Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The debate over the pandemic and Trump's tax schedule - Harris vs Pence

Image : Netizens said Pence won the latest debate while CNN favours Harris, according to Fox News.

News (1)

 Harris first opened fire on the epidemic, and Pence hit back hard

Reporter : Li Yun / Editor : Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

 The 2020 US Vice Presidential Election Debate kicked off in Salt Lake City, Utah at 9 am Beijing time on the 8th (9 pm Eastern time on the 7th). President Pence vs. Senator Harris. Harris took the lead in firing on the Trump administration to deal with the unfavorable situation of the epidemic. Pence retorted unceremoniously and said that Biden was copying Trump's approach.

The 2020 US Vice Presidential Election Debate, hosted by Susan Page, the elder of the Washington bureau of USA Today, is divided into 9 parts, each 10 minutes long.

Page first mentioned that President Trump and the First Lady were infected with the epidemic, and expressed prayer for them. She said that before this debate, she did not disclose the content of the question. Page's first issue raised was the CCP virus epidemic.

Page first asked Harris what President Trump did not do to fight the epidemic. For example, Harris said that the CCP virus killed 210,000 Americans and caused American unemployment.

Harris also accused the Trump administration of failing to disclose the epidemic on January 28 and did not disclose it until March. She also accused the Trump administration of no plan to fight the epidemic so far, and said that she and Biden will provide Americans with free tests.

Page again asked Pence why the United States had more deaths than any other country.

Pence said that this year is facing great challenges. However, Trump has put people's health first from the beginning of the epidemic, and even made unprecedented actions in the early stage. When the number of infected people in the United States is less than 5, the president banned Chinese from China to enter but Biden disagreed with the travel ban at the time.

Pence also said that the Trump administration's national mobilization has saved a lot of lives. In February, the research and development of vaccines and drugs began. Under Trump's leadership, the relevant departments acted swiftly and provided many medical supplies to various places.

Trump said in a video released on the 7th that he would provide this antibody drug to all patients with the CCP virus in the United States for free. He said, "I hope everyone gets the same treatment as your president."

Pence said in the debate that in response to the epidemic, the Trump administration has mobilized manpower comparable to World War II, and has made significant progress in the production of medical equipment and vaccine development. The vaccine is expected to be put into use by the end of the year.

He criticized Biden's epidemic prevention policies, including free measures and expanded screening, which seemed to plagiarize the policies of the Trump camp.

News (2)

Harris avoids talking about Biden's health but asks Trump's tax form

Editor : Wen Xin / / Direct translation

At 9 pm Eastern time on the 7th, Vice President Pence faced Senator Harris at the 2020 US Vice Presidential Candidate Debate. Harris once again jumped from the transparency of President Trump's health to Trump's tax schedule, but avoided Biden's health.

At 10 am Beijing time on the 8th (9 pm Eastern time on the 7th), the 2020 US Vice Presidential Candidate Debate will be held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah. The showdown was hailed as the most important debate for the vice presidential candidate ever.

The first topic of the debate was the response to the CCP virus epidemic. Harris once again jumped from President Trump's health transparency to Trump's tax schedule.

She criticized Trump for paying only $750 in taxes. At the same time, she praised Biden's so-called transparency and published tax forms, but she avoided that Biden never announced his health.

Pence said that Trump announced the tax form and revitalized the US economy in four years. He said: "The President of the American people is a businessman and a job creator. He paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes. He created tens of thousands of American jobs."

Pence continued, "The President said that these (media) public reports are incorrect. The President also literally released a bunch of financial information that the American people can review within the limits permitted by law."

But Harris did not want to acknowledge Trump's economic achievements in the past four years, saying that the economic difference between Trump and the Biden administration lies in the different foundations. Harris also proposed Biden's plan to deal with the epidemic, and Pence bluntly responded that Biden was copying Trump's practices.

News (3)

 U.S. Vice President's debate ends, Pence wins applause

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

 The 2020 US Presidential Election Vice Presidential Candidate Debate was in Salt Lake City, Utah on 7 October, local time. When the host asked the last question, Vice President Pence's answer won applause from the audience.

At 9 pm Eastern time on 7 October (9 am on 8 October, Singapore time), a video debate on the candidates for the US vice president was held in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was between US Vice President Pence vs. Harris, the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

The senior White House reporter Susan Page presided over the vice presidential debate that day. Page’s last question is from a middle school student in Utah. The question is if leaders can’t get along with each other in peace, how can we live together as citizens?

The issue is accused of insinuating domestic politics in the United States, and the two ruling parties cannot coexist.

Pence first answered and affirmed that this is an "excellent question." He said that he paid close attention to the news at a very young age. As Americans, everyone believes in a free and fair environment for speech and conversation, but now he cannot assume that the media reports he sees are true.

Pence cited the friendship between justices as an example. He said, for example, the deceased liberal Justice Ginsburg and another conservative Justice Scalia, although they disagreed on the High Court’s decision and often debated fiercely, they were good friends and were regarded as good friends.

Pence's answer won applause from the audience, including those who usually criticize the Trump administration.

Harris did not directly answer this question, but mentioned Biden, saying that Biden's painful experience will inspire everyone.

The first topic of the debate between Pence and Harris that day was the response to the CCP virus and vaccine issues.

Pence said that this year is facing great challenges. President Trump (Trump) has put people's health first since the beginning of the epidemic, and even made unprecedented actions in the early stage. When the number of infected people in the United States is less than 5, the Chinese are prohibited from entering the country. At the time, Biden also criticized this as a hysterical policy.

Pence also said that the Trump administration's national mobilization has saved a lot of lives. Beginning in February, the Trump administration began to develop vaccines and drugs, and provided many medical supplies to various places. The manpower mobilized by the Trump administration is comparable to that of World War II, and medical equipment and vaccines have also been obtained. The vaccine is expected to be released by the end of the year.

Harris expressed doubts about whether to vaccinate: "If a public health professional, Dr. Fauci, the doctor tells us that we should be vaccinated, then I am definitely the first person to receive the vaccine. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should accept, I do not accept."

Pence criticized that Harris was playing politics and undermining American confidence in vaccines. He said that everyone understands what it means to fail. Compared with the Biden administration's ineffective response to swine fever in 2009, the officials at the time said that thank goodness the swine fever passed by itself.

Pence also said that before Trump took over the government, the Obama and Biden administrations emptied the medical reserve inventory.

However, in these debates, both of them refused to answer the sharp questions raised by the host: Presidential candidates are all very old, have the two candidates discussed or considered this issue?

On 15 October, the second debate of the presidential candidates will take place in Miami, Florida while the third presidential debate will be held in Nashville, Tennessee on 22 October. The final election day is on 3 November 2020.

News (4)

Pence-Harris's 2020 Vice Presidential Debate Main Contents and Comments

Host : Li Dayu / Publisher : Dayu News Insider / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Wednesday, 7 October, is the day of debate between the two candidates for vice president in the 2020 US general election. In the previous day's program, we introduced to you that the two current candidates for Vice President, Pence of the Republican Party and Harris of the Democratic Party, are representatives of the right and left camps in the United States. Pence is an elite of the conservatives, while Harris is a figure in the U.S. political arena who chants for the extreme left. This year, she was selected by Biden as his campaign deputy. Everyone has seen the debate between the two people just now. Next, let's make a quick review and comment on this review. I recorded this part of the content directly after watching the debate, so the voice you hear will be a little different from the current one.

Okay, now we come back to this night, the current Vice President Pence seeking re-election, and the Democratic Vice President nominee He Jinli debate.

At the beginning, the host asked two people about the US epidemic.

He Jinli was the first to answer. She said that she had witnessed one of the biggest failures. So far, 210,000 people have died, 7.6 million people have been diagnosed, and one-fifth of small businesses have closed. She criticized Trump’s policies, saying that Biden has plans, meaning Trump has no plans, and said that Biden will let everyone get a free vaccine.

Pence responded that Trump acted swiftly and made a series of decisions to close the U.S. border early and prevent flights from China from entering casually, and relayed all what the professional epidemic prevention medical team said in the Oval Office to the American people. In fact, he has saved hundreds of thousands of American lives, otherwise, the death toll may reach 2.2 million.

The host also asked that many people participated in the nomination of Justice Barrett held in the Rose Garden of the White House, but many people did not wear masks and later became infected. Why did you not strictly follow the guidelines in the epidemic? 

Pence replied that the activities of the Rose Garden are what many people look forward to. Everyone at the scene has been tested and followed the recommendations given by the team of scientists. Biden and Harris have always advocated taking coercive measures, not to force the virus to disappear, but to force the people and disrespect the United States.

The host then mentioned the issue of vaccines.

Pence replied that the Trump administration is developing vaccines at a record-breaking speed. Five US companies are producing tens of millions of doses of vaccines. He criticized Harris and Biden for consistently undermining American people’s confidence in vaccines. Because Harris kept talking about the Trump administration's ineffective supervision of vaccines during the debate. Pence mentioned that when Biden was Vice President, the Obama Biden administration had dealt with the swine fever problem and exhausted the national strategic reserves, but the effect was not satisfactory and many wrong policies were introduced.

The host’s next question is, what if Trump cannot be President because of infection. The two candidates never answered this question directly. Harris reviewed her proud resume. She was the attorney general of California, the largest judicial system under the federal government, and was the first female attorney general of color and African descent in California. She said that she and Biden would do well.

But Pence responded that he respect the facts. Biden has been in politics for 47 years and has served the public, but he has not done as much as Trump has done more than three years as President. Although Trump used to be a businessman, he paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to the United States and created hundreds of thousands of jobs. Just now, Harris Jinli also mentioned that the New York Times revealed that Trump owed taxes. He had only paid $750 a year and owed a lot of taxes, but Pence said these were all inaccurate reports.

Then the host asked whether the Biden team’s proposal to increase taxes on the rich would undermine the enthusiasm of Americans.

Harris said that Trump and Biden are fundamentally different. Biden said that America’s wealth is based on the health of American workers and family members, while Trump sees how rich people are and cut taxes on large companies, while American people face US$2 trillion and are indebted. Biden cancels Trump’s tax cuts and will invest in infrastructure construction that Trump has not done yet to make energy cleaner, reducing the burden of community college students’ tuition fees, as well as other students’ loan burdens.

Pence pointed out that when Biden was the Vice President, he did a bad job of the economy. Trump’s tax cuts have increased the incomes of American families, and the United States is now increasing job opportunities. This is all because of Trump’s policy of reducing redundancy and revitalizing the traditional energy industry. Biden and Harris want to increase the burden on people. The green energy plan supported by Harris is to abolish fossil fuels, including the use of "hydraulic fracturing" to extract oil, which is the work of tens of thousands of people in the United States. Biden also wants to remove tariffs and bow to China. Half of the US deficit comes from China. And under Trump's leadership, the United States will achieve its greatest economic return in 2021.

But Harris retorted that Biden will never increase taxes on people with an annual income of less than 400,000, nor will it end hydraulic fracturing. She believes that the "Recovery Act" passed when Biden was Vice President will be helpful to the United States and now the economy is in depression.

Pence responded that the Trump administration would make the United States come back. Moreover, Harris's statement does not follow the facts. She said that she would abolish hydraulic fracturing several times. Biden looked into the eyes of supporters and said that fossil fuels should be abolished, and these would bring about economic recession. Moreover, in the last debate, Biden mentioned twice that Trump’s tax cuts should be abolished. Isn’t this adding to the tax burden of ordinary American families?

Next, the host asked about the threat of "climate change" to mankind.

Harris said that Biden will develop renewable energy and achieve zero carbon emissions in the future. Another goal is to create 7 million jobs. Trump does not respect science and does not understand the threat of climate change.

Pence retorted that the Trump administration is acting on the basis of science and that Americans cherish the environment. We don’t need the $2 trillion Green New Deal to bring more burden to families.

The two went on to debate the issue of the trade war.

Harris criticized Trump's "tariff war" mainly against China, which caused the loss of 300,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States, bankruptcy of farmers, and economic depression, all because of this.

Pence responded like this. He said: Did we lose the trade war with China? Biden didn't even fight. When Biden was in power, he lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs, which Trump brought back now. Trump also created 500,000 manufacturing jobs.

Next, the host officially mentioned the issue that our Chinese audiences are more concerned about, that is, the diplomatic issue with China. He said that in the foreign relations of the United States, there is nothing more important than the relationship with China. Trump said that he should take responsibility. So, what is the relationship between the United States and China?

Pence replied that everyone knows that the original North American trade agreement caused many U.S. factories to close down. The current US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement is working very well and is a victory for the US auto industry. Harris was originally one of the opponents of the US-Mexico-Canada agreement. One, in addition, the CCP is the chief culprit of the epidemic, and Trump is very upset. The CCP is playing tricks with the WTO to prevent people from going to China for investigation, and Trump has been tough on the CCP since he was elected. On the contrary, Biden praised the CCP extremely. At the beginning of the epidemic, Biden also opposed Trump's travel ban on China, saying it was xenophobic. Trump is extremely tough on the CCP, and the Trump administration will continue to be tough on the CCP. At the same time, Pence also emphasized the "balance" and "responsibility" in foreign relations.

Harris said that diplomacy, like making friends, is about cultivating relationships. It must keep promises and stay loyal. She said that Trump has betrayed our friends and embraced the world's authoritarian regime. She refers to Russia. She said that Russia interfered in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, but Trump believed that Putin did not trust his intelligence services.

Pence responded that Trump fulfilled his promise diplomatically, saying that he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and he did it. Biden also promised but failed. Trump also made NATO pay more, strengthened cooperation with Indo-Pacific countries, defeated ISIS, and killed ISIS leader Baghdadi.

Harris said that Trump did not respect the veterans. After killing the Iranian General Soleimani, the US troops in Iraq were attacked and the injuries were serious. Trump only said they were headaches. Trump also said that John McCain was not a war hero because McCain was a prisoner of war.

Pence denied these claims to Trump. He said that he had served in the Marine Corps. Anyone currently serving in the military can tell people around him that Trump respects them. Soleimani was killed because he had killed hundreds of American soldiers, and Trump ordered him to be killed to avoid more deaths. Biden opposed the killing of Soleimani at the time, and he opposed the killing of Bin Laden.

Then they debated to the Supreme Court. The main focus is whether the newly nominated Justice Barrett will overturn the decision on abortion rights and oppose abortion. Therefore, the two people began to express their views on the abortion issue.

Harris said that women should have choices about their bodies, meaning they support abortion, so she is more opposed to Barrett's nomination.

Pence said that Barrett once said that she had a powerful force in her body from faith, which was attacked by He Jinli. Pence mentioned that he is very supportive of the right to life, while Biden and He Jinli support late abortion. Everyone knows that at that time the fetus was already very big and there were signs of life long ago.

The social chaos caused by the accidental killing of Blacks by American police is also the focus of today's debate.

Harris said that some people were killed by uniformed policemen. She strongly believes that we must fight for these people. Biden and I believe that bad police are bad police. The judicial system needs to be reformed and the use of lock-throats should be abolished and reduced. There are penalties for marijuana crime.

Pence questioned Harris on the spot and said that we are all working for a fair legal system. The police accidentally killed Black people, such as the Freud case. Pence said that there is no excuse. Justice needs to be done, but there is no excuse for the mob to beat and loot. You and Biden said that there is systemic racial discrimination in the United States and that the law enforcement team is biased against race. What Pence went on was to say that Harris was inciting and attacking the United States and was irresponsible.

Harris said that Trump himself was racially discriminatory. He called Mexicans rapists and criminals, restricted the entry of Muslims, opposed Muslims, and opposed Judaism.

Pence asked Harris when he choked back: Do you know why Americans hate mainstream media? That's it, out of context like you. Trump has also condemned extreme right-wingers such as neo-Nazis and kkk, and his own grandson is a Jew. Harris, you said that you have experience as a prosecutor, but when you were a prosecutor in San Francisco, African Americans were detained more, and you did not pass the bill to make relevant judicial reforms.

Harris emphasized that her prosecutors have done a good job and she is a national model. She once again emphasized the systemic discrimination in the United States, saying that she requires her own personal protection and carry a video camera to curb the occurrence of systemic discrimination.

Finally, the host also asked about voting in the general election.

Harris said that Biden and I have forged an alliance, which includes the Democratic Party and some Republicans, some staff members of the former Republican government, more than 500 retired generals, and several former national security advisers. They all support her and Biden because they believe in Biden's intelligence.

In answering related questions, Pence mentioned that he and Trump will win the election, and what Biden and Harris did in Washington, as well as what Biden has done for 47 years, are very bad. He questioned Harris, saying that her Democratic Party had wanted to subvert the 2016 election results for more than three years. The Biden and Obama administrations sent intelligence agencies to monitor him and Trump’s team. Hillary also approved the slander of Trump’s Russia. As planned, Hillary also told Biden that he would never give in in the election. Moreover, there are huge risks of fraud in the current universal mail voting.

Before the end of the debate, the host shared a letter from a middle school student, Brown, who asked: I read the news. Everything is arguing between Republicans and Democrats. Citizens are fighting with their own citizens. Can leaders get along peacefully?

Pence replied: Don’t think that what you see in the local media will represent all Americans. The U.S. Justices Ginsberg and Scalia, who have passed away, are left and the other right. They have completely different ideas. The family relationship is very close. We debate on stage, but off stage, we can still get along well together. I want to encourage everyone to be like this and be harmonious but different. We will take good care of each other.

In the final answer, Harris said that she liked the voices of young people and knew that the future was bright. She said that the differences in American society have existed in the past four years, and Biden has a way to make the differences disappear. Harris answered the child like this.

After the debate, the host blessed the Trump and his wife to get rid of the disease. The two families of Harris and Pence also greeted each other and showed good wishes.

After the whole debate, the debate between the two people was more continuous and coherent than the debate between Trump and Biden. Harris did not particularly threaten Pence, but the host asked two questions at the beginning, which were more tricky, but Pence gave a more appropriate answer. And looking at the performance of the whole show, Pence did not follow the host’s questions, but used the opportunity of speaking several times to respond to Harris's remarks to avoid confusion, and even did not answer some of the host’s questions at all. It can be seen that Pence did not answer every question honestly when he made his own choice to the questions raised by the host. There may be individual questions that Pence felt was not important, so he skipped over. On the whole, Pence performed very well in this debate, with clear thinking, prioritized answers, and very polite. More importantly, there are many remarkable points in his answer, facing the accusations pressed by opponents. He made a strong rebuttal and is more representative. There are at least two places.

First, for Harris, Trump is ruining US-China relations. When Pence replied, he listed a series of good data brought to the United States by the US-China trade war, and said that Biden wanted to remove tariffs and bowed to China, and asked, "Has the US lost the trade war with China?" But Biden didn't even fight. When Biden was in power, he lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs, which Trump brought back. It also clearly puts forward the policy towards China, which can be summed up in three words: tough, balanced, and responsible.

Second, in response to Harris's question, if Biden is elected, Trump will transfer power peacefully. Pence directly exposed the Democratic Party’s interference with Trump’s administration. He said that in the past three years or so, the Democratic Party has been using untruthful access to Russia to attack Trump and was not reconciled to the 2016 election results. In other words, it is to question Harris are you still embarrassed to say that power is transferred peacefully?

There are many similar strong responses.

For example, Pence accused the Obama administration of wanting to increase the number of seats in the Supreme Court and plant more leftists. He criticized Harris and the Democratic Party, saying that they just wanted to change the rules or just refuse to answer questions.

At the end of the debate, Pence had another bright spot. It is the host who mentioned the question of middle school students. Pence’s answer is very good. In the old Chinese saying, “Gentlemen are harmonious but different”. Children are advised not to believe that Americans are fighting against each other. Everyone has different opinions. They can be friends.

As for this issue, Harris continued to say that the American society is divided and only the leftist Biden can be chosen to bridge it.

From this question, we can clearly see the different characteristics of the Republican Party and the ultra-left forces in the United States. Conservatives hope for stability and social peace, while the ultra-left forces represented by Harris are like people who say that American society is divided. The police are biased, and the government discriminates. In fact, this is exactly the same as what the CCP did in mainland China. It used "hatred" to incite and control people, and split the originally stable social structure into mutually exclusive contradictions. As the saying goes, there is nothing to do.

See also :

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