Thursday, April 21, 2022

Moderna shocks with furin cleavage site and vaccine patents before covid broke out!

Report, editing by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA 

Images of Ralph Baric (top left), SARS-CoV-2 and the effectiveness of Moderna vaccine : Composite Web Screenshots

Image of Ralph Baric : UNC School of Medicine Microbiology and Immunology

According to an article published by the UK independent media The Expose, Ralph Baric (above) has engaged in the research and development of coronaviruses as far back as 1986. However, SARS-CoV-2 (covi) was not named scientifically as the virus that causes COVID-19 (covid) until Chinese researchers surnamed Huang, Cheng and Guo mentioned it in their research article "Preparation of a Chimeric Armored RNA as a Versatile Calibrator for Multiple Virus Assays" in 2006.

The Expose's article has also uncovered that before SARS broke out in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, there was an unknown pneumonia outbreak in Hanoi. It also reveals that Moderna holds patent to the furin cleavage site as seen in covi and it first begins developing mRNA vaccine six months before the covi outbreak in Wuhan.

Below is a timeline of the coronaviruses including covi and Moderna mRNA covi vaccine that are related to Ralph Baric and Moderna from The Expose's article:-

1984: Dr Anthony Fauci appointed Director of the National institute of Allergies and Infectious diseases (NIAID)

1 July 1986: Between 1986 and 1999, funding amounts are not specified and then funded by $1,987,840 over 7 years from 2000 to 2007 excluding 2002.
During the these periods, NIAID fund Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Subject: Mechanism of MHV Replication (Mouse Hepatitis Virus). This is the start of the partnership between Fauci and Baric.

1999: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses.

1999: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation set up Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) with a promise of $750 million in funding. So it is never going to be a bit part actor in the vaccine movie. – 

2000: In May, Ralph Baric successfully constructs a 28k base pair Coronavirus from smaller fragments by reverse transcription (making DNA from RNA).  He makes an infectious Transmissable Gastroenteritis Virus (TGE) clone, a type of coronavirus from isolated components of the genome. He files for US Patent 6,593,111 B2The invention is exemplified by, although not limited to, the assembly of full-length, functional coronavirus genomes.

The present inventors have successfully assembled a full length infectious clone of TGE. Using a novel approach, six adjoining cDNA subclones that span the entire TGE genome were isolated. Each clone was engineered with unique flanking interconnecting junctions which dictate a precise, systematic assembly with only the correct adjacent cDNA subclones, resulting in an intact TGE cDNA construct of about approximately 28.5 Kb in length – .

Among other advantages, full-length infectious clones of TGE permit the precise genetic modification of the coronavirus genome –

20 April 2001: NIH Grant GM63228 funds Ralph Baric et al at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to do Chimera research to transform the original SARS coronavirus which was pathogenic only to animals, existing in nature as a pathogen for dogs and rabbits, to make it pathogenic to humans targeting lung epithelial cells. The justification for this research is that it is a vector virus supposedly designed to distribute HIV vaccines. This results in U.S. patent application US28531801P

21 May 2001: Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount (assigned to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) file US Patent 6,593,111 B2 Directional Assembly of Large Viral Genomes and Chromosomes.  The Patent Office search report found: Lai, Michael M.C “The making of infectious vial RNA: No size limit in sight” PNAS vol 97 No 10, May 9, 2000 pp 5025-5027 and it found: Thiel et al “Infectious RNA transcribed in vitro from a cDNA copy of human coronavirus genome cloud in vaccinia virus 92: 1273-1261 (2001)

19 April 2002: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors are Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric 
16 November 2002: The first case of an atypical pneumonia is reported in Guangdong Province, China.  

25 February 2003: First few cases of unusual pneumonia are reported in Hanoi, Vietnam.

26 January 2003: Dr. Anthony Fauci appointed to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges Scientific Advisory Board (served through 2010 – when he joined their Global Vaccine Action Plan). 

28 February 2003: WHO officer Carlo Urbani, MD, examines an American businessman with an unknown form of pneumonia in a French hospital in Hanoi.

10 March 2003: Urbani reports an unusual outbreak of the illness, which he calls Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), to the main office of the WHO. He notes that the disease has infected an usually high number of healthcare workers (22) at the hospital (in Hanoi, Vietnam).

11 March 2003: A similar outbreak of a mysterious respiratory disease is reported among healthcare workers in Hong Kong.

15 March 2003: WHO issues a heightened global health alert about the mysterious pneumonia with a case definition of SARS after cases in Singapore and Canada are also identified. The alert includes a rare emergency travel advisory to international travellers, healthcare professionals and health authorities.

17 March 2003:  An international network of 11 leading laboratories is established to determine the cause of SARS and develop potential treatments.

24 March 2003: CDC officials present the first evidence that a new strain of a virus most frequently associated with upper respiratory infections and the common cold in humans called the coronavirus might be likely cause of SARS.

29 March 2003: Carlo Urbani, who identified the first cases of SARS, dies as a result of the disease. Researchers later suggest naming the agent that causes the disease after the infectious disease expert.

4 April 2003: President George W. Bush adds SARS to the list of quarantinable diseases, which gives the CDC the authority to isolate persons who might have been exposed to the disease.

12 April 2003: Canadian researchers announce they have completed the first successful sequencing of the genome of the coronavirus believed to cause SARS.

14 April 2003: CDC officials announce their laboratories have sequenced a nearly identical strain of the SARS-related coronavirus. The CDC version includes an additional 15 nucleotides, which provide the important beginning of the sequence.

16 April 2003: A new form of a coronavirus never before seen in humans is confirmed as the cause of SARS according to Koch’s postulates, which are four specific conditions that must be met for a pathogen to be confirmed as a causal agent of  the disease.

25 April 2003: CDC Patent filed and ultimately becomes US 7,220,852 (the patent on the RNA sequence) and 7,776,521 (the patent on the testing methodology). These patents give the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the ability to control the commercial exploitation of SARS coronavirus. 

Image of SARS-CoV-2: Yahoo!

2006: Chinese researchers combine HCV, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1 & SARS-CoV-2: Huang Q, Cheng Y, Guo Q, Li Q. Preparation of a Chimeric Armored RNA as a Versatile Calibrator for Multiple Virus Assays. Clinchem 2006; 52(7):1446-1448 and Supplement A.Inform1999200020022003.

15 April 2009: ModernaTX INC is incorporated in Delaware USA

6 August 2010: Moderna, prior to its establishment, files U.S. Patent 9,447,164 which attracted the investment of (and “inventorship” for) venture capitalists at Flagship Ventures. This patent grows out of the work of Dr. Jason P. Schrum of Harvard Medical School supported by National Science Foundation Grant #0434507. While the application claims priority to August 2010, the application did not get finalized until October 2015.

21 September 2010: Wildlife Trust is rebranded to become ECO Health Alliance under the directorship of Peter Daszak.

2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF; 
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 

9 March 2011: ModernaTX (MODEfied RNA) was registered in Massachussetts 

22 September 2012: UK Identifies first case of MERS

2 April 2012: Moderna claims priority to US201261618957P in its 5 patents cited below all of which refer to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site.

16 December 2013: Moderna files 4 patents referring to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site.
US9149506B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding septin-4 –
US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin –
US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 –
US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 –

2013: Baric and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein – unable to infect human cells. Yang Y…Baric RS, et al. Receptor usage and cell entry of bat coronavirus HKU4 provide insight into bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus. PNAS 2014;111(34):12516-12521. Funded with NIH grants RO1AI089728 & R21AI109094.

17 October 2014: Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research

2015: Dr. Zhengli et al “reengineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” “To this end, we introduced two single mutations…mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.” 

In the same year, Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus in the article " Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS)". J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123. Funded by NIH grants RO1AI089728, RO1AI110700. 

July 2015: South Korea had its last case of MERS. There were 2,494 confirmed laboratory cases and a total of 858 deaths in 27 countries; 80% of these cases came from Saudi Arabia. So the mortality rate for MERS was 34.4% but it was not very transmissible. Infections were limited to family members, other hospital patients and health care workers who encountered MERS patients.

2 June 2016: Moderna files US9587003B2 referring to a double CGG codon Furin Cleavage siteModified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides  – 

2017: Gain-of-Function Research Ban Lifted

2018: U.S. Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to the US National Institute for Health (NIH), that funded it in the first place.

27 March 2018: Peter Daszak and the Eco Health Alliance in 2018 submitted a proposal to DARPA to do gain-of-function research on SARS coronaviruses to insert the furin cleavage site (such as is found in HIV1) in an optimal position into the coronavirus gene. SARS-CoV-2 has a furin cleavage site optimally positioned to infect humans.

Image : Web Screenshot

28 March 2019: Moderna files their final patent application for their gene therapy mRNA-1273 (amino acid chain) covi vaccine, 6 months before the covid outbreak.-

US 10,703,789 filed on 12 January 2019
US 10,702,600 filed on 28 February 2020
US 10,577,403 filed on 12 June 2019
US 10,442,756 filed on 18 December 2017
US 10,266,485 filed on 11 June 2018
US 10,064,959 filed on 21 April 2017
US 9,868,692 filed on 27 July 2017

The second patent, filed on 28 February 2020, is a continuation of an earlier patent application number 16/368,270filed on 28 March 2019.

2019: Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology coronavirus data bank. 

October 2019: Glen Beck discovers evidence that 10 hospitals in Wuhan had covid cases – 

November 2019:  University of North Carolina, Moderna and NIH began the sequencing of the 1273 amino acid spike protein vaccine a month before the outbreak officially occurred.

12 November 2019: Black and Vetch sends $369,511  to Labyrinth Global Health in Ukraine for ” Covid 19 Research” before "COVID-19" was known or named publicly.

31 December 2019: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report discussing novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19, covid) deleted. On the same day, WHO is informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan. 

This timeline proves that before every new type of coronavirus appears and become a threat to the health of humans, the team of Baric, Daszak and Zhengli funded by Fauci’s NIAID and the NIH of Collins with more than 114 million Dollars, had developed the capability to make that new type of coronavirus themselves. This is true of SARS-CoV-1, of MERS and of SARS-CoV-2.

The experts mentioned above have not stopped coronavirus research and development of more covi vaccines. If the origin of SARS-CoV-2 could not be determined by mainstream media as artificial, this will continue to lead to the emergence of more infectious diseases and till then the new viruses will not be the branches of Omicron. There will be SARS-CoV-3, SARS-CoV-4,...


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