Monday, April 26, 2021

CCP did not attend bioweapons conference, Myanmar military continue to attack civilians

News (1) to (5) / Reporter : Zhang Ting  / Editor : Lin Yan / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Image : Johannes Eisele / AFP via Getty Images

News (1)

The CCP’s absence at the Biological Weapons Conference as questions on the origin of the virus intensify

According to a new report from the US State Department, the CCP cancelled a video conference with US officials last year. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the growing concern of the United States on the CCP’s secret biological weapons work. The United States believes that the CCP may violate an international treaty. The timing of the incident comes at a time when the outside world is increasingly questioning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) that has swept the world.

According to the "Washington Times" report, affected by the epidemic, the meeting between the U.S. State Department's arms control officials and their Chinese counterparts was originally planned to be held in video format. However, the annual report on compliance with the weapons agreement released by the State Council this month revealed that CCP officials did not attend the meeting on the grounds of technical problems. The Chinese side did not specify the specific technical issues.

This is the first time in four years that Beijing has refused to hold a meeting with US officials to discuss the CCP’s alleged violation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) that entered into force in 1975. This has heightened concerns that Beijing is studying the use of microbes or toxins to kill weapons. From 2017 to 2019, the United States has been holding annual meetings with the CCP on this topic.

News (2)

Significant changes in the U.S. State Department Arms Compliance Report

Compared with last year’s report, the US State Department’s latest weapons compliance report has slightly changed but significant changes in wording, indicating that US intelligence agencies have clarified some issues related to the CCP’s secret biological warfare work. The 2020 report stated that the CCP has engaged in activities with "potential" military applications. The 2021 report omits the word "potential", indicating that this discovery is based on new US intelligence on CCP research.

One possible source of new intelligence is a Chinese military doctor who fled to a European country last year with details of Beijing’s biological warfare plan. The "Washington Times" reported the defect of Aberdeen in September last year.

Since covid (the pneumonia disease caused by CCP virus) began to spread globally on a large scale last year, the U.S. government and lawmakers have repeatedly expressed suspicion that the virus may have leaked from a Wuhan laboratory related to the CCP’s secret military research. The United Kingdom, Australia and other countries have also urged independent investigations of the origin of the virus.

The CCP has always denied that the Wuhan laboratory is the source of the virus. However, the cancellation of the CCP's biological weapons meeting with the United States has aroused public concern.

News (3)

The compliance report discloses that the CCP may violate the Biological Weapons Convention

This annual weapons compliance report of the US State Department reviews the records of the United States and other countries in compliance with international agreements on nuclear proliferation, chemical and biological weapons, and missile testing. This year’s report expressed critical views on China (the CCP), Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia and other countries.

The compliance report stated that the CCP seems to be engaged in secret work on bacterial weapons while keeping the details of the work confidential.

The report shows that the CCP's military has carried out biological activities with a dual-use nature. The report said that these activities aroused the concern of the United States about whether the CCP complies with Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention.

Article 1 of the Convention requires signatories to "under no circumstances" produce microorganisms or biological agents for non-peaceful purposes. It also prohibits signatories from manufacturing weapons or delivery systems for biological agents or toxins.

The Chinese Communist Party signed the convention in 1984. According to its terms, the CCP should disclose all current and past bacterial weapons work.

"The United States has compliance concerns about the research and development of toxins in Chinese (CCP) military medical institutions, because these toxins have dual uses and may become biological threats," the report said.

According to the "Washington Times", there are more than forty military research institutions managed by the Chinese military. These institutions are accused of working in secret biological weapons.

A senior U.S. State Department official disclosed last year that the CCP’s secret biological warfare work includes engineered weapons designed to attack specific ethnic groups with pathogens.

News (4)

Genetic attacks on specific ethnic groups

According to the report, the statement of the CCP military official supports the intelligence collected by the United States on the development of biological warfare weapons against specific ethnic groups.

The retired CCP general Zhang Shibo (transliteration) wrote in a book in 2017 that the development of modern biotechnology is gradually showing its strong offensive capabilities, including those capable of carrying out "ethnic genetic attacks" with biological weapons.

According to the report, analysts in the US government do not believe that the CCP has completely eliminated its biological warfare program in accordance with the requirements of the Convention. The CCP’s offensive biological weapons program began in the 1950s and continued into the 1980s. Critics argue that Beijing failed to disclose details as required by the convention.

The report said, "As part of its historic biological weapons program, China (the CCP) may have weaponized ricin, botulinum toxin, and pathogens such as anthracnose, cholera, plague, and tularemia." The report stated. the CCP still has biotechnology infrastructure and cooperates with unspecified "relevant countries".

American intelligence analysts insist that the CCP’s activities may violate the convention’s prohibition on the development, production, or storage of biological agents or toxins for non-peaceful purposes. The video conference cancelled by the CCP last year could have clarified some issues.

The U.S. State Department provided the first public information on the CCP’s military biological weapons research in January, including an implementation check on the Wuhan Institute of Viology. The institute is engaged in research on bat coronaviruses. Bat coronavirus is the closest sample (96.2% similarity) to the novel coronavirus that caused this global pandemic.

According to the inspection conducted by the US State Department, the CCP’s measures to strengthen confidentiality and information control are at the expense of the public health of the Chinese and global people. The implementation of the verification revealed the problem of infection of people inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Several researchers inside WIV fell ill in the fall of 2019, before the first (CCP virus) case was confirmed. The symptoms of these researchers are consistent with covid and common seasonal diseases.

The US State Department report stated that a thorough investigation of the virus must include a full explanation of why the Wuhan laboratory has apparently changed and deleted online work records related to RaTG13 and other viruses. The RaTG13 virus is a bat coronavirus identified by WIV in January 2020. The implementation verification also stated that the Wuhan facility is undergoing major secret military research, including laboratory animal experiments on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.

News (5)

Lop Nur Nuclear Weapons proving ground arouses U.S. concerns

The U.S. compliance report also touched on other arms control issues, and said the CCP continued to step up its work at the Lop Nur nuclear weapons test site in western China. These activities have aroused people's concern that Beijing is violating the cessation of testing regulations by secretly conducting nuclear weapons tests.

"In recent years, China (the CCP) may be preparing to operate its Lop Nur test site throughout the year, and its nuclear test activities lack transparency, which has raised concerns about its compliance with the US zero-production standard." The report said, "China (the CCP) is in Throughout 2020, continue to work at the Lop Nur Nuclear Weapons Proving Ground."

The report stated that the CCP also continued to violate the 1987 "Missile Technology Control System" by selling missiles and related technologies, and selling missiles and equipment to Iran in 2020. It failed to comply with the 2000 request to the United States not to assist any country in developing a carrier capable of transporting. The promise of nuclear ballistic missiles.

The report said, "Although the United States has asked China (the CCP) to investigate and stop such activities, most of these cases have not been resolved."

Last year, the United States imposed sanctions on eight Chinese companies under the Iran, North Korea and Syria Non-Proliferation Act because they transferred missile technology to Iran.

A few years ago, a UN expert panel reported that the CCP had provided North Korea with trucks. These trucks were converted into Pyongyang long-range nuclear missile transport erection launchers. North Korea’s mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles have been demonstrated at the military parade, and these missiles are mounted on Chinese-designed launchers.

News (6) to (9) Source : The Irrawaddy

News (6)

Illegal rare earth mining in northern Myanmar involving Chinese miners surges after 1 February 2021

Source : The Irrawaddy

Illegal rare earth mining has surged in northern Kachin State on the Chinese border following Myanmar’s Feb. 1 coup in areas controlled by a junta-sponsored militia.

Environmental groups say mining has increased at least five times in Pangwa and Chipwi townships amid Myanmar’s political turmoil, with a rapid influx of Chinese workers.

“Before the coup, we only saw one or two trucks per day. Now there is no proper inspection we are seeing 10 to 15,” an activist in Chipwi told The Irrawaddy.

He said the trucks are loaded with ammonium sulphate fertilizer bags filled at illegal mines.

“The Chinese authorities have tightened border security for imports from Myanmar due to COVID-19. But materials for the mining move across the border easily,” he added.

Myanmar is China’s largest rare earth source, accounting for over half of its supplies. In 2016, Chinese mining companies entered Pangwa looking for rare earth as Beijing cracked down on illegal mining within China.

According to Chinese customs data, China is heavily dependent on medium and heavy rare earth from Myanmar. Myanmar became China’s largest importer in 2018. In 2020, rare earth imports from Myanmar rose by 23 percent year on year to around 35,500 tons, accounting for 74 percent of imports, according to the Global Times government mouthpiece.

Ja Hkaw Lu of the Transparency and Accountability Network Kachin (TANK) told The Irrawaddy: “Under the civilian government, if we complained about illegal rare earth mining, officials immediately visited and investigated. [Illegal miners] stayed away but now it is totally out of control.”

She added: “Currently, vehicles carrying heavy rare earth leave day and night. The situation is getting worse. There has been an influx of Chinese miners.”

Heavy rare earth from Kachin State is exported to China for refining and processing and then sold around the globe, according to environmental protection groups.

According to TANK, around 10 rare earth mines have opened near the border in Zam Nau, which is controlled by the military-affiliated New Democratic Army Kachin (NDAK).

Kachin environmental groups estimate that there are over 100 rare earth mines in Pangwa and Chipwe townships controlled by the militia and Chinese investors.

The Chinese media has reported that some Chinese companies are facing rising logistical costs exporting rare earth from Myanmar since the military takeover.

But Chinese buyers have not seen any significant decline in imports since the coup, the Chinese media reported.

According to the Kachin State Mining Department, only the union administration can give permission for rare earth mining in Pangwa and Chipwi. The department said it found several illegal mines and Chinese workers in 2019 and 2020 after a series of inspections. The department has said the involvement of armed groups makes regulating the industry challenging.

Brang Awng of the Kachin State Working Conservation Group told The Irrawaddy that the mines cause environmental destruction, polluting waterways and groundwater.

“Illegal digging is on the rampage since there are no checks by government officials since the military coup. More digging will further damage the environment,” he said.

The group said more than 20 villages were suffering from polluted soil and water from rare earth mining. In 2020 and 2019, the Chipwe river twice turned red due to mining waste, according to environmental groups.

News (7)

The junta's brutality continues unabated despite ASEAN's plea

The Association of South East Asian Nations called for the immediate cessation of violence in Myanmar on Saturday, but the junta’s brutality has continued unabated.

Even as the ASEAN leaders sat with coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in Jakarta on Saturday, his troops killed at least three civilians, including a student, and continued brutal crackdowns on peaceful demonstrators demanding the restoration of democracy.

University student Kaung Htet Naing, 22, was shot dead by plainclothes officers in Mandalay’s Chanmyatharzi Township on Saturday morning while he was setting tires on fire to distract regime troops.

He was shot at least twice and beaten in the head before being dragged away, according to a witness. Soldiers and police washed his blood off the street. His shoes were left behind.

His family, who confirmed the death of their son by identifying his shoes and hearing a witnesses account, performed a memorial service Sunday morning though the body has not yet been returned.

In Naypyitaw’s Pyinmana Township, an anti-regime protester was shot dead when junta’s troops fired on a motorbike strike protesting against military rule.

After the regional meeting, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told the media that “he [Myanmar junta leader] said he heard us.” The coup leader was urged by leaders from neighboring countries to end the violence against civilians, but his security forces continued their brutal behavior both day and night.

Daw Win Kyi, 63, a resident in a town in Sagaing Region located on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River, died in custody after being abducted from her house. She was arrested at around 4:30 p.m. and relatives were informed of her death at 5 p.m. Police claimed that she passed away due to a heart attack and epilepsy. The 63-year-old was arrested under three charges including incitement.

The regime forces also raided a monastery in Sagaing Region’s Yinmabin Township in search of a monk involved in anti-regime protests.

Junta forces also rammed into a motorbike strike rally by residents in the town of Phayathonzu (Three Pagoda Pass) in Karen State on Saturday, injuring a woman and arresting four. According to witnesses, the injured woman was severely wounded in the face when her motorbike was run over.

In one case of night raids across the country following the summit, the regime’s troops dragged about 10 residents from their homes in Thamine ward in Mayangone Township, Yangon, for banging pots and pans about 8 p.m. on Saturday. Troops forced them to continue to hit their pots and made two women in their pajamas dance for them for two hours in the street. Some male civilians were also beaten.

About 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, the writer and media trainer Ma Tu Tu Tha and her family members were arrested by the junta’s troops.

According to a relative, soldiers and police searched her house in Yangon’s Thanlyin Township, and arrested four, including her son, brother and one of their friends. The troops found anti-regime pamphlets in their house and confiscated phones and laptops, the relative said.

They were taken into a military interrogation center in Shwepyitha. Ma Tu Tu Tha was editor-in-chief of Thanlyin Post, a local weekly journal, and used to work for the Irrawaddy (Burmese Edition).

Another media personnel, who had previously worked for Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), was arrested on Sunday night. At around 8:30 p.m., soldiers and police raided the house of a former cameraman for DVB, Ko Thura Soe, in Yangon’s Pazundaung Township and arrested him.

According to witnesses, the troops opened fire as they broke into his house and also confiscated some of his belongings and a computer. Operation Director U Toe Zaw Latt told The Irrawaddy that they learned Ko Thura Soe was sent to an interrogation center.

Ko Thura Soe was one of the staff members terminated from the news outlet after the junta revoked its license along with four other media. DVB has continued running its operations in exile.

More than 70 journalists have been arrested since the Feb. 1 coup and of them, 40 are still under detention. Another 22 journalists also face arrest warrants on incitement charges.

Several arrests were made on Sunday and Monday. According to regime-controlled state TV, the regime arrested at least 34 on a single day on Sunday.

Six, including three women, were arrested in Shan State’s Muse. One man and two women were arrested in Yangon Region’s Tamwe and three in Chin State’s Mindat. Fourteen men and two women were arrested at a farm beside the Yangon-Mandalay highway in Bago Region. Two more were arrested in Mandalay Region’s Myingyan. Single arrests were reported in Ayeyarwady’s Pathein, Bago Region’s Pyay, Naypyitaw’s Pyinmana and Mandalay’s Meikhtila.

State TV, however, didn’t include the arrests of four Grade 9 students in Tamwe Township, five anti-regime protesters in North Dagon Township in Yangon Region and a striking teacher in Bago Region for joining the civil disobedience movement.

The regime is increasingly detaining the relatives and friends of those who are in hiding. In Mogoke, Mandalay Region, its troops arrested family members of anti-regime protester Thaw Thaw on Monday.

Mogoke General Strike Information Group confirmed the arrests. According to the group, soldiers and police surrounded the young activist’s house at around 3 p.m. and, when they couldn’t find her, arrested both of her parents and her sister-in-law.

In Tamu of Sagaing Region, three villagers were also arrested by the junta’s forces on Monday. There were reports of looting by soldiers and police in several locations.

Since the coup, the regime has killed at least 751 people including 50 children, and arrested 4,462. Of those, 3,431 remain under detention.

News (8)

Thousands of Sagaing region villagers flee Myanmar military attacks

Several thousands of Sagaing Region villagers have fled their homes since April 20 after Myanmar’s military deployed in the area following shootouts with civilians.

Villagers across Yinmabin Township are living in a state of fear amid the military raids, residents told The Irrawaddy on Monday.

On April 20, shootouts near Kapaing, Thigone and Thityarpin villages saw civilians fight hundreds of military troops passing through the area.

Junta forces used artillery against villagers using traditional, homemade percussion firearms and slingshots, according to residents.

More than 10 villagers have been killed and several dozen detained. Troops were based in Kapaing after raiding the village, residents said.

They left the village on Friday but more than 200 troops and military medics returned in 21 vehicles on Sunday, saying they will restore order.

Kapaing, Thigone, Kabyu and Paungwa villages have been empty since last Tuesday.

A Kapaing villager told The Irrawaddy that the troops looted all food, chickens, pigs, motorcycles and money from the village last Tuesday. They even stole women’s clothing.

Most of the villagers are living in the forest and farmland away from their homes and lack health care, food and water, residents said.

A Kapaing villager, who has been sheltering in a forest with his family for six days, said: “We are really angry about the failure of the international communities to help us.

“We must depend on ourselves. We will run away from the troops and, if we are trapped, we will fight,” the villager told The Irrawaddy.

On Monday, troops raided the neighboring village of Lattkapyar and searched for villagers in the nearby forest, residents said.

After being paid a ransom, junta forces on Saturday released about 50 Wingone villagers who were seized while trying to retrieve dead bodies after the April 20 clash.

“The rest of the villagers raised the ransom demanded by the soldiers,” a villager told The Irrawaddy.

On Saturday, troops raided Thapyay Aye village in the township, looting money, chickens and pigs as villagers fled, a resident told The Irrawaddy.

Troops also raided the village’s monastery, which was seen as a focal point for anti-regime demonstrations. The junta forces seized about 15 laptops used for vocational training and destroyed some buildings at the monastery.

On April 2, a prolonged clash was reported near Thapyay Aye village in the township after residents from across the township fought nearly 100 troops approaching the village.

Two villagers were killed and at least eight were detained by troops.

By Sunday more than 750 civilian deaths had been reported by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

Those killed include anti-regime protesters, National League for Democracy (NLD) members, bystanders and residents.

More than 3,400 people, including elected leaders, NLD members, election commissioners, protesters, doctors, journalists, writers, artists and teachers, have been detained.

Despite the violence, tens of thousands of people across Myanmar continue to protest against military rule.

News (9)

Myanmar's junta continues to arrest journalists

Junta forces arrested a former cameraman of Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) at his house in Yangon’s Pazundaung Township on Sunday evening and sent him to an interrogation center.

“When I checked with Pazundaung police station, police told me that he was sent to Shwepyitha interrogation center this morning,” said a colleague of Ko Thura Soe.

According to witnesses, some ten junta troops came to their residential neighborhood about 8:30 p.m. Sunday, firing shots in the air.

“They went straight to his house and arrested him, saying they came to check for overnight guests,” said a resident of the neighborhood. Junta forces reportedly took his computer and other items from his house.

On Saturday night, writer and media trainer Ma Tu Tu Tha and her family members were arrested at her home in Thanlynn Township in Yangon by the junta’s forces. According to local residents, soldiers and police searched her house and arrested four, including her son, brother and one of their friends.

A relative said the troops found anti-regime pamphlets in the house and confiscated phones and laptops. They were reportedly taken to a military interrogation center in Shwepyitha. Ma Tu Tu Tha was editor-in-chief of Thanlyin Post, a local weekly journal, and used to work for The Irrawaddy (Burmese Edition).

On March 8, five weeks after the Feb. 1 coup, the military regime banned five domestic media outlets including DVB Multimedia Group, 7Day News, Mizzima, Myanmar Now and Khit Thit Media.

The following day, DVB abolished its domestic branch, DVB Multimedia Group, and terminated the employment of all employees working for that branch, compensating them with two months’ salaries, said operation director U Toe Zaw Latt of the DVB.

DVB, however, remains in operation as an exile media, covering anti-regime protests nationwide.

“They are intentionally arresting journalists to silence opposition voices. We are working in accordance with media law that journalists have the right to cover for public information. We object to such arrests,” he said.

Junta forces are also confiscating PSI satellite dishes, which enable the people to access anti-regime protest news from DVB and Mizzima.

In the weeks since the coup, the military has arrested four crew members of DVB and has issued arrest warrants for five others for sedition.

Since seizing power, Myanmar’s military has detained 70 journalists. Thirty of them have been released, but 40 remain in detention.

The military junta opened cases against more than 40 journalists for sedition under Section 505 (b) of Penal Code. Half of them have been detained and the other half have gone into hiding.

News (10) to (13) / Editor : Li Hong / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News (10)

Tensions in the Taiwan Strait, British aircraft carrier visits Asia and joint military exercises with more than ten countries

The CCP’s totalitarian rule has monitored the common people to a pervasive level. If it can really do what it wants and extend its black hand to Taiwan, it will be a disaster for the people of Taiwan. But we have seen that although the CCP is eyeing it, more and more countries have also taken action.

On Monday (26 April), the British Ministry of Defence announced that the British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will perform its first operational deployment in May, visiting ports in Japan, South Korea, India and Singapore, and crossing the Chinese Sea in Vietnam.

Reuters reported that Japan is concerned that the CCP poses a growing threat to Taiwan, and when the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense, the Queen Elizabeth's departure to the Indo-Pacific has attracted much attention. Taiwan's "Liberty Times" believes that the British move is a sword against the CCP.

It is reported that this aircraft carrier will carry six naval ships, including two destroyers, two cruisers and two supply ships, as well as one submarine, four naval helicopters, and one marine corps. In addition, it will carry 8 RAF fighters and 10 U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II fighter jets.

The British Ministry of Defense pointed out that this deployment "is part of Britain's tilt towards the Indo-Pacific region... it will help the United Kingdom to participate more deeply in the Indo-Pacific region to support the goals of common prosperity and regional stability."

In addition, the British government also issued a press release stating that in the 28-week mission, the Queen Elizabeth will also cooperate with U.S. Navy ships and a Dutch frigate, as well as from Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, the United Arab Emirates, Forces from Denmark, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Israel, India, Oman, and South Korea conduct joint military exercises.

News (11)

Kazakh anti-communist sentiment rises, opposition parties unite against "One Belt One Road"

The bad news for the CCP does not stop there. Its "One Belt, One Road" agreement has been boycotted again.

Last Saturday (24 April), about 500 Kazakhs held rallies and marches in Almaty, the country's largest city, and the capital, Nur-Sultan, to oppose the debt trap that the "One Belt One Road" may bring.

The people's dislike of the "Belt and Road" initiative is closely related to the CCP's violation of human rights in Xinjiang. Serkejian, the founder of a Kazakh human rights organization, told Radio Free Asia that the Chinese authorities illegally arrested 500,000 to 700,000 Kazakhs in Xinjiang, which made all sectors of the Kazakh society very angry. Although the official media of China and Kazakhstan vigorously promote the importance of the so-called Sino-Kazakh friendship and the SCO, the people of Kazakhstan no longer believe these lies.

Serkjan said that from 2017 to the present, Kazakhs have been unable to contact their relatives in Xinjiang, and they do not know each other's life or death, so they "hate the CCP to the bone". He also said that if the CCP does not allow the Kazakhs in the territory to gain freedom and leave China, then the "Belt and Road" plan will be difficult to implement in Kazakhstan.

This rally was initiated by the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan, which is being formed, and received unanimous support from all opposition parties and non-governmental organizations. What's more noteworthy is that the country's authorities have rarely approved demonstrations. One participant believed that the government might want to use this to gain bargaining chips with Chinese investors.

It is reported that China and Kazakhstan have jointly invested in 55 large-scale projects with a total investment of 27.3 billion U.S. dollars, of which more than ten projects have been completed, and eight projects are frozen or cancelled.

News (12)

The CCP's killing of chickens and monkeys fails, Australia's economy is booming

In addition to taking the initiative by many countries, the consequences of the trade game between the CCP and Australia are gradually emerging recently.

Last week, the Australian Foreign Minister announced the abolition of the "One Belt One Road" agreement signed between Victoria and the Chinese Communist Party. The spokesperson of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, threatened that this would “make the relationship between China and Australia, which are already facing difficulties, worse”.

However, the data shows that it is not only the Sino-Australian relationship that has made the situation worse, but the livelihood of mainland China is actually worrying.

In May last year, the CCP imposed tariff barriers on Australia. Since then, the CCP’s coal price has been rising steadily, and the price of high-quality coal has reached 800 yuan/ton.

Ye Chun, deputy secretary-general of the Fuel Branch of the China Electricity Council, bluntly stated that the cost of coal procurement by coal-fired power companies in the first quarter of the CCP increased an additional 47 billion yuan. The mainland media also concluded that due to multiple reasons such as corruption in the mainland coal industry, frequent mining accidents, inventory decline, insufficient income, and high daily consumption of power plants, China’s coal prices are still prone to rise but never fall, which will inevitably affect the national economy and people’s livelihood. .

Last year, the mainland broke the scene of power cuts in the cold winter. As the temperature in northern China drops to its lowest level in 40 years, the shortage of coal has seriously endangered people's lives. And the peak of electricity consumption in the coming summer is also facing the prospect of energy shortage.

In addition, the long-term existence of high-priced coal is more likely to drag down China's manufacturing industry.

In January of this year, a coal trader in Shanxi complained that the price of 5,500 calories (k) of low-sulfur coal is close to 1,000 yuan per ton, which is almost the highest in history, and that “the money can’t buy coal” comment appears.

