Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The US President car's "secret technique" ensures safety and protection

Host : Li Dayu / Publisher : Dayu News Insider/ https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2020/10/06/a102957091.html / Extract translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Image : Video Screenshot

News (1)

Trump rides slowly to meet his supporters; exposing the president's car "secret technique" 

On Saturday night, Trump wore a neat suit and gave a 4-minute video speech in the presidential suite of the hospital. He said that he was not well before he was admitted to the hospital, but now he feels much better. He said frankly, it was a miracle, and he emphasized it again, saying that if you want to hear the truth, it is a miracle. It seems to come from God. In short, Trump said: What I want to tell you is that I start to feel better.

On Sunday, October 4, the White House released a short video recorded by Trump in the hospital. In the film, Trump described his infection as a "journey", which greatly increased his understanding of the virus. He also said in the video that he wanted to give supporters outside the hospital a small surprise, but people did not know what the surprise was.

Soon after the video was sent, at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon that day, a black SUV drove out of the hospital surrounded by other vehicles in the front and rear, and passed very slowly in front of the supporters on the road outside the hospital. When these supporters saw who the person in the car was, the scene suddenly boiled over.

It turned out that it was President Trump who came out in the car to visit everyone. Trump was wearing a black mask, but he could tell that he kept squinting his eyes and beckoning to the supporters outside the car window. A White House press officer told the media that Trump's short trip to visit supporters was approved by doctors. In the car in which Trump was riding, he was separated from the Secret Service staff wearing protective equipment in the front seat by a glass plate, and all of them were wearing masks. Another point is that this presidential car can travel in a sealed manner, so that the air is completely isolated from the outside world, and it can also let the air circulate, but the air must pass through the filter. A CBS reporter introduced these characteristics of the president's car, which means that when the president comes out to visit supporters, both inside and outside the car, they are strictly separated.

In fact, this is not the first surprise that Trump has given supporters outside the hospital in the past few days. Trump also sent Meadows, his White House chief of staff, to personally distribute candy to supporters who stayed outside overnight.

Some supporters also photographed. Trump also sent people to distribute pizza to supporters.

On Monday, October 5, Trump tweeted that he would leave Walter Reed Hospital at 6:30 in the afternoon and return to the White House to continue working, saying that he feels good now, even better than 20 years ago.

News (2)

Trump is discharged from hospital, stock market jumps high, his balcony move on the White House, top medical care is available 24/7

Soon after, White House doctor Conley also announced that the president had not completely gotten out of the predicament, but the clinical status showed that he could safely return to the White House. In the past 72 hours, Trump has not had a fever again. After returning to the White House, medical experts will monitor President Trump’s health 24 hours a day, and Trump will receive world-class medical care at the White House. Conley said they remain cautiously optimistic about Trump's situation, but they will not relax at all.

On the Monday morning before being discharged from the hospital, Trump sent out 19 tweets in a row within almost an hour to encourage voters to vote in the upcoming general election. Trump said that the US stock market will break through the highest level in history, and next year will be the best year. He also mentioned in successive tweets that after he was re-elected, he would have a tax cut. This series of 19 tweets respectively mentioned measures to benefit the people after his re-election, and they all ended with "please vote". From these tweets, the impact of the epidemic is not visible at all, and it is more like a "chariot" that is refilled and returned to the battlefield.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, Trump had gone through three days and nights of treatment in the hospital and had returned to the White House. After he walked into the White House, he took off his mask on the White House balcony and raised two thumbs to the media outside.

On the occasion of his discharge from the hospital, Trump also issued a series of tweets. He said that the Dow Jones index of the US stock market rose 466 points because of the news of his discharge. This is good news for Americans. He also quoted the narrative of a reporter from the New York Post, saying: When the Trump Rehabilitation Conference arrives at the election, he will become an invincible hero. He will not only overcome the dirty drama of the left, but also Chinese Communist virus.

According to a recent poll by the US conservative think tank "The Institute for Democracy" on Monday, Trump leads Biden by 1 percentage point with 46% in the national polls, and is in 6 key states including Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. , Trump leads Biden by 3 percentage points with 47%. According to the results of this poll, Trump is expected to win 320 electoral votes in this year's election, and he will be re-elected by a large number, while Biden is 218.

However, other polls released on Monday still show that Biden of the Democratic Party is in a leading position in multiple polls. In this regard, Chinese economist Cheng Xiaonong told the media that many current US polls are not true enough. Because many of these polling agencies are biased towards the Democratic Party. If the call they made was answered by a Trump supporter, then this person would probably just pick up the phone and not participate in answering questions, because they also don't trust these polling agencies. Therefore, to measure whether a poll is accurate, one must refer to the "rejection rate". If the rejection rate of a poll exceeds 10% or 20%, the poll has failed. But for many years, the poll data in the United States has basically not told readers what their rejection rate is, that is, how many people are actually left to complete the poll.

News (3)

The Justice Nomination War is heating up, the Trump circle suddenly broke out of infection

Before voting in the November general election, there is one more thing that has received special attention. It is the "confirmation" of Justice Barrett nominated by Trump that she will succeed the late Justice Ginsberg and become the sixth conservative justice of the US Supreme Court. This will make the ratio of conservative to leftist justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to 6:3, which may have an impact on U.S. legal judgments in the next few decades. To some extent, it is even more important than the election of the U.S. president. important. Therefore, the American leftists tried their best to prevent the confirmation of the nomination before this year's general election. According to the actual situation, the conservative Republican Party actually has a chance to complete the confirmation of the nomination before the election and send Barrett to the Supreme Court.

At present, Barrett's confirmation of the nomination is being disrupted. And this interference is precisely before and after President Trump’s diagnosis, at least 14 people have been diagnosed with infection in his family, election campaign, White House, and other Republicans in Trump’s circle, including those who want to participate in Barrett’s confirmation of the nomination vote. The three U.S. senators, Mike Lee, Thom Tillis and Ron Johnson, are all Republicans.

Many of them have participated in the nomination ceremony held by Trump for Barrett at the White House on September 26. Almost 150 people attended the ceremony, and several of them were later diagnosed. Including President Trump, First Lady Melania, Republican National Committee Chair Rona McDaniel, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Trump adviser Hope Hicks and former adviser Kelly Anne · Conway, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, etc.

At present, given the sudden epidemic situation. Senate Majority Leader McConnell said that all floor actions in the next two weeks will be halted. In other words, there will be no votes until October 19. In the face of the Democratic Party’s resistance to the nomination of conservative judges, the Republican senators themselves can only sustain a loss of three votes at most. But at this moment, except for two “red skin and blue stuffed” Republicans, they raised no In addition to supporting any Republican nominee before the election day, 3 Republican senators have been diagnosed. If Trump and the Senate Republicans still want to pass Barrett’s confirmation vote before the election day, then the 3 Republicans who are confirmed are the most Fortunately, he recovered before October 19th.

However, although the Senate has suspended voting in the past two weeks, the Senate Judiciary Committee still insisted on holding Barrett’s confirmation hearing on October 12. This is undoubtedly to continue to complete Barrett’s confirmation vote before the election day. And do the foreshadowing. Originally, the Republican Party’s battle for the Supreme Court nominee was about to be successfully won. This is the sudden increase in the sudden outbreak of the epidemic.

As we mentioned earlier, as of today, Trump and his social circle in the family, the White House, and the Republican Party have now infected at least 14 people.

News (4)

Diagnoses increase, White House spokesperson infected; Giuliani: the CCP is responsible

Trump’s wife Melania, who was also infected, has been recuperating in the White House in recent days. On Monday, Melania also tweeted that she feels good and her family appreciates everyone’s prayers and support.

The latest confirmed infection on Monday was White House spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany. She announced on Monday morning that she was also diagnosed with the virus, but no media reporter was listed as close contacts by the White House medical team. McKennaney said he would immediately begin the isolation procedure and continue working remotely.

Former New York Mayor and Trump’s lawyer Giuliani said that the CCP should take responsibility for Trump’s infection.

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