Sunday, April 25, 2021

Wuhan lab scientists cooperated with CCP military on biological search and learning project for viruses

Reporter : Ling Shan, Sound Of Hope / Editor : Chu Tian / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA / Image : The picture on the left below is Cao Wuchun, and the picture on the right is Chen Wei. They are in charge of dealing with coronaviruses including covid and developing vaccines in Wuhan.

A British media revealed new clues about the origin of SARS-CoV-2: Scientists in the Wuhan laboratory had previously cooperated with the Chinese military to work on a biological search and learning project for animal viruses.

British media The Mail on Sunday reported that the plan was guided by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and started nine years ago. Its purpose is to "discover pathogens carried by wild animals" and detect viruses involved in spreading diseases. The project involves participation of military officials, although the Chinese military has denied any such connections.

As of this writing, relevant reports from the Beijing government are still available on the website of the State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control ( The Chinese name of this project is "The Discovery of Animal-derived Pathogens and their Pathogenicity to Humans". It was launched in 2012 and was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The project is led by Academician Xu Jianguo, laboratory director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases, who boasted at a conference in 2019 that the scientific project has helped "a huge infectious disease prevention and control network."

The Mail on Sunday said that the five team leaders of the plan include Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as a senior military officer, a member of the Ministry of Health’s Anti-Terrorism (Biological) Emergency Response Expert Committee, and a military medical expert group responding to the coronavirus epidemic, Deputy team leader Cao Wuchun.

Regarding this statement, the Sound Of Hope reporter found that in the article titled "The research progress of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, chaired by Academician Xu Jianguo of the Institute of Infectious Diseases, was highly appraised by the National Natural Science Foundation of China". There was a report about Cao Wuchun, Shi Zhengli and their cooperation in similar projects.

"Academician Xu Jianguo took the lead in organizing a joint research team consisting of researcher Zhang Yongzhen from the zoonotic disease room, researcher Liang Guodong from the Central Institute for Viral Disease Prevention and Control, researcher Cao Wuchun from the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and researcher Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Animals such as flying mammals, bats, mosquitoes that are widely distributed, rodents that are closely related to human activities, ticks that carry many types of pathogens, tropical non-human primates that are closely related to virulent pathogens, and plateau Himalayan marmots are the main research objects, select a large number of specimens with ecological and epidemiological significance, apply traditional pathogen isolation technology and modern high-throughput molecular biology technology to study the types and distribution of microorganisms carried by wild animals and vectors, with a view to discovering new ones of microorganisms. Since the implementation of the project, a series of important results have been achieved."

Shi Zhengli denied the U.S. allegations of military involvement in the research project last month. She said, "I don't know of any military personnel working in Wuhan to study. This information is incorrect."

According to public information, Cao Wuchun is the chief expert of the Academy of Military Sciences. Cao Wuchun was born in August 1963 and graduated from Erasmus University in the Netherlands with a doctorate in 1996. He has conducted guest research at the University of Cambridge in the UK, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Mahidol University in Thailand. He is the director of the State Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbial Biosafety and enjoys special government allowances from the State Council.

According to the report, Cao Wuchun is also a member of the Advisory Committee of Wuhan Institute of Virology. He is the second in command of the military team led by the country's top biological defense expert, Major General Chen Wei, which was sent to Wuhan last year to deal with the virus and develop vaccines.

In addition, The Mail on Sunday report cited a Chinese report as mentioning that Chinese scientist Zhang Yongzhen announced the first gene sequence of the CCP virus in January 2020. This person was the main job in the project. Within three years, the research team collected a large number of arthropods and rodents in Hubei, Zhejiang, Xinjiang, Beijing, Yunnan and other places, and discovered 143 new viruses.

In a 2015 review report on the project to find new viruses, Chen Jianguo acknowledged that the project "Discovery of Animal-derived Pathogens and Their Pathogenicity to Humans" project "discovered a large number of new viruses, which has attracted great attention from the international virology community." 

The report added that if pathogens spread to humans and livestock, they may cause new infectious diseases, "posed a huge threat to human health and life safety, may cause significant economic losses, and even affect social stability."

Xu Jianguo also led the first expert group investigating the emergence of covid in Wuhan. Despite the evidence from the hospital, he initially denied human-to-human transmission, and then insisted in mid-January that "the epidemic is limited and will end if there are no new cases next week."

An update report of his project in 2018 stated that the scientific team published many research results in international journals-four new pathogens and ten new bacteria were discovered, and at the same time, 1640 were discovered using metagenomics technology. Many new viruses'. This kind of research is based on extracting genetic material from samples, such as those collected by Professor Shi Zhengli from bat faeces and blood in a cave network in southern China.

Sunday Mail believes that extensive sampling led Professor Shi Zhengli to quickly discover RaTG13 last year, which is the closest relative strain known to the new strain of coronavirus that caused the pandemic.

The foreign media also discovered that she had changed the name of another virus identified in a previous paper to cover up its connection with three miners who died of a virus that was infected with special respiratory disease while cleaning up bat feces. 

Shi Zhengli had previously admitted that her team had also collected eight unknown SARS coronaviruses in the bat cave. The institute took its virus sample database offline in September 2019, just a few weeks before the outbreak of covid cases in Wuhan.

The virus discovered by the investigation team is alleged to be stored in the Wuhan laboratory, which is the largest bat coronavirus repository in Asia.

Last month, the United Kingdom, the United States, and 12 other countries criticized Beijing for refusing to share key epidemic data and samples, and believed that the WHO and China’s joint study on the origin of the pandemic was not credible. The study considered the Wuhan experiment t is "extremely unlikely" for the virus to cause a pandemic.

Filippa Lentzos, a biosafety expert at King's College London, said the latest disclosure is in line with an "inconsistent pattern" from Beijing.

She said, "They are still opaque to us. We do not have hard data on the origin of the pandemic, whether it is caused by a natural infection from animals or some kind of accidental leakage related to research, but we cannot get a direct answer. They cannot inspire our confidence."

Han Lianchao, a visiting researcher at the Hudson Institute in the United States, said that Cao Wuchun’s participation aroused people’s suspicion that military researchers who are covid experts may have also participated in biological defense operations.

David Asher, an expert on biology, chemistry and nuclear proliferation who led the US Department of State’s investigation into the origin of the epidemic, said, “The Chinese have made it clear that they regard biotechnology as an important part of future hybrid warfare. The question is whether their work in these areas is offensive or defensive."


  新发突发传染病对人类健康、经济发展和社会安全的威胁巨大,我国几乎每年都要应对新发突发传染病疫情。研究表明,野生动物携带的微生物可能是潜在的引发人类新发突发传染病的病原体。例如,人们熟悉的引发重症急性呼吸综合征(SARS)、中东呼吸综合征(MERS)、埃博拉病毒病(Ebola Virus Disease)的病毒性病原体与野生哺乳动物蝙蝠携带的病毒最为接近(业界认为蝙蝠是这些病毒的自然宿主);近年在广东、台湾等地肆虐的登革病毒则来源于蚊子。全面了解野生动物携带微生物谱系不仅是从源头上寻找人类病原体、预警新发突发传染病的关键,而且也是传染病防控的重要科学依据。
  病毒数目庞大,遗传物质多样,难以检测,被称为生物学中的“暗物质”。张永振研究员团队,在湖北、浙江、新疆、北京、云南等地采集了大量的节肢动物(如蚊、蝇、蟑螂、蜱、蜘蛛等)、啮齿类动物(如鼠类等)等标本,共发现143种新型病毒。课题组对来自节肢动物的112种全新负链RNA病毒进行的系统进化研究证明,这些新病毒可以划分为5个新科36个新属,这一重大发现以26页的篇幅发表在权威学术杂志《电子期刊-生命科学》(E-LIFE)上。其他相关研究发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)、《美国公共科学图书馆病原体》(PLOS PATHOGEN)等权威杂志上。为此,《电子期刊-生命科学》(E-LIFE)、《自然微生物学综述》(Nature Review Of Microbiology)等杂志配发了评论文章,引起国际病毒学界的高度关注。
  曹务春研究员领导的研究团队对蜱虫携带微生物谱系进行了发掘研究,发现我国的优势蜱种携带30余种微生物,其中20余种对人有致病性。值得关注的是他们在国际上首次发现塔拉萨维奇立克次体(Rickettsia tarasevichiae)、瓦莱西亚莱姆病螺旋体(Borrelia valaisiana)、西伯利亚立克次体(Rickettsia sibirica)BJ-90亚种、山羊无形体(Anaplasma capra)能够感染人类并致病,其中山羊无形体由曹务春研究员按国际惯例命名;在我国发现劳氏立克次体(Rickettsia raoultii)、猎户巴贝西虫(Babesia venatoru)、绵羊无形体(Anaplasma ovis)的人间感染病例,这是已知在欧洲感染人类以外的首次发现。这些发现极大丰富了人们对蜱传染人类病原体的认识,具有重要的公共卫生意义。研究结果发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)、《柳叶刀传染病》( LANCET INFECTIOUD DISEASES)等国际顶级医学杂志上。

YouTube Discussions:


British media exposed Shi Zhengli's cooperation plan with the military

Commentator : Tang Jingyuan / Publisher: Fast Foresight Comments / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Just yesterday, documents obtained by the British media, The Mail on Sunday showed that as early as 9 years ago (2012), the Chinese Communist Party’s "National Natural Science Foundation of China" initiated a major project with a very intriguing name, called ""The Discovery of Animal-derived Pathogens and their Pathogenicity to Humans".

This plan claims to be to search for dangerous pathogens from animal sources and conduct research, so as to be able to warn of new emergent infectious diseases in the future. The specific method is to find new viruses and detect and study the biological "dark matter" involved in the spread of viral diseases.

However, The Mail on Sunday questioned the motivation for the establishment of the research team, and what is even more striking is that the project has set up 5 subject leaders, 4 of which are closely related to the outbreak in Wuhan. , This can be said to be a rather strange coincidence.

What is "dark matter" in biology? We all know that more than 95% of the matter in the universe is dark matter that we cannot directly perceive with existing technological means. In the "small universe" of the human body, such "dark matter" also exists, and even viruses are also difficult to perceive. The genetic material that detects and recognizes its function-this is also dark matter, generally refers to the non-coding RNA (ribonucleic acid) of the virus.

This project has set up 5 research groups and appointed 5 persons in charge. They are Shi Zhengli, Zhang Yongzhen, Cao Wuchun, Xu Jianguo and Liang Guodong.

After a simple check, we found that the top 4 of these have played a key role after the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic. Let's briefly sort it out.

We don’t need to say any more about Shi Zhengli. Everyone is familiar with her. She is the number one suspect in the disaster that the virus may have originated from laboratory leaks. In this dark matter research project, she also specializes in the discovery, isolation and identification of human pathogens carried by bats. including its genetic evolution law and pathogenicity to human body and so on.

Zhang Yongzhen was also a researcher in the zoonotic disease room of the China CDC Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute. In this project, he focused on arthropods (such as mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, spiders, etc.) and rodents (such as rodents, etc.). Viruses were collected from the standard itself, and a total of 143 new viruses were discovered in the past five years.

At the time of the outbreak in Wuhan, Zhang Yongzhen had become a professor at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Fudan University and the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center affiliated to Fudan University. On January 11, 2020, his team released the obtained full genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus, novel coronavirus) on the virological website (, becoming the first team in the world to publish the sequence of the virus. As a result, his laboratory was forcibly closed the next day.

The third person, Cao Wuchun, is very sensitive because he is a researcher at the Chinese Communist Academy of Military Medical Sciences. In addition to his military status, he also has a more sensitive position. He is also a member of the CCP’s “Expert Committee on Anti-terrorism (Biological) Emergency Response of the Ministry of Health”.

Seeing the four words "biological anti-terrorism", I think anyone with a little common sense will know that this Cao Wuchun is actually a military biological warfare expert.

What is Cao Wuchun doing in this dark material research project? His team focused on the microbial lineage carried by ticks, and the result was the discovery of more than 30 new microbes carried by "dominant tick species", of which more than 20 species are pathogenic to humans.

After the outbreak in Wuhan, Cao Wuchun and Major General Chen Wei, who was promoted as the chief biochemical weapon expert by the Chinese military, were ordered to lead the expert group of the "Military Academy of Sciences" and went straight to Wuhan as soon as possible, and took over the Wuhan Virus Research Institute for virus traceability investigations. , But the survey results have not seen a single word so far.

The fourth sensitive person, Xu Jianguo, is the host of this dark matter research. His identity is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the director of the "Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute" of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. After the outbreak in Wuhan, Xu Jianguo was the leader of the first expert team to enter Wuhan.

As early as 7 January 2019, Xu Jianguo had obtained the entire genome sequence of the virus, but he did not release it to the outside world the first time. On the contrary, he publicly declared to the media on 4 January 2019 that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus, and the threat level is limited, and China has accumulated years of experience in infectious disease control, and there will never be the possibility of a major spread due to the Spring Festival. Of course, the facts later proved that this man was a political scholar.

The first key: information that the official does not mention is more important

In these official reports, we saw a strange phenomenon: both the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the sponsor of the project, or the CDC of the Communist Party of China, did not mention anything about the results of Shi Zhengli's subjects. But in fact, from the start of the project in 2012 to the acceptance in January 2018, Shi Zhengli has achieved remarkable results during this period.

Many friends may still have impressions. Last year, The New York Post reported that a master's degree thesis published by a Chinese doctor named Li Xu in his early years showed that in April 2012, Yunnan, China six miners in a mine in Mojiang contracted severe pneumonia after cleaning the bat excrement in the mine, and three of them died quickly.

After the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic in February 2020, Shi Zhengli published a paper in the journal Nature published the bat coronavirus RaTG13, and said that the whole genome homology with the Chinese Communist virus was 96.2%.

In July, Shi Zhengli tried to clear up her doubts in an interview with "Science" magazine. She confirmed that RaTG13 was a virus extracted from bats in an abandoned Yunnan mine. It had another name at the time, called RaBtCoV/4991.

In addition to this RaTG13, which is considered to be the number one suspect in the source of the CCP virus, a paper published by Wuhan Institute of Virology in the journal Nature on 17 November 2020 confirmed that between 2012 and 2015, Shi Zhengli’s team collected a total of 1,322 samples  from Yunnan mine cave bats, from which 293 coronaviruses were detected, of which 284 were classified as alpha coronaviruses, and 9 were classified as beta coronaviruses. The latter were all related to SARS-type coronaviruses.

More importantly, the number one suspect RaTG13 is only one of these nine viruses, and any information on the other eight new coronaviruses have not been published so far.

In many cases, the information reported by the media is not important, and the information that the media avoids publicly mentioning may be more important. Shi Zhengli's team has made such great progress on bats but the report on the acceptance of the project results did not mention a word. Isn't this strange in itself?

Shi Zhengli has made great progress, not only because her team has obtained hundreds of samples of the novel coronavirus, but also because of viruses like RaTG13. The Wuhan Institute of Viology's own papers have admitted that they have carried out complete sequencing in 2018. 

For a coronavirus expert at the level of Shi Zhengli, as long ass he sees the sequence of this virus, she can immediately realize that it has an S protein structure that is highly similar to the SARS virus, which means that this virus is likely to have the ability to invade the human body. This is exactly the purpose of the "Dark Matter Research Project", and Shi Zhengli's discovery can be said to be the most important result of the entire research group.

However, this achievement was completely hidden from the National Natural Science Foundation of China to the CDC. It was not until the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic in 2020, which is 7 years later, that Shi Zhengli announced the existence of the virus for the first time.

This is one of the key points for us to see the news from the British media this time.

The second key: Shi Zhengli's lie was exposed

Another key point is that on 23 March 2021, at a seminar held at Rutgers University in the United States, the WHO Advisory Committee member Jamie Metzl directly asked Shi Zhengli a question , Do you think that the CCP’s secret research at the Wuhan Institute of Viology is correct? Shi Zhengli immediately replied that all their research work is open and transparent. She is the director. Yet, she does not know that this laboratory conducts any such research work.

This statement is undoubtedly a huge lie. Because everyone has seen from the content discussed so far, Shi Zhengli herself and the military personnel had open close cooperation many years ago, and the relevant research results have never been made public.

What is more suspicious is that on 10 January 2021, it was still reported by the British Daily Mail that more than 300 virus-related studies conducted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology and published by the National Natural Science Foundation of China have been published on the Internet. All of them have been deleted, including important research data currently being carried out by Shi Zhengli, including cross-species infection risk studies from bats with coronaviruses, and studies on bats carrying human pathogens, all of which have disappeared.

On 15 January 2020, the US State Department released a report on the activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. One of the key contents of the report was to mention the secret military activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There is a sentence in the report, "Although WIV is a civilian organization on the surface, the United States has determined that WIV and the Chinese military have cooperated on publications and secret projects. Since 2017, WIV has been acting on behalf of the Chinese military, for confidential reason, research, including laboratory animal experiments."

The last sentence of "laboratory animal experiments" is basically slipped by many people at a glance, because it is very normal to experiment with animals. But in fact, the animal experiments specifically mentioned here are probably not the kind of experiments that we generally understand.

About 10 years ago, Ron Fouchier, a scientist at Erasmus University in the Netherlands, first proposed a technique called "animal delivery", which aims to allow the virus to pass through animals instead of cell culture to make it mutated.

Simply put, he infected a ferret with avian influenza virus. After it became ill, he took a sample of the virus in his body and found that the virus had mutated slightly. Then he used this sample to infect the second ferret, and then extracted the virus that continued to mutate from the second ferret to infect the third, and so on.

When the virus was transmitted to the 10th ferret, he found that the ferrets that had not had any contact in the nearby cage were infected, which indicated that the virus could be transmitted to each other in the ferrets, and also proved that the laboratory may artificially create a virus that is at risk of pandemic.

At present, many P4 laboratories in the world have conducted this kind of animal delivery experiment, because it enables scientists to develop antiviral drugs but this is a double-edged sword. Scientists with bad intentions may also use this technology to create biological weapons. .

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded many such studies since 2009. At that time, it also took a name called PREDICT, which means prediction.

Wuhan Institute of Virology is one of the key laboratories funded by this PREDICT program. Although we cannot see whether the Wuhan Research Institute has records of animal transmission research on coronaviruses, many scientists believe that it is unlikely that the establishment of expensive P4 laboratories will not conduct animal transmission research.

In my opinion, the animal experiment mentioned by the US State Department solemnly is probably not a mouse experiment in the general sense, but refers to an experiment in which the research function of animals is enhanced.

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