Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Kuomintang suddenly anti-Communist releases four important signals

 Reporter : Luo Tingting  / Editor: Zhu Xinrui / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image above : The Kuomintang Legislative Yuan caucus proposed two resolutions on October 6, asking the Taiwan government to request the United States to help resist the CCP and restore diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan. The proposal was approved by the Legislative Yuan. The picture shows voters who support the KMT in the 2020 Taiwan presidential election. (Billy H.C. Kwok/Getty Images)

When the CCP was under global siege, the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan caucus recently proposed two resolutions asking the Taiwan government to request the United States to help resist the CCP and restore diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan. The proposal was approved by the Legislative Yuan.  The Kuomintang rarely made the voice of "resisting the CCP", which aroused public attention. Some analysts believe that the KMT’s move has released four important signals.

On 6 October, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed two resolutions proposed by the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan caucus on "resuming diplomatic relations with the United States" and "the government should request the United States to assist my country in resisting the CCP".

The Kuomintang stated that in view of the fact that the CCP has sent military aircraft to disrupt Taiwan for 15 consecutive days, the government should resume dialogue as soon as possible to ease the cross-strait conflict and not to increase the tension in the Taiwan Strait.

At the same time, the KMT also stated that the US-Taiwan relations have been advancing by leaps and bounds recently. The US Secretary of Health and the US Secretary of State have visited Taiwan successively; the US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft publicly stated that “it is pushing Taiwan to return to the United Nations”; the US Congressman Tom Tiffany also proposed a resolution requiring the United States to resume formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Therefore, the KMT suggested that the government actively promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan.

The Kuomintang also stated that "restoring diplomatic relations between the Republic of China and the United States" has always been the goal and major policy of the Kuomintang, whether in power or opposition.

The KMT’s move caused a fierce response from the CCP authorities. Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of the CCP media "Global Times", posted a post on Weibo, criticizing the KMT legislators for "taking the wrong medicine" and saying that the KMT was trying to get rid of the passive political situation in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang said, “Taiwan had diplomatic relations with the United States, before until there are no diplomatic relations. All these were done by the Kuomintang. Now the Kuomintang has finally found out that it is a good thing to establish diplomatic ties with the US."

It is worth mentioning that the Kuomintang has recently voiced opposition to the CCP. In the Straits Forum held in September, the Kuomintang had determined that the former president of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jinping would lead a delegation to participate. Unexpectedly, the CCTV hostess Li Hong said in the program that this person came to the mainland to "seek peace", which caused a shock between the ruling and opposition parties in Taiwan.

There was also indignation within the Kuomintang, and many young and Zhuang groups advocated that they should not take their own humiliation. The Kuomintang legislator Hong Mengkai said that the Kuomintang can be poor, but it must not lose its ambition and should no longer be the brake pad. The Kuomintang finally cancelled its participation in the forum under the pressure of public opinion, which was the first time in 12 years.

At present, when US-China relations are deteriorating and Taiwan Strait relations are tense, the Kuomintang, which has always held a pro-Communist stance, rarely makes a "resistance to the CCP" voice, which has aroused widespread public concern.

Veteran media person Tang Hao analyzed in his [Crossroads] program that the Kuomintang rarely proposed an anti-communist bill, revealing four important signals:

1: Taiwan's anti-communist consciousness is rising

Since last year, the CCP has brutally suppressed the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong, and has continued to intimidate and push Taiwan, which has made the people in Taiwan quite angry and aroused a strong anti-Communist consciousness.

At the beginning of this year, the pro-Communist Kuomintang candidate Han Yu was defeated in the presidential election in Taiwan at the beginning of this year. Tsai Ing-wen, who rebelled against the CCP, was re-elected with the highest vote in history. This shows that anti-Communism has become the mainstream public opinion and social trend in Taiwan.

Tang Hao said that according to the latest polls, more than 80% of the people in Taiwan are disgusted with the CCP, a record high. This forced the Kuomintang, which was always pro-Communist, to make policy adjustments.

2: The Kuomintang is in a crisis of marginalization

The Kuomintang’s defeats in elections are frequent. In addition to the disastrous defeat in the presidential election, the parliamentary election also lost again, winning only 38 seats. In early June, the mayor of Kaohsiung Han Guoyu was dismissed and passed, becoming the first mayor in Taiwan's history to be dismissed. Tang Hao believes that the Kuomintang is gradually falling into a crisis of marginalization, so it may want to adjust the cross-strait policy line and try to save the country.

3: Run counter to the US position and lose international support

Since the beginning of this year, the CCP virus outbreak in Wuhan, China, has been concealed and covered by the CCP government, causing the epidemic to spread out of control around the world. More than 200,000 people have died in the United States. The Trump administration’s proud economic performance has been hit hard, and U.S.-China relations have therefore deteriorated rapidly.

At present, the two parties in the United States share the same hatred and anti-Communist. The Trump administration held high the banner of anti-communism, led countries to contain the CCP, and set off a global anti-communist wave. If the long-term pro-Communist Kuomintang does not adjust its policy, it will not be recognized by the United States, nor will it be detrimental to its future party diplomacy.

4: Containing the CCP has become a mainstream international trend

Tang Hao said that looking at the current international situation, especially in countries in the Asia-Pacific region, it has become a mainstream trend to contain the CCP and boycott the CCP, including the four-party security dialogue between the United States, Japan, India and Australia, the Five Eyes Alliance, and the ASEAN countries’ joint statement against the CCP’s actions in the South China Sea. It can be seen from bullying behavior and so on that being close to the CCP is not a good card. The Kuomintang may therefore begin to adjust its pro-communist stance to avoid letting the Kuomintang bubble.

However, he pointed out that if the Kuomintang’s "anti-Communist" motion is a "fake ball", it is just a political means of "self-help" in the election, and it does not really want to oppose the CCP's totalitarianism. Then the Kuomintang will only be able to wait until the nine-in-one election in 2022. The loss was even worse.

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