Thursday, October 8, 2020

The value of the antibodies in Trump

Host : Li Dayu / Publisher : Dayu News Insider / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (1) 

Trump has antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. What is the value of the valuable drugs already in his body?

Recently, after Trump was infected with the virus, his condition has always attracted everyone's attention. On Wednesday, October 7th, White House doctor Conley issued a memo stating that US President Trump had no symptoms for the past 24 hours, and had no fever for 4 consecutive days, and his blood oxygen saturation and respiratory rate remained within the normal range.  More importantly, according to the latest test results, Trump's body already showed antibodies on Monday. Trump himself said on Wednesday morning that he felt good. On 7 October, he said he will instruct emergency application of antibody cocktail on future American covid patients for free. 

Chinese netizens are also very concerned about Trump's illness as well as his treatment. On mainland China's websites, one of the most discussed topics is the price of Trump's drugs. Mainland Chinese media have also reported that Trump used a new experimental drug when he took a dose of 8 grams. This drug is a mixed antibody drug "antibody cocktail" produced by the American Regeneron Pharmaceutical Company, and the price is 330,000 US dollars. Some media reported that this price is enough to buy a small apartment in Beijing's Third Ring Road. I don’t know if the mainland authorities are promoting the dissemination of news. Is it because Trump is extravagant? He is the President of the United States. As the head of state, safety involves national security. It is reasonable to use the best medical supplies and use the best supplies as much as possible, and to disclose the list of accounts. However, the various drugs and supplements used by CCP officials are completely private, and they are entirely paid for by Chinese taxpayers' money. Who knows what the sky-high prices are.

A Hong Kong media outlet also posted a report in a tone similar to that of the mainland Internet propaganda, mentioning that Trump received three drug treatments, which is rare in the world! As a result, Hong Kong netizens left messages in the comment area "turning over. Some netizens said that the treatment of the President of the United States is different from that of ordinary citizens. Will Carrie Lam stay in an ordinary eight-person room when she is hospitalized? Will Hong Kong government officials queue up to see a doctor like ordinary people? It was also said that people were cured with experimental drugs, and they were treated differently.

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News (2)

White House gift shop pushes commemorative coins as Trump popularity rises after infection

Just when the mainland website was calculating the value of Trump's medicine. On the first day of Trump's discharge from the hospital, on October 5, the White House gift shop launched the "Trump Beats the Virus" commemorative coin. This is a privately-run gift shop. Launching such a product at this time is meaningful and a good way to expand revenue. This commemorative coin is limited to 2500 pieces, and each is 100 US dollars. It is expected to be sold out on November 14. The first 1500 people who ordered will also receive a "Presidential Blue Mask". However, they do not channel all the income of commemorative coins into their pockets. They donate 20% of their income to the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and cancer.

After Trump himself was discharged from the hospital and returned to the White House, one of the first things on the agenda was the new round of epidemic relief bills, which included a check for every taxpayer in the United States for $1,200. Trump and the Republican party originally planned to provide 1.6 trillion US dollars in epidemic relief funds, but the Democratic House Speaker Pelosi increased the money to 2.4 trillion yuan. The extra money is to subsidize the leftists while the State will pay for their mismanagement. Trump was very dissatisfied with this. On 6 October, he tweeted to stop the current epidemic aid negotiations. Unless the Democratic Party changes its outlook, otherwise, this new round of aid negotiations may have to wait until after the November 3 general election vote. However, shortly on 7 October, he reversed his decision and instructed funding to support the US civil aviation industry recovery. As a result, US stocks have risen in value. Also Americans will get a subsidy of 1220 US Dollars as part of individual relief package.

The current epidemic has brought too much pain to all countries. Now that the autumn and winter seasons have arrived, there are signs of another major outbreak. People in the Republican political circle in Washington, DC, have recently concentrated on infections, which may further deepen Americans’ dissatisfaction with the CCP. Trump’s friend and former New York Mayor Giuliani once again told the media on Tuesday that after the outbreak at the beginning of this year, the CCP deliberately kept its borders open, allowing people to enter and exit freely, in order to make the CCP virus affect other parts of the world. The damage is "maximized". Giuliani sent out three consecutive tweets on October 6, calling the COVID-19 virus CCP Virus directly on his Twitter. It also specifically told the Americans what the acronym CCP Virus means, that is, Community Chinese Party Virus.

A foreign commentator, Raheem Kassam (Raheem Kassam) recently tweeted that after British Prime Minister Johnson had previously contracted the virus, his approval rating rose from 46% to 66%, an increase of 20 points. Of course, we cannot say that this is simply due to a virus infection. This is because Johnson has adopted a more severe stance against the CCP after the virus infection. This is the current trend among the people in Western countries, and it may also have prompted him to get a higher approval rate. Then this phenomenon also happened to Trump. Perhaps due to Americans’ hostility to the CCP virus, after the infection, Trump’s approval rate before the election continued to rise compared to before. Polls in many key states showed that the gap between Trump and Biden’s polls is narrowing. Even if the "polls" have not been very friendly to Trump, this situation is also a good sign for Trump.

News (3)

4.6 million people in the United States have voted! There have been frequent problems with mailed ballots

This year's U.S. election is particularly different. As of 6 October, more than 4.6 million Americans have voted in advance, refreshing history. In other words, no matter what happens, they will not change the ideal candidate in their minds, and have made a decision early. The data for the same period of early voting was only about 75,000 in 2016, which is not even the current fraction. A professional polling agency in the United States estimates that the number of voters in the United States may reach 150 million this year, accounting for 65% of the total number of legal voters, and the ratio may be the highest since 1908.

The current early elections also include postal voting, which Trump and the Republican Party strongly oppose. Although the Democratic Party denies that there is any problem with postal voting, what the Trump camp is worried about has already happened.

In New Jersey, a 26-year-old postman was arrested on 7 October and faced two charges for deliberately throwing unmailed letters, including 99 election ballots, into the trash can. One is delayed mailing, with a maximum sentence of five years and a fine of 250,000; the other charge is "obstructing mailing", with a maximum sentence of 6 months and a fine of 5,000 US dollars. There were 1,875 ballots in the letters he lost, 99 of which were general election ballots, and 276 were local election brochures. These letters were found in the trash on October 2 and 5, and they all exceeded the scheduled delivery date. At present, these restored letters have been delivered.

This is just one of the cases where a mailed ballot was discarded. Similar cases have occurred in other states before. There are also reports that some mailed ballots do not have Trump's name on the grounds because the printing plant has printed it wrong. This chaos is indeed very worrying, the fairness of mailed votes. However, some Democratic states in the United States still vigorously promote mailing votes.

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