Saturday, January 7, 2023

Taiwan's first covid patient with "white lung" from China, Spike protein in mRNA vaccines harms hearts

Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, Taiwan, CCP, U.S.

News (1)

Taiwanese businessman diagnosed with "big white lung" is critically ill! Sequencing of specimens urgently sent to the command center
Reporter : Wu Liangyi / / Image : The Wuhan pneumonia (covid, COVID-19) epidemic in CCP China caused many people to return to Taiwan; a Taiwanese businessman was diagnosed in severe condition after returning from China, and the X-ray photo showed "big white lung". (Picture taken from Su Yifeng Facebook)

The Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19, covid) outbreak in China caused a large number of people to return to Taiwan; a Taiwanese businessman was diagnosed after returning from CCP China, and the X-ray photo showed "big white lung" ". Zhuang Renxiang, spokesman of the Central Epidemic Command Center, said that the hospital has already asked the hospital to send the patient's specimen, and it has just been delivered. If the amount of virus is enough, the virus can be sequenced.

A 60-year-old Taiwanese businessman who returned to Taiwan felt unwell for 3 days and was tested covi-positive by a quick test. However, he did not report immediately. It took 4 or 5 days. The weather was not getting better, so he came to see a doctor to get medicine. The X-ray photos showed that the "big white lung" had already developed severe pneumonia. Now antiviral drugs cannot stop the progress. He is critically ill and intubated. It is also recommended to do virus sequencing to see which mutant strain he is infected wirg.

Zhuang Renxiang pointed out that the hospital has already asked the hospital to send the patient's specimen and it has been delivered. The case entered the Republic of China (Taiwan) in late December. At that time, there was no PCR test for Chinese inbound passengers, but now the specimen will be re-tested after receiving the specimen. If the CT value is lower than 26 (higher virus load), virus sequencing can be done.

Zhuang Renxiang said that since 1 January 2023, the country Taiwan has begun to implement the "Strengthened Quarantine Project for Chinese Airline Passengers", and conducts saliva PCR screening for Chinese immigrants. Those who are covi-positive and have a CT value lower than 26 will be sequenced for the virus. If a doctor assesses that there is a need for testing in a case, he can contact the CDC to send the sample.

News (2)

Taiwanese businessman diagnosed with "big white lung", emergency intubation, critically ill. Doctor: Staying in China is a dead end

A 60-year-old Taiwanese businessman who returned to Taiwan from CCP China was diagnosed with covid by himself after three days of rapid screening. The X-ray of the body showed a severe pneumonia state of "big white lung", and he was critically ill and intubated. The doctor said that if he did not come back and stay in China, it would be a dead end. Now try hard to see if he can save his life!

Su Yifeng, a thoracic intensivist, pointed out on his personal Facebook page that it is currently unclear where the patient was infected and diagnosed. The patient was screened covi-positive only 3 days after returning from China, and did not report immediately. He took medicine after 4 or 5 days when he felt unwell. As a result, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and antiviral drugs still could not stop his condition. Now he is in critical condition after intubation.

According to the PCR test results of the command center for the first batch of Chinese immigrants on New Year's Day, three subtypes of Omicron mutant strains have been detected, including BA.5.2, BF.7, and BA.5.1. Su Yifeng appealed that the command center should test to see which virus strain the patient has.

News (3)

Toxicity of the Omicron evolved has increased

Reporters : Hu Zonghan, Huang Yanling / / Image : Video Screenshot

The X-ray film of the patient's lungs was completely white. Physician Su Yifeng posted the X-ray film on Facebook, pointing out that this Taiwanese businessman who returned from China was diagnosed three days after returning to Taiwan. Because he did not seek medical treatment immediately, his condition had already progressed. He developed severe pneumonia and was intubated in critical condition.

Su Yifeng, a thoracic doctor of Taipei City Union Medical College, commented, "If he got sick in China today, we know that there are so many people in China who are positive, and there are not enough beds for hospitalization, or the medical capacity is insufficient, he should be in China. It should be said to be a dead end, and it should be difficult to survive. Then he just came back to Taiwan now, so of course we will try our best to treat him."

The epidemic situation in China is quite serious because the number of patients with severe pneumonia is increasing rapidly, and the amount of medical treatment is insufficient. Some scholars even estimate that more than one million people will die in this wave of epidemic in China. Su Yifeng believes that according to the current outbreak of the BF.7 variant in mainland China, the toxicity of the virus evolved has increased.

Su Yifeng said,  "After it evolved to BA.5, it was found that its ability to invade the lungs has strengthened. The latest BF.7 actually needs follow-up data, but it seems that some data from mainland China seem to be the proportion of severe cases may also be the same as BA.5, or a little higher."

News (4)

A large number of patients in China died of white lung, and there was a one-child family who were "wiped out"

Reporters : Li Yun, Zhang Danxia, and Wang Peihan / / Image : Video Screenshot

Recently, the epidemic situation in China has been out of control. Many hospitals and funeral parlors have piled up corpses, and a large number of critically ill patients have died of white lung disease. It was even reported that all three members of a family died of the disease. In addition, there is a shortage of "first aid medicine" everywhere, and ordinary people have nowhere to turn for help.

Mainland epidemic doctor: "White lung does not distinguish between young people, whether we are old or young."

A number of mainland doctors released video introductions, and many patients admitted to the hospital now have large white lungs. White lung occurs even in asymptomatic patients.

Mainland doctor: "When he first got sick, he didn't have a fever or a cough, and his family didn't think he was seriously ill."

Another girl from mainland China said that she had no cough, no fever, and it might be white lung. Her family members passed away because of this.

Girl from mainland China: "In the emergency room of the hospital, all the doctors are very pessimistic. They see the elderly with white lungs and those with underlying diseases, and they keep telling them to give up, don't intubate, don't rescue them and so on."

A family member in Shanghai posted a video saying that many people died of white lung, and the government forced the death certificate to indicate that the cause of death was not the new crown, but an underlying disease.

On 7 January 2023, Ms. Gao, a resident of Shanghai, told NTDTV that many young people had white lungs and passed away because they could not buy medicine and could not go to the hospital.

Ms. Gao from Shanghai: "Many people who have been vaccinated now have severe symptoms of fever and cold. There are also many young people. After the sun passes, they go to the hospital for CT. The lungs are lumps like paste. , Many young people died because of white lung. Pfizer’s special medicine said it worked very well, and a box of medicine is now sold to scalpers for 17,000 yuan, which is still unavailable. Ordinary people can’t buy it. And it’s too expensive. They cannot afford."

Not only young people, but even infants have white lungs. Recently, after a 5-day-old baby in Hengyang City, Hunan Province developed "white lung", the hospital issued a critical illness notice.

Hospitals across China are overcrowded, and patients have nowhere to turn for help.

Mainland woman: "Look at this person who is in the aisle for infusions. There is no room, and he can't even stay in the hospital. Look at this person!"

Ms. Wang, a resident of Shandong, said that the elderly at home had white lungs during CT scans and could not be admitted to the hospital or prescribed medicine. Now she brings her own oxygen cylinders to treat the elderly.

Ms. Wang from Shandong: "He had a fever of more than 39 degrees, and then his chest hurt, and his lungs hurt too. His blood oxygen saturation was low, his heart rate was slow, and he coughed. Now he is inhaling oxygen all the time, in a clinic opened by a friend because the emergency hospital can’t get in.”

In the most tragic one-child family, three members died of the epidemic, which is equivalent to the family "wiped out".

The video shows that on 4 January, a family in Qinglong Village, Wantouqiao Town, Wugang City, Hunan Province carried out three coffins for burial. It is said that three members of the family died of the epidemic, including their parents in their 70s and their son who had rushed back from the army to attend the funeral.

There was also a family in Zhaotong, Yunnan on 3 January, and 3 people died in succession within 5 days.

According to public information, there are currently mountains of corpses in hospitals and outpatient morgues across China, and there are long queues of hearses waiting in line for funeral parlors and crematoria to burn corpses.

Family members in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province: "Everyone who huh-lah-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la is dead...the cars are queuing up every day or two."

News (5) to (8) / Reporter : Li Li / Editor: Lin Qing /

News (5)

"White Lung" phenomenon in China, American experts: It doesn't make sense

Image : Doctors in mainland China have recently intensively displayed a large number of photos of the "white lungs" of infected patients. The picture shows a doctor showing the rapid evolution of the white lungs of an infected patient. (Screenshot from Weibo/Synthesized by NTDTV)

中国出现“白肺”现象 美专家:这说不通

 A large-scale outbreak of the epidemic has occurred in China, and the number of deaths has increased sharply. On the Chinese Internet, a large number of "white lung" cases continue to appear, and American medical experts said that "it doesn't make sense."

News (6)

White lung: a sign of serious illness

"White lung" is a moderate or severe pneumonia infection disease. Dr. Joseph Varon, a pulmonary intensive care specialist at Baylor University, expressed confusion over reports of white lung on Chinese social media.

"It doesn't make sense," he said. The CCP's official report stated that the main viruses currently circulating in China are two Omicron variants, BA.5.2 and BF.7 but the diseases caused by these two variants are similar, very light.

He pointed out that in general, Omicron "does not make people into "white lungs"", "the pictures of "white lungs" that appear on Chinese social media are very similar to the symptoms caused by Delta."

For diseases of the lungs, whiteness on a CT scan indicates serious disease in the lungs, he noted. "The whiter the lungs, the greater the chance of death," Wallon said.

The Omicron variant primarily infects the upper respiratory tract of humans and does not cause pneumonia but if the patient infected with Omicron is elderly, the elderly are severely immunocompromised and prone to pneumonia.

Recently, The Epoch Times interviewed a 36-year-old Chinese man who had been in good health. However, in mid-December 2022, after he was infected with covid, his lungs appeared "white lung".

He felt like he could not breathe and was admitted to the hospital.

A CT scan showed the man's lungs showed typical signs of covid pneumonia, said Dr. Paul Marik, a pulmonary intensive care specialist.

Wallon speculates that if there are indeed many healthy young people with "white lungs", he suspects that it may not be the Omicron variant that can cause so much damage to human lungs.

News (7)

Lockdown leads to low immunity

Microbiologist Dr. Stanley Perlman said he was "not surprised" to see reports of "white lung" in China.

Perlman believes that the CCP government's zero-covid policy and strict blockade make most people's immunity to the virus very low.

Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, also agrees with this view, believing that the lockdown has reduced the natural immunity of the people.

"In China, the lockdown was very strict," Schaffner said, and the rest of the world saw Omicron as a mild disease. However, the CCP government rarely publishes the death rate and infection rate of covid, so it is difficult to compare and fully assess the situation in China.

Dr. David Bell, an infectious disease expert and former medical officer of the World Health Organization, criticized the Chinese government's containment policy, arguing that such strict containment fueled the outbreak.

Lockdowns are known to fail to control respiratory viruses and, if taken over a long period of time, can damage people's immune systems, Bell said.

Medical experiments have shown that children in a sterile and isolated environment will have a poorer immune response when exposed to external stimuli.

"I call it Bubble Boy," Wallon said. "It's like, you have a child, you don't want the child to get any virus, you put the child in a glass bubble, but when you want to expose the child to normal things by that time, the child will not have any immunity."

Dr. Paul Marik, a pulmonary intensive care expert, said that once the blockade is lifted, people will naturally mix and start spreading the virus naturally, "infected cases and deaths will increase."

News (8)

Yan Limeng's different perspectives on "white lung"

Virologist Dr. Yan Limeng expressed different views on the view that the emergence of "white lung" is due to the lack of immunity caused by strict containment measures.

Yan said this reasoning is based on the assumption that during the early outbreaks, the number of infections in China was low but this cannot be verified.

Since the emergence of the covid virus in China in 2019, all data on infection and death rates come from the official Chinese Communist Party, and no external research group has been able to independently verify these figures.

In the early days of the pandemic, Yan worked on the covid virus at the University of Hong Kong. After the outbreak, data sharing between research labs in mainland China and Hong Kong was suddenly controlled and censored, Yan said. Scientists in Hong Kong can only make estimates based on official CCP data.

Yan believes that the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019 may be much more serious than the official reports of the CCP. What Yan means is that if many people were infected and died in the early days, then now, many people in mainland China should have immunity, so that people can be protected from the Omicron variant.

The problem with the new outbreak in China is the same as the first one three years ago: The data is unverified, and the true death rate and infection rate are unknown to the outside world.

While lifting the zero-covid policy would lead to further transmission, Yan believes strict lockdowns have not kept people from touching each other.

She pointed to media reports that the months-long lockdowns in Shanghai and Xinjiang left many people starving. Although these blockade measures are severe, the reality is that most zero-covid policies are "digital controls" such as contact tracing and the use of health codes. Normal social activities in most areas continue as usual, people work, go out, carry out daily inspection. This puts them in an environment of viral exposure.

Given these exposures, Yan believes that most people in China have some degree of immunity.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 86% of the Chinese population has received two doses of the Chinese covi vaccines.

Yan said global health agencies should ask CCP health authorities why they stopped testing for the covid virus.

Schaffner also raised concerns about untracked variants.

With so many people infected, biologists and public health authorities are "concerned," Schaffner said, "that this situation could lead to new variants of the virus."

News (9)

Netizens claim to be infected with Wuhan pneumonia 4 times a year. Infected doctor: The probability is really small

A netizen claimed to have been diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia (covid, COVID-19) four times in the past year. He was laughed at and said that "immunity has become the shape of a virus"; The oncologist believes that under normal circumstances, it is difficult to be infected as many as four times a year, especially now that almost everyone has been vaccinated. "It is not impossible, but the probability is really small."

Qiu Zhengxun, deputy director of Linkou Changgung Hospital, said that if the infection is a different subtype of Omicron mutant strain, it is indeed possible, but it is difficult for people with normal immunity to happen, and if they have been vaccinated and have a certain degree of infection and antibody memory, there is really little chance in immunology and virus evolution.

In January 2023, the Omicron mutant strain BA.1 was popular, and later BA.2, BA.5, and the different mutant strain subtypes brought about by imported cases from various countries. Although BA.5 is still the majority, there are also more subtypes of different mutant strains such as BA.2.75, BQ.1, and BF.7.

Qiu Zhengxun said that it is theoretically possible to be infected with different subtypes of mutant strains, but taking neighbouring Hong Kong as an example, even if there have been several waves of different mutant strains, in fact, there is no such case of four times of infection. To prove it, the person concerned may have to provide the confirmation certificate of the four times of diagnosis. Of course, it does not rule out that there may be several times in the recovery stage of "time yin and time yang", but they were tested covi-positive again but still belonged to the same infection.

According to the statistics of the Central Epidemic Command Center, as of 4 January 2023, there were a total of 111,568 cases of reinfection in the Republic of China, but the "number of reinfections" was not counted, only the number of people who were reinfected, and it was not known whether there were any diagnosed as many as four times.

News (10)

Sleep on the toilet at all! Expert: "It's not impossible" to be infected with two viruses at the same time
Image : Zhao Mingwei, an associate professor at the Department of Biotechnology of Chung Yuan University, said that it is not impossible to be infected with two viruses at the same time. It is recommended to get vaccinated as soon as possible, wear a mask at the right time, wash your hands frequently, and use alcohol disinfection in moderation to reduce the spread of the virus. The picture is for illustration only and has nothing to do with this article. (file photo)

There are various viruses in our daily life, such as covid virus, influenza virus, norovirus, enterovirus, etc. Is it possible to be infected with two viruses at the same time? Zhao Mingwei, associate professor of the Department of Biotechnology at Chung Yuan University, bluntly said "it's not impossible", and revealed that there are people around him who are infected with the symptoms of the two viruses. When this happens, it is very important to get vaccinated as soon as possible, wear a mask at the right time, and wash your hands frequently.

Zhao Mingwei’s Facebook page “Professor Zhao Mingwei Toxicology William” pointed out that there are many and complex types of viruses in the environment, especially now that there are only 7 types of covid virus, as well as influenza, norovirus, adenovirus, and enterovirus , Respiratory fusion virus, etc., can be called the highest in history. Wearing a mask for a long time is like a protective umbrella, which reduces the chance of people being exposed to germs. Now, whether you are an adult or a child, you should pay special attention when you take off your mask, otherwise you may be infected with more than two viruses at the same time if you are not careful.

Symptoms may occur

●Covid virus: cold symptoms, upper respiratory symptoms.

●Influenza virus: hoarse voice, fever, upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis.

●Norovirus: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fever, headache, muscle pain.

●Adenovirus: Sore throat inflammation, abdominal pain, diarrhoea.

●Enterovirus: Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hand, foot and mouth symptoms.

●Respiratory fusion virus: Non-stop coughing, upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis.

Zhao Mingwei believes that "it is not impossible to be infected with two viruses at the same time", and the symptoms will also increase. He used the experience of students and friends around him as an example, such as infection with the covid and norovirus, or flu-noro, " Many people reacted in such pain that they would rather die than live, and even slept on the toilet.”

To avoid this from happening, Zhao Mingwei reminds that it is very important to get vaccinated quickly, wear a mask at the right time, wash your hands frequently, and use alcohol disinfection in moderation to reduce the spread of the virus.

News (11)

The covi-positive rate of entry into China is 21%. The proportion of mutant strains exposed by Wang Bisheng: BA.5.2 is the most
Reporter : Wu Liangyi / : The command center exposed the sequencing results and proportion of the infected people, and the subtype of the BA.5.2 mutant strain was the most infected, as high as 60%; the picture shows the situation. (AFP file photo)

In response to the covid outbreak in CCP China, the Republic of China has required saliva PCR testing and virus sequencing for Chinese immigrants starting from New Year's Day this year; The commander of the command center, Wang Bisheng, revealed the sequencing results and proportion of infected people, and the subtype infected with the BA.5.2 mutant strain was the most, as high as 60%.

From New Year's Day to 5 January, a total of 5,283 passengers who flew directly into my country from 4 destinations in China were screened by saliva PCR, of which 1,111 were positive, with a covi-positive rate of 21%. Wang Bisheng said that there has not been a daily downward trend, which shows that the epidemic in China is still in a pandemic period.

Wang Bisheng said that in terms of the results of virus gene sequencing, about 60% of the majority are BA.5.2, which is the same as the current mainstream mutant strain in the Republic of China. Another nearly 40% are BF.7. No new mutant strains have been detected so far. "We will continue the relevant inspection work and pay close attention to subsequent developments."

Wang Bisheng said that everyone is very concerned about the mutation status of the new coronavirus. In fact, virus mutations have been happening all the time. The most powerful mutant strains known in the world are all Omicron family. BA.5 series, BQ series, BF.7 series, and XBB series have different proportions in different countries but they cause serious illness. or death rate.

Wang Bisheng said that in addition to high infectivity, the focus of monitoring unknown mutant strains is mainly two points. One is whether the proportion of severe illness and death will increase, and the other is whether it will cause a high proportion of repeated infections.

