Thursday, November 12, 2020

Trump may overtake Biden after litigation and recount

Reporter : Zhong Xuan / Editor : Zhang Lili / / Direct translation

On Thursday (November 12), House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy stated that litigation and recounting may lead to the leading position in the votes transferred from the Democratic presidential candidate Biden to Trump.

McCarthy told reporters in Washington: "They are recounting the votes manually in Georgia. It will take some time. It was a close match. We also had a close match in the last presidential election. Let us all do that, and yes, some of the results may change."

The Secretary of State of Georgia ordered a recount on Wednesday (November 11) because the gap between Biden and Trump was within 1%. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are seeking recounts.

The Trump campaign hopes to audit the votes in Arizona. With more and more legal votes being counted, Trump's votes in Arizona have been steadily increasing.

Many media said on the weekend that Biden had won the election, but the Trump campaign filed a series of lawsuits in battlefield states and hoped that Trump would eventually win.

The Epoch Times stated that it will not announce the results of the game until the end of the legal battle and the recount. According to the current statistics of The Epoch Times, Trump’s electoral college votes are 232 votes, while Biden’s votes are 227, which does not include six states Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. 

At present, Trump supporters in 50 states in the United States are protesting in their capitals, raising placards to "stop the election stealing" to support Trump's continued struggle and to fight for victory in a legal manner. Hundreds of IT experts are volunteering to help Trump investigate software fraud. So we need to wait and see Giuliani’s new complaint.

McCarthy also talked about the election for the House of Representatives, and pointed out that the Associated Press is the Democrat Tom Malinowski platform in New Jersey. He said, "This election is different. Lots of votes were mailed. Some states did it before, some states didn't. Some people mailed it to everyone, and some didn't. So when they count the votes,  the approach is different, so it’s disproportionate. Democrats are more likely to vote in absentia, while an overwhelming majority of Republicans vote on election day. The count is different for each region.

He believes that in New Jersey, although Malinowski's winning side seems to be higher at first, the Associated Press called Malinowski to win the election. "But now, we see Keane's votes come out. Therefore, the new number is growing, Keane should have won 63% of the votes." He said that every voter took time to vote, and finally spent time. Anyone has to wait for all the information to come out.

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