Thursday, November 12, 2020

Pennsylvania judge decision: Exclude quarantine votes from vote count

News (1)

Pennsylvania judge rules exclude quarantine votes from vote count, Trump will win

Reporter : Zhong Gusheng /  Editor: Mei Lan / / Direct translation

Image : On November 6, staff at the Pennsylvania State Voting Center counted votes. (Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

The US presidential election was accused of systemic cheating, and the Trump camp has begun a legal battle. A recent Pennsylvania judge ruled that the secretary of state does not have the power to amend the electoral law, and therefore ordered that late ballots that have been isolated should not be counted. It is expected that the Supreme Court will decide the final outcome of the case in the next step.

On Thursday (November 12), a Pennsylvania judge ruled that Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar does not have the “statutory authority” to amend the Electoral Law a few days before the election day. The November 1 request of the Election Committee to postpone the deadline for counting votes in the general election is invalid. For this reason, the court ordered that the defendant's county election committee shall not count any votes that are segregated.

Last Friday, a conservative judge of the U.S. Supreme Court ordered all county-level election commissions in Pennsylvania to segregate mailed ballots arriving after election day. Even if these ballots are counted, they must be counted separately.

It is not clear whether all county committees in Pennsylvania have complied with the Supreme Court’s order and how many mailed ballots are kept in isolation.

Media person Kyle Becker posted some screenshots of the Pennsylvania judge's ruling on Twitter, and specifically pointed out that Pennsylvania has a state legislature dominated by the Republican Party. He also believes that the case may ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.

Image above : A partial screenshot of the Pennsylvania judge's ruling (see also:

On election night, Trump led Biden with hundreds of thousands of votes in Pennsylvania. However, after voting on election day, the so-called "mailed ballots" influx gradually reversed the election situation. A large amount of evidence shows that these "mailed ballots" are seriously suspected of fraud.

If the ballots arriving after election day are finally excluded, Trump will win in Pennsylvania.


News (2)

Pennsylvania judge: Secretary of State has no right to change deadline for mailing ballots

Reporter : Qiao An / Direct translation

Judge Levitt of the Pennsylvania State Court ruled on Thursday (November 12) that the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania has no right to change the deadline for mailing ballots and ordered the state not to proceed with ballots that fail to provide identification before November 9 for legal vote count.

According to Pennsylvania law, voters can correct the lack of identification within 6 days after the election day, that is, before November 9 this year. However, Penn State Secretary Bokval issued a guidance letter two days before the election, stating that voters can provide proof of identity before November 12, exceeding the six-day deadline set by law.

Before the court made this ruling, the electoral department had been ordered to separate the ballots provided with proof of identity between November 10 and 12.

This is just one of the legal proceedings of the Trump team in Pennsylvania. This Friday (November 13), the local court will also hold a hearing on the "vote counting dispute." At the same time, the Trump team is also waiting for the Supreme Court’s ruling on whether the Pennsylvania High Court’s permission to postpone the acceptance of ballots by mail for three days is unconstitutional.

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