Friday, March 3, 2023

Presence of PFAs in common objects could cause cancer, Human bird flu in China, Younger stroke patients

 Research, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

News on disease control

News (1) to (8) / Reporter : Li Zhaoxi / Editor : Lin Qing /

News (1)

Toxic chemicals found in toilet paper could cause cancer, experts warn

Image : On 15 October 2021, the toilet paper section of a supermarket in Arlington, Virginia, is filled with all kinds of toilet paper. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

专家警卫生纸中测出有毒化学物 可致癌

Modern life looks rich and colourful, but additives, chemicals, and pollutants are everywhere, posing a major threat to human health. Recently, scientists have warned that toilet paper may cause cancer.

A new study by experts at the University of Florida, published Wednesday (1 March 2023) in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, showed the detection of  perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances (diPAPs), in toilet paper.

Perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) are a general term for a class of substances with a large family of more than 4,700 synthetic organic substances, including potentially carcinogenic perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)  and diPAPs etc.

These toxic "forever chemicals" have been found in many popular items, including cosmetics, nonstick cookware, clothing and even children's products.

News (2)

Company faces lawsuit for menstrual underwear containing PFAs

Thinx is currently facing a class-action lawsuit against Thinx menstrual underwear accused of containing PFAs, which the plaintiffs say poses a health risk to the wearer.

News (3)

Toilet paper is the cause of the PFA contamination problem

The toilet paper study was inspired by past research conducted by the same group of scientists. They previously studied solid waste from wastewater treatment plants and found it contained PFAs. So they wanted to get to the bottom of the PFA contamination problem and decided to look at toilet paper.

"We asked ourselves, where is this chemical being used, and one of the products is paper," study co-author Timothy Townsend, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of Florida, told The Hill.

With the help of volunteers, the researchers analyzed toilet paper sold in Africa, Western Europe, and North, South and Central America. PFAs were extracted from the toilet paper samples. After discovering the presence of diPAPs, the main species found, they compared their findings with data from previous sewage studies.

News (4)

diPAP is the highest in France

In the United States and Canada, diPAP accounts for 4% of sewerage systems, but in Europe the numbers rise sharply, with 35% in Sweden and 89% in France.

News (5)

PFA found in sewage systems, recyclable toilet paper, could cause cancer

Although North America uses more toilet paper than many other countries, only 4 percent of diPAP contamination in wastewater suggests that PFA actually finds its way into sewage systems, the researchers said.

Experts warn that even recyclable toilet paper is not safe, as it may be contaminated with PFAs due to reuse of diPAP-containing materials. And toilet paper isn't the only potentially cancer-causing product in most households.

News (6)

PFAs are found in dental floss, athletic clothing, pasta sauce, peanut butter

Health websites Mamavation and tested 39 different brands of dental floss for PFAs last year and found the chemical in a third of the samples. Evidence of PFAs has been found in athletic clothing such as leggings and sports bras, pasta sauce, peanut butter and baby food, as well as green beauty brands.

Townsend said their latest study provides further insight into the sources of PFA contamination, which could allow experts to "better implement changes."

News (7)

PFAs pose risks to health

"Since wastewater and sludge are often re-used for irrigation and/or land application, reducing PFAs is critical," the researchers note, noting that these "permanent chemicals" pose risks to human health.

News (8)

PFAs may affect growth, metabolism and thyroid hormone function

A study published last month in Environmental Health Perspectives, published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, found a link between PFAs in household products and the development of childhood cancer and diabetes. The study suggests that these chemicals may affect growth and metabolism.

"Exposure to the cocktail of PFAs not only disrupted lipid and amino acid metabolism, but also altered thyroid hormone function," said study author Jesse Goodrich.

News (9) to (11) / Editor : Tang Zheng /

News (9)

There are two cases of bird flu infection in Guangdong and Jiangsu

Image : Data photo, schematic diagram of bird flu. (SEYLLOU/AFP via Getty Images)

两会来临 广东、江苏现两种禽流感传染病例

When the two sessions of the Communist Party of China are approaching, two kinds of bird flu cases have appeared in Guangdong and Jiangsu respectively. Among them, a 53-year-old woman in Jiangsu was infected with H5N1 bird flu. Her virus strain is similar to that of humans in Cambodia. Infection cases are similar.

News (10)

A 53-year-old woman in Jiangsu is rumored to be infected with H5N1 bird flu

The latest case is a 53-year-old woman from Jiangsu Province, China, according to a report by the Dutch "BNO news" on 1 March 2023 (related links). She developed symptoms on 31 January after exposure to poultry and tested positive for H5N1 avian influenza in February. Her current condition is unknown.

Although there is currently no evidence of human-to-human transmission or large-scale spread of bird flu among humans, experts warn that the newly discovered H5N1 bird flu cases in China are caused by the strain, which has spread globally spread, raising concerns about possible threats to human health.

At present, the specific condition of the case has not been announced.

The news came a week after two people in Cambodia were infected with a similar variant of the virus.

According to the WHO, Cambodian health authorities have reported two confirmed cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in succession. The first patient, an 11-year-old girl, died. The second patient was her father.

On February 22, the Cambodian health department reported that an 11-year-old girl from Prey Veng Province in southeastern Cambodia became ill on February 16 and was sent to a hospital in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, for treatment. After developing symptoms such as high fever, cough, and sore throat, she was diagnosed with the H5N1 virus on the 22nd and died soon after. Meanwhile, the girl's father has also contracted the virus, but his condition is not serious.

According to the WHO, these are the first two cases of H5N1 bird flu reported in Cambodia since 2014.

Reuters reported that the two cases reported by Cambodia last week raised concerns about whether they were the branch of the H5N1 bird flu virus. The U.S. CDC issued a statement saying that the Cambodian Ministry of Health conducted preliminary gene sequencing and found that the father and daughter were infected with the H5 branch

Dr. Sylvie Briand, Director of WHO's Infectious Disease Hazard Management Unit, said that the global H5N1 situation is alarming due to the widespread circulation of the H5N1 virus in birds around the world and the increasing number of cases reported in mammals, including humans are worrisome.

News (11)

A man in Qingyuan, Guangdong was infected with avian influenza A H5N6

On 1 March 2023, the Center for Health Protection of the Hong Kong Department of Health announced that it was closely monitoring a new case of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N6) in the Mainland. The patient was a 49-year-old man living near poultyry in Qingyuan, Guangdong.

The man developed symptoms on 17 December 2022 and was admitted to hospital on 21 December 2023 in a serious condition.

According to the center, since 2014, mainland health authorities have reported a total of 83 cases of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N6).

News (12)

As influenza A surges, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that a woman in Jiangsu was infected with bird flu

Recently, the so-called "flu" virus is still circulating in many places in China, and the World Health Organization has confirmed that the latest case of human-to-human transmission of bird flu is a 53-year-old woman from Jiangsu, China. Multiple viruses are spreading in China at the same time.

Recently, the World Health Organization has confirmed that the H5N1 bird flu virus has spread widely in poultry around the world, and Cambodia has reported two cases of human infection. On 1 March 2023, foreign media BNO News reported that the WHO said the latest case was a 53-year-old woman from Jiangsu Province, China.

However, the CCP’s data has not been updated. It only mentioned that between 20 February and 26 February 2023, there was one case of human infection with H9N2 bird flu, and the patient came from Hunan. The actual figures are still to be verified.

The WHO pointed out that although the risk of human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu is low, it is also concerned about the occurrence of larger-scale human-to-human transmission.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: "We cannot assume that this will always be the case (low risk), we must be prepared for any change in the status quo."

At present, the situation in China is still not optimistic. The covid epidemic and influenza A broke out at the same time. Schools are closed, hospitals are full, and medicines are out of stock in many places.

Citizen of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province: "On 27 February 2023, at 8 o'clock in the evening, let's take a look at the emergency department of Nanjing Children's Hospital. It is full of children, and there are more people than during the day."

The CCP declared that the so-called influenza A has entered a high-incidence period, and emphasized that "the number of cases of influenza A exceeds that of covid." Residents in Tianjin revealed that the local area has even introduced influenza A detection reagents, and started poking noses with cotton swabs.

Resident in Tianjin: "Now there is a test kit for influenza A. For swab kits, use this cotton swab to poke your nose very deeply."

At present, it has been two weeks since the outbreak of the so-called "influenza A" outbreak. Due to the opacity of the CCP's information, more and more people are questioning, "Why is the flu virus so violent this time?"

A patient with influenza A in Beijing: "I seriously doubt that this influenza A is a relative of covid.  The symptoms are too similar. Just a few days ago, I started to have a fever for no reason. I was sore and couldn't get out of bed, accompanied by a sore throat.  I was surprised at the time, could it be that I was infected with covid again? Later, the doctor told me that I had influenza A. To be honest, I never knew that there was influenza A before I was infected. These symptoms are really ubearable."

News (13) to (15) / Editors : Luo Yirong, Yang Jieyi /

News (13)

Stroke patients are getting younger! 24-year-old male with second-degree cerebral infarction "4 habits" make blood sticky

Image : Stroke tends to get younger every year. (Schematic diagram, non-participant/shutterstock Dazhi image) 
中風有逐年年輕化的趨勢。(示意圖,非當事人/shutterstock達志影像) 中風年輕化!24歲男二度腦梗塞 「4習慣」釀血液黏稠

Xiao Fang, a 24-year-old male engineer in mainland China, has always been in good health but he did not expect to go to work one day with symptoms such as severe headache and slurred speech. Two weeks later, he had a second stroke. The doctor in charge of diagnosis and treatment believed that it was related to the "four major habits".

According to mainland media reports, Xiao Fang was rushed to the hospital by colleagues because of problems such as tingling in the head and unclear speech. The examination confirmed that Xiao Fang had an acute ischemic stroke. Later, he underwent emergency surgery to open up the blockage before he was rescued. Unexpectedly, a few days after Xiao Fang was discharged from the hospital, he suddenly collapsed to the ground, with hemiplegia on one side of his body, slurred speech, arterial blockage again, and cerebral infarction.

現代人生活壓力大,體重常容易失去控制。(示意圖/shutterstock達志影像) 中風年輕化!24歲男二度腦梗塞 「4習慣」釀血液黏稠

Image : Modern people live under a lot of pressure, and their weight is often easy to lose control. (Schematic diagram / shutterstock Dazhi image) 

News (14)

Staying up late, fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, and inflammation can cause blood to thicken and cause blood clots

The doctor who treated him said that staying up late for a long time, excessive fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, inflammation and infection, etc. will make the blood clot more easily than usual, and cause thrombosis and cerebral infarction. Although Xiao Fang is young, he does not have high blood pressure or obesity. However, due to sedentary work, long working hours, staying up late at work, not long after recovering from the diagnosis of covid, and working overtime every day, the second stroke occurred.

Qian Zhengping, vice president of Beitou Health Management Hospital, pointed out that stroke can be roughly divided into hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke, with ischemic stroke occurring more frequently, accounting for about 80%. Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood lipids, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise habits, unhealthy diet, poor kidney function, and suffering from coagulation diseases are all risk factors for stroke.

應定期做健康檢查,瞭解自身健康狀況。(示意圖/shutterstock達志影像) 中風年輕化!24歲男二度腦梗塞 「4習慣」釀血液黏稠

Image : You should do regular health checkups to understand your own health status. (Schematic diagram / shutterstock Dazhi image) 

News (15)

2 things to do to prevent stroke

Qian Zhengping reminded that the best way to prevent stroke is definitely to maintain good living habits and regular health checkups. Since most of the three highs have no obvious discomfort, most of them are discovered by accident through health checks, so do not make an assessment based on "I don't feel that I have three highs".

The occurrence of stroke is always sudden. According to statistics, after a stroke, 1/3 of the people will be severely disabled, 1/3 will be moderately disabled, and only 1/3 will be able to return to normal life after a stroke. Qian Zhengping added that in addition to seizing the golden opportunity to go to the doctor to reduce the probability of disability and death, you should also go through health checks to confirm your health status. If you have any problems, you can control or treat them as soon as possible to maintain personal health and avoid causing family economic damage. and psychological burden.

News (16)

It took only one hour for Li Keqiang to bid farewell to the work, and he once shouted: People are doing it, and God is watching

Image : On 5 March 2023, the outgoing Premier Li Keqiang made his last government work report, and his farewell speech in the political arena took only one hour. (Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

李克強告別作只用一小時 曾喊話:人在幹 天在看


Image : After the meeting, Xi Jinping shook hands with Li Keqiang. (Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

On 5 March 2023, at the National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China, Li Keqiang, the outgoing Premier of the State Council of the Communist Party of China, delivered his last government work report. It only took an hour to say his farewell to the political arena. A video posted on the Internet shows that Li Keqiang shouted "people are doing (doing), the sky is watching, and the sky has eyes" when he bid farewell to the staff of the State Council for the last time. Under the CCP's atheist ideology, this statement has attracted public attention.

According to a report by Radio Free Asia, Li Keqiang put forward 8 work suggestions for this year in his report, only talking about the economy and people's livelihood, not religion, ethnicity, social stability and governance; he avoided talking about the harm to China's economy and society caused by the eradication of the epidemic, and emphasized that China's economic "New achievements" set a new target of about 5% economic growth this year.

Although China’s economic growth last year fell short of the target, only 3%, this year’s economic growth target is set at around 5%. Like last year, this is the lowest level of development expectations set by the CCP government in more than 20 years.

According to media reports, after the opening meeting, Xi Jinping took the initiative to walk up to Premier Li Keqiang, shook hands with him, and then turned away to greet others with a nod.

Image : After Li Keqiang delivered his report, he passed by Xi Jinping's seat. (NOEL CELIS/AFP via Getty Images)

On March 2, "Li Yong Leon", a big V on Sina Weibo and the host of Superchat, posted that today (2nd), he (Li Keqiang) together with the leaders of the State Council (the thirteenth session of the Communist Party of China), submitted to the State Council More than 800 people from the general office took a group photo to bid farewell.

The post is accompanied by a video. The video showed that Li Keqiang kept waving to the people at the scene, followed by Hu Chunhua, Liu He and other leaders of the State Council. Several cameras followed Li Keqiang to shoot. He then walked to his seat and took a photo with the entire State Department staff.

Another video shows that Li Keqiang shouted that the sun is shining today, like spring, and people often say "people are doing it, God is watching, and God has eyes." The video went viral on overseas Twitter, and Li Keqiang's words attracted public attention.

Netizens on Twitter commented: "I always feel that Li Keqiang said in his farewell speech that 'people are doing it, the sky is watching' was meant for someone."

"People are doing it, and God s watching. These few words are just to excuse myself from the guilt of 'being in his position but not seeking his own government'."

"This also applies to him. He hasn't done anything in the past ten years. He came up with ideas other than setting up street stalls. The State Council he works in has never done anything for the people. The sky is also watching."

Li Keqiang, who is about to leave office, has spoken on different occasions many times before leaving office. After inspecting the National Development and Reform Commission of the Communist Party of China a few days ago, he shouted at the door to the on-site personnel that "the driving force for development lies in reform." This is also the reform he has mentioned many times since he stepped down as a member of the Standing Committee of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Some analysts believe that this sentence may refer to Xi Jinping's policy of "advancing the state and withdrawing from the people", the last "exhortation" to Xi before leaving office.

The Central News Agency concluded that Li Keqiang is considered to be the weakest prime minister since the reform and opening up of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping, through two groups - the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group and the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission (Deep Reform Commission), has traditionally considered the premier China's economic power was taken away, making the State Council only an order-observing agency.

According to the report, he may not be able to do what his two predecessors, Wen Jiabao and Zhu Rongji, did. The former spoke out the fact that China needs political reform; the latter carried out drastic reforms in the economic system. But he at least told the truth, "There are 600 million people with low-middle income and below in China." This sentence was said a year before Xi Jinping was going to complete the fight against poverty, but judging from the challenges facing the Chinese economy today , are meaningful.

Wang Yang, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, also made his last CPPCC report on the 4th. Both Wang Yang and Li Keqiang belong to the Youth League faction, and neither of them served as members of the Standing Committee of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, nor are they members of the Central Committee. After the current Two Sessions, the Tuanpai basically withdrew from the CCP's political vision.

(Editor in charge: Lin Qing)

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StayGate Pictures : Flowering season in Guiyang

 Photo copyright : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA