Saturday, July 23, 2022

The countries that have reported monkeypox cases, CCP threatens to stop paying pensions

Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control, CCP, UK, aviation disaster, U.S., Iran

News (1)

75 countries including Taiwan have reported monkeypox cases 

Images (monkeypox distribution map and data correct on 22 July 2022) : CDC,

From the above data as of 22 July 2022, Taiwan with 2 confirmed monkeypox cases has been included by the U.S. CDC as one of the 74 countries and regions with reported cases of monkeypox. By 24 July 2022, the number of countries that detected monkeypox have risen to 75.

The country with the most number of monkeypox cases as of 22 July 2022 is Spain with 3125 confirmed cases. The U.S. and Germany follow with 2890 and 2268 confirmed cases. The UK ranks fourth with 2208 cases while Portugal ranks fifth with 588 confirmed cases.

In South America, Peru has the most number of monkeypox cases with 143 confirmed cases followed by Brazil with 592 cases and Argentina with 18 cases.

In Asia, Singapore has the most number of confirmed monkeypox cases with 6 confirmed cases, followed by India and Taiwan with 2 confirmed cases each. Although Thailand ranks fourth with 1 confirmed case of a Nigerian patient identified in Phuket on 22 July 2022, the Nigerian fled, was found and is undergoing quarantine treatment in the Khmer-Soviet Hospital of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 23 July 2022. 

Therefore Cambodia as of 24 July 2022 has 1 confirmed inbound monkeypox case while Thailand is on high alert for possible monkeypox cases. 

All close contacts of the Nigerian patient from Thailand are diagnosed negative with monkeypox. 

In the Pacific region, Australia has 42 confirmed monkeypox cases followed by New Zealand and 2 cases and New Caledonia with 1 case.

The number of countries that have reported monkeypox as of 24 July 2022 is therefore 75.

News (2)

Monkeypox is a public health emergency! Taiwan has 2 cases from overseas, CDC 2 moves to deploy alert

WHO將猴痘疫情列為國際公共衛生緊急事件。(示意圖,非當事人/shutterstock達志影像) 猴痘列公衛緊急事件!台已有2例境外 疾管署2動作部署戒備

The monkeypox epidemic is spreading all over the world. World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the monkeypox epidemic as an international public health emergency, which is the highest level of WHO public health alert. The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention responded today (24th) that the WHO declared the monkeypox outbreak an international public health emergency. Reserve antiviral drugs and negotiate vaccines with higher safety, and develop standard laboratory procedures for monkeypox testing, conduct testing network deployment, and improve testing capacity.

The CDC stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed that since the global outbreak of monkeypox started in May this year, the number of cases has continued to increase rapidly and the number of affected countries has increased. The emergency committee met on 23 July 2022 to declare the monkeypox outbreak a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" (PHEIC).

The Republic of China will actively monitor and prepare for emergency response and remind doctors that monkeypox has been classified as a second-class statutory infectious disease. If a suspected case that meets the definition of monkeypox case is found, it must be reported to the competent health authority within 24 hours. Seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform the doctor of travel history and contact history.

The CDC further stated that when the international monkeypox epidemic rose in June this year and there were confirmed cases of monkeypox imported from neighboring countries in Asia, the agency held an expert meeting and listed monkeypox as the second category of notifiable infectious diseases on 23 June. Scholars in related fields of infectious diseases and commanders of infectious disease prevention and control medical networks will be invited for consultation, and plan to purchase/stock antiviral drugs and negotiate the MVA-BN vaccine with higher safety according to expert recommendations, and develop the standard process of laboratory operation for monkeypox acne testing, the deployment of testing network, and the improvement of testing capacity.

The CDC pointed out that Taiwan has reported 10 cases so far, and a total of 2 confirmed cases from abroad. From 30 June 2022, the tourism epidemic situation in 49 countries with local or unknown monkeypox cases has been upgraded to "Level 2 Alert". Since the outbreak of the epidemic in non-monkeypox-affected areas in May this year, as of 22 July 2022, a total of 16,836 confirmed cases have been reported in at least 74 countries/regions. Among them, Europe and the Americas are the most severely affected, with the top five cumulative cases respectively recorded in Spain, USA, Germany, UK and France.

The CDC calls on the above-mentioned countries to upgrade their tourism epidemics to the second level, which may already have a risk of community transmission. If Chinese people travel to these countries, they should avoid high-risk places such as social activities that may be in close contact with unspecified people. If you have fever, skin lesions such as rash, papules, blisters or pustules and other suspected symptoms when returning to the country, you should take the initiative to inform airline personnel and airport and port quarantine personnel, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and inform the doctor of your travel history and contact history. Relevant information can be found on the CDC's global information website or by calling the domestic toll-free epidemic prevention hotline 1922.

News (3)

Highest level alert! WHO declares monkeypox outbreak an "international public health emergency"

Editor : Huang Zhengjie /

猴痘疫情列為國際公共衛生緊急事件。(示意圖/shutterstock達志影像) 最高等級警報!世衛宣告猴痘疫情為「國際公衛緊急事件」

The number of monkeypox cases has surged, and World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus today declared the monkeypox outbreak an international public health emergency, the WHO's highest level of public health alert.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus convened experts in Geneva today to convene an emergency committee meeting under the International Health Regulations (IHR). Emergency" (PHEIC), the highest alert level of the WHO.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 15,400 monkeypox cases have been reported in 74 countries.

Due to the severe impact of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Asia in 2003, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted the IHR Agreement in 2005 to jointly prevent and respond to public health crises.

The IHR clearly defines a "public health emergency of international concern", which means that the spread of disease poses a public health risk to other countries and requires an international coordinated response.

 If designated as a "public health emergency of international concern", it represents a serious, sudden, unusual, unexpected or other event in public health; and is likely to go beyond the borders of the affected country; an event requiring immediate international action.

WHO has declared a "public health emergency of international concern" six times in the past, including the H1N1 novel influenza in 2009, the West African Ebola virus (Ebola) in 2014, polio in 2014, and the Zika virus from 2015 to 2016 (Zika), Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2019, COVID-19 (covid) in 2020. (Central News Agency)

News (4)

Tedros declares monkeypox an international public health emergency

World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared today the monkeypox outbreak as a global public health emergency.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reconvened an emergency committee meeting under the International Health Regulations (IHR) in Geneva today, the Associated Press reported. Despite the lack of consensus among the committee's experts, he declared after the meeting that the monkeypox outbreak constituted a "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC). This is the first time in history that the head of a UN health agency has made such a decision unilaterally without the advice of an expert committee.

"Fortune" (Fortune) reported that Tedros said at a press conference after the meeting: "Monkeypox is rapidly spreading around the world, we know very little about its transmission, and the epidemic is in line with international health standards. Based on For these reasons, I have decided to declare the global monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern."

Nine members of the expert committee voted in favor of listing the monkeypox outbreak as a PHEIC, while six opposed it, according to reports.

"While I have declared a public health emergency of international concern, the current outbreak is still concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners," Tedros said.

This is the seventh time the WHO has declared a "public health emergency of international concern". The previous six were the H1N1 novel influenza in 2009, the Ebola virus in West Africa (Ebola) in 2014, polio in 2014, and polio in 2015 to 2016. Zika in 2019, Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2019, COVID-19 (covid) in 2020.

On 23 June 2022, the WHO expert committee also held a meeting to decide whether to issue the WHO's highest level of alert for the monkeypox outbreak. After the meeting, Tedros pointed out that "the current outbreak has not yet constituted a public health emergency of international concern...but the convening of the committee meeting itself reflects growing concerns about the international spread of monkeypox."

At the June expert committee meeting, there were only 3 votes in favour of declaring a PHEIC in response to the monkeypox outbreak, and 11 votes against. (Central News Agency)

News (5)

WHO: 98.8% of patients are male

猴痘疫情被列為國際公共衛生緊急事件。(示意圖/shutterstock 達志影像) 猴痘列國際公衛緊急事件 世衛:98.8%患者為男性

Monkeypox is spreading around the world. World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the monkeypox outbreak an international public health emergency on the 23rd. After analyzing the data of 10,000 patients, WHO found that 98.8% of the patients were male, and almost all of them had mild symptoms such as fever and rash.
According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Tedros pointed out that after entering 2022, monkeypox has been found in 75 countries, a total of 16,000 people have been infected, and 5 people have died. Although experts did not reach a consensus on the expert committee, considering the rapid spread of monkeypox in Europe, Tedros decided to classify the monkeypox outbreak as a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" (PHEIC).

According to reports, after the World Health Organization analyzed 10,000 patients, it found that 98.8% of the patients were men, and 77% of the patients were men between the ages of 18 and 44. Most of these people engage in same-sex sexual activity. Almost all patients had mild symptoms with rash and fever. Since there is a possibility of being infected with monkeypox as long as there is close contact, the WHO also calls on young children and pregnant women to be especially careful, because these two ethnic groups are at greater risk of severe illness after being diagnosed with monkeypox.

The outbreak gradually began to spread after the UK reported its first case of monkeypox on 7 May 2022. On 26 May, 257 infected people were reported in 23 countries that had not experienced monkeypox outbreaks in the past. After just 3 weeks, the infected person broke the 2,000 mark. So far, more than 3,000 people have been diagnosed with monkeypox in Spain and more than 2,000 in the UK, US and Germany. With the relaxation of covid epidemic prevention policies in various countries around the world, people have begun to move across borders, and whether the monkeypox epidemic will continue to expand has become the focus of attention from the outside world.

News (6)

Vietnam surpasses Indonesia in the highest number of covid cases in Southeast Asia as of 24 July 2022

According to consolidated media reports, Vietnam has surpassed Indonesia in the highest number of covid cases in Southeast Asia.

As of 24 July 2022, Vietnam has a cumulative number of 10,767,200 confirmed covid cases and 43,092 covid deaths.

Indonesia has a cumulative number of 6,164,271 confirmed covid cases and 156,902 covid fatalities, the highest fatality number in Southeast Asia.

Malaysia ranks third with 4,648,931 confirmed covid cases and 35,911 covid deaths.

The Philippines ranks fourth with 3,748,979 covid cases and 60,670 covid fatalities.

Singapore ranks fifth with a total number of 1,652,981 confirmed covid cases and 1,472 covid deaths as of 12 pm of 23 July 2022.

Myanmar ranks sixth at 613,940 covid cases, 19,434 deaths while Cambodia has reported a total number of 136,565 cases and 3,056 deaths, ranking seventh.

The eighth and ninth positions are Lao PDR and Brunei at 210,766, 195,113 confirmed covid cases and 757, 225 covid fatalities respectively. 

News (7)

Marshall Islands and Vatican City reported covid cases

The Pacific country of Marshall Islands has a total number of 59 covid cases while there are 29 confirmed covid cases in Vatican City. Deaths are not reported.

News (8)

Australia records the highest covid fatality rate of the Pacific

As of 24 July 2022, Australia has the most number of covid cases in the Pacific region at 9,103,321 and a record of 11,172 covid deaths.

New Zealand ranks second with 1,563,510 confirmed covid cases and 1,925 covid deaths.

Ranked in the third position is New Caledonia with 68,135 covid cases surpassing Papua New Guinea that has 44,772 covid cases and 662 covid fatalities.

New Caledonia has reported 314 covid deaths.

Ranked fifth, Vanuatu has a record of 11,723 covid cases, 14 deaths while Palau, ranked sixth, has now reported a total of 5,308 covid cases and 6 deaths.

Kiribati has reported 3,348 covid cases and 13 covid deaths.

Micronesia has 158 covid cases, no deaths.

News (9)

Did Xi Jinping get a domestic vaccine? Health Commission's propaganda raises suspicions

Editor : Wen Hui / : On 23 July 2022, Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China, said that all current leaders of the Communist Party of China have been vaccinated with domestically produced vaccines but the specific vaccination information of leaders such as Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang has not been released. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

Amid the calls for Xi Jinping to take the lead in inoculating domestically produced vaccines, the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China said on 23 July 2022 that all current leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have completed domestically produced vaccines. However, the specific vaccination information of leaders such as Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang has not been released.

According to a CCTV news report, on 23 July, Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China, said at a press conference on the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, “my country’s current party and state leaders have completed the new crown vaccination, and the vaccinated They are all domestically produced vaccines in my country." He added that this fully demonstrated the "high trust" of leaders in domestically produced vaccines.

However, officials have not stated when or where Xi Jinping and other CCP leaders were vaccinated with domestically produced vaccines, nor have they released convincing information such as images of these senior officials when they were vaccinated.

In response to news that CCP leaders have been vaccinated with domestically produced vaccines, Chinese mainland Weibo directly shut down relevant comments.

Covid broke out in Wuhan two years ago and spread rapidly around the world. As of 22 July 2022, more than 567 million confirmed cases and more than 6.38 million deaths have been reported worldwide. The epidemic is still spreading, and the virus is constantly mutating.

In view of the CCP's cover-up of the epidemic, the outside world is generally skeptical about the domestic epidemic diagnosis and death data in China, and they are also uneasy about the vaccine produced in China. There have even been calls from the public that Xi Jinping and other CCP leaders should take the lead in vaccinating domestically produced vaccines, so that ordinary people can be assured of vaccination.

A video circulated earlier on the Internet saying that Professor Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, expressed his personal views on the refusal of many medical staff to receive domestic vaccines at a meeting on 22 December 2020.

He said, "I personally think that if we want to be vaccinated now, leading cadres must get vaccinated first."

In this regard, Li Datong, the former editor-in-chief of "Freezing Point Weekly", a subsidiary of China Youth Daily, said, "Doctor Zhang Wenhong in Shanghai is right. The leaders have finished fighting, so you can fight."

Li Datong told the Voice of America earlier, "You senior officials and ministers, the premier and vice premiers of the State Council, the presidents and vice-chairmen of the country, you are all sitting in front of the TV and taking out the Chinese vaccine, Show us these vaccines, if you dare (vaccinate), the common people will dare (vaccinate)."

Others suspect that the CCP leaders have actually been vaccinated but it cannot be a domestic vaccine.

More than once, Xi Jinping has emphasized adhering to the "dynamic clearing" epidemic prevention measures. When chairing the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on 5 May 2022, Xi Jinping said, "Relaxing prevention and control will inevitably lead to large-scale infections, severe illness and death, and economic growth. Social development and people's safety and health will be seriously affected."

In this regard, Fan Shiping, a professor at the Institute of Political Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, said bluntly that Xi Jinping's remarks directly confirmed that China's vaccines are useless.

Fan Shiping said in a Facebook post that Xi Jinping's remarks prove that China's vaccines are not effective in preventing infection and severe illness, which may cause a large number of infections, severe illness and death, and further cause the collapse of medical resources. The disadvantage is that it also increases the risk that Xi Jinping wants to continue to be re-elected.

News (10)

The CCP forces the elderly to get vaccinated or CCP units will not stop paying pensions

Reporters : Li Yun, Li Shanshan and Chen Jie / / Image : Video Screenshot

In many places in CCP China, elderly people over 60 years old are forced to receive the covi vaccine. If they do not get vaccinated, they will not receive pensions, and even their families will be linked. Public officials have been suspended from work and pay , dismissed. The public criticized it as illegal and wasteful of human life.

On 22 July 2022, Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan issued a notice that elderly people over 60 should go to the vaccination site to get the CCP virus vaccine. Mainland Chinese media said that the local purpose is "no one can be missing", and all elderly people must be vaccinated.

On 20 July 2022, the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice to take vaccinations for people over 60 years old as a critical action.

The epidemic prevention and control team in Xujing Town, Shanghai informed that if the elderly at home do not get vaccinated, public officials will face pay suspension, suspension, or even dismissal.

A notice from a school in China also said that salaries and pensions for retired teachers who are not vaccinated will be suspended.

The staff of a neighborhood committee in Tianjin summoned the elderly over 60 years old and told them that they must be vaccinated, and that they would not receive pensions if they did not.

Mr. Wang, a resident of Shanghai, said, "The pension is what they earned from their labour when they were young. How can you say that if you don't give it, you won't give it? People who have been vaccinated are still doing nucleic acid, wearing masks, or infected. It means that confidence in this vaccine has been lost.”

Gu Guoping, a 65-year-old retired university teacher in Shanghai, criticized the authorities for forcing the elderly to get vaccinated.

Gu Guoping, a retired university teacher in Shanghai, said, "The cadres of the neighbourhood committee came to ask me to get vaccinated. I said, if you are responsible for writing a letter of commitment for me, you will be legally responsible for any sequelae. Diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are all unacceptable, and a dozen will cause an accident.”

Mr. A, a grid member of a residential committee in Shanghai, said that persuading the elderly to get vaccinated is a task. Due to many homicides in Shanghai, in order to protect themselves, he had to bring a "steel fork" to persuade the elderly to get vaccinated.

A grid member of a residential committee in Shanghai said, "It is voluntary for the elderly over 60 to be vaccinated against covid but if you don't do it, the above will ask us to come to the door. Now the above has also formulated a so-called residential area for us. In the ranking list, if the vaccination rate of people over 60 years old is not enough, they will be called to talk."

At the same time, a large number of netizens reported that the elderly at home suffered from underlying diseases and died after being vaccinated.

Mr. Zhang, a human rights activist in mainland China, said that under the pressure of the CCP's zero-covid policy, various localities have increased their efforts to force people to get vaccinated, which is an illegal act, and the victim can sue the perpetrator.

News (11)

CCP could attempt to interfere in UK leadership election

CCP China could attempt to interfere in the Tory leadership election in a similar manner to alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 Brexit referendum, British security sources fear.

For the first time, Conservative Party members will have the opportunity to change their postal vote online – once only – if they have a rethink and want to back a different candidate in the contest.

News (12) 

British spies fear online postal vote is vulnerable to cyber-hacking 

However, the security sources have raised the prospect that the reform could leave the process vulnerable to foreign cyber-hacking.

A 2020 report by the Intelligence and Security Committee found ‘substantial evidence’ that Russian interference was commonplace, including in the 2016 referendum on withdrawing from the EU.

News (13)

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has adopted a hard line on Russia and China 

Image : Video Screenshot

While Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has adopted a hard line on Russia and China, Rishi Sunak has taken a more emollient approach, on the grounds that it is in the interests of international trade.

After the former chancellor launched his leadership bid, China’s largest state tabloid praised him for his record on strengthening ties with the country.

The Global Times, a sister publication of the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece the People’s Daily, said that while ‘most of the candidates hold a tough stance on China’, he was the only one with ‘a clear and pragmatic view on developing UK-China ties’.

In her interview with today’s Mail on Sunday, Ms Truss trumpets her record on both countries, saying: ‘We made a huge mistake as the free world in being too close to Russia, allowing Russia into the G8, Europe becoming dependent on Russian oil and gas, and allowing Russian business culture to influence places like London.

"Now we have fixed that with the toughest sanctions regime that any country in the world has on Russia and I urge Europe to get off Russian gas as soon as possible because that is funding Vladimir Putin’s war machine, and I think we need to be very clear that Russia is working with China.

"We shouldn’t be strategically dependent on China – we should be very careful in areas such as technology that we’re not enabling the threat against us."

Ms Truss added, "We need to be working more with like-minded nations to build our resilience and whether that’s in energy, whether it’s in food, what we cannot be is dependent on those authoritarian regimes."

Mr Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murty, holds a financial interest in two Chinese technology services businesses. She is linked to the companies through Infosys, the IT consultancy group set up by her father the billionaire Indian businessman N.R. Narayana Murthy. The group owns Infosys Technologies (China) Co Limited and Infosys Technologies (Shanghai) Co Limited.

Several other family members, including Murty’s father, have a stake in Infosys, which is worth around £67 billion.

The Chinese subsidiaries of the group generated 12.9 billion rupees (£134 million) in total turnover last year and are believed to employ around 3,300 workers at offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian, Hangzhou and Jiaxing.

News (14)

Is nucleic acid testing also needed in space? Researchers reveal the secret of the "nucleic acid record" of the space station
Reporter : Zheng Yingying, China News Network /
The Wentian experimental module was successfully launched on the 24th and went to space to "join" the Chinese space station complex. The reporter learned from the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (abbreviation: Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics) that researchers attach great importance to the problem of microbial contamination in the scientific experiment system of the Chinese space station, and the Wentian experimental cabin also carries relevant experimental equipment to ensure the safety of microorganisms. One of the monitoring methods is similar to the nucleic acid detection method we are currently using to deal with covid virus.
Liu Fangwu, deputy director designer of the Biotechnology Science Experiment System of the Shanghai Institute of Technology and Objects, said in an interview in Shanghai that when the space station is in orbit, a closed aerobic environment is formed, which provides a living environment for astronauts, but also provides a living environment for microorganisms. provides a living environment.
"On other space stations, people have found that bacteria and fungi in the space station have a relatively significant growth and change process, causing some materials to corrode, and even some germs can affect the health of astronauts." Liu Fangwu said.
He introduced that there are two ways for researchers to monitor the safety of microorganisms in the scientific experimental system of China's space station: one is the cultivation observation method. Astronauts can wipe the key areas of the experimental system, collect microorganisms, and then smear them on the culture medium for cultivation. See if plaque develops. The other is the nucleic acid amplification detection method, that is, the collected samples are loaded into the microbiological detection chip, and the instrument is automatically detected. This method can usually produce results in about 1 hour.
After completing these tests, researchers can understand the microbial contamination in the space station, and then consider whether to take corresponding removal measures.
The Shanghai Institute of Technology is responsible for the development of the life ecological science experiment system and the biotechnology science experiment system in this mission. Zhang Tao, the chief designer of the Biotechnology Science Experiment System of the Shanghai Institute of Technology and Objects, told me that astronauts have to do a lot of things in space, not only doing experiments. The current experimental system working modes are as follows: First, the experimental system has very strong automation. Second, the experimental process is adjusted by sending various instructions on the ground; third, there are some simple operations in the experiment, and the astronauts intervene, and the system designers will try to make the operation as simple and reliable as possible.
He revealed that as more professional biologists join the astronaut team in the future, subsequent researchers will develop more professional experimental systems and increase more professional experimental operations to meet the needs of scientific experiments. 

News (15)

The plane exploded and caught fire before takeoff, and the captain left passengers "the first to escape"

Editor : Qiu Lilong /

Image : The Sun

A low-cost Spanish flight that was preparing to take off from Barcelona on 21 July 2022 suddenly exploded and caught fire before takeoff. The pungent burning smell and smoke filled the cabin. Just as the flight attendant was running back and forth on the aisle to comfort the passengers, the captain was seen rushing quickly. He got out of the cockpit, opened the side door and left the passengers behind without looking back! After seeing the captain leave, the other flight attendants also rushed off the plane, leaving only one flight attendant to evacuate the passengers. Witnesses said angrily, "The captain just left, he was the first to get off the plane."

The British "Sun" reported that before a Vueling Airlines flight was preparing to depart from Spain for Birmingham (Birmingham, UK), the passengers who happily fastened their seat belts and waited for the plane to take off, suddenly heard the tail of the plane "a huge explosion". The pungent stench floated out from the rear, the lights in the cabin immediately went out, and the emergency lights also came on. One of the 50-year-old passengers, Andrew Benion, described that the flight attendant seemed panicked after the plane caught fire but on the one hand, she tried to remain calm and reassure the passengers. Open the side door of the plane with a stride, and leave like this."

Benion said in disbelief, "I've never seen such absurd sight, if it wasn't for everyone's fear at the time, it would have been like a comedy; I can't believe the captain was the first to leave, he made those of us waiting for instructions look like idiots; he's like the captain of the Costa Concordia, who only cares about himself."

Another passenger, Andrew, recalled, "The crew first took us to a reception area, then we were surrounded by police, and the atmosphere felt like a terrorist attack; we waited more than an hour before I boarded the other half of the plane, and waited 50 minutes for the plane to refuel. After takeoff, the plane didn't even have air conditioning or food. This made me think that if the explosion happened after takeoff, it would have catastrophic consequences."

News (16) to (20) / Reporters : Tom Brown etal., Daily Mail /

News (16)

Ex-U.S. envoy: Iran at "breakout point" in developing nuclear weapons, Iran a "nuclear state"

Iran is already a nuclear weapons state with enough uranium to build 'one, if not two' bombs, an ex-US diplomat and nuclear weapons expert has warned.

Former Washington official Robert Joseph told MailOnline, "The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has documented that Iran has 60% of enriched uranium, enough for at least one if not two bombs.

"We have been saying for years 'they're approaching this breakout point and we've really got to negotiate with them.' They're there."

The ex-United States Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security was speaking ahead of the "Free Iran" summit in Albania, which was abruptly cancelled due to a terror threat. 

The U.S. Department of State issued a security alert ahead of the summit this weekend, urging officials - including Joseph - not to attend.

Fellow Washington officials including former national security adviser John Bolton, senator Joe Lieberman and former NATO General James Jones were set to attend.

"I am the last person who would suggest the use of force, either there or with North Korea," Joseph said in Tirana. "But rather to support the opposition in overthrowing this regime."

Joseph was the chief negotiator to Libya in 2003 and is credited with convincing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to give up his nuclear weapons programme.

He has been strongly critical of former president Barack Obama’s regime and in its actions in aiding the overthrow of Gaddafi’s government in 2011, as well as the 2015 nuclear deal, which the administration agreed to prevent Iran from developing weapons of mass destruction.

News (17)

U.S. officials back exiled Iranian opposition group living in exile in Albania

The conference was being hosted by an exiled Iranian opposition group living in exile in the Ashraf 3 camp in Tirana, with some former US officials backing the campaigners as a potential replacement for the Islamic Republic currently running Iran.

News (18)

Americans urged not to attend the summit

"The U.S. government is aware of a potential threat targeting the Free Iran World Summit to be held near Durres, Albania on July 23-24, 2022," said the U.S. Embassy in Albania one day prior to the event, asking US citizens to avoid the summit and "be aware of your surroundings".

The IAEA, the UN nuclear watchdog, said in May that Iran’s ‘breakout time’ — the time theoretically required for the regime to produce a nuclear weapons — had shrunk to two weeks.

However the Institute for Science and International Security said a month later the breakout time had hit zero.

News (19)

Iran is regularly testing ballistic missiles

‘We hear that they are regularly testing ballistic missiles, and they are seeking to get enough uranium that they are able to produce a weapon,’ said MP Matthew Offord, who had been scheduled to attend the event.

‘The issue with the ballistic missiles is that they would be longer range,’ he added. ‘It wouldn’t be in the immediate area, say as far as Israel, it could go a lot further than that.’

The MP said he has been ‘"taking preventative actions" after the death of his friend David Amess last year, a fellow MP murdered by an Islamist extremist.

Iranian agents have previously targeted events hosted by the members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the exiled opposition that relocated to Tirana after thousands of its members were executed during the 2013-2017 War in Iraq.

News (20)

Summit cancelled, the importance of supporting Iranian opposition-in-exile, supporting Iranian regime change

John Baird, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada who was also scheduled to attend, said the terror threat was only the second time in his career when a summit was cancelled because of a credible threat to attendees, the first also involving the NCRI.

Assadollah Assadi, 49, who worked at the Iranian embassy in Vienna, was given a 20-year jail term by the court in Antwerp in Belgium, the first time an Iranian official had faced such charges in the EU since the 1979 revolution.

However on Thursday the Belgian parliament ratified a treaty to swap the convicted terrorist with a Belgian citizen held hostage in Iran, a move strongly opposed by the Iranian opposition.

‘We need to stand with Iran in this great struggle. The people of Iran have got to know that the world recognises this regime for what it is,’ Baird added. ‘I strongly support regime change, not outside with military force, but the National Council is probably the biggest and most effective opposition to the regime, so we need to support them.’

The IAEA said in May that Iran’s stockpile of uranium enriched to 60% had grown to 95 pounds, an increase of more than 300% compared to the previous three months.

In 2018, French police arrested an Iranian agent trying to bring explosives and a detonator to a NCRI rally in Paris.

NCRI originally revealed the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons programme to the world in 2005, providing evidence to international bodies that the regime has worked on production of a neutron initiator by using Polonium 210 and Beryllium — granting it the capacity to enrich uranium and eventually acquire nuclear weapons.


Tanzania investigates deadly outbreak of mysterious disease

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA