Sunday, October 9, 2022

U.S. CDC: Spike in AIDS-associated diseases and cancers following covid vaccine rollout

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control

News (1)

CDC confirms USA suffered 338x increase in reports of AIDS-associated diseases and cancers in 2021 following COVID vaccine roll-out

First published by The Expose,

Official data made available by the U.S. Government and Centers for Disease Control strongly suggests that fully vaccinated Americans may be developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or a similar disease that is decimating the innate immune system.

But they are not alone, because further data made available by the UK Government and the Government of Canada suggests the vaccinated population in both of these respective countries are also developing the debilitating condition.

It’s a common misconception that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is only caused by the HIV virus. This simply isn’t true.

Acquired (or secondary) immunodeficiency is one of the major causes of infections in adults. These immunodeficiency disorders affect your immune system partially or as a whole, making your body an easy target for several diseases and infections. (Source)

When immunodeficiency disorders affect your immune system, your body can no longer fight bacteria and diseases. (Source)

Several factors in the environment can cause secondary immunodeficiency disorders. (Source)

Some common ones are:

  • Radiation or chemotherapy, which can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder known as neutropenia
  • Infections due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can result in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Leukaemia, a cancer that begins in the cells of the bone marrow that can lead to hypogammaglobulinemia—a type of secondary immunodeficiency
  • Malnutrition, which affects up to 50% of populations in underdeveloped countries and leaves people vulnerable to respiratory infections and diarrhoea

But some of the less common causes include Drugs or medications. (Source)

So it’s perfectly possible for a medication or drug to cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and data published by the U.S Government and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) strongly suggests the Covid-19 injections should be added to the list.

For months on end, official data coming out of both the UK and Canada has strongly insinuated that the vaccinated population are developing a new form of AIDS. This is because the Covid-19 injections are proving to have a real-world negative effectiveness, implying that they are causing damage to the natural immune system.

Here’s a table showing the case rates per 100,000 by vaccination status in England from week 51 of 2021 to week 12 of 2022 –

The case rates per 100k were highest among the triple vaccinated population over these 3 months, except for the 18-29-year-olds in the week 3 report only, and the under 18’s in all 3 months.

Now that we know the case rates we can use Pfizer’s simple vaccine effectiveness formula to calculate the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated.

Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100

This is nowhere near the claimed 95% effectiveness by Pfizer, is it?

However, vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

Using the case rates provided by UKHSA, we can also calculate the immune system performance, here’s a chart showing how they stack up –

You can read our full investigation of the UK data here.

Data from the Government of Canada also shows much of the same. Here’s a chart showing the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness across Canada against infection, hospitalisation and death –

You can read our full investigation on the Canadian data here.

Now of course the data from the UK and Canada only implies there’s a serious issue here, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s being reflected in terms of disease and suffering associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. But unfortunately, official U.S. Government and CDC data do.

The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System where adverse reactions to vaccines can be reported. The full database can be found here.

The database contains adverse reactions reported to all available vaccines in the USA, stretching as far back as 1950. So, we ran a search of the database to check for common diseases and infections associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and this is what we found.

The CDC has a helpful page listing ‘opportunistic infections associated with AIDS’ that can be viewed here. Here’s a snapshot of their provided list –

And here’s a list of what are officially dubbed ‘AIDS-defining cancers’ –

There’s an incredibly long list of ailments associated with AIDS so we cherry-picked the following –

  • AIDS-defining Cancers
  • Herpes Infection
  • Acquired Immune Disorders including Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Encephalopathy (Brain disease associated with AIDS)
  • Bacterial/Fungal Infections associated with AIDS (Candidiasis, Coccidioidomycosis, Cryptococcosis)
  • Sepsis
  • Myocarditis and Pericarditis

Myocarditis and Pericarditis aren’t officially associated with AIDS, but they are, however, auto-immune disorders that arise from the immune system attacking the heart. And with the two conditions being one of the only adverse reactions associated with Covid-19 vaccination to be publicised by medicine regulators, they definitely deserved a closer inspection.

To start with we did a search for AIDS-defining cancers that have been reported as adverse reactions. We first conducted a search for adverse reactions to all vaccines by year, and then adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections.

Here’s how the CDC displays the results –

We’ve extracted the CDC displayed results to create our own charts that are easier to understand, so we will not be displaying the CDC version of results for further diseases associated with AIDS. But don’t forget you can verify the results yourself at the CDC Wonder site here.

The following chart shows the number of common cancers usually associated with AIDS that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

As you can see there was a huge increase in reports in 2021 and in 2022 so far, with the vast majority being attributed to the Covid-19 injections.

The average number of common cancers associated with AIDS being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 21.3.

The total number of common cancers associated with AIDS reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 430. This represents a 1919% increase.

It is however important to note that not all adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. In fact, the CDC has admitted just 1 to 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the system. But a brilliant analysis conducted by Jessica Rose Phd accurately estimates the underreporting factor to be at least 41.3. See here.

The following chart shows the number of acquired immune disorders, including AIDS, that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

Yet again there was a huge increase in reports in 2021 and in 2022 so far, with the vast majority being attributed to the Covid-19 injections.

The average number of acquired immune disorders being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 31.

The total number of acquired immune disorders reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 386. This represents a 1145% increase.

The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

We assume you’re beginning to see the pattern here? Another huge increase in 2021 and 2022.

The average number of herpes infections reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 926.

The total number of herpes infections reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 18,336. This represents an 1880% increase.

The following chart shows the number of encephalopathy cases that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

Encephalopathy is the result of damage to the brain, and is also known as AIDS-dementia complex.

The average number of encephalopathy cases reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 39.6.

The total number of encephalopathy cases reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 745. This represents a 1781% increase.

The following chart shows the number of candidiasis, coccidioidomycosis and cryptococcosis infections that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs)by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

The average number of AIDS-associated bacterial/fungal infections reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 15.

The total number of AIDS-associated bacterial/fungal infections reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 382. This represents a 2447% increase.

The following chart shows the number of sepsis cases that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggered a chain reaction throughout your body. Infections that lead to sepsis most often start in the lung, urinary tract, skin, or gastrointestinal tract.

The average number of sepsis cases being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 75.

The total number of sepsis cases reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 1593. This represents a 2024% increase.

The following chart shows the number of myocarditis and pericarditis cases that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Pericarditis is inflammation of the protective sacs surrounding the heart. Both are auto-immune conditions, and both have been publicised by medicine regulators as possible adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections. especially among younger males.

The average number of myo/pericarditis cases being reported as adverse reactions to any vaccine between the years 2000 and 2020 equates to 46.

The total number of acquired immune disorders reported as adverse reactions in 2021 was 15,555. This represents a 33,715% increase. Shocking, isn’t it?

The following chart shows the percentage of all of the above AIDS-associated adverse reactions reported to VAERS to all vaccines by year –

Fifty-one percent of all adverse reactions associated with AIDS reported since the year 2000 were reported in 2021, and a further 16% have been reported in 2022 so far.

Are we really to believe that this is just an unfortunate coincidence? Or are we witnessing the American public report to the Centres for Disease Control that the Covid-19 injections are causing them to develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?

Official data from the UK and Canada already strongly suggested the Covid-19 injections were causing the fully vaccinated to develop the debilitating condition through evidence of a negative vaccine effectiveness and a negative immune system performance.

But now official data from the U.S. Government and Centers for Disease Control confirms that we probably are witnessing the fully vaccinated develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, with diseases and infections associated with AIDS reported to VAERS increasing between 1145% and 33,715% in 2021 following the introduction of the Covid-19 injections.

News (2)

Expert claims covid vaccines will kill 700 million people around the world

Report by : Rhoda Wilson, The Expose,

During an interview with USA Watchdog in June, Dr. David Martin predicted that 700 million people will die worldwide due to the Covid injections.  He based his estimation on the World Health Organisation’s vision of the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ (“DoV”).

WHO’s DoV vision led to a collaboration in which Bill Gates’ GAVI serves on the leadership council.  The Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”) – endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 – came out of the collaboration. The “leadership” that produced the GVAP are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organisation (“WHO”).

We previously published an article about Dr. Martin’s interview with USA Watchdog but we feel it’s important to remind readers of the scale of the estimated deaths from the bioweapon that is called a Covid vaccine.  The number that might die from Covid injections may have been revealed back in 2011 when WHO announced their “decade of vaccines.”  The objective for the decade of vaccination was a population reduction of 15% globally, which would be about 700 million people dead.

Some may think this number of deaths is an exaggeration, but Dr. Martin is not the only one who has been raising the alarm.  Dr. Robert Young estimated in August 2021 that 500 million people worldwide had already been injured, with potentially 35 million deaths, due to Covid injections.  A year later in August 2022, Steve Kirsch estimated a ballpark number of 12 million Covid injection deaths based on an estimate of one death for every 1,000 doses – “we are killing nearly close to 10,000 people every single day,” he wrote.  Also in August, Peter Halligan, by piecing together data from a variety of sources, suggested as many as 20 million people worldwide had died from Covid injections, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – implying we are only just getting started.

And finally, we have psychopath Bill Gates himself. In 2009 The Guardian reported on the first meeting of the Good Club, the name given to the tiny global elite of billionaire philanthropists including Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner.

“The topics focused on education, emergency relief, government reform, the expected depth of the economic crisis and global health issues such as overpopulation and disease,” The Guardian wrote.

And here’s a reminder of what Gates said the following year at TedTalks in 2010 spouting his vision of how to “innovate to zero”:

“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 per cent.” [timestamp 04:32]

David Martin, PhD, is an inventor, speaker, author, business executive and futurist. He is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM, an international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance.

During his hour-long interview in June, Dr. Martin told USA Watchdog that the Covid injections are “bioweapons.”  Big Pharma and the government knew it and also knew it would cause massive deaths and permanent injuries.  Dr. Martin said:

“It’s going to get much worse … It is not a coronavirus vaccine.  It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin … The fact of the matter is the injections are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism.  They are not a public health measure.  The facts are very simple.  This was premeditated … This was a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon.  That is their own words and not my interpretation.”

As to how many will die from Covid injections Dr. Martin said:

“By their own estimate, they are looking for 700 million people globally, and that would put the US participation in that of the injected population as 75 million to 100 million people …There are a lot of reasons why they hope it will be between now and 2028 because there is this tiny little glitch of the illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs.  So, the fewer recipients of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the better.  Not surprisingly, the recommendation was people over the age of 65 were the first ones to get injected.”

Dr. Martin explained:

“The dirty secret is . . . there are a lot of pilots having microvascular and clotting problems, and that keeps them out of the cockpit, which is a good place to not have them if they are going to throw a clot for a stroke or a heart attack.  The problem is we are going to see that exact same phenomenon in the healthcare industry and at a much larger scale.  So, we now have, along with the actual problem . . . of people getting sick and people dying, we actually have that targeting the healthcare industry writ large.  This means we are going to have nurses and doctors who are going to be among the sick and dead.  That also means the sick and the dying are also not going to get care.”

On 3 March Dr. Martin filed a lawsuit against Joe Biden.  He and his group are suing everybody from President Biden to the FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and many others over the deaths and injuries from the Covid-19 bioweapons fraudulently passed off as “vaccines.”  He contended that “this is far worse” than the Nuremberg trials of Nazis after WWII and added:

“This is organised crime . . . They have hidden behind the immunity shield that absolves them of product liability by naming the delivery of a bioweapon – a vaccination program … This is actually a criminal act.  This is an act of domestic terror, and it is an anti-trust violation.  This is racketeering.  This is old-school racketeering, and it is no different than the mob in the 1920s.  This is old-school racketeering for personal gain and profit at the expense of human lives.  You need to call it what it is, and it’s organised crime.  I would say the Nazis were better than the people who are doing this … The real question is why did American citizens develop a weapon to kill Americans and get paid to do it?  That is a morally outrageous question, and, unfortunately, almost no one is asking it.”

Read more: 700 million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin, USA Watchdog, 28 June 2022

Featured image: Bill Gates never said Covid vaccines will kill or disable 7 lakh people, India Today “Fact Check”, 20 January 2021

News (3)
A great reminder of things about the covid era we may have forgotten
Report by : Rhoda Wilson, The Expose,

So much has happened over the last few years that it’s easy to forget a lot of it.  In August a report ‘Research Report for Covid-19’ was published.  It is the culmination of two years’ worth of research on Covid. It covers a broad range of topics including mock pandemics that came true, Covid “vaccine” ingredients, the pandemic of the vaccinated, remdesivir, 5G and – a topic no report on Covid would be complete without – “Bill Gates is a problem.”

“Prepared by an epidemiologist, this report shares and reviews clinical studies, documentaries, articles, reports, interviews, personal injuries and other matters regarding Covid-19 and the so-called vaccines,” the report states.

The author, whom we will call Researcher Joe (“RJ”), chooses to remain anonymous. RJ informed The Exposé that he/she is an epidemiologist and biologist who is a researcher for both a university and a health care company.

“I’ve been researching, gathering and reviewing much information regarding the Covid situation. Along the way, I started compiling this information into a comprehensive report to better understand the complexity and truth of the matter. I’m not looking for any notoriety with [a website I developed to host my report]. I’m choosing to stay anonymous for now. I just wanted to do something meaningful during this trying and evil time,” RJ said.

RJ has published the comprehensive 36-page report which can be read and downloaded HERE.  It is well indexed and so it’s easy to pick up topics of interest one at a time, as and when time allows, and consider the information RJ has gathered.  It’s a useful overview and a good reminder of what occurred during the Covid era.  For those who are only just beginning their journey in discovering what has been happening since early 2020, this report is a must-read.

RJ has also designed a survey to gather additional information.  You can help RJ with his/her research by taking the survey the link for which can be found on RJ’s website HERE, which leads to the survey HERE.

News (4)

Moderna News

Moderna refers to its mRNA vaccine as an injectable operating system with programs. They later removed this language from their website.

Moderna’s Covid shot is its first product approved by the FDA…ever. Since making this product, Moderna’s market capitalization increased to $54.3 billion from $6.6 billion.

Several countries such as Sweden, Finland and Denmark banned the Moderna shot for young men since it was causing many cases of myocarditis.

Stainless steel fragments were found in Moderna vaccine vials in Japan. Two men died after being injected with shots from this batch (2nd link).

Moderna recalled nearly 765,000 vaccine doses after founding a foreign body in the batch.,partners%20said%20in%20a%20release

News (5)

Ingredients of the covid vaccines and their potential effects exposed

This article shares the dangers of injecting Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), an ingredient in Covid shots, into the abdomen of mice. It was toxic, and half the mice had to be euthanised.

Polyethylene glycol (PEG), an ingredient in Covid shots, is also the active ingredient in MiraLAX, a laxative. Many lawsuits were filed from people having adverse reactions to MiraLAX. Many people are allergic to PEG. Also, FDA found small traces of antifreeze in MiraLAX (2nd link). [Note from The Exposé, we were unable to access this link.]

Here are the dangers of Polysorbate 80 (P80), an ingredient in the J&J shot. It’s in many foods, and studies found that people consuming high amounts of P80 may experience chronic inflammation and/or tumour development. Also, when injected, P80 can cross the blood-brain barrier, which may explain the high number of brain clots with the J&J vaccine.

SM-102 is a lipid ingredient in the Moderna shot. Scroll to the bottom of the first link below where it reads—Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only. The second link states—SM-102 is not for human or veterinary use.

A group in the United Kingdom called the Global Humanitarian Crisis Prevention and Response Unit (UNIT) found significant amounts of graphene compounds, carbon composites, and iron oxide inside the Covid shots for Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Particularly, graphene oxide can damage organs, cells, mitochondria and DNA. UNIT shared this report with police authorities in hopes of them charging the British government with criminal offences. Also, UNIT requested the British government to immediately halt the Covid shots pending the police investigation.

The Covid shots contain foetal tissue cells or cells from an aborted foetus.

Here’s a fact sheet with the ingredients of the Pfizer shot. It states the risks and benefits are unknown.

Here’s a fact sheet with the ingredients of the Moderna shot.

Here’s a fact sheet with the ingredients of the J&J shot. It states the risks and benefits are unknown.

Package inserts for Covid shots are blank, lacking ingredients or safety data.

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