Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chinese official: Covid patients temporarily refuse donating blood within 6 months after recovery and discharge

Editor : Bai Jiayi / http://www.chinanews.com/jk/2020/11-17/9340906.shtml / Translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The National Health Commission of China recently issued a document stipulating that blood donation service sites that receive convalescent plasma from covid donors must be conducted in an independent space. People infected with SARS-CoV-2 should temporarily refuse to donate blood within 6 months after they are cured and discharged from the hospital. Donors who have a body temperature of 37.3°C or higher will also be suspended.

In order to guide the blood station to do a good job in the prevention and control of covid (novel coronavirus pneumonia) epidemic in autumn and winter, to ensure the safety of blood station staff and unpaid blood donors, and to ensure the safe supply of blood, the National Health Commission and other departments have formulated the "Blood Stations Autumn and Winter Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Work Guidelines". The guidelines provide detailed regulations on the protection of blood station staff, cleaning and disinfection of workplaces, medical waste treatment, selection and management of blood donors, and blood collection and supply procedures.

The guidelines propose to strengthen education and consultation before blood donation. On the basis of the original health consultation, the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Related Health Status Inquiry Form" was added to understand the health status of blood donors related to covid, and to identify whether the blood donor has travel history, contact history or related history in key areas.

If the blood donor has experienced any of the following conditions such as fever or respiratory symptoms, it is recommended to postpone the blood donation for at least 28 days after the end of the relevant conditions: If the donors have been in close contact with persons or patients with fever or respiratory symptoms or have contacted with other covid patients or epidemiological associations in a cluster of patients; if they have recently lived abroad or in high-risk areas; if they have suffered from influenza or covi vaccination. At the same time, it is recommended that common conditions such as occasional cough be screened during health consultation.

In addition, for those who have been diagnosed with covi infection, they should temporarily refuse to donate blood within 6 months after being cured and discharged. If the blood donor's body temperature reaches or exceeds 37.3℃, the staff will inform the blood donor to postpone blood donation, arrange for him to leave the consultation site, and remind the blood donor to go to the designated fever clinic for medical treatment in time.

The guidelines stipulate that in order to ensure the safety of clinical blood use, blood donors must promptly report to the blood station when symptoms related to covi infection appear after blood donation; the blood station should have a special department responsible for accepting the return of blood donors, and should do so after receiving the return. Good records and timely processing of the results must be maintained. 

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