Saturday, October 3, 2020

Trump admitted to the hospital to fight back with the epidemic

Host : Tang Hao / Publisher : Crossroads of the World / / Extract translation

Trump admitted to the hospital to fight back with the epidemic to seek hegemony, the United States and China may war?

At 10:44 on October 1, Trump first mentioned on Twitter that his important staff, Hicks, was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia, and the Trumps and his wife have also been tested and are waiting for the results.

Two hours later, at approximately 1 am on October 2, Trump once again tweeted, announcing that he and the first lady Melania had both been diagnosed with the virus, and immediately began quarantine and treatment. After the news came out, it immediately became a global hot spot.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) epidemic prevention code, Trump must be isolated for at least 10 days to further confirm how the disease will develop.

For example, just one week after the British Prime Minister Johnson announced his diagnosis, his condition suddenly worsened and he was admitted to the intensive care unit. But if Trump is not severely ill, or even asymptomatic, after 10 days of isolation, if there is no fever for 24 hours, the isolation can be lifted.

The White House first stated that the Trumps and his wife had mild symptoms, but Trumps were still "full of vitality" and were in good spirits. But later, the White House announced that Trump would go to the National Military Hospital to "stay for a few days" and work in the hospital.

Next, during the next at least 10 days of isolation, how Trump's health will develop is of great concern.

Well, everyone must be very concerned about what impact and after-effects will Trump have on this election after his diagnosis? Will it affect the development of US-China relations? Next, we will talk about it in several levels:

Level 1: What impact will it have on the Trump administration and election activities?

How will the development of Trump's illness affect his powers and election activities? We can assume three plots to illustrate this point.

The first scenario is that Trump is mildly ill and he recovers quickly. In this case, the impact is not significant. Trump is likely to continue to work, host conference calls, release video speeches, and of course post on Twitter around the clock, so that he can continue his campaign on the Internet.

This situation, for Trump’s administration and election activities, was only a delay of more than ten days to go out and run itinerary. Although it has taken up about half of the remaining campaign time, the impact is relatively minimal.

The second scenario is that Trump is mildly ill, but recovery is relatively slow. If Trump’s symptoms are not serious, but it may take a long time, more time is needed for quarantine; however, there are only about 30 days left before the general election vote, so this situation may disrupt his campaign activities. layout.

Although this situation will not affect Trump’s exercise of the presidency, Trump may have to rely on the Internet to conduct the entire election campaign; and his vice president partner Pence and his Trump family members will serve as Trump's stand-in traveled around the country and attended events to canvass for Trump's final sprint.

The third scenario is that Trump unfortunately has severe symptoms and needs to be hospitalized, unable to exercise the power of president. In this case, according to the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Trump can make a statement to both houses of Congress, temporarily handing over power and responsibility to Vice President Pence.

At this time, whether Trump will continue to run for the president depends on the negotiation and discussion between the Trump camp and the Republican Party to see whether Trump can continue to stand for election, or whether the Republican Party will nominate a new candidate to take over.

If, in the unlikely event, if something more serious occurs, that is, if the president dies, according to the Constitution, Vice President Pence will directly take over as the president; at that time, the Republican National Convention should also re-nominate Pence as the presidential candidate , Continue to compete in this election. Of course, this is the worst hypothetical situation.

It is worth noting that many people are wondering whether the Trump camp will be required to postpone the date of the presidential election through this diagnosis and isolation.

There is no sign yet, but there has never been such a precedent in the history of the United States, and changing the time of the general election still requires the approval of both houses of Congress. It is not the president who has the final say. However, the two major parties in Congress currently have no measures or attempts in this regard, so the probability of postponing the election should not be high.

Level 2: Trump's diagnosis is good or bad for candidates from both parties?

This point is currently difficult to assess. Because the current supporters of the two parties are quite hardcore, the same thing can be interpreted differently.

For the Democratic Party and the leftist media, like Trump’s diagnosis, it is an excellent opportunity to chase down Trump’s inability to fight the epidemic, and it can lead voters to believe that Trump is unable to deal with the epidemic. For the CCP, this can also be used to claim that Trump has neglected the epidemic, but has shifted the blame for the virus to the CCP. This is a good opportunity for the CCP to protect itself.

But for the Republican and right-wing media, Trump's infection can once again highlight the fact that the CCP covered up the epidemic and concealed the truth, causing the virus to ravage the world, not only killing 200,000 Americans, but now even the US President has also diagnosed it.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that the Trump camp should step up efforts to hold the CCP responsible for the epidemic and pursue the CCP’s “seeking hegemony by the epidemic”, so as to pursue justice for the casualties of the American people, and at the same time to further gather the patriotism of the American people . Therefore, Trump’s diagnosis has its own battlefield for the elections of the two parties, but who will be more advantageous requires more observation.

In addition, the remaining two presidential election debates are likely to be forced to cancel one or both, leaving only the vice presidential debate on October 7th, with Republican Pence vs. Democrat Harris.

Therefore, this vice presidential debate may become a "hand-to-hand battle" of candidates for the last election this year. And then, the health of these two vice presidential candidates will be particularly important.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the Bidens, the Democratic candidates, were also tested after Trump was diagnosed. The test results were negative, that is, they were not infected with the virus. This is good for the Democrats and it is also good for the Republicans. how to say?

First, Biden is not infected with the virus and can continue his campaign, and at the same time promote to the outside world that his "basement epidemic prevention" campaign strategy is effective.

Second, as far as the Republicans are concerned, if Biden is not infected with the virus, he will not deduce that it was Trump who infected him with the virus during a television debate, and he will not use his identity as a "victim" to attack Trump and Latin America. Carry the election. Therefore, Biden was not diagnosed, which is a good thing for the election of the two parties.

However, it is incidental to mention that the New York Times, which stands on the left, published an article after Trump announced his diagnosis that Trump’s name should no longer appear on the ballot. This move immediately triggered criticism from all walks of life, believing that in order to steal the results of this general election, the leftists have become irrational.

Level 3: What is the impact on the US election?

Trump’s diagnosis will indeed have a wide-ranging impact on the next U.S. election campaign. In my opinion, there will be at least five major impacts in the short term:

Impact 1: The epidemic will become a hot topic in the election war

The US President’s infection is not only the headline news in the United States, it is also the headline news globally. Therefore, the importance of the epidemic will once again increase and become the hot topic of the election battle in the next month. The importance is almost equal to economic issues.

In particular, Trump also frankly said that at the beginning of the epidemic, he tried to downplay the epidemic in order not to cause public panic; in addition, he believed too much in the words of the Beijing authorities at the beginning, and once praised Xi Jinping for his “extremely hard work” in epidemic prevention. , I did not expect that the virus would then spread all over the world, causing more than 200,000 deaths in the United States.

Therefore, the next epidemic will inevitably become the main battlefield for the candidates of the two parties. Not only will Biden pursue Trump’s “failure prevention” and “praise Beijing”, Trump will also pursue the CCP’s responsibility for the epidemic and introduce more Complete epidemic prevention plan.

Impact 2: China will return to the election stage

In the first general election debate on TV, there were very few discussions about China or the CCP. Only Trump said twice, once he called Wuhan pneumonia the "Chinese virus", and the other time he reminded Biden that "China ate your lunch", which meant telling Biden that the CCP was stealing American interests.

Please note that this means that Biden has not mentioned the CCP and China from beginning to end. This is exactly in line with the Chinese Communist Party’s recent claim that "the US is opposed to using China in the campaign."

But now that Trump is diagnosed, Trump is bound to remember the CCP's concealment of the epidemic and Xi Jinping deceiving him on the phone. Therefore, the Trump camp is likely to further expand the front, pull the CCP issue into the general election, pursue the CCP's various unfair methods against the US, and use the epidemic to "attack" the United States.

On the one hand, it is to continue the US's "anti-Communist" strategy, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the Democratic Party from directing its artillery at Trump.

Impact 3: Highlighting Trump's influence on the US economy

On the day Trump announced his diagnosis, the three major U.S. stock indexes plummeted. Although they pulled back slightly in late trading, it is enough to see that Trump’s health and whether Trump can be re-elected are of great importance to the U.S. economy and finance. Influence.

Although Trump’s poll support generally lags behind Biden, the American people have spoken highly of Trump’s economic policy performance. In the mainstream polls in the past month, Trump’s economic ability has been supported. Degree, the average exceeds 51%.

Therefore, whether Trump can recover his health and whether Trump can be re-elected will be the key to the future economic development of the United States.

Impact 4: The scale of mail voting may expand

Affected by the epidemic this year, at least nine states and Washington, DC have announced the full implementation of postal voting. Although there have been a lot of suspicions about mail voting recently, for example, 100,000 votes in New York City were wrong, Minnesota reported suspected people buying votes, etc. Trump has repeatedly questioned the possible fraud in mail voting.

But now Trump is also diagnosed with infection, which may prompt more local governments and voters to vote by mail. Therefore, on the day of voting for this year’s general election, there may be a rare occurrence of "cannot confirm the elector on that day". Even the subsequent vote counting time may be prolonged, which will add more variables to the election results.

Impact 5: Create the most Internet-dependent US election in history

Affected by the epidemic, this year's U.S. election campaign abandoned a large number of "ground wars", that is, reduced a large number of rallies and campaigns, and instead launched "virtual wars" on the Internet. Even the national congresses of the two parties are also Hosted on the Internet. The two parties fought fiercely online to win over voters.

Although Trump prefers traditional large-scale rallies to build momentum, he has also held a number of large-scale events in various places before, but now that Trump is diagnosed with infection, he has to give up, or at least temporarily, abandon traditional campaign rallies.

Next, Trump will inevitably transfer the battlefield to the Internet, through his Twitter, Facebook, online videos, etc., to continue his fierce battle against Biden, while continuing to chase the CCP. Therefore, this year is likely to create a US election that is "most dependent on the Internet" and "most dependent on virtual warfare" in history.

Okay, let’s briefly summarize. Trump’s diagnosis may have several effects on the US election:

Impact 1: The epidemic will become a hot topic in the election war

Impact 2: China will return to the election stage

Impact 3: Highlighting Trump's influence on the US economy

Impact 4: The scale of mail voting may expand

Impact 5: Create the most Internet-dependent US election in history

Level 4: What is the impact on US-China relations?

Although the general election took place in the United States, the election process and results continue to affect US-China relations and the future situation of China and the CCP. I think that for now, it can be preliminarily foreseen that the diagnosis of Trump's infection will have several effects:

First of all, through this epidemic, Trump will have a deeper understanding of the deceptive nature of the Chinese Communist regime and will no longer trust the Beijing authorities.

At the beginning of the epidemic, Trump had spoken to Xi Jinping. At that time, Xi Jinping said, "We are in an open, transparent, and responsible attitude" to inform the WHO and the US about the epidemic. Unexpectedly, the CCP did not openly cover up the epidemic, and eventually caused the virus to spread globally.

This should be enough to make Trump realize that the CCP regime is not a normal human government at all. In addition, the CCP media and diplomatic system recently launched an overwhelming Cultural Revolution-style critique of the U.S. and Pompeo, which shocked the U.S. A totalitarian system with no moral bottom line at all.

Now that Trump is diagnosed, it is likely to prompt Trump to completely abandon his trust and friendship with Xi Jinping, and make the United States abandon the idea of ​​peace and goodness to the CCP.

Secondly, in order to counter the virus infection this time, the United States is likely to escalate its pursuit of the CCP and the WHO again, and further investigate the truth of the virus and attribution of responsibility.

In addition, the US may actually launch a tough counterattack against the CCP, which may be military, economic or other actions. Because Trump's infection is not only a hazard to personal health, but also a humiliation by the CCP to the dignity of the United States.

Especially  Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of the Global Times, sent out a gloating tweet saying that the Trumps “paid for his gambling”. It will bring a negative impact on the image of the United States, and it will also have a negative impact on his election."

After these provocative remarks were widely reported by overseas media, Hu Xijin may find that the situation is not good. He deleted the original tweets in English and reposted them on Weibo in a more "polite" tone. Once again, I also wish the Trumps and his wife a "safe weather."

Seeing this, I can only say that Editor-in-Chief Hu's original original text has been widely circulated in the English world, and I believe the Trumps have seen it; in addition, the shamelessness and hypocrisy of the Chinese Communist Party media have also been revealed in this incident.

Therefore, if the US subsequently announces large-scale sanctions or prohibitions against the CCP, or launches a military counterattack with real guns and live ammunition against the CCP’s provocations in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait, I am afraid it will not be surprising.

Finally, seeing Trump diagnosed may make Beijing authorities more worried, and the truth about the domestic epidemic in China may be exposed.

We only talked to you in the program on September 23. Recently, confirmed cases have been reported in many areas in China. Several universities and colleges have also implemented closed management of student dormitories. Even Zhong Nanshan and Zhang Wenhong are the two most famous Epidemic experts in China also invariably predicted that "China will have a second wave of epidemics" and "plans for at least one year."

At that time, we analyzed that so many unusual actions by the government may mean that the epidemic has indeed reappeared in various parts of China, or that the epidemic has not stopped at all, but the truth has been concealed and suppressed by the official “political clearing”. 

We also speculate that the CCP may begin to release more and more confirmed cases after the end of the "National Day Month" in October, allowing people to gradually enter the so-called "second wave of epidemics in autumn and winter."

But now the President of the United States has confirmed the diagnosis, and the United States is the most advanced medical country in the world. It is also the country with the most severe epidemic. These signs are likely to prompt people to reflect: Is it true that there are only a few thousand casualties in China, where the epidemic first occurred? Is it true that none of the top officials of the Chinese Communist Party have been infected? Is there no epidemic in China now?

The comparison and introspection of the US and China epidemics will prompt the world to turn the focus of the epidemic back to China, and once again carefully examine whether the CCP’s “anti-epidemic victory” is true or not? Check again whether the CCP is covering up the epidemic, and trace the truth about the source of the virus. The virus storm that the CCP is most worried about will strike again.

Well, let’s repeat, Trump’s diagnosis may have several major impacts on US-China relations:

Impact 1: Better understand the CCP regime and no longer trust the Beijing authorities

Impact 2: Upgrading the CCP and the World Health Department to pursue the virus and investigate the truth

Impact 3: The US may launch a tough counterattack against the CCP

Impact 4: The CCP is concerned that the truth about the domestic epidemic will be exposed

(The opinions above only reflect the personal opinions of the host)

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