Saturday, August 10, 2024

Japan warns "beware of huge earthquakes", Japanese on buying spree

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News on Japan

Japan warns "beware of huge earthquakes" and people are busy buying disaster prevention supplies

Editor : Lu Yongxin / /Image :  On 10 August 2024, in a supermarket in Sumida District, Tokyo, a staff member was sorting bottled water. The sign reads "Bottled water is being rationed, and each customer is limited to one box (six bottles)" (middle). (Philip Fong/AFP via Getty Images)

日本警告“注意巨大地震” 民众忙采买防灾用品
After a magnitude 7.1 earthquake was observed in the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan on the afternoon of the 8th, the Meteorological Agency issued the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information" (beware of huge earthquakes) for the first time. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida canceled his visit to Central Asia for this reason and stayed at home. The various places listed as the release targets saw a buying spree today (9 August 2024), and the sales of drinking water, simple toilets, and various disaster prevention supplies to prevent furniture from tipping over increased.

The Nankai Trough is located in the southern waters of Shikoku, Japan, with a depth of about 4,000 metres. The east side reaches the waters off Shizuoka Prefecture and the west side reaches the waters off Kyushu. In 2018, the Japanese government recalculated the death toll based on the latest population, based on the earthquake-resistant reinforcement of buildings, the implementation rate of tsunami evacuation drills, and the proportion of cities and towns with designated evacuation buildings. It is estimated that about 231,000 people died and about 2,094,000 houses collapsed.

According to the Central News Agency, the Meteorological Agency issued temporary information on 8 August 2024, calling on the public to pay attention to the possibility of a huge earthquake in the next week. The release targets 707 cities and towns in 26 prefectures from Okinawa Prefecture to Ibaraki Prefecture, one city (Tokyo Prefecture), two prefectures (Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture).

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced in the afternoon of 9 August that he would cancel his trip to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia in Central Asia from the 9th to the 12th, saying that as "the Prime Minister, who is the highest person responsible for crisis management, should stay in the country for at least one week when the Meteorological Agency calls for prevention, to ensure that the government can have perfect response measures and information dissemination."

Fumio Kishida said that the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information" does not require people to evacuate in advance, and urged people to continue their daily lives and socio-economic activities, and continue to travel and return home. However, in the next week, please be prepared to prevent furniture from falling and items from falling, and also confirm the evacuation location and route, as well as the contact information with family members, just in case.

Image : On 10 August 2024, in Sumida District, Tokyo, customers walked through the entrance of a supermarket. The sign read "Media reports related to the earthquake have caused some products to be out of stock, and sales may be restricted" (pictured above) and "Bottled water is being rationed, and each customer is limited to one box (six bottles)." (Philip Fong/AFP via Getty Images)

Local governments are calling on the public to make adequate disaster preparations but they also hope that the public will respond calmly and not hoard food.

In Kochi, which has been designated as an area to be alerted for the Nankai Trough earthquake, a home furnishings center was flooded with customers purchasing disaster prevention supplies this morning, according to the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). The store said that in addition to related products such as water and water bags that can be stored for a long time, some customers also bought simple toilets for hygiene reasons.

In addition, poles that can be supported on furniture and ceilings to prevent furniture from tipping over, and gel pads that can be attached under furniture to prevent movement are also popular.

In Ibaraki Prefecture, eight cities and towns have been designated as areas to be alerted, and home improvement centers here are also flooded with people buying drinking water and other supplies. Some stores have been in short supply since the evening of the 8th.

A home furnishings center in Kita-ku, Tokyo has a disaster prevention supplies area. The store said that after the store opened at 9 am today (9 August), more people bought supplies than usual, among which there were more people buying drinking water, food, and gas cylinders for gas stoves. The merchants have no limit on the number of purchases, but they urge customers to remain calm and not to stock up.
Image : The picture above shows the Nanhai Trough located in the southern waters of Shikoku, Japan

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