Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trump Attorney Powell: Our evidence is enough to reverse the results of multi-state elections

Reporter : Luo Tingting  /  Editor: Zhu Xinrui / / Direct translation

Image : Profile photo of Powell, a lawyer for Trump's presidential campaign. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Trump team lawyer and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell said on November 15 that she has enough evidence of election fraud to initiate an extensive criminal investigation, "We are ready to reverse the results of elections in multiple states."

In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, Powell said that there will be more evidence for election fraud and violations, "We have a lot of evidence, a steady stream."

She said that some whistleblowers stepped forward to expose that the Dominion and Smartmatic voting systems used in the general election were designed to "manipulate elections," and that "this is happening throughout the United States." The election software transferred "millions of votes" from President Trump to Biden.

"They (the Biden camp) can plug a flash memory (USB) into the voting machine, and they can even upload software to the machine from the Internet...even from Germany or Venezuela." Powell said.

"They can observe votes in real time, and they can transfer votes in real time," she said. "Those bad guys can even control all of this remotely."

Powell also said, "We have mathematically determined the exact algorithm they used, and (they) plan to use it from the beginning," and transferred the ticket to Trump to Biden.

She said that officials in many states in the United States believe that they have an effective system, but her team “found unexplainable voting violations.”

The Trump camp is preparing to launch a large-scale criminal investigation on these issues. Powell said that she will not disclose the evidence she has but the Trump team is "preparing to overturn the results of the general election in several states."

Powell worked as a defense attorney of former national security adviser Michael Flynn and became famous for it. In an interview with Fox News Lou Dobbs on November 13, she also mentioned that US voting machine manufacturer Dominion Voting Systems assisted in the theft of Trump's votes.

Powell said that the Dominion system was funded by Cuba, the Chinese Communist Party and Venezuela. The purpose of creating this voting system was to change the election results of Venezuela’s socialist leader Hugo Chavez (former Venezuelan president).

The system is used in 30 states in the United States. Powell pointed out that some governors and secretaries of state have invested in the Dominion system to obtain benefits, "They can not only ensure the success of the election, but also benefit the family from it."

Trump quoted a report from OANN in a tweet on the 12th, "News: DOMINION (election voting machine) deleted 2.7 million votes for Trump nationwide. Data analysis found that Pennsylvania has 221,000 ballots transferred from Trump to Biden. Another 941,000 ballots for Trump have been deleted. The states using the DOMINION voting system transferred 435,000 votes from Trump’s name To Biden."

Trump said in another tweet, "It tried to change our election results, and the result was caught by us?"

Powell said that patriots in the United States now come to report election fraud every day. A lot of evidence shows that a large number of votes were cast for Biden under manipulation. This shows that Silicon Valley, the media, technology giants, and Democrats have joined forces to commit election fraud.

She also hinted that law enforcement officers are also suspected of fraud. Not only the election security team of the Department of Homeland Security needs to be fired but even the Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, should also be fired.

Powell said that she would make a big move to expose the people who helped Biden steal the election one by one.

See also :

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