Friday, November 6, 2020

The final result of all voting in the US General Election may be known after 20 November 2020

Editor : Yun Tao / / Extract translation, editing : Gan Yung Chyan, KUCINTA SETIA

The United States has held the 59th presidential election on November 3 (Tuesday), and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 seats in the Senate will be re-elected to form the 117th US Congress.

There are a total of 50 states and Washington, D.C., with polling locations in 6 different time zones. Voting is usually held from 7 am to 8 pm local time. However, according to US election regulations, small towns with fewer than 100 residents can start voting and counting at 12 midnight (local time).

Because many states have once again set a record high in the number of mailed votes and early voting, and the courts of some states allow extension of the deadline for mailed ballots, the longest can be extended until 20 November 2020, so the result of all voting in the US general election may have to wait until after November 20 at the earliest.

The following is a real-time update of the voting status of each state in the US general election (time is Eastern Time):

06 07:51 California has 420,000 ghost votes

The outside world questioned the election fraud of the former vice president and the Democratic candidate Biden. In California, which is regarded as the Democratic vote, some Republicans have put forward a counterattack and demanded a recount for the November 3 election.

Republican candidate James Bradley for California's 33rd District of Representatives said that if the Democratic Party wins the election, the United States will be handed over to the CCP. (Yuan Mei/The Epoch Times)

06 05:54 The Pentagon refutes "NBC misleading"

While the US presidential election was pending, the US media reported that Secretary of Defense Esper had written his resignation letter and was preparing to resign.

06 05:10 Former Australian Ambassador to the United States: Fraud must have occurred in the US election

Several swing states controlled by the Democratic Party suddenly flooded with a large number of Biden votes, and President Trump accused the Democratic Party of cheating.

06 02:34 British media: Kamala Harris is a Trojan horse

The British media pointed out that nearly 60% of Americans believe that if Biden is elected, he will not be able to complete the presidency, he will hand over power to Harris halfway through, and she is a "Trojan horse" of the extreme left.

06 00:42 He has direct access to the three generations of party leaders of the Communist Party of China, making a fortune in China

On the 5th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party expressed anxiously, hoping to meet the new president of the United States halfway, and arouse people's associations with Biden and his son.

05 23:27 Scrutineer: Actually checked 7,000 but reported 50,000

A Chinese Republican voter in Michigan, Gary Yang, disclosed that there have been many "ghost votes" in the area, that is, the dead also voted.

06 22:52 When he woke up, Biden suddenly got hundreds of thousands more votes

Trump was originally in the lead in Wisconsin and Michigan, but when he woke up, Biden suddenly surpassed Trump with hundreds of thousands of votes.

06 21:56 The presidential election is inconclusive. The Democratic candidate Biden's campaign team has launched a transition website.

Trump did not admit defeat, and Biden did not achieve much victory because the mailed votes are still being counted.

06 21:27 Texas dead vote, nearly 90% of Wisconsin's turnout rate is denounced impossible

This year's U.S. election has an endless stream of weird events, including "dead people" resurrecting votes; "120-year-old voters", and a turnout rate of nearly 90%. Democrats complain: impossible!

06 21:23 Man condemned Biden for stealing the election

On Wednesday after the Election Day, a man interrupted the Nevada state election press conference to protest the Democratic presidential candidate Biden's conspiracy to steal the election.

05 21:08 People questioned campaign flyers instigating illegality

People in New York reported to this station that on the day of the election in the United States, the content of the campaign flyers distributed might be to encourage others to violate the law.

05 19:01 Trump: Despite the huge interference, we still win

President Trump said at a White House press conference: "Good evening, I want to provide the American people with an update of our current efforts to protect the integrity of our very important 2020 election."

"If you count legitimate votes, I won the election easily! If you count illegal, late votes, they (Democrats) can steal the election (result) from us!"

"I have clearly won a lot of important states, including Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio. To name a few, we have won these states and many other states, despite encountering media giants and large consortia and the historical interference of the tech giants in the election. As you can see, we won by historical numbers."

05 18:30 President Trump held a press conference at the White House

President Trump tweeted at 6.26 pm on Thursday that a press conference will be held at the White House at 6.30 pm.

05 16:02 White House Deputy Spokesperson: President Trump led the Republican Party to win the election

White House Deputy Press Spokesperson Judd Deere said on Twitter that Trump broke everyone's expectations in both the House of Representatives and Senate elections, bringing the Republican Party a huge victory. In fact, no Republican congressman has lost. He pointed out that, as the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) said, President Trump has performed exceptionally and exceeded the expectations of the media, the Democrats and the Republicans. He is a "beacon" rather than an "anchor." Without the blue wave, Trump united the most non-white voters for the Republican Party in decades. As he promised in the 2016 election, under his leadership, the Republican Party has become the party of American workers.

05 15:48 Trump campaign wins Pennsylvania lawsuit

The Supreme Court and legal affairs reporter John Kruzel of the media "The Hill" tweeted that the Trump campaign won the Pennsylvania lawsuit and the court signed an order to shelve lack of voter identification information Votes.

Court orders will not help Republican observers

American right-wing political activist John Posobiec just shared a video on Twitter:

Even with a court order, Republican observers are still not allowed to enter the Philadelphia voting center.

Arizona officials admit that "strange pen" has invalidated the ballot

After the Arizona "Sharpie Marker" caused a large number of ballots to be invalidated, a large number of angry voters surrounded the ballot center, demanding the truth.

The local election committee denied this for a while. But on Thursday (November 5), election officials finally admitted that the ballots circled by the "strange pen" would indeed be invalidated by the machine. And those who use this pen are red zone voters who generally support Trump.

05 11:41 Trump: All states that Biden recently claimed to have won legal challenges

Trump tweeted at 11:22 a.m. on Thursday: "We will conduct legal challenges on 'voter fraud' and 'state election fraud' in all recent states where Biden has claimed victory. A lot of evidence-just check the media. You know. We will win! America is number one!"

05 11:17 Trump: Penn State's huge legal victory, observers allowed to enter the counting room

On Thursday morning, the Pennsylvania Court of Appeals ruled to ensure that Republican observers can watch the vote count. President Trump tweeted: "A huge legal victory in Pennsylvania!"

05 10:17 Detroit's absentee ballot count is chaotic, staff blocked the windows to block observers

The Breitbart website (BREITBART) reported that Detroit’s absentee ballot count was in chaos, and hundreds of unofficial Republican observers who were worried about fraud gathered at the counting place.

The city of Detroit is using the TCF Center (formerly known as Cobo Hall) to count all absentee ballots for the city. Some videos posted on social media showed that the staff at the counting station tried to limit transparency and did not allow outsiders to observe the situation in the counting area. Fox News producer Matt Finn wrote: "Some windows are still blocked. I asked some people why, there is no clear answer."

05 10:00 Georgia's uncounted votes suddenly surge

The number of votes still to be counted in Georgia suddenly surged on Thursday morning.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in an appearance on WSB-TV that there are 25,000 votes left to count. But his office later told the broadcaster that there were actually more votes. WSB-TV reported: “The Secretary of State’s Office said that as of 8:30 a.m., there are actually 50,000-60,000 outstanding tickets, which is more than originally thought early this morning.”

05 09:00 Trump team lodged election fraud suit in Nevada

On Thursday, the former acting director of the National Intelligence Agency, Ric Grenell, will hold a press conference in Las Vegas to announce that the Trump campaign is filing a lawsuit in the state, seeking to count every "legal Vote" (The Biden team’s slogan is: Count every vote).

The Trump team accused at least 10,000 people who were not local residents to vote in the state.

North Carolina’s election results will not be released until next week

"It is safe to say that the numbers for North Carolina will not come out until November 13." Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the North Carolina Election Commission, said at a press conference.

Trump v. Pennsylvania for violation of the Help U.S. Voting Act

On Wednesday, the Trump team filed another lawsuit during the campaign, alleging that the Pennsylvania Democrats violated the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), and that Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar illegally took any lost status of all mailed ballots. The deadline for the provision of information has been extended from November 9 to November 12.

05 04:46 Arizona vote stolen

Arizona has adopted the method of mailing ballots to vote. The local police department said that 18 ballots were stolen and discarded a few days ago, and there may be more victims of theft.

05 04:00 Violation of vote counting in three swing states in the United States

US media reported that Biden got 100% of the votes late at night, while Trump got 0 votes. The Democratic Party machine is trying to steal election results in these three battlefield states.

05 03:08 "Mike Pen Gate" appeared, netizens initiated a joint sign to request recounting of votes

Some Arizona voters who support Trump questioned the use of a marker named Sharpie and were not counted. A netizen with the signature R.P. initiated a joint signature on the White House petition joint signature website, requesting a recount of Arizona votes.

05 02:13 Drive off the scrutineers, Democrat officials suspected of secretly counting votes

The chairman of the Republican Party of Georgia said in a tweet on the 4th, “Fulton County sent our observers home last night because they were closing their doors and they continued to count votes secretly.”

05 02:11 U.S. elections are hotly searched

Mainland netizens are extremely concerned about U.S. election information. As of the morning of the 5th, topics marked with "#美国大选#" have been read more than 6.3 billion times.

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