Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Biden/Harris no longer hits "270" electoral votes as at 11 November 2020

News (1)

 Biden/Harris no longer hits "270" electoral votes as at 11 November 2020

Report by : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

According to the authoritative American politics web-site Real Clear Politics above, Biden/Harris no longer secures more than 270 electoral votes. As at 11 November 2020, they have only retained 259 electoral seats. This is due to the confirmed election fraud in Pennsylvania which causes the Democratic Party to lose seats.


News (2)

The plot is quietly reversed. RCP website pulls Pennsylvania from Biden's "victorious state"

Reporter Zhong Gusheng /  Editor: Mei Lan / https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2020/11/10/a102983675.html / Direct translation

Suspicion of cheating in the U.S. election has been clouded, and the Trump camp has begun a legal battle. When the leftist mainstream media locked Biden into "279 electoral votes wins", the American National Adjustment and Cooperation website RCP quietly removed the 20 electoral votes of Pennsylvania from the Biden camp. Prior to this, the Supreme Court had made an interim ruling in favor of Trump on the Pennsylvania election.

The legal battle for the general election has begun, and the outcome is still uncertain. However, some mainstream media in the United States had announced "Biden's victory" in advance on November 7. These media claimed that Biden had won 20 electoral votes in Pennsylvania, bringing the total number of votes to 279, which crossed the threshold of 270 votes required to win the election.

However, on November 9, many netizens discovered that the US political news and poll data aggregation website RealClearPolitics (RCP), which claimed that Biden had received 279 votes, had quietly named Biden’s electors. The number of votes was adjusted to 259, and Pennsylvania, which was previously under Biden's banner, returned to the "pending" status. As a result, Biden's electoral votes are not enough to reach the 270 required to win the election.

As of press time, the number of votes Biden displayed on the RCP website is still 259.

Currently, legal proceedings against the Pennsylvania ballot are still continuing. As early as the evening of November 6, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito (Samuel Alito) has made an interim ruling requesting the Penn State Election Commission to receive it after 8 pm on election day (November 3). The ballots are kept separately. Even if they are counted, they must be counted separately. If the Supreme Court ruled that these "late ballots" were invalid in the future, then the Pennsylvania election would return to the situation where Trump had a sharp lead on election day, and Biden would lose in Pennsylvania.

A few days ago, Trump’s personal lawyer Giuliani told Fox News that his team had found hundreds of thousands of "late ballots" in Pennsylvania that could not be verified for validity, and there were a large number of dead votes and other illegal ballots, and dozens of eye-witnesses of election fraud had been found. 

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