Wang has repeatedly appealed to the public that the New Year is approaching, and gatherings, returning home, traveling, and going abroad are frequent. They should get the next-generation vaccine as soon as possible to increase self-protection and have a healthy and happy New Year.

News (12)

A total of 225 people from mainland China tested covi-positive on 6 January 2023 with a "covi-positive rate of 17.2%"

The command center announced that a total of 1,305 passengers came to Taiwan from mainland China on 6 January 2023. Taoyuan Airport had 8 flights with 1,303 passengers. The number of covi-positive tests was 225, and the number of covi-negative tests was 1,078. Songshan Airport had another private charter flight. Two people were tested negative, and the combined covi-positive rate of the two was 17.2%.

At present, there are 4 waypoints between Taiwan and mainland China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and Chengdu. Due to the sudden unblocking of mainland China, a new wave of confirmed cases is ushering in. The outside world is worried that the virus will rapidly replicate and spread, which may cause mutations. All countries are ready to fight. In Taiwan, as long as passengers coming to Taiwan from the mainland are required to take a saliva PCR test, and cooperate with 7-day self-epidemic prevention and self-screening.

News (13)

Second wave of infections is worse as Chinese hoard diapers

Reporter : Ruili / / Image ; Video Screenshot


In the face of constant obituaries in mainland China, the CCP only released single-digit death figures, which was criticized as "ridiculous" by the public. At the beginning of the news, we will take you to pay attention to the latest situation of the epidemic situation in mainland China.

CCP security: "No filming, no filming."

On 4 January 2023, outside the fever clinic in Beijing, in addition to medical staff wearing full-body protective clothing, there were also a number of security guards who prevented foreign media reporters from filming.

After the crematorium, the fever clinic has become another place "strictly monitored" by the Beijing authorities.

Chinese people: "Everyone take a look, the scene is really shocking, every corner is full of patients."

Chinese people: "This number has been registered to more than 1,100, and I have only reported to more than 200, and there are more than 900 people in line. I wonder if this doctor can see it?"

The epidemic in mainland China is fierce, and countless people have died from the epidemic, and obituaries continue to emerge. On 4 January, a netizen posted a picture revealing that there were layers of obituaries on the bulletin board of Chongqing University. One of the young CCP members was only 46 years old.

Netizens in Chengdu also posted a picture saying that on the bulletin board of the community, the old obituary was not torn off, but the new one was pasted up again.

On Weibo, obituaries are flying all over the sky. Netizens asked, how many people died in China?

According to data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on January 3, there were only 5 new deaths across the country that day, all of which were local cases. Since December, there have been only a few days of single-digit deaths in China's official data.

Faced with the camera of Reuters reporters, Beijing residents bluntly said that the CCP's report was extremely "ridiculous".

A Beijing resident said, "The (CCP) government announced that the number of deaths from the epidemic is in single digits. This is completely absurd and unbelievable. As far as I know, 4 of my close relatives have died. This is a family situation. .So I hope the government will be honest and credible in telling the people and the world what's really going on here."

The top international journal "Science" pointed out that the death toll officially announced by the CCP is ridiculously low despite the outbreak of the epidemic in China, and it is even generally considered "laughably low". New variant virus strains were detected.

An employee of a hospital: "Now the beds in our hospital are tight, and they are basically patients with secondary infection. These TVs do not report these patients. These patients are so serious that 'the autoimmune system is not working well'. They can only be immunized by infusion twice a day. Globulin maintenance, now it costs more than 800 RMB."

On 3 January 2023, the chat records of this hospital employee with a Shenyang accent went viral on the Internet, causing people to panic about "secondary infection."

Prior to this, many netizens had posted on Weibo, saying that they had suffered a "secondary infection", and the main symptoms were: "vomiting and diarrhoea".

Another netizen wrote: "It's a bit like having a bowel movement out of control. If you don't feel it, you have diarrhoea." "I don't know if I am infected with the XBB virus, because the antigen cannot be detected. Maybe the only way is to wear paper diapers."

As the number of people reinfected is increasing, "diarrhoea medicine" is seriously out of stock. On 4 January 2023, the official had to come out to refute the rumour again, saying that "XBB virus infection will not cause fecal incontinence", but this rumour, as always, had the opposite effect, making more people believe that XBB1.5 may cause fecal incontinence .

Subsequently, mainland residents changed "stockpiling medicine" to "stockpiling adult paper diapers" for emergency.

Some informed netizens uploaded chat screenshots and revealed that Beijing and Shijiazhuang are now starting a second wave of infections, which are more serious than the first infections, directly severe cases, and there are many young people.

Chinese people: "We point to the United States every day and say that you can't see the prevention and control, and millions of people have died, but if we can't even figure it out, what face do we have to criticize others? No matter how big the number is, no matter how small or big, publishing the numbers is a respect for every life."

News (14)

Study: Young adults at high risk of myocarditis after covid vaccination

Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Lin Qing / Image : On 30 August 2021, a Thai nurse prepares to administer the Pfizer vaccine to vaccinators at the Central Westgate Shopping Center in Bangkok. (Lauren DeCicca/Getty Images)


A study published in the authoritative international journal Circulation in the cardiovascular field showed that the spike protein used in mRNA vaccines can harm the human heart, especially young people.

The peer-reviewed study reviewed the medical records of 16 young adults hospitalized at Massachusetts General Hospital or Boston Children's Hospital between January 2021 and February 2022, all of whom had myocarditis following vaccination. Blood levels of the full-length spike protein were "significantly elevated" in all individuals, regardless of antibody levels.

"It is unclear whether the circulating spike protein is pathogenic (causes disease) during mRNA vaccination," the researchers wrote in the paper, but it was "significantly associated with myocarditis" in this group of "12-21" year-olds" that was related.

"In vitro evidence is accumulating that the spike protein itself stimulates cardiac pericyte dysfunction or inflames endothelial cells," they write, so instead of eliciting immune activation, the spike antigen that evades antibody recognition could lead to These people develop myocarditis.

Previous studies have reached similar conclusions. In a study published last month in Cardiology Clinical Research, the official journal of the German Society of Cardiology, researchers at Heidelberg University noted that heart inflammation following a COVID-19 vaccine can be severe and permanent.

The researchers performed standardized autopsies on 25 patients with no previous medical history who "died unexpectedly at home" within 20 days of vaccination, and found that five patients had heart autopsy results consistent with myocarditis symptoms.

All five patients had received the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna. Four patients died after the first dose of the vaccine, and a fifth patient died after the second dose. Each person died within a week of the most recent injection.

"None of the cases had overt coronary artery disease, acute or chronic manifestations of ischemic heart disease, manifestations of cardiomyopathy, or other signs of pre-existing, clinically relevant heart disease," the researchers wrote.

Last spring, an MIT study published in the journal Nature found that in Israel, where vaccination rates are high, the proportion of people aged 16-39 who required emergency medical services for heart problems A 25% increase, which is "clearly related" to COVID vaccination.

Last August, a preprint study of about 300 Thai adolescents, published in the peer-reviewed Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, found that after a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, nearly 1 /3 of the people appear "cardiovascular reaction". While the cases were "usually mild" and fully recovered within two weeks, three people were hospitalized and four had higher than normal levels of heart damage even without obvious symptoms.

Scientists have been questioning the safety of spike protein but they have been suppressed. In June 2021, LinkedIn abruptly shut down the senior account of mRNA vaccine pioneer turned critic Robert Malone when he mentioned spike protein in a report on a young man's heart inflammation.

Last summer, Twitter took a crackdown on Kevin McKernan, who manages research and development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Human Genome Project, for noting that the spike protein is a "superantigen" containing staphylococcal enterotoxin B with "strong toxicity".

More than a year ago, Swedish researchers reported in the peer-reviewed journal Viruses that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 "significantly inhibits DNA damage repair" and, therefore, was phased out in COVID vaccine development. The full-length spike protein may be "safer and more effective".

News (15)

Zhongnanhai Policy U-turn, Order to release violators of epidemic prevention

After the "blank paper revolution" broke out in China, the authorities' epidemic prevention policies have been constantly changing. On 7 January 2023, five departments including the Supreme Court of the Communist Party of China jointly issued a notice ordering that those who violated the epidemic prevention policy before should be promptly lifted from the mandatory detention measures. This is another policy change after the official release of epidemic control.

The Chinese Communist Party's Xinhua News Agency reported on the 7th that the Supreme Court, the Supreme Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the "Notice on Adapting to the New Stage Epidemic Prevention and Control Policy Adjustment and Properly Handling Related Criminal Cases in accordance with the Law" on 7 January.

The notice requires that, starting from 8 January 2023, violations of the prevention and control of the covid epidemic will no longer be punished as crimes of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The specific regulations include that from 8 January 2023, the novel coronavirus infection will be implemented "Class B and B control", and will no longer be included in the management of quarantine infectious diseases. Measures and acts stipulated by frontier health and quarantine are no longer convicted and punished as the crime of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases in Article 330 of the Criminal Law and Article 332 of the crime of obstructing frontier health and quarantine.

The notice stipulates that the relevant cases currently being handled shall be "timely and properly handled" in accordance with the regulations. Where criminal suspects and defendants are in custody, the case-handling agencies should "remove the compulsory measures of detention in a timely manner"; "if the property involved in the case is sealed, seized, or frozen, it should be lifted in a timely manner in accordance with the law." etc.

The above notification means that the authorities have made another adjustment to the prevention and control of the epidemic after abandoning Xi Jinping's "dynamic clearing" policy.

News (16)

Chinese doctor blasts hospital for not allowing to write covid death diagnosis, order to change cause of death (Video)

Reporter : Li Enzhen / Editor : Wen Hui : Family members follow behind urns containing the ashes of their loved ones at a crematorium in Beijing, 22 December 2022. (STF/AFP via Getty Images)

中国医生爆医院不让写新冠死亡诊断 命令更改死因(视频)

Epidemics have broken out across China, and the death toll has skyrocketed. Recently, a Shanghai doctor broke the news on a medical forum: The hospital did not allow the the deceased patient to be given the diagnosis certificate of death due to "novel coronavirus pneumonia" (covid), and asked the doctor to change the cause of death.

According to Netease reports, the Shanghai neurosurgeon wrote that a large number of covid patients have been admitted to the hospital recently, and many of them have not survived.

The doctor said that a patient was admitted to the hospital due to cough and fever, and the covid nucleic acid test was covi-positive. The CT scan of the lungs showed that there were scattered inflammations in both lungs. After the patient was admitted to the hospital, the lung symptoms worsened. The blood oxygen saturation could not be improved, and the lungs were auscultated with wet crackles and wheezing sounds. The high-flow non-invasive ventilation could not hold up, and then the blood pressure dropped, the heart rate dropped, and eventually died.

The doctor said that when he wrote the death-related documents for the deceased, he wrote severe pneumonia as the cause of death, and covid infection in the column of the disease that caused the above-mentioned reasons. As a result, the prevention and security department called the next day and asked us to change the death reason", asked them what to change, they also said "can't come up".

The doctor said, "I just want to ask: Why? Why can't I write about the death of novel coronavirus pneumonia? Facing the patient's family, I really don't want to change it."

Image : Web picture

In fact, many doctors in mainland China now report on the Internet that they cannot issue a death certificate for covid.

A video circulated on the Internet showed that someone went to a hospital in Shanghai to issue a diagnosis certificate of covid infection, but the doctor refused to issue a diagnosis certificate. The doctor said, "Having nucleic acid can only prove that you have a covid infection, so whether you have pneumonia or not, what to look for in a CT scan." He said that even if there is pneumonia in a CT scan, the patient will not be given this certificate. This nucleic acid diagnosis will be sent to the relevant departments of Shanghai for a diagnosis and judgment before the report will be issued. "We will only fight respiratory infections."

On 20 December 2022, the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China issued a notice stating that the criteria for judging the covid death were clearly stipulated: pneumonia and respiratory failure caused by the covid virus were the primary diagnosis of death, and they were classified as deaths caused by the covid virus infection; Deaths caused by other diseases and basic diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, etc., are not classified as deaths caused by covid.

 Image : Web picture

The New York Times also reported on 30 December 2022 that a doctor at a private hospital in Beijing said that he and his colleagues recently found a note on the hospital desk asking them to "try not to write respiratory failure caused by severe new coronary pneumonia" as the main cause of death . The paper reviewed the note.

The doctor said it was not clear whether the note was from within the hospital or from a government official. According to the report, Chinese social media is currently spreading similar warnings to doctors, that is, not to "fill in the covid at will" in the death certificate.

A certified physician netizen on the Lilac Garden Forum in mainland China said, "Although everyone knows some things, it is really difficult to accept, but what can be done? Let alone the death diagnosis, the admission diagnosis dare not mention the word covid." "Tell Your ironic fact: In 2020, Wuhan Central Hospital also requires the same!" "The superiors report the death of patients every day, and the statistics are very detailed. The number of deaths has skyrocketed recently, and I am dizzy from exhaustion. It is a novel coronavirus pneumonia. None, don’t you think it’s strange?” “The mortality rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia should not be too high. As a radiologist, I can clearly say that 80% of those with persistent fever recently and chest CT have lung infection, and the imaging findings are all signs of viral infection." "We are all living in an era of nonsense now!" "The sorrow of the medical profession!"

On 2 January 2023, an expert in Beijing responded to a question from the CCP’s official media that it seemed that more elderly people died this year than in previous years. Netizens scolded the experts, "Go and see the funeral home, it's too late to burn it down." "The first time an expert speaks in the new year, he directly pissed off the common people."

News (17)

McCarthy was elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives after 15 rounds of voting in 4 days

Editor : Lu Yongin / : U.S. House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, center, gives a thumbs up after being elected speaker of the House of Representatives in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol, 7 January 2023 in Washington, DC. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

历4天15轮投票破僵局 麦卡锡当选美国众院议长

After four days and 15 rounds of voting in the U.S. House of Representatives election, Republican leader McCarthy overcame the opposition of the extreme right forces in the party. In the early hours of today (7 January 2023), he finally passed the election with 216 votes. The threshold for being elected is to hold the gavel of the speaker of the Federal House of Representatives as he wishes, and end the longest-delayed speaker election in 164 years.

Central News Agency reported that after several days of negotiations and a series of concessions, McCarthy finally crossed the election threshold with 216 votes in the early morning and became the new speaker of the House of Representatives while Democratic African-American leader Jeffries (Hakeem Jeffries) won 212 votes.

It was the most vote-intensive election for a Speaker of the House of Representatives since 1859; 44 votes were cast that year.

The McCarthy camp made significant progress earlier in the negotiations with the far-right forces in the party. In the first two rounds of voting, 15 negative votes were overturned, only 3 votes away from the election threshold, and the number of boycotts in the party fell to 6 people; McCarthy continued to communicate with the opposition, during which progress was reported. When McCarthy entered the meeting, he looked confident, and he was sure of victory.

However, in the 14th round of voting, only two opposition MPs, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, abstained from voting. As a result, McCarthy only got 216 votes and lost by 1 vote; McCarthy was angry walking towards Gaetz, the two had a heated debate, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

The McCarthy camp originally planned to call for an adjournment until noon on the 9th EST, but the vote seemed to turn around in the middle of the vote. The Republican Party abandoned the adjournment strategy and improved to enter the 15th round of voting. With the addition of 4 opposition MPs who abstained from voting, McCarthy finally crossed the threshold of election.

Under normal circumstances, the threshold for the election of the speaker is 218 votes for more than half of the seats in the House of Representatives, but it may decrease with the number of absent members and abstentions. With 6 abstentions in 15 rounds of voting, the threshold for election is 215 votes.

McCarthy, 57, from California, has 16 years of experience in the House of Representatives. After entering Congress in 2007, he was promoted to the leadership of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives in just two years, all the way from the chief deputy whip, the party whip to the majority leader, but he had to wait more than 7 years for the post of speaker.

In 2015, when the Republican speaker John Boehner planned to resign, McCarthy announced his candidacy for the position, but because about 40 hard-line conservatives in the party refused to support him, he had to withdraw from the election. 

Now that he is holding the speaker's gavel as he wishes, McCarthy may not be the speaker in the future. The Republican Party currently holds 222 seats in the House of Representatives, only 10 seats ahead of the Democratic Party. Even if the speaker election wins the support of some extreme rightists, given the lack of Republican seats, McCarthy is bound to be often restrained by the extreme right-wing forces in the future.

In addition, in exchange for support, McCarthy agreed to restore the previous rule that only one member of the House of Representatives could propose a "vacate the chair" motion, which is tantamount to letting the far right point a gun at his head.

Although the motion to remove the speaker was rarely raised, the most recent being in 1910, in the past members of parliament often used this to threaten the speaker, which led to instability in Congress. In 2015, Boehner was forced to resign, and the former Democratic speaker Nancy Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi, Pelosi) revised the rules during her tenure, so that only the leader of the party group or more than half of the party members can make a motion.

McCarthy's other concessions include adding more members of the far-right Freedom Caucus to the Rules Committee, which can dictate the bill's fate, and ensuring lawmakers have at least 72 hours to review the bill, CNN reported, including loosening the restrictions proposed by the House Council Amendment, restoring the right of members of parliament to cut the salaries of federal officials, etc.

With the election of the Speaker, the new House of Representatives will be sworn in immediately at night, and the U.S. Congress will officially begin to operate.

Video (4)

McCarthy was successfully elected Speaker, but the biggest winner was not him. Trump made a perfect phone call, and the situation began to change. McCarthy was put in tights and vowed to drain the swamp. 6 Breakthroughs That Excited Voters. | New Horizons Issue No. 888 20230107

News (18) to (25) / Reporter : Zheng Gusheng / Editor : Li Qian /

News (18)

It is rumored that thousands of people in Chongqing Pharmaceutical Factory protested against layoffs and once beat back the special police (multiple videos)

Image : On 7 January 2023, workers of Zhongyuan Huiji Pharmaceutical Factory in Chongqing were dissatisfied with unreasonable layoffs and staged a large-scale protest. (Web picture)

传重庆药厂数千人抗议裁员 一度击退特警(多视频)

The CCP suddenly gave up on "dynamic clearing", and the booming virus testing companies were hit hard. A few days ago Zhongyuan Huiji Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., which is engaged in antigen detection in Chongqing, laid off workers on a large scale, triggering large-scale protests by employees, and the suppression by special police was once repelled.

In the morning of 7 January, Beijing time, it was reported on the Internet that Zhongyuan Huiji Pharmaceutical Factory in Dadukou District, Chongqing, broke out a large-scale protest.

Numerous videos circulated on social media showing large numbers of workers gathering to protest. Judging from the pictures, there are at least thousands of people, and there are tens of thousands of people on the Internet. The video shows angry workers throwing tables, chairs and raw materials in the factory building, and there is an area covered with suspected antigen reagents, like a snowdrift. Workers also held cards with "repay the money" and gathered in the factory area to protest.

One of the videos showed angry workers beating some factory leaders. Someone is said to have been taken to the hospital.

Subsequent videos showed that the protests seemed to continue into the evening. A large number of special police officers arrived at the scene and lined up to suppress them, but were once repelled by angry protesting employees. In a video, a small group of special police officers fled in embarrassment, followed by workers who were chasing after them and throwing objects at the same time.

Relevant protest videos went viral on mainland social media, but are currently being blocked.

During the epidemic, Chongqing Zhongyuan Huiji was engaged in nucleic acid testing and antigen testing. In December 2022, the CCP suddenly "loosened" the epidemic prevention, and the stock prices of medical institutions related to protesting drugs and virus testing plummeted.

News (19)

Pharmaceutical workers broke the news

An employee of Chongqing Zhongyuan Huiji Pharmaceutical Factory told The Epoch Times on the 7th that the pharmaceutical factory used to produce nucleic acid detection and extraction reagents. After the authorities "relaxed" in November, the factory began to produce antigen detection reagents on a large scale based on long-term and stable orders. In order to complete the orders, large-scale recruitment is required, and six or seven thousand people are recruited under the gimmick of extra subsidies.

The pharmaceutical factory promised to give a reward of 3,000 RMB at the time, and return it in stages, including returning 1,000 RMB on 21 January, and giving additional subsidies on 15 February after the year.

However, at night of 6 January, the pharmaceutical factory suddenly laid off 8,000 employees without any warning. There are nearly 10,000 employees in the factory.

The worker speculated that the pharmaceutical factory might have lost a large number of orders for some reason.

The worker revealed that the layoffs of the pharmaceutical factory were all temporary workers, because they were worried that the formal labor union would start defending their rights but the regular workers also have to take a "holiday" in advance.

In the evening of the 6th, the upper management of the pharmaceutical factory did not show up. Instead, the supervisors of the workshop called the workers for a meeting and told everyone to leave the factory, or to choose the so-called "holiday" and come back to work after the New Year. When he came to work again, he will have to reduce my salary, and there will be no additional subsidies. He has not even been confirmed when he will resume work, saying that "when I will go to work, I will be notified separately."

News (20)

Living conditions of the factory workers are bad, cross-infection rampant

The living conditions of the workers in the factory are not good, and many of them even sleep on the floor in the workshop. During the epidemic control period, in order to maintain production, pharmaceutical factories concealed the infection status of employees, and after "releasing" the epidemic prevention, they forced infected workers who could not go to work to resign in disguise. The workers already had a lot of grievances. In addition, many workers originally planned to take advantage of the factory's good treatment to earn more money by going to work before the new year, and even planned to continue working overtime during the Chinese New Year. But now they are suddenly laid off, and the subsidies and rewards promised by the pharmaceutical factory are no longer honored, so the workers are very dissatisfied.

That night, the workers wanted to talk to the leaders of the pharmaceutical factory, but they did not show up, and the workshop director used a tough attitude to suppress them. The workers felt they were being treated unfairly and started smashing things angrily. In the morning of 7 January, workers from both day and night shifts rushed to the factory area and began to protest. There is no factory area for workers, and the only slogan they shout is "pay wages".

News (21)

At least 5000 workers protest and suppress the police

The worker revealed that there were at least 4,000 to 5,000 people at the scene of the protest. There were also some policemen who came to suppress the incident, but the number of policemen was too small to suppress it at all.

News (22)

Workers beat up the mediators 

At the scene of the protest, several intermediaries who were in charge of recruitment at the beginning shouted with loudspeakers: "If you are told to leave, you will leave, don't make so much trouble." This kind of arrogance angered the workers. The protesting workers stopped reasoning with them and began to beat up the intermediaries. One of the agents was beaten until he bled on the head. In addition, the production manager locked the door of the office so that he could not come out, and the workers also dragged him out and beat him up.

News (23)

Seven to ten injuries in the conflict

The workers who broke the news said that seven to ten workers and factory leaders were injured in this conflict.

News (24)

Under mayor's presence, the factory came up with a solution

The worker also revealed that the mayor of Dadukou District had also been present. In the end, the factory came up with a solution. The wages for December must be paid in the evening of 7 January, and the wages for January will be paid on 8 January. In addition, those who are fired will be given a one-time severance pay of 1,000 RMB, and those who choose to stay will be given a subsidy of 1,000 RMB. If the current employees do not arrange work, they will be given an additional subsidy of 100 yuan a day.

The worker said that it was the factory area where the protest broke out that proposed a solution, and it was unknown whether someone would come forward to solve the problems in other factory areas.

News (25)

The workers scold and silence the work group

The screenshots posted on the Internet show that after the factory proposed a solution in the work group, it was scolded by the protesting workers, and the work group was subsequently silenced by all employees.

Image : The network transmission workshop came up with a solution. Some workers do not accept it. (webpage Screenshot)

News (26) to (29) / Reporter : Zhu Ying / Editor : Lin Qing /

News (26)

Peking University's obituary comparison picture is popular, and the death rate in December last year nearly quadrupled

Image : It is reported on the Internet that Peking University recently issued an obituary. (Internet screenshot)

北大讣告对比图热传 去年12月死亡暴增近4倍

A few days ago, a statistical chart of the number of obituaries issued by Peking University in the past three years was circulated on the Internet. A professor at Wuhan University recently revealed that 14 professors in her institution died in less than a month.

Recently, major universities in China have continuously issued obituaries of the death of professors. The recent intensive death of professors at Peking University is particularly prominent, which has attracted the attention of the outside world. A Chinese netizen gathered the number of obituaries publicly released by Peking University in the past three years, made and published a comparison chart, which immediately attracted many netizens to watch and repost.

According to this columnar statistical chart, from January 2020 to November 2022, the average number of obituaries issued by Peking University per month is less than 9, and there is not much difference in the number of obituaries in the past three years. Only in December 2022, the number of obituaries of Peking University has soared to more than 30, which is about four times the number of obituaries in previous years.

Image : Internet screenshot

After seeing the chart, many netizens left messages exclaiming: "Too shocking!" "It's scary!" "Scared!"

Another netizen posted an analysis and pointed out that the number of deaths in China in a normal year is about 10 million, with an average of 830,000 people per month. The number of deaths in this month will increase by 2.49 million; if the death peak lasts for two months, it will cause 5 million excess deaths in China.

It is worth noting that the intensive death of university professors in a short period of time is not an isolated phenomenon in China. Not long ago, some netizens counted the number of obituaries issued by Tsinghua University from 10 November to 10 December 2022, and found that during this month, at least 18 professors at Tsinghua University (including elites with academician titles) fell ill and died.

News (27)

14 professors of Wuhan University passed away one after another

On 4 January 2023, Zhu Yixuan, a professor at the School of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering at Wuhan University, posted a message in Moments saying that within less than a month, 14 elite professors from the Department of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information at Wuhan University had left one after another. Zhu Yixuan lamented: "Woohoo! The huge black hole in the world of geodetic surveying, mapping, remote sensing, and mapping is approaching, and grief comes from it! Infinite shock!"

Image : Internet screenshot

Some Chinese netizens pointed out that what Professor Zhu Yixuan disclosed was only the number of recent deaths of professors from the Department of Informatics of Wuhan University. It is not known how many people from other departments of this university have also died.

News (28)

Deputy secretary of the CCP committee of Inner Mongolia University died from covid

On 3 January 2023, the official Weibo of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology also released an obituary, announcing that Wang Tao, the deputy secretary of the party committee of the school, died on 30 December 2022 after being infected with covid, at the age of 52.

Image : Internet screenshot

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the party media who has always cleaned up the platform for the CCP government, admitted for the first time on Weibo on January 4 that in the past two days, two media colleagues he knew passed away, and one of them has been confirmed. He was infected with the new crown before his death, and the other person "estimated that it may also be positive."

News (29)

Hu Xijin calls for investigation into the "vaccine fatality rate"

Image : Internet screenshot

Hu Xijin's post also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some people suspected that the soaring death toll was related to the poor quality of China's domestic vaccines, and called for an investigation into the "vaccine fatality rate." Some netizens commented on the official false data: " Didn’t it mean that there was only one death from the 4th to the 5th?”

Image : Internet screenshot

News (30)

Negotiations on Paxlovid's inclusion in medical insurance stalemate, Pfizer representatives leave with red faces

Reporter : He Yating / Editor : Yun Tao / :The anti-epidemic oral drug Paxlovid produced by Pfizer of the United States. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Paxlovid入医保谈判胶着 辉瑞代表面红耳赤离场

The 4-day new round of the Chinese Communist Party’s national medical insurance negotiations is underway, and the negotiations on the inclusion of Pfizer’s new crown oral drug Paxlovid in the medical insurance are the focus of attention from the outside world. On 7 January, the relevant negotiations seemed to be in a stalemate. The negotiators of Pfizer were flushed when they left the venue and did not respond to the media's questions.

Based on reports from many media outlets in mainland China, on 7 January 2023, the 2022 CCP National Medical Insurance Drug List access negotiations have been in progress for the third day. The types of drugs involved in the negotiations on this day include rare disease drugs, anti-tumor drugs, etc. About 30 companies participated in the negotiations that day, of which nearly 20 companies entered the venue in the morning, and more than 15 companies participated in the negotiations in the afternoon.

At about 8.30 am on 7 January, Qian Yun, vice president of Pfizer China and head of market access, who was highly concerned by the outside world, appeared at the gate of the National People's Congress Conference Center wearing a blue down jacket and holding a document bag with the Pfizer logo. In addition, other negotiators from various pharmaceutical companies who were present lined up to enter the venue one after another.

An hour later (about 9.30 am), the first group of business representatives who participated in the negotiations walked out of the negotiation field. After 10.30 am, more and more companies left the venue, but Pfizer's negotiators did not come out for a long time.

The negotiators of several companies who left the venue in the morning told the media that the negotiations went smoothly, but some negotiators said that the negotiations on the venue were a bit stalemate, "Today's negotiations are a bit slow."

According to the Financial Associated Press, Pfizer's negotiations lasted until around 1.20 pm, when business representatives participating in the afternoon negotiations had already arrived outside the gate of the National People's Congress Conference Center. When Qian Yun left the venue alone with a document bag in his hand, some media reporters asked all the way: "Why did the negotiation take so long?" "Did the negotiation go well?" "Is the negotiation stressful?"

Faced with a series of questions from reporters, Qian Yun "faced red and said nothing." She just called someone to come pick her up and walked west all the way down Main Street.

A total of 11 drugs from Pfizer have passed the formal review of medical insurance negotiations this time, including 4 drugs that have been included in the medical insurance list and 7 drugs that have not yet entered the list. Among them, the negotiation of the inclusion of the anti-epidemic oral drug Naimatevir Tablets/Ritonavir Tablets combination packaging (Paxlovid) into the medical insurance is the focus of Chinese and foreign media.

Paxlovid was conditionally approved for listing in China on 1 February 2022. Initially, it was temporarily included in the medical insurance at a price of 2,300 RMB/box. Recently, the price was lowered to 1,890 RMB/box.

On 21 March 2022, the CCP officially included Paxlovid in the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Ninth Edition)", agreeing that medical institutions will purchase according to the price communicated by the company and relevant departments, and the medical insurance department will pay according to regulations.

However, currently in Shanghai, Beijing and other places, Pfizer Paxlovid is limited to the use of elderly patients over the age of 65 with underlying diseases, chronic diseases, etc., or elderly patients over the age of 80 who have not been fully vaccinated within the jurisdiction of these community health service centers. Doctors issue a diagnosis certificate, which is not available to ordinary patients for the time being.

After the current outbreak of the epidemic in China, Paxlovid is seriously out of stock in mainland China. It can be said that it is hard to find a drug, and the hype on the Internet has reached tens of thousands of RMB per box.

According to a report from the mainland Chinese media China Youth Network, the staff of the Chaoyangmen Community Health Service Center in Beijing’s Dongcheng District said in an interview that the more than 20 medicines currently arriving at the center have been sold out, and they have not yet received a replenishment notice. The community health service center of Shimen 2nd Road Street, Jing'an District, Shanghai also stated that all 100 medicines allocated to the community had been sold on the day of arrival.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the CCP has been promoting its so-called "institutional advantages" and restricting the import of foreign vaccines and anti-epidemic drugs. The outbreak of the epidemic in China this winter resulted in a large number of deaths in many places, and the medical and funeral systems collapsed one after another. The United States, Germany and other countries have repeatedly offered to provide assistance but Beijing has rejected them all.

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