Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Peter Daszak and Putin-backed experts assembled MOW-BatCoV strain 15-22 in 2015

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on new coronavirus origin, WEF, CCP, U.S., Japan, Taiwan

News (1) to (6) / Source : The National Pulse, Biorxiv,
Image of Pipistrellus nathusii, where MOW-BatCoV strain 15-22 is derived and labelled in red the locations in Russia and Italy where MERS-related bat coronavirus are obtained : Peter Daszak, etal.

News (1)

Peter Daszak and Kremlin-backed experts are isolating MERS-related coronavirus strains

Peter Daszak, a controversial U.S-based researcher whose collaborations on coronavirus research with a CCP laboratory were funded by Anthony Fauci – isolated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus strains in Russia using funds from the Russian government in a recently published research paper.


Daszak, 49 yers old, appeared to play a critical role in the origins of covid (short for COVID-19) as his organization, the “EcoHealth Alliance”, facilitated a “longtime” joint research effort with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is believed to be the source of the virus. Throughout the pandemic, Daszak also featured prominently in promoting the “natural origins” theory while simultaneously discrediting supporters of the “lab leak” theory, most notably in the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) covid investigator.

Image : Web Screenshot

His latest study appears to be yet another controversy. Daszak, who is originally British, is listed as the sole U.S. researcher on the paper: “Identification and Genetic Characterization of MERS-Related Coronavirus Isolated from Nathusius’ Pipistrelle  Near Zvenigorod (Moscow Region, Russia).

News (2)

Russian paper on new MERS-related coronavirus strain published on 10 June 2022

The paper was published on 10 June 2022 and counted an additional 11 Russian researchers from Kremlin-run facilities including the Federal Service on Consumers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance and Moscow State University.

News (3)

Russian study involving Daszak totally funded by Russia

The study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the national science funding body of the Russian government, and the state-run Russian Science Foundation.

Researchers conducted “analyses of bat viromes,” which “have been used to identify novel viruses with potential to cause human infection.”

News (4)

Six captured Russian bat species are "coronavirus positive" in 2015

“We characterized the fecal virome of 26 samples collected from six bat species captured during 2015 in Moscow Region. Of these 13/26 (50%) samples were found to be coronavirus positive,” continued researchers.

News (5)

New MERS-related strain, named MOW-BatCoV strain 15-22, assembled by Daszak and Russian experts

“We sequenced and assembled the complete genome of a novel MERS-related Betacoronavirus from Pipistrellus nathusii, named MOW-BatCoV strain 15-22.”

The capture and sampling of bats were carried out by Moscow State University researchers in the summer of 2015.

Appearing to use similar tactics as researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Russian scientists and Daszak focused on the spike protein. The spike protein allows viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection and is believed to have been manipulated by researchers in Wuhan to become more lethal to humans.

“To predict and analyze the interaction of MOW-BatCoV Spike glycoprotein with DPP4 receptors of the different mammalian species, the three-dimensional structures of these proteins were obtained by homologous modeling. The DPP4 proteins of two bats (Myotis brandtii and Pipistrellus kuhlii), the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), domestic cat (Felix catus) and mouse (Mus musculus) were used for analysis,” explains the paper.

Analysis of the complete genomes the novel coronavirus discovered in the paper shows that it “falls into clade of human/camel’s MERS viruses together with a few bat viruses.”

Ref: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.09.495421v1.full.pdfhttps://thenationalpulse.com/2022/06/28/peter-daszak-authored-russia-funded-study-on-coronaviruses/

News (6)

Pfizer member drives anti-corruption initiative at WEF

Jim Smith – whose concurrent roles as a Pfizer board member and Reuters CEO appear to pose a conflict of interest – serves as a board member of the World Economic Forum’s anti-corruption initiative.

Smith’s leading role with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Partnering Against Corruption Initiative follows controversy over his position at the pharmaceutical giant and mainstream media outlet, which frequently reports on Pfizer. Reuters has published tens of thousands of articles covering or mentioning Pfizer, though the articles never disclose Smith’s affiliation with either entity.

Smith serves on the board of the WEF’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, dubbed the “leading business voice on anti-corruption and transparency.”

“It is one of the Forum’s strongest cross-industry collaborative efforts and is creating a highly visible, agenda-setting platform by working with business leaders, international organizations and governments to address corruption, transparency and emerging-market risks,” explains a WEF synopsis.

“Public confidence has been corroded by a concentration on near-term priorities and payoffs, propelled by election-cycle politics or quarterly results targets that too often leave children worse off than their parents,” laments Smith.

The article, however, comes amidst the Federal Drug Administration and Pfizer attempting to delay the release of documents related to the efficacy of its covi vaccine.

The WEF has been accused of exploiting covid to advance its “Great Reset” agenda to advance its radical agenda of abolishing private property ownership.

Ref: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/07/08/wef-anti-corruption-czat-is-pfizer-director/

News (7) to (8) / Source : The Expose /  https://expose-news.com/2022/07/12/distracted-boris-uk-gov-revealed-vaccinated-highest-covid-death-rate/https://expose-news.com/2022/07/10/documents-dutch-gov-wef-great-reset/

News (7)

The UK Government published data confirming the covid death rate per 100,000 is highest among the fully-vaccinated

On 7 July 2022, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, announced he was resigning from the post, resulting in a non-stop 24/7 media frenzy speculating what the future holds for the UK and who will be steering an already sinking ship.

However just hours before Boris made his announcement, his Government quietly published data that has conveniently now been swept under the carpet.

That data shows that since at least April 2022, in terms of deaths per 100,000, the fully vaccinated population in England have been more likely to die of covid than the unvaccinated population; meaning the covi injections now have negative effectiveness against death.

This, in turn, suggests the fully vaccinated against covid are now suffering Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.

Back in March 2022, the UK Health Security Agency announced that from 1 April 2022, they would no longer publish the vaccination status of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths in England.

At the time, the UKHSA claimed this was because the UK Government had ended free universal Covid-19 testing and this, therefore, affected their “ability to robustly monitor covid cases by vaccination status”.

However, this was a lie.

Because another UK Government agency, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), has just published a report containing data on deaths by vaccination status in England that includes deaths up to 31 May 2022.

Tthis is not because the majority of people have been vaccinated, which in turn statistically results in more deaths. It is instead, as the ONS data shows, because the covi injections are increasing recipients’ risk of death if infected with covid.

The latest dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.

News (8)

Dutch Government is working with WEF to implement "The Great Reset"

Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset.

‘The Netherlands is the proud host of the Global Co-ordination Secretariat (“GCS”) for the worldwide network of Food Innovation Hubs’, wrote Foodvalley; the leading European innovation hub in this network. 

“It was great to have support for the initiative by Foodvalley members Mengniu Dairy, DSM and Unilever this week at the online WEF Davos panel session on the transformation of food systems,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on 26 January.

Foodvalley’s article continued: “More than 20 organisations are already working together as Food Innovation Hubs in Colombia, India, Europe, South-East Asia and several countries in Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided multi-year support for the development of a Food Innovation Hub in India and several public and private sector partners have committed in-kind resources to support the development of hubs in various regions.”

What Foodvalley did not mention is that the Netherlands was host to the GCS because the Dutch government was planning to fund it.

Foodvalley also avoids pointing out that the initiative has “special attention for development and implementation of key enabling technologies e.g., Digitalisation Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, biotechnology and micro and nanotechnology in the Agri-Food sector.”

Pepijn van Houwelingen, a member of the Dutch House of Representatives, asked 42 written questionsof Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on 21 September 2021.  On 17 December, Tom De Bruijn, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, provided answers to questions 10 and 12.

