Monday, November 9, 2020

U.S. people gather before the Supreme Court to call for a fair ruling on the Election

Editor : Tang Ying / / Extract translation

Photos: U.S. people gather before the Supreme Court to call for a fair ruling

Image : Web Screenshot

On November 7, people from the Greater Washington area gathered in front of the Supreme Court of the United States, demanding "stop stealing elections", calling on the High Court to make a correct ruling and return the US presidential election to justice .

They are holding "Trump 2020", "Stop Stealing the Election", "Working for Four More Years", "Trump Pence", "God Bless Trump", "We Support You", "Our People Need You", "Peace "Protesters" and other banners, display boards, and the American flag, shouting support for President Trump or "shameful election stealing" and other slogans.

On the same day, some people went to the Washington Monument to express their hearts and pray for President Trump.

Department of Defense Project Manager: Election violation, how could Biden get more votes than Obama?

Tracy Welch, departmental project manager of the U.S. Department of Defense, said that he participated in the rally and protest because of "a lot of irregularities" in the election.

"A lot of unreasonable things have happened. Philadelphia stopped counting votes at 1 a.m., but restarted counting at 4 or 5 a.m. As a result, 50,000 votes were counted as Biden's."

"Biden actually didn't put a lot of energy into the campaign. He was not as popular as Obama, but he got more votes (how) than Obama's votes at the time? This is illogical."

Welch said that mainstream American media denigrated President Trump, "No matter what President Trump does, they want to mess things up. If President Trump is really that bad, how could he get more votes than Obama?"

"A lot of corrupt things in this system are surging and emerging. This affects all of us. I don't want the election to be tilted to any side. I hope this is a fair and honest election."

Chairman of the organization: Leftist forces are controlling elections, and the people have the right to stand up against corruption

Ed Martin, chairman of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, said, “The media, high-tech giants, and leftists are all trying to influence the election.”

"On Tuesday (after midnight), everything went wrong. When the campaign officials rushed out to the polling staff, it showed that there was a problem."

"Pennsylvania has (accepted) voting after the election day deadline. This shows that there is wrongdoing here.

"Now there is a dead vote."

"Our election voting system is also improper."

"Many people warn that if you vote by mail, a lot of problems will occur." We now see many problems. "

"The most effective solution to this election is to count every vote, make sure that every legitimate vote is counted, and then exclude those fraudulent votes."

"People who care about the future direction of this country have the right to stand up against corruption. If we don't do this, I'm afraid the power of the constitution will fade or become invalid." He said.

"Trump returns to tradition and reawakens my love for this country"

D.C. citizen Vidal Nunez said, “It looks like this election was stolen from President Trump, who had already won.”

"I am willing to spend time fighting for President Trump."

"President Trump has reawakened my love for this country. He is at the forefront of this return to (traditional) conservative movement. This road is not easy to walk, but it is the only way."

Nunez said that President Trump’s administration in the past four years has changed his attitude towards life. “Initially, I had a very negative outlook on life. I lived in the dark. I hoped that this country would live under atheism or a socialist system. Now, I I am re-believing in Christianity and realizing how great this country is. I will embrace all the traditions that make this country great."

"This is a contest between American ideals and socialism"

Virginia resident Vickey Larussi (Li Chen/The Epoch Times)

Virginia resident Vickey Larussi said that she supports President Trump because of his practical work. “He is fighting human trafficking. In one and a half years, he has cracked down on human traffickers and pedophiles more than Obama and Biden. More in the tenure of the year."

"When Trump is president, the world will maintain peace." She said.

Another Virginia resident, Judy, said, "I am here today to express all the support needed during this (legal proceedings) process to ensure that the vote is legal before declaring victory in the general election."

"Like other Americans, I think this election is very gloomy."

"I support President Trump because he supports all American ideals of freedom of speech and Second Amendment rights..."

Judy said, "I am an anti-socialist. I hope my children can grow up in a free country. We need to ensure the safety of our children in the future, which is very important."

"I think this election is a contest between American ideals and socialism."

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