Thursday, February 25, 2021

J&J vaccine approved, SARS-CoV-2 survives on clothes for three days

News (1) - (4) by Qiao An / / Direct translation

News (1)

West Coast variant of SARS-CoV-2 in California

As of February 24, the number of people infected with the CCP virus in the United States reached 28.27 million and more than 504,000 had died.

A study by the University of California, San Francisco found that the "West Coast variant" of the Chinese Communist Party virus that appeared in California is producing more variants. The newer variant strains are likely to be more infectious, have a higher rate of severe illness, and can partially resist Neutralizing antibodies.

News (2)

Johnson & Johnson SARS-CoV-2 vaccine approved

On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that the test results of Johnson & Johnson’s disposable CCP virus vaccine showed that it was safe and effective, paving the way for the next emergency use authorization. Data released by Johnson & Johnson last month showed that the company's vaccine is 66% effective in global trials and 85% effective in preventing severe illness.

News (3)

Pandemic worsens in France, Sweden, the Netherlands and UK

The number of new cases in France on Wednesday suddenly surged to 31,519, with 277 deaths, and the cumulative death toll across the country increased to 85,321. A French government spokesperson said that the epidemic in 10 provinces, including the Ile-de-France surrounding Paris, is worsening, and additional restrictions need to be quickly imposed on these areas, but will try to avoid a nationwide blockade.

Sweden notified 5371 confirmed cases on Wednesday, the highest since the beginning of January, and the cumulative death toll increased to 12,793. The Swedish authorities announced on Wednesday to tighten restrictions, reducing the opening hours of all restaurants, bars and cafes, and further restricting the number of people in stores.

Dutch Prime Minister Rutte announced on Tuesday that after months of lockdown, schools and hairdressers can reopen. However, due to the continued spread of the mutant virus, the number of new cases in the Netherlands in the past 7 days has increased by 19%. The cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 1.06 million and more than 15,000 have died.

The UK reported 9,938 new cases and 442 deaths on Wednesday, bringing the total number of deaths across the country to 121,747. Data released by Heathrow Airport on Wednesday showed that in 2020, the number of passengers plummeted by 73%, to only 22 million, and an annual loss of up to $2.8 billion.

News (4)

Death from covid after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in Indonesia

Indonesia added 7,533 confirmed cases and 240 deaths on Wednesday, and the number of deaths in a single day hit a new high in a month. Local media reported that a 33-year-old female nurse developed fever and dyspnea after receiving the first dose of China Kexing vaccine and died on February 14.

So far, no vaccine in China has passed the review of the WHO's authorization to use it, but it has engaged in "vaccine diplomacy" in many countries.

News (5)

Research: CCP virus can survive on clothes for three days

Reporter : Gao Shan / Editor : Lin Yan / / Direct translation

A new British study found that a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) strain that caused the COVID-19 epidemic can survive on common fabrics and then spread to the surface of other items.

According to NTDTV, a microbiologist at De Montfort University (DMU) in Leicester, Katie Laird, said in an interview, “When At the beginning of the epidemic, people almost didn't know how long the coronavirus could survive on textiles."

She went on to explain, "Our research results show that the three most commonly used textiles in the healthcare industry are at risk of spreading the virus.", "If nurses and medical staff bring their uniforms home, they may be in the home. Traces of the virus are also left on the surface of the object."

Dr. Laird, who led the research team, conducted the study with virologist Maitreyi Shivkumar and postdoctoral researcher Lucy Owen.

Scientists’ research includes testing a coronavirus model that is very similar in structure and survival mode to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, using polyester, polyester cotton and 100% cotton. Adding droplets to the cloth, they then monitor the stability of the virus on different fabric materials.

In a research report published on the De Montfort University website, the scientists warned that the results showed that among the three fabrics used in the test, polyester fibers have the greatest risk of transmission—even after 72 hours, the novel coronavirus may spread to other surfaces.

In addition, the coronavirus used in the test stayed on the cotton sample contaminated with droplets for up to 24 hours, and on the polyester cotton cloth sample for only 6 hours. Polyester cotton cloth is a mixture of polyester and cotton. The ratio of each material is different. The most popular combination is 65% cotton and 35% polyester.

After completing this research, the team of scientists began to find the most reliable way to wash clothes in order to completely remove the virus on the contaminated fabric.

Dr. Laird said: "Our next phase of work is to assess the infection control risks of cleaning medical uniforms contaminated by the coronavirus."

She also added: "Once we have determined the survival rate of the coronavirus on each textile, we will turn our attention to determining the most reliable washing method to remove the virus."

The study found that for the most commonly used health care textiles, 100% cotton, after the use of detergent and the temperature exceeds 152.6 degrees Fahrenheit (67 degrees Celsius), the virus will be completely eliminated.

The study stated: "Researchers investigated the tolerance of the virus to a purely heated environment and found that the coronavirus is stable in warm water (140°F/60°C), but in hot water (152.6°F/°C) 67°) is inactivated."

The research team next studied the risk of cross-contamination and found that when clean items are washed together with contaminated items, there is no risk of spreading the virus.

Laird warned, "Although we can see from research that washing these materials at high temperatures, even in household washing machines, can indeed remove the virus, it does not eliminate the possibility of contaminated clothing before being washed and the risk of leaving coronavirus on the surface of other items in the home or car."

The microbiologist suggested, “This study reinforces my recommendation that all healthcare workers’ uniforms should be cleaned on-site in hospitals or industrial laundry rooms.” “If these cleaning methods are standardized and implemented, nurses and Medical staff don’t have to worry about bringing the virus home."

Laird said that the results of this study have been shared with industry experts from the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe and have received positive responses.

She said, "In order to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus, textile and laundry associations around the world are implementing the key information in the "Sanitary Laundering Guidelines" we provide on medical cleaning activities."

News (6)

The world's first novel coronavirus "human challenge test" causes 2 major controversies

Commentary  Report : Dong Yuhong (European virology expert, chief scientist of biotechnology company) / Editor : Ke Xian / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Last Wednesday (17 February), the United Kingdom approved the world’s first human challenge trials for the novel coronavirus, which will allow volunteers to deliberately be infected with the novel coronavirus, thereby further understanding the characteristics and vaccines of the new coronavirus Research on effectiveness. The trial caused great controversy in medical ethics. Dr. Dong Yuhong, a European virology and infectious disease expert and chief scientist of a biotechnology company, pointed out that there are two main controversies. The following is the essence of Dong Yuhong's interview:

What are the details of the world's first COVID-19 "human challenge test"?
What is a human challenge test? It is to expose volunteers to infectious viruses and bacteria to promote the development of vaccines and drugs. This kind of test has been applied to diseases such as malaria, influenza, and typhoid fever, but it is the first time that it has been applied to the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) whose pathogenicity is still too much unknown.

The human challenge test in the United Kingdom will be launched within one month. The test subjects are healthy people aged 18-30. At the beginning of the test, up to 90 volunteers will be recruited.

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the trial is divided into two phases:

Two phases of the British Novel Coronavirus  Pneumonia (COVID-19) Human Challenge Test
The first stage: Researchers inject the novel coronavirus into the noses of volunteers and isolate them without vaccinating them. The amount of virus injected will be strictly controlled, starting from the smallest amount, allowing researchers to measure the level of infection, symptoms and methods of transmission.

Second stage: If the first stage goes well, it will proceed to the next step of research. Volunteers will be vaccinated and then deliberately infected with the new coronavirus again. The purpose of the trial at this stage is to test the effect of the vaccine on preventing transmission and symptoms of new coronary disease.

The British government specifically pointed out that the injected virus is an old strain that has been circulating since March 2020, not a new variant virus. They said the virus is a lower risk for young people.

Differences from traditional research methods
Generally speaking, people study the effects of vaccines and drugs through traditional "natural observation tests." Vaccine the volunteers first, and then let them return to normal life. Follow up for a few months, come back regularly to take blood, check antibodies, and check for infection.

Such a test usually requires thousands or tens of thousands of volunteers, and it takes half a year to a year for research data to come out, and it consumes a lot of resources.

The human challenge test usually only requires fifty or one hundred volunteers. Because it is observed under a strict and controllable environment, the data can be obtained after waiting for about a month.

Two major controversies caused by the incalculable risk and unknown effect
In fact, judging from the setting of the British experiment, the researcher is already very cautious. They recruited young people with better immunity, and there were dozens of exclusion criteria. If any one failed, they could not participate in the test. However, these methods are difficult to solve the essential problems of research.

Since October last year, the journal Nature has published articles discussing the medical ethics of this trial and questioning it. Until now, the scientific community has continued to question this experiment. There are mainly two major disputes:

1. Unpredictable risks to volunteers

Generally speaking, for human subjects to sign an "informed consent form", what is "informed"? It is to fully inform the subject of the advantages and disadvantages of the test, and then the subject must have a full understanding of the risks, and then agree and sign.

However, for the novel coronavirus, scientists are still constantly aware of its short-term and long-term symptoms. No scientist can fully understand its risks. The damage of the virus to the lungs, brain, nerves, heart and other organs of the body is under study. How clear can someone who is an informed consent person make it clear? Do volunteers have enough medical knowledge to truly understand? Whether this "informed consent" can be truly legal and in place is hard to say.

The risks posed by SARS-CoV-2 are uncontrollable, unpredictable and far-reaching.

In addition to short-term symptoms, in recent months, people have discovered that new coronavirus pneumonia can bring serious long-term symptoms (long covid). Once infected, it may be a lifelong problem. The latest research published in the medical journal "JAMA Network Open" published by the American Medical Association shows that 30% of patients with covid have long-term symptoms, which last for 9 months and have not recovered. The subjects of the study are mainly mild patients, many of whom are young people. A previous study by The Lancet found that 76% of hospitalized patients still cannot get rid of symptoms 6 months after discharge. However, the medical community is still studying the long-term symptoms of covid, there is no standard cure, and even the cause of the long-term symptoms is unknown.

In addition, ethically speaking, if a volunteer is exposed to unknown risks, there must be a solution. Once he is infected, it can be resolved. However, there is no solution to the acute infection of the new coronavirus. Antiviral serum and drugs are all partially effective, and there is no "gold standard" treatment. Once a volunteer becomes infected, can he be guaranteed to be safe?

When the experiment is over, how long can the research provide protection to the volunteers? Generally, the follow-up for such healthy subjects is stopped for one or two years. However, if the new coronavirus causes life-long damage to people, it is difficult for the research unit to guarantee the life-long follow-up.

2. Limited reference value for vaccines and epidemic prevention

The volunteers recruited for this study are mainly healthy young people. However, young people may not be representative of new crown infections. Looking at it now, the elderly and chronic patients are still the main subjects infected with the new crown, and they are also the people who are prone to severe illness and death.

Moreover, the study used the old virus that was circulating in March last year for experiments, but now, the variant virus has spread all over the world. It is difficult to say how valuable the research results of the old virus are for the new variant virus.

In addition, the vaccine that subjects will be injected has not been determined. Different vaccines produce different immune responses, and the test results are difficult to have reference value for the effects of all vaccines.

It stands to reason that such research should be difficult to pass in consideration of medical ethics. But it still passed. Is the scientific research of mankind developing in a direction that is increasingly deviated from the ethical track? Today we are limited in what we can do. At least we wish the volunteers and hope they are safe.

News (7)

Study: 30% of people with mild COVID-19 infection lasted for several months

Reporter : Chunzhi Zhang / Editor : Fang Ping / / Direct translation

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that although most COVID-19 patients can return to normal after recovery, some patients may have symptoms. Lasts for weeks or even months. A number of studies have shown that even some mildly infected people will experience lingering symptoms. These conditions are also known as chronic post-COVID-19 syndrome.

A study by the University of Washington showed that one-third of patients with mild infection with COVID-19 will have symptoms lingering for several months.

Researchers followed up on 177 patients for 9 months and found that these patients had only mild symptoms and were not hospitalized after the infection was confirmed. About 30% of them reported that their symptoms have been lingering, they continue to feel tired, and they lose their sense of smell and taste. In addition, more than 30% of patients said that their quality of life had declined compared to before infection; and 8% said that they had difficulty doing daily housework and other activities.

As of February 24, more than 28.92 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with the CCP virus, and more than 515,000 have died. More than 112 million people in 192 countries have been diagnosed with the infection, and the total death toll has exceeded 2.5 million; and the number of the epidemic that the CCP has concealed is not yet covered.

Researchers at Northwestern University believe that the COVID-19 virus can cause the body to attack itself in different ways, which may trigger various long-term consequences, causing some patients to suffer from rheumatism for life.

According to the Mayo Clinic study, the most common persistent symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, joint pain, chest pain; and other long-term lingering symptoms include: muscle pain or headache; fast or severe heartbeat; loss of smell ; Memory and concentration decline, sleep problems occur; skin rashes and hair loss.

Cause long-term damage to multiple organs of the human body
In addition, Mayo Clinic's research also shows that the COVID-19 virus can cause continuous damage to multiple organs of the human body, including the heart, lungs, brain, liver, kidneys, and legs.

Heart: After a few months of recovery from an infected person, tests still show that their heart muscle is sustaining damage, which increases the risk of heart weakness and complications in the future, even in mildly infected people. A study by Ohio State University showed that among more than 20 athletes who tested positive for COVID-19, 30% had cellular heart damage and 15% had signs of cardiac inflammation caused by myocarditis.

Lungs: The alveoli may be continuously damaged, and the scar tissue produced by the virus can cause long-term breathing problems.

Brain: Even in young people, the COVID-19 virus can cause strokes, seizures, and Guillain Barre syndrome (which can cause temporary paralysis). In addition, COVID-19 may also increase the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers have found that the COVID-19 virus can make blood cells more likely to clump and form thrombus. Larger blood clots increase the probability of heart attack and stroke. However, most of the heart damage is caused by smaller blood clots blocking the capillaries. The lungs, legs, liver and kidneys are also vulnerable to thrombosis. In addition, the COVID-19 virus can also cause fragile blood vessels, blood leaks, and cause long-term liver and kidney problems.

In a study by the National Institutes of Health, researchers found vascular damage and inflammation in the brains of 19 people who died from the infection.

Emotional influence and long-term fatigue
In addition, Mayo Clinic researchers also found that COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit and needed a ventilator were more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression and anxiety and other symptoms after survival.

A study in Wuhan, China showed that a follow-up survey of COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms who had been hospitalized found that about three-quarters of patients still had symptoms 6 months after infection, and 60% of them continued to fatigue and muscle weakness. 23% reported anxiety and depression.

In addition, scientists have seen some long-term effects through research on COVID-19-related viruses, such as the SARS virus.

Many people who have recovered from SARS will continue to develop chronic fatigue syndrome, which manifests as extreme fatigue, which will get worse after physical or mental activities, and cannot be improved after rest. Scientists believe that the situation of COVID-19 survivors is likely to be similar.

Among the subjects tracked by the University of Washington, 37-year-old Kelly Hickman (Kelly Hickman) believed that she contracted COVID-19 at her wedding in March last year. But she has not recovered yet, and she continues to suffer from fatigue and lack of concentration. She doesn't know when she can return to normal life.

She initially had mild symptoms and was able to work at home, but Hickman soon developed persistent severe fatigue and brain fog (the brain is difficult to form clear thinking and memory), which prevented her from reading books or keeping up with the plot of the movie, and her skin seemed to be After catching fire, she finally had to resign and stayed in bed for several months. Entering 2021, Hickman still has not recovered to his previous healthy body.

Joe, a 65-year-old Spokane resident, said COVID-19 changed everything about him. He is convinced that he was infected while hitchhiking with a friend in July last year. The friend fell ill the next day, and soon Joe began to feel chills and pain, and was taken to the hospital. His doctor was very worried at the time because Joe had lung disease and had been controlled by treatment. After the infection, the inflammation caused by the virus destroyed his lungs, and the disease recurred, causing irreversible damage. Joe used to walk a mile easily, but now he can barely walk to the bathroom without oxygen. His only hope now is a lung transplant.

41-year-old David Barnett is a bodybuilder. He developed mild symptoms of infection in March last year and his condition seemed to improve a week later. But one morning, he was eating breakfast, thinking that he should have broken through, but the moment he stood up, he suddenly fainted.

His oxygen level plummeted and his heartbeat was fast. By June, although the heart rate is no longer so fast, it is still unable to do simple inflation exercises, and the brain cannot track simple tasks. He was still working in the kitchen the moment before, and the next moment he found himself standing in the closet with a fork. As a result, the illness triggered consultations with specialists in neurology, heart disease, lung disease, and kidney disease. After a period of time, after receiving many frustrating test results, some of his functions eventually returned to normal.

Also, the long-term post-COVID-19 syndrome is often accompanied by recurrence of symptoms. This year 33-year-old Steve Holmes has a deep understanding of this.

Holmes is an engineer and project manager for a brewery in Seattle. He had almost all the symptoms of COVID-19 in early April last year, but when he could be checked, the test results were negative.

Throughout spring and summer, he rested most of the time to prevent symptoms from reappearing. He went from working 80 hours a week to almost nothing. Every time I tried to go back to work, my chest pain broke out a few hours later and I was forced to resign.

He often experienced repeated symptoms, and sometimes felt normal for 3 consecutive days, which made him happy for a while, but suddenly the symptoms would reappear. He has become increasingly desperate about his condition. Frequent diarrhea and intestinal infections have caused him to develop allergic reactions, and his mouth will swell when eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

At present, many researchers are stepping up to follow the infected person to carry out research on the long-term impact of COVID-19. 

News (8)

The State Food and Drug Administration has conditionally approved two companies' SARS-CoV-2 vaccine registration applications

Editor : Tian Boqun / / Direct translation
According to the website of the State Food and Drug Administration, on the 25th, the State Food and Drug Administration has conditionally approved the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine (Vero cell) of Sinopharm Zhongsheng Wuhan Company and the reorganization of the new coronavirus by CanSino Biotech Co., Ltd. Application for registration of viral vaccine (type 5 adenovirus vector).

On 25 February, the State Drug Administration conditionally approved the registration application of the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine (Vero cell) of the Sinopharm Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. The vaccine is suitable for preventing the disease (COVID-19) caused by the new coronavirus infection.

In addition, the State Drug Administration has conditionally approved the registration application for the recombinant new coronavirus vaccine (type 5 adenovirus vector) of CanSino Biotech. This vaccine is the first domestically-made adenovirus vector new coronavirus vaccine approved and is suitable for the prevention of diseases caused by new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

The State Food and Drug Administration stated that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Vaccine Administration Law and the Drug Administration Law, emergency review and approval will be carried out in accordance with the special drug approval procedures, and the application for listing registration will be approved with conditions. The State Food and Drug Administration requires the vaccine marketing license holder to continue to carry out relevant research work, complete the conditional requirements, and submit follow-up research results in a timely manner.

News (9)

Has the covi vaccine been given? This is what you care about most!

Reporter : Zhang Ni / Editor : Sun Jingbo / / Direct translation

"Have you been vaccinated against covid" After the Spring Festival, many people's greetings changed to this sentence.

Recently, some areas of the country have launched a large-scale vaccination of the covi vaccine. How is the vaccination progress? Is the vaccination capacity guaranteed? When will the immune barrier be established? These are the issues that ordinary people are most concerned about right now.

How many people across the country have received the covi vaccine?

Vaccination is the most powerful weapon to control the pandemic of infectious diseases.

On 15 December 2020, China officially launched the vaccination of key populations. For more than two months, the progress of covi vaccine vaccination has been attracting attention.

Before the Spring Festival holiday, the news disclosed at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council showed that the new crown virus vaccination work for key populations was progressing smoothly. As of 24:00 on February 9th, a total of 40.52 million doses were reported nationwide.

From key populations to ordinary people, recently, vaccination in various provinces is continuing to advance.

For example, starting from December 2020, Sichuan Province will promote the covi vaccination work based on the key populations identified by the state.

As of 21 February 2021, the total number of doses of new crown vaccine in Sichuan Province has reached 2.28 million. Among them, Chengdu, Mianyang, Neijiang, Leshan, Yibin, Dazhou and other places have completed the first dose of vaccination for key populations.

In Beijing, starting from January this year, Beijing has carried out vaccination work for 9 key populations. According to official data, as of 21 February, the number of people in Beijing who had completed two shots of vaccination had reached 3.626 million.

The mass vaccination will undoubtedly promote the rapid establishment of herd immunity.

Shao Yiming, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, emphasized in an interview with China News Agency recently that based on the current situation, 80% of the population can be vaccinated to achieve a herd immune barrier.

Are the vaccination points set up enough?

In order to ensure the advancement of vaccination work, the National Health Commission has organized and formulated a number of detailed technical plans earlier, including how to do preparations, how to set up vaccination points reasonably, how to organize and implement on-site, how to distribute and transport vaccines, and prevent abnormal reactions of vaccination. monitoring etc.

Regarding the setting of vaccination sites, the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism press conference held on January 9 this year revealed that 25,392 vaccination sites have been set up nationwide.

Recently, various places are actively expanding the number of vaccination sites.

For example, the Chaoyang District of Beijing announced on February 21 that the Chaoyang District has the capacity to inoculate 100,000 people a day. In the next step, the whole district plans to open more than 50 fixed vaccination sites, and add mobile sites as appropriate.

In Dongcheng District, Beijing, since February 8, Dongcheng District has tapped its potential and optimized the layout. The district has set up 17 new crown vaccination sites, increasing the number of vaccination stations to 81, and it is expected that more than 20,000 people can be vaccinated throughout the day.

According to information from the Health Commission of Tongzhou District, Beijing, 17 temporary vaccination sites in the district will accept scheduled vaccination from February 18th to May 12th. According to the principle of grid registration, it will be completed in two rounds to ensure completion in mid-May. Vaccination of large populations.

In terms of appointment vaccination, more convenient methods are being opened in various places.

For example, Shanghai is continuing to make appointments for new crown vaccination for people who go abroad for work and learners. If you go abroad for private vaccination, you can make appointments for new crown vaccination.

How effective is the vaccine?

How safe and effective is the covi vaccine?

In response to this problem, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in a recent interview with the media that through tracking data, he learned that it has been almost 8 months since the first batch of vaccines in China, and the antibody of the vaccinators has remained at 90%. . At present, the protection produced by Chinese vaccines can be maintained for at least half a year.

In addition, experts said that both Sinopharm and Kexing vaccines are inactivated vaccines and their safety is relatively high.

"The general adverse reaction of mild cases is 6 per 100,000, that is, symptoms such as fever and arm pain after vaccination, and the incidence of serious adverse reactions is one in a million. In contrast, the severe adverse reaction rate of influenza vaccine Three parts per million. More than 20 million people have been vaccinated with these two vaccines, and the safety of the vaccine has been tested." Zhong Nanshan said.

In addition, the official WeChat account of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a popular science post stating that preliminary experiments have shown that more than 90% of the recipients will develop antibodies 28 days after the entire vaccination process, and the protective effect is obvious.

A small number of people have redness, swelling, induration, and pain at the inoculation site after vaccination. A very small number of people have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, nausea, headache, and muscle aches. They usually do not need treatment, and usually recover on their own within 1-2 days.

The Beijing CDC also stated that safe and effective vaccines are the most powerful weapon for disease prevention. After vaccination, they can stimulate the human body to produce immunity against the new coronavirus and block the new coronavirus infection. Therefore, all people over the age of 18 and under 59 should receive the covi vaccine without contraindications.

 Is there a problem with the burden of vaccine costs?

 The burden of vaccine costs is also the most concerned by the people.

 It was officially announced that the covi vaccine is free of charge, and residents will not bear the cost, but the medical insurance fund and the finance will share it.

But building an immune barrier requires a relatively large proportion of the population to be vaccinated, so does the rolling balance of the medical insurance fund have enough capacity to protect it?

Regarding this issue, at the recent policy briefing held by the State Council Information Office, Shi Zihai, deputy director of the National Medical Insurance Administration, has made it clear that the current round of new coronavirus vaccine and vaccination cost policies have been clarified, and there are two main points: one is vaccine and The cost of vaccination is borne by the medical insurance fund, and the finance provides appropriate subsidies to the medical insurance fund. Residents are vaccinated for free. The second is that the medical insurance fund is mainly borne by the balance of the past years, and does not affect the income and expenditure of the fund in the current period, that is, it will not affect the current medical treatment of the people.

Shi Zihai also said that at present, the National Medical Insurance Administration has worked with relevant departments to study and formulate a detailed operation plan for vaccine and vaccination cost protection after the vaccine is conditional on the market. In the next step, we will guide all localities to organize and implement conscientiously to implement the good policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

Is the vaccine production capacity guaranteed?

As a member of the global first corps of new crown vaccine research, what is the current progress of China's covi vaccine research and development and production capacity guarantee?

The State Food and Drug Administration has previously disclosed that 5 technical routes and a total of 16 vaccine varieties have been urgently approved for clinical trials, of which 6 vaccine varieties have started phase III clinical trials.

Up to now, two novel coronavirus vaccines have been conditionally marketed in China, namely, the new coronavirus inactivated vaccine of Sinopharm and the SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine of Beijing Kexing Zhongwei.

On the 24th, there was good news again. CanSino issued an announcement stating that its conditional listing application for recombinant new coronavirus vaccine (type 5 adenovirus vector) was accepted by the State Food and Drug Administration.

From the perspective of production capacity, take the vaccines of Sinopharm and Kexing as examples. Previously, Sinopharm Zhongsheng Beijing Company announced that the production capacity of inactivated new coronavirus vaccines in 2021 could reach more than 1 billion doses. After the construction of the second phase of Kexing Zhongwei production line is put into use, it will Increase the annual production capacity to more than 600 million doses.

In the opinion of industry experts, the approval of more covi vaccines for clinical trials will undoubtedly allow China to have more reserves of covi vaccines and be able to calmly deal with sudden outbreaks that may occur in the future.

News (10)

The Chinese Communist Party approved 2 more CCP virus vaccines with only 70% protection

Reporter : Xiao Jing / Editor: Xiaohui / / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

On Thursday (25 February), the State Drug Administration of the Communist Party of China approved the conditional listing of two SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) vaccines. According to the vaccine research and development agency, the effectiveness of these two vaccines against the Chinese Communist virus is only about 70%.

The Drug Administration of the Communist Party of China issued an announcement on Thursday that it will conditionally approve the marketing registration applications for the two vaccines after approval in accordance with relevant regulations.

The two vaccines are: the CCP virus inactivated vaccine (Vero cell) of the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products of Sinopharm, and the recombinant CCP virus vaccine of CanSino Biologics.

Sinopharm Wuhan Research Institute said on Wednesday that according to the analysis of later clinical trials, the inactivated vaccine it has developed is 72.51% effective against covid. CanSino also stated on the same day that the recombinant vaccine jointly developed by it and the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences has an overall protection effect of more than 65% against all infection symptoms.

At the end of last year, the CCP first approved the listing of the inactivated vaccine produced by Sinopharm Beijing Institute of Biological Products (Sinopharm BIBP). Afterwards, the Chinese Communist virus vaccine developed by Beijing-based biomedical company Sinovac Biotech (CoronaVac) has also been approved for listing.

However, in the middle of last month, the late test of the Brazilian clinical study showed that the effective rate of the Coxing vaccine was only 50.38%, which was nearly 30% lower than the preliminary results previously announced.

In addition, Indonesian media recently reported that Erny Kusuma Sukma Dewi, a 33-year-old female nurse at the Ngudi Waluyo Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in Blitar County, East Java, received the first dose of Kexing on January 28. After the vaccine, she developed fever, difficulty breathing and coughing. She was sent to a doctor for treatment on 5 February, and was admitted to the intensive care unit on 6 February. She died on 14 February after the treatment failed.

(Reporter Xiao Jing comprehensive report/responsible editor: Xiaohui)

News (11)

Ghost encounter? Tesla passing by an unmanned graveyard

Reporter : Jing Zhongming / Editor: Xiaohui / / Direct translation

Tesla cars can sense pedestrians and vehicles around them when they are on the road. However, a recent overseas netizen shared a video showing that when Tesla passed through an unmanned cemetery, the sensors from time to time showed pedestrians appearing around. Netizens suspect that something is wrong with the induction system, and some believe that a supernatural event may have occurred.

The video showed that a Tesla car was traveling on the road in the cemetery during the day, and the sensor screen showed that there were many pedestrians on both sides of the road. But in fact, there was no one on the road to the cemetery.

After the video was introduced to China, it attracted much attention on Douyin. Some netizens in Xiamen, Fujian also uploaded a video showing that after driving a Tesla into the tunnel, the screen showed that there was a bus accompanying it for more than ten minutes, and it did not disappear until after exiting the tunnel. In fact, there were no vehicles on either side of the car.

Netizens have speculated whether Tesla's induction system has really captured some kind of "information" invisible to the naked eye. However, Tesla's mainland after-sales service personnel responded that the radar may have misdetected.

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA