Tuesday, February 9, 2021

WHO's Wuhan survey report results do not include data before December 2019 and are nothing new

News (1)

Chinese research on covid epidemic did not check hospital data months before December 2019

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

According to the media briefing by the World Health Organization expert team on 9 February 2021 in Wuhan, the Chinese experts did not provide data from the hospitals the experts visited. It was claimed there were no confirmed cases of covid before December 2019. The claim runs contrary to South China Morning Post's past report that the known covid case in Wuhan can be traced back to 17 November 2019. It also debunks testimonies of Wuhan Military Games participants who reported suffering from symptoms of covid in October 2019.

News (2)

The WHO investigation is nothing new, the CCP continues to suppress internally and externally

Compiled by NTDTV International News Group / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The World Health Organization expert team will leave Wuhan on Wednesday, but there is no new progress on this trip. The expert team stated at a press conference on Tuesday that it can only prove that "South China Seafood The market is one of the spreading points of the virus".

The WHO international expert group that went to China to investigate the origin of the CCP virus held a press conference on 9 February. The chairman of the WHO investigation group Embarek pointed out that the investigation had two purposes. One was the outbreak of CCP pneumonia in Wuhan in December 2019. What happened? The second is how the epidemic happened and how it was introduced into humans.

Embarek said that he also agrees with China's view that before December 2019, Wuhan and other places were not found to be related to the large-scale outbreak of the Chinese Communist Party virus. The briefing stated indirectly that "there is no evidence that Wuhan is the birthplace of SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus)."

Embarek, chairman of the World Health Organization investigation team, said, "We found that before December 2019, there was no evidence in Wuhan or other places that it was related to the massive outbreak of SARS-CoV-2."

Since the CCP virus broke out in Wuhan at the end of 2019, there are also many clues that the virus may have leaked from the laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology. However, the results of this investigation have focused on the Huanan Seafood Market; Wuhan Institute of Viology has been avoided. 

While the WHO was investigating in Wuhan, February 7 was the first anniversary of the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, the “whistleblower” of the CCP virus epidemic. When local people went to the “Martyrs Cemetery” to mourn, they found that Li Wenliang's name on the “Martyrs List” in the cemetery was obscured. The news ignited public opinion against Chinese netizens, and the authorities urgently removed the shelter. One year after the outbreak, the CCP continued to suppress the whistleblower Li Wenliang, Zhang Zhan, etc. However, among the people, Dr. Li Wenliang is still a sign of conscience for many Chinese to remember the epidemic.

Li Pan, a resident of Wuhan, said, "Everyone says that he is a whistleblower, I think he really deserves this title; then he can tell everyone about the virus, that is, before he does this thing, he also needs a lot of courage, because after all, if you say it, there may have a big impact."

The CCP continued to dump the pot of SARS-CoV-2 to the outside world. CCP Ambassador Cui Tiankai once again hinted on February 7 that the virus may have originated in the United States. This statement was immediately rated as a lie by U.S. Senator Blackburn on February 8.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo pointed out on 12 January 2021 that all the current evidence indicates that the CCP virus outbreak originated in China, possibly from the laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

News (3)

WHO released Wuhan survey report. United States: Hope to review the data carefully. 

World Health Organization (WHO) expert group completed in mainland China their work of tracing the source of SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus, CCP virus, covi) in Wuhan, Hubei Province and released a report on February 9, stating that the virus was "very unlikely" from the Wuhan laboratory. 

US White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said on the same day that she hoped to carefully review the data in the WHO report. Psaki pointed out at regular briefings that Washington did not participate in the planning and implementation procedures of the WHO survey, and the United States wanted to conduct an independent review of the survey findings and the data behind it. She said that even if the United States rejoins the WHO, it is extremely important that they have their own experts present. 

The report mentioned that the US said on the 9th that whether China has been fully transparent on the epidemic issue, Washington believes that this matter is not yet clear. State Department spokesperson Ned Price pointed out that the United States is looking forward to reviewing the WHO's complete report and evaluating it based on science and data. 

The head of the WHO expert team, Peter Ben Embarek, stated earlier on the same day that there are four main hypotheses on the issue of how the epidemic started, including direct transmission from animals to humans, animals as intermediate hosts, and through frozen food, spread or laboratory-related events. He said that the research results show that the virus is extremely unlikely to come from the laboratory, and no further research is needed. He said that the virus is transmitted through an intermediate host as the most likely way, and that the virus may spread through frozen food.

Embarek said that the traceability work points to bats as natural hosts, but Wuhan is not a place where there are many bats. He said that researchers will also investigate whether the virus will spread earlier than initially estimated, and blood samples will be needed for further research.

News (4)

WHO investigation team eliminates laboratory leaks, Pompeo again disapproves WHO's obedience to CCP

Reporter : Jing Zhongming / Editor: Mei Lan / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/02/09/a103050889.html / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

Image : Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Guglielmo Mangiapane /POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The conclusion reached by the WHO expert team to China to investigate the source of the CCP virus is "highly consistent" with CCP officials, including "very unlikely" from the laboratory, before December 2019 "No epidemic in Wuhan" and so on. In this regard, former US Secretary of State Pompeo once again criticized the WHO for "succumbing to the CCP."

On Tuesday (9 February) local time, the WHO expert team held a press conference in Wuhan to announce their one-month "conclusions of investigation."

The head of the foreign expert group Peter Ben Embarek said at the press conference that it was the natural virus carried by bats that caused the great plague but it is still unclear how the virus was transmitted to humans through intermediaries. They need to "do more research".

He also said, "The preliminary investigation results did not find evidence of large-scale outbreaks in Wuhan and other places before December 2019."

Embarek proposed four hypotheses about the virus being transmitted to humans: one is direct transmission from animals, the other is transmission to humans through intermediate hosts, the third is infection of humans through the food chain (especially frozen food), and the fourth is laboratory accidents.

However, he claimed that laboratory leaks are "extremely unlikely" as a way for the virus to be introduced into humans, and it is not recommended to conduct traceability studies in this direction.

The "survey conclusion" of the WHO expert group is very close to the earlier CCP statement. In particular, the "frozen chain infection" seems to be the "original" theory of CCP experts.

Pompeo refuted the WHO's "conclusion" on the same day.

Pompeo told Fox News that the WHO statement did not change his view of the origin of the virus. Before he left office, the U.S. State Department issued a report stating that the CCP virus was "very likely" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The United States has every reason to believe that as early as the fall of 2019, many people in the Institute had symptoms of infection.

Pompeo also said that when the Trump administration withdrew from the WHO, it was because the organization had been politicized and "succumbed to the CCP."

Pompeo believes that the WHO investigation did not obtain the necessary authority from the Chinese Communist Party. He said that WHO experts should investigate the truth privately, instead of following the CCP’s line under the supervision of the CCP.

Pompeo also criticized the Biden administration's statement of "cooperating with China." He believes that the United States must face the threats the CCP poses to the United States and the world, including the CCP virus, theft of technology, military expansion and destruction of American jobs.

News (5)

WHO releases results of virus origin investigation, causing widespread doubt

Reporter : Han Mei / Editor : Yuan Mingqing / https://www.soundofhope.org/post/472880 / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The World Health Organization expert team and Chinese Communist Party officials held a joint press conference in Wuhan on the afternoon of 9 February to announce the results of the virus traceability investigation, calling SARS-CoV-2 (CCP virus) is "more likely" to enter the population with animals as an intermediate host, and "very unlikely" to be leaked from the laboratory. The outside world criticized the WHO for using this investigation to help the CCP "dump the pot."

The chairperson of the WHO expert panel, Peter Ben Embarek, said that in the four possibilities of the source of the virus-direct animal-to-human transmission, intermediate host, food chain transmission (especially frozen food) and laboratory leakage, the results of the investigation so far all point to transmission through an intermediate host. The more likely way is the bats passed the virus to small mammals and then infect humans. The possibility of accidental leakage from the laboratory is very small, so the WHO will not investigate laboratory accidents in the future.

He said that the team found very similar viruses in bats, but there are not many bats in Wuhan. Therefore, it is unlikely that the virus will be directly transmitted to people from bats in the local area, but other intermediate hosts are needed. He declared that in the future, bats from other countries will also be sampled.

Embarek also said that the spread of the virus through frozen food is "very possible." The WHO will further study the role of cold chain food in this regard, including the humidity and temperature at which the virus can infect people.

The WHO expert team came to the above conclusion after 12 days of investigation, and once it was released, it caused outside doubts.

U.S. Representative Dan Bishop criticized the WHO expert group to appease the CCP, "We need to conduct an independent investigation, not the CCP propaganda."

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented in an interview with Fox News that he believes that the actions of WHO officials are in the best interests of the Chinese Communist Party. This is why the original Trump administration will withdraw from the UN agency, "I must say we left the World Health Organization because we began to believe that it was corrupt and that it had been politicized. It was bowing to China’s General Secretary Xi Jinping."

Pompeo also insisted that there is "important evidence" that the global epidemic did indeed originate from the Wuhan laboratory, "I will look forward to seeing their reports and analysis, but I don't believe they got the access rights they need. I know the permissions they needed were not obtained in time. I also know that there is important evidence that this is likely to come from that laboratory."

Mainland independent commentator Wu Te told The Epoch Times that the statement made by the WHO expert group was the result of deliberate guidance by the CCP, and wanted to clarify the relationship between the Wuhan virus laboratory, which often uses bats as experiments, and the outbreak:

"If the virus really has nothing to do with bats, then why does the CCP strictly seal the bat caves to prevent outsiders from approaching, and does not allow WHO experts to investigate? There are too many suspicious points, and they want to cover them up."

"The CCP itself does not allow international experts to go to China's bat caves to investigate, but the experts demand that foreign bats be investigated. This is a public rejection of the CCP."

Wu Te pointed out that the so-called investigation by the WHO investigation team "puts the CCP's politicized dumping theory under the cloak of science, independence, and professionalism, and sells it to the public all over the world, in an attempt to help the CCP escape from global accountability."

"The investigation by the WHO investigation team has not resolved many people's doubts and exposed the truth, but has provided a springboard for the CCP's rhetoric to deceive the international community. Once these words come out of their mouths, they will continue to deceive the people of mainland China and people of all countries in the world."

News (6)

Chinese critics decry WHO's Wuhan probe as a "farce"

Reporter : Eva Fu / Publisher : The Epoch Times PREMIUM

A Chinese dissident has condemned the World Health Organization’s findings on the source of the pandemic as a “farce,” adding that the Chinese regime is likely to leverage them to deflect responsibility for causing the global crisis.

According to Yuan Hongbing, a Chinese academic and vocal critic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) living in Australia, the WHO investigation in Wuhan was akin to “a farce staged by the Chinese regime.”

“We could have predicted that this so-called investigation would come to this,” he said in an interview.

As a team of experts at the WHO wrapped up its trip on Feb. 9, Peter Ben Embarek, a Danish scientist who led the WHO mission, dismissed the theory that the CCP virus may have leaked from a virology lab as “extremely unlikely.” Bats, he said, remained a likely source.

The State Department has cast doubt on the amount of transparency afforded to the WHO team and said that the United States would present its conclusion after reviewing the full WHO report.

Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” described Embarek’s comments as “intensely political.”

“This mission to Wuhan is heavily negotiated with conditions that were really essentially designed so they are not going to find out anything,” Chang told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program.

“They are there for a month, two weeks of which are quarantine, and they go to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for three-and-a-half hours,” he said. The team visited the lab on Feb. 3.

“I don’t know how WHO members can say that after such a cursory examination.”

The wet market went through a thorough cleansing in March 2020, destroying all the livestock and goods stored inside. Zhang Meng (alias), a volunteer who helped with the cleanout, said that they stripped everything bare during the process.

“Nothing was left save the metal board,” he said in a recent interview, adding that the WHO team had nothing to see there. “Everything was gone in a sweep.”

Chang also criticized Embarek for lending credibility to the idea that the virus could have been imported via frozen foods to the Wuhan wet market, where the first known cluster of cases emerged in December 2019. The investigator said transmission of the virus via frozen food is a possibility that warrants further investigation.

Chinese authorities have attributed local COVID-19 outbreaks to imported frozen foods, despite the WHO and U.S. health officials both saying there is no evidence that people can contract COVID-19 from food or food packaging.

“Experts will tell you that yes, the coronavirus can survive on frozen food packaging, but nobody in any responsible position outside China thinks that it was a likely source of transmission,” Chang said.

“This is a parroting of a Beijing narrative,” he said. “This just shows you that the WHO mission is completely worthless—actually is worse than worthless because it’s throwing people off the trail.”

The Trump administration last year began the process to withdraw from the WHO, as the agency was criticized for repeating Beijing’s narratives about the outbreak. President Joe Biden, upon taking office, reversed the decision and restored WHO ties on Jan. 20.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Feb. 9 also questioned WHO’s findings, saying he doesn’t believe “they [experts] got access that they needed.”

“I must say the reason we left the World Health Organization was because we came to believe that it was corrupted, it had been politicized. It was bending a knee to General Secretary Xi Jinping in China,” he said in a Fox interview. He said the WHO announcement has not shaken his belief that “there’s significant evidence … that this [virus] may have very well come from that laboratory.”

Days before Pompeo left office, the State Department released a fact sheet stating that it had reason to believe several researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology exhibited COVID-19-like symptoms in autumn 2019, despite a senior facility virologist saying otherwise.

Matt Pottinger, the former deputy national security adviser, later called for more attention to the fact sheet, which he said was “very carefully vetted” by officials across the Department of Health and Human Services, White House, and intelligence leadership.

Peter Daszak, a U.S. scientist on the WHO team, has co-written papers with Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan virology lab. He previously condemned the lab escape theory as a “conspiracy,” but later conceded that he did so “as a showing of support” for Chinese scientists to shield them from “online harassment.”

In a tweet on Feb. 9 in response to the State Department’s comments, Dazsak said that Biden “has to look tough on China.” “Please don’t rely too much on US intel: increasingly disengaged under Trump [and] frankly wrong on many aspects,” he wrote.

Heng He, a China affairs commentator, said that Daszak’s involvement in the research constituted a conflict of interest.

“Why did the WHO recuse him?” he said. “This is basically signaling to the CCP that the WHO will go along with its play.”

He also noted the WHO’s visit to a propaganda exhibition touting Beijing’s achievements in combating the virus. “It doesn’t even count as fourth-hand evidence,” he said. “Just purely man-made stories.”

Cathy He contributed to this report.

Ref : https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-critics-decry-whos-wuhan-probe-as-a-farce_3692886.html

News (7)

Australian expert from the WHO investigation team: the epidemic originated in China

Editor : Zhang Hui / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/02/12/a103052751.html / Direct translation

Although the WHO expert team and Chinese experts claim that COVID-19 (the Chinese Communist virus) cannot come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Australian scientists from the WHO expert group recently stated that the virus originated in China.

After completing the investigation in Wuhan, the WHO expert team announced its conclusions with Chinese experts on 9 February, claiming that the virus is extremely unlikely to come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It also claimed that there is no evidence that Wuhan will have a major epidemic before December 2019. break out. The WHO's quotation of the Chinese Communist Party's previous statement raised questions.

When the former US Secretary of State Pompeo was interviewed by the Fox news program "American’s Newsroom," he expressed doubts about the WHO's assessment. He said that the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the WHO was just seeing its corruption and bombarding the politicization of the WHO and kneeling to Xi Jinping.

Pompeo said that there is important evidence that the CCP virus originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Professor Dominic Dwyer, a microbiologist and infectious disease expert from the NSW Department of Health, is the only Australian in the 14-member team that went to Wuhan to investigate this time. The team is committed to determining the source of the epidemic.

Professor Dwyer said in an interview with News Network on the 9th, “I think the epidemic started in China.” “I think the evidence that the epidemic started from other parts of the world is actually very limited. There is some evidence, but it is not very convincing. force."

Dwyer flew back to Sydney from China on the 10th and is currently isolated in the hotel.

He said that the "most likely source" of the virus was bats, and then it was animals like cats that passed the virus to humans. "I think the outbreak of the epidemic in the Wuhan market is indeed an amplified event. Before that, The virus may have been circulating in the community for several weeks."

The head of the WHO investigation team, Peter Ben Embarek, said that although no conclusion has been reached, the mission worked. "Compared with before, has our situation changed drastically? I don't think so. Have we increased our awareness and learned more about the specific situation? Of course it is."

The 14 scientists arrived in Wuhan, Hubei, China on 14 January and entered the community after being isolated for 14 days. In two busy weeks, this team of virologists, epidemiologists, veterinarians, and food safety experts visited key locations related to the epidemic. So far, the CCP virus has caused 2.3 million deaths worldwide.

The investigation included Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Hubei Provincial Hospital.

Chinese scientists from the WHO investigation team claimed that the virus may have been brought into China through packaged frozen food. Dwyer believes that the evidence that the epidemic originated outside China is "very limited."

WHO experts stated on the evening of the 9th that the virus is most likely to be transmitted from animals to humans. Professor Dwyer said that one of the key differences is trying to reach agreement on what happened before the outbreak in the Wuhan market.

"For example, some other evidence-genetic analysis of the virus, etc., will show that the virus may have spread since mid-November or early December last year." He said.

"We also know that the Chinese reported that people who went to the hospital were seriously ill, but we now know - to be fair, they didn't know (the epidemic) at the time. But we now know that the virus is spreading among other healthy people, So there must be more cases in December last year than confirmed."

When asked if he believes there will be a clear conclusion about how the virus started, Dwyer said he hopes there will be. "In fact, many of these outbreaks take years to resolve, so part of the WHO's work is to recommend what kind of research is needed to resolve these issues in the next year or so."

Australian Prime Minister Morrison was one of the first world leaders to call for an investigation into the origin of the epidemic. This action triggered a diplomatic counterattack by the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist government launched a trade crackdown of more than A$20 billion against six or seven industries in Australia.

News (8)

US lawmakers proposed a bill to suspend financial aid to the WHO until Taiwan becomes a member state. 

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

US President Biden reversed the previous administration policy and return to the WHO, but some members of Congress are still committed to promoting WHO reform. Republican senators introduced a bill on the 8th to suspend financial aid to the WHO until the leadership of the WHO is replaced and Taiwan becomes a member state. 

Former US President Trump was dissatisfied with the World Health Organization (WHO)'s obedience to China to help conceal the covid epidemic. In April 2019, he decided to suspend financial aid to the WHO and announced the US's membership withdrawal in May. However, Joe Biden opposed the absence of the US in the global fight against the epidemic and signed an executive order to reverse the decision to withdraw from the WHO on the first day of his tenure. 

Facing the re-entry of the United States into the World Health Organization, Republican Senators Rick Scott and Josh Hawley jointly proposed the "WHO Accountability Act" on the 8th, asking the WHO to help China be responsible for concealing epidemic information. The full content of the bill has not yet been announced, but Scottrade stated in a press release today that the "World Health Organization Accountability Act" requires the United States to suspend taxpayer money to assist the WHO until the WHO changes its leadership and accepts Taiwan as a member state. In addition, the bill also restricts that the US financial aid figure can only be equal to or less than the annual funding amount of the WHO's largest donor country. 

Scottrade stated that the WHO's mission is to publish public health information to the world so that each country can make the best decision to protect the safety of its people. However, the WHO not only failed to achieve its mission, but also disappointed the world with  COVID-19; they were willing to be the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, repeating false messages to help China hide the epidemic. Scottrade criticized that in February last year he urged the WHO to conduct an in-depth analysis of the source and scope of the epidemic but they waited for almost a year to make any move and they still could not give the outside world an answer, and even stopped investigating whether the virus originated from the Wuhan laboratory in China.

News (9)

The CCP issued a new inspection notice to leak the truth about epidemic prevention

Commentary & News : Zhong Yuan / Reposted from The Epoch Times/Editor : Li Mingxin / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/02/09/a103050899.html / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

On 8 February 2021, the CCP’s Health and Health Commission issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Nucleic Acid Testing Services for the Novel Coronavirus" (Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Notice [2021] No. 26, hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), re-proposed the CCP virus testing requirements have revealed the truth about the prevention and control of the epidemic in mainland China.

The "Notice" stated that "single sample testing and mixed sample testing services are encouraged at the same time." "People from low-risk areas can perform 10:1 mixed sample testing, medium-risk areas can perform 5:1 mixed sample testing, and high-risk areas And key populations must be tested with 1:1 single sample".

This shows that, except for the so-called "high-risk areas" designated by the CCP, virus testing is actually mixed-sample testing. Mixed sample testing for low-risk populations can indeed improve a certain degree of efficiency, but the key lies in whether it is judged to be a "high-risk area" or not by the CCP officials. In order to conceal the epidemic situation, the CCP will often postpone the announcement of the risk escalation; in order to report the results of the anti-epidemic, it will announce the risk downgrading early. As a result, it is very likely that the high-risk areas that should have been tested in a single sample 1:1 have been artificially turned into medium and low risk areas for mixed sample detection. The so-called efficiency improvement actually increases risks.

The "Notice" also stated that in rural areas, "township sampling and county testing are implemented. Township health centers are responsible for the collection and delivery of nucleic acid testing samples. If the conditions are not met, the county-level health administrative department arranges agencies to collect samples and submit them for testing. County hospitals , CDC or a third-party laboratory is responsible for testing.”

This is typical of the CCP’s blame-for-prevention epidemic, and it reveals the greater truth about epidemic prevention. In rural areas, only counties are truly qualified for testing. Test samples must be sent to the county. The township hospitals and even the county hospitals are responsible for collecting and sending samples. This means that real rural areas are blank areas for testing.

On 31 January, the Chinese Communist Party media Xinhua News Agency once compiled Zhong Nanshan’s words and said, “From the recent incidence of illness, 60% to 70% are in rural areas... If you feel unwell, you must see a doctor. Don’t wait until the condition is severe. Go and see. In rural areas, it is important to raise awareness, check in time, see a doctor in time, and do nucleic acid tests in time."

According to this statement, the epidemic in mainland China mainly occurred in rural areas, but the rural areas did not have the conditions for detection at all and were completely out of control. According to Zhong Nanshan's words, farmers have symptoms and need to take the initiative to go to the township to request testing, and then send them to the county after sampling. It is difficult to know how long the whole process will take, and how to trace back once the diagnosis is confirmed? How to isolate and prevent epidemics in time?

Moreover, if there are asymptomatic infections in rural areas, they will not know at all, and it is a blind spot for epidemic prevention. Even if some farmers may have mild symptoms, they are not necessarily aware of the seriousness, and there is no guarantee that they will take the initiative to go to the township for testing, which also poses a great risk of infection.

The "Notice" also stated, "Places where conditions permit can be equipped with mobile testing vehicles, and take the way of going to the countryside to conduct inspections to further expand the supply of nucleic acid testing services."

This sentence is equivalent to not saying it. It is hard to imagine that the county-level officials of the CCP will take the initiative to take such a thankless task. As long as you don’t go to the countryside for testing, there will naturally be no confirmed cases; if you do go to the countryside for testing, you have to find ways to conceal the case, or you may hit the knife edge and be dismissed on the spot. Which official is willing to make the extra effort? Of course, rural areas have become blind spots for detection and epidemic prevention, and farmers can only fend for themselves if they fail.

The "Notice" also stated that "all localities must strengthen the quality control of the whole process of nucleic acid testing...Continuously carry out technical training for medical staff engaged in nucleic acid sampling and testing, and they can only take up their posts after passing the assessment"; "All provincial clinical testing centers must continue to organize and carry out Internal quality evaluation, increase the frequency of quality evaluation...If the quality evaluation result is unqualified, it shall be suspended immediately."

This shows that the CCP is well aware that there are always problems with inspection quality, and there are also many problems with unqualified employment. However, it seems that only provincial-level organizations are truly qualified for evaluation, that is, the capital cities of each province, and a provincial capital organization. How can the inspection of the whole province be guaranteed? Rural inspections are carried out in various counties, and provincial agencies go to the county towns of the province without knowing how much time it will take. The so-called quality control is more likely to be useless.

In order to falsely report the number of inspections, a large number of mixed inspections are used in various places. If the inspections are not accurate, it will not affect one person but a group of people. The loopholes in epidemic prevention are too great.

The CCP is trying to promote the control of the epidemic. Officials in various places are reducing the reported epidemic data almost at the same time. The risk level is also continuously reduced, and the results of the epidemic prevention are artificially created. In fact, the rural areas where epidemics mainly occur are a blank in epidemic prevention, and there have been problems in the quality control of testing. Mixed inspections have been used to continuously exaggerate the number of tests and get confused.

Facing the lies one after another about the CCP’s epidemic prevention, ordinary Chinese people can only ask for more protection.

This article only represents the author's views and statements.

News (10)

Mandatory vaccination in many places in mainland China, side effects are secret

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The CCP virus vaccine has now become an important means for countries to control the epidemic. The National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China announced last week that as of 3 February 2021, China has received 31.236 million doses of vaccine. However, the immune status of the vaccinated population, the presence or absence of secondary infection, and the side effects after vaccination are not mentioned. At the same time, chaos of mandatory vaccination has appeared in many parts of the mainland.

On 8 February, a resident of Nangong City, Hebei Province broke the news to the Epoch Times reporter that the government forced residents to be vaccinated, claiming that “residents over 3 years old cannot enter public places, including cars, shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals, etc.”. The SMS notification from the community also said, “Vaccinations will be mandatory after the Chinese New Year.”

The resident said that after he was vaccinated, he developed a severe allergic reaction, a red rash on his face, extremely itchy, and severe pain in his arm for a day. His classmate also suffered severe headaches after being vaccinated.

At the same time, residents of Huizhou, Guangdong, Wuhan, Hubei and Shanghai also reported that people in the local system and government workers are all being vaccinated compulsorily and cannot work without vaccination.

News (11)

Unnotified confirmed covid case in Harbin

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The epidemic in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, the hardest hit by the epidemic, is still spreading.

There was a newly diagnosed covid case in Hulan District. The whole building where the case was diagnosed is under quarantine, but the official has not notified the public.

An official report stated that on 8 February, there was only one new case of asymptomatic infection in the local area. However, a citizen sent a video to reveal that at Unit 6, Building 2, Xingfu Community, Hulan District, someone was diagnosed that day, and the authorities sent a large number of medical staff and two buses to pull all the residents of Unit 6 away and quarantine them.

News (12)

Expert: The CCP virus keeps mutating, the frequency doubles in 10 days

Reporter : Jenny / Editor : Zhang Lili / https://www.soundofhope.org/post/472745 / Direct translation

On 7 February, American experts released the results of a new study, a more infectious outbreak of the CCP virus involving the UK Variant strains of the virus are spreading rapidly across the United States, and the frequency of variants is doubling approximately every 10 days.

A research team led by scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, determined that this variant of the CCP virus named "B117" has a 35% higher transmission rate than other strains. To 45%, the frequency of its variants will double approximately every other week and a half.

This variant strain first arrived in the United States in November last year. Experts predict that by March this year, the strain may become the dominant variant virus in many states in the United States, and then the most prevalent strain in the United States, which will lead to a sharp increase in the number of CCP virus cases in the United States.

Researchers say that the CDC has detected at least 611 cases of infection with this strain in 33 states, and because there is no standard practice for genetic sequencing, its spread may be much wider.

Researchers warn that the United States is on a similar trajectory to other countries, and B117 has quickly become the dominant variant of the Chinese Communist virus. "We must take immediate and decisive action to prevent a surge in cases and minimize the morbidity and mortality of the variant coronavirus (CCV)."

The results of this research have not yet been peer reviewed.

In response to the widespread spread of the virus, all walks of life are pinning their hopes on vaccines. At present, the two licensed vaccine manufacturers in the United States, Moderna and Pfizer, are making every effort to accelerate the production of more vaccines in order to help more Americans get vaccinated. But for the variant strains, whether the two vaccines are effective is still unknown.

Previously, the former US President Trump received experimental antibody drug treatment when he contracted an illness, which he called "God's miracle" and healed him. Dr. Li Junjie, chief physician of disease management at the Asian American Medical Center, said that this monoclonal antibody drug has a significant effect on mild to moderate adult patients within 10 days of onset, but may not be effective on variant strains.

Dr. Li Junjie also mentioned that according to clinical observations, people who are not infected with the disease have a hard time after the second shot of the vaccine and have a greater body reaction; while those who have been infected have the same response when they receive the first shot Yu normal people’s reaction to the second shot. Therefore, he advised people to take the second shot carefully.


Interview with Lin Xiaoxu: Six major problems in the WHO expert investigation

Reposted from The Epoch Times/Editor: Li Hong / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/02/12/a103052911.html / Direct translation

WHO expert team investigated the source of the epidemic in just half a month, and it hastily reached a preliminary investigation result that is almost consistent with the Chinese Communist Party's rhetoric. The Epoch Times interviewed Dr. Lin Xiaoxu, a former virology researcher at the U.S. Army Research Institute. He revealed six major problems in the investigation report.

News (13)

The survey results of the WHO expert group are to cooperate with the CCP’s performance

In the afternoon of 9 February, the WHO and the CCP joint expert group held a press conference. The WHO expert investigation group reached preliminary results, which were almost in line with the CCP’s previous propaganda arguments. If the laboratory leaks the virus as "very unlikely", it is "very possible" for the virus to infect through frozen food.

Dr. Lin Xiaoxu told The Epoch Times that these WHO experts went to Wuhan to investigate the source of the virus, "actually it is a political show." These experts should have known for a long time that they were not doing real investigation and research, but were cooperating with the CCP to perform this show.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out from many aspects that the WHO expert group has problems in this investigation. Their series of statements and practices are all cooperating with the CCP government in shirking responsibilities.

1. It is impossible for the virus to leak from the Wuhan Virus Laboratory?

The WHO expert group believes that the virus cannot be leaked from the Wuhan Virus Laboratory.

Lin Xiaoxu said that the above conclusions reached by the WHO expert group were based on discussions between the expert group and Wuhan experts, asking them about their virus research, and visiting the Wuhan P4 laboratory to understand the laboratory environment.

"This is the situation of the Wuhan virus that was rectified a year later. You can say that this ruled out the possibility of leakage? And in those few days, can you find out if they actually leaked? This even knows common sense."

"There have been many virus leaks in China before, and there have been in Anhui and SARS in Beijing." Lin Xiaoxu said, "It has been leaked. Of course the laboratory needs to be rectified, strengthened the safety of the laboratory, etc. You see now It’s safe, but it doesn’t mean there was no leak in the past."

"With such a simple common sense, do these so-called experts don't understand? These are statements that can be said to be nakedly defending the CCP, not the actions of experts."

2. Frozen food chain spread?

The WHO expert group said that the spread of the virus through the frozen food chain is "very possible" and also announced that it will be studied.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that this is the WHO expert team cooperating with the CCP to throw off the pot, and providing the CCP with the virus is an excuse for importing from overseas.

He said that the Chinese Communist Party only began to find reasons and excuses for the spread of cold chain food transportation since the end of spring and summer last year. Therefore, the CCP basically did not emphasize this aspect from January to May last year. At that time, they had not found this excuse. Therefore, it cannot be said that the epidemic in Wuhan was transmitted to Wuhan through the cold chain."

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out, "In fact, the virus spread in Wuhan. The WHO investigation has not made any substantial progress. From what we said at a simple press conference, we can see that the CCP did not give them any samples. , Let them do their own independent research."

Zhang Wenhong, an infectious disease expert in Shanghai, China, has also made it clear that the possibility of infection through cold-chain food is similar to the probability of an air crash, and no confirmed case is caused by cold-chain food.

3. Is the virus spread by bats?

The WHO expert team said that it is unlikely that bats will be transmitted to humans locally, but other intermediate hosts are needed to introduce the virus to humans.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the rhetoric of the WHO expert group is the same as that of the CCP. At the beginning of last year, the CCP has always emphasized to rule out the possibility of bats as intermediate hosts, because the bats collected are not from Wuhan, and Wuhan does not have a large number of bats.

He said: "If it is normal, you should think about whether the local outbreak in Wuhan is a possibility of laboratory leakage or other animal reservoirs. Of course, for any outbreak, especially if the virus itself can infect other animals, investigate. The animal intermediate host is of course very important.

"However, since the beginning of last year, the CCP has not provided any research reports on animal samples to the public. Even though the South China Seafood Market has done a small amount of animal sample tests, it has not been released to the public.

"From the perspective of public epidemic prevention, it should have been disclosed to the public, but the CCP has been concealing it, and has not made efforts to investigate animal samples.

"How can it be said that it will take a year for the World Health Organization to intervene to investigate this matter? This is absurd in itself."

The WHO expert team also stated at the press conference that not only bats in China need to be sampled, but also bats from other countries need to be sampled. It also stated that there are not many bats in Wuhan.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the World Health Organization's claim to collect bats from other countries is to cooperate with the CCP to shirk its responsibilities. He said: "How many other places and how many different types of bats are there? You can check them endlessly, and you may not find it out for a lifetime. This is actually the WHO helping the CCP dump the pot.

"From the so-called virological animals, tracing animal reservoirs and tracing the source of the virus, this can be a protracted matter."

4. When did the virus begin to spread?

The WHO expert team stated that the virus did spread in Wuhan in December 2019, but it is not clear how the virus entered the South China seafood market.

Chinese expert Liang Wannian also said that the team reviewed and analyzed the samples in the second half of 2019 and found that there was no new coronavirus of a certain scale in Wuhan at that time.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that they all emphasized that before December 2019, Wuhan had a new crown virus (CCV, Wuhan pneumonia) spreading among the population, so how many people are there? On the contrary, this is that there is no silver three hundred taels here, indicating that they do know that there were already a certain number of people in Wuhan in the second half of 2019 last year, which may not constitute a scale.

"But there are already a certain number of people infected with the new crown virus. Why is this data not released to the public? How do you know that there are not enough people to spread it? When did these people diagnose them? What about the samples of these patients, Can you share these samples, can you sequence these viruses to see what the earliest viruses were like, and see if there is a common source of outbreaks?"

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the WHO expert team did not chase the samples of these people to conduct investigations and studies and analyze the spreading situation at that time, but said that they would go to other countries to collect bat samples. Isn't this absurd?

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that when did the WHO expert team trace the earliest cases? In the second half of 2019, did someone have been infected with the CCP virus in the summer of 2019?

5. The members of the expert group are CCP stakeholders

Among the experts participating in this investigation team is Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the US official did not participate in this investigation, and the US expert Daszak participated, but this person himself has problems. Because he himself is a serious stakeholder, he has been cooperating with Wuhan Insitute of Viology for a long time, how can WHO let such a person do the investigation on the source of the virus? This is a big problem in itself and seriously affects the so-called independence of the investigation team.

"The CCP says this is a kind of cooperation, and it is not an independent investigation at all, so don't use independent investigation as a cover."

6. Shi Zhengli researched similar viruses, WHO experts did not pursue

Shi Zhengli, a researcher and deputy director of the Wuhan virus laboratory, has been engaged in coronavirus research for a long time after the SARS (also known as SARS virus, SARS) outbreak in 2003, and collected bat feces and other samples from an abandoned mine in Yunnan. Back to Wuhan to study, and finally found that SARS may be transmitted to humans by a bat in the cave.

Earlier this year, the U.S. State Department announced three major doubts about the Wuhan Institute of Virology: 1. Several researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) became ill in the fall of 2019, with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and common seasonal diseases; 2. Since at least 2016 Beginning in 2011, researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted experiments involving RaTG13 (Note: B-coronavirus is a virus that infects bats and belongs to SARS-related coronaviruses), and there is no sign of stopping before the outbreak of COVID-19; 3. Secret military activities of Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that the World Health Organization has not investigated this matter for all possible research on acquired sexual function viruses by Shi Zhengli's team at Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that a series of statements and practices made by the WHO expert group are to cooperate with the CCP government in shirking responsibilities.

News (14)

The CCP has always been good at stirring muddy water

In addition, Lin Xiaoxu also pointed out that the CCP would particularly disturb the muddy waters. For example, the CCP had previously dumped the epidemic on the US military, Italy and other countries, and also proposed the so-called outbreak of the epidemic in multiple places.

Lin Xiaoxu pointed out that now the spokesperson of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, has also declared that asking the United States to send the WHO to the United States to conduct research on the cause of disease is basically a way of stirring the muddy water and throwing the pot.

Lin Xiaoxu said that the epidemic first broke out in Wuhan. The CCP authorities knew that the virus could be transmitted from person to person. "They also covered up for several weeks without talking to the public. Even millions of (Wuhan) people went all over the world. You are really causing the epidemic, a global The chief culprit of the spread of the pandemic, if you don’t bear this responsibility, who will bear it? So these things are just throwing the pot."

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