Sunday, August 8, 2021

Beware of Disease X, CCP’s PLA scientists are developing more lethal diseases

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on infectious diseases, disease control and CCP

News (1)

Beware of Disease X and stop the virus before it broke out

9 August 2021 is Singapore's 56th National Day. The ceremonial parade has started at 9 am.

The spectre of the pandemic continues to linger. Since the covid epidemic started in Singapore, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has warned the citizens that there may be a more infectious disease coming along the way. He called it the "Disease X" on 3 September 2020 during his Parliament speech. 

What is Disease X? It refers to man-made disease that can infect from human-to-human and cause another disastrous pandemic. The world needs to find out the cause of "Disease X" and tries to stop the experiments on harmful viruses and stop potential disease transmission before a virus outbreak becomes a disease epidemic and eventually another pandemic.

Lee Hsien Loong warned that it is only a matter of time before Disease X happens.

The following news discusses the possible "Disease X" and the body organizations responsible for development research on Disease X include the laboratories of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s People's Liberation Army (PLA) that work together with civilian laboratories. 

Please read further to find out more.

News (2) to (10) / Reports by : Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

 News (2)

 China’s next more dangerous bioweapon and how the U.S. is helping them build it

 Since the 1990s, U.S. universities and research institutions have been colonized by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientists.


Through a process called “scientific chain migration,” the first wave of CCP and PLA scientists, once established in laboratories in the U.S., invite their colleagues, who now have created a critical mass of CCP and PLA scientists in the U.S. collaborating with scientists in China linked to its biowarfare program, all supplemented with U.S. funding, skills and knowledge.


Leveraging its extensive, integrated military-civilian biowarfare program, Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientists supervised the creation of the genetically-engineered SARS-CoV-2 capable of multiple pathological effects beyond that of naturally-occurring respiratory viruses, one also pre-adapted for human infection.


News (3)


Yan Limeng: SARS-CoV-2 is an effective bioweapon


According to Dr. Yan Limeng's second report, the covid virus (SARS-CoV-2) succeeded in fulfilling the following criteria of an effective bioweapon as described in 2005 by PLA General Yang Ruifu:

1.     It is significantly virulent and can cause large scale casualties.

2.     It is highly contagious and transmits easily, often through respiratory routes in the form of aerosols. The most dangerous scenario would be that it allows for human-to-human transmission.

3.     It is relatively resistant to environmental changes, can sustain transportation, and is capable of supporting targeted [military] release.

In 2010, General Yang Ruifu together with three of his senior PLA colleagues Xu Zhikai, Qi Zhongtian and Hu Fuqun wrote that the new era required a military microbiology strategy that “should strive to cultivate and bring up a team of scientific and technological talents with strong innovation ability” regarding “pathogenic substances, pathogenic mechanisms and immune mechanisms of important pathogenic microorganisms” “including the construction and management of high-level biosafety laboratories” for research related to “biological warfare.”

They placed a special emphasis on flaviviruses and its envelope protein that “contains many single amino acids that affect viral neurovirulence and neuro-invasiveness.”

News (4)

Sellin: Early loss of taste and smell caused by covid a test of concept for future bioweapons

It is important to note that the envelope protein of the COVID-19 virus is believed to be related to its effect on the central nervous system, for example, the early loss of taste and smell. Perhaps, it was a test of concept for future bioweapons.

News (5)

Sellin: CCP’s PLA scientists are developing more lethal diseases

Flaviviruses are RNA viruses like coronavirus, but are far more dangerous attacking the central nervous system. They include yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, dengue fever and, finally, Zika virus, which is known for infecting pregnant women and causing severe brain damage in their babies.

 Although flaviviruses are usually only transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects and are diseases not common in the United States, the PLA may be in the process of changing that situation.

The PLA has long had an extensive flavivirus military-civilian research program, which uses genetic engineering to create new combination viruses such as a combined Japanese encephalitis-Zika virus and conducts “gain of function” experiments, also using genetic engineering, making native Zika viruses more infectious.

The PLA has also shown a keen interest in and has conducted numerous studies on the American strain of Zika virus.

 News (6)

 PLA is experimenting on human-to-human transmission of RNA viruses

 The types of experiments on flaviviruses now underway by the PLA are similar to those that were done for the creation of COVID-19.

 PLA scientists have already begun studies on possible human-to human transmission of Zika virus via intranasal inoculation of non-human primates and the transmission between animals in close proximity.

 Similar research on aerosol and contact transmission following intranasal infection of mice with Japanese Encephalitis Virus have been conducted by scientists in China.

 Viral modifications could make a mosquito-transmitted flavivirus more deadly in a point attack or, using genetic engineering and other “gain of function” techniques, it would be a relatively small step to enhance their human-to-human infectivity.

 News (7)

 China’s huge strides in RNA virus research, massive biowarfare program

 China has made huge strides in flavivirus research by exploiting its multilayered, fused military-civilian biowarfare program of concurrent pathogen and vaccine development including the contributions made by numerous China-trained scientists operating in U.S. research centers.

 Overall, China’s massive biowarfare program operates at three levels.

 There is a core secret military level composed of military research centers and hospitals.

 The second level includes all universities and “civilian” research centers, like the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because in China there is no difference between military and civilian research.

 News (8)

 CCP’s Thirteenth Five Year Plan covers civilian-military research

The fusion of civilian and military research was mandated by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Thirteenth Five Year Plan in 2016.

That second level allows the core secret military level to access knowledge and skills from the third level of China’s biowarfare program, international universities and research centers, particularly those in the U.S.

The organization of China’s flavivirus biowarfare program illustrates the fusion of military and civilian research and its links to U.S. personnel and resources as shown in the following images.

 Level 1 – Core, secret military bioweapons program.

Level 2 – Chinese universities and civilian research centers.

Level 3 – CCP and PLA scientists in the U.S. conducting ongoing research with colleagues in the People’s Republic of China.

The extensive research links between Shi Pei-Yong of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and the CCP People’s Liberation Army have been described in detail in earlier Gateway Pundit articles as follows:-

News (9)

Direct link between the PLA and Pentagon-funded virus research centre

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Jin Ningyi and retired General Xia Xianzhu, are core elements of CCP China’s biowarfare program. 

At least four subordinates of Xia Xianzhu and Jin Ningyi have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: He Biao, Fan Quanshui, Tu Changchun and Wu Zhiqiang.

Biao He, together with Wang Changjun of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Yan Limeng to be the viral backbones for SARS-CoV-2. 

A direct connection between the PLA’s Changchun research centres in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston has been established.

UTMB is a major virus research centre heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses. 

The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centres in Jilin Province is Shi Pei-Yong. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB. 

Shi Peiyong has also been an Honorary Professor at the Wuhan Institute of Virology since 2007 and received more than $5 million in research funding from Fauci’s NIAID. 

A key connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centres in Jilin Province and UTMB is Wang Hualei. 

Both Shi Peiyong and Wang Hualei are listed as co-authors of a scientific article published on October 6, 2020, but Hualei hides his military affiliation, which appears in a 2018 Chinese publication. 

Wang Hualei is shown in a photo with General Xianzhu Xia, one of the leaders of the Chinese military’s Changchun research centres in Jilin Province.

Wang Hualei was chosen for “Wanren Jihua,” a 2012 national program of 10,000 high-level talents, who are at least partially focused on infiltration and accessing intellectual property globally.

Wang Tian and Soong Lynn, who were trained in the People’s Republic of China, are the leaders of the UTMB training program supported by Fauci’s NIAID. Soong Lynn is a member of the Pentagon-funded UTMB Center for Biodefense & Emerging Infectious Diseases.

News (10)

Fauci funded research led to patents for PLA

Shi Peiyong was trained in the People’s Republic of China and is now a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.

Since 2007, Shi Peiyong has also been an Honorary Professor at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and he has been funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 2004.

That research has led to Chinese patents assigned to Shi Pei-Yong and the CCP People’s Liberation Army, in particular, to Qin Cheng Feng.

Shi Peiyong, who has been working with the PLA, is part of a 2021 Fauci grant for $926,569.

Chinese patent application number 201810076027.7 dated 26 October 2018 lists the patent holders as the Academy of Military Sciences of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Shi Peiyong.

As scientific support, that Chinese patent application cites the 2017 article “A live-attenuated Zika virus vaccine candidate induces sterilizing immunity in mouse models,” which was funded by NIAID grant number AI120942.

 A second Chinese patent, WO2019144874A1, dated 23 January 2019, also lists the patent holders as the Academy of Military Sciences of the CCP People’s Liberation Army and Shi Peiyong.

The three scientific articles used to support the claims made in the second Chinese patent were funded by NIAID grants AI120942, AI127744, AI073755 and AI104972.

Strangely, the recipient of NIAID grant AI127744, Wang Tian, does not appear as an author on the Chinese military-dominated article that, nevertheless, cites it as a funding source. So, some type of fund shifting may have occurred.

The final oddity is the 20 August 2015 U.S. patent for “Novel Attenuated Dengue Virus Strains for vaccine application” submitted by Shi Peiyong and Qin Chengfeng, one of the patent holders being the Chinese military’s Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology.

In that U.S. patent application, Qin Chengfeng hides his affiliation with the People’s Liberation Army, listing Singapore as his work location.

There are no scientific references in the U.S. patent application and it is unclear from where the financial support came from.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. His email address is



The non-transparent PLA labs and what is to be done?


News (11) to (13) / Reporter : Lily Zhou, The Epoch Times PREMIUM

News (11)

Data suggest vaccines make 'limited difference in infectiousness' of Delta variant

Early analysis from Public Health England (PHE) suggests that vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant (Covi72) of SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus, covi), which causes COVID-19, may be as infectious as their unvaccinated counterparts.


This coincides with a recent study from the United States, where similar results were observed in Wisconsin.

PHE revealed in a statement, “Some initial findings … indicate that levels of virus in those who become infected with Delta having already been vaccinated may be similar to levels found in unvaccinated people.”


PHE added, “This may have implications for people’s infectiousness, whether they have been vaccinated or not. However, this is early exploratory analysis, and further targeted studies are needed to confirm whether this is the case.”


Covi72 is currently the dominant covi variant in England.


In a technical briefing (pdf) published on 6 August 2021, PHE said that NHS Test and Trace case data show that since 14 June, where cycle threshold (Ct) value data are available, the mean and median lowest Ct values are similar between vaccinated and unvaccinated people with Covi72, “with a median of 17.8 for unvaccinated and 18.0 for those with 2 vaccine doses.”


Ct value is the number of cycles needed to boost the viral signal in a sample when conducting an RT-PCR test.


The non-age-stratified data indicate that “whilst vaccination may reduce an individual’s overall risk of becoming infected, once they are infected there is limited difference in viral load (and Ct values) between those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated,” PHE said.


“Given they have similar Ct values, this suggests limited difference in infectiousness,” the document reads, adding that test-seeking behaviour and true changes in the data, such as the age distribution of cases, can influence the findings.


In a recent study from Wisconsin, the United States observed a similar result.


The preprint of the Wisconsin study, which is not yet peer-reviewed, said that “no difference in viral loads” was found when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections, and that “individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.”


However, these findings contradict the findings of a recent study by Imperial College London (ICL).

The ICL-led Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission-1 study published the preprint of its latest report, which says that among all positive tests, the median Ct value was 27.6 for vaccinated participants and 23.1 for unvaccinated participants, suggesting that vaccinated people are less likely to pass the virus on to others.


News (12)


Vaccines ‘may be less effective’ against Lambda variant

In a separate statement, PHE said that “there is preliminary laboratory evidence to suggest that vaccination and previous infection may be less effective at preventing infection” with the Lambda variant/C.37 (Covi37).


“However, this data is very limited and more research is required. There is no evidence to suggest that [it] is more transmissible than the dominant Delta variant,” it said.


According to PHE, England has 37 confirmed cases of Covi37.


In a new risk assessment (pdf), PHE said that while there are no real-world data on vaccine effectiveness against the variant, pseudovirus data from the UK indicate that it may evade vaccine-derived immunity.


News (13)


Covi37 evades natural immunity from previous Covi72 infections


The document also said there’s evidence indicating that the Lambda variant evades natural immunity from previous Delta infections.


A recently published preprint of a Japanese study said the Covi37 exhibits higher infectivity and immune resistance.


The latest official data show that 88.9 percent of the UK’s adults have received at least one dose of a CCP virus vaccine, and 74.1 percent have received both doses.


Case numbers in the recent wave of infections peaked at a similar level to those seen in January but the numbers of hospitalisations and deaths were far lower than those of the last wave.


There is currently no long-term data on the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines.

News (14) to (15) / Reporter : Jack Philipps, The Epoch Times PREMIUM / Image : Web Screenshot

News (14)

Fauci expects flood of covid vaccine mandates after FDA approval

Reporter : Jack Philipps, The Epoch Times PREMIUM / Image : Web Screenshot

Biden administration COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said over the weekend that he hopes covi vaccines will be fully approved by federal drug regulators in “the next few weeks,” noting in another interview that he believes a “flood” of vaccine mandates will be handed down after that.

 With full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, it’s likely that more institutions and businesses will begin to issue vaccine mandates. Currently, vaccines made by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are being distributed under FDA emergency use authorization.

 Speaking on NBC on 8 August, Fauci, also the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that he hopes that “it will be within the next few weeks” and “within the month of August.”

If the FDA approves the vaccine, Fauci said he believes it will drive more Americans to be vaccinated. On 7 August, he told USA Today that he expects numerous vaccine-related mandates will be implemented by private entities after they receive FDA approval.

Fauci said, “Organizations, enterprises, universities, colleges that have been reluctant to mandate at the local level will feel much more confident. They can say, ‘If you want to come to this college or this university, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this plant, you have to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this enterprise, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this hospital, you’ve got to get vaccinated.'”

In the USA Today interview, Fauci also suggested that more lockdowns will be needed.

News (15)

Fauci: Vaccinated people carry about the same amount of Covi72 as unvaccinated people but vaccines may protect the individual from severe covid

Last week, Fauci said in an interview that vaccinated people carry about the same amount of the Delta variant (Covi72) as unvaccinated people.

Fauci said during a CBS News segment, “When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected.”

However on 8 August 2021, Fauci said he believes the COVID-19 vaccines perform well against the Delta variant, although mainly in protecting an individual from “severe disease.”

