoters of the early Christian movement in Japan. Niijima Yoshiro was a famous missionary and educator in the history of Japanese Christianity. He founded Doshisha University and laid the educational and cultural foundation for the spread of Christianity in Japan. Kanamori Michiro later became a pastor and the founder of the Ishiba family's Christian faith. Shigeru Ishiba  himself is the fourth generation of Protestant Christians in the family.

Although Ishiba Shigeru's father, Ishiba Jiro, was a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist, he was baptized at the Tottori Church of the Japanese Christian Mission where his mother studied, and grew up under the influence of Christian faith. When he was young, Ishiba Shigeru attended the Aijin Kindergarten founded by missionaries. In his youth, he actively participated in church activities and even became a church school teacher at the Tokyo Japanese Christian Church in high school. This solid faith experience cultivated his deep identification with Christian values ​​and enabled him to show a unique moral stance and moderate policy style in his future political career.

Keio University, where Ishiba Shigeru graduated, was founded by the famous Japanese reformer Fukuzawa Yukichi. Its predecessor was the "Danxuejuku" for studying Western science, and it has produced three prime ministers. Ishiba Shigeru is a Christian, who is now being paid attention to but the most famous Christian in the school is definitely not him, but the writer Endo Shusaku, who is a Catholic. Faith is the theme of his creation. He has been committed to rooting Christianity in the faith of the Japanese. His masterpiece "Silence" was made into a movie in 1971 and was remade by Martin Scorsese in 2016, which caused a strong response.

2. The relationship between Shigeru Ishiba and Christianity

Shigeru Ishiba expressed his deep identification with Christianity in many interviews. One of them is humility. He quoted Jesus' parable about the Pharisee and the tax collector and humbly admitted that he was a sinner: "The great thing about having faith is that you can always recognize that you are a sinner. The Pharisees always pay tithes, pray and say that they are righteous, while I, a sinner, a tax collector, pat my chest and pray for God's justice."

Based on this, he further believes that "what humans do is always full of mistakes", so he often prays to God to "use him to serve the Lord's ministry and correct his mistakes". This deep awareness of personal sinfulness and humble attitude towards God's guidance have become the core of his political philosophy. Shigeru Ishiba does not consider himself a perfect leader, but is willing to admit his limitations and hopes to govern the country with humility under the guidance of God.

Shigeru Ishiba actively participates in the national breakfast prayer meeting hosted by the Christian entrepreneur group "Christian Business Men's Connection (CBMC) Japan", and has shared his views on faith and politics at the prayer meeting many times. He said at the prayer meeting that his favorite hymns reminded him of the sinful nature of human beings and always reminded himself to rely on Christ's salvation. This self-reflection and humility gained from faith have enabled him to show a gentle and thoughtful style in policy making.

Christian faith has profoundly influenced his political beliefs. When talking about his political philosophy, he once said: "I believe that politics is to cry with those who cry, and the Liberal Democratic Party must be a party that can reflect the feelings of the people. I understand that the essence of conservatism is to listen to different opinions with an open mind, and this country must do this now." His remarks show the caring spirit of "crying with those who cry" that is particularly important in Christian ethics.

He does not think that politicians are so great, but needs to pray to God to make good things happen. He said, "If the current Japanese politics are not in line with God's will, I am the kind of person who will pray that they change their ways."

3. Japan's unique path to modernization: Why can it achieve the transformation of modern civilization?

As we all know, Japan is still not an evangelized or Christianized country, which makes many people believe that without evangelization, Christianity can also achieve modern civilization but the understanding of the problem is not so simple. Although Japan is not an evangelized Christian country, it can become the first non-Western country outside the West to successfully achieve modernization transformation. The reasons for this can be analyzed from the following aspects:

1. Meiji Restoration: The beginning of learning Western civilization

In the mid-19th century, Japan took the initiative to learn from the West through the Meiji Restoration. Compared with the mentality of "Chinese learning and Western use" and especially "learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians" of the Qing Dynasty in China, Japan adopted an attitude of learning from the West in an all-round way. Japan introduced Western political, economic, military systems, and even educational and cultural ideas. This reform enabled Japan to quickly complete the modernization process and rise to become a world power in a short period of time. However, due to the lack of knowledge of Christianity, Japan in the Meiji era did not fully accept the spirit of Christianity. Without true gods, people will create false gods. This was the case with Japan. They established emperor worship and nationalism as "gods", which resulted in a disastrous defeat, leading to its slide into the abyss of militarism and extreme nationalism in the early 20th century.

2. The "successful loser" mentality after World War II

Japan was completely defeated after World War II but the post-war Japanese leadership group was determined to be a "successful loser", learning from the United States wholeheartedly and accepting the changes in the American social and political system. Under MacArthur's occupation, Japan accepted comprehensive Westernization reforms, including democratic politics, market economy and constitutional rule of law. Although this process did not evangelize Japan or make it a Christian country, this "successful loser" mentality rather than "my country is so great" enabled Japan to fully cooperate with the reconstruction of the post-war order and, under the influence of the United States, absorbed the core values ​​of Christian civilization - human rights, rule of law, social responsibility and economic freedom. These factors invisibly shaped the basic order and development direction of Japan's post-war society.

3. Relatively tolerant religious attitude

Although the proportion of Christians in Japan has always been low, postwar Japan has shown a relatively tolerant attitude in its religious attitude. From the government to the people, Japan has not systematically excluded Christianity like some countries, but regarded it as a social force that can be tolerated. After the war, the Christian Church not only played a role in education and social charity, but also played a positive role in certain cultural and social reforms. Christian politicians such as Shigeru Ishiba grew up in this environment and were able to emerge in the political arena.

4. The Christian foundation of modern civilization

Almost all countries that achieved modernization in the early days were evangelized and Christianized countries, such as Britain, the United States, and Germany. As a late-developing country, Japan was able to achieve the transformation of modern civilization precisely because it accepted the influence of Christian culture to some extent, rather than completely rejecting the ethics and value system of Christian faith. This open mindset has enabled Japan to achieve economic and social development success in the process of globalization.

IV. Reflection and enlightenment: reference significance for other countries

From Shigeru Ishiba's election and Japan's modernization process, we can draw some profound reflections. The core of modern civilization is not technology or economic achievements ("strong ships and powerful guns"), but social ethics, political systems and cultural values ​​based on Christian faith. Countries that resolutely resist or reject the Christian gospel often find it difficult to establish a stable rule of law society or achieve true modernization transformation.

In the future, whether Ishiba Shigeru's election can inject new faith values ​​into Japanese society remains to be seen. However, his appearance itself has become a landmark event in the intersection of religion and politics in Japan. May God give him wisdom and humility, demonstrate the love and justice of Christ in the political arena, and bring greater peace and well-being to Japan.

News (3)

U.S. election day is approaching, what “October surprises” will there be?

Reporter : Cheng Wen / Editor : Li Lin / : On 26 September 2024, Hurricane Helene rolled off the coast of St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. A boat was overturned and washed ashore. That night, Helene made landfall in Florida as a Category 4 hurricane. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

美國大選日臨近 會有什麼「10月驚奇」

As dock workers in the eastern United States began their first general strike in nearly 50 years on October 1, it may affect the results of the U.S. election on November 5. The first "October Surprise" event has occurred. The campaign teams of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump may also be preparing for more "October surprises."

There have been enough shocking events in the recent few months of the 2024 presidential election cycle, from Trump narrowly escaping two assassination attempts to President Biden withdrawing from the re-election campaign, and the Democratic Party’s three and a half months before the election. "It feels like every week brings some kind of 'October surprise,'" Democratic strategist Mike Nellis joked to the Washington Examiner.

However that does not mean there will not be another “October surprise” that is still in the spotlight in the final weeks before election day.

What is "October Surprise"?
William Casey, former President Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign manager, coined the term "October Surprise" more than four decades ago. Republican strategist Cesar Conda described "October surprises" as usually involving "a war, an economic crisis, or a major political scandal."

Conda told the Washington Examiner: "In addition to the Middle East, China (Chinese Communist Party) has also made a lot of threats of force recently in the territorial disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea and North Korea's simulated nuclear counterattack. The market crash in 2008 It’s a major economic crisis. The lesson we learned is that presidential candidates need to be prepared to avoid a public relations nightmare as they approach the election.”

Costas Panagopoulos, a political science professor at Northwestern University, said campaigns always have to prepare for the unexpected, or at least should.

"If a campaign or an outside group has any real dirt in their opponent's pocket, actions can be taken well before election day to do the most damage," he told the Washington Examiner. This is the time when many voters are most concerned about the election, and when there is too little time to recover from such an attack. Even if the ‘October surprise’ never comes, campaigns on both sides should be prepared to be raided or turned around.”

Wider war breaks out
Tensions abroad could also have serious consequences for U.S. domestic politics and elections.

There are deep concerns that the war in the Middle East may expand, as the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which is approaching its first anniversary on October 7, is expanding into Lebanon.

According to reports, Israel killed Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah in a targeted attack on the Lebanese capital Beirut last week. This past weekend, the Israel Defense Forces carried out another attack on Hezbollah along the shared border between the two countries.

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization recognized by the United States and most Western countries. It is a Lebanese "militia" organization that is comparable in strength to the Lebanese National Defense Force.

Israeli officials told the White House on Monday (September 30) that Israel may launch limited ground operations in Lebanon in the coming days. This has heightened fears of an all-out war between Israeli forces and Hezbollah.

The expansion of the war is likely to further deepen divisions within the Democratic Party over the Biden administration's support for Israel over the past year, which has also triggered serious protests against the Biden administration from pro-Palestinians.

The Biden-Harris administration's efforts to promote a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas have not yielded results. If the war continues to expand, it will be a severe test for Harris, who will succeed Biden as the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate.

While the Russia-Ukraine war is still ongoing, if there is another armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea before the US election, it will have more adverse effects on the election prospects of the ruling Democratic Party government.

Disastrous hurricane
Republican strategist Doug Heye believes that Hurricane Helene, a natural disaster, could become an "October surprise" depending on its death toll and recovery.

Hurricane Helene made landfall in the southeastern United States on September 26. The storm has ravaged large areas of Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, destroying critical infrastructure in these states and cutting power to millions of people. . It is estimated that the economic damage caused by "Helen" may reach hundreds of billions of dollars, making it one of the costliest hurricanes in modern U.S. history.

White House Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall informed at a press conference on September 30 that as many as 600 people are still missing.

Trump and his supporters criticized Kamala and Biden for not responding promptly to Hurricane Helene and instead continuing with their campaign travel and beach vacations.

The political impact was immediate. Harris cut short her West Coast campaign and has returned to Washington, D.C., for a hurricane briefing. She is expected to visit the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in the next few days, and Trump also traveled to Georgia on September 30 to view the disaster site.

Damage from the storm threatens to hamper early voting, particularly in North Carolina and Georgia, where in-person early voting is set to begin in the coming weeks. Both states are hotly contested and are two of seven key battleground states that could swing the outcome of the election.

Terminal strike halts half of U.S. shipping
Due to the breakdown of labor negotiations, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), which represents 45,000 port workers, began its first general strike in nearly 50 years on October 1. The strike will halt 36 terminals and ports on the East Coast and Gulf Coast of the United States, as well as about half of the nation's ocean shipping.

Reuters quoted experts as commenting that the strike may cause economic losses of billions of dollars every day. It will not only disrupt the supply chain and threaten corporate production and employment, but will also aggravate already severe inflation.

The White House does not want the strike to last too long, but neither Biden nor Harris has yet come up with effective solutions to ease the conflict between labour and management.

If the strike continues, it may also be detrimental to Kamala's election prospects.

More political violence
One of the worst potential surprises this October could be violence against political candidates, campaign workers, and election and ballot workers alike.

Trump has been at the center of two assassination attempts since July, fueling fears of political divisions turning violent. He was grazed in the ear by a gunman's bullet at an open-air campaign rally in July. In September, another gunman was waiting for Trump to appear near one of his golf courses. A Secret Service agent discovered his muzzle in time and shot the gunman first. The gunman was arrested on the way to escape.

It is reported that a Virginia man was arrested in late July on suspicion of issuing death threats to Kamala.

NBC News reported in September that election officials in at least six states had received suspicious packages and that the FBI was investigating.

John Murphy, a professor who studies political speech at the University of Illinois, recently told The Hill: "My biggest concern is vote counting, electing judges, and violence. There is a very clear distinction here about who gets to count the votes and the threat mode.

After each assassination attempt, there were calls from both parties to lower the political temperature, and the Secret Service stepped up protection for Trump.

Will there be a second debate between Trump and Kamala?
If there is a second presidential debate between Trump and Harris, it may become one of the events that may shake up the presidential election.

The two were already at odds on the debate stage hosted by ABC on September 10. Harris later accepted an invitation to a debate hosted by CNN on October 23 and urged Trump to attend, but Trump has so far rejected Harris' invitation.

Trump said he had won the first debate and he believed only the loser would ask for a rematch. Trump later suggested it was too late to hold another debate because early voting had already begun in some states.

It is reported that some of Trump's allies have urged him to reconsider the possibility of a second debate with Harris. If the Trump team believes that his poll numbers may improve as a result, Trump may still change his mind.

Trump's senior adviser Jason Miller mentioned on 30 September that 1 October is the vice presidential debate, saying: "As of now, it is the only one debate left on the calendar. President Trump has made his position very clear."

"Harris had other opportunities to participate in the debate with President Trump before," Miller said.

The appearance of new video, audio or pictures
In each of the past two presidential elections, new audio or video footage reported by the news media disrupted the focus of the election.

"Capitol Hill" believes that for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, the risk of new audio or video exposure is concentrated on her past far-left policy stance. For Trump, the release of video and audio of his closed-door speech to donors could also spark an uproar.

The latest such storm centers on a photo of Kamala posting a photo on social media of herself aboard the vice presidential plane, Air Force Two, as deadly Hurricane Helene swept through the United States. She was receiving the latest updates on Hurricane Helene via phone.

"Our administration will continue to stay in touch with state and local officials to ensure communities have the support and resources they need," Kamala wrote.

In Kamala's photo, she is sitting at a table taking notes, with headphones in one ear and her iPhone in front of her. The photo went viral on 1 October 2024, and many social media users discovered that her headphone cable was not plugged into her phone.

Trump also quickly criticized the photo as a "staged photo" and accused Kamala of "not knowing what she was doing."

News (4)

Shocking news: Biden and Israeli Prime Minister quarreled. Will the U.S. election be reversed in October? The global economy may be in chaos 

Editor: Chu Tian / Source: Central News Agency /

Israel threatened to retaliate after Iran launched nearly 200 ballistic missiles into its territory on the evening of the 1st. The White House is now trying to prevent Israel from retaliating too much, fearing that President Biden's efforts to prevent a full-scale war in the Middle East for nearly a year may eventually fail.

U.S. news website Axios quoted officials as saying that Israel may launch a "major retaliation" within a few days, and may target targets in Iran such as oil production facilities and other strategic locations.

▲The White House is now trying to prevent Israel from retaliating too much, fearing that President Biden's efforts to prevent a full-scale war in the Middle East for nearly a year may eventually fail.

The United States hopes that Israel will respond with restraint and does not support attacking Iran's nuclear facilities

Biden told the media on the 2nd that he did not support Israel attacking Iran's nuclear facilities, emphasizing that Washington and Western allies are discussing new sanctions on Iran.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said on the 2nd that the Biden administration supports Israel's military response to Iran, but hopes to ensure that the situation does not get out of control. "This will not only endanger Israel's strategic interests, but also the United States' strategic interests." He also said that they are negotiating and coordinating with the Israeli government on how to respond to Iran's missile attack.

The Washington Post quoted several unnamed Biden administration officials on the 2nd as saying that Israel privately told the US that they did not feel it was necessary to immediately launch a large-scale counterattack against Iran; however, US and European officials are still worried that Israel may attack Iran's economic targets, triggering an escalation of the crisis.

● Attacking Iran's oil and gas facilities, the West is worried about the reappearance of the oil crisis

A senior European official said that Tehran has always stated that attacking their oil and gas industries is "crossing the red line", which may trigger Iran to take retaliatory strikes against Western energy interests, causing chaos in the global economy one month before the US presidential election.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that although the US hopes that Israel will be restrained when it strikes back at Iran, it has limited chips to make Israel obedient. So far, the Biden administration has been trying to cool down Israel's fury by emphasizing that Iran's missile offensive was once again thwarted by the U.S. and Israeli defense systems after April.

Some analysts believe that if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities or oil infrastructure, it may lead to a larger-scale missile attack by Tehran, and plan terrorist attacks against Israel at home and abroad, and even accelerate Iran's process of making nuclear weapons. Therefore, Israel's counterattack may also learn from past practices, that is, to target only Iranian military bases and sites.

Norman Roule, who was in charge of Iran affairs at the U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) from 2008 to 2017, believes that Israel wants to consolidate the impression that its technological and military advantages allow them to strike Iran at will, but Israel may still avoid touching targets that may trigger a full-scale war. Similarly, Iran also wants to find a way to strike hard at its enemies without triggering the full-scale Middle East war that it has wanted to avoid for many years.

Netanyahu does not take Biden seriously, Europe is afraid that the US cannot tie him down

The Washington Post revealed that although US officials encouraged Israel to respond in a cautious manner, European allies are worried that Washington cannot tie down the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden administration officials said that although Israel said it would act with restraint, it is difficult to guarantee that Netanyahu's decision will not change due to various complex political factors, especially the extreme right wing has a great influence in Israeli politics. Some US officials did not deny that the private assurances of Israeli senior officials in the past year were often unreliable.

Jonathan Lemire, a reporter for White House news at Politico, posted on the social media platform X that the Biden administration would urge Israel to exercise restraint, but Biden's influence on the Middle East is far less than in April this year, and Biden's inability to prevent the Middle East war is like an open secret.

Lemire also revealed that Biden complained to close friends in New York last week, saying that he was very angry with Netanyahu, did not believe that the other party wanted to make peace, and was even annoyed by Netanyahu's repeated insults to him and Secretary of State Blinken.

A Politico report quoted an unnamed senior official as saying that Biden and Netanyahu's phone calls have become more and more quarrelsome. Biden privately said that he felt that Netanyahu wanted to make the conflict permanent in order to save his political future and help Trump's election.

● U.S. media revealed that Biden's lame internal is like a multi-headed carriage

The Biden administration was also revealed to have internal differences of opinion on Israel's military deployment in Lebanon. Politico revealed that Biden's adviser Amos Hochstein and White House Middle East Coordinator Brett McGurk told Israeli senior officials in recent weeks that the US agreed with Netanyahu's overall strategy, that Israel would shift its military focus north to deal with Hezbollah, thereby forcing the other side to negotiate diplomatically to end the Middle East conflict.

Although the decision to shift the focus to fighting Hezbollah was supported by the White House, it caused divisions within the US government, including opposition from the Pentagon, the State Department and the intelligence community, who believed that the move might involve the US military. Developments show that the Biden administration is not only unable to reach a consensus, but even acts on its own.

●Will an "October Surprise" overturn the US election?

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a Washington think tank, cited a recent poll that showed that as many as 66% of American respondents hoped that the US-NATO would facilitate negotiations to end the Russian-Ukrainian war, and less than 24% believed that Israel should be provided with weapons and assistance unconditionally to fight the Gaza war.

The poll trend is inconsistent with the Biden administration's current policies on Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East, which makes the outside world wonder whether it will cause the so-called "October Surprise". "October Surprise" in American politics refers to news events that are close and sufficient to affect the results of the November election.

Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs columnist for the Financial Times, wrote that over the past year, the Biden administration has been striving to prevent a full-scale war in the Middle East from dragging the United States into it and severely impacting the global economy. Now, with Iran launching a large-scale missile attack on Israel on the 1st and the latter planning a counterattack, Washington's efforts are on the verge of failure, and Trump is likely to benefit from this "October surprise."

News (5)

World War III not far away? The Israeli army attacked the Russian military base and footage of the explosion of the ammunition depot was exposed 

Editor: Chu Tian / Source: Sanli News /

The war between Russia and Ukraine is heating up, while in the Middle East, Israel is stuck in a negotiation deadlock with Hamas, and then sent troops to Lebanon to fight Hezbollah, and then the situation with Iran continues to deteriorate. Some foreign self-media reports claim that Israel launched missiles to attack the Russian air force base in Syria.

Social self-media Visegrád24 reported that Israel attacked the Khmeimim Air Force Base in Syria, which is currently operated and used by the Russian military. At the time of the attack, an Iranian military aircraft had just unloaded a batch of arms to Hezbollah. The report said that the Israeli missile hit the base's arsenal, and the Russian air defense system was immediately activated, but failed to successfully intercept the missile.

During its march into Hezbollah, Israel recently seized a large amount of Russian-made equipment from the tunnel ammunition depot dug by the latter. The outside world speculates that this is the reason why Israel took action against Russia. However, Israel, under the circumstance of being attacked from both sides, opened up another battlefield to offend Russia, which may cause the international situation to heat up again rapidly.

News (6) to (9) / Editor : Li Anda / Source: Epoch Times /

News (6)

Iran launched missiles against Israel without informing Beijing? China was left behind in embarrassing missteps! 

Image : An Iranian missile was intercepted over the northern Israeli city of Barka al-Gharbia on 1 October 2024.

On 1 October 2024, Iran launched about 200 missiles at Israel, but notified Russia and the United States in advance. The United States notified Israel in time, and Israel successfully intercepted most of the Iranian missiles. The incident immediately made headlines in the world's media, and countries issued statements to express their positions. Iran may not have notified Beijing in advance, which caused the Zhongnanhai to not know how to respond for a while, which was quite embarrassing. Moscow and Tehran have fought one after another. Is Beijing ready to take part in a potential world war or continue to play dumb?

News (7)

Xinhua News Agency reported abnormalities

In the evening of 1 October 2024, Iran launched two waves of missile attacks on Israel, totaling about 200 missiles. The attack lasted about an hour, and most of the missiles were successfully intercepted by Israel. The Israeli health department reported several injuries, but no deaths.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken later said that Iran's attack on Israel was "thwarted." The Pentagon also confirmed that the ground damage caused by this attack was small, and said that "Iran will face serious consequences."

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Iran had made a big mistake, "Whoever attacks us, we will attack him."

Major media outlets rushed to report the attack and continuously analyzed the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. However, the Chinese Communist Party, which has always supported Iran, did not seem to understand what was going on for a while and reacted very slowly. Xinhua News Agency stationed reporters in Israel and knew that a missile attack had occurred, but did not issue relevant reports in time.

The Iranian missile attack began at around 7.30 pm on 1 October, which should be around 12.30 am on 2 October, Beijing time.

Just after midnight on 2 October, Beijing time, almost at the same time as the Iranian missile launch, Xinhuanet issued an article titled "Hot Questions and Answers | What will the Israeli Army's Ground Operations in Lebanon look like?" The article quoted an Arab issue "expert" from Ningxia University as saying: The possibility of a full-scale war between the two sides is not great.

Iran is about to launch missiles, and Xinhua News Agency is still analyzing that the possibility of the situation deteriorating is not great. Zhongnanhai has not issued any new instructions, and Xinhua News Agency continues to report on the Middle East war in the way it originally decided.

At 04:28:06 in the morning of 2 October, Xinhuanet issued a report titled "Shooting in Tel Aviv, Israel, caused 6 deaths and 17 injuries", but did not mention the missile attack.

At 04:56:16 in the morning of 2 October, Xinhuanet finally reported "Israeli army says Iran launched more than 180 ballistic missiles at Israel". However, this report is not visible on the homepage of Xinhuanet, and you need to enter the international page to find it.

At 13:31:44 in the afternoon of 2 October, Xinhuanet's homepage officially issued an article titled "Live Report | Xinhua News Agency reporters reported Iranian missiles hitting Israel at multiple points". Xinhua News Agency reporters reported Iran's missile attack on the spot, but the report was at least 12 hours late, and it should have been waiting for the final review by Zhongnanhai.

On 2 October 2024, the top leaders and departments of the Communist Party of China were on vacation. It is estimated that the personnel of Zhongnanhai and the Communist Party of China's Military Commission, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. were called up temporarily, and they were in a hurry and could not react for a while. Xinhua News Agency did not dare to act on its own, so the report was abnormal.

Iran probably did not inform the Chinese Communist Party in advance, and the Chinese Communist Party was unable to figure out the situation for a while and was caught off guard.

News (8)

The reaction of the Chinese Communist Foreign Ministry was even more outrageous

At 5.40 pm on 2 October 2024, the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a message "Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Answers Reporters' Questions on the Escalation of the Situation between Lebanon and Israel and between Iran and Israel".

Q: On October 1, Beijing time, Israel launched a ground military operation in southern Lebanon. In the early morning of the 2nd, Iran launched a military strike on Israel. What is China's comment on this?

A: China is deeply concerned about the turbulence in the Middle East and opposes violating Lebanon's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and opposes intensifying contradictions and expanding conflicts. China calls on the international community, especially influential major countries, to play a constructive role to avoid further turbulence. China believes that the failure to achieve a ceasefire and end the war in Gaza is the root cause of the current round of turmoil in the Middle East, and all parties should achieve a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible.

This question and answer puts two questions together, and actually only answers the first question, responding to Israel's ground operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon; but it does not answer the question of Iran's missile attack on Israel. The description of the question also deliberately changed the missile attack to "Iran's military strike on Israel's homeland", making the question vague. This is a typical CCP-style self-questioning and self-answering, trying to avoid substantive issues.

On 2 October 2024, Zhongnanhai was busy all day, and finally decided not to respond directly to Iran's missile attack on Israel; so it put two questions together, but only answered one, which was considered an explanation.

This reflects that Zhongnanhai is still unsure how to make a formal statement on Iran's missile attack, so it has to make a weird Q&A to deal with it. The regular press conference of the Chinese Foreign Ministry was suspended during the holiday, otherwise the spokesperson might make a fool of himself again.

The outrageous Q&A of the Chinese Foreign Ministry further confirmed that Iran's missile launch was probably not notified to Beijing in time, which led to the passivity of Zhongnanhai. The two sides may have communicated afterwards, and Iran may have asked the CCP to publicly express its support, but the CCP did not dare to agree. China, Russia and Iran may have also conducted three-way communication, but they were all playing tricks on each other. After thinking about it, the CCP could only choose not to make a formal statement for the time being.

The Chinese Communist Foreign Ministry tried not to offend either side. Although it continued to say that it "opposes violations of Lebanon's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity", it did not name Israel; nor did it name Iran's missiles that violated Israel's sovereignty and territory.

The most ridiculous thing is that the Chinese Communist Party actually "called on the international community, especially influential powers, to play a constructive role", but actually called on the United States and others to play a role. Such a call is really too cheap. The Chinese Communist Party claims to be a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and claims to participate in global governance, but at this time it does not consider itself an "influential power".

Image : On 2 October 2024, Israeli security personnel and people watched the wreckage of an Iranian missile near the Dead Sea

News (9)

Both Beijing and Tehran are afraid of Israeli retaliation

After the Chinese Communist Foreign Ministry vaguely responded to Iran's missile attack, Xinhua News Agency issued an article "Middle East Situation | Will the Iranian Missile Attack on Israel Cause the Middle East Situation to Get Out of Control". In less than 24 hours, Xinhua News Agency's analysis of the situation in the Middle East changed rapidly.

The article said in the tone of an "observer": Similar to the first air strike against Israel in April this year, Iran's strike this time is still a "one-off" strike, hoping to avoid the situation from getting completely out of control and prevent the United States from being directly involved.

This is probably a certain position after Beijing and Tehran coordinated with each other. Both sides are afraid of Israel's large-scale retaliation, especially the participation of the United States. Although Iran supports Hamas and Hezbollah in attacking Israel, Hamas is no longer viable, and the leaders of Hezbollah were almost eliminated within a few days; if Hezbollah is finished again, Iran will have to face Israel and the United States on its own.

Xinhua News Agency spoke on behalf of Iran, specifically stating that this missile attack was still "one-off", which is equivalent to shouting to Israel, hoping that Israel's retaliation is also "one-off". Iran's missile attack did not cause much damage. Beijing and Tehran are both hinting that Israel's retaliation should not be too fierce, especially not to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Once Iran's nuclear weapons base is destroyed, it will lose its last trump card and will not be able to negotiate any nuclear agreement with the United States.

Although the CCP needs Iran and the terrorist organizations it supports to continue to disrupt the situation in the Middle East and contain the United States, it is also worried that Israel will be completely annoyed and fight back fiercely. Hamas is finished, and Hezbollah is about to be unreliable. If Iran is eliminated again, it will be difficult for the CCP to disrupt the situation in the Middle East. Once the United States fully supports Israel in winning a complete victory, it will turn around and deal with the CCP specifically. Both Beijing and Tehran are very worried about such an outcome.

The Xinhua News Agency article quoted an "expert" from Tsinghua University as saying: With Hezbollah, an important ally of the "Arc of Resistance", suffering a heavy blow and Nasrallah and other leaders being "targeted and eliminated", if Iran does not take action at this time, it will greatly damage its credibility as the "leader", causing the anti-Israel alliance to be shaken or even split and disintegrated as Israel and the United States hope... Iran's attack this time is a "one-time" behavior, which does not mean that it will "end up" with Israel. After all, under the circumstances of domestic economic difficulties, it has no chance of winning a conventional war with Israel at this stage.

Zhongnanhai is obviously too anxious and has allowed such straightforward words. Another "expert" also said: Iran's official statement after the attack on Israel on the 1st was exactly the same as after the first retaliatory air strike in April, implying that as long as Israel does not overreact, the situation will end here... This attack is as symbolic as the last one, indicating that Iran still hopes to prevent Israel from dragging the United States into the battlefield.

Iran's two battles should have been welcomed by the Zhongnanhai, but the CCP is actually afraid that Iran will be involved as a whole, which will be of no use to the CCP. Iran certainly does not want to be used as a gun by the CCP. It has its own calculations and notified Russia and the United States of the missile launch but it is very likely that it did not inform Beijing in time.

Is the CCP ready to take part in a  potential world war?

The Russian-Ukrainian war has been going on for more than two years, and Iran has also directly taken action twice. China, Russia and Iran are called the evil axis by the outside world. Moscow and Tehran have already fought or have fought. It should be the CCP's turn to play. This should be the possible outbreak of World War III that Trump is worried about.

The Chinese Communist Party seems to be ready to take the field, but it is unwilling to make a public statement on Iran's missile launch, indicating that it dares not take the field for the time being.

On 25 September 2024, the Chinese Communist Party launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean; at that time, the Chinese Communist Party's "Liaoning" aircraft carrier was in the Philippine waters, and then it rarely announced that the "Shandong" aircraft carrier was conducting exercises in the South China Sea. This should be considered as the posture of the Chinese Communist Party.

On the same day, 25 September 2024, Putin presided over the Russian Nuclear Deterrence Conference and publicly announced that the scope of military threats to be eliminated by expanding nuclear deterrence, saying that once reliable information about large-scale launches of air and space attack weapons across the Russian border is received, including strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft, etc., the possibility of using nuclear weapons will be considered.

The Russian army has been trapped in Ukraine for a long time and cannot win, and Moscow also feels that its vitality has been greatly damaged. The Kremlin is most worried at this time that NATO may take the opportunity to attack. Whether Moscow can survive depends on nuclear weapons.

The CCP is in a similar situation. The intention of Zhongnanhai to suddenly launch an intercontinental ballistic missile is probably the same as that of the Kremlin. It is not to prepare for war with the United States, but to fear being attacked and to use nuclear weapons to embolden itself. Israel quickly beheaded many Hezbollah leaders. If the United States were to attack the CCP, the consequences would be disastrous. How could Zhongnanhai not be afraid? The CCP’s top leaders are actually the most afraid of nuclear weapons.

On 1 October 2024, Xinhua News Agency published an article titled "Israeli Army Launches Ground Attack on Lebanon, Hezbollah Vows to Fight a Protracted War". Zhongnanhai hopes that Hezbollah can still hold on, and the CCP itself certainly does not want to play. As for how Moscow and Tehran view Beijing, they can no longer care about that. Anyway, they are just using each other.

The contradictions within the CCP are still difficult to resolve. The CCP leader had to continue to put on a show at the "October" reception, asking some retired Politburo Standing Committee members to support him but Hu Jintao and others have not yet appeared. What Zhongnanhai is most worried about now is the loss of authority of the "Central Committee of the Party", and is particularly worried about civil unrest in the military. Going to the battlefield at this time may lead to faster downfall; their real psychology may be that they hope that the "influential powers" will not take strong action in the Middle East situation!

News (10) to (12) / Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Wen Hui /

News (10)

Fireballs and comets swept Beijing in succession. Analysis: Change of dynasty is coming (video)

Image : Since the beginning of this year, Beijing has seen three consecutive fireballs fall, and a comet swept across Beijing during the National Day holiday. Some analysts pointed out that Beijing has seen ominous signs one after another, and there may be a change of dynasty. (Video cut and synthesis)

火流星、彗星连扫北京 分析:要改朝换代(视频)

Since the beginning of this year, Beijing has seen three consecutive fireballs fall, and a comet swept across Beijing during the National Day holiday. Some analysts pointed out that according to the ancient saying of "harmony between man and nature", Beijing has seen similar phenomena one after another, and there may be a change of dynasty.

News (11)

Three fireballs fell in Beijing

The ancient Chinese said "harmony between man and nature", and any strange phenomenon has something to indicate. From March to September this year, Beijing has seen three consecutive fireball falls.

On 4 March, the first day of the two sessions of the Chinese Communist Party, two huge fireballs fell from the sky in Beijing in succession. They exploded during the fall, bursting out with dazzling green light, instantly illuminating the night sky.

Image : On 4 March 2024, the first day of the two sessions of the Chinese Communist Party, a huge fireball fell in Beijing, and earthquakes occurred in many places. (Video screenshot)

The Chinese Communist Party’s official media hardly reported on this, but on Chinese social media, the video of the fireball falling was widely circulated. Some netizens left comments in the comment area saying "It's time to come down" and "Hurry up and collect it", suggesting that the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, might step down or something unexpected might happen.

At around 10.30 pm on 20 September 2024, another fireball appeared in the sky of Beijing, emitting a blue-green light, quickly streaking across the night sky, and the entire sky lit up. Many people in Hebei, Tianjin and other places also saw this scene.

Fireballs are called meteorites after they fall to the ground. Epoch Times current affairs commentator Yang Ning wrote that there are many records about meteors and meteorites in ancient China. Taoists even used "night observation of celestial phenomena" to help monarchs observe the rise and fall of national fortunes, foresee national affairs such as monarch power, life and death.

In March 1976, a rare meteorite shower broke out in Jilin, China. In that year, three high-ranking CCP leaders Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and Mao Zedong died one after another, and the Tangshan earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of people occurred.

Yang Ning said that from a historical perspective, are the three fireballs in Beijing so far indicating that some of the CCP's bigwigs will die soon?

During the "October" period, a comet that occurs once in 60,000 years swept across Beijing
After the fireball, another comet appeared in Beijing. In the early morning of October 1 and 2, the once-in-60,000-year alien comet C/2023 A3 (Purple Mountain-Atlas) swept across the sky over Beijing.

Videos released by netizens and the media show that when the comet appeared, a strange light appeared in the sky. At first, it was just a faint halo, and gradually, the halo became stronger and stronger. A comet with a tail was clearly visible, appearing over the sky of Beijing and sweeping quickly.
Image : In the early morning of 2 October 2024, the Purple Mountain-Atlas Comet, which occurs once in 60,000 years, swept across the sky of Beijing, causing heated discussions. (CCTV screenshot)

On the eve of the National Day, people in Shenzhen, Tibet and other places in China also saw the comet sweeping across the sky. It is reported that shortly after sunset from October 10 to 12, the comet will pass over Beijing again.

Because the comet drags a swaying, sometimes short and sometimes long tail, it is called a "broom star". In ancient Chinese books, comets are usually called stars, pengxing, long stars or simply "comets". Modern people regard comets passing through the night sky as a magical astronomical phenomenon, but in ancient times, both the East and the West regarded them as a star of great disaster.

Volume 18 of "Kaiyuan Astrology" quoted the "Shi's Star Classic" of the Warring States Period, saying: "Comets have four names: one is Boxing, the second is Fuxing, the third is Saoxing, and the fourth is Comet, and their shapes are different."

Comets appear almost all as bad omens of military deaths. For example: there will be an uprising in the country, and the general will be killed; someone in the country will rebel; the monarch of the country will die; the general of the country will be killed, and so on.

If the comet is long and appears for a long time, it indicates a deep disaster, such as the death of the emperor, the destruction of the five capitals, and the prosperity of the lowly people; if the comet is short and appears quickly, it indicates a shallow disaster.

According to the "Book of Jin·Astronomy", comets are also responsible for sweeping, and are a sign of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, and the change of dynasties.

"Zuo Zhuan" also records: "And the comet in the sky is to remove filth." It means to sweep away the filth.

It is worth mentioning that when the comet swept over Beijing on October 1, an earthquake occurred again in Feidong County, Anhui. Feidong County has been experiencing earthquakes since September 18. People are worried that it will cause a major earthquake. Many people dare not stay at home overnight and sleep on the streets.

When the Tangshan earthquake occurred in July 1976, scientists found that the comet began to approach the earth in June, and from July to September, it was very close to the earth for a considerable period of time, only 0.125 to 0.3 astronomical units.

News (12)

Yang Ning: Comet foreshadows disasters and is a sign of dynasty change

Current affairs commentator Yang Ning analyzed that the appearance of comets foreshadows disasters such as war, rebellion, death of monarchs, disease, plague, floods, and earthquakes. In today's mainland China, the plague has not been eradicated, and various disasters have taken turns to appear. There are constant "rumors" about the illness of the leader of the Communist Party of China and the change of power within the party. The passing of the comet after the fireball may be telling the world that more disasters are coming quickly, and changes are indeed taking place within the Communist Party of China?

In addition, in addition to foreshadowing disasters, the appearance of comets is also a sign of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, and the change of dynasties.

Yang Ning said that perhaps Beijing is really not far from a change of dynasty.

News (13)

Master Vance: Trump has chosen the right successor 

Editor: Li Guangsong / Source: Wei Guzi /

This is a knockout, from demeanor to substance.

1. Complete victory

The vice presidential debate is over. In Vance, conservatives truly see the hope of their party, and even the hope of the United States.

It is a scarred era, swallowed by the lies and hatred of the Democratic Party, and disturbed by Trump's resentment and willfulness.

There is no doubt that Vance won a complete victory.

First, let's look at CNN, the number one TV machine of the Democratic Party. If the left praises Vance, it really shows the problem.

The three members of the station's observation team have always believed that Walz was crushed [CRUSHED].

Even Abigail Phillips, a black female host who is well-known to hate Trump, thinks so: Vance came to this debate to launch a series of punches [punches]... He did it. Walz was obviously not prepared for this.

The New York Times, the number one newspaper machine of the Democratic Party, also spoke fairly.

The title of its columnist's comment is: Vance's dominant performance in the debate [Dominant Performance] shows why he is Trump's running mate.

Look at the right-skinned, left-hearted Wall Street Journal. It has a heartfelt loathing for Trump, is quick to criticize any of his mistakes, and can't help but praise Harris for winning the debate.

However now its headline is: Vance is confident, Walz is unstable.

Its editorial says: Vance was respectful, well-prepared, articulate, and mercilessly reminded voters of what he called the shortcomings of the Harris administration. With presence and command, Vance won the debate.

Bill Ackman, a famous Wall Street investor, was a Democrat for many years. He turned to the Republican Party because of his opposition to anti-Semitism on American campuses but he is still a rational centrist.

He commented: Vance is very smart, measured, unflappable, fair, and respectful of Walz. How can you not like him?

Two conservative commentators whom I respect, who endured the defeat of Trump's debate last time, turned their spearheads to ABC, which had lost its independence, and prayed that voters would see through the puzzle of the debate and vote according to their hearts.

But this time, the most famous conservative female host Megan Kelly praised: What a beautiful thing [beauty]. Hemingway Molly, editor-in-chief of the online magazine Federalist, said: Vance's performance may be the best debate performance I have ever seen.

Betting website polymarket is a special weather vane because it speaks with money. Before the debate began, Walz's winning rate was 60% and Vance's was 40%. By the end of the debate, Walz became 30% and Vance became 70%.

Of course, the one who cares most about the debate is Trump. Trump has praised Vance's loyalty, Vance's blue eyes, and Vance's love for his family. Now, Trump is happy that he chose the right bulldog:

Vance completely defeated Waltz with facts. Vance did a great job [GREAT], and his intelligence is not on the same level as Waltz. Vance is steady and powerful, while Waltz is nervous and sweaty, and weird.

2. Don't get used to bad habits

This is still a debate with obvious bias.

CBS focuses on the Democratic Party's priorities: child care, health care, abortion, gun control, climate change, democracy, and January 6.

But it rarely talks about the disastrous governance reality of the Democratic Party: inflation, illegal immigration, crime, foreign policy, energy, and completely avoids the Democratic Party's attack on the Supreme Court and judicial weaponization.

Then the host repeated the old trick and personally participated in the debate.

When Vance described the immigration crisis caused by Harris, the host Margaret Brennan proudly checked: I just want to clarify to our audience that there are indeed a large number of Haitian immigrants with legal status in Springfield, Ohio.

In the last presidential debate, the ABC host repeatedly checked only Trump, and Trump regretted not fighting with them on the spot.

But for Vance, this bias is a good thing. Let him seize the opportunity, debate with the scholars, make things bigger, and tear the other side apart.

This guy is gentle and polite, especially gentlemanly to women. After the debate, he and his wife still took the initiative to go up and greet the two female hosts who made things difficult for him.

But under the training of Yale Master's mentor, Tiger Mom Amy Chua, his lawyer nature is very strong and he will not miss the opportunity to hunt.

He did not indulge the bad habits of these left-wing women. The time for speaking was already up, so he decided to force a supplement. He said a very important sentence that night:

The rule is that you don't verify the facts, and since you are verifying me, I think it is important to tell the actual situation.

The people the host said just clicked on the Harris government's CBP One application to apply for asylum or parole. The Democratic Party will never review it, let alone refuse it. This is not allowed by Congress, and it tramples on the asylum law. The so-called legal status is just Harris ignoring the law.

The scene was awkward all of a sudden, and these hosts who were spoiled by force were caught off guard, looked at each other awkwardly, and finally cut off the microphone.

This also completely confirmed Vance's victory in the immigration debate.

CNN host Dana Bash had learned this from Vance earlier.

At that time, Vance said that Haitians in Springfield ate cats and roasted dogs, which caused an uproar. His response strategy was to call on people to pay attention to the Democratic Party's illegal immigration policy and the suffering it caused to local citizens.

Bash wanted to portray him as a hypocrite and asked him if he had been to Springfield. Vance's words hit her lungs: I have been there about 100 times.

The host continued to provoke, and Vance directly beat him: Do you want to ask me questions and let me answer, or debate with me on these topics? I noticed that when you interviewed Harris and Waltz, you often took the initiative to provide various answers and let them choose one answer.

The Wall Street Journal said: Vance's version of Trump is better than the real version.

Indeed, he is as uncompromising as Trump, but he will kill you gently. If human relations are not torn apart, politics can continue.

3. A bulldog with demeanor

Vance is demeanor and empathy, and the same is true for Walz.

He would say that some suggestions sound good - of course, he would not do anything about it. He would take care of the trauma of Walz's son, who witnessed a shooting in the community. He would say that the two parties have different opinions and can debate openly. He would say that if you are elected vice president, I will bless you.

What is particularly rare is that the praise in this regard comes from the Wall Street Journal and National Review. For many years, these two conservative flagship media have been suffering from opposition to the Democratic Party and hatred of Trump.

This is very important. Vance is essentially Trump, but because of his demeanor and empathy, the establishment can accept him.

However, he is a bulldog after all.

What achieves the biting effect is his strategy as a master of debate. This is the basis for him to reassure the right wing and let the left wing admit defeat this time.

He will not mechanically talk to himself, but will take over the other party's words.

Then, he either exposes the other party's contradictions, attacks the other party's weaknesses, shifts the blame, or reveals the essence of the problem to explain himself.

This takes into account the eloquence of philosophers, the precision of lawyers, the honesty of the working class, and the stability of a certain kind of wise man.

Otherwise, it is easy to be seen as blunt, empty, cunning, and impatient. Trump is more blunt and impatient. Harris is more empty and cunning. Waltz has all four.

The host asked Vance to explain his dark history. He called Trump Hitler.

He did not blush at all: I have always admitted very frankly that my views on Trump were wrong.

Then he pointed out the reason for the mistake: because I believed some media reports, and it turned out that these reports were dishonest fabrications of his resume.

This is equivalent to speaking from personal experience. Over the years, how many American voters who have been deceived by the media have corrected the chaos after recognizing the truth.

In particular, many Democratic dignitaries, Silicon Valley elites, Wall Street capitalists, and minority voters only switched to the Republican Party this year.

Even on abortion, Vance overpowered Walz. This is his combination of empathy, eloquence, and aggression. He said:

When I read the Minnesota law you signed, if a baby survives a late-term abortion, doctors are not obligated to provide life-saving care. That is fundamentally barbaric. We can be a large, diverse country where we respect people's freedom of conscience and make the country more supportive of the right to life and family values.

This law is Waltz's Achilles' heel, forcing him to defend and talk about women's rights. Vance threw a chase: Governor, I asked you a specific question, and you only gave me a slogan.

On the most important economy, Vance even received a comedic effect, and he mocked Waltz like this:

You have a hard job here. You have to pretend that Trump didn't increase family income, but he did. You have to pretend that Trump didn't reduce inflation, but he did. You also have to defend Harris' terrible economic record, which is what makes American citizens unable to afford gasoline, food, and housing.

There are more examples.

When it comes to American manufacturing, he used Waltz's constant mention of what economists say to make a fatal blow: For 40 years, those economists have been saying that if we move our manufacturing base to foreign countries, the middle class will be stronger and we will get cheaper goods. Now, aren't they all proven to be lies?

Not to mention diplomacy. Walz blamed Trump for the threat from Iran, and Vance hit back: Under Trump's leadership, there have been no new global conflicts, and who has been vice president for the past three and a half years? The answer is your running mate, not mine.

Trump particularly praised this defense because Vance hit back at Walz's words.

In the debate, Walz imitated Kamala and attacked Vance to anger the other party but this is like the missiles launched by Iran at Israel, which were all unloaded and bounced back by Vance's Iron Dome debate technique.

Walz also kept blowing himself up, saying Iran was Israel, saying being friends with the victim's family was being friends with the gunman, and then after a lie was exposed, he said he was a knucklehead.

4. Essence

Vance is good at seeing the essence through phenomena, or in other words, he is good at shifting responsibilities, which shows a certain level of sociologist, and does not become slick.

This runs through almost all his debates. It is worth mentioning separately, taking the issue of illegal immigration as an example.

It can be said that he turned the embarrassment he created with one hand. This embarrassment almost affected Trump's election, that is, the rumor that Haitians in Springfield ate cats and roasted dogs.

This matter was feedback from citizens, and there were related videos, but the authorities denied it, at least they did not investigate it.

The Democratic Party's consistent practice is that if you don't investigate, it means nothing. Then start to say that Trump and Vance incited racial hatred.

Before the debate, Vance launched a series of counterattacks and gradually reversed the discourse power.

The strategy is to see the essence through phenomena.

He first eased the matter, meaning that it might be true, or it might be a rumor, because voters gave him feedback, so of course he had to speak out. If it was Trump, he would generally be more stubborn, which would easily make people dislike him.

But Vance quickly combined empathy and sociology, and turned the matter into a larger disaster of illegal immigration policy, directing the attention of all Americans.

The small town was completely devastated by the influx of 20,000 Haitians. Violent crime increased, car accidents occurred frequently, locals lost their jobs, and had to pay taxes to support these people, house prices rose, medical insurance was overwhelmed, schools collapsed, and so on.

Now, American leaders need to solve the suffering of the small town and the suffering of the United States, instead of muddling through it like the Democrats did.

This is not over yet, Vance's bulldog and eloquent spirit broke out, so he came up with this paragraph at the North Carolina rally:

Our message to Harris is, how dare you call people who want to close the gaping border racists.

How dare you call citizens of your own country bad people because they don't want illegal immigrants to flood into their country?

How dare you attack citizens of your own country because they don't want their children to die from fentanyl overdoses?

You are the bad guy who caused this border crisis.

We are not the bad guys who complain about it.

Then he took advantage of Trump's second assassination and wrote a great article on X, which was read by nearly 20 million people.

Starting with cats and dogs, he characterized the Democratic Party's ban on talking about illegal immigrants as censorship, and then raised it to Harris's violation of the First Amendment.

He said in the tone of the Democratic Party: How dare you people talk about the problem of Haitian immigrants? As long as you discuss the problem of Harris's policy, you are putting people in danger.

Then he exposed the intentions of the Democratic Party: This is a kind of moral blackmail, the purpose is not to make anyone safe, but to shut everyone up.

He called for an open debate.

Finally, it was concluded that the logic of censorship directly points to a destination, because there is only one way to silence a person permanently: shoot him in the head.

The whole process of the incident was Vance's own strategy, setting topics, debate, attack, and explain.

In just a few months, Vance has appeared in the media more than 75 times, and he has dealt with this group of biased people in this way. Trump said: He is too smart, they can't deal with him.

5. Master

The picky and decent National Review magazine said that this was a big night for Vance, and he won both in substance and style.

Vance himself said: I think this is an opportunity to spend 90 minutes with the American people - you should be as much about the substance as possible.

It is hard to say whether this battle will help the election results.

However, the whole country finally realized why Trump chose this young man who seemed equally unreliable, and what exactly the difference between them is. The legendary disciplined exposition, philosophical sublimation, and figurative translation of Trump's thoughts, the legendary bulldog, apostle, and preacher of Trump. How do they work?

This battle determined Vance's position in the New Republican Party.

If Trump is really assassinated, he can call Vance to his bedside and say to him:

I have completed my mission, now it is up to you.

If Trump is the old turtle fairy, then the panda Vance he personally selected can now be officially called:


News (14)

Walz says they can play a role in winning over Arab voters

Reporter : Zheng Ziheng / Editor : Li Muen / : On 1 October 2024, Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate and Governor of Minnesota, spoke in a debate program hosted by the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

爭取阿拉伯裔選民 沃爾茲稱可發揮他們的作用
Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz reiterated his commitment to multiculturalism on Thursday (3 October 2024) and religious support. Walz said all people should have equal status and rights in politics and society, regardless of their religious background. He promised that if he won the election, Arab Americans would get equal opportunities in Harris administration.

Kamala Harris met with U.S. National Security Advisor Phil Gordon and American Muslim and Arab leaders on October 2. She pledged continued support for Israel and reiterated the White House's push for a ceasefire. Walz then reiterated Kamala's Middle East stance on Thursday and emphasized that if elected, Muslims would be invited to join her government.

Walz told an online conference hosted by Emgage Action, an American Muslim group, that both he and Harris said that if elected, they "will continue to condemn all anti-Islamic and anti-Arab sentiment fueled by Donald Trump. More importantly, We pledge that Muslims will fight alongside this government."

Walz said Kamala is working hard to "end the plight of Gaza as quickly as possible and allow the Palestinian people to gain dignity, freedom and the right to self-determination."

Although the Muslim group Emgage has publicly supported Harris, the Biden-Harris administration's continued support for Israel has led to the vast majority of Muslim groups calling on supporters not to vote for Kamala. The "anti-Kamala" backlash among Muslim groups became more pronounced after the Democratic Party refused to invite a Palestinian speaker to the party's convention in August.

Although Muslim groups have not supported Republican candidate Trump, some groups have decided to support Green Party candidate Jill Stein and believe that Harris and Walz have not proposed any substantial differences from Biden on Israel policy. position.

According to data from the Pew Research Center in the United States, although the Muslim population in the United States is only about 3.5 million, their voting rate is relatively high and their political influence is large, making both parties pay more and more attention to this group.

Some analysts pointed out that among the seven swing states, Michigan, one of the three Rust Belt states, has the most concentrated Muslim population in the United States. The state's 200,000 Arab voters are likely to determine the outcome of the election. In addition, key swing states with more Muslim voters include Minnesota, Georgia and Arizona.

News (15)

Trump: If elected, no state will ban gas-powered vehicles

Reporter : Li Xin / Editor : Ye Ziwei / : Trump said that if he is re-elected as president, no state in the United States will be allowed to ban fuel vehicles. The picture shows a Chevron gas station in Houston.

川普:若當選 任何州都不得禁止燃油車
Trump, the former U.S. president and Republican 2024 presidential candidate, said on Thursday (October 3) that if he could be re-elected in November, he will not allow any state to ban gas-powered cars or trucks. Trump has sought to make the future of the auto industry a key campaign issue.

According to Reuters, Trump is working hard to win votes in Michigan because the state is one of the key swing states in the 2024 presidential election and is home to Detroit's three major automakers. The former president told Reuters in August that he was considering ending the electric vehicle tax credit introduced by the Biden-Harris administration.

"If I were president, no state in the United States would ban gas-powered cars or trucks, I promise — no way," Trump said at a rally in Saginaw, Michigan, on Thursday.

"You will make them right here," he added.

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign did not immediately respond to Reuters' request for comment.

In May 2023, California applied to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Clean Air Act, requiring that by 2035, all new cars sold in the state will be either electric. , either a plug-in hybrid.

In August 2022, California approved a landmark plan to stop the sale of pure fuel vehicles in the state by 2035.

The state wants to set requirements to increase the share of zero-emission vehicles annually starting in 2026. Eleven other states have adopted the requirement.

The Biden-Harris administration has repeatedly refused to agree to set a date to phase out the sale of gasoline-only vehicles but has offered billions of dollars in new tax credits and grants to speed the transition to electric vehicles.

President Biden wants 50% of new cars in the United States to be electric by 2030, saying this is crucial to competing with CCP China.

In March this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized federal rules requiring vehicle emissions to be reduced by 49% by 2032 compared with 2026. The agency predicts that to meet strict emissions limits, 35% to 56% of new cars will need to be electric between 2030 and 2032.

Automakers have questioned California's plan, saying it may be feasible for California but the prospects are "far from certain" for other states where sales of electric vehicles are significantly lower.

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