Saturday, December 31, 2022

Covi-positive symptoms aplenty, ADE evil results of vaccines are covered up

Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, CCP, U.S., South Korea, Israel, Australia, Russia, covi traceability

News (1) to (9) / Report by : Tong Gen / Edtor : Gao Yi / : In December 2022, the epidemic broke out in Beijing, the hospital was full, and the corpses were piled up in the garage. (syntheized by NTD)

同根:阳性有症状奇多 疫苗ADE恶果被掩盖

News (1)

Covi-positive symptoms aplenty, ADE evil results of vaccines are covered up

From 1 to 20 December 2022, China's covid epidemic broke out, and the number of infected people increased by 248 million. Ask relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates in mainland China, and you will find that the common situation of "more than 90% of asymptomatic infections" this year is no longer seen, and the proportion of "more than 50% of asymptomatic infections" in the previous shelters is no longer seen. Instead, there are more than 90% of various symptomatic infections.

There are very few asymptomatic infections, and the proportion of symptomatic infections is extremely high-experts immediately invented "asymptomatic and mild symptoms account for 90%" to cover up-what to cover up? Cover up the evil effects of the covid vaccine: Promote infection, promote symptoms, promote severe illness, and promote death!

News (2)

Abnormal cause, experts confused by the record number of deaths in short time

Table 1: Proportion of Asymptomatic Novel Coronavirus (Covi) Infection

The proportions of Wuhan and the United States in the above table are from large serological sample data; the proportions of Shanghai are released by the Shanghai Health Commission when the epidemic broke out in Shanghai this year; the red numbers are the results of sampling and summarizing multiple groups in mainland China today.

This time the epidemic in mainland China hit like a tsunami. At the same time, the government stopped providing nucleic acid testing, so it is impossible to know exactly who is asymptomatically infected. In fact, "negative" can be counted as "asymptomatic infected persons", because covi-positive ones have various symptoms of infection. Under such a strong infection, the "strongest" protective medical staff are infected on a large scale. Who is spared? It is unlikely, so the high probability of "covi-negative" is "asymptomatic infection". In this way, the author estimates through multiple groups that asymptomatic infections are <10%, and symptomatic infections are >90%, which is reversed from the conventional ratio.

If more statistics are collected in some big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, etc., the proportion of symptomatic infected people may be higher, because it is difficult to find "covi-negative" people there, and most of them have passed covi-positivity with different symptoms, or are covi-positive.

Obviously, the epidemic in CCP China today has become the heaviest in the world. Internal data from the National Health Commission shows that on 20 December 2022, the number of infections will increase to nearly 37 million, surpassing the previous world record of 4 million infections per day. Hospitals are overcrowded, severe cases are increasing rapidly, deaths from epidemics are increasing rapidly, corpses are piled out of wards, and the number of daily cremations has increased by 10 times, and it will be scheduled until next month... It is not like the experts say that the later the release, the less harmful it is, but too much heavy!

There must be a "monster" when things go wrong. The experts did not reveal the reason but collectively unified the caliber, using "asymptomatic and mild symptoms accounted for 90%" to cover up the tragedy of the current epidemic. Without testing, how do experts know who is the "monster"? How do they know who is "asymptomatic"? Slapping your head and taking it for granted that fraud must be "highly consistent": "90% of asymptomatic cases" should have been invisible, and collectively use "expert wisdom" that "mild symptoms account for 90%" to cover up.

What are the experts trying to cover up collectively? Experts have determined that the virus is still the same Omicron (even if a small percentage of Delta, or even the original strain infiltrates, cannot produce >90% symptomatic infection rate), there are only two differences: the difference from the United States is that the difference between vaccines and Shanghai lies in the time. When these two points are combined, the answer will come out- As time goes by, the harm of China's SARS-CoV-2 (covi) inactivated vaccine becomes more and more serious, and the ADE backlash intensifies.

News (3)

ADE is the nemesis of vaccine

Image 2 : Schematic diagram of the ADE effect of covi vaccine. (Minghui Net, July 2020)

ADE is the abbreviation of Antibody Dependent Enhancement, and its principle is shown in the figure above. Simply put, ADE means that the antibody will be captured by the virus, and the "renegade" will become the "inner ghost" and "leader", so that the virus can travel unimpeded and the toxicity will greatly increase. ADE will make the covi vaccine lose all positive effects, become an accomplice of the virus, and become a pure toxin.

News (4)

Don't understand ADE, it's a miserable start

Why do European and American countries resolutely refuse to develop simple and mature inactivated vaccines, and insist on risking failure to develop mRNA vaccines?

After China announced the "success" of inactivated vaccines, and after more than one billion people and billions of people around the world have been vaccinated, why do Europe and the United States still not recognize Chinese vaccines?

Poor quality, falsified data, and low protection rates after inoculation in Brazil, Chile and other countries are just one aspect. The deeper reason is that the design of inactivated vaccines is flawed at the theoretical level, and they do not understand ADE at all.

Will the covid virus have ADE? At the beginning of vaccine development, it is likely to be theoretically possible. Because of the SARS-CoV outbreak in China in 2003, ADE had to give up the vaccine because of the failure of the vaccine. This time ADE is hard to avoid covi. Instead of repeating the same mistakes with inactivated vaccines, it is better to take the risk of making mRNA vaccines.

Table 2 : Table of the different technical designs and ADE risk considerations of Chinese and Western covi vaccines from Tong Gen

It can be seen from the above table that the Chinese expert group does not understand "modern immunology" at all. They are 50 years behind Europe and the United States. "The several covi inactivated vaccines that have been produced are to gamble the lives and health of more than one billion people in China and the world - betting on big country vaccines, big country diplomacy, and big country salvation...

Today's science believes that the essential cause of ADE is "antibody incompetence", which is a narrow perspective. We have written long ago that the essence of ADE is the drug resistance of the virus (vaccine is also a drug), and the survival ability of the virus, which will become stronger with time. Because of this, the ADE effect of the novel coronavirus was not obvious at first, but became stronger and stronger as time went on.

Because of the existence of ADE, this gamble must be lost but the tragic price has only just begun!

Because of the inactivated vaccine, the "inner ghost" of the new coronavirus has been injected into the bodies of more than one billion people. After being vaccinated and infected with the new crown, antibodies will more or less be produced as the "internal response" of the virus. The stronger the immunity, the more antibodies, the more "inner ghosts" and the more serious the symptoms-this is consistent with the current epidemic situation in China. Symptoms are common among those who have been vaccinated. Under the tsunami of the epidemic, severe deaths are not limited to the elderly. , There are all age groups, there are many young and middle-aged people! The Omicron virus, which does not go to the lungs, has caused pneumonia, severe illness, white lung, and quick death in all age groups!

Many people exclaimed, is this still Omicron? ! Yes, it is just a gift from the ADE effect of the Chinese inactivated vaccine!

News (5)

European and American vaccines have also been defeated by ADE, and China has been covering it up

Many people scolded the Chinese vaccines for being too deceitful and harmful, and they are clamoring for the introduction of European and American mRNA vaccines to save lives. European and American vaccine manufacturers also want to use this to open up the Chinese market. Has the mRNA vaccine really become the savior of the epidemic and the decisive factor in the opening up of Europe and the United States, as the media said? ——Those propaganda are also lies.

Although the mRNA vaccines in Europe and the United States have exhausted all the mechanisms to reduce ADE, they still have not avoided it. At first, vaccine experts used diplomatic rhetoric such as "ADE has not been observed", "obvious ADE has not been found", "the proportion of ADE in the body may not be large", and then they covered it up completely, and then they had to avoid it completely and kept silence without mentioning it.

Image 3: "The more vaccines are given, the more susceptible to infection" is not a new discovery in the United States. It is because the vaccine system cannot be falsified, and it is becoming more and more unsustainable. (provided by Tong Gen)

Image 4: "The more vaccines are given, the higher the mortality rate", Korean media somehow reported this is a typical feature of ADE caused by vaccines. (provided by Tong Gen)

Image 5 : The booster injection of the covi vaccine caused the death rate in Israel to jump up. Experts did not understand ADE and fell into an endless loop. (provided by Tong Gen)

Figures 3-5 above only selected 3 countries as examples. There are many typical manifestations of ADE caused by these vaccines. Under the "excellent situation" where major European and American vaccine companies have an average daily income of hundreds of millions of dollars, we have written a series of analysis articles from June to September this year: "Big Data Negates Covid Vaccines to Prevent Severe Diseases (Part 1 and Part 2)", "Big Data Talks, Serious falsification of vaccine efficacy (1-7)".
Image 6: The papers of well-known medical journals are directly falsified. Based on their original data, the three major covi vaccines have never passed the standard, and they all rely on fraudulent promotion. (provided by Tong Gen)

Image 7: Calculated based on the original data of the UK's large database, the hidden truth is constantly being discovered: The covi vaccine promotes infection, severe illness, and death. (provided by Tong Gen)

The original big data of millions or tens of millions of samples, and the calculation of the real situation of the vaccine, are much more reliable than the finely trimmed small data of clinical trials. The vaccine protection rate calculated from this raw data is basically negative! Prove that vaccines promote infection, symptoms, hospitalization, and death—this is the most direct proof of the mathematical model of the ADE phenomenon caused by vaccines.

Because the ADE effect caused by the mRNA vaccine is much smaller than that of the inactivated vaccine, it can be concealed at first. The ADE of inactivated vaccines, just like those of China now, has appeared on a large scale since the beginning, and a large proportion of asymptomatic infections have basically disappeared. Symptoms, hospitalization, severe illness, and death have skyrocketed, which cannot be covered up at all! That is why experts have come out to the platform one after another, unified their caliber, focused on covering up, and at the same time continued to promote vaccines, showing that they are always correct.

News (5)

An example from North Korea: No vaccine is better, less sickness and fewer deaths

North Korea's "alternative anti-epidemic" does not vaccinate the whole people, which slaps the face of developed countries all over the world. China wanted to provide inactivated vaccines for free, but they were flatly rejected, let alone mRNA vaccines. Experts from the United States and the World Health Organization have issued warnings: The outbreak of the epidemic will turn North Korea, which has no vaccines, into a hell on earth-the result is a complete blow to the face.

The North Korean epidemic passed in a short time. It was much lighter and shorter than that in the United States, and the proportion of deaths was much smaller. Natural immunity is better than artificial vaccines!

Of course, the epidemic situation in North Korea is even lighter than that in China today. Although this wave of epidemics in mainland China can pass, it will leave dead bodies everywhere and damage the health of hundreds of millions of people. This is the price of the most poisonous, ignorant, backward, and politicized Chinese vaccines — all people bloodbath, rich and powerful profiteering, experts wash the ground.

News (6)

Vaccine success? Successful lockdown? Greedy work
Image 8: Big data shows that the mortality rate of the covid epidemic (the same applies to severe cases) has ebb characteristics and has nothing to do with the covi vaccine. (According to the original picture of Health 1+1)

Figure 8 is a graph of the mortality rate of the epidemic. It can be seen that the sharp drop in the mortality rate of India and Israel has nothing to do with the vaccine. There is no vaccine before August 2020. Big data statistics show the ebb and flow characteristics of the epidemic. The rapid advancement of vaccines has not changed the fatality rate.

In the same way, when the tide of the epidemic receded in the United States, the severe disease rate and death rate were also greatly reduced-but the vaccine experts said in a nutshell: This is the credit of their vaccines-in fact, it was just that the vaccine caught up with the epidemic and ebbed at that time. When the Omicron variant causes generally asymptomatic and mild symptoms, vaccine experts say that there is a protective effect of the vaccine. When the fake covi vaccine data is uncovered, what science shows is only the reaction of the vaccine.

Similarly, when the epidemic wave withdrew from China and rushed to other parts of the world, Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out, was able to unseal. When more than 130 kinds of Omicron variant viruses returned to China, Beijing's medical system, which was the most tightly controlled, collapsed first. The minutes of the meeting of the National Health Commission on 21 December 2022 showed that the cumulative number of infections from 1 to 20 December 2022 has reached 248 million. By 7 December, if it is not released in the whole country, the complete failure of strict control and dynamic clearing will be revealed, so there is an emergency order to release the country on 7 December 2022.

It can be seen that the dynamic clearing that the CCP is proud of, the previous successes were just in time for the ebb tide of the epidemic. Just lie flat completely.

News (7)

Self-rescue becomes self-inflicted, cover up loudly, waiting for the arrival of SARS-CoV-3

The mRNA vaccine technology can be described as the top immune technology of human civilization this time, and it can be called the culmination of human wisdom. Unexpectedly, it was defeated by ADE and completely failed, and it was maintained entirely by falsified data.

The CCP’s zero blockade is the most iron-handed blockade measure left over from history. When the epidemic ebbs, it is greedy for the sky, but when the tide rises, it has no power to parry and completely fails.

There are still people who clamour for victory in the fight against the epidemic, with the confidence that "the virus will always mutate in the direction of reducing toxicity"-this kind of wishful thinking is short-sighted, which is untenable in science and practice. Some viruses have always maintained high virulence (tetanus, rabies virus), some virulence has rebounded after a period of time after the toxicity has decreased (rabbit myxoma virus), and some are evolving to become more virulent (dengue virus).

It can be seen that the highly toxic mutant SARS-CoV-3 will come sooner or later.

News (8)

Vaccines have already blown the whistle

When the whole world is making a great leap forward in the covi vaccine, we have repeatedly issued warnings.

In "Vaccines and the Road to Redemption" in May 2020, it was clearly stated with scientific analysis: "The vaccine against the novel coronavirus is ineffective."
In July 2020, "The covi vaccine is counterproductive? Hidden dangers have emerged (upper, lower)";
In September 2020, "Covi ADE Appears, Vaccine Will Become a Bomb (Part 1, Part 2)";

None of this can prevent the covi vaccine from being urgently authorized in December 2020 to be administered to healthy people.

Now China is fully showing the ADE phenomenon of vaccines, leading to the enhanced toxicity of Omicron, and 90% of asymptomatic infections cannot be seen, but more than 90% of symptomatic infections. In terms of this ratio: originally 90% of symptomatic infections, if never vaccinated, should be asymptomatic and have no morbid reaction—that is, vaccine ADE promotes infection, promotes hospitalization, promotes severe illness, and promotes death. This rate of promotion is also about 90%-in this way, a considerable proportion of people (maybe even 90%) would have been prevented from severe illness if they had not been vaccinated, and a considerable proportion of the dead (maybe even 90%).The direct cause of death is the ADE effect caused by the Chinese vaccine!

No matter how difficult this wave of epidemic is, only a small number of people died. Can most people can come over, become active again, and celebrate the end of the epidemic and embrace economic restart? How can the virus change according to people's wishes? The highly toxic mutated SARS-CoV-3 really came, but it did not even leave time for medical treatment. ADE caused by vaccines and ADE caused by antibodies produced by infection will become the virulence amplifier of SARS-CoV-3 again.

In the face of the elimination of nature, the means of resistance of "man will conquer nature" has completely failed, and the self-rescue of the vaccine has become self-inflicted. The CCP is still ignorant of reverence and repentance, and pushes the "vaccine killer". While using the banner of vaccines to save the world, it continues to harm people and let experts follow suit to clean up the ground. At the same time, it promotes the sale of medicines and reagents, as if they are peddling things and "concepts" ", can defeat Hades' "soul arrest order".

News (9)

The way of redemption from the pandemic

The vaccine is ineffective and there is no specific medicine. So where is the right way to be redeemed from the pandemic? Overseas media such as and The Epoch Times have been talking about it over the years but too many people are superstitious about the CCP's propaganda and the "scientific hype" of vaccines, and turn a deaf ear to them.

We have been breaking the illusion from a scientific point of view, starting from the scientific basis, and broadening our cognition. In "The Plague Catastrophe That Overturned Modern People's Common Sense", we combined historical materials to reveal the miracle that the plague has eyes and targeted killing beyond scientific cognition. The great plague at the end of the Ming Dynasty was caused by the court’s injustice of persecuting Yuan Chonghuan. It only killed the Ming army, officials, and common people, but did not infect the Dashunyi army and the Qing army. The epidemic disappeared with the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

In "The Fulfillment and Transformation of the Prophecies of the Bible and Tui Bei Tu", we combine the celestial phenomena to decipher the "Apocalypse Prophecy" and accurately calculate the day and hour, pointing out that the SARS plague in 2003 was caused by the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, the timing coincides with one day while the Wuhan Great Plague at the end of 2019 was also a scourge of the CCP’s persecution, and it happened regularly and precisely.

In the Analogy to the Ming Dynasty, when the great plague confronted the Ming Dynasty, a large number of people believed the lies of the government's persecution, and their lives were taken away by the plague, and they made sacrifices for the destruction of Ming Dynasty. If we can get rid of the Ming Dynasty, which persecuted justice, the officials and people at that time will stand on the side of justice, and we can be saved from plague and get salvation. The same is true for the current COVID-19 pandemic and the future SARS-CoV-3. If you sincerely break away from the CCP and its related organizations, you can lift the CCP’s prophecy (the curse of being branded by swearing to join the CCP and its affiliated organizations), and you will be fundamentally relieved If there is no bad luck, the superficial negative effect of the vaccine will also be eliminated. However, rejecting the truth will make those who listen to the CCP's lies follow the persecution and destroy the CCP in the sky. The current wave of plague in China is triggered by the death of Jiang Zemin, the leader of the persecution of Falun Gong, and millions of people are being buried for him, which is a clear proof.

The truth we tell here, including the prediction and practical fulfillment of vaccine ADE, has surpassed the current level of science and expert fraud, so we can see these mysteries clearly. The righteous way of redemption that has thus been highlighted is beyond science, but it is logically simple. It is whether the CCP, which persecutes justice, can deny it, and whether it can break away from the evil of the CCP and stand on the side of justice becomes the ultimate goal in the catastrophe of the epidemic, a watershed moment of redemption.

All kinds of clamour, hustle and bustle in today's media are mostly behind ghosts, blocking people's sight and hindering the salvation of the last days. The truth of redemption from the pandemic, because it is so precious, will be disturbed by many illusions and surrounded by lies.

News (10)

Grand jury to investigate covid vaccine crimes in Florida as Australian senator demands investigation into corruption and bribes paid to health authorities by Pfizer

Featured images: The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates (video), Senator Gerard Rennick (left) and Ron DeSantis calls for grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine (video), Independent (right)

On 30 November 2022 in a Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland, Australia, reviewed some of the lies told by members of Parliament and the Department of Health about the Covid injections.

By September 2022 Australia had logged more than 10 million Covid-19 cases, even though 20 million of Australia’s total population of 26 million had received their Covid injections.

In 2021, Australia had 8,706 extra deaths above norm, even though New South Wales remained in lockdown for three months, so, in theory, the death toll should have been lower, not higher.

Australia has logged 140,000 Covid “vaccine” injuries — more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971 — yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) refuses to look at or acknowledge the safety signal. Chief health officers also admit not reading key science documents that detail Covid injection hazards.

Waning effectiveness is the justification for repeated boosters, but artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated boosters signal to your body that you’re chronically infected, and the resulting immune response may end up accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis.

The Canadian Independent video1 below features a 30 November 2022 Parliamentary speech by Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland, Australia, and a member of the Liberal National Party.

As noted by Senator Rennick, Australia had logged more than 10 million Covid-19 cases by September 2022, at which point the Australian Health Department stopped counting — a decision made out of embarrassment, Rennick suggests, seeing how more than half the country caught Covid despite the fact that 20 million out of Australia’s total population of 26 million2 got their Covid injections.

Senator Rennick goes on to highlight the rising excess death rate. In 2021, Australia had 8,706 extra deaths above the norm, even though New South Wales remained in lockdown for three whole months. “In theory, the deaths should have been lower, like they were in 2020,” Rennick says.

You can watch the original video of Senator Rennick’s speech in the Australian Senate titled ‘The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates’ posted on his YouTube channel HERE.

When will covid jab injuries be addressed?

Then there are the “vaccine” injuries, which according to Senator Rennick now number around 140,000, “more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971.” Yet despite this shocking discrepancy, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) — just as the Food and Drug Administration and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the US — refuses to look at or even acknowledge the signal.

“[That’s] the whole point of having a database where doctors report these injuries, where they tick the box ‘Suspected [vaccine injury]’ — and as the doctors say, they don’t fill these forms out because they have spare time … no, they’re ticking these boxes because they believe the vaccine caused the injury they’re reporting — and yet the TGA wants to pretend that there’s nothing to see here.” Rennick says.

And why wouldn’t they? Because professor [John] Skerritt [director of the TGA] is head of an organisation that is funded by Big Pharma. If you want to talk about a conflict of interest, that’s it …

For the past 15 months, I’ve been contacted by people who have had their lives destroyed by the vaccine, a vaccine the government said was safe and effective. And if that isn’t bad enough … you people in this chamber here today, didn’t read the documents …

You took control over other people’s bodies because it suited your control and command narrative. You showed no humanity. There are people out there that are not only injured, they have lost their jobs and they cannot get medical support. Husbands and wives … had to quit their jobs to stay home and look after [them] … [They’re] in an incredible amount of pain …

The fact that the Green Party can sit in that corner over there and mock and laugh at the vaccine injured — These people aren’t anti-vaxxers. They believed what the government told them, as I did when I first got here. But I tell you what, it’s nothing but a cesspit of lies in this place.

News (11)

Chief health officer has not read key Science reports

Senator Rennick reviews how he asked Professor Brendan Murphy, who was the chief health officer at the time, whether he’d actually read the nonclinical trial report for the Pfizer shot. As it turns out, he had not. And because he hadn’t, what he told the public was complete make-believe.

“These guys have NO IDEA what they are talking about,” Rennick says. “[Murphy] had been saying … that the spike protein wasn’t in the blood. Well, had he read the report he would have known that they never tested [for] the spike protein.”

He would have also known that when they did the animal trials, the report said there was no difference in lung inflammation between the placebo group and the vaccinated group after nine days. There was not one [wit] of evidence that showed the vaccine was effective.

But did anyone in this chamber … actually read that report? I bet you not. But you all went out there and said it was safe and effective when you didn’t have a clue what you were talking about.

Shame on you, because the law in this country, in the Australian Immunisation Register, says you cannot be coerced into taking a vaccine, No. 1, and No. 2 is that you need to be properly informed about what is in the vaccine …

[T]hat spike protein in the vaccine isn’t even the same as in the virus. No, no, no, they’ve actually changed one of the nucleotides and they’ve got a synthetic gene in the vaccine … which is designed to make it last longer.

Senator Rennick points out that when it was discovered that the spike protein load doubled in the ovaries between Day 1 and Day 2 after the injection, they simply stopped the trial and continued to say that the spike protein stayed at the site of injection, which was a blatant lie.

News (12)

Uninformed politicians are misinformation superspreaders

Senator Rennick continues:

If you want to talk about misinformation, go check out page 44 of the Pfizer nonclinical trial report. It was released on the TGA FOI disclosure log 239-6 … You should also read the top paragraph on Page 8 that says the study suggests the spike protein can either be inserted into the membrane or secreted from the cell.

What does that tell you? … It tells you that rather than actually killing the actual pathogen, which is what a normal vaccine would have done, this particular vaccine goes inside your cell, takes over the reproduction of the ribosome, which is what produces the protein, and then starts producing more of the toxic substance.

That is not the name of the game. You would want to actually kill the virus. You do not want to reproduce it. And of course, Murphy, the chief health officer, claims that there is nothing to worry about. He never read the document.

And then we got professor [Paul] Kelly [deputy chief medical officer for the Australian Department of Health] … he came out and made the bold statement that it stops transmission. Well, he was LYING, because the FDA [US Food and Drug Administration] came out [on] 20 December and said there was NO evidence that the vaccine stopped transmission.

News (13)

The shots actually have negative effectiveness

We now have data showing that not only do the shots not prevent infection or transmission, but they have negative effectiveness. Their effectiveness rapidly wanes,3,4 and after 90 days, both Moderna’s and Pfizer’s shots make you MORE susceptible to Covid.

As shown in the graphic5 below, Danish data reveal Omicron cases among the vaccinated rose dramatically after three months for both injections, giving Pfizer a negative effectiveness of 76.5% at 90 days post-“vaccine” and Moderna a 39.3% negative effectiveness.

News (14)

Repeated boosters have additional cost

Waning effectiveness is the justification for repeated boosters, but artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated boosters signal to your body that you’re chronically infected, which is never a good thing.

As noted by Covid analyst Marc Girardot,6 the resulting immune response may end up accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis.

Our bodies mount an intense response to infection, which includes a high fever to damage the pathogens, T-cell elevations, and increased antibody production to rid your body of “viral debris.” This is supposed to be a temporary response; after the threat is neutralised, your body tamps down its immune response.

This is by design, as a perpetual fever and high levels of antibodies keep your body in a dangerous state. Just as chronic stress (keeping your body in an extended state of “fight or flight mode”) increases disease risks, so, too, do permanently elevated levels of antibodies. Girardot details three reasons why:7

1. Too long a fever would end up breaking down all healthy cells, and so the remedy would be worse than the illness.

2. Perpetual specialised T-cells are also dangerous as they can start off-target attacks of healthy cells (as often occurs with immune checkpoint blockade treatments against cancer) …

3. Finally, very high levels of antibodies with nowhere to go are also extremely dangerous. They can passively bind to receptors of healthy cells, and kickstart a cascade of autoimmune diseases …

News (14)

Florida petitions Grand Jury investigation, and more

If political representatives truly cared about the people they supposedly serve, there would be scores of them speaking out and taking a stand against the Covid injections the way Senator Rennick is doing in Australia. At present, US Senator Ron Johnson, R-Minn., stands out as a lone warrior and advocate for the Covid vaccine-injured in the US.

That said, in mid-December 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a grand jury investigation of crimes and wrongdoing committed in relation to the Covid-19 injections,8 so there’s hope for justice yet. According to the governor’s press release:9

The pharmaceutical industry and the FDA have refused to release patient-level data for independent researchers. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 vaccines … continue to be marketed as safe and effective, even though the vaccines do not prevent transmission and adverse events have been minimised and disregarded …

At today’s roundtable, the Governor and health experts discussed data covering serious adverse events. These risks include coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, encephalitis, appendicitis and shingles …

In response, Governor DeSantis has filed a petition to empanel a statewide grand jury to investigate crimes and wrongs in Florida related to the Covid-19 vaccines …

DeSantis is also implementing autopsy surveillance of post-vaccination sudden deaths, and has established an independent Public Health Integrity Committee to assess federal health guidance “to ensure that Florida’s public health policies are tailored for Florida’s communities and priorities.”10 As noted by Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo:11

Healthcare professionals should always communicate the risks of a medical intervention to their patients in a manner that is clinically appropriate and meets standards of ethical practice.

President Biden and Big Pharma have completely prevented that from happening — it is wrong. With these new actions, we will shed light on the forces that have obscured truthful communication about the Covid-19 vaccines.

Sources and References:

News (15)

Behind the CCP’s New Year Tea Party despite the pandemic

Reporter : Yang Wei / Image : On 30 December 2022, a corner of Hong Kong International Airport. On the same day, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a New Year's tea party in Beijing. When the epidemic was raging, high-level CCP leaders showed up wearing masks. Xinhua News Agency reported that they "gathered together happily." (Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)

杨威:不顾大疫 中共举行新年茶话会的背后

On 30 December 2022, regardless of the great plague, the top leaders of the CCP still held a New Year tea party as usual. In addition to Han Zheng, members of the Standing Committee of the 19th and 20th Politburo of the CCP and Wang Qishan all debut. What is the calculation behind this?

News (16)

Ordinary people are suffering, senior CCP officials "gathering happily together"

Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping said in a speech at the tea party, "We are very happy to gather together when we bid farewell to the old and usher in the new."

The epidemic is intensifying, and the cremation of the dead is not even on the list, but the top leaders of the CCP want to "gather together" and are "very happy." This should not be that the secretary who wrote the manuscript was ignorant, nor was it that the leaders of the Communist Party of China were careless. It is more likely that they did it out of necessity.

The annual so-called New Year Tea Party is hosted by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. At the end of the year, after the CCP summarizes the work of the year and sets the tone, it also needs to make a summary with the leaders of the so-called democratic parties, even if the year is over. This has been the practice of the CCP over the years, and it can also be regarded as a key occasion for people outside the party to see the political wind.

Now that the epidemic is very serious, similar gatherings should have been avoided; however, there are constant voices from the outside world questioning the "lying down" of the CCP's top leaders. If the tea party is canceled at this time, it may cause more doubts, and it may even be considered that the CCP's authority is really half-paralyzed up. Therefore, the top leaders of the CCP are determined to hold this political show as usual, and pretend to be happy to show that they have the ability to control the situation, and they are not helpless.

No one has a clue as to how far the epidemic may worsen but the top leaders of the CCP must demonstrate to the outside world that they have a clue. The more CCP officials die, the more the CCP’s top leaders will show no panic; the more people who stand for the CCP suffer, the more the CCP’s top leaders will try to cheer up the United Front.

There are constant rumours of the virus attacking Zhongnanhai, and the top leaders of the CCP urgently need to appear to refute the rumors. Some people who were absent from the life meeting of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China took the opportunity to show up but Han Zheng somehow did not show up. Those who participated in the tea party should be anxious, especially those who have not been infected will be very worried, but they have to attend. After the election of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the democratic parties have also changed their terms one after another, and the new leaders dare not miss such occasions.

At the tea party, all the people at the tea party wore masks strictly to "gather together", which looked rather funny. Xi Jinping, who has never worn a mask in such meetings, also put on a mask. Everyone present knew how big the risk was, but they still had to put on a show, saying that it was a "happy gathering", but everyone could not see a smile. However, the number of participants has shrunk significantly compared to a year ago, and Xi Jinping's speech has also shrunk a lot.

News (17)

Xi Jinping's speech highlights dilemma in 2022

A year ago, at the CPPCC tea party at the end of 2021, no one wore a mask, and the participants sat together densely, making the atmosphere much more relaxed.

At that time, Xi Jinping said in his speech that 2021 was a "landmark year."

This year's speech only stated that "2022 is an extremely important year in the history of the development of the party and the country."

In 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, Xi Jinping was re-elected, and the Politburo was basically replaced with its own personnel. It should be called a "landmark year"; however, it was downgraded to an "extremely important year."

The speech made a year ago stated that we "could calmly respond to the century-old changes and the century-old epidemic"; "maintain a global leading position in economic development and epidemic prevention and control"; "forcefully respond to external challenges";

This year's speech only stated that "the economy is operating within a reasonable range", "optimize prevention and control strategies according to the time and situation", and "minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development".

In 2022, China's economy will be bleak; the "clearing" epidemic prevention has completely failed, and the CCP has to relax quickly; the leaders of the CCP dare not say "effectively respond to external challenges"; the "Belt and Road Initiative" simply disappeared.

This year's speech also mentioned Jiang Zemin's death. At the New Year's tea party, such a topic seemed rather unlucky. The top leaders of the CCP never mentioned the death of tens of thousands of people infected with the epidemic, but instead mentioned the death of a former party leader. It should not be true mourning, but another demonstration of victory in the factional struggle. The speech also proposed that in 2023, "the challenge must be met with a fighting spirit."

Obviously, the top leaders of the CCP knew how serious the situation was, and they had no choice but to avoid the raging epidemic. However, during the video conference between Xi Jinping and Putin that day, he took the initiative to mention the epidemic.

Image : In the afternoon of 30 December 2022, Xi Jinping (in the screen) and Putin had a video meeting. (Mikhail Klimentyev/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images)

News (18)

Xi Jinping and Putin have concerns and reservations

In the afternoon of 30 December 2022, Xi Jinping and Putin had a video meeting. Both sides said they would strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, but the corresponding measures were relatively limited.

Both sides mentioned that from January to November 2022, the trade volume between China and Russia will exceed 170 billion U.S. dollars, surpassing that of 2021. However, such a figure does not seem commensurate with the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia. In 2021, the trade volume between China and the United States will be about 755.8 billion U.S. dollars; the trade volume between China and Japan will be about 317.3 billion U.S. dollars; the trade volume between China and South Korea will be about 362.2 billion U.S. dollars, which is less than the roughly US$177 billion trade volume between China and Malaysia.

Putin said: In 2022, Russia will become one of the main countries exporting oil to China; Russia ranks second in the supply of pipeline natural gas to China, and ranks fourth in liquefied natural gas exports. The supply in December exceeded the daily contract target by 18%; From January to November, trade in agricultural products increased by 36%.

Xinhua's statement did not include those details. The CCP has greatly increased its imports of energy and agricultural products from Russia, but the total trade volume is still difficult to reach the target of 200 billion US dollars announced by the CCP, indicating that China’s exports to Russia have not increased significantly. After the Russo-Ukraine War, Russia encountered severe international sanctions, and foreign-funded enterprises withdrew one after another. The CCP once proposed to fully occupy the Russian market, but it was likely to be blocked by Russia.

Putin told the truth, saying that the goal of 200 billion US dollars set by 2024 could be achieved ahead of schedule; but it was ignored by Xinhua News Agency.

The Xinhua News Agency also stated that the two sides exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. "China has noted that Russia has never refused to resolve the conflict through diplomatic negotiations, and appreciates this." However, it was not mentioned in the Kremlin statement.

The Kremlin statement said it looked forward to Xi Jinping's "state visit to Moscow next spring". Xinhua News Agency simply did not mention it.

The Xinhua News Agency’s statement proactively mentioned that in the near future, “according to the changes in the situation of the new crown epidemic, the prevention and control measures have been optimized according to the time and situation”;

The leaders of the CCP avoided talking about the epidemic at the New Year tea party, but they talked to Putin about how to prevent the epidemic. However, the CCP has no corresponding measures for the so-called "health protection and severe disease prevention".

The Xinhua statement also stated that "China is willing to resume normal personnel exchanges in an orderly manner with countries including Russia." Putin did not pick up the slack. All countries are closely monitoring passengers from China. North Korea announced a 30-day quarantine for passengers from China. Russia should not dare to open its mouth at will.

Three years ago, Wuhan was just closed on 23 January 2020, and Russia was the first to close its borders to China but it was too late. The CCP had already been concealing the epidemic, and in Russia, like other countries, the covid epidemic soon broke out. After that, the CCP blocked the Sino-Russian port instead, claiming to prevent "virus importation", and a large number of Chinese in Russia could not return home. Russia will probably not forget such a lesson.

Now, with the outbreak of the epidemic in China, the leaders of the Communist Party of China are eager to "resume normal exchanges of personnel", which may make Russia feel lingering fear.

Image : On 28 December 2022, beds for covid patients placed in the corridor of Tianjin First Central Hospital. (Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images)

News (19)

The CCP intends to stimulate infection, resume work, production and plots to spread poison around the world

On 20 January 2020, after the CCP was forced to admit that Wuhan pneumonia was "human-to-human", it immediately sealed off the city of Wuhan and blocked domestic traffic, but allowed flights to fly abroad.

The CCP spread poison to the world, which led to a worldwide pandemic. The CCP then claimed that it was the first to get out of the epidemic and resume work and production.

At the beginning of 2021, the CCP said internally that "the east is rising and the west is falling", and it is estimated that it has achieved some kind of success by using the epidemic to seek status of hegemony".

During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October, the epidemic in China should have already broken out, and the "dynamic clearing" in November had completely failed. After the "blank paper revolution", the CCP took the opportunity to suddenly and completely relax "zero-covid", instructing experts to declare that covid infection is like catching a cold, and downgraded the prevention of the covid epidemic to "Class B and B control". The CCP is planning to quickly infect the Chinese people on a large scale. No matter how many people die or how paralyzed the medical system is, as long as the epidemic passes as soon as possible, the CCP can claim "victory".

Now that the epidemic is breaking out, the CCP is urging to resume work and production as soon as possible, but there is no way to "protect health and prevent severe illness". Senior CCP officials "gathered happily" at the tea party, which completely exposed the CCP's true intentions. The red peril brought by the CCP has already caused 80 million Chinese people to die abnormally. A famine caused by the CCP’s “Great Leap Forward” movement starved to death 40 million people; how many people were massacred during the “June 4th Movement” is still unknown; tens of thousands of organ transplants are performed in China every year, and an unknown number of Falun Gong practitioners are harvested alive… …The plague killed millions, and the CCP would not care.

The CCP suddenly lifted the restrictions on leaving the country, Hong Kong and the mainland, and the leaders of the CCP asked Russia to "resume normal exchanges of personnel"... Three years later, the CCP once again conspired to spread poison to the world. This time it was still the top leaders of the CCP "Personally command".

The CCP once again tried to create another global plague at the cost of the lives of ordinary people in China. The CCP may still be counting on "rising from the east and falling from the west." However, this plague is directed at the CCP and its followers, which may be the beginning of the collapse of the CCP regime. The CCP is frantically "fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people." China has been impoverished again, the common people have suffered, and the CCP is about to defeat itself.

Ignoring that the peak of the epidemic has not yet arrived, the CCP still announced that the two sessions of the CCP will be held in early March 2023. In the next month, two months, and three months, no one knows what will happen, but the CCP is preparing to promote "victory", but it is actually unknown whether the final power transfer after the 20th CPC National Congress will be completed.

The CCP frantically went from one extreme to the other, expecting symptomatic covid patients to recover quickly, but in fact it was broken, and it also brought the biggest change to the CCP regime.

The CCP’s attempt to spread the virus again has also brought variables to the world, and I am afraid it will be another test for all countries. Whether to completely stay away from the CCP and completely abandon any illusions is also another major choice faced by governments and people of various countries. The CCP does not even care about the lives of Chinese people. So how can it care about other countries?

The CCP has also carried out frequent military provocations recently, and it seems to be in the final madness. The CCP will not be willing to withdraw from the stage of history, and will drag more people into the abyss before it perishes. The Chinese and the whole world are facing the choice of life and death invisibly. Everyone should pay attention to it and cherish it. The last chance is running out. 

News (20)

Embarek: 13 different strains of SARS-CoV-2 have emerged in Wuhan in December 2019, proving covi has circulated for a longer period of time

Peter Ben Embarek, the chief investigator of the WHO who went to China to investigate in February 2021, said that the CCP experts showed 174 cases discovered in the Wuhan area in December 2019, which were only noticed by Chinese doctors of severe cases. He also said that through obtained genetic samples, 13 different strains of the virus were found to have emerged locally in Wuhan in December 2019, possibly indicating that it had been circulating for a longer period of time.

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA