Saturday, October 3, 2020

U.S. Immigration Service's latest notice to stop the immigration of Communists

Reporter : Luo Tingting  / Editor : Wen Hui / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : The U.S. Immigration Service issued a blockbuster policy notice on 2 October that prohibits those who have joined the Communist Party from applying for U.S. green cards and immigration unless specifically permitted. The picture shows the USCIS building. (Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images)

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service issued a important policy notice on 2 October, prohibiting people who have joined the Communist Party from applying for green cards and immigration unless specifically permitted. Not long ago, a member of the Communist Party of China was refused immigration to the United States and was deported on the spot. The outside world believes that as the United States continues to increase its crackdown on the CCP, the United States will restrict CCP members more and more severely.

News (1)

U.S. bans Chinese Communist Party members from immigration

On 2 October, the latest policy notice announced by the US Immigration Service went viral on overseas social media Twitter. Current affairs commentator Qin Peng said on Twitter, "Important! The United States stops the immigration of Communists!"

Qin Peng explained that the U.S. Immigration Service's latest policy notice states, “The U.S. stops the immigration status adjustment of the Communist Party or other totalitarian political parties, or members of affiliated organizations!” In other words, unless specifically permitted, the United States prohibits members of the Communist Party from applying for U.S. green cards and immigration.

In fact, the US immigration policy has always rejected the immigration applications of Communist Party members, but it has always adopted a relatively loose policy in the past. However, since the beginning of this year, the CCP virus epidemic, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other incidents have caused the Trump administration to change its China policy.

The New York Times quoted people familiar with the matter as saying on 15 July that the US government is considering a total ban on travel to the United States for CCP members and their families, and will revoke the visas of CCP members and their families in the United States and deport them.

According to the report, the CCP claimed to have 91,914 million party members. According to preliminary estimates within the US government, as many as 270 million Chinese may be affected.

This report ignited international public opinion, and searches for resigning from the party soared on the Internet. U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo responded to the news of the ban on entry of Chinese Communist Party members and said, "We are looking for the right way. We need to make sure that this way reflects American traditional values."

The latest notice issued by the US Immigration Service on the 2nd confirmed the US government’s ban on Chinese Communist Party members. Netizens talked about this, "Although it was a little late, it is still here!"

"It's very happy, and everyone is celebrating."

"It's too light. Members of the Chinese Communist gang should be prohibited from entering, and the Five Eyes Alliance will follow up."

"I think the U.S. will also ban those xx hometown associations. These organizations are part of the CCP's united front."

"For support, it is best to restrict the family members of party members, and I am more grateful to the United States."

News (2)

U.S. immigration officer: Proof of withdrawal from the party is required

In fact, before the announcement of the US Immigration Service, there have been reports of Chinese Communist Party members being denied immigration and entry. On 29 September, overseas Chinese media reported that Mr. F, a netizen, broke the news that he was having trouble applying for a green card to immigrate to the United States. The interviewer's first question asked him whether he was a member of the Communist Party of China, and asked him to submit proof of "actively" withdrawing from the party.

Mr. F had joined the Party when he was in a university in China in his early years. He told the immigration officer that he had not paid the party dues for a long time, so he quit the party automatically. However, the immigration officer said that the Immigration Bureau does not accept passive withdrawal from the party and requires proof of his "active" withdrawal from the party.

Mr. F said that what the immigration officer meant was that he would write to the CCP branch to quit the party, and then show the certificate to the USCIS. Mr. F's wife is also a member of the Communist Party of China, and she was also asked whether she "actively" quit the party during the interview.

Mr. F is troubled by this because the lawyer told him before that party members can pass the customs by writing a statement of identity. Unexpectedly, the immigration officer would also require them to submit a "proof of withdrawal from the party."

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CCP member repatriated after entry

On 17 September, the father of a U.S. citizen was denied an immigration application because he was a member of the Communist Party of China. He was deported on the spot when he entered the United States, and his 10-year visa was also cancelled.

Zheng Cunzhu, an American democrat and immigration consultant at a law firm, confirmed the incident to the media a few days ago. He advised the father of the American citizen to “quit the party quickly” and submit relevant documents to the Immigration Bureau as soon as possible. But he bluntly said that it will be difficult to apply for a visa or immigration again.

Zheng Cunzhu believes that this deportation case shows that the United States has begun to implement a policy that prohibits the entry of Chinese Communist Party members. CCP members, whether they are immigrants, visiting relatives, or traveling, may face the risk of being repatriated at the airport.

He also said that recently many Chinese immigrants and students studying in the United States have stepped out to withdraw from the Communist Party, go through relevant institutions to quit the Communist Party, or certify that they have withdrawn from the Communist Party through newspapers. They also know that the status of a Communist Party member is not in line with American immigration policy.

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How to quit the party

The Global Quitting Center (, headquartered in New York, can handle what US immigration officials call "proactive" withdrawal procedures. Ms. Yi Rong, Chairman of the Quitting Center, said: “The Global Quitting Service Center can also provide Chinese and English withdrawing certificates to Chinese overseas. The withdrawal certificates are valid for life.”

Image : The picture shows the New York Chinese publicly announced their withdrawal from the CCP’s party, league, and team at a rally against the persecution of the CCP, and received a certificate of three withdrawals. (Picture of Epoch Times)

Many Chinese people have quit the party through the Epoch Times website. As of 2 October, the number of people who have published three withdrawal statements (withdrawing from the party, withdrawing from the League, and withdrawing from the team) on the Epoch Times website has exceeded 364 million. Tens of thousands of people withdrew from the evil CCP organization to seek a safe and beautiful future for themselves and their families. 

According to US immigration laws, if a person applying for naturalization conceals that he is a member of the Communist Party and enters the country through fraud, his green card may be revoked and deported once reported.

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US Congressman's proposal: List the CCP as a criminal group

At present, US government officials and members of Congress have a clearer understanding of the evil nature of the CCP. On 1 October, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, a demonstration against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party was held in front of the U.S. Capitol. Many U.S. congressmen spoke at the event.

Republican Representative Scott Perry introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that day requiring the CCP to be identified as a transnational criminal group and prosecuted and punished.

He said that the Chinese Communist Party forcibly detains people, harvests live organs, puts people in concentration camps, etc., but goes with impunity because the Chinese Communist Party is considered to be China's legitimate ruler. "But the CCP is actually a criminal group that rules China and oppresses the Chinese people. We need to identify them this way and impose corresponding punishment on them."

The outside world believes that as the U.S. government and opposition have become more aware of the evil nature of the CCP, the United States will continue to increase its crackdown on the CCP.

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StayGate Pictures : Full moon in the morning, Hanoi

 Pictures copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA