Monday, October 5, 2020

Hua Chunying mocked Trump for recovering from illness and was "slapped" by netizens

News (1)

 Reporter : Li Yun / Editor : Li Quan / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

 U.S. President Trump was hospitalized on 2 October after he was diagnosed positive and he has recovered. In response, the spokesperson of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying, ridiculed Trump’s recovery, claiming that he hoped that other patients in the United States would also receive the best medical treatment as Trump. As soon as this remark was made, netizens bombarded back at her.

On October 5, Hua Chunying posted on Twitter, “The United States announced yesterday that there were more than 47,000 new confirmed cases and 600 deaths. I am heartbroken for the plight of these patients and sincerely look forward to all these patients. I hope that they can get the same 'best' medical treatment as the President of the United States."

As soon as Hua Chunying's tweet was published, netizens immediately slammed her, demanding that the CCP treat them equally and revoke the special medical benefits of CCP officials and party members.

"Hua Chunying, you are such a shameless spirit!"

"You have completely slapped yourself in the face!"

"The Chinese are the living organ bank of senior officials."

"Cancel the high-level ward, cancel the dual-track system of retirement benefits, and cancel the multi-track system of medical insurance."

"Mother Hua, the Chinese people also want to live in the senior ward, and they also want to see a doctor free of charge. The people are more brokenhearted. Can you speak up?"

Zhao Shilin, a retired professor from the mainland, tweeted: "Hua Chunying said that she hopes that ordinary American patients can be treated like the president. I very much agree. We are all Chinese, should we first require ordinary Chinese patients to see a doctor? How about high-level executives?"

Zhao Shilin said: "We do not dare to expect to go to the high-level ward. We only hope that the high-level ward will be cancelled. This will immediately solve the problem of the unsightly and expensive medical treatment of all Chinese people. Facing the current medical situation in China, how confident is are you?"

President Trump was admitted to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland in the evening.

White House doctor Conley issued a statement on 3 October, saying that President Trump’s physical condition continues to improve, and his condition has improved substantially since his diagnosis.

Conley revealed that Trump has used the antiviral drug Remdesivir and a series of immune system-enhancing drugs, including the immune system-enhancing injections being tested by the American Regeneron Pharmaceuticals although this drug has not yet been approved by the United States.

At present, Trump's health continues to improve, and he may be discharged from the hospital and return to the White House within five days.


News (2) 6/10/2020

Hu Xijin rounds up for Hua Chunying: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaks only for outsiders

Reporter : Zhong Jingming / Editor: Xiaohui / / Direct translation

 A few days ago, the spokesperson of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying mentioned the medical treatment of the US President on Twitter, which was forwarded back to China by the party media, triggering a group of netizens to mock the privileges of CCP officials. "Global Times" editor-in-chief Hu Xijin then insulted netizens, claiming that the words of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were "for foreigners only," which aroused the angry condemnation of netizens.

On October 5, Hu Xijin published a blog post about Hua Chunying's scolding, stating, "The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is for foreigners, especially when they use Twitter to speak."

The blog post subsequently claimed that the CCP diplomats "how to do and how to say, it is very professional", alluding to the Chinese netizens who ridiculed Hua Chunying as "unprofessional", and used crude language such as "cheap" and "wrong butt". These netizens.

Hu Xijin's blog post on behalf of Hua Chunying "round the field" once again aroused the anger of Chinese netizens.

In response to the sentence "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaks for foreigners", netizens ridiculed, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a country dare not let the people know about it. It is unheard of!", "(Speaking) Chinese leeks are not worth listening to outsiders. ", "The Chinese can't speak, nor can they listen to it this time.", "Isn't the Constitution also made for foreigners..."

Images above (from top) : Hu Xijin's post and his Global Times report

Some netizens also questioned Hu Xijin, since Hua Chunying’s Twitter is “only for foreigners”, why does the Global Times translate it into Chinese and put it on the Internet?

Some netizens ridiculed that Hua Chunying's ridicule of American Yin and Yang was "very professional" and denounced Hu Xijin for "covering people's mouth blatantly and adding the phrase "degrading", which is extremely shameless."

On October 4, Hua Chunying published an English tweet about the hospitalization of US President Trump infected with the epidemic. The tweet first expressed "sympathy" to people infected with the CCP virus in the United States, and then sarcastically said, "I sincerely hope that they can receive the ‘best’ treatment and care of the president."

The Chinese Communist Party media translated and forwarded this tweet to China, which triggered a public condemnation. Chinese netizens did not accuse the United States of "medical injustice," but instead complained about the privileges of the CCP's dignitaries.

Many netizens retorted and pointed out that the privilege of officials is the most distinctive feature of the CCP. A group of high-ranking officials have seized 80% of the country's medical resources, while the people at the bottom look down on the disease and can only fend for themselves. Others asked Hua Chunying, "Does the medical treatment of Chinese people and General Secretary Xi have the same?", "I really hope that the treatment of Chinese people can be the same as that of veterans."

Image above : Screenshot of Hua Chunying's tweet.

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