Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump: Let Americans get his covid treatment at US hospitals for free

 Reporter : Ling Shan / Editor : Song Yue / Publisher : Sound Of Hope / / Direct translation

US President Trump first mentioned his relationship with the Chinese Communist government since he was discharged from hospital after being diagnosed with the coronavirus. Trump said that the outbreak of the epidemic is the CCP’s fault, and the CCP will pay a heavy price for it.

Trump said in a Twitter video released that day that he was going to let the American people get the treatment he used in the hospital for free because "this is not your fault, this is the fault of China (the CCP)."

Trump said, “China (the CCP) will pay a price, it will pay a huge price for its actions to the United States, and a huge price for its actions to the world.

"This is the fault of China (the CCP), just remember this," Trump said.

Last Friday (October 2), Trump and his wife Melania were accidentally diagnosed with the CCP virus. The related changes not only affected Trump’s normal work process, but also caused Trump to have fever and had to follow the doctor’s advice to be admitted to the hospital.

On Monday (October 5) afternoon, with the affirmation of the White House medical team, Trump was formally discharged from the hospital with a basic recovery and returned to the White House to continue his official duties.

Wednesday's video is the first time Trump has spoken in such a strong tone about the US's attitude towards the CCP issue since he was discharged from the hospital.

Before the CCP virus was diagnosed, Trump repeatedly criticized the Beijing government for concealing the outbreak in Wuhan, which caused the virus to not be effectively controlled and triggered a global pandemic. He also condemned China for concealing the impact of the epidemic.

Trump also said before that his attitude towards the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has changed, because at the beginning of the outbreak, Xi once said that the epidemic was under control, but this was not the case. The current situation means that Xi has deceived him on this issue.

News (2)

Trump talks about the epidemic: I am a blessing in disguise, the CCP will pay a huge price

Reporter : Li Yun / Editor : Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

On the evening of October 7, US President Trump (Trump) uploaded a video on Twitter, once again talking about his experience of contracting the CCP virus. He said he was "a blessing in disguise" , And once again reiterated that the CCP must be responsible for the outbreak and will pay a huge price for it.

The nearly five-minute video released by President Trump was shot outside the White House. Behind him is the oval office window.

Trump praised the experimental Regeneron antibody cocktail and various other drugs he received during his 72-hour hospitalization.

He said: "They call them therapeutic. But to me, it's not therapeutic. It just makes me feel better. OK? I call it a cure."

President Trump pledged to provide this antibody drug free of charge to all patients with the CCP virus in the United States. He said: "I hope everyone gets the same treatment as your president."

He also said, “I feel like I am intact.” He went on to talk about his infection with the CCP virus and said: “I think I contracted it as a blessing from God. This is a blessing in disguise."

In the video, Trump also emphasized, "It is not your fault that this happened. This is the fault of China (the Communist Party). China (the Communist Party) will pay a huge price."

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters on the evening of the 7th that this video "was shot on the South Lawn earlier this afternoon."

President Trump left the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center two days ago and returned to the Oval Office of the White House for the first time on the afternoon of the 7th.

Earlier in the day, White House physician Sean Conley said that President Trump, who was treated for the CCP virus, has been asymptomatic for more than 24 hours and his condition remains stable.

Conley's memo said Trump said he felt "great." Conley stated that the president's "vital signs, including blood oxygen saturation and respiratory rate, remained stable and within the normal range." Trump has been fever-free for 4 days, and the test results on the 5th "showed detectable levels" of antibodies to the CCP virus.

After President Trump and First Lady Melania tested positive for the CCP virus on the 2nd, they were admitted to the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in the evening.

On the evening of the 3rd, President Trump posted a short video of his 4-minute speech in the hospital on Twitter: He thanked supporters and all medical staff and professionals around the world. He said that he was not very well before he was admitted to the hospital, but he is much better now.

On the 4th, former New York Mayor and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in an interview with the media that on the 3rd, he had a 35 to 40 minute conversation with President Trump and Trump’s voice was heard on the phone. , The same voice he has been familiar with for 30 years.

Giuliani said that Trump felt he could be discharged from the hospital now. He felt bad on the first day, but at 3 o'clock on the 3rd, he felt very good.

Giuliani suggested that President Trump obey the doctor and take a short break. He also said that Trump’s success in coming to power is greater than any president in his memory, so he is qualified to take a break.

On the evening of the 5th, Trump has left the hospital and urged everyone not to be afraid of the plague. He emphasized that he now "feels better than 20 years ago!"

Trump said, “We are going back to the past. I am at the forefront and I am leading everyone. No leader will do what I do. I know that there are risks and dangers, but it’s okay. Now I feel better than before. Okay, maybe I'm immune? I don't know. But don't let the virus dominate your life. Go out, but be careful."

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