Thursday, July 21, 2022

DC's tough and soft approach on CCP, Covid, possible "coup" against Biden, Xi faces resistance

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on U.S., CCP, disease control

News (1) to (4) / Editor : Fang Xun / / Image : Web Screenshot

News (1)

Biden sees Xi Jinping as a dish? "Beautiful and delicious"  
—The U.S.-China relationship has reached the end of the water? Washington's tough and soft approach to Beijing

Image : Web Screenshot

A few days ago, it was reported that the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, may visit Taiwan in August 2022 month, stirring the CCP's sensitive nerves. Meanwhile, Huang Runqiu, China's Minister of Ecology and Environment, visited Washington, the capital, over the weekend, where he met with senior U.S. officials. The Chinese and American governments seem to have sent contradictory signals in their exchanges with each other. So, what stage has China-US relations reached?

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is seen by the Chinese side as a violation of their stance on Taiwan. On the one hand, senior Chinese and American officials are holding talks on environmental issues in Washington. This seemingly contradictory sign seems to be in line with China and the United States. What is China's current line of "struggle and cooperation".

News (2)

The U.S.-China relationship America wants: Good-looking and delicious

Li Xiaobing, a professor of political science at the University of Oklahoma Center in the United States, believes that this shows the flexibility of the Biden administration, "The Biden administration's China policy has gradually changed from sticking to a standpoint to a two-handed policy, that is, to adhere to principles, There is also an exchange of interests. In Mao Zedong's words, it is 'both good-looking and delicious'."

The news of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan shows the consistent principled position of the United States in safeguarding Taiwan's security and freedom. As early as April, Pelosi's plans to visit Taiwan were rumored, and she was later forced to delay because she tested positive for covid.

Regarding Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, China's position is completely consistent. In April, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that Pelosi should cancel her visit to Taiwan; this time, Zhao Lijian said that the United States "must not arrange" Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

Image : U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may visit Taiwan next month (AP Photo)

Yang Jianli, founder of the Washington-based human rights organization Citizen Power, believes that both the United States and China have strong principles on the Taiwan issue, especially in the context of the Russia-Ukrainian war. The question is, how can I prevent CCP from doing the same thing as Putin?" He analyzed that China has also strengthened its strategic consideration of Taiwan, "Should I fight? When? If we use force to unify Taiwan, What do we do to prepare? There must be strategic considerations in these areas.”

Not only on the Taiwan issue, but also on the South China Sea issue, the United States and China have also shown consistent principled positions. Following the sixth anniversary of the "South China Sea Arbitration Case" last Tuesday (12 July2022), the US military dispatched a destroyer to conduct free navigation near the Nansha Islands twice. The Chinese side said that they did not prevent free navigation or free overflight but believed that the U.S. move was a provocation.

News (3)

Collision of different security concepts

It is also worth noting that CCP China has also taken the initiative to attack, showing a positive strategic posture. Since the "Quad Security Dialogue" (QUAD) attended by leaders of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia was held in Tokyo in May, CCP China and Russia have repeatedly sent warships or military aircraft to circumnavigate the waters near Japan and the sky above. The outside world believes that this is China and Russia's military presence, and at the same time demonstrate to Western countries led by the United States.

Yang Jianli analyzed that under the pattern of confrontation between the United States and China, CCP China will insist on standing with Russia, "Xi Jinping will not abandon Putin's regime, and the existence of Putin's regime is too beneficial to him. Because Russia is no longer a world power, it is very important to CCP. Not a threat at least for a while, but she's enough to cause trouble for the West. This is another big North Korea."

China's positive strategic stance and its underlying security concept have always been vigilant against the U.S. side. Sheena Chestnut Greitens, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, mentioned the "overall national security concept" proposed by Xi Jinping in 2014 at a recent discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank. She pointed out that Xi Jinping's concept of national security is mainly the CCP's political security concept, and the definition of this political security mainly refers to the security of China's socialist system, the leadership of the CCP, and especially the leadership of the CCP Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core.

Professor Li Xiaobing believes that the security concept of this nature has led the CCP regime to view Sino-US relations in a "zero-sum game" way. The system is superior to the U.S., so the Chinese Communist system will prevail over the capitalist system, and they have a firm belief in that.”

News (4)

Other CCP officials have visited Washington to discuss exchange and cooperation

It is also clear that China and the United States have recently gradually increased their interaction and continued to expand areas of cooperation.

Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu visited Washington this time and met respectively with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Since the outbreak of the covid epidemic in 2020, senior Chinese officials have visited Washington, the capital of the United States, again after a long absence. According to the California state government website, Huang Runqiu also agreed with California Governor Newsom to speed up a cooperation plan aimed at protecting biodiversity.

Yang Jianli believes that Sino-US relations have begun to normalize in some other areas. "Since Biden took office, he has always wanted to deal with Sino-US relations in different areas. In other areas, Sino-US relations have become more normalized than before, including trade, climate Changes, and may eventually involve some issues in the Russia-Ukraine war.”

President Biden announced at the end of June that he will soon have a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, which will be the fourth interaction between the leaders of the United States and CCP China. The two spoke on the phone twice last year, and in March 2022 on the Russia-Ukraine situation and the Taiwan issue.

In addition, the White House of the United States has recently been considering canceling the tariffs that were imposed on Chinese goods exported to the United States during the previous Trump administration.

Professor Li Xiaobing analyzed that China and the United States have gradually increased exchanges and cooperation in economic and trade, visas, epidemic prevention and environmental protection, but the premise is that there is fierce competition between the two sides, but from a long-term strategic point of view, the Sino-US competitive relationship still exists.”

Raimondo made a public call at a Senate hearing last week that Congress should pass a bill as soon as possible to inject money into U.S. semiconductor research and development to give it a leadership position and increase competition with China. She stressed that this is a matter of U.S. national security.

News (5)

Biden was prescribed Paxlovid, approved by FDA two weeks ago, though he was vaccinated

Reporter : Alex Oliveira, Daily Mail /

Joe Biden is taking the drug Paxlovid in his battle against COVID-19, the White House said while announcing the president's diagnosis.

'He has begun taking Paxlovid. Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time,' said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

The anti-viral drug is intended for use by patients who are considered likely to become seriously ill from the deadly virus, such as elders and people with pre-existing conditions like heart disease.

The drug's approval comes after the Biden administration spent months trying to increase access to the drug, which studies showed decreased both deaths and hospitalizations in unvaccinated covid patients by nearly 90 per cent.

Despite those strong numbers the drug was found to be less effective in treating vaccinated patients - which Biden is three times over - and doctor's have reported symptoms returning in some patients after Paxlovid treatment. 

Joe Biden is taking the drug Paxlovid in his battle against COVID-19, the White House said while announcing the president's diagnosis

Joe Biden is taking the drug Paxlovid in his battle against COVID-19, the White House said while announcing the president's diagnosis

News (6)

Regret but too late! Supporters want to change the president, Biden was bombarded 

Editor : Shi Fang /

Image : Web Screenshot

U.S. President Joe Biden made frequent slips of the tongue. The supporters who voted for him in the last session admitted that they wanted to change the president, and ridiculed him for being no different from a "zombie".

U.S. President Biden made another slip of the tongue when he visited the Middle East, praising the U.S. military's "selfishness".

U.S. President Joe Biden made a slip of the tongue during his visit to the Middle East last week. He originally wanted to praise the "selflessness" of the military, but it turned out that the U.S. military was "selfish". On this trip, he also made outrageous slips such as the "honorary" massacre. The "New York Times" recently announced that there is only 33% satisfaction left in Biden's polls. Among them, one supporter who voted for him in the last session was worried that he was too old and often made mistakes. He criticized Biden for being like a "zombie" now. 

Biden's visit to the Middle East last week still made frequent mistakes. The British "Daily Mail" (Daily Mail) reported that on 16 July and the last day of the trip at the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Biden read to the leaders present. In his speech, he originally wanted to praise the "selflessness" of the U.S. military but he made the mistake of saying it was "selfish".

"This is the first time since 9/11 that the U.S. military has not been involved in a war when a U.S. president has visited the region," he said. "We will forever honor the bravery, selfishness, and sacrifice of these American servicemen, including my son Poe. Beau Biden."

The report pointed out that the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, sitting behind Biden, blinked and moved his body uncomfortably when he heard Biden's slip of the tongue.

When Biden delivered a speech in Israel on 13 July 2022, he also blurted out that he wanted to "maintain the truth and honor of the Holocaust." He immediately discovered that he had mistaken "horror" for "honor" and corrected it.

Biden has said in the past that he suffered from stuttering as a child and continued to fight the disease, which may be the reason for his repeated slips but a recent report in the New York Times showed that slips of the tongue did affect the public's trust in him.

A poll released by the New York Times on 11 July pointed out that Biden’s governance satisfaction has dropped to 33%. The most shocking of which is that 64% of Democratic voters said they hope to launch a new candidate for the presidency in 202 and the biggest factor that voters want to replace is age and performance.

Nicole Farrier, a 38-year-old Michigan teacher, said frankly, "I'm fed up with all the old people who govern our country" and hope it's not "dying people" to choose. Farrell voted for Biden in 2020.

69-year-old John Waldron of New York supports the Republican Party but he voted for Biden in the last general election. In an interview, he said he regretted it and expected to switch to the Republican Party in two years. "I think he's going to do something to the country, but right now he's doing nothing."

Like others, he is also worried about Biden's age and frequent slips of the tongue. For example, when Biden signed an executive order on 8 July 2022 to guarantee women's abortion opportunities, he mistakenly said "term termination" rather than "term pregnancy". At that time, Biden said the video of the wrong words is also going viral on the Internet.

Waldron responded, "Have you seen him on TV?" He likened Biden to a "zombie." "He's like that."

News (7)

Biden is too bad. Celebrity: The United States may soon face a "coup" 

Editor : Chu Tian / / Image : Web Screenshot

Senior media people pointed out that the 79-year-old U.S. President Joe Biden has only been in office for one and a half years, and there have been a lot of negative incidents such as gaffes, mistaken people, slow actions, etc., which makes people worry about whether age is a problem for his governance; plus his approval rating has also been declining, and the top administration may soon have to consider using the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would have the vice president and cabinet declare Biden unable to continue in office and remove him from office.
Piers Morgan, a senior British media personality, wrote in the New York Post, saying that there are too many incidents that can make people question Biden's ability to act, including not remembering other people's names, walking with weakness, falls while riding a bicycle, sometimes short-circuits thoughts, falls asleep at important international meetings, reduces public appearances, and makes frequent slips of the tongue, such as calling Vice President Kamala Harris "President", "Ukrainians" as "Iranians" etc.

According to the poll, it has only been one and a half years since Biden took office on 20 January 2021, but his approval rate has dropped to 33%, and nearly 80% of the respondents believe that the United States is "moving in the wrong direction", and even 64% of Democratic voters want someone else to run for president in 2024 but Biden refused to admit his own failures, and instead kept blaming others, including mainland China, Russia and the Republican Party.
Piers Morgan pointed out that the "coup d'état" incident in the United Kingdom has only recently occurred, successfully bringing Prime Minister Boris Johnson down the road; although the United States has a different political system, there is also a similar "legal coup" method, namely Article 25th Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Amendment, and the moment to use this trick "may soon come."

If the Vice President and the Cabinet of the United States determine that the President is no longer capable of continuing to perform his duties, the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Section 4: "As soon as the Vice President and the Executive Branch or Congress may be appointed as members of such other agencies as may be prescribed by law. When more than half of the principal officials submit in writing to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, stating that the President cannot exercise his powers and perform his duties, the Vice President shall immediately act as the President."

News (8) to (14) / Editor : Fang Xun /

News (8)

German media: President Xi is competent! In just 3 years, the country has undergone great changes 

Image : Web Screenshot

On 19 July 2022, "Business Daily" published its reporter Dana Heide's observations and summary after three years of work in China. The article, titled "Twilight China: How Much Has This Country Changed," wrote that she started work in Beijing before the covid pandemic, when about 382,000 people flew from all over the world every day away from China. Today, “the China I knew in my first few months as a reporter has disappeared”, and the number of people flying in and out of China every day in 2021 has dropped to about 8,400.

The reporter then described the current state of CCP China's economy in her eyes - business sentiment, consumption is at a low point, young people are seriously unemployed, in addition, there is a heavily indebted public budget and a real estate crisis. “The ruling Communist Party is dismantling almost everything that has made China successful. In the past three years, there has been a marked increase in economic and social control. Beijing is isolating itself from overseas and becoming a a bigger threat for world peace."

The article is then divided into several sections on how China has changed over the past few years—“total control,” Hong Kong, wars against Taiwan and Ukraine, and “China is closing itself off.”

In the "Comprehensive Control" section, the author stated that cameras were ubiquitous in China long before the epidemic, but after the introduction of the "Health Code", China has "weaved a tight control network to capture everything and every people, including myself."

When talking about Hong Kong, the former reporter in China said: "Hong Kong today is just a shadow of my visit two years ago. The National Security Law promulgated by Beijing in 2020 has set almost all challenges to the regime as criminal offenses. More than 180 people have been imprisoned for criticizing the Hong Kong government or the Beijing government. ... For Beijing, breaking its international commitments is de facto undermining the 'one country, two systems' principle with almost no consequences."

Under the subsequent subheading "China a Threat to World Peace," the article described China's position on the Taiwan issue and the war in Ukraine, stating that "even with its closest trading partners, China's leadership is increasingly confrontational".

The last part of Dana Heide's article states that "China is closing in on itself", decoupling from the world in multiple areas. She concludes by writing that despite state repression and increasingly difficult conditions on many fronts, "if you take the time to visit China, you will still meet interesting people and tireless entrepreneurs. . . China's potential remains enormous. ... but it's becoming increasingly doubtful that the country will be able to capitalize on that potential."

News (9)

Developing countries are closely watching the "big brother" CCP

Sri Lanka's economy collapsed and the Rajapaksa family, who ruled the country for years, fell. Christoph Hein, Singapore-based correspondent for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, commented on 18 July 2022, "This is a disaster and a resounding reminder that the rulers of Africa, Asia and South America have clearly noticed that ... in times of extreme need "Beijing's financiers are not helping Sri Lanka. The collapse of Sri Lanka has left politicians in developing and emerging countries in a cold sweat as they all have to deal with rising interest rates, a high dollar and their own debt."

The commentary then recounts the post-civil war rise of the fugitive former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, as well as China's Belt and Road project in Sri Lanka, noting that the CCP government favors these developing countries. The so-called political strongman "makes himself indispensable through loans and construction teams, securing his own strategic access".

"In Colombo, almost within India's line of sight, Chinese submarines are welcomed but at a critical time like now, it is not Beijing that provides billions of dollars in emergency aid, but India, which is finally realizing its regional responsibility.  What damages China's reputation as a development partner is like what China is doing now with Sri Lanka and its needy neighbour Pakistan. Its allies Laos and Cambodia may also face a crisis next. Many developing, threshold governments will again pay close attention, and see how their so-called 'big brother' will behave."

News (10)

Xi Jinping faces resistance and will face the worst political crisis

Over the past few years, Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has taken control of China's big tech companies, imposing a draconian nationwide zero-out policy. Now, he is facing an unexpected challenge from Chinese home buyers. Homebuyers refusing to pay their mortgages have spread like fire across 91 Chinese cities.

The real estate market accounts for one-fifth of China's economic activity. About 70 percent of household wealth in China is tied to real estate, far more than in the United States, making it one of the Communist Party's most sensitive political issues.

For months, Xi Jinping has firmly reined in "overleveraged" Chinese developers, sparking a record wave of defaults that put at least 24 major real estate companies on the verge of collapse, while also scaring people. bad for global investors.

News (11)

Mortgage boycott spreads to 91 cities

Chinese homebuyers are watching their household wealth drain as the housing market continues to slump as falling house prices make buyers' properties now worth less than they agreed to pay, leaving them struggling to pay their mortgages and distressed.

In addition, the delay in completion of the apartment building has also annoyed buyers. They are now publicly revolting, and the boycott of mortgage payments is escalating rapidly and has expanded to at least 301 projects in about 91 cities. The value of mortgage loans that could be affected has ballooned to about 2 trillion yuan ($297 billion).

"Chinese homebuyers usually pool the resources of the entire family to buy a home," Bloomberg quoted Alfred Wu, an associate professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, as saying.

"If their house becomes negative equity, it's a matter of life and death for them."

News (12)

Mortgage boycott is bad timing for Xi Jinping

As property prices fall and projects stall, it could spark wider dissatisfaction among homebuyers, fueling an already rapidly escalating mortgage boycott.

For Xi, the timing of the unexpected revolt from Chinese homebuyers could not have come at a worse time. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is still months away, when Xi will seek a third term. There are already signs that Mr. Xi will seek to ease the situation ahead of the sensitive moment of the 20th Party Congress.

Chinese authorities may allow homeowners to temporarily halt mortgage payments on stalled real estate projects without penalties, in an attempt to stabilize the market, Bloomberg News reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) has also asked banks to increase credit to eligible developers so they can complete unfinished projects.

Bloomberg quoted Chi Lo, senior Asia-Pacific investment strategist at BNP Paribas Asset Management, as saying, "This is the first time we've seen this type of mortgage boycott in China, and it's clearly caused the CCP) government’s attention.” “It is crucial that Xi maintain stability ahead of the party’s 20th National Congress.”

Diana Choyleva, chief economist at economic consultancy Enodo Economics, said the pair would be hard-pressed by the ruling Communist Party ahead of its 20th party congress later this year, The Guardian reported. It's a moment of instability, as it heralds a dip in confidence in a year when stability should have been a priority.

She added: “The refusal of homebuyers to pay mortgages on unfinished properties in cities across China and the massive protests by bank depositors in Henan demanding their savings back and denouncing government corruption are another type of challenge that Beijing faces right now. Manifestations."

News (13)

Xi Jinping faces "systemic" political crisis if protests erupt across the country

Even if a short-term solution is found, there are still long-term risks for Xi, Bloomberg said. Xi Jinping is seeing an unusually wide range of social discontent, with the Chinese economy taking a hit as he cracks down on excessive debt and seeks to implement a Covid-19 zero policy that will keep the party from meeting its annual economic growth target of 5.5%.

"If thousands of homeowners think their greatest asset is in trouble, they may identity protests across China, creating a 'systemic' political crisis."

The British "Guardian" published an article on July 19 saying that boycotting mortgage loans threatens China's economic and political stability.

China's economy is facing a blow from stagnant growth, high unemployment, resistance to mortgage payments and ongoing coronavirus lockdowns, with the potential for severe social and political consequences.

The refusal of homebuyers to pay their mortgages is a sign that the confidence of ordinary Chinese in the property market and the wider banking sector is beginning to crumble.

"The property I bought isn't finished yet, why do I have to pay the mortgage?" said one angry social media user after watching a documentary about hundreds of home buyers in Xi'an having to live in unfinished apartments.

News (14)

A broken economic model

Real estate has been a major driver of China's economic growth for years, with prices steadily rising for decades, offering a seemingly one-way upswing in middle-class incomes.

However, this growth trend in the real estate industry has shattered as the CCP imposed regulations on real estate developers, extreme epidemic lockdown measures.

At present, new epidemics have reappeared in many places in China, the CCP has once again implemented partial blockade measures, and major cities such as Shanghai are also facing the threat of further paralysis, all of which exacerbate the uncertain prospects for the future.

The government in Beijing has responded in recent weeks to the sluggish Chinese economy with plans for another massive infrastructure project worth as much as $70 billion in an attempt to ensure growth.

However, the Guardian says many economists and China watchers now believe that Beijing's "borrow-and-build" economic model has collapsed and that more infrastructure is the road to destruction , rather than leading to a sustainable future.

The crisis plaguing the real estate industry perfectly illustrates the problem, the report said. The government has used all means to stem Evergrande's slow collapse. Evergrande admitted last year that "changing market conditions" meant it could no longer repay its huge debt.

Although the Evergrande incident has faded to some extent after state-owned enterprises intervened to solve some of the difficulties, it was unable to prevent the spread of the "poison".

For one, homebuyers refusing to pay their mortgages showed they had grown desperate as they saw the value of unfinished homes drop while developers were still struggling.

Market research firm Capital Economics said in a research note that homebuyers' resistance to mortgages reflected their anxiety over whether a home could be completed "and dissatisfaction with falling prices for new homes". The report estimates that construction on about 13 million apartments has stopped in the past year.

Second, home sales remain subdued, with few signs of recovery amid the Covid lockdown, rising unemployment and uncertainty over the delivery of completed homes. Sales fell in May at a slower pace than in previous months, but from a low starting point, falling to the worst level since 2006. From January to May, property sales fell 23.6% from a year earlier.

Third, some troubles are brewing in financial markets, and investors are worried that there will be more bankruptcies. That concern saw the value of bonds sold by real estate companies fall sharply last week, as did real estate stocks in the Chinese stock market.

The Guardian quoted Dan Wang, chief economist at Shanghai Hang Seng Bank, as saying that policymakers in Beijing were now facing a "huge dilemma" in addressing the homebuyer crisis, "Eighty percent of residential housing in China is built with prepaid plans. So even if the central bank wants to save the industry, it won't be able to do it without lowering mortgage rates."

"They also need to figure out a way to ease the debt pressure on property companies without easing the official 'three red lines', a strict policy designed to limit debt for property developers. But it's going to be tough to get there. "

"According to our calculations, between 10% and 30% of local and regional governments will meet the prudential threshold for fiscal risk by the end of 2022," the analysts said, meaning they may not be able to service their debts and could be placed under special conditions by the central government measures.

News (15) to (17) / Reporter : Luo Tingting / Editor: Wen Hui /

News (15)

Li Keqiang admits that economic growth is difficult to guarantee: First stabilize employment and prices

Image : CCP Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at an event in Beijing on 21 November 21, 2019. (Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)


In the second quarter of this year, China's economic growth fell off a cliff, causing concern. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang recently showed a showdown, saying that it is acceptable for the economic growth rate to be low, and that the most important thing now is to stabilize employment and prices.

News (16)

Li Keqiang admits that economic growth cannot be guaranteed

Under the impact of Xi Jinping's "dynamic clearing" epidemic prevention policy, China's economy continued to decline sharply. The economic growth rate in the second quarter was only 0.4%, the lowest in two years. International assessment agencies have predicted that China will achieve the predetermined target of "about 5.5%" of GDP growth in 2022, which is extremely unrealistic.

China's National Bureau of Statistics, which releases economic data, also acknowledged the challenges of meeting its full-year growth forecast.

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who focuses on the economy, admitted frankly when he attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Entrepreneur Video Dialogue on July 19, that China still needs to make hard work to stabilize the economic market. The most important thing now is "stabilizing employment", "" price stability".

"It is acceptable for the economic growth rate to be higher or lower," Li Keqiang said.

News (17)

The economy and epidemic prevention fight, officials do not know who to listen to

On the same day, "21st Century Business Herald" published an exclusive interview with Liu Yuanchun, president of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He bluntly said that the target of GDP growth of about 5.5% is difficult to achieve, and the economic trend this year may be W-shaped.

In the opinion of some economists, Liu Yuanchun's forecast is too optimistic. As early as May of this year, Li Keqiang presided over a national meeting of 100,000 people, calling on the grassroots to "stabilize the economic market", and introduced a series of measures to save the economy. However, a number of international financial institutions expect China's economy to continue to decline, and once again lowered China's economic growth (GDP) forecast for 2022.

On 26 May 2022, the US consumer news and business channel CNBC reported that UBS (UBS) lowered its forecast for China's economic growth in 2022 to 3% from the previous 4.2%.

Another investment bank, JPMorgan, forecast a figure of 3.7%, significantly lower than the previous 4.3%.

Zhu Haibin, chief China economist at JPMorgan Chase, and his team released a report saying, "Insisting on the zero-covid prevention policy is the biggest uncertain factor, including the risk of continued disruption of economic activities and the risk of repeated counterattacks of the Omicron epidemic."

Goldman Sachs, a large US investment bank, lowered its forecast for China's economic growth to 4% to 4.5% on May 18.

Bloomberg is the most pessimistic about China's economy. A research report released by Bloomberg Economics on May 20 predicted that China's economic growth this year may drop to 2%, the lowest of all current expectations.

According to Bloomberg, China is caught in a vicious circle of "self-cancellation". On the one hand, it is anxious about various economic weakness and has launched various measures to stimulate the economy. But on the other hand, these measures were defused by the authorities' zero-epidemic prevention policy.

Current affairs commentator Wang He told NTDTV, "The CCP has said a word, the epidemic must be controlled, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe. Because China's dynamics are cleared, these three goals make it completely impossible to achieve. There is a fight inside it."

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that at Li Keqiang's economic meeting of 100,000 people, many senior officials in cities were absent as they were focusing on epidemic prevention, suggesting that epidemic prevention still trumps the economy.

Bloomberg said that many grass-roots government officials responsible for implementing policies are in a dilemma between balancing epidemic prevention and the economy, and are "not quite sure who to listen to."

On the other hand, Li Keqiang's speech at the meeting revealed that the zero-epidemic prevention policy has caused China's economy to encounter a serious crisis. That night, the party media rushed to issue a comprehensive dialectical view of the current economic situation, basically denying Li Keqiang's speech. The full text of Li Keqiang's speech was also deleted in large numbers on social media.

The Epoch Times columnist Zhou Xiaohui said that Li Keqiang's speech was deleted and denied, which shows that Xi Jinping will never accept the denial of his zero-covid policy, and that China's economy and people's livelihood will continue to deteriorate.

After the 100,000-person meeting, when Xi Jinping inspected Wuhan, Hubei on 28 June 2022, he reiterated his insistence on "maintaining dynamic clearing". He said, "It would be better to temporarily affect economic development" than to engage in "collective immunity" and "lying flat".

News (18) to (21) / Editor : Wen Hui /

News (18)

Xi Jinping's military reform loopholes are exposed. Experts: Air Force operations will last less than two weeks

Image : The picture shows the J-11 fighter jet of the Chinese Air Force. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

After the CCP leader Xi Jinping took office, he launched a large-scale military reform, but military experts found loopholes in it. From the perspective of logistics supply alone, experts believe that the CCP Air Force is fighting Lasted less than two weeks.

News (19)

Logistics supplies exposed the door of the communist military cover

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on 20 July 2022 that senior U.S. military analysts believe that even though the CCP's active duty officers and soldiers are considerable, the logistical deficiencies mean that this unit is very weak in combat readiness.

On 19 July, Joshua Arostegui, a senior analyst at the U.S. Department of Defense, said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think tank, that the Chinese Army’s operational logistics supply does not have the modern logistics strategy. He questioned how long the Chinese military could last at the tactical level once the war broke out.

Arostgui came to this conclusion based on a recent U.S. Department of Defense journal article targeting the Chinese Communist Party, as well as official footage broadcast by the Chinese Communist Party's CCTV. He noted the "surprisingly inadequate" Chinese military infrastructure, from naval supply ships to aircraft maintenance pads.

He wondered how long the CCP army could hold out in the event of a real war without modern logistical means? For other countries that intend to intimidate the CCP, "the logistical supply system can be said to have exposed the cover of the People's Liberation Army (the CCP's army)," Alosdji said.

News (20)

The war situation is changing rapidly, and the Russian dilemma may reappear

The current logistics support system of the CCP’s military was re-established after Xi Jinping came to power. After Xi Jinping, the leader of the Communist Party of China who is also the chairman of the Military Commission, took office in 2012, he initiated a major military reform. In November 2015, the General Logistics Department of the army was abolished, and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission was reorganized to be responsible for the logistics support planning, policy research, standard setting, etc.

Military experts have analyzed that such military reforms have resulted in the loss of direct command authority for commanders in specific theaters and led to bureaucratic delays.

During the covid epidemic, Beijing authorities have sent troops on rescue missions, which seem to have played a role. But Arostgui and another expert, JR Sessions, point out that engaging in public medical emergencies and responding to rapidly changing and complex battles are very different tasks. They questioned whether the Chinese military was ready to switch between war and civilian roles.

In addition, there are also many problems in the logistics support of the CCP's military. The Beijing authorities want to use private enterprises to solve the problem of insufficient transportation capacity. But experts believe that this could put the Communist Party in the dilemma it was when Russia sent troops to Ukraine.

Sessions said Beijing intends to integrate private logistics companies such as and SF Express into the wartime transportation system. However, he said that in the context of rapidly changing battle conditions, dynamic decisions must be made based on battlefield conditions, and then supplies are provided to the front lines. The CCP’s military relies on private enterprises to solve its transportation capacity, which is reminiscent of the difficulties faced by Russia when it sent troops to Ukraine.

He said that the current logistics support units established by the CCP's army are sometimes ordered to be transferred through the approval of the 5th or 6th floor checkpoints, so there are also criticisms within the CCP army.

News (21)

Air Force operations only last about two weeks

Lonnie Henley, a former East Asian defense intelligence officer at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and now an adjunct professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, said he was "particularly skeptical" about the ability of China's navy and air force to maintain large-scale combat capabilities. .

Henry believes that the CCP's transportation departments and equipment are not enough to deal with the long-range operations that brigade-level troops can shoulder.

He speculates that the combat time of the CCP Air Force can only last about two weeks. "Because in some large air force exercises, their air drill training is only a few days at most," Henry said. "You won't understand how difficult it is unless you actually do it."

News (22)

Due to security considerations do not talk about whether to visit Taiwan; Pelosi: Showing support for Taiwan is very important!

Regarding rumors that she will visit Taiwan in August, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said today that she would never talk about her travel plans for security reasons. But she also said it was important to show support for Taiwan.

The Financial Times recently reported that Nancy Pelosi planned to visit Taiwan in August to show her support for Taiwan.

For this rumour, Pelosi maintained a consistent stance when asked about the matter at a regular weekly press conference today, unwilling to confirm or deny. She said that for safety reasons, she never talked about her travel plans.

When the media asked how to deter mainland China from coercing Taiwan, Pelosi said, "This is a very big issue." If it is really discussed, it is very important to show support for Taiwan. But she also pointed out that no one has mentioned Taiwan independence, which is up to Taiwan to decide.

President Joe Biden mentioned yesterday that the military thinks Pelosi's visit to Taiwan now is "not a good idea." Pelosi said that if she said that her visit to Taiwan would be troublesome, she thought Biden meant that the military might be worried that the plane would be shot down by China or something, "I don't know for sure, I didn't see it, I didn't. Heard", "I never heard from the president".
Pelosi was scheduled to come to Taiwan in April, but it was canceled due to covid. If Pelosi makes the trip, it will be the first time in 25 years that a speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has visited Taiwan. However, the report also quoted three people familiar with the matter as saying that the White House had expressed concern about Pelosi's trip. (Central News Agency)

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