Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Investigations underway on Fauci's correspondences with WHO, CCP and WIV from 1 January 2020

Host : Li Dayu / Publisher : Dayu News Insider / / Extract translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA 

News (1)

Tracking down the truth about the epidemic, US judge ordered to obtain communication records between Fauci and the CCP

First, the accountability over SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus).

We all know that in the US fight against the epidemic this year, there is an expert who frequently speaks at the White House and introduces the progress of epidemic prevention and control. He is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci.

The American conservative organization "Judicial Watch" released a report on 1 October stating that a U.S. federal district judge Dabney L. Friedrich ordered the U.S. Department of Health on 22 September to begin production and submission of all communication records and other records related to the World Health Organization, the CCP government, and the CCP virus outbreak by Fauci and his Deputy H. Clifford Lane, starting from 21 October.

This court order is based on a lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by the "Judicial Watch" on behalf of the "Daily News Foundation" to the Federal District Court in Washington, DC. The reason is that the "Daily Communication News Foundation" requested the US Department of Health to obtain documents of Fauci and his deputies, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically from 1 January to 1 April 2020, all the communications records of the World Health Organization related to the CCP virus issue, and at the same time, all the communications records between them and the CCP government and WHO officials during the same time period were requested. The US Department of Health responded that all corresponding records must be collected and submitted by 30 November after this year’s general election. The collection of all corresponding records began on Sunday. It was 8 months later than the earliest request. These communications involve a total of about 4,200 items. Therefore, the collection will continue until at least 2022. The "Daily Communication News Foundation" hopes that this work can be carried out before the general election. So it entrusted the "Judicial Watch" to file a lawsuit. The US federal judge ruled that the Ministry of Health will start relevant collection on 21 October, which is earlier than the Ministry of Health's proposal. The date is more than a month ahead.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci is responsible for, is one of the 27 institutions of the National Institutes of Health. Because covid is an infectious disease, the research institute chaired by Fauci has emerged in this epidemic, and he and the research institute are even better known. In the first half of the year, Fauci often appeared on the same stage with Trump at the White House's daily epidemic briefing. However, they often disagree with Trump. For example, he confessed that he did not want to call the Covid-19 virus a Chinese virus. Now White House officials actually call it the CCP virus directly. It is estimated that Fauci will not call it that way. In addition, when asked by a reporter, President Trump speaks of the United States. When the lack of surgical masks is fake news, Fauci will overturn Trump’s view and say that reporters have not fabricated facts; when President Trump asked the CCP to tell the United States that there is an epidemic three to four months earlier, Fauci told the media  that Trump's statement is inconsistent with the facts, since three months before  the outbreak of the epidemic in China was September 2019. What he meant was that maybe China did not know the existence of the virus. Fauci continued to say that this shows that Trump should be cautious in his speech.

The big controversy for Fauci is that the "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" that he presided over has funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Communist Party of China to conduct research on functional enhancement of bat coronavirus. The first part of the project began in 2014, with a total investment of 3.7 million US dollars and a period of 5 years. In 2019, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases received another 3.7 million US dollars, which can continue to support related projects for six years of research.

It is not ruled out that based on these Fauci's remarks and the controversy about the flow of funds used, some conservative organizations in the United States began to use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain their communication records to further clarify the truth of the epidemic.

This is about possible accountability for the epidemic in the United States after Trump's strong return to the White House. A recent case was mentioned. It is not directly related to the Trump administration, but it is an action by a conservative group in the United States. It is also an accountability for the epidemic and part of the American Conservatives' action.

By the way, we can also mention that a new epidemic prevention guide issued by the US CDC Prevention officially confirms that the CCP virus can spread more than 2 metres in a confined space. Previously, the US CDC issued a confirmation of airborne transmission, but soon, the related news was deleted, saying that it was accidentally and erroneously released. Now it is officially issued to confirm this situation.

News (2)

U.S., Japan, India and Australia talk to build a new "NATO" in Indo-Pacific, PLA accused of lack of actual combat experience

So, in addition to accountability for the epidemic, the second point is that the Trump administration, militarily, may have further pressure on the CCP.

On 6 October, US Secretary of State Pompeo and Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, and Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar held a "quartet security dialogue" in Tokyo, Japan. As of press time, no specific statement has been issued at the meeting. But the outside world generally believes that this meeting is to study how to restrain the totalitarian CCP. Earlier, many media reported that the United States wanted to establish a small "NATO" in the Indo-Pacific region. The original "NATO" organization was established to contain the former Soviet Union. Now that NATO is established in the Indo-Pacific, it is an alliance tailored for the Chinese Communist regime. The four countries participating in the Quartet meeting are important allies of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region. If an organization similar to NATO is established, their participation is indispensable.

On the CCP’s side, there has been no actual action recently. There was even a military aircraft from the southern war zone that crashed after being hit by a bird. The pilot managed to escape. However, the CCP did a lot of effort in propaganda and did not hesitate.

After Trump was diagnosed, the CCP's military propaganda agency issued at least five military reports in succession, concerning the rocket army in charge of missiles. The relevant news pictures even wrote: We are always ready.

However, the author "Shen Zhou", who often writes military reports, believes that the CCP lacks actual combat experience. Military exercises and training are mainly for propaganda, dealing with superiors, and performing mainly, and it is difficult to be competent in modern warfare. In addition, the CCP has purged out a group of generals who are threats to the current authorities in the political struggle within the party, but the authorities are still not very at ease with the army and are worried about the coup. During this year's Beidaihe meeting, it even continued to emphasize that the army should be "loyal." . Once the war starts rashly, the army's muzzle may not face outward, but inward. Based on these concerns, the CCP is afraid to take the initiative to launch a war.

However the United States is different. The US military has strong technical strength and rich experience in modern combat. It has fought many large-scale wars in recent years. Therefore, if you ask which side is not afraid of going to war, it must be the US side.

Therefore, whether Trump, who returned to the White House after infection, will further pressure the CCP in the military is another concern.

News (3)

Republicans push for Barrett’s nomination confirmation process and still hope it will be completed before the election

So, the third point is that when Trump returns to the White House after the infection, another major thing that Trump may do is to eliminate the resistance caused by the epidemic and let the newly nominated conservative justice "Barrett" enter the Supreme Court as scheduled before the election to hold legal office.

Republican U.S. Senator Thom Tillis, who was also recently diagnosed with infection, told Fox News that he felt good, had no covid symptoms, and was confident that he would soon be approved to vote in the Senate. Tillis is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will hold a hearing on Barrett's nomination on 12 October. Moreover, Senate Majority Leader McConnell mentioned that since May, the Senate has adopted a combination of on-site and online hearings to ensure that some senators can participate online. Therefore, the hearing on 12 October should proceed smoothly as scheduled. After the hearing is passed, the next step is the full vote of the Senate. As long as the vote is passed, Barrett is equal to the official nomination. Now the Republican Party is working hard to promote, as hoped, to send Barrett to the Supreme Court before the November election.

Just now, we talked about three major events that are worth paying attention to after Trump’s return to the White House, the Trump administration and its supporters. There are others, we will only talk about these three points today.

News (4)

Pence, Harris debate, the left and right camps battle the "highlight"

Now that the polling day in the US general election is getting closer, the remaining few presidential and vice presidential debates will be held as scheduled.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Gingrich said that this debate will be very beautiful. What he roughly meant was that these two people are more able to embody the ideologies they represent than Trump and Biden. Because Biden is a veteran politician who speaks fluently and doesn't dare to offend voters in the middle, but his deputy "Kamala Harris" is different. She is a pure ultra-leftist. She is by Biden's side precisely to satisfy the Democratic Party's promotion and the need for a leftist agenda. Correspondingly, Trump often says what American people want to hear. He is very popular but compared to his historical experience in a conservative political environment, his Vice President Pence will be slightly better. Pence has been in politics in Washington for many years and has always adhered to the core values ​​of conservative politics that have a deep understanding of the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution and history.

Therefore, in the evening of 7 October, the only debate between Pence and Harris on the nominee for Vice President will be a tit-for-tat contest between representatives of the two major camps in the United States. Pence is a devout religious believer, a believer in the U.S. Constitution, and a conservative political elite. Harris is a pioneer of the ultra-left and an absolute radical. Two people with different ideologies will surely strike a lot of sparks.

For example, on the issue of BLM, Harris will continue to support them to fight on the streets, or make trouble, while Pence will quell the incident and bring the offenders to justice. Harris will support the reduction of police budgets, and Pence will support the police. There are too many related differences, and everyone will be able to see it.

Their debate is from 9 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern Time on 7 October, and it is the only debate on the nominee of the "Vice President" in this US general election. 

Because the general election is near, everyone is paying more and more attention to the general election debate. The debate between Trump and Biden last week was still concerned, not just Chinese netizens, but also Americans, and some people are analyzing some doubts in this debate scene.

News (5)

Biden cheating record leaked? He may refuse to end the debate on the grounds of the virus

I heard a piece of audio recently, and I haven’t confirmed its authenticity, but it’s funny. This audio is said to be a live cheating recording of the Democratic presidential candidate Biden at the scene of the debate with Trump last week. This may be someone contacting him through a miniature headset, sending him questions, and helping him to point out the main points of the debate, in real time at the debate scene, talking to Biden.

We can hear that in the recording, the person on the other end of the headset said to Biden: Please note that the host is asking questions related to the epidemic. You know this data. There are now more than 200,000 deaths in the United States. You keep saying, Don't be interrupted, we will also feed you loudly here. Finally, the other end of the headset says, Good luck! As a result, Biden, who was debating at the scene, also said in full view: Good luck! We looked at the live video, and Biden really said "Good luck" after the host's question, which was inexplicable. The boy on the other end of the headset shouted "NO", revealing a sense of helplessness.

Although this recording works seamlessly with Biden on the scene, many people still question that this recording is a funny work that spoofs Biden, and some people believe that it is true. Because in Biden, some suspicious joints or "thread-like" objects were indeed found.

But anyway, before Biden answered the question on the spot, he suddenly said "Good luck!", which really felt weird.

We just talked about the last Trump and Biden debate. Wednesday, 7 October is a debate between the two US Vice President nominees, and the next debate between Trump and Biden will be held in Miami, Florida at 9 pm on 15 October. On 6 October, Biden also raised a question. He said that if Trump can still detect the virus before the debate next week, then the second debate should not be held but Biden also said that he is looking forward to the next debate with Trump, and he will follow the advice of medical experts when participating in the debate.

On Trump's side, as of now, he has never said that he will cancel the debate. Trump, after he announced his infection with the virus, not only remained unaffected, but was more energetic.

News (6)

Trump thoroughly deciphers the slander plan approved by Hillary Clinton through the e-mail portal of Russia

At night of 6 October, Trump tweeted, "I have fully authorized the intelligence agency to completely decipher all the documents related to the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States-the Russian scam, including the documents related to the Clinton email door scandal. There is no covering."

Trump was referring to the incident of Trump’s “Russia Gate” alleged by the Democratic Party before and after the 2016 U.S. election, as well as Hillary’s email gate incident. Although it is an old story, the truth of the incident has not been revealed to the world. This time Trump's decrypted documents, if they are heavy enough, will deal a blow to the Democratic Party.

The decryption of the documents that Trump said had already occurred this afternoon, and was executed and released by John Ratcliffe, the chief of the US agents, the Director of National Intelligence. Some of the declassified documents were released on Tuesday afternoon, including the communication records between former CIA Director Brennan and former President Obama. The above said: Hillary Clinton approved a plan proposed by one of her diplomatic advisers. The plan stated that it would set off a scandal involving the Russian security services interfering in the election to vilify Trump.

Also declassified on Tuesday was another briefing from the CIA to the FBI, which also took place before Obama left office. This briefing describes a conversation between two unnamed individuals. They talked about Clinton’s approval of the candidate Trump and Russian hackers to conspire in the US elections, by means of e-mail door transfer.

The current decryption operation was planned by Trump when he was hospitalized. On Monday, before Trump was discharged from the hospital, Meadows, the White House chief of staff, stated that Trump had instructed him to begin declassifying sensitive Russian investigation documents.

The Trump camp has always criticized the "Russia Gate" investigation as a farce by the Democratic Party to discredit Trump and an excuse for the Democratic Party's failure in the 2016 election. Now that Trump decrypts these documents, he is looking forward to further letting the public know the truth, which will have a negative impact on the Democratic Party's presidential election this year.

However, for the above allegations, Hillary’s spokesperson said that these are unfounded. However, it has just entered October, and Trump’s blockbuster action may also be yet to come. The "October Surprise" of this year's general election may really be thrilling.

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