Fauci said, “If you give the virus the chance to continue to change, you’re leading to a vulnerability that we might get a worse variant and then that will impact not only the unvaccinated, that will impact the vaccinated because that variant could evade the protection of the vaccine.”

Fauci’s comments come as President Joe Biden’s administration is weighing what levers it can pull to encourage more unvaccinated Americans to receive the vaccine.

Biden recently approved rules requiring federal workers to provide proof of vaccination or face regular testing, mask mandates, and travel restrictions. Biden is also awaiting a formal recommendation from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on potentially requiring U.S. troops to be vaccinated.

 According to Johns Hopkins data, about 35 million confirmed covid cases were reported across the U.S. as of 7 August 2021.

News (16) to (21) / Report by : Joseph Mercola, The Epoch Times PREMIUM / Image courtesy : casanisa/Shutterstock


News (16) 

Fighting disease and depression with fermented edibles

Recent research has shown that fermented foods can not only improve gut microbiome diversity, but lower the inflammatory response in your body that affects conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). While I was still in active practice, I was passionate about helping people with RA.


In fact, I treated more than 3,000 people with this disease, 80 percent to 85 percent of whom experienced significant recovery, if not remission. One of the hallmark symptoms of RA is pain in the proximal joints of the hands or feet.


These are the joints that are closer to the palm of your hand as opposed to joints further out in your fingers. RA is also often symmetrical, which means it affects the same joints in both hands or feet. The condition is far less common than osteoarthritis.


In joints that are affected by RA, the lining becomes inflamed from an autoimmune and inflammatory response that causes your body’s own immune system to attack itself. This can trigger chronic pain, loss of balance, and deformities.


Unlike osteoarthritis, which damages the cartilage between the bones in your joints, RA can also affect other tissues outside of the joints, such as the eyes, heart, and lungs. Many people with RA experience fatigue, low-grade fever, and symptoms that vary from day to day.


In a search of health care claim databases from 2004 to 2014, researchers found the prevalence of RA in the U.S. population ranged from 0.41 to 0.54 percent. This varied substantially in each year and by gender and age. However, the data also revealed that the rate appeared to increase during that period, which affected a conservative estimate of up to 1.36 million adults by 2014.


A later study in 2019 indicated there has been a global rise in prevalence and incidence of RA. At the regional level, it appeared to be highest in the high-income areas of North America, the Caribbean, and Western Europe.

The lowest rates were found in Western sub-Saharan Africa, southeast Asia, and Oceania. The most recent 2021 study offers an insight into reducing the inflammatory response and, potentially, the damage caused by RA.

News (17)


Fermented edibles reduce inflammatory proteins

Researchers from Stanford Medicine published their data in the journal Cell, in which they evaluated 19 inflammatory protein biomarkers from 36 healthy adults who were randomly assigned to eating either fermented or high-fiber foods over a 10-week intervention period. Both diets have shown an ability to impact gut microbiome in past scientific studies.


In this clinical trial, researchers sought to evaluate how two microbiota-targeted diet interventions could modulate the gut microbiome. They found the gut microbiome and immune system effects on the participants were different. The scientists measured stool and blood samples collected during a three-week period before the intervention diet started, during the intervention, and during a four-week period after the diet ended.


The data revealed that eating foods such as kefir, fermented cottage cheese, vegetable brine drinks, kombucha tea, and kimchi in other fermented vegetables increase the overall microbial diversity in a dose-dependent manner. The primary outcome of the study was a cytokine response score, which remained unchanged.


However, the data also showed that a high-fermented food diet increased microbial community diversity and decreased inflammatory markers, particularly interleukin-6 that has been linked to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic stress, and Type 2 diabetes.


In contrast to the reduction of inflammatory markers in a group eating fermented foods, those eating a high-fiber diet that consisted of legumes, seeds, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables showed no change in inflammatory markers or microbial diversity. Erica Sonnenburg was on the research team and said in a press release:


“We expected high fiber to have a more universally beneficial effect and increase microbiota diversity. The data suggest that increased fiber intake alone over a short time period is insufficient to increase microbiota diversity.


“It is possible that a longer intervention would have allowed for the microbiota to adequately adapt to the increase in fiber consumption. Alternatively, the deliberate introduction of fiber-consuming microbes may be required to increase the microbiota’s capacity to break down the carbohydrates.”


The researchers concluded that fermented foods could be a valuable strategy to counteract a decreasing microbial diversity and increasing inflammatory response that is ubiquitous in Western society.


Additionally, another researcher postulated that other means of targeting the gut microbiome may include probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary interventions that could affect bacterial health, and therefore your immune health.

News (18)


Fermentation creates healthy bioavailable end products

Historically, the primary reason for fermenting foods was to preserve it. Over time, many cultures incorporated these foods into their daily diet and were shared with the world. For example, Japanese natto, Korean kimchi, and German sauerkraut are popular in many areas outside the respective places of origin.


The process is controlled by microorganisms and the type of food being fermented. There is a growing consensus that the fermentation process has nutritional benefits by transforming the food and forming bioavailable end products, including an increase in density of vitamins.


When you consume fermented foods, live cultures give you the primary benefits. Unfortunately, fermented foods in the grocery store don’t usually contain live cultures. Instead, before packaging, they might be baked, pasteurized, filtered, or smoked. During the fermentation process, biologically active peptides are formed. In one paper published in Nutrients, the authors wrote:

“Fermentation was found to increase antioxidant activity of milks, cereals, fruit and vegetables, meat and fish. Anti-hypertensive peptides are detected in fermented milk and cereals. Changes in vitamin content are mainly observed in fermented milk and fruits.


“Fermented milk and fruit juice were found to have probiotic activity. Other effects such as anti-diabetic properties, FODMAP [fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols] reduction, and changes in fatty acid profile are peculiar of specific food categories.”

According to the authors of a paper published in Clinical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, the bacteria in fermented foods produce peptides that have multiple health benefits. The authors said, "Among these peptides, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which have shown the ability to lower blood pressure, exopolysaccharides exhibit prebiotic properties, bacteriocins show anti-microbial effects, sphingolipids have anti-carcinogenic and anti-microbial properties, and bioactive peptides exhibit anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, opioid antagonist, anti-allergenic, and blood pressure lowering effects …

“As a result, fermented foods provide many health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic activity.”


News (19)

Gut bacteria plays a leading role in mental health

Scientific evidence has demonstrated that your gut microbiome plays a leading role in your mental health. Researchers have found there is bidirectional communication between your gut microbiome and your central nervous system. It is called the gut-brain axis and mounting evidence has demonstrated that dysbiosis, an imbalance in your microbiome, is associated with triggering mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.


Some have coined the term “psychobiome” to describe the crucial connection between your gut bacteria and how you think, feel, and act. A small start-up lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is researching human stool samples with a focus on brain drugs.


As Science Magazine reports, the small company hopes to capitalize on the mounting scientific evidence from animal studies and epidemiological studies that your gut microbiome is linked to health conditions such as anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism.


As of 2020, the company had developed “one of the world’s largest collections of human gut microbes” over a short five years. When talking to reporters from Science, the company CEO said the initial targets were depression, insomnia, and visceral pain conditions that are typical of irritable bowel syndrome.


Two types of gut bacteria, in particular Coprococcus and Dialister bacteria, have been shown to be “consistently depleted” in individuals diagnosed with clinical depression. According to the authors of a study published in the April 2019 issue of Nature Microbiology:


“We studied how microbiome features correlate with host quality of life and depression.


“Butyrate-producing Faecalibacterium and Coprococcus bacteria were consistently associated with higher quality of life indicators. Together with Dialister, Coprococcus spp. were also depleted in depression, even after correcting for the confounding effects of antidepressants.”


Other studies have also identified microbial profiles associated with better or worse mental health conditions. For example, a 2016 research study found the relative abundance of Actinobacteria was higher and Bacteroidetes was lower in depressed individuals compared to healthy controls.


Another study in 2015 found patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder had higher amounts of Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria, and lower amounts of Firmicutes than healthy controls.

News (20)


Kimchi can provide Vitamin K2       

One of the benefits of the fermenting process is that it can improve the nutritional value of a particular food. For example, kimchi has antioxidant properties associated with lipid-lowering cardiovascular benefits, antimicrobial action, immune system activity, and anti-atherogenic activity.


Fermented plants also provide high concentrations of vitamin K2. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is an important element for your heart health. In fact, results from the Rotterdam study published in 2004 looked at causes of diseases in the elderly, and determined that those who had consumed the highest amount of vitamin K2 were less likely to experience severe calcification in their arteries and die from heart disease.


K2 is also important for bone health and osteoporosis prevention. However, vitamin K does not store well in your body, so it’s depleted quickly if you do not get it regularly from your food. But what kinds of foods are the best ones to get the vitamin K2 you need? One thing the Rotterdam study made clear was there is a difference between vitamin K1 and K2 content in foods.


While K1 was found to be present in high amounts in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and cabbage, K2 was only present in high amounts in fermented foods. K2, or menaquinone, is produced by bacteria in your gut and can be found in some animal products, a few plants such as spinach, radish leaves, spring onions, and fermented foods, particularly kimchi and cheeses.

Although natto is a soy product that is also high in K2, I do not promote soy products because most of the soy sold and eaten in the West is genetically modified and grown with highly toxic herbicides.

News (21)


Tips to making fermented food

If you have RA or other chronic ailments that are rooted in inflammation, your diet is an important first step to facilitate healing. In a previous article, “Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication Implicated in Death of Popular Musician: How Natural Treatment Options May Help You Avoid the Same Fate,” I outline many of the recommendations that I used for patients who had RA when I was in practice. Among those recommendations is eating fermented foods.


It’s becoming more popular to eat fermented foods at home, yet preparing them has largely become a lost art. Probiotic-rich foods, such as fermented vegetables and homemade yogurt, will boost the population of beneficial bacteria, which then reduces potentially pathogenic colonies.

Since many of the yogurts sold on grocery store shelves are fruit flavored and sweetened with sugar, they do not help promote overall healthy gut flora. To make yogurt at home, you only need a high-quality starter culture and raw, grass-fed milk. You’ll find simple step-by-step instructions in “Benefits of Homemade Yogurt Versus Commercial.”


One of the few soy products that I recommend is natto, if you can obtain the soybeans organically grown. Natto is a fermented soy you can easily make at home. The fermentation process removes the disadvantages of eating raw or cooked soy, so you’re left with a dish that’s filled with probiotics and nutrients. If you have not tried natto before, I urge you to give fresh, homemade natto a try.


You can also experiment with fermenting just about any vegetable. Some of the more popular are cucumbers (pickles) and cabbage (sauerkraut). Once you have the basic method down, it is not difficult.


Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of An osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health. This article was originally published on

News (22)

Hundreds protest vaccination mandates in Michigan

Reporter / Images : Steven Kovac, The Epoch Times PREMIUM

About 800 protesters gathered Friday afternoon on the grounds outside the Michigan State Capitol to rally against government mandates for vaccinations and masks.

 In a call for residents to push back against the government’s increasingly intrusive health policies and protect Americans’ rights during the pandemic, Tammy Clark, executive director of the conservative group “Stand Up Michigan,” encouraged the audience to let their voices be heard through non-violent civil disobedience.

 “If we don’t stop this now, we won’t get another chance,” Clark said. “Let’s show the government that the employees of this country will not tolerate this tyranny. We have inalienable rights and we are not going to give them up. We must refuse to comply with the vaccine mandates and forced mask-wearing at all costs. If you lose your job, go out and get another job!”

 Among the many health care workers in the crowd were two cousins, Beatrice and Christina, both nurses who potentially face losing their jobs if they do not take the vaccine.

Beatrice, a nurse from Troy, Michigan, told The Epoch Times, “Being forced to take the shot or lose your job is like me telling a patient, ‘Take your pills or I won’t feed you, bathe you, or care for you.’ Both instances violate the nurse’s code of ethics.”

Beatrice continued, “Christina and I grew up in communist Romania where doctors put things in your arm against your will. We know what this is. We lived under it. It’s communism.”

ICU nurse Christina added, “Imagine being banned from shopping for groceries at a store. Americans haven’t lived through that kind of tyranny yet. Many of our fellow health care workers feel as we do but are afraid to speak up.”

Pastor Jason Georges, who spoke at the rally, used his remarks to outline what he called the “immorality” of the government’s vaccination messaging.

“The Biden administration has been denying they are forcing you to get vaccinated but they have publicly stated that they intend to make your life so uncomfortable that you will have to take the vaccine,” he said.

“First, they take our rights. Then, they redefine our God-given inalienable rights as privileges. Then, they attempt to bribe us into compliance with promises of restoring some of those ‘privileges.’”

Medical doctor David Vella warned the crowd against what he called a “new age of medical fascism.” He labeled mandated vaccinations as “a coerced gene treatment” that violates the Hippocratic Oath, the U.S. Constitution, and every international human rights declaration, including the Nuremberg Code.

Vella said the American people are suffering from “a mass neurosis” of fear.

“Renounce fear. Shake off anxiety, follow the science. Stand up and fight for medical freedom,” urged Vella. “There is no other America out there coming to save us. We must save ourselves. If we do not use the power we have, we will lose it.”

The vaccination mandate extends to health system employees even if they are working remotely, one inpatient medical coder who wished to remain anonymous told The Epoch Times. “I am being forced to be vaccinated or lose my job. My last hope is a religious exemption.”

With the onset of the new school year, many of Michigan’s universities have announced that on-campus residents will have to be vaccinated, with some schools such as Michigan State University also requiring the wearing of masks in college buildings.

Many major health care providers throughout the state, including Henry Ford Health Systems, Beaumont Health Systems, Spectrum Health, and the VA Medical Center of Battle Creek, have already instituted or announced plans for vaccination mandates.

Thus far, a number of Michigan’s big private sector employers, such as major automakers, have only introduced mask mandates.

According to the state of Michigan, covid infections are currently averaging about 1,300 per day.

Since the virus arrived in Michigan in the spring of 2020, more than 900,000 residents have been infected and recovered. To date, about 20,000 in the state have died of covid or related causes—many in nursing homes.

Michigan’s Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has repeatedly gone on record, even as recently as last week, saying that her administration is not considering introducing vaccine passports for residents, or vaccination mandates for state employees.

In legislative efforts to protect against government overreach on individual liberties, several Republican-sponsored bills have been winding their way through the GOP-controlled state legislature to prohibit any state entity from funding, creating, producing, or distributing a vaccine passport, and forbidding any governmental entity from fining someone for not being vaccinated.

Translation of external news on disease control and Taiwan

News (23) to (29) / Reporter : Jiang Zhiwei 

News (23)

After diagnosis of COVID-19 and recovery, Research: The key to many organ failures in the body is still affected by it! 

Image : Web Screenshot (Photographer : Chen Ruhuan)

The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 (covid, for short) in Taiwan has exceeded 15,000, and the patients continue to recover. Among them, 30-40% will have sequelae.

According to foreign research and statistics, more than 30% of people will have sequelae. Among them, 30-40% will have symptoms such as breathing difficulties, lung function decline, headaches, and mental decline. Covid recovery has a great impact on organs! 

After contracting covid, how long does the covid symptoms last before it is considered a long-term symptom of COVID-19? According to the study of Columbia University, it is defined as more than 4 weeks. 

The UK has recently targeted more than 20,000 people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the investigation finally found that even at 12 weeks, 13.7% of people who tested positive for covi still reported symptoms caused by the covi infection.” 

Faced with the continuous mutation of the virus, countries around the world are doing their best to diagnose covid. The number of people is suppressed, and the local epidemic in Taiwan has impacted many people's livelihoods and economies.

 At the moment of the severe epidemic, more than 10,000 confirmed cases have been accumulated. However, after the release of quarantine, the real difficult challenge for the survivors began. 

Chen Dunjie, Director of the Infection Control Office of Datong Hospital in Kaohsiung, said, " Covid-19  may cause some long-term complications. This could include fibrosis in the lungs after the pneumonia infection in infected people later. There are long-term coughs and even the need for long-term use of oxygen to cause pulmonary fibrosis.” 

Infection of covid causes "stress syndrome". It may also be the effect of the virus itself on the nerves. So, some patients have anxiety nervousness, and covi may also affect the kidneys. The key is chronic inflammation, which causes chronic kidney inflammation, and the risk of blood clots may appear. 

News (24)

Taiwan medical specialist reveals symptoms of long covid

Xu Zhixin, an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine at National Cheng Kung University Hospital, said, "Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 will still have some persistent symptoms. We call it Long Covid. The human body’s circulation, digestion, breathing, skin, neuromusculoskeletal, endocrine, immune and other systems produce a variety of different symptoms.” 

Lin Yichang, attending physician/professor of Beirong Infectious Diseases Department, said, “Many countries in Europe and the United States are infected with the epidemic because of the large number of people. These sequelae are even more concerned by everyone, and they may also cause a certain burden on medical care. At present, the pathogenesis and risk factors of the long-term symptoms of covid are still unclear. At present, there are quite a lot of clinical trials abroad that are targeting these people with sequelae have undergone different treatment comparisons. There are relatively few infected people in our country but the hospital has noticed the problem of sequelae.” 

The doctor pointed out that most patients who have recovered from covid do not know why they have symptoms, some people will choose to endure silently. 

Xu Zhixin, an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine at National Chengchi University Hospital, said, "At present, we know that the symptoms of long covid include headache, fatigue, dizziness, earache, tinnitus, sore throat, cough, depression, insomnia, cognitive decline, etc. If the covid survivors still have the above symptoms, it is recommended that they should return to the clinic and arrange an examination for further evaluation and treatment. 


News (25)

Entering the stage of coexistence with covid, "regular quick screening" will prove this

Images : Video Screenshots

Image : Taiwan covi vaccination proof 

There are more than 10,000 confirmed cases of covid in Taiwan. Although the epidemic has slowed down and the epidemic alert has been reduced from Level 3 to Level 2, can Taiwan gradually return to normal life? 

Experts analyze that because there are few hidden cases in the community, strict border control is the most important besides measures such as masks and safe distancing. 

The public's mentality is to do a good job of coexisting with covid and taking a positive view of rapid screening. It is recommended that the government encourages implementation of quick screening authentication mechanism establishing a safe activity field. 

 After the epidemic alert in Taiwan has been reduced from Level 3 to Level 2. people who have already received the first dose of vaccine will receive COVID-19 vaccination record cards.

Experts suggest that the command centre should launch a health code as soon as possible, which can record screening reports and vaccination records.

Professor Zhuang Kairen of the Department of Medicine at Taipei Medical University said, "Since the covid outbreak in 2019, we understand for the future of mankind, we must learn to coexist with the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a system of rapid screening certification and vaccination certification. Like in the United States, Canada, the European Union and other countries, they allow the public to be able to download apps through mobile phones, can effectively upload their personal screening information, vaccination information and even some passport information, allowing people to easily enter and exit public places, take transportation to participate in large-scale events, and even enter and exit the country." 

News (26)

Establish a rapid screening and certification mechanism to prevent another outbreak

Scholars believe the government should deploy in advance to establish a rapid screening and certification mechanism, which can also become the basis for epidemic prevention in more industries and venues. 

People can also obtain government-approved negative screening certificates after they go to various medical institutions for quick screening at their own expense. 

News (27)

Experts urge Taiwan to come up with a mobile app for quick screening

National Yangming Jiaotong University School of Medicine Professor/Physician Fang Wenliang said, "If these can be integrated into the mobile app, it will be very practical. We also expect the government to plan the establishment of the app as soon as possible, and integrate this information so that people can go out with peace of mind. After all, covid may turn into  flu in the future so that people can coexist with the disease early, and a mobile phone app can let the people reduce the chance of getting infected.”

In in the future,  good use of quick screening proof to participate in activities such as large-scale gatherings, art performances, or dining at specific restaurants, etc., as important certificates are incentives for employees to go to work or consumers to enter the venues. 

News (28)

Suggest health codes integrate vaccination proof, screening certificates, antibody test results

Professor/Physician Fang Wenliang, National Yangming Jiaotong University School of Medicine, said, "With the gradual downgrade of epidemic prevention, more and more people will gather in indoor venues, such as concert halls, libraries, restaurants, cinemas, etc. How can people be at ease? When entering these places, the establishment of mobile health code apps has become more and more important. It can integrate people’s vaccination certificates, screening certificates, antibody test results, etc. In the future, if people need to go abroad, they can also show the so-called 'vaccine passport'." 

Liao Yongbai, a professor in the Department of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, said, "Home-use quick screening reagents can quickly identify suspected positive cases, which can help block the chain of virus transmission as soon as possible. For people with overlapping footprints of confirmed cases, home fast screening reagents are the most flexible and practical testing tools." 

News (29)

Taiwan realizes the importance of co-existing with the epidemic

In response to the future epidemic era, co-existing with the covid epidemic will become the new normal of life as soon as possible. It is very important to construct a digital epidemic prevention record.

Yang Yiqing, Dean of the Preparatory Office of the Senior Hospital of Chengdu University Hospital, told TVBS, "The content can include a negative screening test, whether it is antigen rapid screening or nucleic acid testing, various vaccination records, and antibody tests, etc. Information can be presented in different vehicles, such as mobile health insurance cards, or future digital ID cards and passports. The digital epidemic prevention record has become an important voucher for shaping the epidemic prevention field. It can be used as a domestic event to travel with peace of mind. It will be used to prevent the use of tickets for international exchanges in the future.” 

Liao Yongbai, a professor in the Department of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, said, “The sensitivity and specificity of the fast screening reagents at home are relatively low. Once the fast screening reagents are abused in low-infection areas, On the contrary, the two major landmines that are detrimental to epidemic prevention will be planted. They are a large number of false positive cases, which will deplete the capacity of quarantine and medical treatment, and "false negative people will relax their vigilance for epidemic prevention due to false optimism." 

Public health scholars pointed out that entering the stage of coexistence with the epidemic, although the rapid screening has false negatives, it is still helpful to identify people with high viral loads. In addition, if the rapid screening is carried out regularly, the people can prove that they are negative, which can be more at ease. 

The Taiwanese government should encourage companies and the public to make good use of the quick test negative certificate to create a reassuring field for epidemic prevention.


News (30)

Effective in epidemic prevention! To quell the mutant virus in a short period of time, famous doctor praise: Taiwanese have done a good job

Intern Editor : Lai Huijin

Taiwan’s confirmed covid cases fell to single digits for three days, showing that the epidemic has been under control. Shi Jingzhong, an obstetrician and gynecologist at National Taiwan University Hospital, said that although an Australian rheumatologist during  the outbreak of the epidemic in May soured Taiwan is "too complacent",  in the past three months, Taiwan's performance in the prevention of this wave of epidemics is commendable. He also mentioned that fortunately, it was not the invasion of the Delta variant (Covi72) at the beginning, otherwise it may not be the situation now. 

Physician Shi Jingzhong posted a post on Facebook applauding the Taiwanese's epidemic prevention performance.

Shi Jingzhong said on Facebook that Dr. Zoë Hyde, an epidemiologist at the University of Western Australia in Australia, once said that Taiwan’s “too complacency” led to a breakthrough in epidemic prevention. However, the epidemic has slowed recently and the local diagnosis has been confirmed. With only single digits, he admired and praised the performance of the people in Taiwan since the outbreak of the epidemic. He said that now all parts of the world are caused by Covi72. 

Shi Jingzhong believes that perhaps it is God’s will. Although many people have contracted and died of a Covi17 outbreak in Taiwan, some time has been gained to allow more than 30% of Taiwan’s patients to be vaccinated in order to welcome Delta that may come. 

 Shi Jingzhong said bluntly, "If the Delta variant  was introduced to Taiwan in the first place, it may not be this situation now." Finally, he did not forget to praise "Taiwanese did a good job", thank Taiwan for never giving up. 



















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