Saturday, October 3, 2020

Will the US Presidential debate be cancelled? Other concerns after Trump's hospitalization

Host : Li Dayu / Publisher : Dayu News Insider / / Extract translation

Image : Video Screenshot

News (1)

Will the debate be cancelled? Trump may be infected on "Air Force One"

The White House announced on Friday that Trump’s planned election rally in Florida was cancelled. And then, whether the remaining two TV debates between Trump and Biden can be held as scheduled is now a big question mark. The second debate was held in Miami, Florida on October 15th, almost exactly two weeks from now, within the usual isolation period. As of our completion, the Presidential Debate Commission of the United States has not issued a message to cancel the debate. But what is more certain is that the vice president nominee debate on October 7, which is the verbal battle between Pence and Harris, will be held as scheduled if there are no special circumstances.

So how did Trump get infected? Previously, Trump had personally contacted different infected people. After contacting them on different occasions, the relevant people were confirmed to be infected. Afterwards, Trump was tested. It has happened several times and all were negative. After being tested positive this time, people still put the focus of Lenovo on the people Trump has contacted. Hope Hicks, a senior assistant to Trump's election campaign, has become the eye of the storm.

She was originally the director of the White House Communications Office of the Trump administration. At a young age, she was in charge of the important task of the White House's external voice, but she retreated bravely during the Russia-passing incident. Then she went out and transferred back, and became Trump's senior assistant in the 2020 election. This shows that she is a person trusted by the president.

Because of this, she often accompanies Trump and participates in important election campaigns. On Tuesday and Wednesday, she took part in a debate with Trump and Biden on Air Force One, and a rally in Minnesota. However, on Thursday, Hope Hicks was confirmed to be diagnosed, and the Trumps were immediately tested for the virus. A few hours later, Trump announced that he was also infected.

Previously, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro had also been diagnosed with infections and have now recovered.

News (2)

Others around Trump and his wife have not been infected yet. Best wishes from Biden, Putin

 Trump’s diagnosis is not so simple, because of his presidency, there will be many people in contact with him every day. The staff with him in the west wing of the White House, as well as other officials in contact with Trump, are at risk of being exposed to the virus.

Fortunately, as of Friday morning, Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump, who lives with the White House, US Vice President Pence and his wife, Secretary of State Pompeo, Secretary of the Treasury Mnuchin, and Trump’s daughter who is an adviser at the White House Ivanka, son-in-law Kushner, and Supreme Court Justice "Barrett", who has just met Trump recently, have all been confirmed to have not been infected. The much-anticipated Barrett’s nomination will continue as usual.

In addition, Trump’s opponent for the presidential campaign, Biden, had just had a live debate with Trump this week. He also had to undergo quarantine. As of the final draft, both Biden and his wife tested negative. Biden and his running partner Harris also sent blessings to Trump and his wife, wishing them speedy recovery.

After Trump announced the news of the diagnosis, European Council President Charles Michel, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, British Prime Minister Johnson, German Chancellor Merkel, India, Canada, The heads of countries such as Israel and Mexico all sent condolences to the Trumps and wished for recovery. Russian President Vladimir Putin also shot a telegram, saying to Trump, "to give sincere support at this difficult time."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan (Republic of China) also issued a statement stating that "the Taiwanese government and people stand with the United States at this time of testing."

News (3)

Trump's infection with the CCP is surprisingly quiet! "Cheers" Little pinks' mouths covered

However, the Chinese Communist regime on the other side of Taiwan has been extremely low-key about the Trumps' diagnosis. As of our completion, only Reuters quoted a brief response report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China, saying that they hoped the Trumps would recover soon. However, the official website and media of the Communist Party of China have not yet responded. I do not know if the authorities will issue a formal statement in response after the program is broadcast. 

The Chinese Communist Party’s official response to Trump’s diagnosis is quite low-key. In addition to being silent, the authorities have also deleted a large number of mainland Chinese netizens' online posts and paid great attention to Trump’s diagnosis. On Weibo alone, related clicks quickly exceeded 800 million times easily, but there were particularly many deleted or hidden messages. For example, the WeChat official account of the People's Daily published related news. After 100,000 people read it, the message below only showed six people's posts.

In contrast to the low-key "dang moms", the domestic little pinks have enthusiastically reveled in "non-human" reactions. It can be seen that the party mom's "education" achievements are sometimes beyond the control of the party.

A picture came out in China. I don't know if it is a P picture or an amazing behavior by a real pink person. Several people held banners to congratulate the Trumps on their infection.

On domestic social media, many "harming the country's angry youth" are also shouting to celebrate the whole world. But such anomalous cases have long been more than one case in China. This year's epidemic has occurred many times. For example, when the number of confirmed cases in the United States exceeded 100,000, mainland villagers hung banners and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

When the epidemic in Japan became severe, a restaurant in Shenyang, Liaoning, also hung a banner to celebrate.

These examples are shocking in a society of normal universal values. But I believe that there are many sober people in Chinese society. These high-profile performances of the little pinks do not represent all friends in mainland China.

Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of the Global Times, who is known as the "big five cents", also followed Trump's diagnosis and waved with a crowd of little pink people. He did not say a good word, but said that this proves the seriousness of the virus epidemic in the United States. He argued that Trump "paid the price for this gamble", claiming that his diagnosis would endanger Trump's re-election.

If this kind of very hostile remarks is translated to the White House, I wonder if "Hu Editor" will become the "first target" of the beheading by the U.S. military drone.

It’s not surprising that the big half and the little pinks of the CCP will scold if you scold them. However, the leftist media in the United States also followed up with the clamour, and they are actually the same as the CCP’s pink half. For example, the Washington Post sent out a tweet, citing the so-called "viewpoint": Imagine it, and you don't have to worry about Trump again. Secretly wish Trump will suffer in the epidemic. This evil tone comes from a big media platform, which is really a shock!

News (4)

Two U.S. "doomsday military planes" lift off to guard against unexpected movements of foreign enemies at sensitive times

However, the U.S. military certainly will not listen to these mouths, but strategically, after the international heads of state are diagnosed with this dangerous disease, they must guard against “crazy moves” by hostile countries in case, for example, will there be countries that take advantage of the chaos to launch a certain degree of attack on the United States.

Therefore, at 1 o’clock in the morning on October 2, about an hour after the news of Trump’s diagnosis, the US military's two "E-6B Mercury" air command aircraft, one of which took off on both sides of the United States, and one hovered in the capital Washington. Over the special zone, another plane was cruising in the western state of Oregon.

This news aroused great attention. The reason is that the "E-6B Mercury" air command aircraft produced by Boeing can be used as an air command post and communications relay station for the US military. It can issue instructions to the US military's nuclear submarines around the world. Once the White House cannot continue to perform it for various reasons In command missions, this command aircraft can issue strike orders to US nuclear submarines on behalf of the White House, and continue to attack or resist the enemy. Because of this special function, the "E-6B Mercury" is also called the "doomsday military plane."

This time the US military flew two "E-6B Mercury" at the same time, which is really rare. However, the Fox Television of the United States sent a letter to the Department of Defense for consultation, but the Department of Defense said that the launch of the "doomsday military plane" and the infection of the president were "a pure coincidence." Even so, the outside world still believes that the US military's move is to deter any external opponents, not to act rashly when the president is in trouble. In particular, the transponder is usually turned off to avoid tracking when the "doomsday military plane" is performing a mission, but this time, the "doomsday military plane" has its transponder turned on, which is considered to be deliberately so-called to deter potential enemies.

News (5)

Trump's diagnosis may not be a bad thing! Experts from all walks of life share "sound views"

However, among the people, whether in the United States or in the Chinese community, there are other voices in response to Trump's diagnosis. They looked at the problem in turn and analyzed Trump’s diagnosis may not be a bad thing.

The Twitter netizen "Legend of the Two Songs" published his seven views, and in turn looked at the issue of Trump infection. He said, "Firstly, Trump himself proactively announced the infection news at the first time, which would give people the feeling of being honest and responsible. Secondly, Trump’s infection itself can be regarded as a kind of 'building momentum' and he can tell the public to demonstrate a strong image of fighting the epidemic. Thirdly, Trump infection itself can make more voters sympathize and inspire “emotional support”. Fourthly, the president’s infection will make the United States resolve to strengthen CCP's accountability for the virus. Fifthly, after Trump recovers, he may become a president with "antibodies" and wants to be more "immune" to Biden. I think what he meant is that Trump will become an 'enhanced version' of Trump. Sixthly, it can break the rumours that Trump has an antidote. Finally, it may make " Trump's tax filing issues raised by the New York Times disregarded." This is his personal opinion.

Taiwan’s political commentator Li Zhenghao believes that if Trump recovers from the epidemic, he will create an image of a strong man, and he may perform more shocking anti-Communist moves. This is one of them; second, if Trump’s recovery process is delayed, then His team of lawyers can apply for postponement of the general election; third, he cited another extreme situation. Assuming that Trump really could not perform the presidency, then the vice president and other heirs in line will take the presidency to restart the general election. It is all over again, and there is another chance to shuffle the cards. Of course, the last two viewpoints just mentioned are all extreme cases. However, we can also introduce to you by the way, the current top heirs in the United States.

News (6)

Hope the US President has an accident? The four heirs in line are all anti-Communist

For Chinese audience friends, what is most concerned about is the attitude of the successor to the CCP. At present, the top four heirs in the United States are all relatively anti-Communist.

The first heir in the line is Vice President Pence, who has delivered two tough speeches to the CCP, and even represents the turn of the U.S. policy toward China. He is very loyal to Trump, and his anti-Communist stance needless to say. The second heir is the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi. She has always been a strong advocate against the CCP. She has been to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to display banners in support of the Chinese human rights movement. Although she is currently a Democrat who is heavily influenced by the ultra-left, she has to look at her past. In her political performance, there is no reason to loosen too much of the CCP’s policy. The third heir is the President of the Senate Prom. Grassley, this old man may not be known among some viewers. He is a Republican. On his official website, it says in this sentence, "Federal Senator Grassley is the "leader" in the Senate that promotes China's compliance in trade, intellectual property, security and respect for people." I think this sentence is enough to let people know his position. The fourth heir in the line, I don't think it needs to be said, everyone knows too well, he is the US Secretary of State Pompeo.

You see, the top four heirs in the United States are not friends of the CCP. Therefore, it is not reliable to expect the President to make any surprises to change the current thinking of the Trump administration’s anti-CCP policy.

What's more, like other heads of state who have been infected, Trump still has a considerable chance of recovering from the epidemic. Therefore, some experts in Taiwan believe that Trump, after being diagnosed, may have taken a big action against the CCP, because his brother, who was suspected before, may have passed away after being diagnosed with the CCP virus. Trump himself and his wife’s diagnosis may continue to strengthen Trump's accountability attitude towards the CCP.

News (7)

It is rumoured in the United States that Trump "frauds" and "plays big chess" invisible to launch the "October Incident"

The phenomenon that can be matched with this view is that among the American people, especially conservative voters who support Trump, they believe that Trump's infection is "fraud", not a real infection.

In our previous program, we mentioned a well-known whistleblower in the United States "Mysterious Q". This Q sent a message after Trump was infected, implying that Trump was not really infected, but used this as an excuse to get out of the public eye to do more important things.

"Mysterious Q" and many Trump supporters who believe in Q called the secret plan to be implemented by the Trump administration as "Storm." The purpose of the "Storm Project" is that President Trump wants to remove criminal networks that abuse children. Large-scale arrests must be made against the secret agents of the "deep government" manipulating the world.

After Trump was diagnosed, similar news went viral on the U.S. Internet. Many Americans were convinced, and even cheered for Trump's "fraud". Although major American media such as "USA Today" and "Business Insider" have pointed out that the "mysterious Q" revelations are sensational conspiracy theories, they still cannot avoid this obvious folk phenomenon and compete for Trump's "fraud". 

Correspondingly, there are also some people on the left who believe that Trump is a "fraud", but the purpose they think is different from other Trump supporters. They think it is to save their own election, because the left is convinced that Trump is in the polls. Zhong is still behind Biden. For example, David Simon, an American playwright, believes that Trump's infection is the "October surprise" of the Republican camp.

News (8)

Some suspicions about Trump’s invisibility or layout of shocking actions against the CCP

Some Chinese supporters of Trump believe that Trump is swindling." They have similar views but not exactly the same views of Trump’s US supporters. They believe that Trump pretends to be infected in order to fade people’s attention and to further combat the CCP. "Hold the big move."

One of these possibilities includes that Trump has really obtained a lot of illicit material from the Biden family and is preparing to make it public. At the same time, it may involve some crimes committed by the CCP authorities. In addition, Trump may directly sacrifice to the CCP. Blow.

Just before and after Trump announced that he was infected, the U.S. Republican Congressman "Scott Perry" and several other congressmen jointly proposed a piece of legislation to designate the CCP as a "transnational criminal group" and prosecute it. Punish, even completely eradicate. This bill proposes to include the CCP on the list of "major international criminal organizations." On the list, all international criminal organizations that pose the greatest threat to the national interests of the United States. The organizations on the list have the ultimate goal of being eradicated. .

Another action is that the US media recently reported that the United States intends to establish a second "NATO" military organization in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically "tailored" to combat the CCP. This is a recent report by Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun and the informal alliance discussions between India, Australia and Japan. Coincidentally, on 4 October, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo will visit Japan and other East Asian countries. Whether Trump and Pompeo have major issues and are under discussion. Trump announced the infection in order to temporarily put aside the burden of the election campaign and concentrate on discussing relevant major issues. If this is the case, will it include the acceleration of the establishment of the Indo-Pacific "NATO" or the visit of Pompeo to Taiwan, further enhance the positioning of US-Taiwan relations?

Experts previously expected that the U.S. Army and the Communist Army are preparing to stage a "surprise" duel in October. If the U.S. military can achieve a certain degree of victory, it will be more powerful than Trump's 100 election rallies.

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