Friday, March 10, 2023

Micronesia exposes the threat of CCP China, considers diplomatic recognition of Taiwan

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on Micronesia, CCP, Taiwan, U.S.

News (1)

The President of Micronesia sent a letter to expose the threat of CCP China and discussed the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of China in February 2023
 Image : Foreign media reported that in a letter, President Panuelo of the Pacific island country of Micronesia exposed CCP China's various threats and bribery of senior officials in the country, and revealed that he had discussed with the Republic of China Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie in February this year, on the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan).  (Photos from Reuters and our newspaper, synthesized by Liberty Times)

[Central News Agency] Foreign media reported that in a letter, President Panuelo of the Pacific island country of the Federal States of Micronesia exposed CCP China's various threats and bribery of senior officials in the country, and revealed that he had discussed with the Republic of China Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie in February 2023 on the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

News (2)

Panuelo suggests Micronesia's Congress to consider establishing diplomatic ties with the Republic of China

The Diplomat  magazine reported on 10 March 2023 that Federated States of Micronesia President David Panuelo recently sent a letter to the country's Congress and high-level officials, suggesting that Micronesia should switch to establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Micronesia has just held a general election on 7 March, and Panuelo has only two months left in his term. He said frankly that he knew that this letter might bring personal danger to himself and his family but he was willing to take such a risk in order to protect the sovereignty and interests of the country.

News (3)

Panuelo weighs the benefits of diplomatic recognition of the Republic of China

Panuelo stated in the letter that he knew that Micronesia would have to pay a great economic price if it wanted to separate from CCP China, so it was necessary to seek an alternative support plan. Therefore, in February 2023, he met Joseph Wu and asked frankly what would happen if the country switched to establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan. What kind of potential aid will be obtained, and what benefits will it have if the country does not formally switch the diplomatic relationship and only allows Taiwan to set up a representative office.

Panuelo said in the letter that the discussion between him and Joseph Wu was very straightforward. In the future, Micronesia needs about 50 million U.S. Dollars in funds. If it establishes diplomatic relations with the Republic of China, Micronesia is expected to receive this fund within three years. An aid plan of 15 million US Dollars can be obtained, and the project can be allocated by the secret country itself.

Panuelo said that Taiwan also assured him that Taiwan can take over all the construction and projects that CCP is currently involved in  the country, and will hire workers from Micronesia and provide vocational training for the country. The methods of Republic of China and CCP China executing the projects are not the same.

News (4)

Added value of accepting Taiwan as a diplomatic partner

Panuelo believes that in addition to the financial benefits of establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan, the more important added value is to improve the sovereign security of Micronesia and keep the country away from the threat of CCP's infiltration of high-level officials in Micronesia.

News (5)

Details of CCP coercing and enticing Micronesian officials exposed in three cases

In his letter, Panuelo detailed CCP’s means of coercing and enticing officials of the Micronesia. He cited three obvious cases. 

The first case is the ambassador surnamed Wu appointed by China to Micronesia. After the United States, Japan, Australia and other traditional allies and partners learnt about this, Panuelo rejected the appointment of Ambassador Wu but CCP is waiting for the new president of Micronesia to approve this appointment.

Panuelo was shocked by the second example. When he went to Fiji to participate in the Pacific Islands Forum in July 2022, he was followed by two Chinese men. He was surprised to find that not only were the two men from the CCP embassyin Micronesia, one of them is also an intelligence officer of the People's Liberation Army, showing that "my personal safety is directly threatened by Chinese officials acting in an official capacity."

The third example Panuelo cited was that during the second "China-Pacific Island Countries Dialogue", he clearly told CCP China that miscellaneous countries would not send representatives to participate. The article claimed that the person is the official representative of the Federal States of Micronesia, "China has set a precedent by allowing civilians to participate in international conferences to represent our country without the knowledge or approval of the Micronesian government."

News (6)

CCP invaded Micronesia

Panuelo also mentioned that China’s invasion of the country also includes sending exploration ships to the exclusive economic zone of the country. When Micornesia sent patrol ships to find these ships out, it was warned by CCP.

News (7)

Micronesia rejected CCP vaccines and Panuelo's calls were bombarded by the CCP ambassador

Panuelo also recounted the unreasonable oppression by the CCP regime during the epidemic. At the beginning of the outbreak in 2020, the country controlled the borders like other countries in the world, but the Chinese ambassador to the country surnamed Huang kept calling his personal mobile phone, demanding confidentiality, that Micronesia is to open entry to CCP Chinese citizens.

He said that in 2021, he asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States to formally reply to reject the vaccine provided by CCP China because the country already has enough vaccines. As a result, his private phone calls with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Health were bombarded by the Chinese ambassador, which was extremely disturbing. In the end,he changed his contact number.

News (8)

CCP pushed Micronesia to accept CCP covi vaccines

Panuelo said that the country was overwhelmed by the pressure. It originally planned to announce the opening of CCP vaccines to local Chinese residents. CCP was not satisfied, and put pressure on Micronesia to publicly include the list of vaccines accepted by the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China. In the end, CCP China got what it wanted and needs.

News (9)

CCP China does not respect the sovereignty of Micronesia

Panuelo said that many incidents revolve around one theme, that is, Micronesia wants to say no to China, but the sovereignty of Micronesia is not respected. China often claims to have reached a "consensus" with Micronesia but in fact it has not, and China one of the main reasons of CCP China's infiltration of Micronesia was so successful was by bribing senior officials of Micronesia.

Panuelo said that he knows that it is a serious allegation that a senior official of Micronesia accepts bribes from CCP China but if a senior official of the United States of America receives a large envelope containing cash from CCP after taking office or meeting with officials of the CCP embassy, he does not know. What other words should be used to describe this phenomenon? This phenomenon has caused many Micronesian officials to choose to keep silent or even speak for CCP when faced with the dwarfing of their sovereignty.

News (10)

Micronesia wants to establish diplomatic relations? Wu Zhaoxie confirmed: There was indeed an exchange of views
Reporter : Yang Chengyu / / Image :  Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie (left) confirmed at the Legislative Yuan meeting today (10th) that he had an "exchange of views" with President Panuelo of the Federated States of Micronesia on the issue of establishing diplomatic relations. (Extracted from Congress Channel)

The Diplomat magazine reported on 10 March 2023 that the President of the Federated States of Micronesia (David Panuelo) recently sent a letter to the country's Congress and high-level officials suggested that the country should switch to the Republic of China (Taiwan) to establish diplomatic relations. Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie confirmed that there was indeed an "exchange of views" with Panuelo when he was questioned in the Legislative Yuan this afternoon.

KMT Legislator Yang Qiongying questioned whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is engaging in "King's Diplomacy" again. What can the Republic of China get in exchange? Wu Zhaoxie responded that the reported US$50 million was different from the facts, but there was indeed an exchange of views with the Federal States of Micronesia.

Yang Qiongying criticized, "What can we get in exchange for spending so much money?" Wu Zhaoxie emphasized that if the two countries are friendly to each other, help each other, and assist each other, it is not "champion diplomacy". The Republic of China's diplomacy needs to be expanded, and allies will also speak for Taiwan on many international occasions.

News (11) to (15) / Reporters : Xia Song and Luo Ya / Editor : Sun Yun /

News (11)

Expert: Tsai Ing-wen will make a high-profile visit to the United States, multi-party game, World Focus

Reporters : Xia Song and Luo Ya / Image : U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy confirmed plans to meet Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in the US this year. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

专家:蔡英文将高调访美 多方博弈 世界聚焦

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen planned to "stop" the United States during her visit to Central America in early April, and met with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California. She was invited to speak at the library of the Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.

CCP Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on 8 March that she is seriously concerned about Tsai Ing-wen's plan to transit through the United States, and has lodged solemn representations with the United States, demanding clarification and opposing any form of official exchanges between the United States and the Republic of China. The Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council statedon 9 March that the Chinese Communist Party has no position to express inappropriate remarks when the president of the Republic of China visits other countries and engages in international exchanges.

The practice of Taiwan's president "transiting" the United States began in 1994. Tsai Ing-wen has also made multiple transits to the United States during her presidency, most recently in 2019, when she went to New York and Denver, where she also gave a speech at Columbia University.

Experts analyzed that McCarthy's visit to Taiwan turned into a meeting between Tsai Ing-wen and him in the United States. On the surface, it was McCarthy's concession, but in essence, it was a major breakthrough in Taiwan's diplomacy, which could attract the world's attention and sympathy for Taiwan.

Image : Profile photo of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. (Provided by the Presidential Office of Taiwan)

News (12)

Improving U.S.-Taiwan relations and Attracting the World's Attention to Taiwan

Li Dengke, a professor at the Department of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan National Chengchi University, told The Epoch Times on 9 March 2023 that it is very important that the country the president of the Republic of China visits or when he goes out will not be influenced by the CCP.

He said: "This time he (McCarthy) is planning to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen in Southern California in April. It seems that he is making some concessions to the CCP. If you analyze it carefully, it is actually not true. Because President Tsai went to the United States to openly meet with the Speaker of the House of Representatives. , and also delivered a speech at the nearby Reagan Library, which was a great courtesy."

Li Dengke believes that on the surface, try not to stimulate the CCP and avoid causing military tension in the Taiwan Strait area, but in essence, Taiwan has strengthened its substantive relationship with the United States through such an arrangement. "For Taiwan and the United States, it is A win-win situation, no wonder China (the CCP) is also protesting.”

Chen Kuide, executive chairman of the Princeton China Institute and publisher and editor-in-chief of the online magazine "A Survey of China", told The Epoch Times that Tsai Ing-wen pays more attention to balance. She wants to maintain the independence of the Republic of China and is unwilling to make Taiwanese worry about the CCP's irrational actions. Her visit to the United States will also draw the world's attention to Taiwan's fate and give it support.

He said: "Politicians obviously have this part in mind. The game between Taiwan and the CCP in the United States is a very good thing."

On 6 March, the British newspaper Financial Times quoted an insider as saying that Tsai Ing-wen "has persuaded the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, to meet in California instead of Taipei, in order to seek to avoid an aggressive response from Beijing."

Reuters pointed out that both Taiwan and the United States are deeply disturbed that Taiwan will hold a presidential election in January next year. If McCarthy visits Taiwan at that time, it will seriously aggravate the tension in the Taiwan Strait.

On 7 March 2023, McCarthy confirmed to the outside world that he had met Tsai Ing-wen in the United States, emphasizing that this meeting did not rule out the possibility of his future visit to Taiwan.

Li Dengke believed that, based on McCarthy's position of supporting Taiwan and the principle of doing things, the possibility of him visiting Taiwan in the future should be very high. "When will it be? It should be after the election of Taiwan's president, and then the possibility should be the greatest."

News (13)

Tsai Ing-wen's Reagan Library Speech and "Six Guarantees"

The Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported on 7 March 2023 that the "Reagan Presidential Foundation and Research Institute" confirmed that the institution has invited Tsai Ing-wen to give a speech at the Reagan Library during her visit to the United States.
Image : Air Force One lobby at the Reagan Library on 11 December 2021. (Li Mei/The Epoch Times)

Why choose the Reagan Library? Chen Kuide said that Reagan was one of the greatest presidents of the United States, and he also represented the Cold War.

During the Cold War, the western camp led by the United States and the communist camp headed by the Soviet Union engaged in political and regional military confrontation for half a century. Generally speaking, the Cold War began with the proposal of the "Truman Doctrine" in 1947 and ended with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

He said that the failure of the Soviet Union had a lot to do with Reagan, and President Reagan became a symbol of challenging the communist system. "It's a good thing they chose the Reagan Library to give a speech."

In addition, the president who made the "six guarantees" to protect Taiwan's security was Reagan.

In 2020, the American Institute in Taiwan declassified a telegram about arms sales to Taiwan, disclosing the "six guarantees" made by then U.S. President Reagan to then Taiwan President Chiang Ching-kuo regarding Taiwan's security.

The content of the "six guarantees" telegram includes:Tthe United States did not agree to set a date for terminating arms sales to Taiwan; it did not agree to consult the People's Republic of China on the issue of arms sales to Taiwan; It agreed to amend the Taiwan Relations Act but did not change its position on Taiwan's sovereignty and it would not put pressure on Taiwan to negotiate with the People's Republic of China.

News (14)

If the CCP goes to war, it will hit the "big iron board"

CCP Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on 8 March that CCP China is seriously concerned about Tsai Ing-wen's plan to transit through the United States, and has lodged solemn representations with the United States, demanding clarification. Resolutely oppose any form of official exchanges between the U.S. and the Republic of China, she warns against underestimating CCP's determination to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Li Dengke said that the CCP has always claimed that Taiwan is part of the People's Republic of China. In fact, Taiwan has never been ruled by the CCP. "This is a great irony. If, according to the CCP, the land ceded to Russia in the north of Vladivostok, Ussuri River, and Heilongjiang exceeds more than two million square kilometers, why not take it back? Isn't it strange?"

Current affairs commentator Wang He told The Epoch Times a few days ago that McCarthy's meeting with Tsai Ing-wen in the United States will be a major stimulus to the CCP.

He said that the meeting between Tsai Ing-wen and US Speaker McCarthy in the United States was a major breakthrough in U.S.-Republic of China diplomacy and also won the sympathy of the international community. No matter for the Republic of China's diplomacy, or for Tsai Ing-wen, this is a wiser approach. The CCP also understands this very well, and will not let it go.

Li Dengke said that if the CCP's actions are bigger than Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, it will hit a big iron board. Tsai Ing-wen went to the United States to meet McCarthy and made some concessions. If the CCP continues to go to war, a large-scale navy and air force coming to Taiwan should be counterproductive, making the international community hate the CCP even more, and the United States will support Taiwan even more.

Chen Kuide said that if the CCP uses illegal means, such as armed means, to stop it, it will be very detrimental to the CCP, and it is now in an embarrassing situation. If the CCP takes the initiative to provoke, the Republic of China will gain more and more visibility and legitimacy in the international community. This is the general trend.

He believes that if the CCP uses military means to provoke the stability of the Taiwan Strait, it will be courting its own death. This is a very serious matter. The whole situation is developing towards an increasingly antagonistic direction between the CCP and the whole world.

News (15)

The CCP uses the 41-year-old constitution to prove the ownership of the 112-year-old ROC

Recently, the cross-strait topic has always been the focus. Before the news of Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to the United States, on March 7, Qin Gang, the newly appointed foreign minister of the CCP, said in a meeting with the media that he guessed that the reporter would definitely ask about Taiwan, so he specially brought a copy of the CCP’s Constitution, and quotes two sentences from its preamble: "Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China."

Image : The CCP constitution says "eight yuan a catty". (Web image)

The CCP Constitution came into effect in December 1982 while the Republic of China was established on 10 October 1911. Can the CCP prove the ownership of the 112-year-old Republic of China (Taiwan) based on its 41-year-old constitution?

"This is really a joke. The CCP's constitution can't control Taiwan at all." Li Dengke said, "Similarly, do you say that China (the CCP) will abide by the constitution of the Republic of China? If the leaders of the CCP really abide by the constitution of the Republic of China, they shouldn’t have established their regime, they split out.”

He said that the population governed by the constitution of the Republic of China is the 23 million people in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu while the constitution of the CCP is the people who govern mainland China. Moreover, the CCP Constitution has no basis of public opinion at all, it is just compiled by some high-level CCP officials and then hastily passed. It has not been tested by public opinion at all, has no legitimacy at all, and if CCP wants to control Taiwan, it is a great irony.

News (16) to (19) / Reporter : Zhang Ting / Editor : Lin Yan /

News (16)

Confronting CCP China: Pentagon calls for doubling of Pacific military funding

Image : U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin speaks at Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) headquarters near Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, 9 March 2023. (Gil Cohen-Magen/AFP)

对抗中共 五角大楼要求加倍太平洋驻军资金

The Pentagon is asking Congress to significantly increase funding for the US military in the Pacific region to purchase equipment such as missile defense systems and radars. This shows the growing urgency that the Biden administration feels about combating Chinese aggression in the region.

News (17)

Pentagon more than doubles budget for Pacific forces

In addition to President Biden's 2024 budget submission to Congress, the Pentagon will submit a new $15.3 billion plan to fund Pacific forces, according to an unclassified version of the report obtained by US news network Politico. That's more than double the $6.1 billion the Pentagon requested last year and more than the $11.5 billion Congress authorized. The funds will be used to purchase missile defense systems, radar and space sensors, and to increase exercises and training.

The report, dated 9 March 2023, is an independent assessment of US Indo-Pacific Command's needs mandated by Congress. The report calls on Congress to allocate $15.3 billion in fiscal year 2024 and an additional $71.8 billion over the next four years.

News (18)

The details of the $15.3 billion budget

The largest chunk of the Pentagon funding request, $10.8 billion, would fund defense systems for Guam, space tracking and sensors, missiles and other classified space and cyber programs, and replace an FAA radar in Hawaii.

These systems will form the backbone of the sensing and tracking architecture across the Pacific, informing a network of precision long-range weapons launched from the air, land and sea, enabling commanders to obtain near real-time targeting information.

Building a new radar and defense system on Guam, a landing point for U.S. military activity in the region, has been a priority for Indo-Pacific Command for years.

The Pentagon's funding request also calls for $35 million to improve logistics, maintenance and preposition fuel, munitions and materials.

The report also prioritizes innovation, experimentation and training, including $1.1 billion in funding for new technologies such as artificial intelligence.

The initiative will fund a network of live, virtual and constructive training grounds, simulation centers and mobile training support systems.

The plan includes $50 million for an AI planning and war-gaming tool called Stormbreaker, which incorporates machine learning analytics. This will allow Indo-Pacific Command to quickly change plans and incorporate changes based on new technologies.

The report also included $2.3 billion for military construction, construction and engineering services. Among the new facilities outlined in the report are aircraft hangars, a satellite communications building and a storage building.

The report includes $696 million to fund information-sharing programs with allies and partners. Specifically, it includes a new initiative to assist Pacific island nations with technical analysis of climate change, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and transnational crime.

The report also includes $373 million for manpower needs, ranging from headquarters staffing to joint task forces.

The report warns the United States to be vigilant against the CCP’s rapid military build-up, and to pay attention to the CCP’s increasing pressure on countries in the region in an attempt to make these countries submit to the CCP’s will.

News (19)

Pentagon makes unprecedented budget adjustments in response to CCP's challenge

On Thursday, President Biden released his 2024 budget, which increases the Department of Defense budget authority to $842 billion for fiscal year 2024. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the president's budget request provides the resources necessary to meet "the looming challenge from the People's Republic of China (PRC), address advanced persistent threats, accelerate innovation and modernization".

In a speech at the Reagan National Defense Forum in December, Austin said the Pentagon was adjusting its budget in the face of the Chinese challenge.

“We are adjusting our budget like never before to meet the Chinese challenge. We are making the largest investment in research and development in the history of the Department of Defense and building stronger capabilities. We are modernizing, training and equipping the American military, in response to emergencies in the Indo-Pacific region.

"The Department of Defense is finally making a fundamental and unprecedented shift in focus and resources toward Asia," Austin said.

"The Department of Defense is putting its focus, time and money where it says it is," he added, "so we're matching our investments with new concepts of operations that are appropriate for 21st century Indo-Pacific deterrence."

The Pentagon has made an all-out push in recent weeks to expand U.S. military influence in the Indo-Pacific region, including a series of new agreements with partners in the region. During Austin's recent visit to the Philippines, the US and the Philippines reached an agreement to open more military bases to the US military. Experts say the move is significant and could help the U.S. military counter China's amphibious invasion of Taiwan in the event of a war in the Taiwan Strait.

Additionally, the U.S. Marine Corps activated a new base in Guam in January.

“The security environment in the Indo-Pacific region is becoming more dangerous and defined by growing risks of confrontation and crisis,” the report said. “(China’s) strategic competition with the United States now spans all domains, including attempts to coerce our big ally, trying to dominate the region."

News (20)

CCP steals secrets of F-22 fighter plane, copies U.S. Technology to manufacture J-20

Reporter : Dave Ruo / Editor : Lin Yan / / Image : On 1 February  2023, U.S. F-22 fighter jets (upper left), B-1B bombers (middle) and South Korean F-35S fighter jets (lower) conducted a joint exercise in the airspace near the Yellow Sea. (U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Twitter)

中共窃F-22战机机密 抄袭美技术制造歼-20

U.S. national security experts said that the CCP copied U.S. military technology to build its fifth-generation fighter jets. Experts call on the US to do more to protect sensitive US weapons information.

"What we do know is that without espionage, the (China) J-20 (J-20) fighter jet could not have been more advanced than it is now, and that's the point." James Anderson, former acting deputy secretary of defense for policy Anderson said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

He said, "For many years, they (the CCP) have profited greatly from theft." He pointed out that if the J-20 fighter jet is compared with the American F-22 Raptor fighter jet, it is difficult to say without actual combat.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) began developing the J-20 in 2008 as part of a plan to design a new fighter jet that could compete with the United States. The fighter jet first flew in 2011 and entered service in 2017.

In 2015, the United States began to notice the similarities between it and American fighter jets through reports about the aircraft's technology and capabilities. According to an Associated Press report, "It turns out that some of its technology may well come from America itself."

PLA now has a fifth-generation stealth fighter jet similar to the American F-22, all thanks to CCP’s continued intellectual property theft.

Tensions between the two countries have continued to rise recently, with ongoing discussions on the U.S. side of a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan, which could include a U.S. military response. The gap between U.S. and Chinese military technology is once again in focus.

Anderson explained that CCP uses a range of espionage techniques, from "old-fashioned" and "low-tech" espionage and beauty tricks and bribery to recruit U.S. contractors, university academics and government personnel, in addition to more advanced methods , such as cyber activity to obtain critical data from U.S. military systems.

"Unfortunately, they (China) have had some success in that," Anderson said, adding that China spent "more than a decade" iteratively studying the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter and their design and construction of the J-20. This fighter technology was utilized in the

“It saves the Chinese (the CCP) time and money. We actually end up subsidizing a portion of their R&D budget because they managed to steal some of our secrets,” Anderson said.

Matt McInnis, a senior fellow with the China Program at the Institute for the Study of War, emphasized that after "decades of struggle" to keep pace with U.S. and Western weapons, PLA is more concerned with acquiring jet engine technology than almost anything else.

"As someone who's been following China for a long time, there's always been a joke ... can the Chinese build their own jet engine?" McGinnis said.

"Understanding the more sophisticated jet engines of the West" remains an important driver of Chinese espionage, McInnis said.

He mentioned the case of the CCP spy Xu Yanjun in 2022.

In November last year, Xu Yanjun, an intelligence officer of the CCP government, was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the United States for espionage. He was convicted of attempting to steal trade secrets from several U.S. aerospace companies, including stealing proprietary aircraft engine fan technology. He is the first Chinese intelligence official to be extradited to the United States to be tried and sentenced.

Xu Yanjun targeted U.S. airlines, recruited employees to travel to China and solicited their confidential technical information, all on behalf of the CCP government, according to court documents.

U.S. prosecutors said Xu Yanjun began recruiting experts as early as 2013 from companies such as GE Aviation in Cincinnati.

"It's really a huge victory for the U.S. to be able to crack this particular case, but at the same time, we're still looking at what China is trying to do with technology, with espionage," McInnis said, adding that China's (CCP) ) is now "probably the greatest threat to US national security".

McGinnis also cited China's recent efforts, including recruiting former British pilots to advise and train People's Liberation Army pilots, as another way "they are trying to acquire Western technical knowledge."

McGinnis said CCP China has a Russian-provided military base and "stuff it has stolen from us and European manufacturers," allowing them to cut the gap with U.S. jet engine technology by perhaps half the time, but still lag behind the U.S. 10 to 15 years.

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA