Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Communists cannot stop God from saving people and entering heaven

 Direct translation

Change the world! Holy terror descends upon China and North Korea. Even more shocking prophecy than Trump’s prediction this time [Aboluowang Translation Report] 
- Biggs's shocking prediction: The CCP cannot stop God from saving people and entering heaven. God will liberate North Korea

Brandon Biggs, a Christian pastor who became famous for predicting that former US President Trump would be assassinated and suffer an ear injury, recently made another shocking prophecy, saying that "the Lord showed me that a revival is coming to Asia." His prediction has attracted widespread attention, especially in the Christian community in Asia.

In a video released on 24 July 2024, Biggs said that the Lord showed him scenes in Asia, especially South Korea and North Korea, while he was praying. He recalled: "While I was praying, the Lord began to speak to me. I saw scenes in the north, South Korea and North Korea. The Lord told me that he had heard the prayers of the underground church in Asia and saw the torture they were experiencing. He said that he would bring liberation to the people."

Biggs further predicted that the Lord would shake the North Korean regime and bring divine terror, especially against Kim Jong-un, his family and the "bad guys" in the regime. He said: "The Lord told me that he will shake the country and liberate the people of North Korea like the children of Israel. He said it will be a great shaking that you may not see in the news because they will suppress the news. But I will bring divine terror to Kim Jong-un and shake his family and the regime."

Biggs also mentioned that this turmoil will not only happen in North Korea, he also saw the power of God will soon appear in other countries in Asia, including China, Japan and South Korea. He said: "I see a huge move, the Lord will do great things in China, South Korea and Japan. The Chinese Communist Party will not be able to stop the work of God. He said that this will be a revival that cannot be stopped."

Biggs emphasized that this revival will unfold in a very fast way and that the power of God will appear in unexpected places. He predicted: "This revival will happen very fast, like popcorn. God said that no one can control what is about to happen. It will break out in unexpected places, such as the parking lot of Walmart. People will suddenly be hit by the glory of God, and everyone will start crying and kneeling before the power of God."

In addition, Biggs also predicted that the glory of God will sweep across Asia like a wave, including the Philippines, Vietnam and Central Africa. He said: "The glory of God will touch people, especially in those areas that have been oppressed for a long time. I see waves of divine power coming, and those who have been tortured will experience unprecedented liberation."

Biggs finally encouraged believers to prepare for the coming great event. He emphasized that this revival will be God's last soul harvest before the end of the world: "God told me that he will do something great in these last days to show his love and mercy to the people. It will be a fast work, beyond everything you can understand."

Biggs's prophecy has caused widespread discussion in the Christian community. Many people are looking forward to the arrival of the revival he predicted and are actively praying for it. Especially in the Christian community in Asia, this prophecy is seen as a sign of hope, and many believers believe that it will bring about a new spiritual awakening and social change.

Aboluowang.com commentator Wang Duran introduced that "soul harvest" is a Christian term that refers to the process in which a large number of people convert to faith and accept God as their Saviour in a short period of time. This metaphor comes from the harvest in agriculture, which means the results achieved by believers through preaching and leading others to believe in God. The "last harvest of souls" before the end of the world means that there will be a large-scale revival or awakening of faith before the end of the world, and many people will repent and turn to God. This is seen as God's last chance to spread faith through believers and eventually bring as many souls as possible into heaven.

Wang Duran also introduced that the "holy terror" mentioned by Brandon Biggs usually refers to a strong sense of shock or fear caused by the power of God or the intervention of God. This "terror" does not refer to ordinary fear, but the awe and irresistible deterrence brought by God when he shows his authority, judgment or punishment.

In the religious context, "holy terror" usually indicates that God will take action to correct or change something, such as a blow to evil forces, punishment of oppressors, or a judgment on a country or group. Biggs may imply in his prophecy that God will intervene in the situation in China and North Korea in an irresistible and shocking way, causing these regimes or leaders to feel a strong divine power, which may eventually lead to major changes or liberation.

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