News (9) to (10) / Editor : Gao Jing / https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/22/7/11/n13778462.htm

News (9)

Will Wang Yi be tough on Blinken? Analysis: The bluff

Reporters : Zhao Fenghua and Luo Ya / https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/22/7/11/n13778462.htm / Image : U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the opening ceremony of the G20 Foreign Ministers' Summit in Bali, Indonesia, July 8, 2022. (Stefani Reynolds/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

CCP Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Blinken met during the G20 Foreign Ministers Summit. On July 9, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China issued a circular stating that during the talks, Wang Yi presented the strongly worded "Four Lists" and "Three Musts" to the U.S. side. According to expert analysis, the CCP is bluffing and is involved in infighting in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party.

News (10)

Want to show the attitude of "great country" to the country

According to the "Wall Street Journal" report, on 9 July 2022, during the G20 foreign ministers' summit held in Indonesia, Blinken had more than five hours of talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. In response to the "Russian-Ukrainian War" topic of concern at the meeting, Blinken said at a press conference after the meeting: "This brutal invasion has continued for more than four months, and China (the CCP) still supports Russia." He warned the Chinese side, This is complicating efforts to stabilize U.S.-China relations.

On 10 July, Blinken said in response to a reporter's question that U.S. President Biden and CCP President Xi Jinping will speak on the phone in the next few weeks.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China said in a statement released on its official website on July 9 that Wang Yi proposed "four lists" during the talks, including a list of asking the U.S. to correct its erroneous China policies and words and deeds; a list of key cases of concern to the CCP; a list of China-related issues. A list of bills, as well as a list of eight areas of cooperation between the two sides. At the same time, China also requires the US to "three imperatives" on the Taiwan issue, namely, it must not send wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces; it must not underestimate the CCP's determination to invade Taiwan; and it must not make mistakes that ruin peace across the Taiwan Strait.

In this regard, Dong Siqi, deputy chief executive of a Taiwan think tank, said in an interview with The Epoch Times on 11 July  that the CCP hopes to demonstrate its so-called "great power" attitude through occasions such as the G20 summit, with the aim of stabilizing China before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party domestic politics.

Dong Siqi said, "Before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, to let Xi Jinping show the so-called great power diplomacy in the world, it is also hoped that through his voice in diplomacy, the domestic political situation and political situation will be more stable. If you want to use such an international occasion to speak out, it is Understandable, but the point is, will such a voice have any practical effect? ​​Of course, other democracies will not make this response exactly as he thinks.

"Blinken also mentioned that Xi Jinping and President Biden will have the opportunity to speak on the phone soon. There are still many international affairs that need to be solved and faced together between the two countries."

Dong Siqi said that the tough stance that the CCP has to show on international occasions is first and foremost for the domestic view.

Dong Siqi said, "The CCP must also show a tougher stance in order to make them more stable internally and have an internal demonstration effect, which is certain. On the other hand, they also want to show that they are still A big country, such a gesture that has international influence."

Regarding the so-called "four lists" proposed by Wang Yi to the United States, current affairs commentator Wang He said in an interview with The Epoch Times on 11 July, "Wang Yi has no confidence at all. Because the CCP is really in a mess now, Wang Yi's own position i is very difficult to protect. Wang Yi is bluffing.

"Strategically speaking, this is called attacking and defending. After the Russian-Ukrainian war this year, Russia is the biggest loser in strategy, and the CCP is the second biggest loser. Now the Biden administration is leading the world to contain Russia, and it is necessary to Weakening Russia is a major warning to the CCP.

"Russia is the reference of the CCP. The CCP is now very passive strategically, and the domestic situation has been in a mess due to the dynamic clearing, and the entire economic market has been shaken. Under such circumstances, Xi Jinping will be re-elected for three more terms, and this situation will be very nervous. So at this time, it is impossible for him to admit his mistake, and it is impossible for him to be soft or weak.

"He (the CCP) takes the offense as the defense, proposes 'four lists', and proposes 'three imperatives' on the Taiwan issue. This does not mean that the CCP has the strength to ensure that these proposals can be realized, but a smoke bomb. "

"Anti-Communist" has become the mainstream consensus, and the Biden administration follows the trend

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated in the press release that during the talks with Blinken, Wang Yi asked the U.S. side to implement President Biden’s so-called “four nonsense, no one intentional” policy, including that the U.S. side does not seek a “new Cold War” and does not seek to change China’s system; Do not support the so-called "Taiwan independence"; do not intend to conflict with the CCP, etc. However, this is only a unilateral statement by the Chinese authorities.

In this regard, current affairs commentator Wang He told The Epoch Times that the fundamental reason for the deterioration of Sino-US relations is, first of all, the accelerating pace of the CCP's expansion, which has made "anti-Communist" become the mainstream consensus in the United States.

Wang He said: "After the United States recognized the pace of the CCP's expansion, it turned from the past 'appeasement' policy to 'fighting', and fighting the CCP has become a consensus in the political mainstream. So after Biden came to power, he could not resist this big trend. Just go with the flow.

"Many of his practices are actually relatively soft. He talked about the three principles of 'cooperation, confrontation, and competition'. Biden is actually a status quo faction. During his tenure, there should be no major problems in Sino-US relations, which is the Taiwan war. Don't fight. This matter happened to be caught by the CCP, so the CCP's attitude is very firm.

"From a diplomatic point of view, the CCP summarizes the Biden administration's stance towards China as 'Four Nos, One Unintentional', of course, this is the summary of the CCP, but every word in it has been said by senior officials of Biden and his administration. , but when he said it, he did not express it as a China policy system, it was decentralized and independent. The CCP summed it up, but this summary is different from the original intention of the Biden administration.

"From the point of view of American politics, according to the previous policy documents of the United States, it is absolutely impossible for the Biden administration to propose such a China policy, a plan of 'four no, one and no intention'. This is absolutely impossible. The Biden administration's China policy is based on three principles, and it is not in parallel with the 'Four No One Unintentional', but the CCP made a big fuss about it and created such a topic."

Wang He said that the CCP's so-called "four nonsense and one unintentional" is mainly to show it to the domestic people.

Wang He said: "But European and American countries have freedom of the press, and they all see it clearly. Therefore, this statement is mainly aimed at the domestic people in China, and it is aimed at Xi Jinping's self-interest within the party and major achievements.

"Prior to this, the previous administrations of the United States, since Nixon's visit to China, have not made such a statement publicly, even during the Obama administration, when China and the United States almost signed the fourth Sino-US Joint Communiqué, it was also reported at the time. It is impossible for him to put forward such a policy toward China and such a position.

"But after Biden came to power, he (the CCP) made up such a thing, and every sentence has rules to follow, but it is not said systematically. So, from this perspective, Biden The government does have a big loophole in its strategic stance towards China, and this loophole has just been seized by the CCP.

"However, under the current mainstream political consensus in the United States, it is unlikely that the CCP wants to use the strategic weakness of the Biden administration to make a substantial change in the U.S. policy toward China. The CCP is delusional and fantasy or in the end, a lack of adequate and accurate understanding of the realities of American politics."

News (11) to (14) / Reporter : Wu Minzhou / Editor : Liu Meiqi / https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/22/7/11/n13778584.htm

News (11)

Taiwan scholars on the CCP’s information war against Taiwan : Highly similar to before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
It has been more than four months since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the information war launched by the Russian military has become the focus of research in various countries. Experts said on the 11th that before Russia invaded Ukraine, it began to "raise" audiences with information warfare, which is very similar to the current CCP's cognitive warfare against Taiwan. , because the CCP is most afraid of the Taiwanese people building up their hearts.
The Taiwan Youth Digital Culture Innovation Association, the Information Industry Promotion Association of a consortium, and other units jointly organized the "Internet Information Warfare and National Security" on the 11th. A number of scholars and experts were invited to participate in the meeting to discuss the CCP's ways of disinformation campaign against Taiwan and Taiwan's response.
Shen Boyang, an assistant professor at the Institute of Criminology at Taipei University, said that after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, it began to implement a hybrid war against Ukraine; from 2019 to 2022, Russia's information operations gradually achieved results, and did not rely on the transmission of pro-Russian rhetoric , but to attack the ruling party in Ukraine, and attempt to use the referendum to change the status quo, create divisions, and exhaust Ukraine's economic and social resources.
News (12)
The CCP’s information war is not about spreading pro-CCP rhetoric
"These practices are very similar to the CCP's, and they are basically the same as the current CCP's information attack on Taiwan," Shen Boyang said. Many people think that the CCP's information war is just to pass on favourable remarks to the CCP, but in fact such remarks are only valid for retirees , accounting for less than 1/3 of the total population in Taiwan, and basically has no effect on young people.
He said that in fact, the main goal of the CCP's information war against Taiwan is to focus on anti-American, anti-Japanese, vilifying Western countries, and imperialist expansion. Instead, it focuses more on spreading bad words about the United States and NATO, inciting the Ukrainian people to distrust the West.
He said that on the eve of the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war in early 2022, Russia launched hacking attacks on the Ukrainian government, paralyzed government websites, created false information about political figures, even fake protests, low-level hackers, etc. as instigators against Ukrainian officials, and hacked banks. At the same time, the CCP also launched an offensive against Taiwan’s financial industry.
Shen Boyang emphasized that the peak of the number of false messages created by Russia was not during the war, but in the months before the war, in order to "raise" the audience of false messages before the war started. There is a similar situation in Taiwan. Many Facebook groups with tens of thousands of people, such as "Tsai Ing-wen Support Association", "Lai Qingde Support Association", etc., usually praise the Taiwan government for its excellent epidemic prevention, but after the outbreak in May last year, it was the first wave. involving a unit that creates Medigen vaccine conspiracy theories.
He emphasized that everything the CCP has done is destroying the trust of the Taiwanese people in the United States, and it has been making such a pretense over the past few years, because the CCP is most afraid of "the Taiwanese people building up their hearts."
News (13)
Russia invades Ukraine, Beijing is a collaborator of information warfare
Shen Boyang sorted out the role of the CCP in the Russia-Ukraine war, including the pre-war cyber attack on Ukraine, the unnaturally large number of videos related to Russian President Vladimir Putin appearing on YouTube a month before the war, and the link between Ukraine and Hong Kong. Shen Boyang explained that the CCP created Ukrainian "neo-Nazists" to act as a counter-movement in Hong Kong as early as 2019 during the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong; now, in order to maintain stability and promote propaganda in China, the CCP has linked Ukraine and Hong Kong, pointing out that these instigators also To do the same in Ukraine, Russia used the "hammer of justice".
The CCP uses the above methods to rationalize Russia’s launch of war. In addition, the CCP also participates in information warfare on themes such as conspiracy theories in the US biological laboratory, NATO’s eastward expansion, etc., which damage the image of Western countries.
He said that disinformation attacks during war are different from those in peacetime. In a state of war, the time between clarification and verification is more urgent. With the assistance of Western countries, Ukrainian cyber forces are well prepared for cognitive operations, such as literati-led messages, reminders People identify fake fans, etc.
He said that Ukraine's identification of the fifth column is very fast, but Taiwan is weaker in this regard, and Taiwan has the characteristics of local network dispersal. If false information publishers enter the public group or report false news, there will be a risk in wartime. It hurts a lot, and this is also the biggest difference between Taiwan and Ukraine.
When it comes to the cognitive warfare facing Taiwan, Shen Boyang is worried that if the public does not establish a "consciousness of the enemy and self", it is easy to be broken through by information warfare. He emphasized that the key to Ukraine's ability to obtain foreign support is that they persevered in the war and did not surrender; and there are still many people in Taiwan who are willing to surrender to the CCP. "If we can't hold it ourselves, how can others help us?" Therefore, it is very important for Taiwan to establish a mental defense.
News (14)
Taiwan must demonstrate resilience and determination to defend like Ukraine
Zeng Yishuo, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Cyber ​​Operations and Information Security of the National Defense Security Institute, said that after Ukraine was invaded by Russia, NATO allies, including the United States, gave Ukraine intelligence and armament assistance. Will the United States also assist Taiwan in fighting in various ways?
"Taiwan is still under the assumption of maintaining its independence, and did not imagine any foreign aid," Zeng Yishuo said. He used to think that the absence of foreign aid was a lie, but later "according to his personal experience, what he participated in, what he could talk about and what he couldn't talk about." In fact, there is no foreign aid, and the United States still maintains strategic vague deterrence, so Taiwan must show resilience and defensive determination like Ukraine.
In response to the revelation of the Russian-Ukrainian war to Taiwan, Zeng Yishuo said that cognitive warfare will exist from before the war, during the war and after the war. Although Taiwan usually constantly emphasizes internally not to be affected by false information and to improve the ability of the media to interpret it, it must be strengthened during the war. External strategic communication and ensure external communication channels.
CCP missile frigate sails close to east Taiwan
News (15) to (18) /  Reporter : Jiang Yuchan / Editor : Li Qiong /  https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/22/7/12/n13778809.htm

News (15)

Analysis: Abe's constitutional amendment may enable Japan one day to send troops to help allies 

Image : Japan's Ministry of Defense plans to set up an "integrated commander" to deal with the threat of the CCP. The picture shows the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force displaying defense equipment at the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Seminar on 16 June 2022. (Philip Fong/AFP)

The CCP's aggressive expansion ambitions have made the international community worry that the status quo of peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific waters will be undermined. The proponent of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" and former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe proposed to amend the constitution to deal with the current international situation.

Chen Wenjia, the first vice president of the Japan Studies Society and a senior consultant of the National Policy Research Institute, believes that this time the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party has won more than half of the seats, and it will start to amend Article 9 of the Japanese constitution, so that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces can send troops in an emergency to assist the United States and the United States. Allies against the CCP.

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution stipulates that the Japanese people wholeheartedly seek international peace based on justice and order, and will forever renounce the use of national power to wage war, threaten or use force as a means of settling international disputes.

News (16)

The Liberal Democratic Party won more than half of the analysis: The constitutional revision promoted by Abe may be realized

In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Chen Wenjia said that the revision of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution was an important policy that Shinzo Abe actively promoted during his lifetime. Abe believes that the pacifist constitution is outdated, preventing Japan from sending troops when needed, which is inconsistent with Japan's current status as an independent country. In the past, Article 9 had an excessively negative attitude. In response to the current situation and the expansion of the CCP's ambitions, it is necessary to promote positive pacifism, that is, at a certain moment, Japan can send troops to fight side by side with its allies.

He analyzed that Abe was unfortunately stimulated by sympathy votes. This time, the Liberal Democratic Party won more than half of the victory, including the Liberal Democratic Party, the Citizens' Party, the Japan Restoration Association, and the National Democratic Party. These 4 parties that supported the revision of the constitution, plus the 84 seats that have not been re-elected, a total of 4 177 seats, far exceeding the 166-seat threshold of two-thirds of the Senate needed to initiate constitutional amendments.

After the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's upper house elections were held. The seats won by each party this time are: 63 seats for the Liberal Democratic Party, 17 seats for the Cadets, 13 seats for the Komeito Party, 12 seats for the Japan Restoration Association, 4 seats for the Communist Party, 5 seats for the National Democratic Party, 3 seats for the Reiwa Shinsengumi, 1 seat for the Social Democratic Party, and NHK 1 seat for the party, 1 seat for participating parties, and 5 seats for non-affiliated parties.

News (17)

There are three situations in which the Japanese Self-Defense Forces can send troops

Chen Wenjia mentioned that in order to make Japan a normal country, Abe actively promoted the revision of the constitution in the past, including the Japanese Self-Defense Force into Article 9 of the constitution, transforming it into the Japanese National Defense Force, and adding an "emergency clause".

In 2016, Japan implemented the "New Security Law", and Japan proposed a wider range of military operations according to the development of the situation. Chen Wenjia said that there are three situations in which Japan can send troops. Firstly, if the United States takes military action, Japan can send troops to provide all logistical support;  secondly if is an "emergency". If an ally with close ties to Japan is attacked, even if the target of the attack is not Japan, Japan can also dispatch the Self-Defense Forces to fight back.

Thirdly, if the "armed attack situation" occurred in Japan's territory, and Japan's U.S. bases were attacked by force. Japan can launch the right of self-defense to carry out a military counterattack to ensure Japan's homeland and regional security.

Chen Wenjia said that only after the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution can the "new security law" implemented in 2016 be "true to its name".

News (18)

The anti-CCP line became the consensus of the Japanese government and opposition

Regarding the current global threat posed by the CCP, Chen Wenjia analyzed that at the "Madrid Summit" at the end of June, NATO clearly mentioned the CCP's threat to Taiwan and its bullying of neighboring countries. At the same time, Japan also participated in the summit, which is the first time in history. In addition to the current 26-nation "Pacific Rim Military Exercise" in response to the CCP's military expansion, Japan has also stepped up its participation, highlighting Japan's active follow-up with the United States against China in its international diplomatic line.

Chen Wenjia said that at present, the CCP is actively promoting the modernization of the navy, trying to use force to change the status quo of peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific waters, and to impact the current international security order.

He said that now the Japanese government and opposition have almost reached a consensus on resisting CCP China, and the Liberal Democratic Party's election convention mentioned that it will continue to cooperate with the United States, India, Australia, Europe and other countries including Taiwan to achieve a "free and open Indo-Pacific". (Free and Open Indo-Pacific).

At the same time, the largest opposition party, the Cadets, wrote in its campaign pact that it would formulate the "Regional Security and Maritime Security System Strengthening Act" in order to establish infallible security in Japan, including the Senkaku Islands.

He believes that it can be seen from the two conventions that although the targeted countries are not mentioned, the keywords such as "Taiwan" and "Senkaku Islands" mentioned in the two conventions do clearly indicate that the target is aimed at the CCP. 

News (19) to (20) / Host : Tang Jingyuan / Publisher : Foresight Quick Review / https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/22/7/11/n13778757.htm

News (19)

Japan's biggest obstacle to constitutional revision has been cleared
On 11 July 2022, the results of Japan's 26th House of Representatives election were released. Fumio Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party won an overwhelming victory, winning 63 of the 125 seats that were re-elected, more than half. Including non-re-elected seats, the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, Japan Restoration Association, and the National Democratic Party, which have a positive attitude towards the revision of the constitution, have reached 166 seats, more than two-thirds of the 248-seat Senate. The number of seats needed to propose constitutional amendments has been reached.
This result means two things: 1. The biggest obstacle to Japan's constitutional revision has been removed; 2. The Kishida government will usher in the "golden three years" without national elections. opportunity to achieve its goal of increasing military spending.
We saw that on the night of the vote, Toshimitsu Motegi, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, said in an interview with NHK, "I will do my best to start the motion of the Constitutional Amendment as soon as possible." Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also publicly stated at today's post-election press conference that he will inherit the legacy of Shinzo Abe, advance the unfinished ambitions of constitutional revision that Abe had been looking forward to resolve during his lifetime, and draft a specific amendment proposal for referendum use.
We all know that Japan's constitutional amendment needs to go through two major steps. The first step is to pass the constitutional amendment motion. Since the ruling coalition already holds more than 2/3 of the seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, there is no resistance to this step.  The second step is to put the constitutional amendment proposal to a referendum.
If Abe's assassination had a major impact on the first step, leading to the overwhelming victory of the Liberal Democratic Party, then the CCP's almost crazy celebration of Abe's assassination will undoubtedly have a strong assisting effect on this step.
News (20)
CCP China's near-crazy celebration of Abe's assassination, Tokyo allowed Republic of China Vice-President to enter
Many friends may have a sense of familiarity with this scene, because before the Beijing Winter Olympics, South Korean presidential candidate Yoon Suk-yeol, who had a tough stance on the CCP, lagged behind his pro-Communist opponents by a small margin. However, at the Winter Olympics, the CCP frequently used trivial tricks to snatch medals against South Korean athletes, and at the same time indulged pink to insult and ridicule South Korean athletes. As a result, South Korean national emotions broke out. Yoon finally won the election in March and was elected with a narrow advantage.
We have said that the CCP's manipulation of public opinion to gloat over Abe's misfortune is not just an insult to Abe himself. Abe's greatest political legacy is that he has reshaped Japan's national identity and international status since World War II. He is the founder and promoter of Japan's return to a normal country. No matter how controversial his specific policy is, it can be said that it is the long-cherished wish of several generations of Japanese to make Japan a normalized country. This is the greatest common divisor of the Japanese nationals. This is an undeniable objective fact.
To use a familiar expression, it can be said that this is the "Japanese dream" of the Japanese people. The CCP is desperately vilifying and attacking Abe, not only manipulating public opinion and attacking wildly, but also deliberately delaying Xi Jinping’s message of condolence for a day as a sign of neglect. This kind of insult can never be considered to be aimed only at Abe himself. The essence of the attack is what we said. This "Japanese Dream" can be said to be one of the most panicked nightmares of the CCP.
In fact, the CCP has never really cared about such a small island as the Diaoyu Islands. The territory the CCP has given to foreign countries is hundreds of times larger than this. The most fundamental strategic purpose of the CCP's frequent use of the Diaoyu Islands to provoke Japan is to use this as a "starter" to suppress Japan's military normalization and force Japan to bear the extremely sensitive charge of "using force to occupy Chinese territory".
Therefore, from this perspective, the stupidity of the CCP is far beyond our imagination. You must know that although Abe has made great efforts to reshape Japan, his diplomatic tone is still defensive in general. In this regard, even the Global Times, the party media most powerful in inciting national sentiment, publicly acknowledged that Abe had the ability to balance various extreme voices in the party during his lifetime, and then lamented that if this balance is missing now, Japan may become more tough in the future. become more aggressive.
We can sum up with a very hot saying from NetEase, that Abe's assassination means that a mild Japan is gone, and a troubled Japan is coming. Of course, the trouble here is the CCP's trouble, not China's. What's very interesting is that the CCP itself has vigorously contributed to this trouble. We have repeatedly said that the current policy of the CCP is a policy of convulsions, and almost all of its tactics are self-cutting meridians. This is another vivid example.
On 11 July, Lai Ching-te, Vice President of the Republic of China, suddenly and temporarily canceled all trips to Tokyo, and immediately went to Abe's mansion for condolences. This makes him the highest official Taiwanese visit to Japan since Taiwan and Japan severed diplomatic ties in 1972 for half a century.
It is very striking that Japanese officials have confirmed that Lai went to Japan to express condolences to Abe but stressed that he was visiting in a private capacity. However, Taiwan media reported that Lai went to Japan to offer his condolences as the special envoy of President Tsai Ing-wen.
The news has quickly hit the headlines of major Japanese media, and almost all of them have predicted that the CCP will retaliate. Why? Because at the diplomatic level, when Taiwan and Japan have no formal diplomatic relations, Taiwan's head of state, chief executive, and foreign minister cannot directly visit Tokyo. This time, Japan not only quickly issued a diplomatic visa to the current vice president of Taiwan, but also was accompanied by the current representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting, into the Abe residence to express condolences. It was an official action, but Japan did not shy away from it.
In the past, whether it was Lee Teng-hui or Tsai Ing-wen, when he was visiting, he just used the transit to the United States to say a few words. The CCP would jump up and down and curse for several days. Now Lai Ching-te has visited Japan with a visa. What is the weight of this matter? It's not hard to imagine. As you can see, the Japanese do not like to talk about high-profile things as much as the American leftists do but they are more realistic as soon as they make a move, and similar "trouble" is probably just beginning.

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