Monday, January 30, 2023

Support Taiwan from authoritarian coercion

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on Taiwan, Czech Republic

News (1)

Talking to President Tsai, Czech President-to-be: Support Taiwan from authoritarian coercion
Reporter : Chen Yun / / Ref.: /Image : President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Pavel held a conference call this evening. (Picture / Taken from Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook, @general_pavel Twitter)
總統蔡英文與帕維爾總統當選人今日晚間舉行電話會議。(圖/翻攝自蔡英文臉書、@general_pavel推特) 捷克準總統帕維爾與蔡英文通話 支持民主讚台「不受威權脅迫」

Czech President-elect Pavel held a teleconference with President Tsai Ing-wen at 6:00 tonight. The two sides talked for 15 minutes. The atmosphere of communication was harmonious, and Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie also participated in it. Pavel said that Taiwan is a reliable partner, and the Czech Republic firmly stands on the same side of the democratic system, supports Taiwan in maintaining a vibrant democratic system, and will not be coerced by authoritarianism, and will also strengthen cooperation with Taiwan in all aspects.

Presidential Office Spokesperson Lin Yu-chan relayed that the President, on behalf of the people and government of Taiwan, congratulated General Pavel on his election with high votes, and affirmed that Pavel continued the founding spirit of the late Czech President Havel who respected democracy, freedom and human rights. Under Pavel's leadership, continue to work with Taiwan to promote a close partnership.

The president also said that he was glad to hear that both of them are alumni of the University of London and have a common life experience. He hoped to maintain contact and exchange extensively on Taiwan-Czech bilateral relations and regional issues in the future.

The president emphasized that Taiwan and the Czech Republic have had close and sound bilateral interactions, actively promoting cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, investment, science and technology, education, culture, and tourism. cooperation and exchanges, and will encourage Taiwanese companies to use the Czech Republic as an important base in Central and Eastern Europe to deepen economic and trade exchanges.

Pavel thanked President Tsai for her congratulatory call. He affirmed that Taiwan and the Czech Republic share the values of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. He emphasized that Taiwan is a reliable partner. On the same side of the system, supporting Taiwan to maintain a vibrant democratic system free from authoritarian coercion will also strengthen cooperation with Taiwan in all aspects.

News (2)

Pavel: Czech Republic and Republic of China will strengthen ties

Czech President-elect Petr Pavel had a phone call with President Tsai Ing-wen last night, and then posted on Facebook that the two sides agreed to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, and he looked forward to meeting President Tsai in the future.

Pavel tweeted: "Today, I spoke with President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan. I thank her for her congratulations and assure her that Taiwan shares the values of freedom, democracy and human rights with the Czech Republic. We agree to strengthen our mutual partnership."

In addition, Pavel also tweeted: "I also express my hope that I will have the opportunity to meet President Tsai in the future." (Central News Agency)

News (3)

How can Cai Guilai follow? Look at Lai Qingde's "this" compulsory exam question

Reporter : Chen Wenyue / Photographer :Zhong Derong

Vice President Lai Ching-te took office as the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, and the trend of directly attacking the 2024 presidency seems to be taking shape. However, people from all walks of life pay close attention to Lai Ching-te, who has repeatedly stated that he is a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker." It is a required test for the presidential election.

圖/TVBS  蔡規賴怎隨? 看賴清德拚大位「這」必考題
Image : TVBS 

 A signature long hair parted in the middle, dressed in a cartoon version of Lai Ching-te's gown, formal suit or sportswear, all kinds of poses, and the stray dog he adopted was also exposed for the first time. Launched the first Line sticker for many years in politics, actively preparing for 2024 in many ways, and the discussion on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is even more critical.

Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Lai Ching-te (112.1.18): "Pragmatically accept that Taiwan is already a sovereign and independent country, and there is no need to declare Taiwan's independence."

He reiterated three times that after he served as the party chairman, he pragmatically determined that Taiwan is already a sovereign and independent country. At the same time, he emphasized that he would stand firm on the "four insistences" and continue President Tsai Ing-wen's cross-strait line. From Vice President Ge Kui to the party chairman, Lai Ching-te has experienced a long time to prepare, it is not difficult to see how refined this exposition is.

Liu Birong, a professor of political science at Soochow University: "I am a pragmatic Taiwan independence worker. I told the independence faction that I am for Taiwan independence, but I told the reunification faction that I will not advocate Taiwan independence. Because I am very pragmatic, so he hoped that let everyone rest assured that I have Taiwan independence in my bones, but I will not announce it, but many people can't understand it, so it has no effect. Of course, after he speaks out, Americans may also be worried, worried that he will explode, so he later said not to be skeptical of beauty. This sentence may be aimed at Hou Youyi, or he was targeting the United States. In fact, he basically did it for his personal political considerations. Although we feel that we should not be suspicious of beauty, this statement itself It can be discussed further, but you can see his context.”
圖/TVBS  蔡規賴怎隨? 看賴清德拚大位「這」必考題

Image : TVBS 

Recall that when Lai Ching-te succeeded Ge Kui in 2017, when he was questioned in the Legislative Yuan, he called himself a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker". The specific content includes defending national sovereignty, safeguarding Taiwan's freedom, democracy, and human rights, and defending the people's right to choose their own future. The fourth is to develop the economy, strengthen Taiwan, and confidently carry out cross-strait exchanges, seek common ground while reserving differences, and maintain peaceful development across the strait. Taiwan is regarded as a member of the international community, and it should work with Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries to maintain security in the Asia-Pacific region.

Shi Zhengfeng, a professor at the Institute of Ethnic Studies at Chung Hwa University: "So in the end he followed, you know Xiaoying has already taken the Democratic Progressive Party and then leaned closer to the KMT, then Lai Shen may rely on the KMT or middle voters a little bit more than Xiaoying, Then of course you have to go further and make it clearer, it’s not just a slogan, that is, what you say is not wrong, but what is the actual content, but it doesn’t matter, because he is fighting squid.”

Famous in Tainan, the most unique and greenest place in Taiwan, Lai Ching-te still has the title of "Golden Sun of Taiwan Independence". Now he is officially carrying the party machine and doing a good job of attacking the big positions. However, this latest version of the "Cai Gui Lai Sui" line, as far as the future situation is concerned, I am afraid that it is still not clear enough.

Liao Yuanhao, a professor of law at National Chengchi University: "He wants Cai Gui to follow suit, but he obviously didn't say that before. He used to say that he is a pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence, but he is actually differentiating himself from Tsai Ing-wen. When the chairman of the committee, she once said that both sides of the strait should jointly pursue a China in the future, so she used to be the ultimate unification faction, and then waited until the election in 2016, and kept saying that we would follow the Constitution of the Republic of China, and then waited for her to do so later. She invented a name called the Republic of China Taiwan, and recently said that the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated, so in fact President Tsai has been changing, so when you Lai Ching-te said that I follow President Tsai, then which one are you following?"

圖/TVBS  蔡規賴怎隨? 看賴清德拚大位「這」必考題

Image : TVBS 

Liu Birong, a professor of political science at Soochow University: "Whether such a well-designed expression has the desired effect, if people are still worried, how will he make people feel at ease? How do they feel that if he really wants to If he wins a big position, how can he maintain a balance within Taiwan, China, and the United States? I think this will be a big test for him.”
Under the situation of doubts everywhere, Lai Ching-te played a safe card first, but just wanted to fight for a big position. Whether a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker" can give a clearer discussion has become a must-test question for the presidential election.

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