Friday, February 11, 2022

The next covi variant may come from rats, Covid can help lymphoma disappear

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, U.S., CCP, Somaliland, South Korea, Taiwan

News (1)

The next variant of SARS-CoV-2 may come from rats

Image : Getty Images

The next variant of SARS-CoV-2 (covi) may come courtesy of NYC’s rat population.

A new study published this month in the journal Nature Communications has attempted to trace the origins of mystifying virus fragments found over the last year in New York’s sewage.


The “cryptic lineages” surfacing from the city’s dank underbelly are different than all known covi variants, leading scientists to believe a curious new version of the virus may be percolating in the boroughs’ sewage.

While some researchers believe the latest take on COVID-19 (covid) can be attributed to yet unsequenced human strains of the virus, others believe it is a new, rat-born variant.

“One of the amino-acid changes that we’re seeing in the virus has not been seen in patients. but this amino-acid change has been seen in rodent-adapted virus, which really says something to me,” Marc C. Johnson, a University of Missouri virologist and co-author of the new study, told Curbed of the reasoning behind the variant being born of rats.


Rodents, he added, were not susceptible to the original strain of covi, but can be infected by its Alpha, Beta and Gamma editions. 

The process of how NYC’s furry streetwalkers may have helped create the mysterious virus fragments is appalling.

“They’re probably drinking sewer water, and I heard they eat feces, so if there’s any clumps of material in the wastewater, I’m sure they might try to consume it,” study co-author and Queens College virologist John Dennehy told the outlet.


“We’ve never detected live virus in the wastewater. But given the volume of wastewater and the number of rats, it’s certainly possible that they’ve gotten infected that way.”

The process by which study authors tested to find signs of the virus in city rats is also quite filthy.


“John would go wandering around dark alleys at night and collect rat feces for me and he’d put them in Ziploc bags, label them, and send them to me,” explained Johnson, adding that his “brave” undergraduates plugged their noses while extracting RNA from his intrepidly collected rat poop samples.

While the researchers found no evidence that covi is circulating through NYC’s rat population, they still believe the vermin are “likely candidates” to originate the next, yet unknown variant of the disease. If that happens, the best possibility will be that the new variant “can only infect rats and loses the ability to infect humans” and the worst that “it spills back into humans and it’s Pi,” a new variant of the covi.

News (2) to (6) / Editor : Mansur Shaheen, Daily Mail /

News (2)

Rat-born covi variant circulating among rodents in New York City

Editor : Mansur Shaheen, Daily Mail /

The infamous rats of New York City may be more than just the city's more dubious attraction. Some experts fear they are the source of a new covi variant.

A team made up of researchers from Texas A&M-San Antonio and Queensborough Community College in New York City believe that an unknown strain of the virus found in the city's wastewater could be rat-born.

The strain has amino-acid changes that seem consistent with rat-born virus strains of the past, one researcher noted, birthing their theory.

News (3)

Covi found in wild animals, spillover effect feared

Covi being found in wild animals is a worrying prospect, as that means it can indefinitely circulate undetected and potentially find its way back to humans again in a new, unrecognizable, form.

White tail deer, for example, are believed to be easily infected with the virus, putting virologists on high alert.

'We offer several hypotheses for the anomalous presence of these lineages, including the possibility that these lineages are derived from unsampled human COVID-19 infections or that they indicate the presence of a non-human animal reservoir,' researchers wrote in their study, published last week in nature

The researchers told Curbed that one member of the team collected samples of rat poop for this experiment by just wondering around dark alleys and and collecting any that they found. 

Researchers believe rats picked up the virus by drinking sewer water and eating the feces of humans and other animals.

News (4)

Virologist: Rats drink sewer water, eat feces and spread covi, New York never engage in large-scale wastewater live virus detection

'They're probably drinking sewer water, and I heard they eat feces, so if there's any clumps of material in the wastewater, I'm sure they might try to consume it,' John Dennehy, co-author of the study and virologist at Queensborough said. 

'We've never detected live virus in the wastewater. But given the volume of wastewater and the number of rats, it's certainly possible that they've gotten infected that way.'  

News (5)

New York could be the source of the next pandemic

While they can still only make predictions, the team believes the rodent-inhabitants of the Big Apple could be the source of the next covi strain.

This may sound innocuous to humans, since a majority of people gladly social distance themselves from rats anyways, this still does pose a major threat. 

Dr Chris Thompson, an associate professor of Biology at Loyola University Maryland, told that every time a virus finds its way into the realm of wild animals it could pose an increased risk to humans.

News (6)

Infected whitetail deer increase the population of unvaccinated species

Experts have found covid cases in white tail deer, for example, meaning humans already have confirmation the disease can transmit between species.

"The problem with whitetail deer getting infected, or any other organism getting infected, is that now we've increased the population of unvaccinated individuals,' he said. 

'Now we have a whole bunch of unvaccinated deer that could propagate the virus that could allow for more mutation in the virus and that could eventually reenter society.'

Things get especially worrying when the virus finds its way to animals like bats, birds and pigs which have shown the ability to then transmit the virus back to humans.

The prevailing theory for the original Wuhan strain of the virus is that it originated in the city's bat population before eventually transmitting to humans.

If the virus finds its way back into the human population from the animal kingdom, it may have mutated enough that the global knowledge bank on covid could be irrelevant. 

"These coronaviruses are amazing. Biologically they're just really fascinating in that they can infect so many different types of species," Thompson said.

News (7) to (10) / Reporter : Hannah Sparks, The New York Post /

News (7)

Covid can help lymphoma disappear

For someone with cancer, a bout of COVID-19 could derail treatment — or worse but for one 61-year-old man with terminal stage III lymphoma, his covi infection may have been a stroke of good luck.


A recent case study published in the British Journal of Haematology reported that the man had been diagnosed with lymphoma, presenting with tumours all over his body, not long before he contracted covid, which put him in the hospital for 11 days.

When the respiratory illness cleared, he went home. About four months later, his tumours did, too.

Lymphoma has occasionally been known to clear on its own, according to Dr. Jonathan Friedberg, of the University of Rochester Medical Center. However, certain immune system responses behind how the covi pathogen mutates in the body suggests that it could also help wipe out other unwelcome cells, report authors said.

“We can’t be 100% sure,” Dr. Friedberg told Forbes. “For many types of lymphoma, there have been well-described spontaneous regressions and remissions.”

News (8)

Lymphoma can go away on its own by about 25%

He said that for one type of lymphoma, the cancer can go away on its own about 25% of the time.

“But in this case, the lymphoma was more aggressive and spontaneous regressions and remissions are more rare,” he said. “It is pretty surprising in this case and certainly intriguing.”

While rare, some cases of incurable cancers have seemingly disappeared following some viral illness.

News (9)

Cytokine response to covid perhaps take cancer to task

The report described a process by which the body’s own unique immune response to COVID-19 could have farther-reaching effects throughout the body. The so-called “storm” of cytokines — proteins responsible for directing your army of T-cells and antibodies — are perhaps just the boost it needed to take cancer to task.

“This massive cytokine response [to COVID-19] can turn on other non-specific immunity, leading to fever and many of the unpleasant symptoms associated with being sick. This stress causes very high levels of cytokines, which may have a direct effect on cancers.” said Friedberg.

News (10)

Lymphoma is cancer of the immune system

Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system, Friedberg noted, and is usually treated with immunotherapy. The covid finding could open doors for research into cancer treatment, Friedberg suggested.

Immune response to covid can have anticancer properties


“We are at the beginning of understanding how the immune response to the viruses can have anticancer properties,” he said.


Still, the vast majority of cancer patients have reason to fear COVID-19, which has taken an outsized toll on the patients — and not only because they are immunocompromised. At various heights of the pandemic, overrun hospitals have had to turn away cancer patients in need of treatment.

News (11)

Leading the world! Academia Sinica publishes homemade Covi29 mRNA vaccine

Image : Web Screenshot

The Academia Sinica put into development in December 2021, an mRNA vaccine named "bivalent RBD-LNP vaccine" specifically targeting Omicron variant (Covi29), which has gone through projects such as vaccine template production and laboratory production. Using the Omicron strain pseudovirus test, the concentration of neutralizing antibodies produced is 37 times higher than that of the original strain mRNA vaccine. If the third dose is used, it is estimated to be able to fight against all current mutant strains. 

Result of the joint research by Academia Sinica's biomedical sciences and organismic biology institutes has been uploaded to for preliminary screening and is expected to be submitted to a science journal in mid-February 2022.

For further details, please refer to the links below.



News (12)

Solomon Yue: Covid victims should join hands to hold CCP accountable after midterm elections

Reporter : Zhang Li Lan / / Image : Video Screenshot

In the U.S. midterm elections in November this year, most of the congressional seats will be re-elected. "Solomon Yue, a member of the Republican National Committee, said in an interview with this station on 10 February 2022 that victims of the epidemic in the United States can join forces to hold the culprit responsible for the virus pandemic with their votes.

Solomon Yue, vice chairman and CEO of the Republican Overseas Affairs Organization, said, "Today, there have been 972,443 covid deaths in the U.S. Think of their families, I'm one of them. And 9.4 million small business owners, They've been forced to close businesses. If you combine all of that, it's a huge, huge ticket bin in the history of our country."

In the 116th U.S. Congress, the last legislative session, Republican lawmakers introduced several resolutions and bills to empower U.S. citizens to hold the CCP accountable for the Covid-19 pandemic.

These proposals include S.3662 and HR6519, Senate and House versions of the "Holding the Chinese Communist Party Accountable for Infecting Americans Act of 2020" and Senate S.3588 Justice for Victims of Coronavirus Act and House HR6444 Stop China-Originated Viral Infectious Diseases Act of 2020 or the Stop COVID Act of 2020).

If these proposals are passed, they can break through the barriers of sovereign immunity obtained by the CCP regime in the name of the state, allowing the attorneys general of the states and U.S. citizens to seek compensation through legal means; the U.S. courts can also decide to detain the CCP authorities and those responsible for the epidemic in the United States. U.S. assets, etc.

However, Solomon said that these proposals cannot make progress in the current Congress. He called on Americans to support candidates in the midterm elections who demand that China be held accountable.

Solomon Yue, Vice Chairman and CEO of Republican Overseas Affairs Organization: "President Reagan's Star Wars plan is responsible for destroying the evil Soviet Union. President Trump's reparations plan will be responsible for bringing down the new evil Nazi empire - China. , without the need for shells. That's a very important concept."

Regarding the CCP spending huge sums of money to lobby the U.S. Congress to obtain bills that benefit the CCP regime, Solomon Yue said that the CCP is just spending money in vain.

Solomon Yue, vice chairman and CEO of the Republican Overseas Affairs Organization, said, "We heard that the CCP spent a lot of money to hire American 'influencers' and PR firms for the Winter Olympics (to make claims). The result? Currently, NBC The ratings for [U.S. Olympic Broadcasting Television] have dropped by more than 50%. The CCP can spend money to lobby Congress and the White House, but in the end, the pressure is bottom-up, from the people, from the American voters, not partisan.”

Solomon said that although it will take time for the legislation to hold the CCP accountable, once the United States sets an example and punishes the CCP through reparations, the rest of the world will follow.

News (13)

Biden would not send troops to rescue Americans fleeing Ukraine


What a shock! Eggs detected in covi jabs replicated in vaccinated person's body

Image of a "creature 'hatching' from an egg in a vaccine vail" : Video Screenshot

News (14)

Blood cells of eight-month-old baby severely damaged by covi

News (15)

South Korea's anti-communist sentiment explodes as Chinese diplomat's statement worsens the situation

Reporter : Liming / Editor: Wen Hui /

Image : On 9 February 2022, in front of the Chinese embassy in Seoul, South Korea, some South Koreans held placards to protest the unfair refereeing incident at the Beijing Winter Olympics. (Jung Yeon-Je/AFP via Getty Images)

Recently, a number of South Korean short-track speed skaters were disqualified after being convicted of violations at the Beijing Winter Olympics, sparking intense controversy. In the face of the protests of the South Korean people, the Chinese Embassy in South Korea responded, but it further aroused the anger of the South Koreans, and the anti-communist sentiments of the Korean government and opposition exploded.

A few days ago at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, two South Korean short track speed skaters were disqualified by the referee on the grounds of fouling, which caused great controversy. The replay video slow-motion picture showed that in the dispute, there were Chinese players making obvious fouls, which aroused the anger of the Koreans. South Korea criticized the Beijing Winter Olympics speed skating referee for "blowing the black whistle" and gave the green light for the Chinese players to advance. The related protests have also heated up rapidly.

In related reports, South Korean media have accused Chinese personnel of "constant petty actions" at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which undermined the fairness of sports competitions. Some South Koreans also flocked to the Chinese embassy in South Korea to hold placards to protest.

ISU referee Cui Longjiu said in an interview with Yonhap News Agency, "One penalty can be a 'misjudgment', and more than two coincidences are not misjudgments, it is intentional."

On 8 February, South Korea's "Korean Sports Association" held an emergency press conference at the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympics to protest the unfair punishment of short track speed skating.

On the same day, Lee Jae-Myung, a presidential candidate for South Korea's "Common Democratic Party", publicly stated that he was "angry at the partial verdict." "It's not like an international event, it's more like an internal competition in China," he said. "The fairness of the Olympics has been severely compromised, which is really a pity."

"National Power" presidential candidate Yin Xiyue also expressed sympathy for the anger and frustration of the athletes on the same day, and expressed condolences to the South Korean players.

As South Koreans were furious over the controversy over the Beijing Winter Olympics, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy in South Korea issued a statement on 9 February, accusing South Korean media and politicians of "pointing the finger at the Chinese government" and "even inciting anti-China sentiment".

As a result, the statement made by the Chinese ambassador to South Korea further aggravated the seriousness of the situation and made the South Korean people's hatred of the Chinese Communist Party immediately burst into flames. In the evening of 9 February, a Chinese student of an event was beaten and injured by two South Koreans in Busan.

On 10 February, the Chinese Consulate General in Busan issued another statement, requesting the local police to file an investigation into the beating of Chinese student in Busan. On the same day, South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Choi Yongshan publicly responded that foreign embassies and consulates "should respect the national conditions and national sentiments of the host country and act cautiously" when making public statements on local media reports and politicians' remarks.

In response to the anti-communist wave in South Korea triggered by the Winter Olympics, Cao Lei, a commentator in South Korea, told Radio Free Asia that sports and politics are inseparable. Chinese players and referees dare to bully South Korean players openly on the field. It is a consequence of the long-standing pro-Communist policy of the Moon Jae-in government.

Before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the governments of the United States and other Western countries have expressed their position on a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics. The South Korean government not only did not boycott, but instead sent high-level dignitaries such as Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hwang Hee and Speaker of the National Assembly Park Byung-suk to attend. this opening ceremony. President Moon Jae-in publicly congratulated Beijing on hosting the Winter Olympics, saying "I wish success."

Unexpectedly, just less than a week after the game, there were successive controversies about the unfair treatment of South Korean players, which led to a rapid rise in anti-communist sentiment among the younger generation in South Korea, and the situation is still fermenting.

News (16)

Foreign Minister: Somaliland is a sovereign state, and the CCP does not issue orders

Reporter : Chen Ting / Editor : Ye Ziwei /

Image : On 9 February  2022, Somaliland Foreign Minister Essa Kayd Mohamoud met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen during his visit to Taiwan. (Handout/Presidential Office/AFP)

During his visit to Taiwan on Friday (11 February 2022), Somaliland's foreign minister emphasized that Somaliland is a sovereign state and "born free". The CCP regime cannot restrict the country’s foreign exchanges.

According to Reuters, Somaliland has separated from Somalia in 1991 but its independence has not been widely recognized by the international community. Somaliland is largely peaceful, while Somalia has endured 30 years of civil war.

Neither Somaliland nor Taiwan is widely recognized and is also diplomatically isolated. The two sides set up representative offices in each other's capitals in 2020, a move that angered Beijing and Mogadishu.

Somaliland is strategically located in the Horn of Africa, bordering Djibouti, where the CCP military has established its first overseas military base.

Somaliland's foreign minister, Essa Kayd Mohamoud, said in an interview with reporters that CCP China cannot give orders to his country.

"We were born free, and we will remain free. We will run our diplomatic relations the way we want," Riguesa said. "China (CCP) can't give orders, and other countries can't give orders."

They are open to dealing with anyone who respects them as a sovereign nation and wants to do business with no strings attached, Riguesa added.

"I think that's the clearest illustration on the China (CCP) issue," he said.

During Regisa's visit to Taiwan, he met with President Tsai Ing-wen, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie and other Taiwanese dignitaries. In addition, it is also expected to discuss cooperation matters with Zhou Meiwu, director of the Taiwan Coast Guard.

On Friday morning, Rigosa held a press conference with his fellow Finance Development Minister Saad Ali Shire and others. When asked by a reporter whether Taiwan and Somaliland are formal diplomatic relations, he said that the relationship between the two sides is "arguably the highest-level, best multi-faceted relationship" and will only get better in the future.

He stressed that "our relationship didn't hurt anyone" and the world should support it.

Regsa said that the two sides will continue to cooperate in projects such as technology, communications, trade, medical care and agriculture, among which the medical field is particularly important. He believes that the cooperation will also enhance Taiwan's international influence.

News (17) to (20) / Editor : Xu Menger /

News (17)

A cluster of epidemics broke out in Huludao, Liaoning, and many places issued notices of closure

The epidemic continues to spread in various provinces in mainland China. A few days ago, a cluster of epidemics broke out in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Two places were upgraded to medium and high risk areas, and many places issued notices of closure.

On 10 February 2022, Woling Village, Jiabeiyan Township, Suizhong County, Huludao was set as a high-risk area, and the second phase of Shenghua Garden, a worker community in Suizhong Town, Suizhong County, was set as a medium-risk area.

On 10 February, Xingcheng City, Huludao, Liaoning implemented a closed management of community (village) residential quarters, not leaving the community or community (village) unless necessary. Cinemas, dance halls, Internet cafes and other closed places are closed. All off-campus training, education consultation, offline training activities are suspended and and kindergartens are temporarily closed.

On 10 February, Jianchang County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province issued an announcement stating that from 9 February cultural and sports venues and religious venues such as libraries, cultural centres and sports venues will be temporarily closed. Tourist attractions and attractions are temporarily closed. Cinemas, dance halls, Internet cafes and other entertainment, sports and leisure venues are temporarily closed. Rural fairs and markets are temporarily closed.

Recently, entertainment venues and training institutions in Lianshan District, Longgang District, Huludao, Liaoning Province have been temporarily closed.

At present, the epidemic situation in the city of Huludao has spilled over to Shenyang. The newly added local cases in Huludao were mainly distributed in four families and their relatives with temporal and spatial intersection in Woling Village, Jiabeiyan Township, Suizhong County, and Shenghuayuan Residential Community in Suizhong County.

On 10 February, Ms. Kang, the owner of a restaurant near the Suizhong Experimental Primary School in Huludao, told mainland Chinese media that their family returned from New Year's greetings on the 8th, opened for one day on the 9th, and closed on the 10th and began to isolate at home, "We are a family of three. They are all working from home, just like the New Year.”

"Seeing that there was only one case increase yesterday and the day before yesterday, I thought the epidemic was not serious, but I didn't expect that today (10th) Huludao suddenly increased by 19 cases." said Ms. Gu, the owner of a convenience store near Suizhong County Hospital. Her store is closed.

Since 8 February, Suizhong County has required people within its jurisdiction to leave the county unless it is necessary, and Huludao citizens should try to leave the city as much as possible.

News (18)

Jinzhou closes public places of gathering and activities for two weeks

Due to the cluster epidemic in Huludao, the neighboring city Jinzhou will temporarily close and suspend some gathering places and activities on 10 February, and the suspension or temporary closure time is tentatively set for 2 weeks.

News (19)

Covid situation in mainland China on 10 February 2022

The National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China reported on 11 February that on 10 February 2022, there were 56 new local cases in 31 provinces and cities in mainland China (33 in Guangxi, all in Baise; 22 in Liaoning, including 21 in Huludao, 1 in Shenyang and 1 case in Tongren, Guizhou).

Because the CCP is accustomed to concealing the truth of the epidemic, the official data has been questioned by the outside world.

News (20)

Baise epidemic continues

In addition, the epidemic situation in Guangxi is still ongoing. From 7 February, travel agencies and online travel companies in Guangxi have suspended the operation of inter-provincial (city, district) group tours and "air tickets + hotels" business.

News (21) to (22) / Editor : Wen Hui /

News (21)

U.S. senator: Don't allow communism to spread as it is "cancer"

Image : U.S. Senator Rick Scott of Florida. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

In his speech in Washington on 10 February 2022, U.S. Senator Rick Scott condemned the CCP as a cancer and said that the United States must strongly resist the influence of the CCP.

According to the English Epoch Times report, at a forum hosted by the U.S. think tank "America First Policy Institute" (America First Policy Institute), Scott, as examples of socialist countries such as the former Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela, showed that ideas of communism cannot be allowed to spread in America because it is "cancer."

He said, "We cannot allow the spread of CCP influence because communism is a cancer. We know what it did in Cuba, in the former Soviet Union, in Venezuela, and now there are people in the United States who say that socialism is good. We cannot allow this kind of thinking to spread...this kind of thinking will kill us as it killed 100 million people in the 21st century."

The senator made it clear that he sees China under the Communist Party as the greatest threat to the world order and the livelihood of the American people, a sentiment that is increasingly resonating in Washington.

For Scott, the "stain" of the Beijing Winter Olympics is the latest reminder of the direction the Communist regime is heading.

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on 4 February 2022, a smiling Uyghur athlete, as the last Olympic torchbearer, tried to demonstrate the so-called "national unity" but once again placed China's human rights abuses on the focus of the global stage. 

"It's a perfect example of the CCP's propaganda approach, where they want to whitewash their crimes," Scott said.

He then listed the human rights crimes committed by the CCP in China and internationally the concealment of the covid epidemic, the repression of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, the suppression of the people's democratic demands in Hong Kong, the coercion of Taiwan, and the perpetration of Falun Gong practitioners, the crime of organ harvesting, violations of trade regulations in international trade, and the militarization of islands in the South China Sea, etc.

He said, "These actions show that the Chinese authorities do not just want to compete on the international stage. They want to impose a new international order in the international community and isolate the United States and its allies ... Look at what they do, you can only draw two conclusions, the CCP is our enemy, and we have entered a new Cold War period.”

News (22)

Detention facilities near Olympic venues

According to an interactive map recently released by the Falun Dafa Information Centre, many of the detention centres currently holding prisoners of conscience are located in Beijing and nearby cities that are hosting major Olympic events.

One of the detainees is Ji Yunzhi, 65, who was held in a labor camp during the 2001 and 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics for her insistence on practicing Falun Gong. For more than 20 years, the CCP has brutally persecuted many Falun Gong practitioners.

According to, an American website that tracks the persecution of Falun Gong, she was slapped, beaten, electrocuted for a long time, and pierced into bones with long needles. During the two detentions, they were finally released on medical par when they were seriously injured and on the verge of death.

In a February 7 statement, Scott said the recent arrests of Ji Yunzhi and others once again demonstrated "Beijing's willingness to suppress and imprison religious minorities and political dissidents."

"Such brutality is despised by every liberty-loving nation."

Ji Yunzhi was on a hunger strike at the Bahrain Zuoqi Detention Center in Inner Mongolia, near the city of Zhangjiakou, where most of the skiing and snowboarding events of the Beijing Olympics took place.

Ji Yunzhi's son, Simon Zhang, who lives in the United States, said in an interview with Epoch Times TV's "Facts Matter" that when his father opened the door and was about to take out the trash, he had just opened the door and had been waiting. The police from outside broke in. They stole dozens of Falun Gong books and took away Ji Yunzhi.

Simon Zhang said it was a huge blow to the family because it happened on the first day of the new year. This is an important day in China to reunite families and bless each other once a year.

News (23)

There is blood hidden outside the Beijing Winter Olympics, and there are many places where human rights are persecuted nearby

Reporter : Zhang Ruizhen /

The Beijing Winter Olympics opened on 4 February 2022 amid controversy. The international community questioned the Beijing authorities' eligibility to host the Olympics due to the CCP regime's poor human rights record. Not far from the Beijing Olympic venues, it has been revealed that there are many prisons and detention centres for prisoners of conscience.

U.S. Congressman Waltz said, "Outside the world's largest sports venue, there are rapes, genocide, slave camps."

The Beijing Winter Olympics opened amid controversy on the 4th. The CCP regime’s poor human rights record continued to lead the international community to question the CCP’s eligibility to host the Olympics. U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz and NBA Celtics mid-level players Enes Kanter Freedom recently co-produced a film calling on American companies not to ignore the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party. In addition, not far from the Beijing Olympic venues, it was revealed that there are still many prisons and detention centres for prisoners of conscience.

English-language NTDTV host David Zhang commented, "According to a new map drawn up by the Falun Dafa Information Centre, some of the worst human rights persecutions are happening miles away when athletes from all over the world are competing in Beijing for the Olympics. Many people who care about human rights in China are Olympians, if they can drive freely in Beijing, it only takes 10 minutes for them to arrive at the Chaoyang Detention Center, a notorious place where Falun Gong practitioners have been detained and persecuted since 1999."

The website of the Falun Dafa Information Centre lists nine CCP locations including Chaoyang Detention Center, Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Center, and Beijing No. 2 Prison. The place where Chinese Falun Gong practitioners were once persecuted is not far from the Beijing Winter Olympics venue. The Chaoyang District Detention Center is only a ten-minute drive from the National Stadium known as the "Bird's Nest".

Brody, Executive Director of the Falun Dafa Information Center, said, "As early as 2008, we were watching the Summer Olympics in Beijing, and one night, we were carefully studying different prisons and detention centers (persecuting Falun Gong practitioners) cases, One of our team looked at it and said, oh my gosh, these places are just a few miles from the main Olympian village. We mapped the main Olympic venues, we mapped the prisons, the jails so people could see, In modern China, how close are these two events."

Levi Browde, executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center, said that the CCP has brutally suppressed Falun Gong practitioners for more than 20 years. Taking Beijing painter and Falun Gong practitioner Xu Na as an example, on 16 January 2022, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the CCP authorities. Her husband Yu Zhou, a folk singer, died in 2008 after being detained by the CCP for 11 days.

Brody, executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Centre, said, "Xu Na's late husband Yu Zhou was actually a popular folk singer, and Xu Na is a fairly well-known artist in Beijing. Back in 2008, Yu Zhou and Xu Na came home from Yu Zhou's concert. They were at a security checkpoint related to the Olympics, where the police found a Falun Gong book in their bags, that's all, it was enough to detain the two of them. 11 days later, Yu Zhou died."

In 2008, when Yu Zhou died at the age of 42, Xu Na was illegally sentenced to 3 years in prison, and she failed to see her husband for the last time. On the eve of the Beijing Winter Olympics this year, Xu Na was again wrongly sentenced to 8 years by the CCP. Brody pointed out that the CCP detains conscience in prison because it does not want to hear voices that they do not want to hear during the Olympic Games, and it escalates their brutal persecution. Falun Gong practitioners are examples.

News (24)

Those who experienced concentration camps in Xinjiang: Do not trust the CCP media

Reporters : Yang Yang and Xu Xiuhui /

Mr. A, who originally lived in Xinjiang, China, was arrested and beaten by the police for expressing free speech in Xinjiang. Later, in a concentration camp, he saw many detained Uyghurs being persecuted. Come hear his experience.

Mr. A, from Xinjiang, China, was detained in a Xinjiang concentration camp for posting online stories about the persecution of local Uyghurs. During this period, he saw Uyghurs being taken away for blood, which made him terrified.

Mr. A, a former Xinjiang resident, said, "Every time it's that kind of bag, one bag at a time, when a government exchanges people's bodies for money, why do you draw so much blood? Anyone who knows a little bit knows this. You are just being slaughtered, and there are some cases where you may see him there today, but one day he will not be in the world, maybe his organs meet the standard, or his blood type meets the standard, and he will be directly taken away from you.”

He pointed out that those detained in the concentration camps had to sing the national anthem at a fixed time each day and had to read pamphlets issued by the authorities. Authorities also fenced Uighurs to raise the national flag, and police cars were monitoring the area.

Mr. A, a former resident of Xinjiang: "Uyghurs are all male and female, and they can't see the outside anyway. The window is very high, and there is a small window on this side to let in some sunlight. Uyghurs, their room will be bigger because a lot of people are crowded together."

He emphasized that the CCP has been using the guise of "re-education and training" to cover up the reality of "concentration camps". He observed that detainees were often forced to perform manual labor and were often beaten.

Mr. A, a former Xinjiang resident: "The rubber stick won't cause any scars when it hits your body, but all you suffer are internal injuries. The pure rubber rubber stick is probably this long and black, so I'll slap it on your body. I don't care about you, in that case, people will gradually become enslaved and dare not resist."

After Mr. A left the camp, the local police station required him to report every week. He, who fled the CCP and came to Free America, appealed not to believe the CCP’s news reports. Under the CCP’s rule, ordinary people cannot speak at all.

News (25)

FDA may suspend approval of dozens of Chinese drugs over quality concerns

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor: Zhang Jie /

On Thursday (10 February 2022), an advisory committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) debated at a hearing on the quality of Chinese drug research and its drug trials whether the results are applicable to the United States. The FDA could delay approval of dozens of Chinese-developed drugs.

On Thursday, the FDA's Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) voted overwhelmingly 14/1 to inform China's Innovent Biologics and partner Eli Lilly and Co. that their co-developed intilimab cancer drug needs more testing.

Intilimab is a type of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICIs), a drug used to treat lung cancer by unleashing the immune system to attack tumours. The drug is being developed and tested in China by China's Innovent Biologics, which has an agreement with Eli Lilly to allow Eli Lilly to sell it in the U.S. once the drug is approved.

The two FDA representatives at the hearing, Richard Pazdur, Director of the Division of Cancer Drugs, and Harpreet Singh, Director of the Division of Oncology 2 (DO2), said the study of Intilimab did not comply with "good clinical practice" standards and have data integrity issues.

"In the last two or three years, this country has gone through tremendous social change," Pazdur said at the hearing. "We've heard clearly from all patient groups who want faces like them." 

"We're not against drugs developed in China," Pazdur said. "Our question is, are these results applicable to Americans?"

According to a report published in the British Medical Journal in 2016, more than 80 percent of clinical trial data submitted in China for new drug registration were “falsified or substandard”. Pazdur and Singh repeatedly asked whether there had been any fraudulent data reporting.

"The focus that cannot be ignored is, what is the quality of the data coming from these foreign countries?" Pazdur said, saying that drugs tested only in China are "a step backwards."

Following the news, Eli Lilly issued a statement saying it was disappointed that it had "hoped to make a positive difference for patients and the U.S. healthcare system through Intilimab's aggressive pricing strategy." It will continue to work with the FDA to complete its review of Intilimab.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Western drugmakers such as Eli Lilly and Novartis, a Swiss-based multinational pharmaceutical company, could be significantly affected by selling billions of dollars of Chinese drugs in the U.S. 

Changes to Chinese drug testing standards could eventually lead to the FDA delaying or outright denying Chinese drug use in the United States, pharmaceutical executives and analysts said.

News (26) to (30) / Reporter : Ning Haizhong /

News (26)

[China Watch] "Political Rumours" before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xi Jinping has been cracking down on "discussing the Central Committee" since he came to power. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held at the end of this year. Does it mean that China has entered a "new era" where political rumors are swirling?

News (27)

Sun Lijun's "making and spreading political rumors" points to a mystery

The CCP continues to demand that former Deputy Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun be cleared of hidden “political gangs”. Wang Xiaohong, a confidant of Xi Jinping and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, is leading the political campaign. The Ministry of Public Security ordered the country to clean up Sun's "spoiled poison", and the Fujian Public Security Department even required the establishment of relevant provincial, municipal, and county-level special work leading groups to dig out the problematic people.

In a previous briefing to Sun Lijun, the CCP authorities said that Sun had "extremely inflated political ambitions" and "arbitrarily discussed the major policies of the Party Central Committee and created and spread political rumors."

Many sacked officials have made rash comments about the central government, but the issue of creating and spreading political rumors has not been included in the bulletin before.

Current affairs commentator Tang Jingyuan told The Epoch Times that criticizing the central government and spreading rumors are different charges. The former actually holds different or even opposing opinions on Xi Jinping's policies, which are largely political differences in the general sense, but Xi Jinping cannot accept policy dissent now. The latter is mainly aimed at disseminating some negative information about Xi Jinping's mistakes, missteps and even the private life of himself, his cronies and family members. Such information is mixed, but it is very damaging to Xi Jinping's personal image.

Tang Jingyuan believes that officials like Sun Lijun have access to some secrets inside the CCP because of their positions, and whether such information is circulated within the system or known to the outside world, it may cause damage to the authorities, so this type of information is often referred to as Banned in the name of "political rumors". "Sun Lijun and others disseminate this kind of information, not to expose the CCP's underworld, but to use it as a tool for power struggle."

Current affairs commentator Li Linyi analyzed that Sun Lijun's "making and spreading political rumors" may include the following:

One is the black material that has been circulating for a long time. There is evidence to back this up. For example, a Tencent executive was arrested, allegedly related to the Sun Lijun case, and leaked information to Sun. For another example, Gong Daoan, the former deputy mayor of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the former director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was arrested, and he himself is a member of the Technical Criminal Investigation Bureau, a department that specializes in eavesdropping. Officials also released evidence that Gong Daoan and Sun Lijun were involved in a gang.

The other is that Sun Lijun may still be doing things outside under the banner of Xi Jinping. These are still rumors, not real evidence. For example, in the kidnapping case of Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay Bookstore, it is said that Sun Lijun did it in the name of Xi Jinping, in order to “defend” Xi; also, Sun Lijun was also rumored to have been to Xi Jinping’s house to eat dumplings, but in fact there was no such thing; etc. and so on.

The last possibility is that Sun Lijun leaked some secrets overseas. For example, it was widely spread at one time. He revealed to Australia the inside story of the epidemic in China, etc. If a specific high-level person was involved, the official would become angry, and of course would not admit it, and it might be officially classified as a "political rumor".

Regarding Sun Lijun's career promotion, many analysts believe that he belongs to the layout of the Jiang faction Shanghai Gang. Sun's backstage is Meng Jianzhu, and his bigger backers are Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.

News (28)

Zeng Qinghong's hometown official "spreads political rumors"

On 26 January 2022 Liu Jifu, the former director of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, was expelled from the CCP. In the official bulletin, "spreading political rumours" was rarely listed as its first count. In addition, he was accused of abusing his power during his tenure, cultivating personal power, engaging in power and money transactions, and "retiring without rest".

According to public information, Liu Jifu started his career at the Ji'an District Intermediate Court in Jiangxi Province, and served as deputy director of the office and vice president. In August 1991, Liu Jifu was appointed as a member of the Ji'an Prefectural Committee and Secretary of the Ji'an City (County) Committee. Four years later, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Yichun Prefectural Committee. In February 1998, Liu Jifu was appointed mayor of Jiujiang, and in December 2001, he was promoted to secretary of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee. After June 2005, Liu Jifu successively served as Party Secretary and Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources until his resignation in January 2010.

Jiangxi is the hometown of Zeng Qinghong, the No. 2 figure in the Jiang Zemin Group. Zeng Qinghong is a native of Ji'an, Jiangxi. There has long been a Jiangxi gang with Zeng Qinghong as the leader of the CCP officialdom. Wu Guanzheng, Meng Jianzhu, Su Rong, Qiang Wei, and Lu Xinshe, who had been in charge of Jiangxi for a long time, were all accused of being close followers of Zeng Qinghong, of which Su Rong had already been sacked.

Liu Jifu made his fortune in Zeng Qinghong's hometown Ji'an. During the period when Wu Guanzheng was in charge of Jiangxi, Liu Jifu was promoted to the deputy secretary of the Yichun Prefectural Committee in May 1995; while Meng Jianzhu was in charge of Jiangxi, Liu Jifu was promoted to the secretary of the Jiujiang Municipal Committee in December 2001, and was promoted to the Department of Land and Resources in June 2005. Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, in March 2006, he served as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Land and Resources.

Current affairs commentator Tang Jingyuan told The Epoch Times that Liu Jifu is only a department-level official, and he has retired for 11 years, but the official report shows that he still has considerable influence in Jiangxi officialdom, which is very important in the officialdom of the CCP's "people take tea and cool". Unusually, there is only one situation where this can be done, that is, Liu Jifu is a member of a certain faction, so his retiring influence actually comes from his faction.

Tang Jingyuan said that from this point of view, Liu Jifu's ability to do this in Zeng Qinghong's base camp is obviously related to Zeng Qinghong's forces. The so-called political rumors he spread are most likely all unfavorable information against Xi Jinping. Among his charges, spreading rumors is listed in the first item, showing that the relevant information may be quite lethal.

News (29)

From banning "discussing the central government" to cracking down on "political rumours"

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, when many officials were expelled from the party, they were accused of "arrogantly talking about the Central Committee" in the notification. After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping claimed to be "fixed in one" and revised the constitution to abolish the re-election limit, not only was it forbidden to "arbitrarily discuss the central government," but also officially charged with "political rumors".

As early as 23 October 2014, Xi Jinping pointed out at the second meeting of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee: "Some people ignore the party's political discipline and political rules, and for their so-called official career and their own so-called influence, Some are cronyism and exclusion of others, some are involved in gangs and gangs, some are engaged in anonymous false accusations and rumors, some are bribed people's hearts and votes are drawn, some are made of official wishes, and some are celebrated with each other. There are those who engage in their own way, yang and yin, and there are those who make a big deal out of their tails and rashly criticize the central government.”

This is the so-called "seven have" that has been widely circulated later, and there are contents of "discussing the central government" and "making rumors".

The so-called "Summary of Xi Jinping's Statement on Strictly Strict Party Discipline and Rules," published by the official in 2019, disclosed for the first time a speech delivered by Xi at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in January 2015. The problem of "spreading rumours": "Some people have developed to the point of being arrogant, resisting the work arrangements of the central government, and even making outrageous remarks against the party's theory, line, principles and policies, spreading vicious rumors about the leading comrades of the central government, suppressing and attacking their own Comrades who disagree with each other, they all think that war wolf is coming, and whoever gets in his way will be removed."

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, senior officials who were officially notified of "arbitrarily discussing the Central Committee" are known to be the former deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Lv Xiwen, the former Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo, the former CPPCC Standing Committee Member Sun Huaishan, the former Liaoning Provincial Party Committee Secretary Wang Min, and the former Gansu Wang Sanyun, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Deng Huilin, the former director of Chongqing Public Security, etc.

Zhou Benshun, the former Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, Yu Yuanhui, the former Secretary of the Nanning Municipal Party Committee, and Zhao Shaolin, the former member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General, also made remarks similar to "arbitrarily discussing the Central Committee." However, when the official announcement of the issue of the three people was made, the expression of "arbitrarily discussing the major policies of the central government" was not adopted.

On 28 March 2019, the CCP issued the "Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Party Building of the Central and State Organs", which is part of the CCP's gang regulations, which stipulates: "It is not allowed to create and spread political rumors and vilify the party and the state. image speech". The spearhead refers to the power center, Zhongnanhai, the State Council and state organs.

In 2019, the official disclosure of Xi's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xi once again emphasized the need to be alert to the "seven things". He mentioned, "The ostrich policy cannot be adopted for such hidden dangers in politics. As far as Wang Gu is concerned, he must take decisive measures to prevent and contain them, so as to eliminate the hidden dangers in the future."

Mainland Southern Metropolis Daily reported that a number of high-ranking officials who have been sacked are typical of the "seven possessions" problem, and those who have been named and criticized, such as Sun Zhengcai, Lu Xiwen, Li Shixiang, etc. Among them, Sun Zhengcai was said to "occupy all the seven things".

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 drew a line. Before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, although there was criticism of the phenomenon related to political rumors within the CCP, it was not reported as a crime of sacked officials. one of the charges.

For example, Wu Dehua, member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Yubei District Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the District Economic and Information Committee, who was sacked in August 2018, was notified that he had separated from the central government, purchased and privately stored reactionary magazines, and spread political rumors. State media reported that Wu Dehua had conveyed benefits to two mistresses of Sun Zhengcai, secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, and read reactionary magazines to spy on Sun Zhengcai's case.

In the morning of 11 January 2019, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Communist Party of China notified the former member of the Standing Committee of the Honghe Prefectural Committee and the former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of He Jiancheng, accusing him of violating political discipline and political rules, creating, disseminating and spreading political rumors and spreading political rumors within the party, gangs, exchange of interests, etc.

In addition, after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the aforementioned Sun Lijun and Liu Jifu were involved in rumours.

Current affairs commentator Tang Jingyuan said that, in nature, "arbitrary comments about the central government" are aimed at dissatisfaction or disapproval of what Xi Jinping has deployed or done, while "making and spreading rumors" are mostly aimed at Xi Jinping's plans to do but have not yet taken shape. Therefore, the difference in the period when the two charges were introduced reflects the focus of Xi Jinping's power-fixing measures from one side, and the difference in different periods.

Tang Jingyuan said that for Xi Jinping, seeking re-election at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a last-ditch battle, and no mistakes are allowed. Any threat to the political base that could affect his re-election must be eradicated in the bud. Xi has deeply bound himself to the party, and is trying his best to achieve an absolute and unified power position where the party is Xi and Xi is the party. Once this goal is achieved, he will naturally rule for life, just like Mao Deng.

Li Linyi said that when the term "discussing the central government" first appeared, its meaning was vague, including the discussion and dissemination of rumors and rumors about corruption at the top of the central government. Literally speaking, no matter how the authorities interpret it, its literal meaning is still limited to: Chinese people make comments after seeing political rumors, which is the so-called "arbitrary comment." The literal meaning of "making and spreading political rumors" is clearer, including the fact that the Chinese are not allowed to spread the rumors after seeing them.

"So the introduction of these two statements gives me the feeling that the CCP authorities are trying to make this suppression more clear and intuitive." Li Linyi said.

Before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the main "official rumour"?

In the fall of 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is expected to be held. Among the senior management, whether Xi Jinping can be re-elected by exception is the most concerned. There are signs that the atmosphere in the CCP is tense.

Pingkov, the founder of "Hanhe Defense Review" and an overseas military commentator, once said in a YouTube channel program on 25 February 2021, "The current political atmosphere in Beijing is very strange. The intelligence I have obtained shows that in the central A first-level official has issued a document, and they cannot discuss the issues of the 20th National Congress, that is, don’t discuss the 20th National Congress. The seal has been sealed to the inner government and the outer government, the central committee members, and the ministerial-level cadres.”

Pingkov said that before and after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to discuss issues, but now it is forbidden to talk about the 20th National Congress. "You can imagine the weirdness of the power struggle."

On 1 March  2021, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Central Party School. He even mentioned "struggle" 13 times and emphasized that the risks and tests faced by the CCP were no less than in the past.

On 1 January 2022, the first day of 2022, the magazine "Seeking Truth" published Xi's speech at the second plenary session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee. In particular, Xi Jinping said, "We must resolutely investigate and punish those who engage in political gangs, small circles, and interest groups within the party," and "do the surgery when it should be done."

On 11 January 2022, the first meeting of the highest standard of the CCP after entering 2022, the opening ceremony of the seminar for senior officials at the provincial and ministerial level was held at the Central Party School. Xi Jinping warned at the opening ceremony that no matter who has a problem with party discipline and state law, party discipline and state law will never forgive.

In fact, before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, when Xi Jinping came to power, the government also vigorously cleared up rumors at that time. The CCP media reported that, since mid-March, the authorities have cleaned up more than 210,000 "Internet rumors", shut down 42 websites, and strengthened the management of the Internet.

Liu Zhengrong, an external propaganda official of the Communist Party of China, told the media at the time that rumors such as "military vehicles entering Beijing and accidents in Beijing" were recently spread on the Internet, causing bad social impact.

After Bo Xilai was removed from his post in Chongqing, at the end of March 2012, authorities shut down many websites and arrested six Internet rumor-mongers for spreading rumors about Beijing's unusual military moves.

Tang Jingyuan said that, similar to before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, most of the political rumours cracked down after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mainly came from the people. After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the political rumors that were cracked down began to turn to "official rumours", which actually started to shut up the officialdom, and even the officials at the decision-making level who held great power. Sealing up the public is mainly out of the need to brainwash the people, while the sealing up of officials is mainly because of the need for power struggles, preventing gangs from forming gangs and forming small circles.

Li Linyi, a current affairs commentator, believes that under the rule of the CCP, most of the political rumors that appeared during the previous high-level changes should come from within the party. It is difficult for ordinary people to make up decent "rumours". Some "political rumors" are rich in details and full of names. How can ordinary people make up?

Li Linyi said that before and after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the infighting within the CCP was very fierce. 

"It is also very large." Now that Xi is in power, the number of people who pay attention to these is still much smaller than then. The effect of the people now is not as good as it was then. "

News (30)

Some political rumours in China turned out to be far-fetched predictions

Under the CCP's political black-box operation, many political rumors are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Some of the "rumours" turned out to be far-fetched predictions.

Before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in early 2012, there was a "political rumour" on the Internet that Bo Xilai slapped Wang Lijun and Wang Lijun entered the US consulate in Chengdu. Two days later, the Chongqing Municipal Government Information Office announced that Wang Lijun was undergoing "vacation treatment". However, the People's Daily published an editorial asking the public to "not be disturbed by the noise and not be confused by rumors and rumors." This political rumor was later confirmed to be true.

Tang Jingyuan said that the CCP itself has been making a lot of political lies, the purpose of which is either to deceive and brainwash the public, or to deceive the international community or even launch an information war on purpose. Conscious disclosures within the party out of the need for power struggles often have a certain degree of credibility and factual basis. This is to target and target political enemies. Different targets and different uses of released information are often the difference between rumors and far-advanced prophecies.

The third historical resolution released by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China divides the history of the Communist Party of China into three generations, starting with the so-called "new era" led by Xi Jinping alone. However, Yuan Hongbing, a scholar in Macau, once pointed out to The Epoch Times that Xi Jinping could not deny the market economy line manipulated by Deng Xiaoping's elites in this resolution, nor could he reach the issue of openly criticizing Jiang Zemin's chaotic party and government. The power struggle before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be more intense. 

Rumours about targeting Xi Jinping or his cronies have surfaced from time to time on the Internet recently.

At the end of 2021, a "scandal" about the marriage of Shen Haixiong, a confidant of Xi Jinping and vice minister of the Central Propaganda Department, to beauty star Tong Liya, was hyped up. Later, Beijing Haidian Public Security announced that it had arrested three suspects who fabricated and spread false information, but did not mention the relevant case at all.

Another close confidant of Xi, Li Zhanshu, was absent from the meeting, and the reason for his absence is still unknown.

On the other hand, it is rumoured that the princeling General Liu Yazhou was arrested for anti-Xi, and the outside world does not know the truth.

At the beginning of 2022, a 40,000-character long article titled "Objective Evaluation of Xi Jinping" began to circulate at home and abroad, and it also led to a new wave of political rumors. Many critics believe that the author is "anti-Xi, not anti-Communist" and has a Jiang-related background.

Tang Jingyuan's analysis believes that in any totalitarian system, because of black box operations, it is an excellent breeding ground for political rumors, and the lethality of rumors is often proportional to the degree of totalitarianism. The more totalitarian, the more lethal the rumors are. Xi's growing vigilance against political rumors actually reflects his precarious position and shaky power base. He wants to be re-elected or even ruled for life at the 20th National Congress, which is tantamount to subverting the existing power structure, reshaping a new order, and the great changes of the old and the new. There will be an endless stream of political rumours but the aftermath remains to be seen and observed.

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