At the end of 2020, the two coal price release agencies of the Chinese Communist Party temporarily suspended the release of the coal price index due to the chaotic market pricing system. At the same time, although the exports of Australian coal mines to China have plummeted, their exports to Japan, India, and South Korea have increased significantly. In addition, many industries such as barley and cotton in Australia have also successfully found alternative markets, keeping Australia's overall export volume stable.

In the third quarter of last year, Australia's economic growth reached 3.4%, and continued to maintain a growth of 3.1% in the fourth quarter. This is also the first two-quarter economic growth of more than 3% in Australia since the GDP record in 1959. The economy this year is still better than most countries.

The commentary believes that this round of trade wrestling between the CCP and Australia not only failed to achieve the effect of "killing the chickens and the monkeys", on the contrary, it shot itself in the foot and made Australia's stance against the CCP even tougher.

The Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton has stated that Australia will never give up its sovereignty or compromise with the CCP's values ​​in order to appease the CCP.

News (13)

India's death toll surges, Sichuan Airlines suspended relief flights to India

On Monday (April 26), India reported more than 350,000 new covid cases, which is the fifth consecutive day that it has set the highest number of infections in a single day in the world. According to the Associated Press, the death toll in India has exceeded 190,000, excluding suspicious cases, the actual death toll may be even higher.

The infected people continue to die, which overwhelms crematoriums and cemeteries everywhere. The number of more traditional crematoriums in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, India, has increased from more than ten crematoriums to more than fifty. Even so, the local remains unable to digest the piles of remains, and it will take at least a few hours to be cremated. Employees at one of the crematorium revealed that they cremated 110 people on the 24th alone.

Mamtesh Sharma, an official at the crematorium, said, “This virus is devouring people in this city like a monster.” “We seem to be in the midst of war.”

The epidemic in India affects the world, and the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have reached out to help urgently.

At the same time, Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also tweeted on the 26th, “We are very worried about the serious situation in India (the epidemic). If India tells us any specific needs, we are ready to help.”

In response, China expert Gordon G. Chang replied, "Thank you, you can help India and help the world-as long as you tell how COVID-19 started." He also created and attached the two topic tags of "coronavirus" and "Wuhan laboratory" .

In addition, the Times of India disclosed on the same day that the state-run Sichuan Airlines announced that it had suspended flights for COVID-19 medical supplies to India for 15 days. This surprised traders and agents alike because they were frantically purchasing oxygen machines and other medical equipment from China and India is in urgent need of these supplies to save lives.

In addition, traders also complain that Chinese manufacturers have increased the prices of related materials by 35% to 40%, and freight has also increased by more than 20%.

The Chinese Communist Party officially claimed that this was "an anti-epidemic policy determined by airlines" and that it was "just as blameless as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, which restrict flights to India."

However, the Epoch Times reporter verified that although the Netherlands and other countries have suspended flights to India, the ban does not include cargo flights or planes carrying medical personnel. On the contrary, countries such as the United Kingdom are actively sending flights full of medical equipment to support India.

News (14) to (18) / Editor : Li Hong / / Direct translation

News (14)

Guests of Boao Forum become CCP's "targeted targets"

On 21 April, the CCP’s Boao Forum concluded. At the forum, the CCP continued its recent confrontation with the U.S. First, Xi Jinping secretly criticized the U.S. in a video speech, and then Latin American companies held meetings to get U.S. companies to support the CCP.

In recent years, the CCP has weaponized its economy in order to hold the world away. Matt Pottinger, the former deputy national security adviser of the United States, said recently, “Beijing intends to reduce China’s dependence on the world, while making the world increasingly dependent on China. Then it will use the resulting leverage to promote Beijing’s authoritarian politics on a global scale purpose."

News (15)

Xi Jinping secretly criticized the U.S. for shrinking specifications of foreign dignitaries at the forum

In his video speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum on April 20, Xi Jinping secretly criticized the United States many times.

When talking about global governance, Xi said that “it is necessary to maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core and the international order based on international law.” The unilateralism of individual countries "brings rhythm" to the whole world", "the world must be fair, not overbearing."

Xi's words are basically the same as those of Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, during the US-China Alaska talks in March. The United States has always emphasized the "rule-based international order."

In Xi Jinping's speech, in terms of economic cooperation, Xi secretly criticized the United States for saying that "artificially' building walls' and 'decoupling' violates economic laws and market rules and harms others and ourselves."

Corresponding to Xi's criticism of the United States, foreign politicians participating in the Boao Forum this year have shrunk in terms of specifications.

In the past, the Boao Forum was attended by a large number of foreign politicians, even foreign leaders. Looking through the report, we can see that in 2018, when Xi Jinping attended the meeting, the leaders of the summit included the President of Austria, the President of the Philippines, the Prime Minister of Mongolia, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Prime Minister of Singapore, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the International Monetary Fund.

This year, however, the situation is very different. In official reports, current officials at the head level only saw the Prime Minister of Mongolia and participated in remote connections.

News (16)

A special meeting is held at the Boao Forum, Latin American companies confront the U.S.

Different from the previous Boao Forum, in addition to the "Sino-Foreign Entrepreneurs Symposium" held by state leaders this year, the CCP also added a "Sino-US Entrepreneur Dialogue."

Participants in this dialogue include Zhou Xiaochuan, former governor of the Central Bank of the Communist Party of China, Zhou Wenzhong, former ambassador of the Chinese Communist Party to the United States, Jin Liqun, president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and heads of several state-owned enterprises. The US includes former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutiérrez, former Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, and many Wall Street executives, including Schwarzman Blackstone Group (Stephen A. Schwarzman) et al.

According to a report by the Chinese Communist Party’s official media, “Participants on both sides believe that the handling of Sino-US economic and trade relations should avoid politicization... Decoupling will not benefit anyone and will harm the world.”

Current affairs commentator Li Linyi believes that this "China-US Entrepreneurs Dialogue" will send a signal, hoping that the United States and China will not decouple from technology and economics. In fact, it echoes Xi Jinping's video speech and clearly demonstrates the confrontation between the Chinese Communist Party and Latin American companies. American approach. One of the purposes of the CCP’s opening of the market to Wall Street in recent years is to carry out an economic united front against them so that it can influence the political decisions of the US government at that time.

Li Linyi said that, however, the number of incumbent high-ranking politicians in foreign countries has shrunk dramatically, especially the absence of "friendship" in the video. In fact, it has already reflected how unpopular the CCP is in the world.

News (17)

The CCP weaponized the economy: reducing China’s dependence on the world and increasing the world’s dependence on China

On April 15, Bo Ming, the former deputy national security adviser of the United States, stated at an online hearing held by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Committee, “Beijing intends to reduce China’s dependence on the world and at the same time make the world more and more dependent on China. Then take advantage of this. The resulting leverage has promoted Beijing’s authoritarian political goals on a global scale."

Boming believes that "this strategy takes advantage of China's economic scale and at the same time takes advantage of the economic vulnerabilities of other countries."

In recent years, the CCP has increasingly weaponized its economy in order to hold back the world.

The Wall Street Journal quoted an unnamed person familiar with the matter as saying on March 19 that the CCP is restricting the use of Tesla vehicles by employees of the military, state-owned enterprises in sensitive industries, and important agencies.

Tesla is an American electric car company and is currently a benchmark company in mainland China.

On 22 March, Tesla founder Musk accepted an interview with the Chinese Communist Party’s official media and praised the Chinese Communist Party’s 14th Five-Year Plan.

With German companies investing heavily in mainland China, German Chancellor Merkel has also become a leader in the pro-communist EU. At the end of last year, it was reported that she promoted the conclusion of the China-EU Investment Agreement, which the Chinese Communist Party was looking forward to.

Cheng Xiaonong, an overseas economist, believes that the high interdependence between multinational corporations and the "world factory" (China), the outbreak of the Sino-US Cold War, and various unpredictable risks may occur at any time. The concentration is exposed under economic globalization. , The industrial chain focuses on the fragility behind the economic development model of the "world factory". Once the production of the "world factory" is interrupted or the shipping is interrupted, the supply difficulties in the markets of developed countries will immediately erupt and an economic crisis will occur.

Cheng Xiaonong said in another interview that by offering discounts and attracting investment, "this is why the CCP has been able to attract a large number of Hong Kong and Taiwan companies to the mainland in just a few years, and through them, it has further secured orders from major US retailers."

News (18)

Exclusive: Hainan's "targeting" goal at the Boao Forum in 2018

Recently, The Epoch Times obtained the "Letter on Proposals for Using Boao Forum for Asia 2018 Annual Meeting to Carry out Precise Investment Promotion Work" issued by the Haikou Convention and Exhibition Bureau on 9 October 2017, revealing that the CCP used this forum to secretly achieve its purpose of attracting investment.

According to the document, according to the targeted docking list provided by the Municipal Bureau of Commerce during the 2017 Boao Forum for Asia, “point-to-point” precision investment promotion will be carried out. Therefore, it is recommended that this year's special guest list be provided as soon as possible, "to make targeted docking more effective."

According to another document, "Boao Targeting Docking List", the special guests of the Boao Forum that year were all heavyweight entrepreneurs at home and abroad, with 164 people.

For example, Qualcomm of the United States, the guest of the conference is Meng Pu, the position is the chairman of the board of China, and the industry belongs to high-tech and the Internet.

Hewlett-Packard Company, the guest at the conference is Richard Bailey, the position is the president of the Asia-Pacific region, and the industry is high-tech and the Internet.

American JPMorgan Chase Group, the guest at the conference is Qian Guowei, the position is the vice chairman of the Asia-Pacific region, and his industry is the financial industry.

For Blackstone Group, the guest at the conference is Schwarzman, his position is Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder (Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder), and his industry is the financial industry.

Pepsi (China) Co., Ltd., the guest at the conference is Ke Ruinan, the position is the president and chief executive officer, and the industry is the retail industry.

Coca-Cola Beverages (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The guest at the conference is Yu Chunhong, and his position is Public Affairs Communications and Sustainable Development Department, Public Policy and Integrated Development Director, and his industry is retail.

Li Linyi believes that the CCP is "attracting investment" in name and inviting large companies to settle in China, but in reality it is using these multinational companies to gradually form dependence on the Chinese economy in order to achieve their political goals in the future.

News (19)

Coincidence? Xi Jinping talks about the escape of the Red Army, Li Zicheng enters the Pass and commits himself to Emperor Chongzhen

Reporter : Luo Tingting  / Chief Editor: Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

Image : Xi Jinping visited the Xiangjiang Battle Memorial Park in Guangxi on 25 April and talked about the experience of the Red Army of the Communist Party of China being besieged and suppressed by the National Army and fled to Yan'an. (Video screenshot)

Xi Jinping visited the Xiangjiang Battle Memorial Park in Guangxi on April 25, and talked about the experience of the Red Army of the Chinese Communist Party being encircled and suppressed by the National Army and fleeing to Yan'an. Coincidentally, on this day more than 300 years ago, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen killed himself in Meishan, and the Ming Dynasty fell.

The Chinese Communist Party’s official Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping visited Quanzhou County, Guilin Guangxi on the 25th, where he visited the Red Army’s Long March Battle of Xiangjiang Memorial Hall. Xi Jinping said that the "Battle of Xiangjiang" was a key battle in the Red Army's Long March and an important historical event that determined the survival of the Communist Party of China.

In his speech, Xi Jinping mentioned the so-called national rejuvenation, saying, "No matter how difficult it is, think about the Long March of the Red Army and the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River."

According to historical records, the Battle of Xiangjiang took place from the end of November to the beginning of December 1934. The Communist army, which was encircled by the Nationalist government, fled to western China in order to survive. The CCP called it the "Long March".

The Kuomintang and the Communist Party exchanged fire along the Xiangjiang River in Guangxi. Although the Red Army escaped by chance, its troop strength was mostly lost, from 100,000 to only 40,000.

Current affairs commentator Zhong Yuan wrote in The Epoch Times that Xi Jinping should have felt it. Comparing the current predicament with the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River, it can be seen how much pressure Xi feels.

Coincidentally, more than three hundred years ago, on 25 April 1644 (19 March in the Chinese calendar), King Chuang Li Zicheng led a peasant uprising army into Beijing. The last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen, was on the first floor of Meishan Mountain. Hanging himself on a tree with a crooked neck, the Ming Dynasty, which was founded in 277 years, officially perished.

Image : There is an inscription on the site where Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself. (Wikipedia)

Some commentators believe that Xi Jinping's mention of the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River that determined the survival of the Chinese Communist Party on this day seems to indicate that the Chinese Communist Party is also facing the fate of destruction. At present, the Chinese Communist regime is in an unprecedented crisis. It is surrounded by the United States and Western allies. There is no solution to the domestic and foreign affairs, and there is no way out.

In addition, after the defeat of the Red Army that year, it was eventually forced to change the leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Nowadays, Xi Jinping's series of misjudgments on the international situation and the implementation of the left-turn route have plunged the CCP regime into crisis, and there are more and more voices against Xi within the CCP.

Zhong Yuan guessed that there should also be a lot of private disputes within the CCP. Will it also be brewing leadership changes? Did Xi Jinping's remarks during his visit also reveal similar concerns?

At present, what Xi Jinping is most concerned about should be the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and whether he can successfully enter the third term. This year is another year of the replacement of local government officials, and various factions in the party have started to fight for the personnel station. The CCP's internal fighting will never stop. The more the CCP's regime continues to weaken, the more intense the internal fighting will become.

Zhong Yuan believes that in order to preserve his position, or to save his life, Xi Jinping has almost no way out to fight for life. Xi could not let go internally and externally. He could only drive the broken CCP car to continue to accelerate into the abyss.

News (20) to (21) / Reporter : Li Yun / Editor : Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

News (20)

Xi Jinping's surprise visit to Guangxi said with solemn expression, "Do not hesitate to fight a bloody battle"

Xi Jinping made a surprise visit to Guilin, Guangxi on the 25th. During the period, when Xi inspected the "Xiangjiang Battle Memorial Park", he revealed that he "will not hesitate to fight a bloody battle" to get out of the predicament. According to French media, Xi has gray hair and solemn expression, as if he has a hint of ominous feeling.

The official Weibo of Xinhuanet of the Communist Party of China introduced on 26 April that during Xi Jinping’s visit to the Red Army’s "Battle of Xiangjiang" Memorial Park in Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin, Xi cited the loss of more than half of the military’s military power as an example, declaring that "in the most difficult Persevere at the time", so that we can continue to achieve "miracle victories."

Xi Jinping also said that no matter how difficult it is, "just think about the Long March of the Red Army and the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River."

Fa Guang commented that Xi Jinping’s remarks are thought to reveal Xi Jinping’s current dilemma. By cherishing the memory of the past, Xi revealed his determination to get rid of the predicament by "fighting at all costs" and his vision for a "miraculous victory". The outsider is curious: to whom did he release this information? Who are you going to fight with?

The bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River mentioned by Xi Jinping, the Battle of Xiangjiang River, took place from the end of November to the beginning of December 1934. It was an important war in the first civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The Central News Agency introduced the battle and said that after being encircled by the Nationalist government, the Chinese Communists broke through the siege and moved to western China. The CCP referred to this process of escape as the "Long March."

On the way, due to the large number of bags and the slow marching speed, he was pursued by the national army. The two armies fought along the Xiangjiang River in Guangxi. In the end, although the communist army fled the battlefield, the original army of nearly 100,000 lost more than half, leaving only about 40,000. It was recognized by the CCP as the most tragic war in the history of the communist army.

The report also mentioned that this battle also aggravated the divergence of the CCP’s internal lines and the dissatisfaction with the leadership at that time, and indirectly contributed to the holding of the "Zunyi Conference." It was during this meeting that Mao Zedong was added as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and entered the decision-making circle. From then on, he held the power of the Chinese Communist Party until his death in 1976.

The CCP’s claim that the CCP’s Red Army’s Long March began in 1934 was promoted by the CCP as going north to resist Japan, but it has long since become a ridicule among the people. Because the Red Army's route is from the CCP "Soviet Area" in southern Jiangxi and other areas to northern Shaanxi. At that time, the Japanese army invaded and occupied the front line of the Great Wall, in the northeast. The truth revealed by the people is that the Red Army was encircled and suppressed by the National Army and was forced to flee northward.

Image : The Xinhua News Agency of the Communist Party of China released a photo of Xi with a solemn expression and gray hair. (Video screenshot)

News (21)

RFI: Xi's solemn expression makes the observer feel ominous

Regarding Xi Jinping's surprise visit to Guangxi to commemorate the "Blood Battle in Xiangjiang", the Xinhua News Agency of the Communist Party of China released a photo of Xi with a solemn expression and gray hair.  RFI said that this photo gave the observer a sense of ominousness. Xi's related expressions seem to accentuate this ominous feeling.

On 23 April, on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Navy, Xi Jinping awarded flags to the three large main battleships of the South China Sea Fleet. He also visited the Xiangjiang Battle Memorial Park in Guangxi on the 25th to convey the message of "ready to fight".

According to the report, if the three new ships were launched at the same time, referring to Taiwan as far away as Japan and the United States, it would be more or less flaunting, and then Xi used the Red Army's escape from the Red Army to fight against the National Army in the Xiangjiang Battle, and the atmosphere would be just fine but weird.

The pro-Beijing explained Xi Jinping’s meaning that China will face the “most difficult period” brought by the United States and its allies. Xi Jinping’s inspection in Guangxi seems to give the answer. “One is to use material forces to improve its own defense capabilities. The second is to use spiritual power to strengthen the determination to overcome difficulties."

But what era is this? Although the plague is still raging, the whole world yearns for peace. Why does Xi Jinping appear murderous on the one hand, but on the other hand he says he is facing the most difficult moment?

According to the report, an analysis believes that Xi Jinping has had a strong sense of insecurity in recent years. Driven by a sense of insecurity, his statement has a certain characteristic of division. For example, he said on the one hand that the United States is China's most dangerous enemy, but on the other hand he said that "the east is rising and the west is falling" and "the opportunity lies with me." On the one hand, he celebrated the overall victory in poverty alleviation and the decisive victory in the fight against the epidemic. On the other hand, he warned the Chinese Communist Party's senior officials to be alert to emergencies such as black swans and gray rhinos.

According to analysis, it seems that since the outbreak of the trade war with the United States, Xi's discourse has been hovering between insecurity and "opportunity on my side." This time I went to Hainan and Guangxi, and launched three ships in Hainan at the same time. The three ships were fierce and "unforgettable", and there was a "most difficult moment".

What is Xi Jinping talking about? Imply that there are enemies everywhere in and around China? At home, Xi Jinping seems to be able to cover the sky with one hand but he is also afraid of the ups and downs.

The outside world observes Xi Jinping’s difficulties. In addition to the pressure from the United States, the biggest challenge to him in the near future should be the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that may be held this fall. If this meeting can be held, in accordance with the Chinese Communist Party’s practice, the leaders of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China should be finalized at the meeting.

The veteran of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Xiaoping, and his peers once established "party regulations" requiring the top leader of the Chinese Communist Party to be replaced every 10 years to prevent the repetition of Mao Zedong's lifelong dictatorship. Xi Jinping, who controls military power, has paved the way for re-election through "cracking corruption" and "constitutional amendment" in recent years. However, under the turbulent power struggle within the Communist Party of China, there are still uncertainties in the future.

Situ Jian, a current affairs commentator, analyzed that Xi Jinping felt that the CCP was facing international siege and isolation, especially the expansion in the South China Sea, and war might be imminent. Xi's renewed mention of the "Long March" in Guangxi indicated that he did not hesitate to accompany the people to the bloody battle, which echoes the frequent announcements of preparations for war in recent years.

However, Situ Jian believes that Xi Jinping wants to rely more on inciting nationalism to shift domestic crises, including the pressure of differences in lines within the Communist Party of China, in order to be re-elected at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This is the same reason that Mao Zedong used the "Long March" to finally consolidate his power.

News (22)

Japanese and Indian leaders talked about the CCP's maritime threats and cooperation in epidemic prevention

Reporter : Chen Ting / Editor : Ye Ziwei / / Direct translation

Image : Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. (Yuichi Yamazaki / Getty Images)

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a telephone conversation on Monday (26 April). The two sides will fight against SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus). In key areas such as the pandemic, the creation of a resilient supply chain, and the response to the CCP’s threat, a consensus is reached and bilateral cooperation will be strengthened in the future.

According to the Hindustan Times, the two heads of state held a 25-minute meeting on Monday.

In fact, before the epidemic in India has warmed up in recent weeks, Yoshihide Suga is expected to visit India and the Philippines at the end of April. However, because of the surge in cases in India, the number of confirmed diagnoses in a single day has repeatedly set world highs, and the visit has to be cancelled in the end. The two heads of state agreed during the conference call that they would re-coordinate to achieve face-to-face talks.

During the meeting, Yoshihide Suga expressed serious concerns about the CCP’s attempts to unilaterally change the status quo in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and promulgated the "Maritime Police Law" to allow the Coast Police Department to use weapons.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that in order to achieve a "free and open Indo-Pacific region and establish a rules-based international order", the two sides have reached an agreement on the importance of bilateral and through Japan-US-Australia-India "Quad" cooperation.

Yoshihide Suga said that in the future, he hopes that the two sides will cooperate in the fields of networking, carbon emission reduction, and medical and health care. He mentioned that he is willing to cooperate with India in the fields of fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication systems, submarine cable laying business, diversified supply chains, strengthening industrial competitiveness, and cooperative development of India's northeastern region.

The two leaders also discussed the covid epidemic in the two countries and agreed to cooperate closely to overcome the epidemic.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India stated in a briefing that Japan-India cooperation includes “jointly creating a resilient, diversified and trustworthy supply chain, ensuring reliable supply of key materials and technologies, and developing partnerships on new technologies in manufacturing and skills development.".

The two leaders emphasized that it is necessary to implement the recently signed "Specified Skilled Workers" (SSW) agreement as soon as possible in order to synergize the advantages of both parties and achieve mutual benefit.

The statement stated that the two leaders emphasized that the "Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed ​​Railway" (MAHSR) project is "a shining example of cooperation between the two sides, and they welcome the steady realization of the plan." This plan is India's first high-speed rail plan that uses Japan's Shinkansen technology.

In January this year, Japan provided another 30 billion yen in loans to the Indian government, hoping to alleviate the economic impact of the epidemic on India.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Japan has also provided a loan of 50 billion yen to assist the development of health care in India.

News (23)

The CCP releases a survey report on the geomorphology of the Diaoyu Islands, dare not mention this history

Reporter : Zhang Hong / Editor : Lin Congwen / / Direct translation

Image: On April 26, the Ministry of Natural Resources of China announced the "Survey Report on the Geomorphology of the Diaoyu Island and its Affiliated Islands". The Diaoyu Islands issue has attracted attention again, including the CCP’s traitorous history of betraying the Diaoyu Islands. The picture shows the Diaoyu Islands. (JIJI PRESS/AFP)

 The dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands issue is heating up. After Chinese and Japanese officials choked in the air, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Communist Party of China announced on April 26 the "Survey Report on the Geomorphology of Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands." The issue of the Diaoyu Islands has attracted attention again, including the betrayal of the history of the Diaoyu Islands, which the CCP dared not mention.

On April 26, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Communist Party of China announced a survey report on the topography of the Diaoyu Islands, by drawing the topography and topography of the main island, North Island, South Island and other islands of the Diaoyu Islands. In the three photos of the report, it can be seen that the Chinese side has drawn contour maps of the main island of Diaoyutai, Beixiaodao, and Nanxiaodao, as well as an introduction to the topographic trend.

The report claims that the survey report is based on sorting out "historical survey results" and conducting special surveys, using the latest high-resolution satellite telemetry and other survey methods, using the latest topographic data of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands and the shallow area 30 metres or less. The latest large-scale thematic map of island topography and landform was compiled, which further improved the basic geographic data system of Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands.

This topographical and geomorphological map largely marked the names of local landmarks such as mountains, reefs, bays, etc. after China's sovereignty dispute over the Diaoyu Islands in 2012. For example, the highest peak of 362 metres above sea level on the main island of Diaoyu Islands is marked as "Gaohua Peak" and so on.

On the 26th, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested the above-mentioned investigation report through diplomatic channels.

The day before (26 April), the WeChat public account "China Coast Guard" stated that the CCP Coast Guard 2301 fleet cruised "in the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands" that day.

Prior to this, on 16 April, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and US President Biden held a US-Japan summit. In the joint statement between the two parties, they reiterated the U.S.-Japan security treaty, and also reiterated that the Senkaku Islands (also known as the Diaoyu Islands) apply U.S.-Japan security, and oppose the unilateral actions undermining Japan's administration rights over the Senkaku Islands. Later, Chinese and Japanese officials choked off the Diaoyu Islands issue.

Japan’s Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi mentioned in a speech at the Liberal Democratic Party’s meeting on 22 April  that the CCP’s coastal police boats are increasingly active on the Diaoyu Islands, “causing all the changes in the status quo, (Japan) cannot accept this situation.”

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China, Zhao Lijian, responded to this on the 23rd, saying, “This kind of remarks are completely free-flowing, extremely irresponsible and misleading public opinion.”

However, it was not until 1971 that the Chinese Communist Party first proposed that the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) belong to China. Before that, the Chinese Communist Party’s official “People's Daily” publicly claimed that the Diaoyu Islands belonged to Japan.

Hu Ping, a well-known current affairs commentator, also said, "People's Daily" once admitted that the Diaoyu Islands belonged to Japan, but later the CCP had no power to repent. Of course, it doesn't mention these things. The people don't even know that it surrenders some territory. It dared not seriously negotiate with Japan on this issue, how to resolve the issue of ownership. At present, the Diaoyu Islands are actually occupied and controlled by Japan.

In 2012, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs took a screenshot of an article in the People’s Daily, the official throat of the Chinese Communist Party, on its official website, and annotated that “it can be seen that China (the Chinese Communist Party) once regarded and officially recognized (the Senkaku Islands) as part of Okinawa.” 

The article in "People's Daily" was published on 8 January 1953, with the title "The Struggle of the People of the Ryukyu Islands Against U.S. Occupation". The article said that the Ryukyu Islands are scattered on the sea between northeastern Taiwan and southwestern Kyushu Island, and include seven groups of islands, including the Senkaku Islands, the First Island Islands, the Okinawa Islands, and the Oshima Islands.

"People's Daily" published an article titled "The Struggle of the People of the Ryukyu Islands Against American Occupation" on 8 January 1953, which attributed the Diaoyu Islands to Japan. A screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is evidence. (Screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

"People's Daily" published an article titled "The Struggle of the People of the Ryukyu Islands Against American Occupation" on January 8, 1953, which attributed the Diaoyu Islands to Japan. A screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as evidence. (Screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
In addition, the "People's Daily" published an editorial titled "Shameless Fabrication" on 26 March 1958. The editorial quoted the Chinese diplomatic spokesperson at the time as saying that the so-called "China will never give up its sovereignty over the Ryukyu Islands". ,It is a rumor fabricated by the Americans. The editorial also stated that as early as the "Statement on the Draft U.S.-British Peace Treaty with Japan and the San Francisco Conference" on 15 August 1951, Premier Zhou Enlai stated that (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands), "These islands, In any past international agreement, it was not stated that it was required to leave Japan."

The friction between China and Japan due to the sovereignty dispute over the Diaoyu Islands. Wang Juntao, an overseas democracy activist, once said that the game behind the Diaoyu Islands is for many young people to defend their homes and the country, especially overseas Chinese. But in fact, the CCP government is very guilty because it has sold a lot of territories in exchange for them to achieve political stability. So the CCP is just playing there, and it does not really want to oppose Japan.

News (24) to (40) / / Direct translation

News (24)

India is infected with 350,000 in a single day, neighboring countries blockade, multi-country embargo

The worsening of the epidemic in India has aroused global concern. (SAJJAD HUSSAIN/AFP via Getty Images)

The number of new covid cases  in India has hit record highs for several days. The overall epidemic has gone out of control and has become the focus of global attention. More countries have announced the suspension of flights to India.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) of India stated in the morning of 26 April, local time, that in the past 24 hours, 352,991 confirmed cases have been newly discovered across India, setting a new single-day case record, which is also the country’s five consecutive days of cases exceeding 300,000 in a day.

The Ministry of Transport of the Netherlands announced on Sunday that it would prohibit entry of passenger planes departing from India from 6 pm (16:00 GMT)from 26 April to 1 May but this ban does not include cargo flights or airplanes carrying medical personnel.

Bangladesh announced that it will close its land border with India to prevent the spread of record infection and death toll from neighboring countries to the country. AK Abdul Momen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, told the media that the ban will take effect for 14 days from Monday, but does not include cargo transportation.

Thailand suspends the issuance of travel documents for India due to concerns that the virus may spread to its own country. The country’s embassy in New Delhi said in a statement that the entry permits of non-Thai nationals travelling from India to the country will be suspended until further notice.

Prior to this, according to the "India Express" report, due to the continued deterioration of the covid epidemic in India, as of the 24th, 12 countries and regions around the world have restricted flights from India, including Iran, Kuwait, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada,  Oman and the UAE.

News (25)

Minnesota child dies from complications of COVID-19

According to a statement from the Minnesota Department of Health, a child from the southwestern part of the state has died of covid complications.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said in a statement that the child has no long-term health problems. Since the beginning of the epidemic, three children under the age of 18 have died of covid in Minnesota.

“It’s heartbreaking to hear that COVID-19 has taken the lives of people so young,” Waltz said in a statement on Monday afternoon. “My heart is with this Minnesota family for losing their beloved. Sad for children. There is nothing more sad than losing a family member."

The president of Marshall Public Schools, Jeremy Williams, said that the deceased child was a first-year student at Parkside Elementary School.

News (26)

U.S. Medical Director says "several" family members in India have died

Image : The picture shows a profile photo of Vivek Murthy, the medical director of the United States. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The Indian epidemic is extremely severe. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the medical director of the United States, said that he has personally been affected by the spread of the epidemic in India.

"It happens that I also have a lot of family members in India, and I keep in touch with them and understand how bad it really is from their perspective." Musi said in a conference call with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' community team on Monday. " Several of my family members in India have died due to COVID-19, and many more are getting sick, so this is very serious for me."

News (27)

New U.S. cases fell sharply last week

Reuters reported that according to data analysis of US states and counties, the number of new covid cases in the United States dropped by 16% last week to approximately 409,000, which is the largest percentage drop in new cases per week.

The number of covid deaths fell by 4% on April 25 to 4,972. This is the first time the daily death toll has fallen below 5,000 since October.

Michigan still has the highest number of new cases per capita in the United States, although the infection rate last week dropped by 29% compared to the previous week. Next came New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where the average infection rate in seven days also dropped by more than 20%.

The number of new cases in 12 of the 50 states in the United States is still rising, but compared with last month, the number of new cases in 30 states was on the rise. The states with the largest increase in infection rates are Tennessee, Oregon and Arizona.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of Sunday, 43% of Americans have received at least one dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, and 29% are fully vaccinated.

News (28)

France sends medical assistance to India before the weekend

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that France will begin sending medical assistance to India before this weekend.

The statement said that the equipment sent includes eight medical oxygen generators, each of which will enable Indian hospitals to self-produce oxygen for 10 years. Liquefied oxygen containers and "professional medical equipment", especially 28 ventilators and their specific supplies, are also part of it.

"In response to the needs expressed by the Indian government, these devices are designed to respond to emergencies and can also increase and strengthen the capacity of Indian hospitals to treat patients and pandemics." The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The statement added that the assistance is also part of the role of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

"France and India have always supported each other in difficult times. This solidarity is at the core of our strategic partnership and the friendship between the people of France and India." The statement concluded.

In India, in the past two weeks, medical institutions have run out of oxygen and the intensive care unit is full of beds. Patients can only stay at home and outside the hospital to wait for care.

News (29)

California man has thrombosis after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine, first case in U.S.

Fox News reported that a spokesperson for the University of California San Francisco Medical Center confirmed that a male patient had a blood clot after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and was receiving treatment and care at the San Francisco Medical Center.

"As far as we know, this is the first male patient with VITT (vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytosis) syndrome in the United States since the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was urgently authorized by the United States on February 27," said the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Suzanne Leigh said in a statement.

The patient from the Bay Area is in his early 30s and "is currently recovering well and will be discharged from the hospital in a few days," Susan Lee said.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the patient had a blood clot in his leg. He was vaccinated on 8 April and felt increased pain in the lower back and legs a week later.

"He was admitted to the hospital on 21 April... and was recommended by VITT, including intravenous immunoglobulin, anticoagulants argatroban and prednisone," the spokesperson said.

News (30)

White House: U.S. plans to share AstraZeneca vaccine with other countries

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed on Monday that the United States plans to share the dose of the US-made AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccine with other countries.

"Today we announced that the government is looking for options to share the doses of American-made AstraZeneca vaccines in the next few months. Given that the United States has authorized a strong vaccine product portfolio and... it can be purchased in large quantities, including two two-dose vaccines and A one-dose vaccine, and given that AstraZeneca is not approved for use in the United States, in the next few months, we will not need to use AstraZeneca to fight covid."

Psaki said at a White House press conference that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will review the safety of the vaccine before it leaves the country, and that the United States is also developing a vaccine distribution plan.

News (31)

WHO: Global covid cases rise for the ninth consecutive week

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference on Monday (26 April ) that the number of global covid cases has risen for the ninth consecutive week.

He said: "Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to intensify." "The current situation is that it has increased for the ninth consecutive week, and the death toll has increased for the sixth consecutive week."

“In other words, last week’s global cases were almost the same as those in the first five months of the pandemic.” Tedros said he was happy to see cases and deaths in several regions have declined, but he said that many countries are still Experiencing the spread of the virus.

He said India’s plight is “not just heartbreaking,” adding that WHO is providing the country with key equipment and supplies, including thousands of oxygen generators, prefabricated mobile field hospitals and laboratory supplies.

WHO has also redeployed more than 2,600 staff to support India’s response and provide support for surveillance, technical consultation and vaccination.

News (32)

The U.S. will soon start sharing AstraZeneca vaccine doses

An official confirmed to CNN (CNN) that the United States will soon begin sharing millions of doses of AstraZeneca vaccine with other countries.

The United States stocks tens of millions of AstraZeneca vaccines, but has not yet used them. Because it has not yet obtained emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since the Biden administration currently has enough confidence in the supply of vaccines in the United States, they will begin to share with other countries and are now awaiting safety reviews.

As countries are working to increase the amount of vaccination, many leaders around the world have urged Biden to send vaccines to their countries.

The Associated Press took the lead in reporting the news.

News (33)

The number of infections in the intensive care unit in France breaks the 6,000 mark for the first time in a year

French health authorities reported on Monday (26 April) that 23 new covid patients were added to the intensive care unit, bringing the total number of similar patients to 6,001. This is the first time that France has exceeded the 6,000 cases mark since 17 April 2020.

Starting next week, France will lift the ban on domestic travel. France 24 reported that the current night curfew from 7 pm to 6 am will continue to be implemented.

On Monday, President Emmanuel Macron said during a visit to an elementary school in Melun, south of Paris, “We will gradually reopen.” “We will do this very slowly to avoid the (virus) spreading again. ."

Macron said he expects the situation to improve next month. He said that more people will be vaccinated by then, and the positive impact of the partial blockade will be reflected in the figures.

He added that the government will try to delay the start of the curfew because it is "earlier at 7 o'clock in the evening."

France intends to gradually reopen non-essential shops, some cultural venues, and cafes and restaurant terraces from mid-May.

News (34)

Turkey announces the strictest lockdown measures since the pandemic

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech after a cabinet meeting in Ankara on Monday (April 26), declaring a nationwide blockade.

A new round of blockade will begin at 7 pm on 29 April. It ends at 5 am on 17 May.

The President of Turkey said that all inter-city travel must be approved in advance, and hotel reservations are no exception. Erdogan said that only restaurants are allowed to provide food delivery services. He said that school examinations will be suspended.

Erdogan said that the lock-in measures will be strictly implemented and the specific situation will be learned through the notice of the Ministry of Interior.

This is the most comprehensive covid lockdown measures announced by Turkey since the beginning of the pandemic. The lockdown will last until the rest of the Muslim month of Ramadan and the Eid al Fitr holiday in May.

News (35)

Mexico cancels India's original vaccine order to help it alleviate the epidemic crisis

The picture shows the profile photo of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. (File Image)

Mexican President Obrador said that Mexico has cancelled a batch of vaccines originally ordered from India so that India can use these vaccines on its own.

Obrador said that this is a moment of solidarity with this South Asian country. India is experiencing an epidemic crisis, with a large number of cases, a severe shortage of oxygen supply, overwhelmed intensive care unit pressure and insufficient vaccine supply.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed our solidarity (with India) last week; we expressed our solidarity to Prime Minister Modi. Modi is very supportive of Mexico, even when I personally contracted covid, he expressed his unity (wish) (with us), he is a very caring ruler." The President of Mexico said at the daily conference on Monday.

"When we encountered the second wave of difficulties, they helped us and they gave us the AstraZeneca vaccine." President Obrador continued, "In the contract we signed, they should send us another batch of vaccines. We have told them that we don’t need them and we understand their situation, so this is a way of expressing solidarity."

According to data from the Indian Ministry of Health, India reported 352,991 new infections on Monday, which is the fifth consecutive day that more than 300,000 new cases have been reported.

News (36)

Italy added 8,444 new cases and 301 deaths on Monday

The French Ministry of Health reported 301 deaths on Monday, while the number of new infections was 8,444. The day before (Sunday), 266 deaths and 13,158 new cases were recorded.

To date, Italy has recorded 119,539 deaths from COVID-19, the second highest in Europe after the United Kingdom.

The total number of patients in the intensive care unit dropped slightly to 2,849 from 2,862 yesterday.

Italian bars, restaurants, cinemas and concert halls will partially reopen today.

News (37)

UK reports 2,064 new cases on Monday, 6 deaths

According to official data from the British government, the UK recorded 2,064 COVID-19 cases and 6 deaths on Monday.

1,712 new cases and 11 deaths were recorded on Sunday.

The British government said that so far, 33,752,885 people have received the first dose of the vaccine and 12,897,123 people have received the second dose.

News (38)

The European Union will accept vaccinated Americans to travel this summer

The picture shows the President of the European Commission von der Lein. (JOHN THYS/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

A senior EU official said on Sunday that existing travel restrictions will be eased before the summer, allowing Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 to travel on vacation in Europe.

The New York Times reported that Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated that the 27 member states of the European Union will unconditionally accept all people who have received vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). EMA has approved three vaccines for use in the United States.

Von der Lein said, "As far as I know, Americans are using vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency." "This will allow people to move freely and travel to the European Union."

She did not say when flights can be resumed. More than a year ago, the European Union largely closed non-essential travel.

European Union countries this month agreed to activate the COVID-19 travel pass, which will facilitate travel between EU countries for people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, those who have recovered from infection, or those who have tested negative.

News (39)

Ireland sends 700 oxygen generators to India

Ireland will send 700 oxygen generators to India to help Indian medical institutions that are under great pressure due to the epidemic.

The Minister of Health of Ireland Stephen Donnelly announced on Twitter on Monday that the "emergency donation" of oxygen concentrators came from the original inventory purchased by the Irish health department. These oxygen concentrators can be used in field hospitals Used as part of pandemic preparations".

The surge in cases of the CCP virus has caused many Indian hospitals to run out of oxygen supplies.

These devices donated by Ireland can "absorb oxygen from the air and deliver it to patients at a concentration of more than 90%," Donnelly said on Twitter.

Transport is organized through the EU Civil Defense Mechanism in cooperation with Ireland’s Overseas Aid Program, the Irish Aid Agency and the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Irish Deputy Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, half-Indian descent, said on Twitter on Sunday that the Irish government is "cooperating with the European Union to evaluate a plan to provide oxygen and ventilators to India."

Varadkar added that India "is currently facing a terrible second wave of shocks, and the suffering caused is beyond our ability to understand."

News (40)

Two cases of Indian variants detected for the first time in Italy

An Italian regional official said on Monday that two cases of the Indian variant virus have been detected.

The head of the Veneto region in northern Italy, Luca Zaia, said that the two cases were discovered in the village of Bassano. They were a father and daughter who had recently returned from India.

On Sunday, Italy banned people who had traveled to India in the past 14 days from entering the country.

Italian residents returning from India must be tested for COVID-19 before leaving India and after arriving in Italy, and must undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine quarantine.

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