Tuesday, February 23, 2021

New evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 has spread in mainland China before the first batch of cases are diagnosed

News (1)

US media: New evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 has spread in mainland China before the first batch of cases are diagnosed

Publisher: Central News Agency via TVBS / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Epidemiologists have always suspected that SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus, CCP virus) may have started to spread silently throughout Wuhan in November 2019, and the epidemic broke out in multiple places in Wuhan in December. The US "Wall Street Journal" pointed out that the latest evidence from China confirms this view. 

The Wall Street Journal reported that World Health Organization (WHO) personnel stated that Chinese authorities have confirmed 174 cases of covid (COVID-19, novel coronavirus pneumonia) in Wuhan in December 2019. This is enough to show that there are more mild, asymptomatic or undetected cases than previously thought. 

WHO personnel went to China for a four-week mission to investigate the source of the virus. According to the information they collected, of the 174 cases mentioned above, many patients lack a known connection with the Huanan Seafood Market, which was originally believed to be the source of the epidemic. However, the staff of the WHO investigation team said that the Chinese authorities refused to give the WHO team the original information on these cases, as well as the information on potential cases before it. 

According to WHO investigators, the Chinese authorities examined 13 viral gene sequences obtained in December 2019 and found that cases related to the Huanan Seafood Market had similar sequences, while cases not related to the market had some subtle differences. 

Marion Koopmans, a Dutch virologist in the WHO team, said that the two groups of viruses may have differentiated between mid-November and early December 2019, but they also hinted that infections may have appeared as early as September 2019. Gubermans said that the above situation and other evidence show that the novel coronavirus may have been transmitted to humans at some point in the second half of November of that year or not long ago. A very small number of people became ill because of this, but it was not enough to cause concern until later an outbreak in Wuhan. 

By December 2019, the spread of the virus had become more widespread, and people related or unrelated to the Huanan Seafood Market were infected with the virus. Dominic Dwyer, an Australian microbiologist on the WHO team, said, “(2019) There should be more cases that people don’t know or have not identified in December.” 

Danish epidemiologist on the WHO team Thea Fischer said last week that the first severe cases diagnosed were just "the tip of the iceberg." Before that, the virus had "definitely spread among the masses." 

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that according to the assessment of the WHO experts interviewed, the virus was not noticed when the virus spread in Wuhan in November 2019 at a low level, laying the foundation for the emergence of larger cases in December, New York and Northern Italy, etc. The ground also broke out a few weeks after hiding clusters of cases, similar to the model in Wuhan. 

For the detailed report, please visit: news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1467876?from=Copy_content

News (2)

Pompeo and Yu Maochun wrote an article exposing Wuhan Institute of Virology and CCP's biochemical weapons

Reporter : Luo Tingting  / Editor: Wen Hui / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/02/24/a103060829.html / Direct translation

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